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Ataro Hatsuyuki

"It's not like I don't know it. I don't understand it."

0 · 1,064 views · located in Heavenrend City

a character in “Unhappy Refrain”, as played by DeathScythe386



"Happiness....what is it!? What is it!? Do I have to tear you apart to find out what it is!? Ahaha....AHAHAHAHAHA!!"

Name: Ataro Hatsuyuki "Why'd you want to know that?"

Age: 18 "Legal, but I don't have a car so don't expect me to drive anyone."

Gender: Male "I won't explain this one to you any further."

Theme Song (Optional): The Lost One's Weeping - Neru (Vocals: Kagamine Rin)

Personality: Ataro is generally an anti-social and silent person, but if you become close to him you'll find he's irritable, but will play along if needed. Due to his confusion, desperation and depression, he tends to have fits of insanity- Once he nearly strangled someone to death while laughing in an insane manner. He had, in fact, tried to kill himself but ended up failing, dropping his knife at the very last moment when he was about to plunge it into his neck.

"Not much to see here, yeah."

Cause of Unhappiness: "Let's just say I lost someone extremely important. Besides, why would you want to know that?"

History: Ataro lived a life of a recluse, shutting himself in most of the time. On the rare days that he WOULD go to school, it's usually to meet up with his friends- That is, if he had a lot. Friends were something Ataro, even if he had all the money in the world, would never afford. He only has a few friends, and they're all on the Internet. In his time as a recluse, he grew addicted to the computer and only comes out to resupply himself with his much beloved soda or for new updates.

Trivia (Optional):
- Ataro has an addiction to the internet, the computer, and soda, thus making him a hikkikomori.
- He schedules all the days where he goes to school and doesn't.
- He rarely smiles, because when he does, it's very awkward.
- He always carries around a pair of sharp, red scissors.

(Face Claim: Kisaragi Shintaro, Route XX from Mekakucity Actors)

So begins...

Ataro Hatsuyuki's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki
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0.00 INK

Ataro woke up, checking his alarm clock. "The alarm didn't go off.....Thank god." He thought, yawning and scratching the back of his head of black hair. The clock read 4:00 AM, and there was nothing to do today, but he still found himself hurling his tired body out of bed and into the bathroom. After taking a short shower- and making no effort to even fix his unkempt hair- he went back to his room, getting dressed and pulling out his drawer. His eyes, dark circles hanging under them like vines on a tree, skimmed over the contents of the drawer. In the end, though, he shut the drawer and swept his dark hoodie that was thrown over his computer chair.

"Oh right, the computer..." He booted it up. "Guess I'll check up on a few things before I do whatever the hell I do..." He checked the torrent program he had installed on it, sighing when he saw that one of his downloads was still 60.7% complete. "Internet's slow these days." He muttered, reviewing his files and watching some episodes of his favorite anime before he got up, pulled on his hoodie and looked at his calendar, marked with the rare events that he left the house. "Get some air. If needed, resupply soda." He read. Ataro looked at his stash of soda cans and bottles. "Nope."

With a swipe of his hand, he swept the pair of sharp, red scissors from the table to his pocket. Grabbing his cellphone and plugging in his earphones, he left the room. His parents were downstairs, preparing for the day. "Ataro, where are you going?" His mother questioned. He stopped in his tracks, glancing back before returning his gaze to the door. "Outside." He didn't let them say or ask another word and slipped on his shoes, pulling up his hood and leaving.

The cold air greeted his face as soon as he stepped out. Ataro held back a shiver as he started to walk, going to....."Nowhere, I suppose." He muttered. After a while of walking around and bumping into random people, he arrived at an alley. He sighed, his eyes catching a smirking man coming towards him. "Hey, kid." He glared up at the man, not even willing any bit of innocence into his face. "You new meat here?" "Not really." Ataro said, his tone dripping with deadly poison as he fingered the pair of scissors hidden just in his pocket.

"Well, I'm wondering on how do you NOT know that anyone who comes to my alley pays a fee." The man growled, outstretching his hand. "So hand it over, kid, or you're dead." He started to pull out a knife. Ataro sighed. "I screw you not." Just because he was considered a pathetic hikkikomori didn't mean he didn't know how to defend himself. It was also the reason he carried his scissors around all the time- You never knew whenever you might need to kill or hurt someone.

"What-- OW!" Ataro slid out his scissors and made a fine, but large cut on the man's arm. "You little brat--!" The man took a swipe at him with the knife, but he dodged and plunged the scissors into the man's arm, drawing it out as it dripped blood and the said man yelled in pain. He swiftly tucked it back into his pocket and bolted out of there before anyone could see him, and possibly tell the police and get him arrested.

His running took him quite a few hours until he was sure no one was tailing him no more. Afterwards, he just spent the rest of his time walking around, looking at stuff- mostly new video games but none interested him- and drinking soda. When he checked his watch and looked at the sky, he found out that it had grown dark. "I should go back or something.." He thought.

Besides, it was late. As he walked on, a figure startled him. Based on his experience with observing people, he could easily tell that it was female. So why was a girl out this late? Walking closer, he got a closer look. "Is she waiting for something?" He walked over and took a deep breath. Hopefully she wasn't one of the people that saw him running through the crowd like a madman after injuring someone. And he also hoped that the blood that was on his scissors, tucked into his pocket didn't show through his hoodie. "Excuse me, may I ask why you are out this late?" He found himself saying. Something like this wasn't a part of himself- He had no idea why he was even talking in the first place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki
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0.00 INK

Ayano reckoned that around twenty minutes have passed since she alighted the train upon the doctor's suggestion. She wondered what could have possibly happened if she had stayed inside the train. Would the hooded man really take her life? Was the woman really dead? Hell, she hasn't even seen somebody on the late stages of rigor mortis up until now. Remembering the incident from her past, it was apparent that this city is not that safe anymore.

Still, she felt a little relieved at this fact. The fact that the doctor came at the right time was somehow a sign that the world doesn't want her to disappear yet. She smiled at this fact. Noticing that not one vehicle was traveling at this time, she took out her phone and messaged her parents that she was just waiting for a cab or a bus home since the last train had already left. She even made up that she was with friends at that time, even if she didn't really have any. As she was putting back her phone on her bag, she heard someone call out to her.
"Excuse me, may I ask why you are out this late?" he said. Ayano looked up at him. Black hood? Check. Suspicious eye bags? Check. A dark red substance making a stain on one of his pockets where a pair of scissors were placed? Check. He seems like a nice guy. Just your ordinary friendly neighborhood psycho probably wandering the streets in search of new prey.

So what now? It was her and this creepy dude, all alone under a waiting shed. Had he asked something along the lines of "What time is it?" or "Waiting for a bus?", she would have assumed that he was just making small talk. But no. He had to ask what her intentions were in going out this late. That's probably the most cliche line that any kidnapper or rapist would make before doing "stuff" to their victim. She walked away from him without taking her eyes off as she approached a nearby fast food chain that was open that time of the night.

She found a modest looking one, one that usually served burgers as the main course. So she ordered one, opting to finish it inside the establishment where it was safer but she got into an argument with the chef and had to leave because of it. She went back to the bench inside the waiting shed and ate her food consisting of a burger, fries and a soda can, quietly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki
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0.00 INK

Ataro sighed deeply as the girl simply walked away from him. "Geez, girls these days. When you're in a black hoodie and ask why they're out so late in the night in pure concern, they immediately think you're a rapist or something." Then he stopped mid-rant. "Oh right, my scissors." He sighed once more. He reached up by instinct and fingered his neck. A shiver ran all over him as he remembered the night he had tried to kill himself- Knife to the neck, he would bleed out until his life ebbed away on the cold floor of his room. Heck, even his scissors worked as a suicide weapon, but no, they were for self-defense ONLY.

He took out his scissors and stared at them. He could kill himself and no one would notice. Or care, anyway. The world was a hostile place- It just wasn't safe, wherever you went. On instinct again, he pointed the blade at his throat. Then he was disturbed by a yelling coming from the nearby fast food chain that the girl from earlier had walked into. Something along the lines of "No extra ketchup" or something like that. This annoyed him slightly, since it was so late and whoever that guy had actually had guts to be yelling. "Damn, who's that idiot shouting this late? Sure doesn't know how to keep silent." He grumbled. He sat down at the bench, slouching over with his head just propped up on his palm.

Cool air blew through his dark hair again. The peace was once again disturbed by something or someone running- Next moment, Ataro felt someone grab at his shirt. "Dude, you gotta help me! This guy's on my tail and he won't stop and--!!!" Ataro gave him a weird look and pushed him away. "Whoa, calm down, fella. What the hell do you mean by some guy chasing you, eh?" "I-I don't know! He was holding a knife and had these red eyes and--! OH S-" Just then, yet another hooded figure grabbed the man by the collar and dragged him away forcefully. "HELP!! HELP ME!!!" The man begged but Ataro could do no more than stand there.

"What the hell was that?" He blinked. The hooded figure and the man had disappeared altogether. He adjusted his hoodie again. "Weird." He sat back down and plugged his earphones in, letting his head hang lowly this time. "I swear, this place gets stranger and more dangerous as time passes. I feel like I've been holed up in my room for a millenia." He sighed, not really meaning for it to be heard by anyone.

Then he saw her- He wasn't sure how he didn't notice her when she sat at the bench as well-, the same freaking girl from a while ago. With food. And even soda. "Don't even think about it, Ataro Hatsuyuki. She'll beat you to a pulp with that soda can. Die at the hands of your favorite drink." He thought glumly. He quickly paid more attention to his music that blasted through his earphones. "Hope she doesn't think I'm a maniac now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki
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0.00 INK

Alexa woke up from the cold street slowly. Her purple eyes winced at the brightness of the sun. She had no idea where she was this time and didn't really care. As Alexa started to sit up she suddenly winced in pain. Gently lifting up her shirt, she found a crudely made bandage stained pink on her left side. Wondering where the marks came from, she heard two high school girls conversing with each other.
"Did you hear, Mei-chan? That guy struck again on Friday."
"You mean that serial killer, Rika-chan? Yeah, I heard about it from my mom."
"Can you believe it though?! It's a family of three this time! The guy stabbed them a lot of times. But, the father got in a good slice on the left side before he died."
"Pretty scary... You think a curfew is going to happen?"
"I don't know. I just hope no one is taking this lightly."
The two girls conversed on while Alexa got her answer.
'Another murder... How many must I commit until this monster is satiated...?"
There was no answer. There never was an answer. It was just her alone in the streets. The wound had started to hurt. Standing up slowly, she walked over to a doctor's office.

The stitches were uncomfortable to say the least. The doctor seemed to hate her especially as when he worked he kept muttering about kids and back in his day.
"I don't want to see you again."
That's what he coldly said before leaving her alone. Alexa walked slowly around, looking for a new place to sleep.
She almost laughed bitterly at the sound of the name.
'For such a warm sounding place... Where, oh where, is there heaven for this monster?'
She looked around a nearby garbage can for something to eat. No such luck. The most she could find was a bottle of whiskey that was half full. She grabbed that and saw something in front of her; a bus stop. She could sleep wherever the bus takes her. She approached the stop slowly and saw two people. The first was a young man with dark circles under his red eyes. The second was a young woman with short purple hair. She decided to sit down on the bench. She didn't care where she was going as long as it was somewhere warm. After sitting in silence and sipping on whiskey, her stomach growled loudly. She hadn't eaten anything all day and the results were awful. Alexa sighed and spoke the first word since her family burned to death and since she started her new life of destitution and emptiness.
With that, Alexa turned her head to look at the sky.
'What were you thinking?! A monster doesn't deserve to talk!!'
Despite the harsh argument in her head, Alexa's face was perfectly stoic.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki
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0.00 INK

Ataro sighed as he finally saw the bus come along. "Finally, a way home." After getting off the bus and walking back to his home- no, house, as his home was at his own room- and took out the spare keys he had if he stayed out too late. When he entered, the house was completely dark and he could hear snoring coming from upstairs. He sighed and shut the door, locking it before entering his room and spending the rest of the dark night in rest, unlike his other nights where he spent many hours on his computer.

The next day, Sunday.

"Nothing much to do today, so do whatever you want to." A voice sounding so similar to his own sounded throughout the room. "Bless." Ataro picked his tired body up from the bed and lazily dragged himself over to the computer after grabbing a can of soda and opening it. He fell asleep in his hoodie so it was wrinkled. Then again, he never really cared much about fashion and stuff like that. He'd been wearing the hoodie for years now.

While the computer started booting itself up, he left his room and went downstairs, grabbing a piece of toast from his unsuspecting sister's plate and quickly ran back upstairs with the food in his mouth while Momoko started yelling at him. Ataro had lived under the same roof with her for years and he was pretty damn sure her running speed hasn't decreased while time passed. In fact when he got to his room- to the door at least- she managed to grab him by his hood. "TOO LATE, SUCKER!' Ataro mocked as he devoured the piece and barged into his room, shutting it and locking the door.

He kept his back to the door while his sister kept pounding on it. "Seriously, you're such a selfish guy, brother!" She complained. "What!? There's another loaf downstairs, so eat that!" He heard her stomp off. He sighed and the day was spent in his cold, air-conditioned room.

The next day, Monday.

Ataro checked his schedule and groaned. "Bad time to be late night gaming, huh, bro?" He looked up and flinched. "You've got 1 minute to explain how the hell are you in my room." "Door was easy to beat down, actually." Momoko laughed and left. "Wouldn't want to be late now."

School was not comforting to him at all. Not. At. All.

Apparently his group left the room pretty messed up and dirty, and now he also had to be sent to detention. He sighed. "Screw life." As he entered the library, his blood froze in his veins. There, resting on an armchair, was the same girl he saw last night.

"Okay, I'm definitely screwed."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee
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0.00 INK

Annabel Lee

Sunday was normal for Anna; she got home, made herself normal before caring for the boys. Most of the day was spent sleeping, only waking up to make dinner. She loved Sundays; she didn’t have to work or do anything annoying, just sleep and care for the butt breath brothers of hers.
Though, when Monday came, it was a totally different store.
“Come on boy!” She yelled down the hallway in her usual agitated voice as she stuffed paper bags in each of their book bags. “Get your asses over here now!” She screamed, her neck becoming red with anger. “We’re already late! Remember what the teacher said she’d do if you guys where late again?!” Gideon reeled the corner, stopping at an instant; his shirt was tousled, his hair arrayed and he had toothpaste hanging on the corner of his mouth.
“I’m ready!” He said, catching the book bag she threw at him before Anna walked near him, wiping his mouth clean.

It wasn’t long after that before Colby silently walked towards them, looking much neater than Gideon ever could. “Alright, kid-lings, let’s move.” With that the small trio marched out and into the car. Anna started it and backed out, heading towards the elementary school. Along the way, she took out granola bars and juice boxes out of her armrest and threw it behind her; she figured that it might be good to carry them around just in case they ever ran late- which was every Monday and Friday. Hell, one could reason it was every day. They arrived at the elementary just in time and she dropped them off in a flash, saying her ‘I love you’s and ‘good-bye’s to them. She hit the gas pedal and arrived at the high school in a short amount of time, parking her car in the student parking and arriving in her class.

Oddly enough, it was vacant. Anna looked around, before the professor walked in, looking a bit shocked to see her.
“Oh, Anna,” He simply said. “I’m sorry to inform you but the last time you were absent, we formed groups.” He said, sitting down. “Due to your bright attitude, I thought I’d put you together with the
er, not so bright students; hoping you’d rub off on them.” He sat down and leaned in his black chair, acting as if he was busy. “Unfortunately, you weren’t here,” He went on, “and it seems as if they didn’t properly clean up their mess; they’re in detention as we speak.” Anna placed her bag on his desk, smiling a little to try and hide the swelling anger; she better not have come to school and spend her day in detention with people she could give two shits about- hell, that was everyone here. “I’m not asking you to write the essay, but just pop in there and see if you’ll brighten up their moods, will you? You know, be ‘apart of the team’, as they say.” He chuckled.

Anna laughed back at him before smiling. “Sure, though, I think you should give them a little more credit, professor,” She started to walk to the door, turning slightly, “They are just as bright as I can ever be.” With that, she gave him a wide, innocent smile and hoped that that line would bring an end to any future disturbances with the particular group.

It didn’t take her long to locate the library and walk in; there was a creepy boy and an awfully dark looking girl already sitting there- great. She had to make ‘friends’ with Sweeny Todd and Elizabeth Bathory; how could she barely contain her ‘oozing excitement’? None the less, she made her way over towards them, a note book in her hand and a smile on her face. Let the acting begin. She thought with a small sigh.
“Hello! You guys must be my group members, huh?” Her voice was light and bubbly; the voice she’d use at the escort club or to adults that just made them seem to love her. “Sorry about never being here. I feel as though because of that, you guys got in trouble. If I was here, I would’ve cleaned up for you guys.” She stood in front of the girl and the boy, holding out her free hand. “I’m Anna, and it’s ever so nice to meet you.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee
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0.00 INK

Ataro had already taken his seat beside the girl, but quite nervously. This girl had already walked away from him once. And she had to be at his school of all places. So their task was to write an essay about their outlook in life. Ataro sighed and just propped up his head with his hand, his forehead basically in his palm. Of course, he hated life. He wouldn't have tried to kill himself if he hadn't hated it in the first place. So did the world. He also hated it. Had he not dropped the knife at that time he would be already dead now.

"Hello! You guys must be my group members, huh?"

A bubbly voice snapped Ataro out of his world and life loathing. “Sorry about never being here. I feel as though because of that, you guys got in trouble. If I was here, I would’ve cleaned up for you guys.” The girl who had appeared without him noticing apologized to both of them. "It's fine. I'm never here anyways." Ataro thought to himself glumly. School was too boring for his tastes. He wasn't sure why he even marked his schedule that he had to go to school today.

“I’m Anna, and it’s ever so nice to meet you.” Another light and happy kid to Ataro, this Anna. He wasn't very fond of making friends with people like her- One, they never really understood him, and two, he tried to strangle the one friend he had before. The memory of his hands around her neck and the tears in her eyes as she begged him to stop, that it wasn't him, sent chills and a very painful shot of regret into his heart and down his spine. Ataro considered himself a monster. That's why he did the others a favor and locked himself up.

Nevertheless, he lightly shook the girl's hand though his face remained as stern as ever. "Ataro. Hatsuyuki Ataro." He introduced himself quietly before retracting his hand and stuffing it back into his pocket to grip his scissors tightly. If need be that this girl was not what she was, or if she was someone that saw him on Saturday when he slashed and stabbed that guy in the arm, or if she drove him to the edge, he might end up killing her.

After all, Ataro didn't consider himself a nuisance and a heartless beast for nothing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee
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0.00 INK

"Why, Alexa-san?? Why did you attack those people?"
Alexa merely stared at the principal.
Alexa was walking to her class and a girl had bumped into her.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay...? Here, let me help you up!"
Alexa stared at the girl before allowing her to let her up. As soon as this was going on, a group of girls started to surround the one girl.
"Why did you help her up, Rise?"
"Yeah, didn't you hear? This girl might be related to that killer going around!!"
Alexa felt an anger tremble inside her.
'I'm a monster sure... but I'm not a killer...'
Almost in an instant, Alexa felt a smile creep up on her face as Eradicator took over her. He walked over to the girls and punched one of them in the stomach, grabbed another girl's hair and threw her against the wall multiple times and for the last girl, he stared her down and then proceeded to kick her to near death. By the time security showed up, the damage had been done and Alexa snapped out of her confusion wondering what was going on.
(end of flashback)
"Alexa-san, you really should speak when you're spoken to..."
Alexa still stared at him, trying to make heads and tails of what had happened. He sighed.
"Well, the majority of your group is in detention so that's where you'll go."
Alexa left for detention. A guy and two girls. She nodded in their direction and sat down besides the one girl who looked somewhat normal.
'A deer in a room full of wolves. Interesting...'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee
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0.00 INK

Ayano had been spacing out for a few minutes before she heard footsteps approaching the library. She looked up and saw a young man headed into school. He was probably one of her "group mates" who doesn't even bother showing up. "Wait a minute--" She thought. "He was the SAME, FREAKING GUY back at the waiting shed." She just shrugged it off, knowing that he probably wouldn't have the guts to attack in a very public place. Muttering to herself, she simply took her pen and started scribbling.

A few more moments later, another face entered the room. She seemed bright and enthusiastic and she mentioned something about being here to cheer up the mood. "She seems nice, I guess..." Ayano thought. She saw her make small talk with her and the creepy dude, introducing herself. "Ayano. Kujikawa Ayano." Ayano introduced herself as nicely as she can, even managing a weak smile. She shook her hand after the boy. The next few minutes was spent in awkward silence.

While she was working, she heard a bunch of professors talking loudly outside, ruining the beautiful quiet atmosphere. Fed up, she stood from her table and headed to the door to give it a close look. It was one of those doors that stayed opened due to a screw lodged in the hinges. She reached up and removed it, causing the door to close. Quickly, she hurried back to her seat as the professor walked in the room.

"Who closed this?" He asked, staring daggers into each of them. "How are we supposed to know? We're not supposed to leave right?" Ayano answered back, a little timidly. The professor scanned the door and saw the missing screw. "Where is the screw there?" He asked, a little angry. "Maybe it fell off? You can't expect it to stay open due to its weight." Ayano tried to explain. The professor seemed to accept this but ordered them to look for it anyway. "Please sir, can't you just let it go? Screws fall out all the time, this world is a perfectly imperfect place." Ayano tried reasoning out.

"All right." The professor looked at them one last time and turned to the girl named Anna. "Keep a close eye on them would you? They can be a bit troublesome. Especially you." He pointed at the only male in the room. "I have your complete attendance sheet and I have to say, it's complete crap." He stormed out the room, finally leaving the students in peaceful silence. Ayano let out a sigh and rolled the screw near the door, where anyone can find it at first glance, feeling a little sorry for getting the others into trouble. "Sorry. I just can't take the fact that I'm in detention for something that my classmates failed to do."

As soon as she had sat down, another girl entered the room. She looked nice, she reckoned. Lucky of her that she came in right after the screw incident, otherwise she would have gotten a mouthful as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee
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0.00 INK

Ataro rolled his eyes as the professor left the room. "Talking crap about me because I have a screwed up attendance sheet, huh. How low." He growled under his breath. He was not the least bit pleased about this man talking about him that way as if he was a hungry wolf that would pounce on the girls in the room as soon as he left the room. Sure, he could injure a lot of people with his scissors but he wasn't that uncontrollable. He started scribbling down his answers with a ferocious pace as he was still quite irritated.

Just as he was still half-ranting on the paper about his annoyance at life, a girl came into the library. She had a dark shade of hair and violet eyes, which Ataro didn't see much. Then he recognized her as the girl from two nights ago, the one at the waiting shed with the girl beside him, Ayano. He was gripping at his scissors tightly for a strange reason- There was a strange vibe to this newcomer, and if she ever pulled anything off on them he would, without a thought, attack her. If she pushed him to the edge, if possible, he would have another insanity fit and also possibly harm a lot of people. Blood will be shed, indeed.

The silence didn't bother him much, he was already used to it. But the aura was awkward, he had to admit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee
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0.00 INK

Alexa had noticed that the one guy seemed to be apprehensive about her. She sighed silently. She was used to it. After all, she was a horrific monster. Though he seemed familiar. Looking at the girl with purple hair, she too seemed familiar. Her stomach growled. Another failed attempt at getting breakfast or lunch. Alexa lightly blushed and cleared her throat.
"Sorry... I skipped lunch and breakfast."
Her voice came out very soft.
"Who are you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee
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Annabel Lee

Anna smiled when the two introduced themselves, sitting down next to them, placing her hands on her lap with her notebook. Ataro and Ayano
 She repeated their names in her head; interesting enough, all of their names started with the letter ‘A’, which instantly made her want to change her name. It wasn’t anything personal- then again, maybe it was- but Anna didn’t care for these specific people; they where gloomy, as if they all wanted to die. Perhaps this was why Anna disliked them; because there wasn’t anything holding them back from doing so- or maybe it was the fact that she had experience the effects of suicide amongst others. That thought made her smile tight and almost uncomfortable, thinking that these people where like her parents; it already made her feel sick.

None the less, she raised her notebook and put it on the table, opening it and began to write an essay she didn’t need to. While it was irritating to do so, she was planning to skip tomorrow to take up extra hours at the diner and she needed the extra brownie points to do so. She didn’t get very far though, when the agitating noise of the teachers distracted her. Anna looked up, her eyes gazing quickly over the others before shooting towards the door, then back down at her notebook. Suddenly, Ayano stood abruptly and tip-toed her way towards the door, stealing the screw that kept the door open. All in an instant, a teacher came in and blabbed about not being able to close the door before turning to Anna and telling her to ‘keep an eye out for them’. This caused her to scuffle, making it sound like she snorted when the teacher left. Yeah, because suddenly I need to babysit these little shits She thought bitterly as she rested her chin in the palm of her hand, smiling sweetly at the girl who was apologizing about something.

The boy across from also began to growl about the teacher, but he soon ceased. Huh, blaming others and then complaining about something that’s your fault; typical. Despite her nasty thoughts about the others, Anna still remained bubbly and sweet. Suddenly, another girl walked in; she looked meek and quiet, choosing a seat next to Anna. Oh look, one of the twins from ‘The Shinning’ showed up. Anna smiled and sat back a little, pulling her hair to the side as she adjusted herself in the seat, turning her body towards the group. It was silent for a few moments, and right before Anna was about to ‘break the ice’, a loud rumble sounded from the girl’s stomach, making Anna look at her in astonishment, before she giggled at the girl’s reasoning for such a noise.
“Who are you?” The girl asked out loud.
Anna turned herself towards her bag, pulling out a peanut butter jelly sandwich and handing it out to the girl. “My name’s Anna.” She smiled, “You can have this if you’d like. I’ve already eaten today so I don’t need it.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee
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Ataro was still furiously ranting about life on his paper when the girl that appeared suddenly spoke. "Who are you?" "Wow, perfect question to ask in a room full of gloom. Way to go." He thought, a hand going up to his head to lightly ruffle his black hair in thought. "Ataro." He finally said his name in an introduction again before he went back to writing his answers, albeit much calmer now. Speaking of which, he drew out a small soda bottle from his bag and then proceeded to drink it, closing it and returning back to his work afterwards.

Soda, it always usually calmed him down. Perks of being an addict, he guessed. As he continued to write, his eyes darted from left to right. Alright, so in this library is one guy and three girls. The one beside him was the girl who walked away from him two nights ago. The other one seemed bubbly and light, though he wasn't sure if she was pretending or she was really like that. And the last one looked innocent but still had a strange vibe that he was probably going to look out for. How screwed was he? The answer was: Very. Screwed.

And he was pretty sure all three knew how to defend themselves, and because of his strange and suspicious appearance- black hair, black hood, eye know- they were probably wary of him, too.

"...Ah well. That's how life these days works anyway."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee
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"Anna... Ataro..."
Alexa stared at the blonde who offered her a sandwich. She seemed so nice to her... It was a lie of course. Alexa knew that she was hated throughout the school. Hell, she had looked like she was constantly attending a funeral. If it wasn't for the fact that Eradicator takes over every time she gets ready to kill herself. But for now, she'll play along and be nice. This was the last time she would see these three anyway. She offered a smile of her own as she took the sandwich.
"My name is Alexa Flarea. Thank you for sharing your food. I can get absent minded at times."
Alexa ate the sandwich silently. She then looked around.
"I take it we're writing an essay. Would someone mind telling me what it's about?"
Alexa's smile faded a bit.
'What the hell is wrong with you?! These people don't care if you live or die so why even bother conversing with them?!'
'...I'm tired. I don't want to be alone anymore. I... I want to know how it feels to have a friendship again. Even if it is a fake one... I just am so tired of being alone...'
Alexa and Eradicator continued to bicker in Alexa's mind as she waited for an answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee
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This time Ataro took the honor of answering the question. "Basically your 'onlook on life'." He said as a response to Alexa's question. He continued writing, his eyes fixated on the paper. After a while he put down his pen, sighing and burying his head in his crossed arms on the armchair. Just a few more sentences to go, he was done. His hand already hurt from writing at such a ferocious and angry pace a while ago. He once again fingered the scissors concealed in his pocket. "Hey, why don't you just destroy your very being right now?" That damn voice was speaking in his head again. "No one gives a damn about your existence anyway, so why not just kill-" "SHUT UP!" Ataro was fighting with himself again.

The cause of his insanity fits was talking to him again, but he chose to ignore the voice and instead, squeezed his eyes shut, dismissing the voice as some suicidal note or something like that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee
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Ayano was still working in total silence. She wasn't having any conflict within her mind so suffice to say, she managed to finish early. She glanced around the room; the professor wasn't back yet so she just kept the essay on the side and took out a sketchpad. She soon started drawing some things, some landscapes here and there, a few animals maybe.

In the middle of her drawings. she soon heard someone ask a question. The creepy dude in black answered it immediately.
"Basically your 'onlook' in life."the creepy dude said. "It's outlook, I don't think onlook is even a word." She thought as she continued drawing. The atmosphere was kind of refreshing to her. Normally, this area, even if it's a library, is filled with whispers and hushes here and there. Today, it was total silence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee
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Ataro had answered the question for her.
"Basically your 'onlook on life'."
"My... outlook...?"
Alexa almost laughed out loud but she restrained herself to merely letting out a few giggles. Out of all the things to write an essay about, why this topic in particular? Knowing how the principal looked at her during their "discussion", he would never buy the essay she could write, saying how her life was full of rainbows and happiness. No human being would attack people who have given her no reason to. Alexa stared at the blank paper. The essay came to her head almost immediately. She took out a pen and began to scribble down the following.
My outlook on life... Honestly, that's one of the easiest questions I can ever answer. Life is nothing more than a bunch of lies, pain, struggles and blood. I won't go into details about why I believe in this because I respect my privacy enough. However, I will say this much; darkness really does love me and refuses to let me go. I regard myself as a monster and for good reasons too. Death and me go hand and hand and if it wasn't for someone who is "close" to me, I would have died ten times over and made sure to write in my will to burn my cremated ashes. I have no friends. Those who I try to befriend have two things happen to them. Either HE hurts them or they end up being fake anyway. I have no family. They all died ten years ago. I live out on the streets, barely living by clinging onto old clothes for blankets or thrown away food just to get by the day. I want to go see a therapist but who will care about me enough so that I may get the strength to fight back? No one... that's who. And no one ever will. Because a monster doesn't deserve happiness or love. Long story short, it's terrible and I don't want anyone to share the same fate that I do.
Alexa looked at the paper and nodded to herself. She wasn't good at essays but she got out her honest feelings.
'This will probably land me in major trouble... but I got it out. They told me to write about my outlook on life. Well, here it is. If they don't like it, I'd like to see how they fix it.'
Alexa looked over at the three people sitting around her. The girl with purple hair who sat drawing on her sketchbook. Anna, who seemed almost too nice and looked like she had something to hide. Ataro, the boy with black bags under his eyes who seemed to be just as angry at the world as she was.
'Did the world mess with them too...? I wonder...'
Alexa shook her head.
'It's not my business to pry. A monster doesn't deserve to pry. I just need to exist... that's all. If they want me to talk, that's fine. I'll talk whenever it's necessary and whenever they want me to.'
Alexa looked around the library, finding herself bored after finishing the essay so quickly. She eventually pulled out a book and began to read it.
'I'd kill to play a piano melody right now...'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee
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Ataro finally raised his head, getting a weak headache that made him wince for a moment before he picked up his pen and wrote the last sentences for his essay.

"You know what? Screw my above explanations. This life of mine completely sucks, so don't pry any further."

That was going to land him in trouble, that was for sure. But then he would be gone and no one knew about his online identities, so they couldn't possibly contact him to give him an earful of rants about life is good and useless crap like that. He sighed, putting the finished essay off to the side. He took out his bottle of soda again and took a swig. Again, soda was a calming beverage for him.

He glanced around the room once more. Alexa had begun reading a book, he wasn't sure about Anna, and Ayano was drawing something. He just pulled his hood over his head more and buried his head into his crossed arms once more, sighing in relief that he was finally done.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee
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Annabel Lee

Anna was completely done when she looked up, seeing as nearly all of them had completed the essay with ease; hers was just a bunch of bull crap telling about how they should live everyday like it’s their last or something. She set down her pen and ripped the page out of her notebook, taking off the rough part from the side. She placed her essay to the corner of her table, now resting backwards and stretching outwards.
Let’s see, today would be my last night at the escorting place for the week, but I also need to run to the diner before that to work; I should get out of there around 10, leaving me thirty minutes to get the establishment. That means I would get home around eight

Anna sighed, realizing that her brothers would be late yet another day and she’d have to hear the elementary teacher dish her out on how her ‘parents being so irresponsible to allow a high school girl to care for children while they ‘worked’’; not to mention she was taking up extra hours at the diner which also meant only 3 hours of sleep before she had to work, yet again.

She rested her head in her hands and slid herself onto the table- she could easily sleep now if she wanted to. No one was going to stop her. Her dull brown eyes glided among the people who sat with her- all glum; bleh, who would’ve known the word individuality here? Anna’s eyes closed for a second, growing a bit heavy before she opened them once again, sitting straight up before standing up.
She smiled at the group, “I think I’m going to look around here. Even though I’ve been going to school here, I haven’t been able to get a good look around the area.” She grabbed her bag turned on her heels, stopping a little bit before turning around once more. “You guys are more than welcome to come. If you’re with me, I doubt the teachers would really complain-” She looked at them with her eyes widened a bit. “Hey, since you guys are done, why don’t turn in your papers? Then we can all hang out
” She gave them her ‘escort smile’ again, though, this time, it was the one she used when she wanted a good tip.

Did Anna really mean her words? Hell no; in fact, she was mentally killing herself as she said them, but the fact of the matter was that the teacher wouldn’t let them leave, if all them weren’t done- plus, the ‘hanging out part’ was something she threw in there to seem nice and the fact if they did go hang out, she’d make them buy. Who knows, maybe one of these Tim Burton characters where rich.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee
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Ayano heard the girl Anna asked all of them to hang out with her. She was going to look around the place a bit, she said. "Since everyone is done, I guess we can just place it on the desk there..." She thought as she gave her essay one last scan.

What is life? How many times has humanity asked that question. Per se, life is just the small time we spent on this world. It is pointless to discuss it as it is. Maybe it's better to reflect on its concept in parallel with another aspect of life: death.

When someone dies and his body is laid to rest, there are engravings placed on his tombstone. There we see the date from when he was born up to the point where he passed on, separated only by a dash. That dash is what is called life. It is the culmination of all experiences, emotions and knowledge that a person has a accumulated throughout the short time he has spent on this world. Depending on how one has lived his life, the value and quality of that dash may vary.

Personally, I find life as just a simple chore. It is just another task that one has to finish. Some people choose to live a life of virtue, following the ways of a saint, granting them immortality. They live on in the hearts and memories of the people whose lives they've touched. Some spend it in a pursuit of power. The drive to prove to the world how they are the best among the rest. They may or may not attain immortality but people will remember them just for their power. I'll admit that I found the latter a little worth pursuing. It didn't work out for me. Nobody can please everyone. I learned that the hard way. The world is just this unfair.

Living a saint's life is no assurance that everyone will treat you like how you treat everyone. Pursuing power still won't be enough to save you from your ultimate fate: death. There is no way one can live without risk. So I guess I'll just go on my own pace. I'll move on, like how this world is supposed to be. I think I'll live it in pursuit of my own happiness.

You may have noticed that my personal output probably has nothing to do with what I've stated earlier. It's because when the time comes for my body to be laid to rest, I want that dash to be a dash of happiness. To be known as the girl who chose to live on her own terms, as the girl who escaped the shackles of the expectations placed on her without reward. To be the one who has gone over the horizon.

Ayano finished checking her essay and placed it on the desk. She looked at the others first, anticipating what they would do. If they choose to tag along, then maybe she will too. She thought about the irony. She has just stated in her essay that she wanted to live on her own terms yet she still can't find the strength to do that.