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Marric Royeaux

Crown Prince of Myar, Child of Orkkun

0 · 199 views · located in Maera

a character in “Union of Shadows: Children of the Dark Gods”, as played by Khorudan


Name: Marric Royeaux

Gender: Male

Age: 17


Weight: 117 lbs.

Miscellaneous Physical Description: Marric has been bald since a somewhat disastrous ceremony used by the Royal Family following the birth of every child. His eyes are a dark brown, leading some to assume that he takes after his mother, dead some seven years following the birth of his third brother. His frail, undernourished-looking body is covered by pale, almost translucent skin. Since he is rarely allowed to leave his apartments in a manor on the Royeauxs' family estates, the young man is most often dressed in a long linen nightgown and robe. When he walks, it's in warm woolen indoor shoes fastened with buckles. On the rare occasions in which he leaves, he is dressed in a white ankle-length bliaud, a sort of overlong tunic, and a dark purple knee-length surcoat, the whole affair secured by a leather belt around his waist. His indoor shoes slip into leather outdoor shoes, and a wide brimmed purple hat is added to hide thin, pale face.

His smooth, uncallused hands are an identifier of someone who has never done a day of work in his life, though his weakness and unhealthy pallor lead most to assume that he is deathly ill. One of many reasons he is usually kept hidden away in his apartments.

Post-Baptism Physical Description: After his Baptism, Marric's weakness will be removed, actually adding a few inches to his height, as well as an immensely improved musculature. His hands will cease to appear human, from his elbows down thickening and hardening until they look to be made of living onyx, although flecked through and through with lines of red so bright they seem to glow against the dark. The strange material will be stronger than steel, though steel forged in the White Flame will cut it as easily as flesh. It will also be nearly completely numb.

God: Despite his sickly appearance, Marric is the Child of Orkkun, Dark God of Order and Master of the Black Flame. Orkkun is the Patron God of Ogres and the Forge, and is typically pictured working a forge utilizing the Black Flame. He approves of leaders who use strength and power to impose order through fear. Orruk's symbol is a hammer laid over an anvil, the hammer's inclined to the right.

Orkkun is the Shadow of Irruk, who represents Order when encouraged by courageous example. Irruk is the Master of the White Flame, and like Orkkun, is often represented working a forge. Like all the Gods of The Light, Irruk is the Patron of Humanity. His symbol is also a hammer over an anvil, though his hammer is inclined to the left. Both Orkkun and Irruk are worshiped by smiths and others who work in metal.

The Black Flame: The Black Flames can burn anywhere there is fuel, so long as a spark can be struck, the Black Flames will burn. And they do burn. Only Ogres can work the Black Flame, and their works are always misshapen-looking and black. Even Ogres dare not touch the Black Flame, though. If caught fire, any creature dies almost on contact, transformed instantly into a merrily burning blaze. The Black Flame does not corrupt, does not purify, does not heal, and does not wound outside of horrific burning death. It does, however, whisper. This is how Orkkun communicates to his followers when he is awake.

The White Flame: The White Flame can only burn dried lumber from the Whitewood Tree, Irruk's chosen plant. It's smoke is a purifying agent, and can cleanse any ailment or disease. Only Craftsmen handpicked by the wisest Priests of Irruk are allowed to work with the White Flame. The products worked by these artisans are always pure white, regardless of the metals used. The White Flame is not hot to the touch, in fact anyone can touch the open flames and not be burned, although any wounds will close if held in the flame long enough.

Divine Gift: Marric was born with the ability to appraise any worked metal and heft any hammer, though he has never been given the opportunity to find out about these abilities himself, and so remains unaware of their existence. The abilities come with a price, though. His weak body is the toll exacted by his dual nature, though the extremity of the condition is not natural.

After his Baptism, Marric's abilities will blossom into the ability to forge metals into Black Steel, as well as a unique resistance to the Black Flame. His weakness will be burned away, replaced with the health that has escaped him for his life thus far. His other abilities will be unchanged. His resistance to the Black Flame and strengthened, numbed hands will allow him to work Black Steel to a quality unmatched by Ogre craftsman.


Long years of isolation have left Marric a shy, retiring young man, more comfortable reading over some obscure text or terrorizing his many tutors with intense, sometimes disturbing questions on their various subjects. His tutor on the Ethics of Rulership in particular often despairs at changing the young man's thoughts on the best ways to enforce Laws in the realm. The debates between the two often rage for hours, and would continue longer if Marric didn't always grow to weak for further discussion.

He has a deep inner intensity, somewhere buried deep beneath his physical weakness burns a reserve of strength he has yet to be given an opportunity to test.

Likes: Being warm, a good argument with his tutors, meeting new people, hot foods, his rare constitutionals through the grounds surrounding the manor.

Dislikes: The various methods the local priests of Irruk try to heal him of his "affliction", his weakness, tea, those who tell him that stronger penalties are not an effective way to enforce the laws. His healthier younger brothers.


Unfortunately, Marric's poor health and the living conditions resulting from it have left him with little opportunity to collect much in the way of specialized equipment. All he has are the clothes on his back and a can-do attitude that one often sees with the perpetually ill.


Marric Royeaux was born to his Imperial Majesty, Henri Royeaux, Emperor of Myar, for all it's grand-sounding name a small kingdom in the east of the Northern Subcontinent, just next to the Godspine. The oldest of the three children from his first marriage, he was declared heir apparent the day after he was born, as was the tradition in Myar. Nursemaids talked, as nursemaids often do, of the happy, black-haired child with a sort of awed wonder. It was odd, after all, for a dark haired infant to be born to the Royal Family, all of whom had hair as fair as the sun. Still, many children had hair that fell out and grew back in another color, and so it was assumed that the boy would be the same.

By Royal tradition, the child was to be purified by passing him through the White Flame, a process that was generally assumed to promote a healthy life and begin a lifelong connection to the Light. Two weeks after his birth, the ritual was held, with all the pomp and ceremony the Empire could muster for the first religious obligation of the newborn heir to the throne. Much to everyone's surprise and initial delight, the infant passed quietly through the flame, not even uttering a single wail as his black hair was singed away, his skin growing paler at the flame's touch. It was odd, since the White Flame was not supposed to harm a person. No one was sure what it meant that his hair had been burned away, since no one had ever experienced such a reaction before. The priests, after scrambling for an explanation, finally decided that the Gods, Irruk in particular, had been so pleased with the child that he had touched the child. This was of course a falsehood, but without any alternative reason for the strange event, the falsehood was accepted for truth.

As he aged and grew, it grew more apparent that the child was not as blessed as had been hoped. He was a sickly boy, often too weak to leave his bed for more than a few hours. The royal physicians did their best, but most did not give the child more than a few years more to live. His first brother had been born by this time, so the line was secure even if he did die. But he didn't. He struggled on, impressing the few physicians and his tutors with his tenacity. All throughout his convalescence, his Father and Mother had visited him regularly, but one day, Marric realized that only his Father was visiting him, that he hadn't seen his mother for weeks. He asked about her absence, but only received shakes of the head and guilty refusals to meet his eyes. To a ten year old, the loss of a parent is a great blow, to one so sickly, it was nearly a death blow. The boy retreated to his bed, to the world inside his books, refusing all visitors. It was a blessing of sorts, freeing his father of the guilty duty of visiting the son that would not die and allowing him to spend more time with the healthier two.

Marric was moved to the family estates, turning his self-imposed isolation to unofficial exile. Despite his long sickness, the story had been spread that he was in good health, that he was being trained in secrecy to take the throne so that no assassin could kill the Light-Blessed Crown Prince. It was not uncommon, in the past children had been assassinated by humans paid sometimes by enemies of the family, sometimes by enemies of the Light. Marric's profile even found it's way onto the coinage, opposite his Father's.

And so the years passed, Marric growing older, but remaining thin and sickly as he passed into adulthood. There began to be whispers amongst those few in the know that perhaps the time had come for the Heir Apparent to finally die, regardless of whether he was ready, to make way for a healthier son to rule. To his credit, Henry Royeaux refused to allow such talk in his presence. Lately though, the talk has spread into the ranks of the clergy, which, unfortunately, falls outside of the purview of royalty.

So begins...

Marric Royeaux's Story