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a part of Unyielding, by Knight.EXE.

The start of the adventure.

Knight.EXE holds sovereignty over Boat, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

760 readers have been here.


On our way to Renala, wonder what will happen?
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The start of the adventure.


Boat is a part of Vobrala.


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"I will never get over how people can enjoy this." a young man sighed, his voice carrying an Irish accent to his words. ruffling his brown, shaggy hair he moved away from the ships railing, "Duh things I do for travelin' I tell ya." let it be known that the Druid had no love for ships of any kind. Looking around his emerald eyes were able to see a few people moving around and honestly, he stuck out like a sore thumb. His brown undershirt and pants were normal enough, though the fact he for gone any form of foot wear outside of the dirty green cloth that was wrapped around the middle of his feet, leaving his toes and heel exposed, along with the dark-ish green sleeveless shirt he wore over his brown one helped his blend into forestry well enough, but on the top deck of a ship against the blue sea? Hell no.

"Well, better than being hounded over an apple I suppose." of course people couldn't let go of that, it was one apple! "Once upon a time dare was a man, a wanderin' soul, lost in duh realm of our kingdom~" He was bored, so sue him if he wanted to sing a little, "Dae say he was a king, who fought a great war, when duh dragons came into our kingdom, and burned everyone with a roar~" let it be known that this is the only song the young man knows how to sing, or his name isn't Nevas! And it is. Of course the song wasn't a hit to those who heard him whisper it under his breath, as many decided to move away from the singing druid, 'Prudes everyone o' dem. Don't know good misic even if it bit dem right in duh arse. At least some know music when dae hear it.' he thought to himself noting those who didn't move away.


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Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Marvina stood by the edge of the ship breathing in the scent of the sea. It was only her second time on a ship. The slight rocking made her stomach slightly queasy, but she did her best to ignore it. She leaned over the edge to look at the fish swimming playfully. There were far less fish than she thought there would be. Marvina's hair blew into her face. She attempted to tuck it behind her ear, but the stubborn curls flew back into her face almost instantly. Near her she heard faint singing. Marvina gave a slight chuckle. It reminded her of the songs the gypsies would sing while they travelled to their next destination. She hadn't ever heard this song before though. She tried to discreetly move closer to hear the song better. Unfortunately, sneakiness and inconspicuous behavior was not her talent, and the red streaks in her vision cause by her hair did not help her at this. She ended up accidently walking right into a stranger and tripped, but luckily caught herself before falling. "Watch where your walking!" The stranger growled. "Sorry," Marvina responded, but the man just walked away. Marvina's pale face was now red from embarrassment. She looked a around to see if anybody else had noticed.


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Nevas was known for two thing, being out right rude to nobility, and his bleeding heart for those who need help. Seeing a red headed lass making her way to him, none to discreetly mind you, he couldn't help but feel responsible. So he made his way over to her, while using his nature magic to make the man fall on his face, heh classic, "You okay dere lass? None too shaken?" the young Druid asked with a friendly smile on his face, "Let me introduce ma self, duh names Nevas, at your service." he gave a tip of his head, "Who might you be I wonder? Ya don't seem to be the sea fairin' type. I mean ya feet are too close together." he kicked lightly at her feet to point out their closeness, "A wider stance helps for balance on a ship, with it's rockin' and what not."


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Marvina noticed the man fall as he walked away and resisted the urge to laugh. It was funny, but he was already upset about her bumping into him. If he heard or saw me laughing at his fall it would make matters worse Marvina thought. She turned and saw the young man who was singing earlier walking towards her. "Oh. I'm fine," Marvina stammered out an answer to his question, "I should've really watched where I was going and balance doesn't seem to be my forte today." Marvina smiled back at Nevas. "I'm Marvina, but I usually go by MJ. It's great to meet you!" She listened as Nevas gave her advice on how to stand on a boat. "Really!" She exclaimed moving her feet slightly more apart. "I wish I would've known this earlier! I haven't been on boats very often." Only one other time, she thought to herself. "I enjoy the sea itself, but I'm afraid boats may not be my cup of tea."


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A grin spread over the Druid's face, "Aye, it's the same with me. I'd dance in a forest any day, just not Tuesday." he spoke before seeing MJ's confusion, "Duh tree's get jealous don't ya know. It's especially bad on Tuesdays. So I wouldn't recommend that." he clarified, being a Druid meant he was more in tuned with nature than most, only Dryads had a stronger connection, "Trust me, I've lived in a forest most of my life, I know how tree's feel. It comes with being a Druid. That and duh strong affinity for nature magic. Can't go wrong dere."

For a bit of show Nevas covered his left hand in tree bark before quickly changing it back, "So tell me lass, what be sendin' you to Vobrala? 'Cause I doubt it was for duh wine...are we gettin' booze on dis ship? Well dere I went and confused myself....what were we talkin' about again?" let it be known that the young Druid had a thought a second, ending up forgetting what the conversation was originally about, "Oh, right! Just in case me asking has made ya uncomfortable, I'm goin' for the fun o' it. That and I heard that the Emerald Sea is a sight to behold, what I wouldn't do to run 'round dose trees!"


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MJ never knew trees had feelings. She knew they were alive, but didn't know they experienced things like jealousy. I'll have to keep that in mind for the future MJ thought. "That's amazing!" MJ exclaimed as Nevas changed his hand into tree bark and then back again. "I can do a few tricks, but nothing like that!" I smiled. "I'm going to Vobrala for a similar reason," she started, "I want see all the amazing places and hopefully meet interesting people on the way." She smiled at Nevas. "I used to travel all the time," MJ stated, "But the past couple of years I stopped. I'm ready for life's next adventure and I've heard so many great things about Vobrala."


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Nodding his head in agreement Nevas looked back to the sea, thinking of what led him to where he is now, "Ya know, traveling gets right borin' after a while. Ya see somethin' once ya see it a thousand times, just in different places and people. I expect that Vobrala will be the same." for how bright the Druids personality was, he has seen the world and it's people as they are, cruel and cold. Only looking out for themselves leaving others to rot and waste away, while they are fating themselves like pigs ready for the slaughter!

During his mental rant the young mage's rage grew, and two antlers grew out of his head. They started at the temples before making they're way out to a little pasted the crown of his head. There they split in to two, inch and a half tips that were only half an inch above his hair. They were a tan color and the tips were slightly rounded so they wouldn't pierce through skin, but still sharp enough to leave a mark, "I can't say that I'll be happy to explore the towns dere. Duh sooner I can get into the wilds the better."


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MJ frowned, "I suppose so," She said with a shrug. "But it can provide an awfully good distraction. I guess travel, for me, it's like when I look at the sunrise. Even though I can see it every day, I'm still memorized by it's beauty and meaning. It was beautiful yesterday, it was beautiful today, and I'm sure it will be just as beautiful tomorrow. Plus, it means I'm here another day. It may be a good day. It may be a bad day. But at least it's a day. I want to make the most of it because not everybody gets to have today. I know, it's kind of silly." MJ looked into the sea to watch two colorful fish as they swam around freely without a care. She smiled and raised her head to look back at Nevas. She noticed two small antlers had appeared on his head. "Oh my goodness Nevas," MJ gasped, "You surprised me with your antlers! They look very becoming. I wish I could grow some myself." MJ said this not realizing what had caused the antlers to appear. "My mess of a hair would probably just hide them though."


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Blinking twice Nevas quickly brought both his hands to his antlers, before silently cursing to himself, "Damn, damn, damn. Alright Nevas, deep breath. Calm down, no need to go full Druid." closing his eyes the nature mage took deep, slow breaths he could feel the antlers slowly start to recede back into his head. it took a few minutes but the antlers were gone and he looked like a normal human once again. Turning to his current companion the Druid gave a sheepish look, "Sorry about dat, dose tend to come out when ma rage starts to rise. It ain't somethin' I like to show others."

The moment his anger reached a high enough level, Nevas starts to grow his antlers and enter his Druid form. It's a power boosting form that increases his connection to nature, most Druids tended to stay in this form but Nevas preferred his more human looking form, "Well it's gettin' late, time seems to fly when ya end up talkin'. We should turn in for a wink. We can talk tomorrow if ya want."


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"I almost didn't realize how late it had gotten," MJ replied. "I suppose we should be heading to bed. I would really enjoy to talk with you more tomorrow. Would you like to meet again here?" MJ smiled at Nevas and then turned her gaze to the stars twinkling in the sky. MJ debated on whether she wanted to bed right away though. Normally, MJ would meditate in the morning, but on the boat there seemed to be more bustle than at the night. It was easier to concentrate when everybody was still in bed and there was less noise. She enjoyed a time of quiet to cleanse her aura and balance her mind.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Turning around, the Druid started to walk towards the main mast of the ship. After living in a forest for so long, Nevas grew to enjoy sleeping up high. So after reaching the post, the young man started his climb up until he reached the top of the sail, where e would lay down and proceed to past out. After a few minutes of climbing, the mage reached his destination and tied himself to the post, this was the highest he's been so it made sense to use a safety net of sort.

Sleep came easy to Nevas as he was drained from interacting with MJ. Now don't, get him wrong he enjoyed his chat with her, it was just the fact he tended to get easily drained from social interaction faster than most. Call him introverted but he would rather not have to deal with people most of the time, that didn't mean he couldn't he just chose not to. Though the lass had an interesting feel about her, that wasn't in question, maybe he could try to sustain a conversation with her longer than this last one. They only had a day left until they reached their destination, so after tomorrow they would reach the port city of Renala, a major trading port in Vobrala.


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MJ decided to do her meditation that night. She sat and quieted her mind and focused on her breathing. Although she typically preferred to do it in the morning, it was quite relaxing. She felt as though she would breathe in the positive energy, and exhale any bad energy. After her meditation, MJ stared up at the night sky for a while before deciding that she should probably go inside the boat to sleep. She believed it could lead to an awkward situation if anybody found her the next morning sleeping on the deck. MJ headed to the sleeping area and pulled out a small vial from the satchel hanging from her side and took a drink. The liquid helped with night terrors, a thing she had since she was a kid. She often woke up screaming or a sense of fear and dread, but couldn't remember why or what she had dreamt about. The medicine in this vial kept that from happening. It was a life saver. Not only does it help her sleep without fear, but it keeps her from waking anybody else up in the process. MJ drifted off to sleep slowly, thinking about all the things she had done that day, and all the things she would do the next day.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Running, chasing, leaping, diving. Need to move, get away, escape. Faster, harder, further, they're coming, got closer, push harder. Didn't mean to, was an accident, never wanted to, happened, have to move, stillness is pain, pain is death. Through river, wet, need to keep moving, tired, so tired, and hungry, no food, no time. Move, closer, closing in, faster, tumble off root, stillness, they're here. No, no, no, no no no no nonononononononononononononononono! Pain, don't want death, want to live, roots rise, stab, bind drag, screams, terrified, blood so warm, head hurts, put pain stopped. Tired, so very tired, roots wrap around, move to tree, put on branch, eyes close, sleep comes, stillness, alive.

Opening his eyes, Nevas awoke with a start. That dream....shaking his head he noticed that the sun was almost up, maybe an hour till, so he untied himself and began to climb back down to the ships deck. Upon reaching the bottom the druid stretched his back, eliciting many satisfying cracks, before moving to the railing to appreciate the view of the sea in the early morning light. Remembering the end of his conversation with Marvina, she did say she seen and enjoyed sunrises, so maybe the lass is going to be up soon.


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Marvina woke up and got out of bed rubbing her groggy eyes. She twirled her hair into a large bun and put a pin in it to keep it somewhat in place. Multiple pieces of hair fell out of the bun, but it kept a majority of it out of her face and off her neck. She made her way towards the deck. On her way there she pulled a slice of pumpernickel bread out of her satchel, unwrapped the parcel covering the bread, and tore a chunk off. MJ rewrapped and returned the bread she wasn't eating back into her satchel. She was nibbling on the slightly sweet rye bread when she noticed Nevas was on the deck already too she walked over to him. "Good morning," Marvina said and joined him in looking at the sunrise and the sea. She breathed in the scent of sea. Marvina wondered if Nevas had eaten yet. Probably not, she thought, it's still pretty early. "Are you hungry," MJ asked, "I have some pumpernickel bread if you want some."


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The Druid gave a smile as he nodded, accepting the bread, "Thank ya lass, ya got a kind soul." he took a bit out of his given food, it wasn't the best thing he's had, but considering the fact he forgot to bring his own food it was better than nothing, "Ya know somethin'? This be only the second time I've had bread." he admitted, before chuckling at her bewildered expression," As I already told ya, I'm a Druid, an' Druids are connected with nature on a deeper level than most. So our diets are usually only meat, with nuts every now an' then." Nevas' face gained a dark look to it when MJ asked about the types of meat, "Any an' all meat lass, any meat at all. It don't matter where it's comin' from, to a Druid meat is meat. We don't even bury our dead."

After a few minutes of tense silence, the young man put a hand on his companions shoulder, "I didn't mean to scare ya lass, it's asked, an' I know I like to joke around, I just want you to know that ya have nothin' to fear from me." his Irish voice was both tired and serious as he apologized, "I once told someone that, but they didn't believe me...until they saw it with deir own eyes, dere's a reason Druids tend to keep to demselves." he patted her shoulder before starting to walk away, "I'll give ya sometime to ya self."


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MJ gave a nod as Nevas began to walk away. At first the thought of eating a person, or what used to be a person, horrified MJ, but the more she thought of it, it wasn't really that awful. The person isn't there anymore. It's just a vessel, and it makes sense not to let it go to waste. It's something I don't think I would do, but I'm not going to judge somebody else for it, she thought. Nevas was about five feet away now. "Wait," MJ said and rushed after him. "I-I'm alright. I don't need time to myself. I mean, unless you wanted to be by yourself for a while." She offered him a weak smile and pushed back a peice of red curl that had fallen from her bun. You always make yourself sound so needy. You really need to learn how to say things more tactfully, She told herself up mentally. MJ didn't did not like being alone very often and, so far, Nevas was the only friend she had made. If we are friends she thought, we've only known eachother a day, and we seem so different, but different isn't necessarily badEven though MJ was raised as an only child, she always was with somebody, whether it be her mom, dad, aunt, or other kids. When you travelled with a caravan of gypsies, you very rarely were alone.


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Nevas gave her a skeptical look, she either is just saying that she was fine or she just had a strong live and let live mentality. Mentally giving a shrug the brunette turned back and went back to the railing, "If ya say so. Most would judge very strongly, but it ain't like we be given much of an option, I mean with the fact we can speak to trees an' what not." he looked to the blue-ish orange water as the sun continued to climb the sky, "Though I wouldn't be eatin' no greens in a forest if I were ya, it gets the plant life angry, an' that's where ya get treants don't ya know." the nature mage stated matter-of-fact-ly.

He gained a thinking pose, his hand stroking his non-existent beard while looking up at the sky, "Ya know, I just thought o' somethin'...treants come to be through anger, but then where do the nymphs come from? I mean, they turn themselves into trees an' other plants, so does that mean dae a person who turns into a tree? Or a tree that turns into a person." ah the inner workings of the young Druid's brain, thinking up the most random and legitimate questions all at the same time.


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MJ listened as Nevas spoke. I hope none of the greens I've eaten were from the forest, she thought. I got them all from vendors who I assumed probably grew them, but I wasn't sure. Is it okay if it's not from a forest? MJ wondered. MJ had heard of Nevas then asked his question about the nymphs. Marvina thought for a moment. "Maybe they are both tree AND person. They just get to choose which part of themself they want to show." MJ paused for a second. She had heard of nymphs, but not of treants. Marvina figured from context that they may be similar to nymphs, but she wasn't positive. After some thought she decided to ask. "What is a treant?"


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Snapping to attention Nevas quickly answered her question, "Duh short of it is that dae are trees come to life, duh long version is that dae are very pissed off trees that can run after ya and crush ya without so much as a blink of an eye." he stated it so nonchalantly that it was difficult to tell whether he was kidding or not, "Saw it happen once, wasn't pretty, morel is don't be trying to fuck with mother nature. She will bend ya over and pound ya till ya can't even remember ya own name." again, the Druid's offhanded way putting these thing was making it hard to tell if he was serious, though MJ decided to trust him at his word. It wasn't like he's lied to her yet, "Oh and one more thing. If ya are partial to living, don't be wanderin' the woods at night without some rosemary. It helps to repel the unwanted spirits that wish to do ya harm. Like them demons, dae can't stand that stuff."


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"I've heard of the rosemary thing before," MJ stated. She remembered her aunt, who was the one who told her about rosemary. Most of her friends and family used phoney tricks that seemed more like a performance, but her aunt was the real deal. Marvina's aunt was the one who taught her how to read tarot cards. Marvina remembered a locket her aunt had given her many years ago that had rosemary inside. She would wear it all the time, but she misplaced it shortly after leaving the gypsies. MJ instinctively reached towards her neck where the necklace would have been despite knowing it was no longer there. Despite no longer having her necklace, she still had a bundle of rosemary with sage mixed in in her bag that she had used once or twice for smudging. She pulled her hand away from her neck and leaned putting her elbows on the side of the boat and her head in her hands. "In fact I have some in my bag."


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"Aye, it seems ya got a good head on ya lass." the wanderer said, nodding sagely, before patting her on the head, "Let's hope that it stays dere." he smiled at his morbid little joke. Looking up, Nevas noticed it was about eight, they where talking for a couple hours now, strange that it didn't seem that way...'Oh well, best not be thinkin' to hard about it.' he thought to himself before turning around to look back at the sea, "Once upon a time dare was a man, a wanderin' soul, lost in duh realm of our kingdom~" he desided to help pass the time with a song.


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Marvina let out a slight chuckle when Nevas patted her head. She stared out at the water as Nevas began to sing. For a while she just listened to the song that had originally drew her towards him yesterday until her curiousity got the better of her. "Where'd you learn that song?" MJ asked Nevas. As a child, MJ's parents taught her many songs. Often the whole caravan would sing songs around the campfire. Each song had a story behind it. Whether it be that the song was passed down through generation, they learned it from a person they met on their travels, heard it while walking through the woods, or they wrote it themself.


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"Ya know? I haven't duh foggiest. One day I didn't know a single song, then the next it was stuck in me head." he admitted, tapping his head, "Not a single Druid I've met knows it or where it came from!" exclaimed the Druid as he waved his hands above his head, "And that's sayin' somethin'. As most Druids I've met like to sing round the fire, singin' at the top of deir lungs." sighing, the Nature mage slumped on the ship's railing, "I must of pissed of someone fierce in a past life or somethin'...or I was horrifin'ly cruel to puppies...for the record, if it's the latter then I definitely deserve ma bad luck...oh shit..." Nevas dropped his head at the remembrance of his terrible luck, "I'm bettin' 20 somethin' bad's gonna happen before we make it to port, I just know it."


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MJ looked at Nevas surprised. Bad luck. When he spoke of it possibly being from a past life it reminded her of something her ex used to do for people called Past Life Regression. It was a part of Reiki, but she never really got a handle on that part of Reiki. It seemed confusing for her. He used to say that by helping people through their past lives it helps them now. For example if you are experiencing karma from a past life now, you are having that to learn a lesson. If through the past life regression it can help you learn the lesson, then you won't have to experience the bad karma anymore. If it was a curse or something like that from a person it probably wouldn't help though, MJ thought, but it could at least uncover the source. "Have you ever tried past life regression? I've heard it works with helping rid yourself of bad karma." Marvina asked. "But I'm sure nothing bad'll happen," MJ said trying to switch gears to be positive and reassuring, "If it does we can get through it together." Marvina offered a smile to Nevas.


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Picking his head up, the emerald eyed Druid looked at Marvina, "Past life regression? Sounds odd, though I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot. Maybe later." before he could say anything else the ship started to violently jerk, as the waves broke hard against the sides of the ship and in the crows nest a shout of, "Maelstrom! Port side!" could be heard. Looking over the railing, the young Druid and gypsy could see said maelstrom.

It was as big as two of their ship and, from the way their ship struggled to escape, it was powerful, "Now what did we learn about doubtin' ma luck?!" the mage shouted over the rushing current, "I knew ma good luck was to good to last!" tapping into his mana reserves, Nevas made the ship grow ores out of it's sides before making them start to stroke away. While it did slow the maelstroms pull, it wasn't going to be enough to free the vessel.