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Esmeralda Farcaley

"Don't mistake me for a kid. I'm a lot fiercer then you would think!"

0 · 971 views · located in Uta Academy ; Japan

a character in “Uta Academy”, as played by Kura Ravengade



Name: Esmeralda Everett Farcaley
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 115lbs
Oddity: She seems to have ADHD, for she's always seen running around and screaming. She has far too much energy for her small body, and puts it to use whenever she is given the chance, which is explained in her history. She also has an extreme fear of cutting her hair and of water. She is perfectly alright when it comes to showers and bathtubs, but with pools, lakes, ponds, rivers, oceans, and the like, cause her to stiffen up, and when threatened to be pushed or thrown into one, she becomes a helluva banshee to deal with.
Sexuality: Straight
Romantic Interest: None at the moment; she doesn't really fawn over guys. "Oh, that guy over there? Yeah, he's cute, I guess, but he's probably a knuckle-butt!"
Nationality: Caucasian; Great Britain
Job: Journalist in Training
Type of Singer: Having always been a fast, upbeat type of person, Esme tends to sway more to Rock and Pop Rock, both in English and Japanese, for sh adores both, and her voice is well-suited for both. At times, she enjoys singing American Country - not the hick type, but the type that's words actually mean something.
Instrument(s): She's played the guitar since she was very little, but struggles at singing and playing at the same time. She also can play the drums, violin, and the piano, but the last two are her best, and she is quite skilled at singing and playing the piano at the same time.


Personality: Having been unable to live the life that she wanted to growing up, she instead began to live it out in her teenage years, once she was released from the hospital. She is a complete spit-fire, full of energy at nearly all times, and extremely immature. She enjoys rough-housing and can easily take down quite a few opponents who underestimated her due to her height. However, she still had very sensitive bones and muscles, and if she were to do anything drastic, could shatter a bone very easily. Although she hates her disadvantages, she doesn't allow them to keep her from doing what she wants, and is often yelled at by the school nurse, her brother, or her parents for overdoing it.

Despite all of this, Esme is an adorable young lady who looks like she's twelve, but is four years older, in actuality. She adores cute things, and if someone were to see her room, it would be exactly as they would have pictured it; littered with stuffed animals, and would look as though a unicorn threw up on it. Her pink hair often makes people stare at her, but as long as they don't say anything about it, she's fine with them staring. Hair teasing was her and her brother's thing, and no one else's, which is precisely why she is so afraid of cutting her hair, which is what gives it it's long length,

Despite all of this, also, she is extremely loyal and a great friend. She listens to other's problems and never whines about her own, and has a happy outlook on life. She can be serious when it is absolutely needed, and often says some very deep quotes that one would think a famous person had once said, but in actuality, she made up on the spot. Although she may seem to be ditsy, she's extremely bright, and has an IQ of 158.

Likes: ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ Fears:
~ Sugar ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Spiders
~ Cake ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Heights
~ Candy ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Water
~ Jokes ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Planes
~ Cats ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Cars
~ Music ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ The Dark
~ English Class ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Her hair being cut
~ Art ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Hatred
~ Love ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Being Ostracized
~ Sports ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Dogs

Talents: ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ Dislikes:
~ Writing ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ The Dark
~ Sports ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Water
~ Multilingual ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Cars
~ She is extremely good with children and animals ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Planes
~ Making people laugh ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Heights
~ Singing ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Sour Tastes
~ Playing violin and guitar ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Hatred
~ English Class ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Bullies
~ Puzzles ~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~ ~ Losing

~ She is often found to be unable to be serious about really anything, and it upsets people quite often
~ She is terrible at mathematics and sciences
~ She can be quite immature at times
~ Writing (Creative and Journalism)
~ Singing
~ Guitar and Violin
~ Fashion
~ Softball, Cheerleading, Soccer, Volleyball


Bio: If one were to look at Esme, they would never believe that she had a past such as hers. Yes, she came from a good home. Two loving parents, a protective older brother who doted upon her, and loving relatives, such as grandparents, aunts, and uncles. However, if one were to dig deeper beneath thee surface of her past, they would reveal the ugly truth of the ordeals she had gone through.

It was nothing to do with abuse of any kind. In fact, her entire family positively adored the radiant, pink-fluff of a child that was the youngest in the family. She was, in short terms, spoiled.

She never took this to her advantage, however, and only asked for the things that she absolutely needed.

At the age of four, however, she was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Although rare in females, it occurs in one out of every 3,600 males, and only occurs in children. It can last throughout teenage years and into adulthood, however, and often results in death. A child's muscles gradually become weaker, and it first spreads throughout the legs and pelvis, to the arms and other important limbs. It causes frequent falls and inability to balance correctly, often causing the child to fall and hurt themselves, or to walk awkwardly.

Although Esme's case was serious, and she was eventually hospitalized by the age of eight, her family never once stopped fawning over her. Her brother even managed to sneak into her hospital room to bring her a ball of snow, for she loved the snow as a child.

Esmeralda came close to dying four times from the time she was diagnosed, until she reached the age of thirteen. As soon as she reached that age, though, she suddenly began to improve in her condition. It was a miracle, the doctors had said, for they believed she would not live to see her fifteenth birthday.

At the age of fourteen, she was finally and truly released from the hospital.

As soon as she was out of the hospital and able to be a growing child again, she took on a child-like manner. Having been hospitalized at such a young age, the world was a new and wondrous place to her, and she couldn't seem to get enough of it. Yes, she missed the other children at the hospital, and the kind nurses, but she did not miss the actual hospital itself. She took up learning several sports in addition to her musical abilities, for she hadn't had much else over the five years that she was hospitalized. While in the hospital, she often entertained the younger children by singing or playing music for them.

When she managed to be accepted to Uta Academy in Japan, she jumped at the chance.

Her parents were both rich business people, and had taught her from a very young age of other countries and their history, culture, and language. Japan was one of the main countries that they ran business with, and on the rare occurrence that Esme was allowed to leave the hospital, Japan was one of the only countries they visited.

She fell in love with the cherry blossom trees the first time that she saw them, when she was six years old.

Her brother would always push her in her wheelchair throughout the town they would be staying in, just so she could see the beautiful cherry blossoms.

"Big brother, look-it! They're like my hair!"

A chuckle was her reply. "Yes, they are, Ezzy. They're just like your hair. All pink and cotton-candy-like," he would grin in response.

It was a game that they would play; both of them teasing the other about their hair colors. His blue, hers pink.

Ever since being released from the hospital and accepted into the Academy, she had become a young woman that embraced her inner child, just a bit too much.

Other: Esme is forced to take medication on a daily basis in order to ensure that she remains healthy, and must visit the school nurse every other day for a routine check-up, and once a week to receive a shot of steroids into each core muscle in her body. It keeps her healthy and surprisingly strong, but it's quite bothersome for her.

Also, when people aren't around, she is refined to a wheelchair, which she absolutely despises.

Esme is multilingual, for she speaks Japanese, Chinese, English, Gaelic, Russian, Italian, French, German, and Spanish, due to her having had so much time alone in the hospital, and her parents business travels.

ImageCharacter Thoughts On Others: N/A
Sample of Voice/Instrument:
Audition Song ~ Crow

There's a wall of shutters behind me.
My fingertips smell like steel.
Move ahead! Strum those strings! It's crowded, at any rate.
Find a way from here.
You'll find what you're looking for.
Let's rock out and play on.
Gaze into the distance
Inside this city where you can't even take a breather.

The starry sky is the best stage of them all. Image
The crows cry out, "Caw, caw," above me.
I'm always thinking of them. I wonder when they'll go to sleep.
Find a way - I will too,
In a song for me to sing out.
Rock out and let it echo.
With the crows, I'll sing out.

How long will I exist in this place?
I feel like there were people who once said that.
If you're only going to say annoying things,
Let the jet black wings carry you away and just disappear.

With all my power, I'm about to collapse.
My fingers are worn out and in pain,
But, still, I'll perform. Tonight will be a big story.
Find a way from here.
You'll find what you're looking for.
Let's rock out and play on.
I'll take my luck and sing it out.

No matter how long, I'll exist here
Within all the people who pass through.
On this stage enclosed in the darkness,
I sing my poem of hope right now.
Even you must also be tired.
I want to send this to that back of yours -
From within the pitch darkness,
The song of light that gleams with hope...
Yes, that song...

Her most recent song ~ Alchemy

I want to live forever and if I could live forever everything would come true
But everything I have keeps driving me
ImageDuring the time I have left to live where can I find my dreams?
Even though everything is precious to me
It’s no problem; I’ll just have a little snack right here
I took pride when I quit thinking like that

Looking back on the path I walked I’ve had enough of only having the things I hate
The things I have experienced brighten the path that I wanted to live

I want to live as much as I can; The days of only hurrying all vanish
But I try to skip even though I’m not completely exhausted; I had such contradictory thoughts
I guess I didn’t know that I got hit somewhere on the head
It’s okay; I’ll go to a nearby hospital for a bit
Could you give me medicine to keep me up forever?

Even if I just stand up I’m already turning into a fossil
Like being forgotten by everyone I’ll become a dusty existence

It’s no problem; I’ll show you a bit of my will-power
I slap my own face as proof of my existence

Not looking back on the path I walked even if it’s only the things I hate I’ll move forward
The things I have experienced brighten the existence that I’ll show you that I’ll become.

A Lullaby
Requiem day that
on which will arise from the burning coals
man accused to be judged.
therefore, O God, do Thou spare him,
faithful Lord Jesus,
grant them rest. Amen.



♥ = romantic || ☺= friends || ☠ = enemies || ◑ = neutral
Hyperactive, Crazy, Loyal
"Do you really want to call me short? Really?"

Sora Minami - "Who, the really lazy guy that eats a lot? He's a real weirdo! I guess he's nice though ... But he's still a big weirdo!"

Fate Sarutobi - "He's really scary-looking! He looks like a big, creepy guy that's a big bully! I don't know him, but I don't want to! He's scary!"

Chihaya Ogiwara - "... He looks like a girl ... Enough said ... But I like him anyway!"

Dameon Louis - "He's a grumpy old fart who needs to have some fun and be nice for once. If that pole was any further up his butt, I'd be able to pull it out of his mouth! But ... He's the closest person that I can relate to at this school. At least his somewhat British. I could use the friend ... Not that I'd be friends with a meanie, though!"

Tristan Aeol - "... He makes me so sad. He's like a big teddy bear that just needs letting out. The poor dummy doesn't realize what he's doing to himself by being so sad all the time. I tried giving him a sucker once, but he just threw it away. How mean! I wish he'd smile, just one though ..."

Nick O'Shields - "Yeah, he's okay, I guess. But he's too quiet! I just wanna give him a big noogie and make him talk!"

Jun Katanami - "Eh, we have a love-hate relationship going on ... He's, like, bipolar to me, I swear! One minute he's all sweet and nice, and the next, he's crazy intense on something! He's a weirdo. But he's really cute ... What!? No, I didn't say that!"

Jack Caraway#08088A - "The creepy pervert? Ugh! That guy tried to push me into a pool! What a jerk! I'll never forgive him! I don't care that he was joking. He's a big jerk!" ☠

Robin Dumas- "I don't know him very well. He's a quiet one, and he needs to talk more! I can tell he's trying hard here, though, and I gotta give him props for that."


Wotamin Yori - [Color=Color of choice!]"Your characters thoughts on this one."[/color]

Saki Ai Yuuki - [Color=Color of choice!]"Your characters thoughts on this one."[/color]

Jayson Preston - [Color=Color of choice!]"Your characters thoughts on this one."[/color]

Anaïs Chevrier - [Color=Color of choice!]"Your characters thoughts on this one."[/color]

Haruka Okada - [Color=Color of choice!]"Your characters thoughts on this one."[/color]

Esmeralda Farcaley - [Color=Color of choice!]"Your characters thoughts on this one."[/color]

So begins...

Esmeralda Farcaley's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fate Sarutobi Character Portrait: Esmeralda Farcaley Character Portrait: Dameon Louis
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Fate didn't have to wait very long for the two foreigners. The blonde one was first and as he walked up, he asked for Fate's name. Shortly after the pink one did the exact same thing, only giving her name and the blonde ones in the process. "My name is Fate Sarutobi, seventeen, Japanese." he said, answering all of Esmeralda questions. "Your names are Esmeralda and Dameon right?" He didn't even butcher their names too badly.

Just then two Japanese guys walked up to Fate. "My friend here heard you say there was something underneath that stupid hair of yours. We want to know." Judging from the looks of these guys, they had thrown some punches before. His protective nature coming out, Fate moved ever so slightly so that he was between these two guys and his new friends. If any punches were thrown, he'd be the one to take them. "Its none of your business." Fate did his best to keep the shyness out of his voice, he actually sounded pretty confident. The other guy was obviously impatient and short tempered, because he punched upward into Fate's stomach, successfully knocking the wind out of him. Knowing that his new friends would have gotten hit if he had moved, Fate took the punch, he was used to the abuse anyway. The two ran away before they were caught by a teacher, and none of the other students cared about the creepy kid so they weren't going to say anything. Fate was doubled over, but impressively still on his feet, as he tried to get his breath back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fate Sarutobi Character Portrait: Esmeralda Farcaley Character Portrait: Robin Dumas Character Portrait: Hana Ovani Character Portrait: Ren Allegretto
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"Stupid ... Stupid ... Stupid ... Alarm!" Hana scowled as she shoved through the crowd of people that stood at the front gates of the Academy.

She had, of course, woken up late, and was late for Registration, due to her alarm clock not going off. Again. The only reason she had woken up at all was because her kitten, Cherry, had jumped onto her bed and started begging for attention. Miraculously, she had gotten ready in five minutes. True, her hair was windblown and her makeup was obviously put on with haste, but who was she to care? It wasn't as if she was trying to impress anyone with her appearance.

She suddenly lost her balance as her foot caught on someone's ankle, and with a squeal, she went sprawling to the ground. She groaned a little after she hit it, slowly pushed herself up to her hands and knees, and shook her head.

"Damn, that hurt," she muttered, reaching over to grab her bag as she did so. She managed to stand, her knees scraped but otherwise okay, and she began a slight-limp towards the registration line.

A fluff of blond hair on a tall young man stood out like a beacon to her in a sea of unfamiliar faces.

"Ren!" she cried, launching herself in his direction. She threw her arms around his neck from behind, jumping up and onto his back and her legs wrapping around his waist.

"You're coming here, too? How come you never told me? Is Sora here, too?" she asked quickly, obviously excited that she would be around at least one of her two best friends. "I missed you this Summer. Where did you and Sora go this year?" she asked, propping her chin on his shoulder so she could peer at his face.



One moment, the boy, Fate as she now knew, was introducing himself and answering her questions, and the next, he was moving in between her, Dameon, and two boys she didn't recognize. Obviously new students who were there for their first day and Registration. Their words were confusing, to say the least, and she frowned at them.

And then Fate was doubled over in pain, clutching his stomach and seemingly unable to even speak due to the pain.

Oh, I know they did not just do that to my new friend.

With a stormy look on her face, she took off after them, surprisingly fast for a girl with such short legs. It wasn't long before she caught up to them, and when she did, they learned quite quickly what happened to people who messed with her friends.

She grabbed on boy's hand, and with a hard yank, flipped him over her head and onto the ground. He hit it hard, dust rising from the impact, and she flipped him around and onto his stomach. She proceeded to hogtie his wrists together and jump up afterwards. She then tackled the other boy to the ground and did the same thing to him, leaving both boys tied and on the ground.

When she reached her friends again, she was calm and pleased with herself.

"Are you alright, Fate?" she asked, leaning over so she could see his face. "C'mon, mate, let's get you to the nurse. You'll be sporting a bloody nasty bruise there tomorrow," she said, offering him a small smile as she slipped her arm through his. She looked up at the other boy - Robin, she thought his name was - and smiled. "Thank you for helping him."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fate Sarutobi Character Portrait: Esmeralda Farcaley Character Portrait: Robin Dumas
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Something like this had never happened before. Not the being punched in the stomach, that was something he was used to. But people were actually concerned about him. Both the orange haired foreigner and Esmeralda asked if he was okay. "I'm fine, just got the wind knocked out of me." he said once he had gotten his breath back. He straightened before they could worry anymore. Esmeralda said something about the nurse and Fate's brain automatically thought hospital. Fate's least favorite place on the planet. "There's no need, I'm used to the abuse." The words slipped out before Fate knew what he was saying. If they were smart, they would put two and two together and figure out what was hidden underneath his hair. He was so self-conscious about the scars, if anyone were to find out... He'd just die. Quickly to try and make things a little less suspicious he added, "Besides he didn't hit very hard, just got the right spot." Of course, it was a lie, but they didn't have to know that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fate Sarutobi Character Portrait: Esmeralda Farcaley Character Portrait: Kureiji Dekumaya
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Kureiji Dekumaya
Kureiji bolted, her fingers itching to steal something. Not looking where she was going, she stumbled and hit a black-haired stranger. She recalled his name being Fate. This caused both her and him to fall to the ground. The short girl panicked. Oh no...No no no.. She thought. Kure sincerely hoped that the contents of her hoodie pocket hadn't spilled on to the floor. She dug her hands into her pocket. No such luck. "Shit.." She mumbled, slapping her palm onto her pale forehead. The short pipe she used for smoking crack and the lighter she had were now a couple feet away at the foot of a short girl. Esmeralda, she thought was her name.

"Oh, erm.. Sorry. You ok?" She quickly asked, scrambling to her feet and turning to face Fate. Oh, how she hoped they didn't see her things... Kure chuckled, still feeling hyper and anxious from recently smoking not a couple minutes ago. Even her pupils were still dialated. She made sure her hair still covered the empty hole where her left eyeball once resided also. She dared not try and fetch her things, for then they would see and discover her dirty little secret... Kureiji started twitching nervously, thoughts about how they would react flooded her mind. She remember these two from somewhere before... Kure then snapped out of her thoughts and made an attempt to help Fate, shuffling her feet nervously.Well... I'm doomed..

(Well, there you go! Sowwy it's a bit on the short side. I hope it's at least decent.. I'm not that good of a writer. >< Hope you like it.. o~o)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fate Sarutobi Character Portrait: Esmeralda Farcaley Character Portrait: Sora Minami Character Portrait: Haruka Okada Character Portrait: Ren Allegretto
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She feigned being wounded, and leaned away a bit on his back, clasping the center of her chest. "That hurts; that truly hurts," she said, imposing the wounded feelings into her voice. She couldn't help it, however, and bloomed into a smile. "You know, he's not entirely emotionless, Renny," she told him, incorporating her childish nickname for him. "If you were less outlandish and ... Well ... You ... He may be more open around your," she said logically, her nose in the air.

After a moment, Hana turned her face and looked at him with amusement in her gaze. "Sometimes I doubt that you even have a brain in that blonde head of yours. Why would I be here if I wasn't attending the school?" she teased. After giving him a brief and harmless knuckle sandwich, she dropped down from his back and stood at his side, pouting. "I'm not short, you're just freakishly tall! How mean!" she scoffed, turning away with crossed arms. She did, however, turn back at the mention of France. Her gray-blue eyes widened into large orbs. "You went to France? You have to tell me everything!" She took his hands in hers and looked at him with questioning eyes. "What it was like, what the people were like, the food, everything!"

When he called for Sora and there was the answering voice of her other beloved friend, she whipped around and faced him. "Sora!" she cried, tears in her eyes. She dimly noted the small smile on his face before she threw herself into his arms. She loved both him and Ren dearly, and shared certain things with Ren, of course, but Sora was closer in age to her. They had been in most of the same classes from preschool and all the way through high school. She loved them both equally, but Sora, she could relate to him due to their age. She could relate to Ren due to their similar personalities, but Sora was the one she had missed the most. The black-haired, seemingly-emotionless boy was closer to her.

"I am in school," she almost seemed to whimper. Her arms threw around his neck and she clung to him in the hug, sniffing a little. "I missed you and Renny so much. You both have to promise never to leave me alone again, okay?" she insisted, grabbing Ren's arm and yanking him into the hug. "Now that Mama and Papa are gone, you're all I have left," she said, her lower lip trembling. After several moments, she drew back and wiped at her eyes, pressing her lips firmly together. She managed a smile through the tears. "Oh, I'm blubbering again, aren't I? You both always said that I was a crybaby," she joked, sniffing a bit at the end of it. "I'm sorry, I just can't help but cry. I missed you both immensely," she said, her heart wrenching a little.

She smoothed a blonde curl out of her face, which had been sticking to the tears coating her cheeks.

"Mama and Papa were in a car accident a month ago. Baby Joshua was in it with them, but somehow he survived. I'm his legal guardian, due to my being his older sister, but with school, I can't afford to take care of a sixteen-month-old baby. I had Aunt Haruhi take him in, and I take him on the weekends and over school breaks," she explained to them, for they were both undoubtedly confused. Her parents had been like a second set to them, and Joshua had been like an extra brother.

She looked down, her hands together. "Just promise that you won't leave me again, okay?" she asked, her voice quiet and vulnerable. She looked up at them through her bangs, that vulnerability shadowed in her eyes. If one were to look closely at her, they would be able to see the dark circles hidden beneath makeup, and the paleness of exhaustion. She had lost weight lately, also, the strain of juggling work and Joshua over summer break having gotten the better of her, and the fact that she could barely make enough to scrape by, with her having to pay to take care of a baby, definitely didn't help her.

She pressed her lips together and then pursed them, before she gave them a bright yet slightly-forced smile. "Come on you two; we should probably go ahead and register, right?" she asked, moving over to link arms with them and turn them in the direction of the Registration Desk. Standing in between the two of them, she looked like a midget, to say the least.



Esme hesitated for a moment, before she relented and released him. She could tell by the look on his face that it was the word 'nurse' that bothered him, and having such a long and tiring history when it came to hospitals, nurses, doctors, and the like, she understood. She didn't know his own history with the medical field, but still, she understood.

It was then that Fate was barreled over by a small girl. Something landed at Esmeralda's feet, but she focused on ensuring the safety of both Fate and the girl before bending to retrieve the contents. She studied them for a moment, and then made her way over to the girl.

"These are really, really, really bad for you, you know. But their yours, so here," she said, holding them out to her with both her hands, almost like a child offering an adult a flower. "You should stop, since, y'know, they're really bad for you. But if you don't, that's okay, 'cause it's your choice, mate. But if you do, that'd be great, 'cause, y'know, you'd be healthier and stuff," she said, rattling on and on in that annoying way of hers, without her even realizing how annoying she could be.

She turned to Fate and held her hand out to him. "You wanna go and get something to eat, Fate? I fancy sweets, but it's a'out lunch-time now. Care to get some food?" she asked, tilting her head and offering her hand more obviously to him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fate Sarutobi Character Portrait: Esmeralda Farcaley Character Portrait: Robin Dumas Character Portrait: Kureiji Dekumaya
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As the pink-haired firecracker came back, Robin quietly moved out of the way as she grabbed the hurt boy's arm. Almost unwillingly his eyes trailed over to the two students that had started this incident, mildly disturbed by the thrashing that the girl had given them, not just because he couldn't help but think hog-tying them was certainly overkill, but the fact that such a small girl had managed to do so without breaking a sweat. The students of Uta Academy, he realized at that moment, were going to be far from normal. Well, even more so than the typical oddities that musicians striving for fame tended to have.

"Thank you for helping him."

Robin shook his head, a mild smile on his face as he disregarded the thank-you. He hadn't really done much of anything, just what anyone really should do in such a situation. In fact, he considered it bizarre that no one else had raced over to check on him- apparently good manners weren't a requirement when attending Uta Academy. How unfortunate.

"Oh, no, you don't have to thank me. I'm happy to help," He explained, words clipped as he considered them. Well, at least he'd get practice in Japanese if he was immersed in the language. It would be nice, however, if there were other French students. He'd only been here a day and he already missed his native language.

When the boy who had been attacked finally spoke, straightening himself almost immediately as if averse to being fussed over. Which was quite normal in of itself until he added that he was used to being hurt. Used to it. Robin's smile flickered for a moment, lips quirking downwards at that disturbing piece of information.

"Well," He said carefully rather than pick at the poor boy or force the story behind the statement out of him, "I am glad that you are all right."

Then, as was obviously becoming the habit of some of the more interesting students, another girl showed up and promptly knocked both herself and the previously injured boy to the ground. Robin could only blink, barely registering a small object go skittering across the floor. He smelled something unpleasant and wrinkled his nose unconsciously before schooling his expression. It wasn't until he saw how jittery the newest girl was and the dilated pupil in her one exposed eye that he could put two and two together.

He wasn't the only one who had noticed apparently as the pink-haired girl started rambling again, words being spoken so fast that he wasn't quite able to keep up at first. That is, until she promptly switched topics to ask the boy- apparently Fate- if he wanted to eat. Well, this was a little bit awkward. Robin's stomach rumbled quietly, the sound muted by the numerous people still in line or milling about the room.

"Ah, do you mind if I join you both?" He asked, more out of necessity than a real desire to make friends with any of them. He was absolutely terrible with navigating the admittedly awful school maps handed out to students. Maybe if he was lucky he'd find the cafeteria in an hour or so, but he wasn't willing to take that chance.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fate Sarutobi Character Portrait: Esmeralda Farcaley Character Portrait: Robin Dumas Character Portrait: Kureiji Dekumaya
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Kureiji Dekumaya
Kureiji turned to Esme and chuckled nervously. She reached out and took her things quickly, shoving them back in her pocket as she listened to what Esme was saying. Suddenly, as if somebody had flipped a switch Kure became furious without even realizing. "You don't tell me what to do!" She yelled. "I don't care how healthy I'd be and I don't care how bad these are for me!!" Kure continued shouting.
Fury burned in her navy eyes and she didn't even know it. Then, as if a switch was flipped again, Kureiji was no longer angry. She put a finger up to her lips and whispered, "You tell nobody.." She stared them each in the eye as she said it, creepiness etched into her voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fate Sarutobi Character Portrait: Esmeralda Farcaley Character Portrait: Robin Dumas Character Portrait: Kureiji Dekumaya
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Luckily Esmeralda and the orange haired stranger seemed to understand and didn't further question Fate. Just as Fate opened his mouth to reasure them, someone crashed into him. Not excepting it, and still a little stunned from the punch, Fate got knocked to the ground. He looked up to see the eye of someone who had recently been doing drugs. It was an eye that reminded Fate so much of his mother that for a moment, he thought the person actually was her. But taking a moment to actually look at the person, they didn't look anything alike.

Esmeralda handed the girl back something. And then in a dark voice the girl said, "You tell nobody..". Again the tone reminded Fate of his mother, making him dislike this person. More so, it frightened him. "We'll see about that." he said, darkening his tone to match hers. He locked his crimson eyes with her blue one for a moment. Esmeralda asked him if he wanted to go eat with her and the orange haired boy asked to join too. "Sure, food sounds great right now." Fate adjusted the duffle bag on his shoulder. "Though might I suggest we find our dorm rooms first? So we can put our luggage down."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fate Sarutobi Character Portrait: Esmeralda Farcaley Character Portrait: Robin Dumas Character Portrait: Kureiji Dekumaya
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Kureiji Dekumaya
"We'll see about that." Kureiji heard him say. Then, as if none of that ever happened, she tilted her head to the side and said, "Kay!" Smiling. "Oh," She muttered, spinning on her heel to face him again, "Sorry about knocking ya down and stuffs!" She exclaimed, poking his nose. Afterwards, she cheerfully skipped away singing,
You told me think about it, well, I did,
Now I don't wanna feel a thing anymore..
I'm tired of begging for the things that I want,
I'm over sleeping like a dog on the floor!

Suddenly, she ran back over to them. "Oh! Do ya think I could join you guys for food? I'm kinda hungwy.." Kure asked, jumping up and down, a childish look on her face.

(If you would like to know the name of the song those lyrics are from ~ Pierce The Veil Feat. Kellin Quinn - King For A Day)