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Evangeline Babineaux

"Wishing on stars is for children, but it is a lovely idea."

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a character in “Vacation of a Lifetime”, as played by Vix


Evangeline Babineaux
Souhait sur une étoile ne mène nulle part. Le travail dur vous emmène partout.


What is your name?
“My name is Evangeline Babineaux. My mother thought middle names to be pointless.”

What do people call you, though?
“I have... A lot of nicknames. Evan, Cajun, EB, and Bunny are the ones I usually answer to. Only special people get to call me Angel.”

How old are you?
“I'm eighteen. I'll be nineteen in a few months.”

When were you born?
“I was born in Monroe, Louisiana. But I grew up mostly in Jeanerette, Louisiana. I've been living in New York City for the past almost three years though.”

Are you a male or female?
“I am indeed of the female sex and gender.”


Why do you want to go on the trip?
“I want to see the world. Learn new recipes, film new documentaries, be inspired, and meet new people and learn about new cultures. What other reason is there?”

What are your opinions on traveling?
“I love traveling. It's better to learn about other places and people straight from the source instead of books and movies.”

Do you have any illnesses that could affect you while traveling?
“I have sleep apnea, type two diabetes, and insomnia. And some OCD. But I think I'll be just fine.”

What is the 'best' place you have traveled to so far?
“Colorado. The entire state is just beautiful. I went there with one of my clients and stayed for two months to do a documentary on his family.”

Little Things

What do you like?
“That's a loaded question, hahaha. I love animals, fine arts, indie films, photography, art - especially body art, performing arts, documentaries, animated films, traveling, blogging and vlogging, cooking, dancing, new recipes, gumbo, sushi, dubstep, art history, magic shows, buskers, sundresses and bare feet, the beach, stuffed animals, cameras, getting new cameras and equipment, bollywood, broadway, music, sappy romance, dark themes, old literature, thrift shops, vintage films, comedy, organic food, soccer, wine, new experiences, self expression, nature, anime, manga, video games, and adrenaline rushes.”

What do you dislike?
“I hate processed food, scripted "reality" television, being sick, cracked lenses, being rushed, overly bossy people, when things aren't in a certain order, wearing the same thing more than once a week, not being able to bathe at least four times a week, people with poor personal hygiene, people who don't understand what I'm talking about, having to repeat myself, people who speak as though they were raised in the so-called hood, people who constantly finish their sentences with "Y'na mean?", ebonomics in general, racism, the “because I'm black” excuse, reverse racism. I could go on all day, but I think I should stop there.”

Do you have any hobbies?
“Of course I do. They're not just hobbies. They're my life. I do a lot of things. Or, at least I try. Dancing, singing, writing (poetry, lyrics, and script), filming, photographing, composing, playing instruments, blogging, vlogging, cooking, organizing things, drawing, tattooing, modeling, acting. I can't ever just...sit still. The world isn't going to slow down for me.”

Do you have any phobias or fears?
“I do. I'm afraid of freestyle rock climbing because I could fall and die. I'm also afraid of swimming with the dolphins and being drowned or raped by one. I also have a fear of small spiders and poisonous bugs and snakes. They could kill me before I realized they were there. I'm also afraid of falling out of boats in the middle of nowhere and being left.”

About You

What are you like as a person?
“I am a good hearted person who treats others as they wish to be treated. I'm non-violent and believe that words solve problems better than fists. I guess some people would call me a pushover. I'm not the type to spread rumors and secrets, but I'm not afraid to stand up for myself with passive-aggressive remarks face-to-face. Anything other than that is just childish and completely without class. And I am a classy lady. I can be a bit difficult to befriend. At least with most people my age. I don't have any really crippling social issues. But I've been told that I don't know the meaning of personal space or sarcasm. Some people think that I'm overly friendly to the point of being creepy, but I'd like to think that I'm just being a good person. Old fashioned kindness is the way to go. I don't exactly have a lot of friends. Or face-to-face friends. I tend to be the person that people call when there's nobody else to talk to or if they need something done because... Well, I've been told that I work too much. I have dreams and they aren't going to come true if I'm just sitting around wishing on stars in between parties. Most of the friends I have now are previous clients of mine and we usually only interact through social media and texting. I'm always busy with something, always trying to perfect something because I want people to know my name and my face and I want them to say "Wow. That woman is talented." I want to be number one. And I refuse to make it there through fellatio. I have some rather OCD habits... Mostly personal hygiene habits. Showering four times a week, flossing between each tooth fifty-six strokes, two hundred brush strokes for each side of my hair every night before I go to bed and every morning when I wake up, never having my nails longer than an inch and a half, always brushing my teeth for five minutes. But it's not weird or anything. I'm also very color coordinated. As an artist, I've been told that I should be more abstract with my colors and not be afraid to let loose. But I find color clashing to be ugly and I never wear pants with any sort of strange, unsymmetrical print, nor do I ever wear stripes. All of my things are alphabetized by item and them color sorted. And when I knock on doors or call someone's name, I always have to do it four times. I have this thing for even numbers. Whenever I have things in odd numbers, it bothers me. I don't eat processed food of any kind so I usually don't eat what most people cook and often bring my own food with me. I'm also not as religious as most people believe, though I was raised in Louisiana. I guess you can say that I'm more spiritual than I am religious. I have a deep respect for nature and the natural order, so I'm not really the type of person to cry at a funeral. Death happens. Most people observe this as me being emotionally detached, but I'm not. I think I'm fine as far as emotions go. I just tend to keep mine to myself because they just muddle things up when other people want to meddle in your emotional affairs. I'm not always the best at being comforting either. I don't really have a lot of friends so I'm usually always very unbiased in conversations and I'd rather be honest that lie to someone to save their feelings. I don't like liars.”


Give me a brief history of yourself.
“How about a life story instead? From the first day of preschool to the last day of high school everyone will ask you every other day what you want to be when you grow up. Most people will be in a constant state of flux, always changing their answer. Not me. I knew what I wanted from day one; I was going to be an artist. Everyone in my family was. I hailed from Monroe, Louisiana and came from a rather wealthy family that made their fortune through the use of their innate artistic abilities. I lived with my mother and grandmother, as my father was hardly part of the picture. I didn‘t have a lot of friends outside of my family; I was homeschooled by my grandmother so that I had more time in the day to hone my skills, often dancing until my feet blistered. I had all sorts of recitals and showcases, but all of the other artists were supposed to he viewed as competition. My only friends outside of the Babineaux family were people that my mother used to get my work into the public eye. After my grandmother died my mother took over the homeschooling. My mother was a harsh taskmaster and disregarded my wish to pursue my artistic vision more through other means besides painting and dancing. I was nine years old when my uncle bought my a brand new camera after my mother had thrown out all of my other ones. When my mother found out that I had been hiding the camera she tried to take it away from me but I wasn't giving it up. As we were wrestling with it at the top of the stairs I began to lose my grip on the camera before it finally escaped my grasp. My mother fell backwards with the camera and took a tumble down two flights of stairs, breaking her neck in the process. After my mother's death, nobody on my mother's side of the family wanted to take my in and I had to choose between the father I hardly knew or foster care. Despite my father and half-brother being semi-illiterate backwoods Cajuns, I had to admit that I had fun while I was out there. And it was better than going to strangers. There was a lot of wildlife to photograph and a lot of nature to experience. Plus nobody really got in my way and I wasn't woken up at the crack of dawn to dance until my ankles were sore and paint until my fingers bled. It certainly was a change of scenery, leaving behind the city of Monroe and the beautiful Babineaux estate to embrace a small cabin out around the back roads of Jeanerette. Everything was just fine at first – I attended public schools and got amazing marks in my class. My school didn't have any art programs so I was forced to do a lot of self-studying, devoid of my previous resources. Most of it was restricted to whatever books and libraries there were in town and the slow DSL at home. Major - my half-brother - was a bit of a jerk to me. He was a typical jock type; total man-about-town, sports star, and heavy party boy. We fought a lot - mostly when he was drunk or high on something - but it was never anything serious. I was 14 when my father's fiancée died of a heart attack after eating too much. My father seemed to spiral from there, beginning to binge drink like there was no tomorrow. I began to help him by picking up the slack around the house, cooking and cleaning for myself, my father, and my brother. And then things began to get uncomfortable. I came home from swimming with late at night a while ago and found my father sitting in the recliner surrounded by bottles of liquor. I grabbed a blanket to cover him up but he grabbed my by the wrist and set my in his lap. “You're so beautiful, you know that. Right, Angel? My Angel. Just like your mother. Portia was so beautiful. You look just like my. I loved my, y'know. I love you too.” He stroked my hair and held my tight. I didn't mind at first; my father was a very affectionate type and this was something I had gotten used to. I told him that I was tired and going to bed and that he should rest too, but he asked me to sit with him for a while longer. After all he had set up and waited for my to come home so he could spend time with me. I seemed to catch an attitude; I was cold and soaking wet and tired and he smelled like he had gone swimming in an ocean of Jack and Morgan before taking a shower in Jim. He got angry when I gave a huffy sigh and tried to leave, bringing the back of his hand hard across my face. The next two years were hell on my I struggled to finish school and get legally emancipated. I went home every day to my brother and father going to be physically, emotionally, and sexually abused. When I couldn't get emancipated, I ran away. I hitchhiked and got the hell out of Dodge, as they say. This meant that I had to drop out of school, but I didn't mind that. I found my way to New York where I was pretty much homeless for a year. When I finally got my own place, that's where my hygiene...quirks began. I made money previously by busking and doing odd jobs. Moonlighting. Sometimes I was an exotic dancer and other times I was a tattoo artist. Sometimes I'd just dance and sing in the middle of the street for money. I did a lot of photography and modeling and some acting. When I say acting, I don't mean anything that you'll ever see in theaters. Everything I did was for small businesses and indie photographers and stuff. But I'm working my way up.

Tell me about your family.
“My dad's a deadbeat pedophile and so is my older brother. My mother is dead and she was a bitch. Most of the people on my mom's side of the family are sanctimonious asses and everyone on my father's side... They're illiterate idiots. I haven't spoken to any of them in ages and I don't plan to any time soon.”

“Cajun French is my first language. I can also speak international French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and Hindi. Also, I have Left arm, chest, right arm, & left foot tattoos. They're awesome.”

Theme Song
Life Is a Highway ♠️ Rascal Flats
Life's like a road that you travel on
There's one day here and the next day gone
Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand
Sometimes you turn your back to the wind

There's a world outside every darkened door
Where blues won't haunt you anymore where the brave are free and lovers soar
Come ride with me to the distant shore

We won't hesitate
To break down the garden gate
There's not much time left today, yeah

Life is a highway, I wanna ride it
All night long
If you're going my way, I wanna drive it
All night long

Through all these cities and all these towns
It's in my blood and all around
I love you now like I loved you then
This is the road and these are the hands
From Mozambique to those Memphis nights
The Khyber Pass to Vancouver's lights
Knock me down and back up again
You're in my blood, I'm not a lonely man

There's no load I can't hold
The road's so rough this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in tell 'em we're survivors

Life is a highway, I wanna ride it
All night long
If your going my way, I wanna drive it
All night long

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, yeah

Life is a highway, I wanna ride it
All night long (mmmm yeah)
If your going my way, I wanna drive it
All night long

There was a distance between you and I
(between you and I)
A misunderstanding once
But now, we look it in the eye


There ain't no load I can't hold
The road's so rough this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in tell 'em we're survivors

Life is a highway, I wanna ride it
All night long (all night long, yeah hey)
If your going my way, I wanna drive it
All night long

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme some more

Life is a highway, I wanna ride it
All night long
If your going my way, I wanna drive it
All night long

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme some more

Life is a highway, I wanna ride it
All night long
If your going my way, I wanna drive it
All night long

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme some more, yeah[/center]

So begins...

Evangeline Babineaux's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Hazel Matthews Character Portrait: Maeve Dolan Character Portrait: Clara Rose Character Portrait: Izak Zielinkski Character Portrait: Maisie Wish
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#, as written by Missie

Date || January 10th 2014
Temperature || 11 degrees Celsius/51 degrees Fahrenheit
Climate || The air today is cold but surprisingly still. The sky today is a pale grey, but it may get nicer as the day goes by. The air is just cold enough to see the faint outline of your breath, but only just.

Cassius Segovia


"Cassius, get out of the car"

Giving an exasperated sigh, Cass stayed put. The day had came too fast and too soon, and now suddenly he was going on a year-long trip with a bunch of people he hated. It wouldn't have been described as one the finer moments in his life right now, as a scowl plastered his face and he laid back in to the smooth leather of his seat, crossing both arms over one another. In his mind he was an activist- protesting for his dignity. He didn't see how getting on a reality TV show would further his career. If anything, it would hinder it.

"Cassius, please, not again." His father Erik sighed, almost a mirror image to Cassius. The two were quite alike, but neither of them would admit it. "We talked about this, Cass. Come on, they are about to arrive."

Opening the door of the car, Cassius pulled at his jacket in a desperate attempt to feel like this wasn't happening. They were stood outside the Four Seasons Hotel in Midtown. Paparazzi lingered behind bins, cameras at the ready. That's actually as far as they were legally permitted to get, though. Paparazzi were not aloud in a considerable distance from the competitors. Something about 'Retaining the real life travel experience.' The whole crew was here though, so I don't know how that would work.

Suddenly, very suddenly, dozens of black cars pulled up at the sidewalk. Police bordered the cars, but they were all able to get a space somewhere. All of the competitors burst out of their cars, and were immediately instructed by their driver to make their way over to Erik and Cassius. His father smiled cheerfully as per usual, but Cassius kept his face at a slight smirk, letting one corner of his mouth twitch up.

"Hello, travellers! My name is Erik Segovia- and this is my son, Cassius Segovia. He will be joining you on this trip." He pointed to Cassius. "This hotel will be your home for the next two days. I trust you know your roommates? Everyone will make their way to the hotel rooms and you will have some- how do you say it- 'chill-out' time. Get to know your roomates, and figure out where you are all sleeping. Tommorow is a big day, and we will all meet on floor 51's meeting room."

His father took a deep breath, before continuing "Now go, my children. Please make your way up to floor 52."

Cassius followed the competitors as they made their way in to the hotel, his smirk now a scowl once more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lykos Morrow Character Portrait: Evangeline Babineaux Character Portrait: Cassius Segovia
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Lykos Morrow

Lykos had never had a phone before, not until they got the letter saying he was going on the trip and his mum splurged to get him the newest iPhone so they could keep in touch. It wasn't something she had to do, it wasn't even something he had asked her to do, Lykos would have been fine asking others to borrow a phone, or even going out to search for a payphone. Nevertheless though, she bought him a phone and a brand new suitcase and duffel. He really did have the best family in the world, and it wasn't something he ever took for advantage. Though he wasn't so naive as to not realize that his specific background was probably what got him onto the show. He assumed most of the kids here were pretty well off, or at least upper middle class. And while he hadn't had that, his growing up was still perfect in his eyes, but he still saw little more than pity from people who did know his past. But back to the phone...

He was still trying to figure out how to work it, and so far nothing was really working besides the fingerprint scanner and sometimes he was able to text. So after he got into the fancy black car that pulled up in front of the airport a few minutes ago to take him away, he pulled out the silver phone and attempted to send his new best friend, Evangeline, a text.

Are you as excited as I am? I can't believe this is finally happening!

And then he hit send and the message was gone, leaving Lykos with little else to do but twiddle his thumbs as he sat and waited for them to arrive at their destination. When they finally did stop though, he was hesitant to get out of the car. What if he tried to get out and stepped right into a puddle, making a fool out of himself in front of everyone? Or what if he tripped on the curb and fell flat on his face? Was he supposed to go to the trunk and get his bag, or would the chauffeur get that too? There were just too many new things that he was still trying to figure out and adjust to, it felt like a completely new world to Lykos.

Gathering up courage, he shouldered his duffel and stumbled out of the dark car and onto the sidewalk. He was struck suddenly with a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach as he looked around him, open-mouthed and surely looking amazed at the unbelievable city around him. The nicest place he had probably been up until now was his father's work, a big building that housed most of his town's lawyers. But this- this passed that a million times over. The hotel itself was striking, lit up as it was at this time of day. And the city around him, the hustle-bustle of the working people, it was like nothing he had ever experienced before. Lykos was in love with this life with the first taste he had of it, and it showed on his face. That wasn't all though, his naivety showed on his face, something more than a few had exploited in the past.

After he got past the view, he moved directly on to searching for Evangeline as he started up towards where the host and his son were stationed, just in front of the entrance to the hotel. His gangly, awkward stride made him look out of place, even more so than his tight, white skinny jeans and black button up probably did. When he finally opened his mouth, which probably wouldn't be until someone else spoke directly to him and he had no other choice, his strange accent would set him even more apart. Though he was secure in the knowledge that he wasn't the only one with an accent that was on this trip. He stood quietly in the small crowd they made when gathered all together, looking a little like a lost puppy when they were told to go up and find their rooms.