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Kaiden McIlroy

"If I wanted to deal with little punks and tough guys, I would have stayed in the ring"

0 · 221 views · located in The University of Diversity

a character in “Vampire Code: Remake”, as played by JokerofSpades


Kaiden Scott McIlroy
Kaedyn 'The Warrior, The Painted Warrior, Son of the Red-Haired Youth'


Sponsor to the ShapeShifters [I do admit, I find them a wee bit shifty, and yes that was a horrible joke, and a horrible accent.]



College Sophomore (When arriving, he will just be starting his second year)

|Physical Description|
Kaiden is a bulky kid, make no mistake. Standing at a height of merely 6'1 and only weighing 180 lbs however, he is the lightweight baby of his family. His body is purely muscular, thanks to constant training - not to mention his job - and he has little to no body fat packed onto him. His shoulders are probably the most sturdy part of his body, as they are quite broad for a kid of his height. Otherwise, his body is proportional to what makes a normal human... normal. His skin is a little shy of tan, which he wishes that he could change - being of Scottish descent, he can't really change that. Finally, his tattoos are scattered around his body, with his most prominent ones on his hands: abstract tribal wolf tattoos which come to a finish on his knuckles. Other tattoos are also on his arms and legs, but are pretty standard.

His wildly long red hair is tied up on most days at the back, even though it is still highly unruly - untied it reaches his shoulder blades. On most days, there is either bandages or a bandanna holding back his hair from completely covering his face, which hides the nasty scar that runs along his forehead from when he was in a cage fight. His eyes are an interesting mix of hazel and amber, which are striking, stern and soft all at once, which many people have confused themselves with. The rest of his face seems slightly detached from his body, as it is quite lean: his jaw and nose are both pointed, with prominent cheekbones. His ears are oddly pierced (since he is considered the rebel child of the McIlroy family) but these are taken out during fights.

Other than that, his clothes are self explanatory in the picture: vests, white shirts, a belt, jeans and combat boots are his attire. On training days, he wears muscle shirts and baggy pants. No shoes.

|I can...|
Kay is an interesting man who has many talents in many different fields. His most prominent feat is his strength, which used to be renowned. His family has always had a super charged ability for a form of strength, with his brother able to kick dents into metal walls and his mother able to life cars. He, on the other hand, has what he calls his 'Brass Knuckles'. Kaiden's 'power' if you will is that his hands can become nearly harder than steel. Combine this with genetic strength passed down from generation and the kid can punch through walls.

To compliment this skill, Kaedyn's ultimate skill is his ability to fight. His brothers were boxers, wrestlers, and everything in between, and it was natural for Kaedyn to be beaten constantly by his older brothers while they practiced. As years went on, however, he caught up to them and the matches became much more even. While they were still better than he was, they could not deny their little brother's tenacity and skill level. Compared to the kids at his old school, Kaedyn was the demigod of the ring: he had only been beaten twice, once to a Japanese lad who had more grace than a cat and to an empathetic vampire who fed off of his determination.

On the tamer side, Kaiden's next skill is his initiative to finish anything he has to do or has started. If Kay has anything that he should be doing, he will do it instantly, refusing to let it wait for another second. Many would call him a 'busy body' as he seemingly is always doing something with efficiency and precision: in everything he does, he puts his entire being behind it. However, on days that he literally has nothing to do (which are more frequent than you think: the kid cleans his dorm every morning at 6 and finishes in a half hour) Kaiden will either be lounging around with a smoke, or doing the next most relaxing thing to him: training.

Kaiden can catch on to many things extremely quickly, which comes in handy for school. As he wasn't around much (either skipping to train, or competitions) Kaiden would have fallen severely behind in classes without this useful skill of his. In the end, not only has Kaedyn kept a 70 average (higher than every mark of his brothers combined basically) but he also got to compete.

Kaedyn does have other skills, but they aren't as major:
Drink a lot, smoke a lot (not sure if those are skills...) and clean.

|But I can't...|
Focus without moving. Kaiden's inability to stay seated is horrible for school. He can live through lessons, that's fine, but work periods? Homework time? Nope. Kaiden will finish his homework and still have time to spare, which makes him feel useless and inefficient: and he hates inefficiency. Kaiden will usually exit the classroom at the start of a work period or homework time, as he knows he can put his time to better use at home, where he can zip along and do many other things at once.

Understand others. Growing up with mostly his older brothers and not many others, Kaiden had always felt detached from the social cliques. He ran to the rhythm he set, and not many others could or wanted to keep up, which hindered his ability to interact with others. This lead to his problems with understanding other people's emotions and feelings, as he can only see his side. He has been working on this though for the past year, when his parents said they were moving.

Other than those two, here are a few more of the minor things he can't do:
Anything really artsy (play instruments, draw, paint, act, those shenanigans.) operate technology.

Kaiden could be called shallow by the multitudes of people, and they wouldn't be entirely inaccurate. Kaiden sees the world as black and white as he can on most things, which many people call naive. However, Kaiden sees the world in black and white because it is much more simple that way, and simplicity is efficiency. On messy cases where the lines of black and white begin to muddle, Kaiden will either step back until the world has become black and white again, or deal with the situation accordingly. This usually involves Kaiden saying both parties are wrong, and they need to grow a pair.

Kaiden isn't rude, it is just that he isn't very subtle. As a simple man, he speaks simply and moves simply. If something bugs him, he isn't afraid to tell that thing off. Cowardice is not something he fully understands, which makes Kaiden come off as quite brash, daring and a little mouthy. However, he realized when he was young that words do nothing, so his sentences are a little shorter than most: Kay believes that words are useless in society today as nobody seems to listen to them. Instead, Kaiden uses his actions to get across his message, be that a helping hand or a punch to the face. Regardless, it is quite effective, which was what Kaiden was going for.

After years of being the underdog, Kaiden has become an overachiever. Since his parents always constantly compared him to his older brothers (they even said his sister was better at fighting than he was - sort of a blow to the self esteem to him) Kaiden grew up always taking something one step further than the norm to impress them. This has led him to really not know when to give up on a project, or when to move on from something. If he feels like he can beat it or finish it, Kaiden won't leave until he has finished it to perfection. Call it stubborn, but Kaiden likes to refer to himself as tenacious.

All of this has shaped Kaiden into a very focused guy. School work may not be his specialty, but he thought of it as another form of training to overcome to get the final product: passing. He has little to no patience for nonsense or stupidity, which he will call anybody he sees if they are lying or exhaggerating. This results in his thinking process to be very down to earth, with pretty basic goals and no real imagination. Many people have called him a buzzkill, but Kaiden begs to differ. He loves to have kick back, relax and have a little bit of fun here and there, but that is on time that he can afford to lose. Other than that, he refuses to give in to 'fun' until the work is done, something he wishes everybody else would do. In Kay's mind, if everybody just got their sh*t done and over with, people wouldn't be having the number of problems they have, and everything would go much more smoothly.

When meeting new people, Kaiden does his best to remain the same. He barely knows anything about vampires - only that there are those that drink blood - so he really doesn't feel the need to judge them. So he just comes off as collected and level headed while also being determined. It takes a lot to make a first impression on him fail, as he really does give much of a care if people annoy him. As long as they don't shove things in his face, or think they are all secretive and cool, he can deal with people just fine.

However, underlying this is a deep jealousy still directed at his brothers. He still hasn't accomplished his goal of beating them all, and he knows his window has nearly closed, since after beating the oldest, the guy had given up fighting years before. This has caused him to be a little more agressive his training and fights, as he constantly sees himself beating them, but knows that he has basically run out of time to do so. In essence, he has failed, and he hates failure. His training sessions sometimes get violent enough for him to break whatever he is training against, which usually gets the staff of the school pissed off.

In the end, Kaiden comes off as just another busy body with the actions to back up every word he says. On the flip side, while relaxing he is a mello character that loves to just kick it back and relax, since he knows that he has earned the break. He tries his hardest every day to not sound cold and rude, but that is usually only perceived by people he doesn't like in the first place.

|I like...|
Metal Music
His Hair
His Family
Food: Most meat, but Roast Lamb is his favourite
Desert: Ice cream - the guy eats that stuff like crazy

|But I don't like...|
'Swag', 'YOLO' and other annoying and viral trends To me, these little losers are the reason for stupidity and inefficiency. Yep. You heard me.
The 'Silent, tough guy' attitude I know many would say I have it, but I'm referring to those that can't handle a conversation because they are too busy worrying about their damned image. Pisses me off.
Empty Words/Threats
Being Restrained
His Family Love hate, I guess

I'm not sure if you're dense, or I'm detached. I just moved here, for crying out loud.

Wee laddie Kaiden was born in Scottland during the frigid month of February. His parents, the Scottish Gregor and the Irish Briana, were an interesting couple. Gregor had met the tough lass Briana after his fishing boat (he was an avid fisher) was caught in a storm and washed him to Ireland. Gregor planned on only staying until the boat was finished, but by the time he left he had pledged himself to marry the beautiful maiden.

Back on track. Kaiden was born 5th of 5 siblings, with the closest in age to him (Haymitch) being 3 years older and Gordon (the oldest) being 9 years older. Together, the McIlroy (pronounced Mac-Il-Roy) family was a rambunctious group of hooligans. Even the only daughter of the family, Brigid, was pretty crazy. Since Gregor had been into competitive fighting as a kid, he taught all of his kids boxing, wrestling and many other forms of fighting as they became of age. This made the McIlroy name not only for rowdy red heads (Gregor, Gordan, Brigid, Haymitch and Kaiden all were) but battle hardened as well. Top this all off with the fact that their namesake held genetic super strength - Brigid by far the scariest - made their name something of a mini legend in Scotland.

This all came to an end when Gregor was getting ready to train the kid Kaiden in boxing for the first time at the age of 4. Gregor lost his job as a handyman, and the only job available required him and his family to move to America. So, feeling no other choice, his hardened warrior family left the great land of the Scotts to the city of Davenport, Iowa. While it wasn't ideal, there was enough Scottish heritage in the city that kept him happy - even a version of the Highland games was held in Davenport. This is also the reason why Kaiden's accent is barely audible, or why he doesn't use Scottish English - the only exposure he had was at home.

Growing up in Davenport was alright. Kaiden learned boxing and wrestling after the move, and at the age of 7 had to begin training against his older brothers - most of the time he lost horribly. At this age, he begged to have Brigid as his fighting partner, thinking girls were weaker, but she knocked him on his but within seconds of starting the match. He learned that day that Brigid was not only a fierce fighter, but a very scary woman if pissed off. Needless to say, while Kaiden loved his family dearly, certain things began to bug him.

It started when Gordan brought home his third state championship for wrestling, and his second for boxing when Kaiden turned 10. His parents began discussing Gordan's post secondary plans, and constantly kept referring to how well he was doing in wrestling. It was then that Kaiden realized that while all of his brothers and his sister had won something in a form of combat, he had yet to win anything. No state championships, no regional wins, no country championship entries, nothing. He hadn't even realized that his teachers were looking at him with the same kind of insenisyt, waiting for the next wrestling star to burst from Kaiden's tiny little body. Kaiden felt like his eyes had been opened to his own uselessness, and from that day forward he started to shape into the determined, goal driven, strict man of today.

Kaiden began training rigorously from then on, setting small goals that got larger after he accomplished them. His spars with his brothers, regardless of the type, were still highly one sided, but Kaiden was making progress. The school noticed the change in attitude as well, but still looked down on his minute accomplishments. It certainly didn't help that while Kaiden was big for his age, he was nowhere near the monstrosity of his older brothers. Gregor himself stood at a scary 6'7, and Briana (who was not only a strong fighter, but exceptional drinker as well) looked quite small at 5'10. While Kaiden stayed fairly tall, each one of his brothers shot up to 6'4 or taller as Kaiden got better at fighting. By the time Kaiden had won a regional championship and was going to the state championships, Haymitch had out grew his dad to be 6'8. Kaiden always like Haymitch, but the guy was pretty scary standing that tall. Davenport knew the McIlroy family as 'The Giant Scots'.

As time passed, so did Kaiden's frustration. It wasn't until he turned 13 that he won a state championship, something that most of his brothers had done by 11 or earlier (well, Gordon won when the family lived in Scotland). However, Kaiden refused to let his frustration get the better of him, and instead took it out into his training. For years, Kaiden neglected people only to make his family name proud. Sure he hung out with a few others like himself who trained and heavily into sports, but even then he left them behind with his efficient methods. And yet, Kaiden had yet to feel satisfied with his own results. His parents were quite thrilled when he won the state championship and held it for 3 years, but he had bigger goals - beating his brothers in a spar. It was what drove him to compete and be battle hardened, and Kaiden still to this day has that motivation still stored in the back of his mind.

This isn't to say, however, that Kaiden had no social life. He got into smoking (something that wasn't expected by his parents) at the age of 15 to calm himself down before a fight, and the same thing happened with drinking (but his mom was irish - needless to say, she was more than thrilled to have a drinking partner that could nearly beat her). And yet, Kaiden still felt detached, that something was mission. It was when he turned 17 that it all changed for him. Gordan was visiting with his newly wed wife (who Kaiden swore barely made it past Gordan's waste) that Kaiden decided to challenge his brother to spar. The scary part? Kaiden won. The glory, the triumph... lasted minutes. After that, Kaiden felt little to nothing until his brother started laughing and patted him on the shoulder.

"Not bad kiddo, but you gotta move on. Not everything in life can be won in a fight." Kaiden blinked, since it really didn't click what his brother had said. Whatever the reason, that statement gave Kaiden a sense of peace and relief, but he wasn't over yet. He wanted to keep going, shoot for the top, and beat the entire country. When he was leaving for university, he was at the top of his prime and ready to take on the world literally. He was going to university for fitness and nutrition in the hopes to becoming either a wrestler or a trainer. However, the university kicked him out right near the end of the year as he got into a serious fight with a fellow fighter who had been pushing the red head's buttons since the start. The other kid was a junior, and wasn't taking kindly to a freshman kicking his butt. This junior had sway with the university due to money however, so instead of kicking both out, they let Kaiden finish his year off and then refused to let him back in.

With nowhere else to go, Kaiden turned his head towards the so called 'University of Diversity' to see what he could do. He was hoping to just finish his education and be done with it, as he wanted to get out and explore this world, but he had to make it through University. When he noticed there was a 'sponsorship' program, he checked it off seeing as a possible way for him to make more money. After all, who doesn't want a sponsor for an up and coming athlete? He thought that this sponsor program was for athletes who needed the cash to compete.

Boy was he wrong.


NOTICE! Kaiden has yet to meet any of these people, so take these opinions with a grain of salt. These are the opinions that he has formed off of hearing an inkling of information on all of them (he has been there for a few days just scouting the area, after all) so they aren't entirely his opinions.

His Vampys
Jaysmine: Lassie is different, I must say: cat ears, a tail, not something I would have expected from a vampire. Whatever, she needs to prioritize her emotions. Should probably be nice to her since I now watch over her.

Fellow Sponsors
London: The capital? It's a person, and a place? Huh. Well, she seems.. quiet, like every other damn person I've met that goes here: "I'm quiet, and don't open up to people easily. But if I do, I'm a happy person!" Seriously. At least this girl London is trying - I give her that one.
Milly: I haven't even met her, and I don't know if I want to. How are you supposed to build a relationship with somebody that seems to be more than one person? Oh well, I can't judge her yet.
Leith: Dude needs to chill.

Those Other Vampires
Lilith: Another character I have to 'work' to get to. If people want relationships with others, they should just say so - makes things so much more efficient. Other than that, seems way too much like me.
Reiding: I can see a smoking buddy in him. Sounds annoying from what I've heard, but at least he knows what he wants. Though, I really don't need a guy whining at me.
Edmund: Once again, I see an example of what I really find annoying: a cold exterior kid that just wants to be loved, but is a prick to everybody anyway. I may not know him yet, but already I just want him to smarten up and move on.
Henri: Man, it seems like the only smoking partners I have are getting more annoying. Kid does nothing to indicate greatness, and yet shows off like he is. I know I ain't supposed to judge but... we'll see.
Adwin: Kid sounds like he has quite the imagination - kid needs to get more grounded. Reality isn't that colourful.
Abram: Not sure what is with this guy, but from what I can tell he can be quite the weirdo. Can't judge him yet, but I'm gunna be on edge when I meet him.

Those 'Other' Humans
Daman: TBD
Ruben: TBD
Adriana: TBD
Morpheo: TBD

That Rich Kid
Zane: TBD


|Theme Song| Til I Collapse - Eminem

'Cause sometimes you just feel tired
You feel weak and when you feel weak
You feel like you wanna just give up
But you gotta search within you
You gotta find that inner strength
And just pull that shit out of you
And get that motivation to not give up
And not be a quitter
No matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse

Till I collapse I'm spillin' these raps long as you feel 'em
Till the day that I drop you'll never say that I'm not killin' them
'Cause when I am not then I am stop pinnin' them
And I am not hip hop and I'm just not Eminem
Subliminal thoughts when I'm stop sendin' them
Women are caught in webs, spin and hauk venom
Adrenaline shots of Penicillin could not get the illin' to stop
Amoxacilin is just not real enough
The criminal cop killin' hip hop fillin' minimal swap
To cop millions of pac listeners
Your comin' with me, feel it or not you're gonna fear it
Like I showed you the spirit of God lives in us
You hear it a lot, lyrics the shock is it a miracle
Or am I just a product of pop fizzin' up
For shizzle my whizzle this is the plot listen up
You pizzles forgot slizzle does not give a fuck

Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth
Till the smoke clears out and my high wear out
I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse
(Until the roof, until the roof)
Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
(The roof comes off, the roof comes off)
Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth
(Until my legs, until my legs)
Till the smoke clears out and my high wear out
(Give out from underneath me)
I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse

Music is like magic there's a certain feelin' you get
When your real and you spit and people are feelin' your shit
This is your moment and every sin'le minute you spend
Tryin' to hold onto it 'cause you may never get it again
So while you're in it try to get as much shit as you can
And when your run is over just admit when its at its end
'Cause I'm at the end of my wits with half this shit that gets in
I got a list here's the order of my list that it's in
It goes, Reggie, Jay-Z, Tupac and Biggie
Andre from Outkast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas and then me
But in this industry I'm the cause of a lot of envy
So when I'm not put on this list the shit does not offend me
That's why you see me walk around like nothin's botherin' me
Even though half you people got a fuckin' problem with me
You hate it but you know respect you've got to give me
The presses wet dream like Bobby and Whitney Nate hit me

Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth
Till the smoke clears out and my high wear out
I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse
Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth
Till the smoke clears out and my high wear out
I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse

Soon as a verse starts, I eat it at MC's heart
What is he thinkin'? I'ma not to go against me, smart
And its absurd how people hang on every word
I'll probably never get the props I feel I ever deserve
But I'll never be served my spot is forever reserved
If I ever leave earth that would be the death of me first
'Cause in my heart of hearts I know nothin' could ever be worse
That's why I'm clever when I put together every verse
My thoughts are sporadic, I act like I'm an addict
I rap like I'm addicted to smack like I'm Kim Mathers
But I don't want to go forth and back in constant battles
The fact is I would rather sit back and bump some rappers
So this is like a full blown attack I'm launchin' at them
The track is on some battlin' raps who want some static
'Cause I don't really think that the fact that I'm Slim matters
A plaque of platinum status is whack if I'm not the baddest

Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth
Till the smoke clears out and my high wear out
I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse
(Until the roof, until the roof)
Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth
Till the smoke clears out and my high wear out
I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse

Until the roof
The roof comes off
Until my legs
Underneath me
I will not fall
I will stand tall
Feels like no one could beat me

So begins...

Kaiden McIlroy's Story