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Vampire Knight: Beauty and the Beast

Cross Academy


a part of Vampire Knight: Beauty and the Beast, by Azazel.


Azazel holds sovereignty over Cross Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Cross Academy is a part of Vampire Knight: Beauty and the Beast.

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Yukiko Daitokuji [75] "Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose."
Khalid Zakai Tamesis [71] "Everyday, I see myself in a mirror-like world in which I am the only real thing, but I think it is the other way around..."
Watoshi Saken [41] Watoshi Saken: "Just because you can't see something, or never experienced it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist in this big damn world, ya know?"
Takeshi Hirragi [24] "The past is never dead. It's not even past."

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Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji
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#, as written by Azazel


"Words are meaningless to me. Show me through your actions. After all, pretty words are nothing compared to what you can make some one feel."


Yukiko could feel the irritating twitch of her eyebrow as a hand placed itself upon her shoulder. She was trying her hardest to not rip the hand from it's socket and slap the person with it who dared touch her with such intimacy. She could hear the whispers and gasps around her as the person continued to drape an arm around her shoulders and leaned in closer so that their lips were just an inch away from her ears. She could feel the heat rise to her face as they whispered out her name, but it wasn't out of embarrassment. She balled her fist as she could feel the vein pulsating from it and immediately, her fist connected with the person's stomach, earning an "Omph," and a chuckle afterwards. She turned to meet emerald eyes with a half-lidded gaze as Yamato rubbed his stomach.

"I suggest that if you want to keep your arm, you will refrain from acting so casually around me, Yamato-san," Yukiko stated in a rather dull and annoyed tone. Yamato blinked in an owlish manner, causing some of the girls around to scream, "Kyaa~" and swoon. He grinned, causing the rest of the girls to faint with a blush tinting their cheeks, however; Yukiko merely stared at him with a bored expression. He feigned a hurtful look as he dramatically placed his hand over his heart, earning a blink from Yukiko.

"You wound me so, my Aiko!" he stated as she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Instead, she opted to leave the pure-blood in his spot on the bridge as he reached out for her, playful tears peaking from the corners of his eyes. "Aiko-chan! can't leave me!" he wailed, earning some rather sympathetic glances from the nearby bystanders. Yukiko continued to ignore him. She didn't have time for his antics today since she was rather busy. Doing what? Absolutely nothing. She just wanted to get away from the crowd that had already began to form as soon as the bells rang to switch classes. She couldn't understand the fascination these Day Class Students had with the Night Class.

It must be a horomone thing, she mused to herself when a yellow fluff ball appeared. Yukiko stared at it for a moment before picking it up from the floor, peering into the black abyss of it's eyes and smiling widely. "Bibi!" she exclaimed enthusiastically, clutching the yellow bird to her chest as she smothered it. Bibi, on the other hand, chirped wildly as on-lookers rose questioning eyebrows at the burst of emotion from the seemingly emotionless girl. Yukiko glared at those walking by, ushering them to power walk away from the scene before returning her attention to the yellow canary.

Aiko-chan! You can't do that around the humans!, she exclaimed as she puffed her cheeks up at the snow-haired girl. Yukiko merely blinked before setting the canary down on her shoulder. She shrugged at Bibi's choice of words but ignored them all the same. For all the students knew, Bibi was just an ordinary canary that happened to be domesticated. Master is upset that you do not talk to him more often. He says you are drifting away from him and that he is losing his Aiko, Bibi spoke as Yukiko gave a flat look towards the canary.

Tell him to bug off. It is none of his business what I do on my own time. He needs to learn his place, she retorted, causing the canary to laugh. The way she made it seem was as if she were mocking Yukiko, causing the girl to frown but Bibi merely shook her head. The last sentence had captured Bibi off guard since Yamato was a pure-blood. If anything, it should be the other way around. The way Yukiko spoke so freely and out of line would usually be punishable for degrading a pure-blood, especially one of his status, but then again; Yukiko was from a well-known pure-blood family as well. The only odd thing was that she was human. It was one of the many things Bibi liked about Yukiko. The girl had spirit.

And was quite opinionated at that.

Regardless, Yukiko ignored the glances she was currently receiving from the general populace. She was used to it by now. They would always stare at her as if she were an abomination because of her hair and eye color. She didn't understand why they chose her out of all the people in the school, namely "Sunshine" as she had called him once, with other odd hair colors. Perhaps it was the scar on her cheek that caused them to do what they did. Subconsciously, her hands tenderly traced the mark on her face as Bibi tilted her head in curiosity. She watched as Yukiko traced the scar with an unreadable expression. It caused the canary to frown a bit as she hopped on top of Yukiko's head, appearing like a dandelion placed strategically in her hair.

Come on Aiko-chan! Let's go poke fun of the students swooning over the night class! Bibi offered as she chirped happily. Yukiko allowed a tender smile to pull at her lips, confusing more of the students she passed by as they had never seen Yukiko smile as such. She paid no heed to their whispered voices as they called her weird, or odd and continued on to her destination. Before she knew it, a voice had shouted out to her, causing her to duck without effort as a ball came flying over her. It collided with someone's head as she turned to see who had thrown the object. She spotted a rather petrified boy and a group of girls surrounding him as she stood, glaring at the culprits, however; instead of taking her wrath out on them, she chose to ignore them. Bibi released a sigh of relief as they made their way through the crowd, not bothering to see who it was the ball had collided with.


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Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis
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"In a world so bleak and ever changing, I find it remarkable that everyone could still find something worth smiling about. It is why I hope someday you'll find it as well."

One final sip. Then the bell rang, it was done.

"Time for classes!" This was the rather enthusiastic greeting of Orpei who had now made its way on his Master's shoulder. In response, Khalid looked at his shoulder to see his very lively familiar who had earned the title as the mascot of Cross Academy. He finds it very endearing and nice for others to appreciate the pink furball. Standing from his bed, he then crushed the now empty tomato juice drink in his hand which was soon incinerated into nothing more but mere ashes. His eyes never left his familair's form despite doing what he did which was actually a normal occurrence. "Shall we go Orpei?" The said creature nodded happily. "Yes, Master! Are you going to learn baking sweets?"

A thoughtful expression on Khalid's face before answering Orpei. "I don't think that is part of my subjects. Sorry, Orpei." The said familiar had a disappointed expression. He was at the Home Economics session of the Day Class earlier and found all those wonderful sweet-smelling cookies. Noticing this, the pure-blood patted its head gently and assured him, "Don't worry I'll give you some sweets later." Hearing this effectively perked up Orpei who had a very pleased expression. "Yehey! Master is the best!" In such a light note, he left his room which is reserved for him. At first, he found it odd as other vampires were sharing rooms. It seemed this was the privilege of being a pure-blood. Well, he was not going to complain about equal rights since it solved one of his problems about the matter of blood pills and all.

Donned in the white uniform of the Night Class, Khalid was quite a vision. He was both debonair and graceful in appearance. It pronounced the color of his eyes and hair even more. His nickname of Sky catered to him well, for he looked like the sky itself at the moment. He met some of the vampires along the hallways who bowed respectfully to him. Somehow, he was still not use to all of that even in his household. As a result, he would gestured for them not to do so. Soon, he reached the stairs that lead to the lobby and saw the everyone gathered there. This was a usual thing as everyone waits for him and the other pure-blood present. Although, he was certain that Inoue was already up and about. "Let us go everyone."

He still cannot get used to the fact of being waited upon. According to his grandparents, this was something that cannot easily be changed. The respect inherent due to the hierarchy carved in the very blood of every vampire. As such, he simply let it be as the doors of the Moon Dormitory opened and made their way to the grounds and soon reached the gates to cross the bridge to the Main Building. There one of the usual events, the Day Class both males and prominently females waited to capture glimpses of them. He sees this as a sweet gesture but also a bit shallow. For they really do not know anything about them, so how could this really be considered love? But the thought does count in the end.

Khalid was located at the center of the Night Class students as the others opted to shield him from such disgraceful humans as they described it. He found it humorous. Well, he was not that fragile to be swept away by the hoard of fan girls. He could manage. Adding to that, he believes the humans would not go over the bounds even more so when their Prefects are present on the site. But if it something that makes his fellow vampires happy. Then, so be it. There was no real bother to his part. As they walked through the pathway, he could hear the shouts of various names but the most prominent would be his name either called as Khalid-sama, or Prince. The humans were truly imaginative in terms of giving a person a nickname without doubt.

Then, it happened.

A ball out of nowhere came through as it was on a straight collision to his head. Fortunately, Orpei had found something of Khalid's that was dropped to the ground. This alerted him on a pure unintentional manner. The pure-blood missed being hit by a mere hair strand by the ball as he lowered himself to pick the piece of paper which slipped from his journal. It was a letter from his sister that he intended to read. "Thank you, Orpei." He gestured to the pink familiar on his shoulder. "You're welcome Master!" It was then the duo were alerted of the ball as people around them gasps in horror. It seemed the ball hit Inoue face first.

Looking at his fellow pure-blood, he picked up the ball that was now on the ground and then checked on Inoue who had a reddened mark of the ball at the center of his face. Khalid was trying to stifle his laughter as it would consider to be rude. "Inoue-san are you okay?" The other pure-blood answered in a positive and rather gibberish way stating that this was probably the sign he was praying for that Aiko still loves him. If he remembered correctly, Aiko would be Yukiko Daitokuji. He had heard that the two were quite close which he found a good thing to be. It was then Inoue grabbed hold of his hands, stating that he was cupid or something like that. However, Orpei was not fond of the pure-blood or anyone getting too touchy-feely with his Master. As a result, the pink familiar lunged at Inoue and bit the guy on the nose.

"Orpei!" Khalid called out to his familiar as Inoue in reaction released the blue pure-blood's hands to try prying Orpei off his nose which seemed to be a difficult thing judging by its mere size. "Don't touch my Master!" Chaos continued to ensue which was rather unusual for the so-called Night Class Parade.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless Character Portrait: Watoshi Saken
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"When the sun sets, the Night must come awake. I suggest caution or I'll bite you, just kidding."

"Now, now, now, it would not be good for the Night Class to be late." There at the middle of the path stood one of the prefects with a hand on her waist while the other hand was waving in the air in disappointment. Black hair with the sheen of purple fell on her form like a silhouette. If it was not for her uniform and the band on her arm signifying she is a Day Class student and a prefect, many would have considered her of the Night Class. "Curfew has started for the Day Class" Her words were coated with such a cheery tone as her eyes of sunset mirroring the current hue of the sky gazed at the crowd of human spectators. "I don't mind you all staying but it also means I get to punish all of you with detention or manual labor. I personally prefer manual labor." She ended it with a bright smile that could only mean a sinister plot which frightened the students. Without any more prodding, the humans returned to their respective dormitory with their tails behind their legs.

They were a bit late to arrive as Serafine had been forced to finish a homework she had forgotten to do. It was a 100-page essay about some president who died for something, good for that man, bad for her. She had to start from scratch and it did not help that she was not the biggest fan of history or politics. Thankfully, Saken arrived to fetch her so, she asked the boy to help her out. After all, everything is much easier when shared with someone. Well, the debate of being helped was took longer than finishing her homework. When it was done, she even received a few measures of scolding which she thanked him properly with a kiss on the cheek. Now, here they were finally.

"That was a bit disappointing..." Sera complained with a pout while glancing to her partner. "I expected more of a fight. I was not glaring or frowning at all... How strange." It seemed she is unaware that she looks more scary when smiling due to her known deviousness and slyness. Not waiting for an answer from Saken, she proceeded to the group of vampires, particularly the two pure-bloods who seemed concerned about a certain mascot of Cross Academy, Orpei. The familiar was also cute like Bibi. She wondered if all familiars of pure-bloods were created to be so cuddly and adorable. It was a good thing vampires were not cute at all. She would have a hard time doing her job as a hunter.

"Orpei, I got some candies for you." She presented a pack of candies and shaking it to capture Orpei's attention. It worked as the pink fluff ball released Inoue's nose and then latched onto Sera as if she was his master to begin with. This made the her smile a bit softer than the usual and then handed Orpei a candy which he munched on instantly. "Tamesis-kun, you should always have a bag of treats prepared." Sera then threw the bag of sweets to the blue-head pure-blood whether he caught it or not is up to him. Well, it would be a shame if he didn't. She had some poor boy buy it for her at the neighboring town the other day. It was a limited edition too and caused quite a penny. Well, she would have Khalid pay for it.

Clapping her hands, Sera looked at the Night Class students who was rather surprised and amused of what happened. Well, she was not since they were going to be late for their classes and as a prefect, she must have them all go NOW. "Don't look dumb and dumber there. Get to your classes impromptu." Others took her words harshly and rebuked her to treat them with respect especially the two pure-bloods present. Sera released a sigh at this and crossed her arms over her chest. "Respect must be earn and I won't have any of you being late because that would make you all disrespect in my eyes." The arguments stopped there as the Night Class soon made their way to the Main Building. As for Orpei, he seemed to be back on Khalid's shoulder as she offered it a sweet smile and the familiar did the same.

"Sakkun, do you think I can have a familiar of my own?" She started and glanced at him. "I wonder what it would look like... I'll probably name it after you!" Sera declared happily as she began to walk away. It was time to patrol the grounds to make sure there are no curfew breakers. "I won the paper-and-scissors game. So, I'll take the perimeter and you get to babysit." She waved at Saken happily. "Have fun and don't miss me too much!" She was out of sight soon after as she began her patrols as a prefect.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless Character Portrait: Watoshi Saken
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#, as written by Quelle
"Sometimes, doing nothing for a long time span is more difficult than doing something. So why don't we just get some free time?"

Saken yawned. He hated mornings and coming school in general. It was so troublesome. He rubbed his eyes and the first thing he saw as he opened them again were pink hair that are definitly... "Morning Sakkun!" The one being talked to just swift his glance to the school gates and murmured with a small sigh: "Morning Natasha. Could you finally quit calling me like that?" She just answered with a sly smile, but that was answer enough. And he was too tired to say anything against her. But there is another one who is like that...

Saken found the one, the other prefect, seem to be busy with something. A bit worried, she wanted to go to her and said that Natasha should go first. "Why? ... Oh. Again, that girl. I know she is beautiful, but she is scary. Why are you even hanging out with someone like her?" "We are both prefects, did you forget?" Saken was a bit annoyed. Everyday the same. What does she think telling him that? She is not his mother! "From the first day, it was weird that you, someone like you who is lazy and is definitly not a prefect." Natasha looked at him with observing eyes. She did not know what she was being protected from and because she knew his attitude, it was normal for her to question that. But what could Saken say? Nothing, if she wants to keep coming to this school that is. "Can we continue this after..." "Yeah, yeah, just go to you girlfriend." She said annoyed and went to the school building alone.

Arriving at Sera's place, seeing she had all things in control, he wanted to go away but as she then said he should help her out with somekind of homework, he got a bit irritated. "Hey, you are the senior here! Pretty good example you make there..." He grumbled but after some long time discussing with her - what was pretty much useless - he helped her anyway. As she thanked him in a quite odd manner - kissing his cheek - he calmed down a bit. "But don't think with just this I let you off."

"I expected more of a fight. I was not glaring or frowning at all... How strange."

He knew exactly why, seeing her expression as she smiled. But he was used to it by now so it wasn't as scary as the first time seeing her smile. But he still had goosebumps seeing her smile. Seein her not expecting any answer from him, he didn't say his lazy answer: Less fight, less work and less troublesome. But she already was off talking with the vampires. He saw that smiling blue haired vampire and the white haired unsocial girl. Quite odd pairing. Well it wasn't his business.

He didn't go after her, he just looked around, making sure that no day class students neared the night class students - for their good - but some girl are just so troublesome and annoying, that he started to make them go away with some harsh words. As they didn't want to give up even then, he glared at them and they started to go away, whispering with themselves while pointing at him. They were definitly mocking at him or call him 'girly boy'. Although it got him a bit irritated, he tried to stay calm. Being a secret protector really had it's price. Not like he wanted to be thanked everyday. But some respect was not much expectation right? For Sera it's easy, she was very suited with this 'Prefect' role. He sighed as his glance saw that something happened there in the night class 'parade' saw that little familiar of the bule haired vampire. It was just...

Yes, it was just like a small animal, although weird shaped. Just like that bird that liked to seek the white haired girl. Secretely, he had finished some drawing of them. He felt that his hand twitched. He really wanted to draw him being that angry. He had to hold it in... until he arrived at his classroom. So he observed everything to memorize, so he could draw it by remembering. It was too bad that he couldn't be a bit more closer to him. There he should be able to have a better picture. He took out his glasses and took them on. Better. Now he could... He saw Sera giving him some candies. Saken got a bit excited. Him eating was even more spectacular! Quickly he tried to remember every detail as then Sera came back after telling them to go to their classes. Indeed, he was no use at all. Sera did all the job done.

"Sakkun, do you think I can have a familiar of my own? I wonder what it would look like... I'll probably name it after you!"

"Isn't it enough that you call me with that annoying name?" He stated a bit annoyed glaring at her. But it didn't took much effect on her. He sighed. "But having a familiar isn't a bad idea..." He could draw it everytime and in every pose. That was indeed attracting.

"I won the paper-and-scissors game. So, I'll take the perimeter and you get to babysit. Have fun and don't miss me too much!"

"Right. Missing you hmm. Wouldn't it be conversely, Sera- hime?" But she was already gone to her patrol. He sighed and looked that he observed those vampires closely. Especially that blue haired vampire... and his familiar. But maybe he could find that other one with the white haired girl? "It would not be too bad being a prefect after all.", he thought, just having those familiars in his head. A serious matter of small animal complex, so Natasha.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless Character Portrait: Watoshi Saken
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#, as written by Azazel


"Those...those are irritating. Why do they do that?"

Yamato hadn't know what to do when the familiar attacked his nose. He had just been attacked by a ball (or rather it was an accident) and now this rabbit creature was on his face, chewing on his nose. He had tried to release it's hold on his nose but it was to no avail. He was relieved when Serafine managed to capture the familiar's attention with a bag of treats and immediately was thankful. A scent, however, captured his attention as he spotted Yukiko mingling with the crowd. A smile played at his lips as he quickly made his way over to her, ignoring the students as they called for their prince charming. In all honesty, he liked the pure-blood as a friend. He was an easy person to get along with and, even though they had little in common, it was nice to have another pure-blood around. His hands snaked around Yukiko's arm and pulled him towards her, causing her to turn around quickly with her free hand aimed at his face. He caught it with much ease as her eyes widened the slightest before setting back into her normal facade.

"Mon amour, comment pouvez-vous ĂȘtre si cruels?" he spoke as Yukiko frowned. She didn't know what he had said, however; she did catch some of the words. She relinquished his hold on her and dusted herself off as if she had dirt on her being. Bibi chirped happily from her perch on Yukiko's snow crown, causing Yamato to gently smile at the scene. "How is it that you and Bibi get along so much better than you and I?" he stated with a light chuckle. Yukiko merely stared up at Yamato, rose an eyebrow and shrugged.

"She's a bird? She's cute? You are neither of those things," she replied in a nonchalant way. Yamato had a river of tears forming from his eyes as Yukiko stared passed him, spotting a rather annoying scene. The students were clamoring around Khalid and the other Night Class students, however; that wasn't what was causing her current irritation. It was his bangs. Those god-forsaken bangs that belonged to the blue-haired pure-blood known as Khalid. She couldn't understand why they irritated her so much, but they just did. Before she knew it, she found herself marching up to the pure-blood, leaving Yamato dumbfounded and the rest of the Night Class sending her odd looks. She didn't care as she brought something out of her pocket. As swiftly as she approached, she stood before the pure-blood and pulled his bangs from his face and swept them to the side. After she did that, she placed the object, which was a simple clip, on his bangs to keep them from falling back.

"They are irritating," she simply stated, ignoring the gasps and muffled voices from the on-lookers. She didn't care what they had to say, the bangs were irritating her. If she could find a more permanent solution (that didn't involve cutting them off) she would have done it. Regardless, what was done was done. She probably earned a few more enemies, but friends and enemies did not belong in her world. Well, maybe they did, but regardless, it didn't matter to her. The sound of laughing captured her attention as she spotted Yamato clutching his sides. She rolled her eyes as she disappeared into the crowd, passing the male prefect she knew as Watoshi, and made herself less conspicuous, or as much as possible with her white hair.

You are so strange Aiko-chan, Bibi stated as she chuckled at her choice of action. Yukiko merely shrugged as she continued her way through the crowd. For an odd reason, she had the sudden urge to glance towards the gates of the school building. She cocked her head to the side, causing Bibi to slide from her perch and onto Yukiko's shoulder. There was a person standing by the front gates. She couldn't make out the gender of this person, however; they seemed to be smiling. There was a large grin plastered on the face of the onlooker before they shrouded in a black shadow and disappeared. Yukiko merely rose an eyebrow at the mysterious figure. She couldn't understand it, but her heart began beating faster than usual and she felt her breath hitch in her throat. She clutched at the front of her uniform as she tried to suck in large quantities of air.

Bibi fluttered from her perch on her shoulder and wildly flew in front of Yukiko. Yukiko are you okay?! she stated as Yukiko managed to get her breathing under control. She could feel a cold sweat over her body as beads of sweat formed on her brow. She placed a hand on her forehead and shook her head, reassuring Bibi that she was fine. Whatever the feeling was, it had disappeared just as suddenly as it appeared.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless Character Portrait: Watoshi Saken
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"This is definitely an odd day, but a good one probably."

It was rather surprising for Orpei to suddenly lunge at Inoue out of the blue. Although, he had an idea what the reason could be making the action of his familiar considered normal. The little critter was quite possessive of him that Keilani also had troubles with Orpei from time to time. He was not certain where such aggressiveness stemmed out from. But thinking about it, Orpei came from him. It would be safe to say, this was one of his facets which had yet to be revealed. Looking at that way, he found enthralling learning about himself through another creature. Yes, it was very fascinating.

Yet, he should stop himself from thinking any further. Inoue needed help as he opted to lure Orpei with sweets. Unfortunately, he had forgotten it back at his room. It was a good thing the prefects had finally arrived. No matter the trouble, he had complete trust that they can manage to solve it in an effortless manner. Proving his point, Serafine had procured some bag of candies effectively taking Orpei's attention from Inoue's nose. For a hunter from such an intimidating lineage, this girl was peculiar. More so, she hardly feels disdain for someone of his status. After all, a pure-blood took someone important from her. It was not a secret but, there is a silent vow never to speak of it.

"Thank you, Nightless-san." He spoke while catching the bag of candies thrown at his way. It was not that difficult although, he had this notion that Serafine would undoubtedly make him pay for these sweets on one way or another "I forgot mine back at my room." There would always be compensation for her good deeds. He really did not mind. It was something to be expected and rather he found it fitting for her to do. She then began lecturing them to go to their classes and she did not mince her words. Others did not take light of being treated so lowly or rather equally. They believed that status and bloodline were enough to commandeer honor. It is why he had a small smile on his lips as he heard Serafine's explanation of earning respect.

Orpei had returned to his shoulder as the critter was still munching on the candy Serafine gave earlier. He saw the charming smile that the female prefect gave to his familiar. Thinking about it, the same could be said about Yukiko from the excerpts he heard from Inoue. The white-haired girl gets along more with Inoue's familiar. It seemed the familiars have the charisma that their masters sorely lacking. He finds that funny. At one point, he did suggest to Inoue to become a canary to be closer to Yukiko. It was just a harmless set of words. But, the vampire did take it seriously and soon was beaten by Yukiko for being disgusting if he remembered the word correctly.

"Everyone, let us not cause trouble for the prefects anymore." The rather tensed silence being beaten in the battle of words was soon dissipated with Khalid's rather cheerful and polite demeanor. He then gave a nod of the head to acknowledge Serafine and then the other prefect, Watoshi Saken. The silent one who seemed to have been letting the girl handle the situation. Others might find this rather demeaning. But, there is a saying. One should be more wary of those who are quiet. They are the most dangerous and perhaps Serafine knows this.

Walking passed them, it was more easy since the Day Class had already returned to their dormitory. Yet, there were still a few lingering about to catch one last glimpse of the Night Class. Speaking of which, he should apologize to Inoue and even more so, Orpei. Stopping momentarily, the others following him did the same having curious expressions on their faces. Khalid looked around him and spotted Inoue with the white-haired girl. They seemed to be having fun once more if it counted having Inoue being smacked around. In his opinion, the two were getting along just fine.

But the next event was rather unexpected just like that day. Yukiko approached him just like that. Not minding everyone. Not caring for anyone's approval or even his permission to do so. Her strangeness as others called it reminded him of the morning breeze blowing over the mountain range. It was refreshing. She spoke the same words that time. His bangs were irritating. He wanted to smile at them and even released a light laugh. However, this was prevented because unlike that time. She reached out to his hair and then pulled his entwined forelocks to the side. Then to secure it there, she placed a simple clip.

Blinking his eyes a couple of times, he was once more left astounded. He could hear whispers of how disrespectful or brazen the girl is. In his opinion, there was nothing rude about it. Rather, it was very amusing and brave of her to speak her words without care. Fortunately, Orpei did not see this as a bad thing and looked at the new hairdo his Master was sporting. It was unusual but his face was more pronounced now. "Is she planning to be a hairstylist?" Hearing the words of his familiar, Khalid was returned to reality and heard Inoue laughing at what happened. Reaching for the pinned bangs, he did not do anything to remove it. "I believe that would be nice." After stating that, he smiled brightly that the on-lookers were not bothered anymore of what Yukiko did.

He looked at Inoue and gestured for the pure-blood to come along. "Inoue-san, let's get going. A few moments apart from Daitokuji-san would make the heart grow fonder." As for Orpei, he kept a watchful eye on the other pure-blood. The guy was far too physical in his way of relating to others. "I'm sorry about what happened." Orpei started as he pointed at the man's nose. "Orpei, you should apologize too." The familiar pouted and looked away in stubbornness. Shaking his head, Khalid showed Orpei that sweets he received from Serafine. "I would not give you any of these if you don't apologize." Left without a choice, the pink critter did so in a dejected manner. "...Sorry."

When that was done, the Night Class once more proceeded to the Main Building which would be used by the Night Class solely during this hour. Yes, this is the hour were mysterious things happened. The skies that were fluttered with the setting sun was now changed into a dark canvass with stars flickering like diamonds. Sun was replaced by the Moon which was currently at a wonderful crescent shape. Glancing at Inoue, he stated with a small smile. "I think I can understand why you like Daitokuji-san. She is very interesting." Touching the hairpin once more before entering the threshold of the Main Building. The doors closed behind the Night Class students while the Day Class turned in to sleep. They are here to revel in the darkness which they were born to for they are vampires.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless
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"They want a normal life for me, but I think normal is overrated. Because, nothing is what it seems."

This life was not that bad really. The air was nice with all the nature around her. As much as she could tell, this school from anyone's perspective is an ordinary yet high-end academy. Well, she could not tell much about the curriculum since she usually falls asleep through all of it. More or less, it was peaceful. It had always been for the past years. Somehow, she wondered why her parents or brother never attended this place. Her mother at one point like to but her folks discouraged her. It is not uncommon for hunters to hold dislike towards the creatures of the night. Oh yes, her family believed that vampires should never mingle with the humans. Well, mainly his father and brother and that was further cemented with the death of her mother. It was far too dangerous as if dangling bait in front of a very starved predator.

With all of the risks and consequences, Cross Academy is the very symbol of the treaty to co-exist. This was supposed to be the model society that would integrated to the outside world. But, it would still be a long way. Because, the students only get along with each other because of not revealing the true nature of the Night Class. To make sure the secret remains a secret until the right time, prefects like her and Saken are mandated to protect the peace in this academy. They were in a sense, Guardians. She finds that title funny because in the end, she is but a high school student enjoying this momentary peace. Once, she graduates. Her life to be a full-pledged hunter will begin. This is her decision.

Walking along the woods surrounding the Main building, she made sure that no law-breakers were going about like rats. There were occasional Day Class students who would not be dissuaded. But after a few moments with her, they would never attempt such a deed again. But, she does hope they do it again so she could have a bit of fun educating them. It is not like she does not understand their fascination to the Night Class. These vampires were created to be beautiful and almost unreal making themselves the lure needed to pull those oblivious moths drawn to the flame. She would not lie that she finds a lot of the Night Class attractive just like that blue-head vampire and she who had been around countless vampires since her childhood. She should have gained a sense of immunity and she died. But, their dark charms still remained strong.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard her a tune echoing from her skirt's pocket. Well, it was far obvious that the girl who adores all cute things and those she deemed to be will undeniably have a song meaning cute as her ringtone. Although if you ask her, she has no idea what the song means as a whole. Does it even matter? In any case, she took out her phone and saw on the screen it was her brother, Freidert. She answered it. "Sera, here." The voice of her brother echoed through her ear. It was nice hearing his voice and she found comfort in that. She was informed prior that he was doing a mission out of the country. It had been hard getting to hear news from him since he seemed to be so busy. Well, he is the top hunter.

"I know. Don't worry about it. I got it covered. Just be safe always." Freidert said something interesting that made Sera clutched her phone with two hands and had a rather sweet expression on her face. Something that is rarely seen by anyone even her fellow prefect. "I'm fine. Yeah, I love you too. See you soon, brother." Then the line was disconnected, she looked at the screen of her phone for some time before returning it to her pocket. It seemed his mission was taking too long than he had anticipated. So, he would not be able to return tomorrow as scheduled. Tomorrow. It was an important day for the Nightless family. She had always asked the Headmaster a leave during that day.

"What gift should I bring to Mom?" She pondered on that thought as she continued with her patrols. Tomorrow, it was her mother's birthday and it had been a tradition for her, Freidert, and their father to celebrate it at her grave. But, it seemed to be just her and her father this time. Well, it was not much of a downer. She slapped her face in a tolerable amount until her cheeks were red. It was then she found herself at the gates. There was something odd in the air. She cast a glance and saw someone there. A guest? A visitor? But, when she blinked. The person was gone. Was it just an imagination? Who knows?

She then noticed something white from the corner of her eyes. There she saw the snow-haired girl who seemed to have seen a ghost? Does that mean the figure she saw was not a trick of the eye? "Daikotuji-chan, are you alright?" She called out as Sera approached the pure-blood turned human. She seemed to be a bit better. But, it made her wonder if Yukiko knew that strange person. Anyway, the health of the girl is important. "Do you want to go to the clinic? If not, why not take a rest at the dorm?" She suggested while keeping a good distance for her to observe and to support the girl if anything else happens. At the same time, she also glanced at the canary and gave it a kind smile. "We would not want this cute thing be worried now." She then placed her hands behind her back. "Plus, I would hate to reprimand you for breaking curfew and all." There was interjected humor to lighten the air around them.

There was something thick and foreboding in the air. It was not something she liked that much. She looked back at the gates and saw no one there. It would be best to inform Saken about this later, so he could be more prudent tomorrow. Since, she would not be here. Sera returned her attention to Yukiko. "You'll just be fine, right?" A small smile on her lips.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Azazel


"How can you stand being around so many people? It's called having friends silly."

"If that were only true, she would have been mine already," Yamato replied in a light tone, however; the meaning behind those words had a sense of playfulness to them. He liked Yukiko, but he would never choose her as someone he would spend the rest of his life with. She was his friend and that's how he wanted it to remain. He knew she was from a rather pronounced pure-blood family, one that had a rather interesting back-story, but that wasn't his place to say. Even if the girl had been a pure-blood, his heart would remain with a certain beauty in his class. He sighed and was struck out of his thoughts when Khalid asked Orpei to apologize for attacking his nose. He rubbed it absentmindedly, feeling the wounds already healed and laughed nervously.

"No need to apologize, I wish my familiar was that protective of me. Instead she spends all her time with my Aiko," he pouted slightly, earning a rather confused look from some of the other vampires. He waved his hand in front of him, dismissing the gray cloud in front of him as he smiled. "I swear sometimes the two are contemplating getting rid of me some morbid way," he stated fairly casually, as if the thought didn't matter at all. "But at least she thinks of me!" he stated all of a sudden, hitting his fist to his hand as if he had just had an epiphany. He continued to follow Khalid with the rest of the Night Class to their classes.

Although in reality, it wasn't a normal class session to begin with. They, in a sense, were being guinea pigs to the new blood tablets that had been created. Not to mention the teachers weren't exactly teaching them proper etiquette to begin with. They served much like a miniature Vampire Council, bringing important news and other nonsense that Yamato paid no attention to. His attention was rendered to the blue-haired male beside him when he spoke. A fond smile played at his lips when Khalid told him of his reasoning for liking Yukiko. He chuckled at the pure-bloods words and nodded his head in agreement.

"That she truly is. Our first meeting was rather," he paused, rubbing his face absentmindedly before continuing "entertaining. She kicked me because Hoji-san decided to play a prank on her and tried to pull at her skirt," he stated. Yoru Hoji, the one he referred to, was one of the Day Class students he had befriended due to his current obsession of learning how to play soccer. It was a rather interesting sport he had stumbled upon on one of his daily meetings with Yukiko and had been fascinated by it ever since. Not to mention Yukiko had been a part of the P.E. class it had demonstrated with and he found it amusing at how she remained in her school outfit instead of the standard white shirt, red pants.

"Unlike them, however," He stated, pointing to the crowd of vampires walking behind them, "she stays true to her words and every meaning of them. Of course you just happened to be lucky the only thing irritating about you is your bangs. She finds me annoyingly irreversibly disgusting," he continued, staring at the clip Yukiko had moments ago placed there. He shook his head and laughed as he followed behind the blue-haired male, listening to the doors close behind them to begin their night.

Yukiko stood in her place for awhile as her breathing finally evened out. She glanced where the figure had just been moments before and frowned. Who was that person and why did that happen to her so suddenly? She was pulled out of her thoughts when Bibi pecked her cheek lightly. She turned and smiled down at the yellow canary and held her hand out to her, watching as Bibi landed on her fingers. The yellow canary ruffled her feathers, allowing her black eyes to sparkle like a star in the midnight sky as she stared at Yukiko. The night had already come out to play, lighting the campus in an eerie glow that seemed somewhat, beautiful to Yukiko. Her reverie was cut short by the introduction of one Serafine Nightless, the female prefect whom Yukiko was actually quite fond of.

"That, is not necessary Serafine-san. It was just a loss of breath for a moment. I am fine," Yukiko replied as she offered a half lit smile to the prefect. When she mentioned reprimanding Yukiko for breaking curfew, it caused her to laugh. It wasn't a mocking tone but more of a fond laugh. "Thank you Nightless-san, but I will return to the dorm room. I just need to rest a bit," she stated, watching as the prefect left. She truly meant what she said, however; a slight breeze played with her hair before she had an odd sensation of wanting to travel into the forest tingling in her legs. And she did just that, allowing her legs to carry her to whatever destination they were headed towards. She stopped in a subtle clearing, glancing around as the grass sparkled with the faint drops of dew lingering at their fingertips. She smiled at the scenery, especially the way the moonlight created a soft halo around the field. It was peaceful, something that tugged deeply at her lips that turned into a smile. Bibi stared up at Yukiko and tilted her head slightly.

"Kiko-chan, will you sing for me? It's such a pretty place and it needs a bit of life to it!" Bib stated in a happy voice, allowing her voice to be heard for the first time in days. Yukiko frowned slightly before it was replaced with a smile. She couldn't say no to the face Bibi was currently making and she set the canary down on a nearby log. She took a seat next to Bibi and pulled her hair back, fastening it with a band she kept in the other pocket of her shirt. It was rather odd that she had hair accessories in her pocket, but then again, it was rather odd that she used them to begin with. Perhaps subconsciously she would have eventually placed one on Khalid's hair just to serve as a source of temporary relief of the itch she received every time she spotted his bangs.

"Okay, but don't tell Yamato-san. He'll be upset and then he won't stop bothering me to sing for him. It is bothersome and I don't like it when he does that," she agreed as she stated the conditions. Although Bibi nodded, she opened the link between her master and herself because she knew how found of Yukiko's voice Yamato was. He had stumbled upon her singing once and had begged her to sing more often for him. Of course this only ended with a broken finger and elbow from the white-haired girl as Yamato cried childishly. Bibi laughed at the memory as Yukiko pet her head with a single finger.

She then proceeded to close her eyes and allowed the moment to cover her. She was searching through her memories of a song she would like to sing. One entered her mind as she re-opened her mind. She allowed the wind to carry her voice as the lyrics began to pour through her mouth. The song was light, and yet, it had a underlying meaning to Yukiko. What the meaning was, Bibi didn't know. She was just listening to the song as it was carried by the wind and to whomever was close enough to hear.

When the song finished, the sound of clapping echoed through the vicinity. Yukiko opened her crimson eyes as she spotted the cloaked figure from earlier. This time, however, she was able to discern the fact that this was a woman before her. The silver strands falling from the black cloak and the way her body screamed feminine, there was no doubt about it. It wasn't very concealed beneath the blanket of darkness as the woman stepped forth.

Such a lovely gift, I wonder what it would be like if someone were to take it from you," the woman stated, causing Yukiko to narrow her eyes at the newcomer. "No need to be so rude child, surely you have more respect for your elders than that worm of a father of yours," she spoke, causing Yukiko to relinquish the glare she had on the woman and formed into one of curiosity. The woman laughed at her change of expressions. It haunted Yukiko's ears as the woman peered from beneath the veil. Her eyes, something about them caused a shiver down Yukiko's back as she peered into the void-less eyes. They were a haunting black color, almost as dark as the midnight sky above.

"What do you know of my father? Answer me," Yukiko stated in a rather demanding tone. She wasn't in the mood to play, however; a strange aura exerted from the woman, causing Yukiko to step back slightly at the sheer force of it. The laughter of the woman continued to ring through Yukiko's mind as Bibi had been blown off of her shoulder. She spotted the yellow canary on the ground, eyes closed to the world but the shallow breathing gave Yukiko a sighe of relief.

"Such an impudent child. You are definitely of this blood, but you are not my concern right now. Go to sleep," the woman stated. Before Yukiko could react, the world around her went black, her vision blurred as the laughter of the woman continued to ring in her ears. The only thing she remembered was the sound of her name being called, being cradled against someone, and the flashes of emerald and crimson flickering back and forth.

Yamato had been inside the classroom, listening to the instructor speaking of something, but he wasn't paying attention. He was listening to her sing, his beloved Aiko. He had a smile tugging at his lips however, just as quickly as the smile appeared, it disappeared. Bibi had left her connection open to him when this strange woman appeared. She had spoken of Yukiko's father, and that seemed to spurn the girl, causing her to lash out at the woman. That did not bode well for the woman seemed to have forced a malevolent force and knocked out his familiar. This caused slight alarm to Yamato who abruptly stood from his chair and left without a word, leaving his teacher to call after him. He ignored it as he made his way through the forest, searching for the scent of his familiar and Yukiko.

He had found them moments before Yukiko had fallen unconscious, the woman gone, and his familiar laying on the ground in the same condition. He caught Yukiko before she hit the ground, cradling her form to his as he scooped Bibi up as well. His eyes had flashed crimson when he approached the scene, expecting a fight of some sort, but that was not the case. He glanced down at his friend and sighed.

"What mess did you get yourself into, Yukiko?" he stated as he made his way to the infirmary, Yukiko tucked in his arms.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis
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0.00 INK

"Sometimes, I believe I am living a life that is not mine. Would you believe me if I tell you that?"

It was entertaining to hear Inoue's stories and responses. The pure-blood was no doubt the kind that thrives with so much vigor and energy. Inoue was an cheerful and energetic person as he would always have an interesting gesture to match his words or a silly story to back up his claim. A very animated person, it is why Khalid finds him truly a fun person to be with. At the same time, it is nice to converse with someone where status and pedigree were not an issue. Even he gets a bit irritated with all the decorum and formalities. After all, he came here not only at the behest of his grandparents but also to gain a sense of himself far from the things he was used to.

Well, it was not the same with Orpei who looked at Inoue keenly. It was clear for everyone to see that the pink familiar was not overly fond of the said pure-blood. This is quite a curious matter to Khalid which had prompted him at one time to jokingly noted to Inoue, "It seems familiars don't like you that much, Inoue-san." He remembered that Inoue simply laughed at this. Still, the main reason for this dislike is not clear. However, it was not something that Khalid greatly desired to know. So, it was left at that. In addition, it was rather amusing to see Inoue's interactions with Orpei and Bibi, if he recalled correctly.

There is also Inoue's interesting point of view like noting that Daitokuji and Bibi were planning to eliminate him. This earned Khalid's smile as he continued to listen. Compared to Inoue's life at school, it seemed more colorful than his. After all, he has only one year to be a student at Cross Academy. Yet, he wished that he would have great fun in that short time. The man shared the story about his first meeting with Yukiko. He had heard rumors of the exchange between the two. Now hearing it from Inoue, he had wished to have witnessed it firsthand.

Yes, the Daitokuji special pure-blood was not the kind to hide her words. It is why he finds the girl fascinating and the way Inoue described that his bangs are the only that Yukiko finds irritating was also funny. This made him released a small laugh which made those around them looked at the blue vampire in wonder and light adoration. Touching the hairpin that kept his crisscrossed bangs in place, his laugh turned into a small smile. Yes, the girl was truly interesting.

Then, Inoue compared Yukiko to the vampires surrounding them. There is truth in Inoue's words. The vampires around them were hiding behind the facade of superiority and outdated aristocracy. There is always formality and the sense of fear. He would never know their true intentions unless the guarded walls crumble. But then, what would await him from that point? Would it be a sad truth or a hopeful visage? Well, he will never know or may be someday.

In any case, his thoughts did not linger too much on that. For they soon reached their classroom and their teacher or more appropriately, presiding officer, opened the discussion for politics and such. In reality, the Night Class is the parallel version of the Vampire Council. Their jurisdiction is that of the Academy. The adding fact is that they are also the experimental subjects for the blood pills.

Unknown to many, Khalid's constitution seemed to reject the alternative supplement. He does not also inform anyone about this and maintains his thirst with the weekly supply provided by his sister. Though, he truly hopes that his body would soon accept the blood pills. He did not want to bother his sister than what was necessary. Furthermore, he truly wanted to learn not to feed on someone whether they are a vampire or not.

Truly, the matters about the vampire world does not really interest him that much. It was probably due to the fact he is not that integrated in it. Even now, his grandparents are the considered leader of their clan. His parents would rather travel around the world than be bothered about such matters. However, he still would have to learn the process of their kind and he is willing to do so. It is one of the ways to protect those important to him, such as his sister.

The discussion continued on but just like Inoue, he was not really listening to all the details of what the teacher was saying. It was then Inoue suddenly left the room without much of word. Khalid could sense the urgency in Inoue's actions. Even with the teacher calling out to him, his eyes never left the form of Inoue who soon fade away from his line of sight. Something must have happened and his conclusion, Yukiko is involved. Standing from his chair, the entire class now looked at him and even the teacher. "I would like to excuse myself for now, sensei." After stating that, he left without saying anything else.

Walking along the hallways, Khalid had decided to follow Inoue. He wanted to help his friend even if it was just a little thing. But, it was then he sensed something. As he passed by a window, his eyes caught something from the corner. Stopping from his tracks, he looked through the glass pane and saw a silhouette underneath the cover of trees. Despite that, he could discern it was a woman. But who? He was not certain yet the feeling of knowing plagued him. Did he know this person? Why could he not remember? Then, the shadow-covered female seemed to be speaking something. Her lips could be seen moving.

"I have finally found you." Khalid unconsciously spoke the words he managed to understand from the woman's lips. Find him? What does that mean? Then, Orpei spoke to shook him away from his reverie. "Master, is there something there?" This question made him look at his familiar in an odd manner. "Can''t you see her?" He pointed and Orpei followed the direction and shook its head. "Nope!" Returning his attention to the mysterious woman, she was gone as if her presence was not there to begin with. "Was that just an illusion?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless Character Portrait: Watoshi Saken
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"Is it just me or is it paranoia? This feeling that something is going to happen to things I want to be safe."

Yukiko was not a troublemaker to begin with unless the things involving Yamato are considered. In Sera's opinion, the rambunctious pure-blood deserved some of those blows. Plus, she likes those two interact. It was filled with so much hilarity. Watching them is more fun than sitting in some class for so long. Seeing the snow-haired girl is fine and even saying it so, she left it at that. There was no use persuading something that is needles to begin with. "Good to hear that, Daitokuji-chan. Look after yourself, okay?" Sera said with a smile while concern seeped through her voice. Stepping back, the prefect turned her back to the not-so-secret pure-blood. "I'll be around if you need me." She stated while looking over her shoulders towards Yukiko. "See you, later!"

Waving so enthusiastically at Yukiko, she soon disappeared from the area. Well, she managed not to probe about that mysterious person. She was not certain if it was a figment of her imagination and is still wondering if what caused Yukiko's change in demeanor. In any case, she cannot deny this unsettling feeling of hers. There was something more to this. If her hunch was wrong, it could not be wrong to be cautious and all. It was better to be safe than sorry as she is often told by her instructor at the Association when she began as an apprentice.

Making her way through the trees. Sera was doing some acrobatic maneuvers without a care about her clothes. She was still wearing the Cross Academy uniform and was not wearing underneath the skirt but a lace underwear. Shameless as it seems, but she just did not care for the little details. People were just looking and she would cut their hands into pieces if they even dare to touch it. So, everything was all good. As for her state of mind, she was still thinking about that cloaked-figure visitor or whatever that being should be. She had decided to alert Saken about it. After that, she would probably inform the Headmaster.

It did not take too long for Sera to find Saken. They guy seemed to be drawing and it was probably about something cute and cuddly. Well, most of them would be the familiars Orpei and Bibi. She had taken some of his sketches with much irritation from her adorable partner. "Hello there my knight!" She called from behind him. Actually, it was more like the tree behind him. She stood at there at the branch without regard of the height and her underwear could be seen as clearly as day. "Any lawbreakers from your end?" She inquired as she jumped down and was now beside Saken. Whether the guy was embarrassed by seeing her intimate clothing or not, Sera simply had a coy smile decorating her lips.

"Hey, Saken. I will be out of the Academy tomorrow." It should not be that surprising for Saken. After all, Sera was always gone from the school during this time of the year. "Be more careful and alert." Unlike her usual teasing self, there was seriousness behind those sunset-colored eyes. "I saw something weird earlier. A guest maybe... But, I haven't heard from the Headmaster about anything like that. I'm not sure if it was just a hallucination from me watching having that witch marathon the other day." Crossing her arms over her chest, she released a small sigh. "I hope it would be just that. But, if it isn't..." Sera tugged on Saken's hair and had a very serious presence about her. But, her face was like that of a child pleading to be given some cookies after doing something good. adorably innocent. "Just stay alive, okay?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless Character Portrait: Watoshi Saken
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Azazel


"They say if you make a wish on a shooting star, No matter what, the universe will conspire to make it come true."

Yamato sighed at the unconscious girl in his arms. Her brows were furrowed together and she seemed to be having an internal battle with something. He had tried to pierce the veil of her thoughts, but he couldn't. It bewildered him to a degree. He could, no matter who it was, pierce into someone's thoughts and read them and manipulate them to his own accord. He had tried to see what Yukiko had seen, but there was a barrier around her mind. He glanced at his own familiar laying in his pocket, her breathing barely noticeable but still there. The crunching of his boots beneath the grass did little to calm him as he glanced to the sky, watching as a single star fell.

"When you wish upon a star," he stated, continuing his journey to the infirmary. It didn't seem that Yukiko was physically injured, however; he didn't want to take any chances of perhaps something had happened from the moment Bibi lost consciousness to the moment he arrived. He could hear voices in the distant, ones that sounded familiar to the Nightless and Saken prefects. A frown marred his face when he caught the last sentence of Serafine. So, there truly was a stranger amongst them and he hadn't imagined it either. He had hoped that his familiar had been hallucinating when he spotted the silver haired woman speaking to Yukiko, but apparently it was the truth. Cradling Yukiko closer to him, making himself comfortable, he reached the Academy and proceeded down the hall. He blinked a few times, noticing the Blue-haired vampire staring out the window, catching the end of his statement about an illusion.

"Are you seeing things to Tamesis?" he half joked, but the edge in his voice stated otherwise. This person, whoever she was, apparently had just appeared. Her presence was around the entire school, however; the odd thing was, she didn't have a scent. He couldn't pick up anything at the grounds they were just at. The only thing that filled him was the perfume of Yukiko and his familiar, and the grass and tree's around them. There was no lingering smell of the mystery woman. He shook his head, glancing at the package in his arms and towards th blue-haired male.

"Apparently Nightless-san has seen this figure as well," he stated, leaving the scuffle of the interaction between his friend and the woman out of the statement. Before he could say anything more, a sudden clapping noise filled the air. His face stung a bit, and out of reflex, he let go of Yukiko as she fell to the floor, placing his hand on his face in the process. A thud and a curse were released from the lips of the girl on the floor as Yamato blinked owlishly at the scene. His emerald eyes met scarlet as Yukiko glared up at him.

"You idiot! Why were you carrying me?!" she nearly shouted at the pure-blood, oblivious to the fact that they had company. "I told you not to touch me in such a manner" she couldn't figure out the correct words she wanted to say, so she opted to hesitate for a moment. Yamato could only stare in wonder as Yukiko berated him. He was carrying her because she had fainted, and this was how she repaid him. By slapping him and yelling at him? His laughter echoed through the halls, causing Yukiko to stop in her rant and placed a hand on her hip.

"Well princess, you passed out in that lovely forest of yours. You could have hurt your head on a rock, or worse! Someone might have tried to kidnap you!" he feigned as he grabbed her, wrapping his arms around hers so that she couldn't move. "But your prince charming was there to save you!" he continued. Yukiko could feel the irritating vein at the back of her head pulsating as she twisted out of his grip, kicking his shin in the process.

The pure-blood merely continued to laugh at her flustered appearance before she turned around, finally noticing the other pure-blood in their presence. She blinked, studying his face for a second and noticed the hair clip she had placed their earlier that day had still remained. She couldn't understand why, but it caused her to smile a bit, however; her attention was garnered by the pink rabbit located near him. Before she could stop herself, her hand snatched Orpei and embraced him tightly.

"," she stated in a broken sentence. She couldn't help it. For some odd reason, anything small and cute seemed to be her weakness. In this case, it was familiars. She couldn't understand why she was attached to familiars so much and had once begged her father to show her how to create one, but he had explained to her that she couldn't. Regardless, the pink rabbit was now in her embrace before she quickly released it. "Bibi" she stated suddenly as she searched for the yellow canary. Yamato ceased his laughing and pulled the little Canary from his pocket.

She gently reached for the yellow bird and felt her body, feeling a few broken bones in her wings and ribs. She frowned a bit as she glanced around. She knew that the bird would not heal properly, even if Yamato re-absorbed her back into his flesh. She couldn't place it, but there was something surrounding the bird. It was an aura that she couldn't place. It didn't have a malevolent force to it, but it wasn't necessarily something that could be considered friendly either. There was one thing she could do for the bird though, but it would require something that she wasn't sure the two pure-bloods in front of her would be able to manage, however; she turned her attention towards Yamato and walked up to the pure-blood.

"Yamato, open your mouth and give me one of your fangs," she demanded, causing Yamato to take a hesitant step backwards and raise a questioning eyebrow. Before he could retort, Yukiko fixed him with a deadpan stare as he sighed in defeat. Doing as he was told, he elongated his fangs and opened his mouth, quick enough for Yukiko to prick her index finger and remove it towards the birds mouth. It was something she learned about when she was a child. One of the vampires who had been hurt by a weapon had attacked Yukiko out of a need to replenish blood. Of course that vampire no longer lives (her father saw to that), but she was able to see the immediate healing result her blood had caused. She wasn't sure if it would work on familiars, but she had to try something or Bibi might not wake up. She couldn't have her favorite bird disappearing on her. Who would she talk to and plan with?

"Yukiko, was that wise of you?" Yamato stated, feeling the drop of blood assault his taste buds that was left behind. It was intoxicating and he had to cover his mouth to keep himself from trying to get more. This was pure torture to his senses, but he had to abide by the school rules, less he risk setting a bad example in front of the other pure-blood of the school. His body relaxed and his eyes glazed over, seemingly appearing in his happy place as he had once stated. Yukiko ignored his comment as she watched Bibi stir, opening her black eyes to peer up at the snow-haired girl. Yukiko smiled as Bibi chirped happily, flying so that she was now nestled in said hair. She turned towards the two vampires and merely stared at them. Yamato, his face was one that was twisted in a pure heavenly look, but she couldn't read the Tamesis' face. She pushed the thoughts away and left the two to themselves.

"Shouldn't you two be in class?" were the only words that left her lips as she disappeared down the hallway. No one would have been prepared for the morrow when a new student to Cross Academy would be joining them.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji
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"They say everyone is connected so, we will still meet again, somewhere, somehow..."

Orpei tilted his head in confusion as the query of his Master echoed ever so softly. What was the illusion? He looked at the window once more, but all he could see were just trees. There was nothing out of place in his personal observation. The pink furry creature wondered what his Master was truly pertaining to. "Master?" In the end, he had decided to ask. "What did you see?" Hearing Orpei's words, Khalid directed his attention to the pink familiar. Somehow, he was not sure how to answer that question. What did he exactly saw? It was probably a woman but then again, it might be something else entirely. He could never be certain.

Silence reigned as Khalid tried to collect his thoughts to provide an answer that would satisfy Orpei and more so, his own questions. However, Inoue had taken the initiative to break the reverie. At the same time, he was actually thankful of the information. It seemed he was not the only one who saw that mysterious figure. From what he could assume, Nightless had also seen this elusive stranger. "I wonder..." He murmured more to himself. This had become more intriguing but, it was pushed aside as he noticed the object or rather the person his fellow pure-blood was carrying. "Is Daitokuji-san hurt?" He asked with concern lacing around his tone.

But before any response or statement could be given, a resounding sound of skin being slapped echoed through the hallways. Those sky blue eyes widened in amusement as the next course of events were rather the domino effect of a comedy skit. It seemed Daitokuji was in for a rude awakening and the at the receiving end was Inoue. Sometimes, Khalid does wonder if the pure-blood was masochistic. Perhaps, the man was to a degree. For, Inoue laughed and lighten the situation with the usual sweet humor of his. Normally, a person would be irritated to be slapped and then berated when a gesture was done out of good intentions.

Well, Khalid had no complaints of what he was witnessing personally. These two were far more entertaining than staying inside a room listening to chatter that hardly touch the most important of issues. "Are they comedians, Master?" Orpei inquired with the purest of intentions. The blue pure-blood answered with a small smile. "I'm not aware but they could be." The familiar looked at the two once more as if wondering if they could pass with such an act. "I don't mind him being hit all the time." Hearing his familiar's response, it was almost hard not to chuckle. But, Khalid had managed to hold it in.

Due to what happened next, he was not able to contain it anymore from the actions of Daitokuji. Khalid had hardly noticed that the pure-blood turned human finally noticed his presence. It was because he was busy conversing with Orpei who was rather curious in the relationship between Inoue and Daitokuji. "So, they are---" Orpei was not able to finish his words as he was snatched from his Master's shoulder without warning by the silver-haired female and had been placed into an embrace. It was then the Tamesis pure-blood released his laughter in tandem with Inoue's.

The girl was not just fascinating but oddly lovable in that sense. As for Orpei, he was trying hard to get out of the girl's embrace for he was not able to breath anymore. Thankfully, he was soon released in favor of another familiar. Orpei quickly flew towards his Master who caught him into his hands. "That.... was... scary..." The pink critter spoke in a breathless manner as Khalid had now ceased his laughter and offered Orpei a comforting smile. "She just likes you." This made Orpei shivered in fear of another death hug near in the future. Placing Orpei in his shoulder once more, he patted its head to soothe the creature who was not used to such an introduction. "It will be fine."

That was the time Khalid took noticed of Bibi who seemed to be unconscious. Khalid was rather curious what exactly happened earlier which made Inoue rushed out in alarm then returned with Daitokuji asleep. But, what made him looked with wonder were the words that left the girl's lips. Fangs? Why would she want to see Inoue's fangs? However, he was not able to conclude the possible outcome of the girl's demand as the scent of blood tickled his nose. A dangerously alluring scent tugged at the thirst deep inside of him. Orpei sensed the subtlety of the rising hunger within his Master. "Master?" The familiar called out to ensure that this was still his Master.

Sky blue eyes darkened just slightly in the color range as they glanced at Orpei. The familiar rubbed its face on his cheek which made Khalid softly smiled. His thirst was once more locked in its cage. "I'm fine." This answer of his made Orpei smiled with much enthusiasm. Patting Orpei's head, he looked at Inoue who seemed to be in ecstasy of some sort. Probably from the slight taste of Daitokuji's blood. He did hear about rumors of her blood being sought out for many reasons. It seemed that some of those stories were real. One is the scent and now, the state of recovery for Bibi. Then. the taste must be pure delight from his observation of the other pure-blood.

Fortunately for him, Khalid had not abstain from drinking blood which comes from his sister. This gives him more tolerance and even more he had just fed so, he was not that hungry to begin with. Still, the effect of Daitokuji's blood was truly a concern in relation to his senses. A fascinating yet dangerous girl she is. It was then he felt eyes on his form as he met those crimson eyes of Daitokuji. As far as expression could go, Khalid has his usual expression of amicable neutrality even when the girl implied that they should be in class. He could say the same thing to her which he did. "Shouldn't Daitokuji-san be back to her dormitory now as well?"

It was not said with any negative intentions or emotions. Khalid stated what he thought of her situation. There was a small smile in his lips. He then removed the hair clip as his bangs returned to its normal state. After doing so, he directed his attention to Inoue. "Inoue-san, we should go back now. We would not want to cause trouble to the prefects." Daitokuji should be fine now judging by the fire in her spirit. Turning his back and taking opposite direction of the girl, he too soon disappeared from the hallways. His reason for removing the hair clip rather ambiguous while Orpei simply looked behind them to cast one final look to the girl who was earlier about to hug him to death. "Odd girl..." Khalid had an amused smile. No one knew at that moment when the moon gives way to the sun, everything will change.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless Character Portrait: Watoshi Saken
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#, as written by Quelle
"Everything has a meaning, although it lasts for a second. But devining everything and thinking too deeply can turn out to be simply confusing and cause a misfortune. So I'll just be patient and look to what future bring us."

ImageThe day went so smoothly that Saken did not even want to believe it. Of course, an argument with some fangirls could not be prevent, but the night class seem to be pretty much 'good boys' and did not charm the girls to run for them and making Saken to have more and more work to do. He even had time to go to the roof and finishing his drawing of the pink rabbit familiar of the blue haired vampire.

"I knew you were here the whole time long! Are you stupid? Why didn't you come to me after you 'duties'?" Natasha came in and has a quite irritated face, but the lie was all over her face: She was red, what means she ran everywhere to find him. But still, she slumped herself beside him and took out a sandwhich. "I bet you are hungry, right? I'll give you this - if you want." She said and Saken could just smile sarcastically. "You definitly have a condition right?" He said closing his drawing block. Natasha could just grin. "As if you get something for free!"

Saken grabbed for the Sandwhich, but Natasha could prevent him from snatching it away. She looked at Saken with hope in her eyes, but Saken snorted. "No way. I know what you want. Get inside the Night Class dormitory, am I right?" She then had that begging puppy face expression that she always shows to the guys she want get, but not with Saken. Saken already knew all of her tricks and just sighed. Her expression then changed drastically into a pouting face - her real expression. "You are cheesy, you know that? With your authority as a prefect, it's easy for you to smuggle a girl inside that dormitory right? Why can't yo sacrifice youself a bit for your beautiful friend?" Again, those puppy eyes. But Saken couldn't be fooled.

"Give it up already, Natasha. You'll not ever get a Night Class Student as I am here." She wanted to bring up another argument, as Saken saw an opportunity and snatched away the sandwich and ate it on the spot with a grin on his face. "Thank you for the meal." She began to protest, but then she just had to laugh. Saken was truly different as the other guys she always hang around with.

As Saken finished his duty, the moon already took it's place at nights and the school area began to quite down. He did not dislike nights, having everything around him dark, but the silence was holy and the air fresh. Inside he knew that he should fear the nights, not just because of the vampires. And that night he had not the best feeling he had. It was an uneasiness he felt as he stared up to the sky. A misfortune? No way he believed something like that.

"Hello there my knight! Any lawbreakers from your end?"

Saken whirled around and saw Sera... in a quite daring piece of clothes. Well, he could not say it looked bad on her, but it was just because it was unusual, her dress- up disturbed him a bit. "Got not much complains, Princess, just the usual fangirls." Then he added with a slight joking voice: "But your get up should be considered as a lawbreak."

"Hey, Saken. I will be out of the Academy tomorrow."

He nodded. He was already familiar with her going out the Academy. As he was to say his usual: "Take care." her expression worried him a bit. Did something happen? She was unbelievable serious today. As he then heard her concern, he frowned. A guest? What was weird of a guest? He - or she - should look very suspicious if even Sera was concerned like this. "An uninvited guest?" He now too was concerned and thought back of the misfortune that he had felt to come. But he shook it off and came back to the facts. "Well, if we do not know what he was - it was a he, was it? - I guess we can not do anything than waiting. But I do not really know why you are concerned about me." He grinned and patted her head. "It's not like you at all. I'll keep be around somewhere. Now go get some sleep... and change your clothes."

As he pulled Sera along to the dormitory, he glanced up to the sky, as if he was hoping something like an advice from heaven? Who knows. It was quite the clear night, he could see some stars on the night sky, not noticing some shadows lingering somewhere in the darkness, impatiently waiting for tomorrow. A shiver went through his body as he then shouted: "Who is there?" But it kept still and Saken wondered. He was sure he heard something behind his back. Alerted, he went through the hallway to the dormitory, frowning. This night had concerned him, the sky, the mysterious guest and something, that he could not define. He glanced to Sera, noticing his grab was a bit too strong and let go of her hand. "Sorry. It was just a long night for me, I guess. So are you going to go very early in the morning?" He asked - may it was because he was anxious or just because he did not want to do all the duties of a prefect without her - he had a concerned frown on his face.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Azazel


"When words are not enough to express, everything you feel and know, I will put them into actions to see how you squirm"

The rumors were flying wildly around the school. The night had passed and the day class students were up and about chirping with excitement. It caused an irritated twitch in Yukiko's brow as they continued to chat up a storm. They were speaking of something, or rather, someone who would be joining the Academy soon. Apparently this newcomer was going to attend as part of the Night Class. Odd, she didn't know vampires could just suddenly come and declare to be apart of the school. Whatever the reason, it wasn't that fact that irked her more so that the they wouldn't stop mentioning her pretty white hair. She didn't know why, but that frustrated to no end. Perhaps it was because they had poked fun of her own hair that was perhaps the same shade.

"Will you shut up already!?" she growled in annoyance, causing a few of the students to stop for a moment, blink in her direction and then continue on with their conversation. They completely ignored her. She gritted her teeth before she stood from her chair. The teacher shot her a look, but she didn't care. It was lunch time anyway so she could sit wherever she wanted to. Excusing herself to the teacher, she made a hurried walk, rushing passed the mumbling idiots she had labeled them as and quickly made it to her favorite spot. It was the top of the Academy. There she could be alone without anyone trying to bother her or interrupt her thoughts.

"Aiko-chan!" a voice snapped her out of her reverie as she peered at the yellow canary. Yukiko smiled as the yellow canary landed in her hands. She stroked the familiar with a single digit before turning her attention towards the sun-filled sky. It was an odd sensation that filled her being as she stared out into the open space of the Academy. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom and they littered the side-walk that led to the other dormitories. "It's so pretty today! Why are you up here?" she questioned, a smiling lingering in her eyes. Yukiko shook her head at the question. She didn't want to be around the bumbling idiots who were fawning over the new Night Class student. Have they even seen the new girl yet? Well that was a dumb thought, they did mention she had white hair.

"The others are making a fuss about the new Night Class student. They are saying how pretty she is and her snow-white hair is very envious. It is irritating and I don't like it," she stated as if it were a casual thing to state. Bibi laughed at her response which in turn caused Yukiko to raise an eyebrow before shrugging. "I am not bothered by this fact, what bothers me is the fact that they do not shut up about it. It''s almost as irritating as those bangs," she continued. Bibi tilted her head in confusion before Yamato's voice responded she was referring to Khalid. She didn't like his bangs, more so the fact of how they were entwined together. This only caused the little canary to laugh harder than necessary and fell out of Yukiko's hand, earning a light chuckle from the white-haired girl.

"I didn't know familiars could be created by humans," a sickening sweet voice entered Yukiko's ears. She turned to the intruder and spotted the source of her irritation. Her face was pulled into a frown as Bibi returned to her perch on Yukiko's shoulder, hiding beneath the snow-colored locks. This girl seemed to radiate a frightening presence to Bibi, although Yukiko was ignorant to this fact. "It is a cute familiar, whom does she belong to?" the girl continued to talk. Yukiko remained silent as the girl with fuschia colored eyes walked up to her. She reached out to the familiar, however; Yukiko caught her hand quite out of reflex. She held the girl's wrist in a rather stern manner, earning a large grin from the silver haired girl. "I see, so the rumors are true about the snow-haired human. Nevertheless, my name is Kaiya Tsukumo. I hope we can still be friends," the girl stated in a sickeningly honey coated tone.

"I don't appreciate you touching me or this familiar without properly asking permission, and I don't need friends. Especially not from someone like you," was the only reply Yukiko allowed out of her mouth as Kaiya only smiled wider. Yukiko couldn't understand why, but this woman, this girl, seemed to radiate a sense of familiarity. She didn't know this girl, nor was she inclined to get to know her. And she didn't like it. Soon, the girl was out of sight and Bibi released a held breath. Yukiko rose an eyebrow at the action as Bibi stared up at her.

"Aiko-chan, she scares me," Bibi stated in a frightened tone. Yukiko's gaze softened as she pulled the bird from her shoulder, enclosing her in her hands as she rubbed her cheek against the canary's own.

"Don't worry Bibi, nothing will harm you. I will make sure of that, and plus, Yamato-san will look out for you as well," she stated, causing the canary to relax a bit. Bibi couldn't discern the fact that the girl was truly frightening in every sense. The girls' scent was rather peculiar as well. Yukiko couldn't detect it, she wasn't a vampire, but Bibi could. She could smell the sickening perfume of rotting flesh mixed in with the odd enticing scent of cinnamon. The girl was truly peculiar.

"Did someone call my name?" a voice that could only be recognized as Yamato's pierced the air. Yukiko resisted the urge to roll her eyes as Yamato smiled at the two. He had felt the fear Bibi radiated when he was asleep, and naturally, he had woken up and entered the school grounds regardless of the consequences he would likely face from the prefects. It didn't matter to him though because his familiar had felt something that he had rarely experienced from her.


"I assure you Yamato-san that it wasn't intentional to have you come every time your name is stated," she retorted, crossing her arms against her chest. She released a dejected sigh as she pulled out her lunch. She had two boxes, both of which she had made the night before. She tossed the other one to Yamato who caught it with ease. "Don't read too much into that Yamato-san," she stated in a rather bored tone. Yamato only smiled, his eyes filling with dramatic tears while he rubbed the box to his face. Although he ingested blood, that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy her cooking, which he absolutely loved. Especially since she would always add a blood tablet in substitute to the water that was required in most dishes. It made eating the solid food more tolerable. Of course, he had supplied the tablets for her since she couldn't get them herself.

"I knew you loved me," he stated as he sat next to her, enjoying the meal as they ate in silence, awaiting for the sun to slumber so that he may return to his class and meet this new Night Class student. He was intrigued to say the least.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless Character Portrait: Watoshi Saken
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0.00 INK

"There are things in life that never goes the way you want. But, it is these surprises that makes who we are."

Concerned about him? Of course, it comes natural for her to be worried about the well-being of her partner. There was no telling what would happen and she didn't like to take the risk. "I don't like doing my work alone, silly rabbit." She said in a playful manner accompanied by a pout. This made her look rather adorable while Saken patted her head. It made her wonder when did the role between the caretaker switched. Well, she didn't mind it that much. In the end, she liked being pampered once in a while. If she remembered it correctly, there is a saying that girls are all princesses. So, it is natural for her to desire such attention on a few times.

"What's wrong with my clothes? This is our uniform you know." She noted while doing a pirouette to show off the black Cross Academy uniform. It fits her perfectly and somehow, she made it look quite a seductive attire all together. "Don't tell me, Sakkun is a closet pervert? Do you want to see me in some playboy bunny costume?" Finally stopping herself from spinning, she teasingly smiled at him and then winked. However, her partner could get quite stern and rather dedicated when he decides on one thing. Currently, it is for her to sleep as he dragged her to the Sun Dormitory. It was not even that late. Well, it is actually.

But then, there was something odd in the air. His hold on her tighten considerably. The guy even took her with him like some rag doll. He even asked out to someone in the process. In turn, she looked around them as well. But, there was nothing. They found nothing at all. "Saken..." He finally noticed her and released her hand. Well, it was not something that she minded that much. He then defended himself with the reason of being tired and then asked about her absence tomorrow. She slowly stepped back from him while her hands were placed behind her back. "I will leave early morning and probably return late in the evening after the Night Class session."

Sera wanted to discuss about the odd and foreboding presence surrounding the school. But, she did not want to worry Saken over it. At the very least, she wanted him to be more alert. To keep the fort strong while she was out for the day. "Hey Saken." She started and then approached him "Just don't do anything reckless." Then, she placed a kiss on his cheek once more. "Good night, Sakkun." Giving him another wink, she walked passed him and went to her room for some well-earned sleep. Letting the thoughts about what she had seen sink back at the deep portion of her thoughts.

The next morning, Sera had left Cross Academy. She had informed the Headmaster about the mysterious person she had seen yesterday. At the same time, she had been told that there will be a new student joining the Night Class. It was odd since it is the middle of the school year. Then, it was also a vampire judging by the class this student was enrolled to. Will Saken be fine without her for a day? May be, he will be. She could only hope that nothing chaotic happens as she walked along the busy streets of the city.

In her hands, there was a bouquet of Freesias as she stood in front of the cemetery. "Sera." Looking behind her, she smiled so gently and lovingly as she was soon pulled into an embrace. No matter what happens, in these arms, she felt very safe and loved. It was normal to feel so. Because this person is none other than her, "Daddy..."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis
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"Once I open my eyes, everything is different from before and that is why I kept living on..."

Sleep, it comes easy for Khalid. There was nothing that grave of a matter to prevent him from sleeping properly. On the contrary, he looks forward to it. He would be immersed in a world so surreal and yet so familiar to him. It was like that he was not a mere audience acting a whimsical notion. He was more like the actor revisiting fog-covered memories of a time long past. Every time, he would see and meet different people who appeared to relate to him on a certain connection. It was like remembering and then reliving a portion of his life in a different world, a different time, as a different person but then again, it was not that different.

"If I could do something to save that person... I will do it without hesitation." Eyes that reflected such passion and determination with the hue of the clear sky gazed at someone. A face blurred by the passing wind. It was cold and dreary. Outside, snow fell in droves. The season of winter surrounded him. There was an answer. But, it was not something that was heard. How odd for in the end, he seemed to respond to the soundless voice of the mysterious person he was talking to. "I'm afraid. Why wouldn't I be? But, there is something more important than my fear." Then, there was a fluttering kiss on his lips. It was sweet but who gave it was truly a question mark. The dream ended with a musical note.

However, there is a twist to these dreams of his. Once he wakes up, they are all forgotten. The only thing left was a lingering sensation that he had a dream. But as to what it was about and why he was having it, there had never been a moment he had thought about it. Well, he simply does not remember. So, what was the use? A hand reached out to the nearby end table. It soon touched a clock still ringing to its utmost desire. With a tap, the sound stopped and eyes of sky blue were slowly revealed behind closed eyelids. So, it was already that time of the day.

Placing a hand over his face, he glanced towards the window where the curtains were covering it. Well, he could hear rustling beyond his doors and the faint noises of the Day Class. From these, he could conclude that the sun was about to set and the reign of the Night Class was to begin anew. Rising from his bed, he held his throat. His thirst was creeping from within him. This brought a memory of what happened last night. The scent of Daitokuji's blood was truly alluring. It was good to know he was tolerant to it. He could already see Keilani getting angry over the fact of him taking in another blood. The scene was bringing shivers to him already.

"Good morning, Master!" This was the happy greeting of Orpei who landed on Khalid's head. The pure-blood smiled brightly as it made him stop of such troubling possibilities. "Good morning, Orpei." The pink familiar playfully bit into his hair which Khalid found as a show of affection. "I wonder what would happen this time..." Orpei peeked down at his Master curiously. "Are you planning something, Master?" Taking hold of Orpei, he placed the familiar before him and smiled. "Nothing at all. It's a hassle to plan anything." The familiar tilted his head to the side and blinked a couple of times in curiosity. "I don't understand." Khalid patted Orpei's head gently. "Don't worry about it."

Orpei left it at that as he flew near his Master who had finally stood from the bed and went towards the location where the stashed supply of tomato juice could be found. Taking out a pack, he quickly took his fill. The precious feelings and the memories filled his consciousness with only the sense of Keilani. This blood was heaven and source of existence. Somehow, he was not completely against that. Once, he was done. He prepared himself for the night to come. It was during that time he took noticed at his night stand the hairclip which Daitokuji had used to pin his irritating bangs. Somehow, he had an inkling to have her noticed this annoying part of him. Perhaps, the girl would pin his hair again. If that was the case, he could start a collection of hairpins. This earned a small smile of his.

Leaving the said hairpin there, Khalid proceeded to exit his room. He had yet to see Inoue. Well, the vampire must have been where Daitokuji is. They seemed to be close friends despite the white-haired girl was showing. Somehow that made him feel a bit envious. Well, he had yet to have that kind of connection with anyone. It is true that he considers Inoue a friend but he hardly think it is to a point like with the two of them. Perhaps, someday he would find that person. This reminded him who was that stranger that he had seen yesterday. According to Inoue others had seen that figure, so he was not hallucinating. He wondered what that person meant by finally finding him.

Releasing a sigh, Orpei landed on his shoulder and queried on the condition of his Master. "Master, something wrong?" Khalid looked at the pink critter and smiled gently to assure Orpei that there was nothing wrong. "Everything is fine." Satisfied with that answer, Orpei beamed at his Master brightly. Soon, they reached the grand staircase where the other vampires were all waiting either for him or Inoue, whoever it is. They greeted him which he returned and that is when he felt. The same presence he felt that night. Looking to his side, he saw snow white hair. At first, he had wondered if it was Daitokuji but upon a second look, it was not her.

He had heard something from the others around him about a new student. A transfer student? Very peculiar in his opinion. But then again, what was peculiar was this feeling flooding him. It was uncanny familiarity and the sense of being in the trance of a dream. Orpei glared at the said newcomer with defiance. There was no way he would allow something so odd to come near his Master. This girl gave off a very weird scent and something was just off. It seemed he hated this person more than that Inoue guy. Glancing at his familiar, the pure-blood patted Orpei's head to calm it down. Afterwards, he looked at the girl. "I'm sorry about that. Orpei is just not fond of strangers." He then offered a polite smile and a greeting which should be in order from the beginning. "Welcome to Cross Academy. I am Khalid Tamesis. I hope you enjoy your stay here."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless Character Portrait: Watoshi Saken
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Azazel


"I may not tolerate people that much, but when there is that someone willing to tolerate you, will you be able to save that person from me?"

Yukiko stared up at the darkening sky. She had opted to skip the rest of her classes since they were not doing much in them to begin with. Apparently, with the winter coming up so soon, and being in the month of October, the Student Council had proposed to do a Halloween themed event. The sound of the bells chimed through the air, piercing the delicate balance of subtle whispers. The sun was still hovering slightly in the air, but the clouds were already changing from the bright whites and grays to hints of pink and violets.

She always enjoyed the twilight times. The sky had always been interesting with it's colors, almost as if she were staring at a different painting each day. She could hear a rustling sound to her side and spotted Yamato trying to get Bibi off of his head. Apparently she had fallen asleep there and wasn't budging. She was comfortable and once Bibi was comfortable, she hardly moved. Yukiko knew this from personal experience. Bibi had entangled herself in Yukiko's locks once and had almost given Yukiko a stern lecture about bringing wildlife into the school building by one of the teachers. She had shrugged the teacher off though, telling him that there was nothing she could do about it. Which was true.

"You do know that it's pointless to try and remove her," she stated in a rather light tone, almost as if she were being affectionate. Yamato stared at the sudden change in demeanor and quirked an eyebrow. She shook her head, pointing to Bibi as Yamato sighed. He thought she was being nice to him for a change, but it was only directed to the bird. "Shouldn't you be joining your classmates right about now? They might miss seeing you and Tamesis-san together," she stated in a direct tone. It seemed that the Day class students often had this fantasy with the two pure-bloods, and it made Yukiko's stomach churn.

"They don't need me right now, besides," he stated, grinning down at Yukiko, "I am spending my time with you today," this earned him an annoyed look, but Yukiko didn't protest. She might not have been exactly too fond of the guy, but slowly, he was warming up to her. She allowed a small smile to tug at her lips as Yamato grinned. He managed to make her smile, that could be listed on his accomplishments. Now all he had to do was get her to laugh and open up to the others. Then they could see who she truly was. This thought in mind, he hadn't noticed that they were already walking along the bridge that connected the two Dormitories. "Aiko-chan? Can I hold your hand?" he stated in a rather childish manner.

"Thank you, Tamesis-san. You are very kind," the silver haired female spoke as she bowed to the pure-blood. "I already see a few things here that I will truly enjoy" she stated with a gentle smile. The meaning behind those words could not be discerned, however; she didn't miss the malicious look the pink familiar was giving her. It was a disgusting creature in her mind, un-befitting of the boy in front of her. He needed something different. A shade of red would suit him better. For now, she would stay by his side and destroy anything that would get in her way.

"My name is Kaiya. Kaiya Tsukumo at your service," she introduced herself, a mischievous gleam spreading through her eyes that went unnoticed. When the Night Class began to move, she stood behind him to his right side, standing closer than what was expected, appearing as if she were his right-hand. She could hear whispers behind her from the vampires who were slightly annoyed by this fact. She turned towards them, offering a rather sardonic grin to those who managed to see the flicker of crimson behind her eyes, however; they were not crimson. It was more of a violet color that clashed with her fuchsia colored eyes.

She turned her attention back to the blue-haired male in front of her. She had a second chance at making this right...for her. She would claim him like she had tried so many years ago. She wouldn't fail this time, no not this time she wouldn't. Before she could state something, fluttered whispers of something odd captured her interest. Apparently, off to the side, she spotted the other snow-white and another vampire to her side.

What truly caught her interest was their intertwined fingers. How odd this girl was. She had just moments ago told Kaiya not to touch her, but here she was holding the hands of a vampire no less. Was she with this particular vampire? She scoffed to herself at the thought. It didn't matter what this snow-white did, as long as she didn't interfere with her plans. Her eyes met those crimson gaze, and immediately her smile grew wider. The girl was glaring at her now.

"Yes," Yukiko found herself stating to the pure-blood, catching him off guard. He hadn't expected for her to let him, but quickly, his hand laced with hers. She was slowly opening up that barrier of hers and it was making him happy. Not only that, he wanted to see the reactions of those around him when he came walking with the Daitokuji pure-blood human at his side, holding his hand. Rumors had flown all over the campus that the two were more than just friends, however; no one ever denied it nor had they proved it. Yamato played with the notion a few times, but the girl was just his friend. He had his eyes on someone else, who barely even knew he existed.

Yukiko had ignored the stares and whispers around her as she walked with Yamato. She didn't understand why she agreed to hold his hand in the first place. It was an intimate gesture and suggested things about the two that were false. Not that it mattered to her what they thought of the situation, she was just holding someone's hand. It meant nothing to her really. All of these thoughts were pushed to the side when Yukiko spotted her. Unconsciously, she gripped Yamato's hand tighter, causing the boy to wince until he followed her gaze. He spotted the silver-haired vampire that the school was in a ruckus about.

The close proximity to Khalid, however; seemed a bit conspicuous, but it wasn't uncommon. All the students seemed to be drawn to the blue-haired vampire (with the exception of Yukiko of course because she didn't care for things like that) and it made Yamato slightly envious. If he could attract people like that, he might finally get the one vampiress to finally notice his existence. He sighed, as Yukiko released his hand. It was a sudden movement as he blinked down at her. Her gaze seemed to have moved from the silver-haired female to Khalid again.

"Why did he remove the clip?" she stated in a rather disappointed tone. She hadn't found his bangs as irritating when they were pulled back, but now she didn't have a clip on her being to sweep them back again. Yamato chuckled at the sudden statement. Instead of being worried about anything else, she was wondering why Tamesis removed the clip. He noticed the disappointed look in her eyes and laughed lightly. "Yamato, stop laughing it's not funny. It's irritating," she stated with a frown. Yamato glided away from Yukiko before she could make him stop and was soon by Khalid's side.

"It seems Aiko-chan has grown irritated with your bangs again, Tamesis-san," he stated in a fond tone. He turned his attention towards the silver-haired female and offered her a charming smile, one that was followed in return by a gentle one by the girl. "So you are the new addition to this school. I am Inoue Yamato, but you can call me Yamato," he greeted. Kaiya smiled and introduced herself to the other pure-blood. It seems that he was rather close to the blue-haired vampire as well.

She would have to do something about that. She would be the only one to be close to the blue-haired male. She was brought out of her thoughts when snow-white approached the group of vampires. Kaiya blinked at the audacity this girl had to do such as she was now pulling at Khalid's bangs. It was almost as if she were searching for something, however; the fact that snow-white was touching him had her glaring at the girl.

"Well, such a hypocrite," Kaiya stated as Yukiko directed her attention away from Khalid. She was going to inquire about the hair clip when Kaiya spoke to her. Yukiko furrowed her brows as she stared at the girl. "You don't like being touched, but yet here you were, holding Inoue's hand and now touching Tamesis-san's hair. Isn't that a bit rude," Kaiya stated in a rather innocent, yet malicious tone that could only be heard if one strained their ears long enough. Yukiko was now fully focused on the silver haired girl that seemed to be the fuss of everyone at school.

"I said to not touch without my permission. If that makes me a hypocrite, well then I suppose I am, but that means nothing to me. You, on the other hand, are disgusting. Everything about you is displeasing and I do not understand why these idiots over here are making such a fuss about you," Yukiko replied. This only served to anger the girl more, and she wanted nothing more than to tear Yukiko apart, make her beg for forgiveness, however; she played the part of a hurt person. She placed a hand over her heart and had forced tears into her eyes. Yukiko merely rolled her eyes as she walked away. "Two irritating presences are not worth the time nor effort right now," she threw over her shoulder.

Yamato merely blinked at what just happened. He knew Yukiko could be harsh in words, but he never expected for something to crawl underneath her skin as much to cause her to do that. He sighed as he noticed the walls being built back up around her. He had just managed to knock a piece down, but every time it seemed that five more pieces would appear in its' spot. "I've never seen Yukiko this upset about anything," Yamato mused as he began to follow the Night Class to the Academy. Where were he prefects though? Shouldn't they have been here to help defuse the situation? Regardless, he was just glad it hadn't escalated any further than what it could have. His gaze followed after Yukiko and he couldn't help but notice the slight dark cloud hovering above her.

Something was definitely not right here.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless
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"Not a moment goes by without me wanting to go back, because I am here and existing in your place."


The one word that Sera could use to describe everything around her. Those sunset eyes looked at the grave marker which had the engravings, "Here Lies, Veronica Nightless, Beloved Mother, Wife, Friend." There were sadness and guilt reflected in her gaze. It cannot be helped as the events of that tragic day replayed in her head like a cheap horror movie. Placing the Freesia bouquet at the pedestal, she offered a bittersweet smile. "Happy birthday, Mom..." Then, a hand gently touched her shoulder. She did not spare a glance but reached for it. Her smaller hand held on to that gesture of comfort and support. "Daddy, mom is happy now, right?" The hand on her shoulder had a more firm grip than before as if to make this sure. "She is."

Finally looking at her father whom without doubt passed his genetic traits to her, Sera smiled brightly at this answer. "It's too bad, brother can't come..." Her father, Reino Nightless who is more known as the Hunter Association President, released a sigh of disappointment at this. "Can't be help. The clean up overseas caught on an unexpected trouble." This cause for her to exhibit blatant concern seen on her face. She did hear from Freidert that something came up so his schedule was all screwed-up. Hopefully, it was nothing so serious. Her brother may be the best there is in terms of being a hunter, still, he is not invincible. "It's nothing Freidert can't handle." The hold on her shoulder changed into a light tap as Reino noticed his daughter's worried expression.

"Speaking of which, how are you in that school?" A change of topic was given and Sera was not rejecting that. Tilting her head to the side with a thoughtful look, she remained silent for a while before giving a coy smile. "It's fun because I get to play with all those hot guys." Reino's expression darkened considerably and his tone no longer warm and affectionate. It was now bearing caution and annoyance. "I did not raise you as frivolous child especially flirting with those vampires!" Her father shook its head and glared at her even went to the lengths of grabbing both of her arms. "This is why I never wanted you to go to Cross Academy! I told you that you must remain pure until marriage! You will transfer to another school!"

She cannot hold it any longer. This was just too much seeing how her father reacts to such a comment. Sera had missed this side of her father. He would always be stern, calm, and collected in dealing with everything. But, he would not fail to turn into an overbearing and overprotective father when certain buttons are pushed. So, she let it all out. She laughed heartily. Reino was taken aback by his daughter's reaction. On instinct, he released Sera's arms who continued laughing like there was no tomorrow. Blinking a couple of times, Reino had no idea what was going on. Was he prank again?

His daughter may looked like him but in terms of personality, Sera takes after her mother. Veronica was also quite the tease and even had the streak to do mischievous things for fun. It is why he had fallen in love with Sera's mother. The girl was very bright even when constantly surrounded by death. So, it did not come as a surprise that it came easy for Veronica to retire from being a hunter. She was also consistent on wanting her children to live a normal life. His memories of the woman he loves so dearly now was in the image of his daughter. In the end, his wife left him with a reason to continue living on, his children.

Sera confirmed this when she had finally calmed down while wiping the tears that came out of her eyes from laughing so hard. "That was just a joke!" No one was exempted from her notorious tendency to tease and to make fun of others on occasion even her own family. Seeing her father's annoyed expression, she quickly embraced him burying her face on his chest. "I like Cross Academy... Mom wanted to go there..." She then raised her head and smiled sweetly "Plus, being a prefect already takes too much time of my social life you know..." Reino returned the gesture by hugging his daughter. "You have a partner, right?" She nodded and released his father from the hug. "That's why its very interesting work."

The visit to her mother's grave ended on a good note. Sera had lunch together although, she was a bit disappointed. She had offered to make some bentos but was rejected so strongly. So, they instead ate what her father made instead. As for dinner, she had eaten it back on the train to Cross Academy. It was a long journey back but, it was something worth doing. Thinking on it, she wondered how was everyone especially Saken. Hopefully, nothing troublesome happened while she was out. Taking out her phone, she saw no missed calls or notable texts. It was already 2 AM and that was when the train finally arrived at her station. By the time, she returned to school, night class was already over.

Stepping out of the train, Sera soon left the station and find some cab to take her back to Cross Academy. Once she made herself comfortable inside the car, she closed her eyes as sleep was coming over her. Unknown to her, something did happen back at the school while she was absent. A newcomer was present and more than that she was now having a rather strange dream nowadays. As to the nature of the dream, she was not certain what it is really. It was not because she can't remember or anything. It was more like a jigsaw puzzle that does not make sense until all the pieces are together. And just like that, she had fallen asleep as the cab took her back.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji
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"Mysterious things do happen whether one can utilize it as beneficial or not, is something everyone has to learn by themselves. As for me, I think I already know."

As it comes natural to him, Khalid gave the newcomer now known to him as Kaiya Tsukumo a polite and kind smile. "It is nice to meet you Tsukumo-san." He then pointed at his familiar who was still glaring daggers at Tsukumo. "This is Orpei." The said familiar looked away in a haughty manner. There is no way he would be all chummy with that girl. She was fishy and that is that. In response, the pure-blood shook his head in dismay. "He is nice once you get to know him. It just takes quite some time before he warms up." To show this and also to have Orpei be more at ease, he rubbed the spot behind the pink rabbit's ear who eventually leaned to his touch with pleasure. This made Khalid smile gently and then looked at Tsukumo. "I'm glad you have found things that you enjoy here."

With that said, the pure-blood then looked around him as the vampires were still waiting for him. If he could literally sweat-dropped just like those in cartoons, he would have already. Really, he does not understand why they do such things. There was really not a need to but then again, it would be a useless argument. So might as well resign to it, "Let's go everyone." It was then the Night Class Parade began once more. Upon reaching the outer gates, he could hear a large crowd beyond the walls. It made him wonder if there was a particular event in motioned. Usually, it was like that such as Valentine's Day chocolates and the other festivities.

Once the gates were opened, the Day Class were there with such endeavor. In truth, Khalid was not sure what makes them so appealing to the humans. Is it because of their looks? Isn't that a bit shallow? In any case, it seemed the humans were bolder than usual. They were screaming the names of they liked and adored. He could even hear the title they had given him so lightly, Prince. Despite hearing it a lot of times, he could still not get what made him a prince. But as long it makes them happy, then that is fine. Although, it was quite rowdy which prompted the other vampires to tighten the so-called perimeter around him. This made him wonder where are the prefects. Were they running late again? Hopefully, nothing bad happened to them.

Orpei was more vigilant than ever especially towards the new student who was awfully too close to his Master. This person was more dangerous than the Day Class students combined. Why was she walking and standing beside his Master as if she belonged there? This girl was just too assuming or pinning for his Master like the others. Yes, this girl was a threat. But then again, he took a whiff of another person he despised getting too close to his Master, the other pure-blood Inoue Yamato. Then, there was the girl who tried to crash him with a death hug. Although, he was not the only one who notice for Khalid did too.

Inoue approaches the blue pure-blood while stating that Aiko was irritated with his bangs again. Absentmindedly, Khalid reached for the offending bangs. "Oh..." That was all he said with an apologetic smile as he dropped his hand to his side once more. Inoue took interest to the newcomer and he seemed aware of it unlike Khalid. "This is Tsukumo Kaiya-san." The pure-blood took the lead in the introduction when he felt someone touching his hair. There was no need to guess as there was only one possibility. It was Daitokuji who was rummaging through his hair. Her desire would probably be the hair clip which he had left in his room.

This pure-blood turned human never ceased to fascinate him. A small smile made way to his lips. However, it seemed that Tsukumo and Daitokuji knew each other prior to this time. Hostility, he could sense that at the exchange of words between the girls. He had heard of Daitokuji's sharp tongue from the rumors and from Inoue as well. Yet, he has yet to witness it firsthand which had now happened now. She really does not know how to mince her words. He looked over Tsukumo who was hurt which even made her cry. One of his weakness, tears. It had always been like that. He faced Tsukumo. "Please don't let it bother you, Tsukumo-san." Then, his hand reached for her face as he wiped the tears that formed underneath her eyes gently.

"Smiling suits you more." After stating that, Khalid removed his hand from her face and then looked at the direction where Daitokuji disappeared to. "I hope you don't think badly of Daitokuji-san. She is a nice person." It was then he heard what Inoue noted. He unconsciously reached for his bangs again. "Perhaps, I should have let that hair clip stay on my hair." Releasing a sigh, he went ahead into the academy with Inoue and the other vampires. It was once again time for the Night Class and that what happened as the doors of the main building closed behind them. No one knew, that this was going to be a session never to be forgotten.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji
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#, as written by Azazel


"I don't understand these feelings sometimes, but even so, I cannot help but enjoy them because, the last time you'll feel them is when I rip them out of your heart"

"You are truly too kind Tamesis-san, but I fear you are incorrect about Daitokuji-san. She doesn't appear to have a warmth in that heart of hers. I fear it may be frozen," Kaiya replied as she cherished his touch, wanting to feel more of it against her skin. She kept these thoughts to herself though as he had spoken about snow-white as if he had personally known her. The way he had smiled after the girl had touched his bangs had stirred something inside Kaiya. It wasn't anger, but something similar to it. Jealousy? Perhaps, but for now, she would regain his attention to her. She didn't like the way he had touched his bangs when he mentioned leaving the clip there. So, the girl was annoyed by his bangs and even placed a clip there. Well, that wouldn't do, not for her prince.

"I do not see a problem with your bangs. They are nice and symbolize love in a way. No matter how much you try to separate them, they will always return to each other, so why keep them apart in the first place?" she stated, smiling up at the blue-haired male. She had meant something entirely different by that. Although she felt love, she couldn't be capable of it. This was something she didn't know. All she knew was that she wanted this vampire. She wanted to bend him, break him, have him at the whim of her mercy as she did so many years ago. A twisted smile appeared on her face as she thought of the fond memories, however; to anyone paying attention, they would have regarded it as a warm smile towards their blue-haired prince. "You'll be mine again," the statement came out as such a low whisper, not even the increased ability of the vampires could pick it up, however...

"I don't think she was upset about your bangs Tamesis-san so don't worry about it. I am sure she'll be okay," he stated as he had watched the events unfold. Truly, something else was bothering his friend and he couldn't understand what it was. Bibi had flown out from her perch moments before they entered the Academy and he knew her destination. His eyes fixed on the silver-haired girl as she smiled up at Khalid. He had just wiped away her tears and told her to smile. She had said something that caught the pure-blood of guard, although Yamato wasn't sure if anyone else had heard it. The words were so softly spoken that even he had a hard time catching them. He shook the thoughts from his mind as he turned his attention towards Kaiya.

"Her heart isn't frozen Tsukumo-san. She just needs someone to kick-start it for her. If you listen closely, you can hear it beating softly. I tried, but I don't think I am the one to do so," he replied to her first statement. It was true. He had managed to befriend her, so that was proof that she didn't have a frozen heart. It just needed someone to warm it up, however; he couldn't be that person. Not that he didn't want to, but not in the way that she would need it. He sighed as the gates to the Academy closed and they entered the premises.

Yukiko couldn't shake the silver-haired girl from her mind. Kaiya had managed to crawl under her skin and Yukiko didn't like it. She couldn't understand why those words Kaiya had spoken seemed to irritate her so much. Actually, everything about the girl irritated Yukiko so much that she had laughed at herself for it. Sure there were things that managed to get under Yukiko's skin, but she had always managed to deal with it in one way or another. This feeling she received from Kaiya was a foreign, yet familiar feeling. Why was that? She didn't know the girl nor did she want to get to know her. But the feelings that bubbled up within the hole of her chest caused a sense of familiarity that Yukiko couldn't shake.

"Kiko-chan!" Bibi shouted as she flew happily in Yukiko's hair. This caused a smile to appear on the white-haired girl's lips as she rubbed the bird affectionately. "That scary girl is in class with Yama-chan. I am worried about him," she stated as Yukiko only smiled down at the bird. It was interesting the relationship between the familiar and her master was. Yukiko knew that Bibi didn't like Yamato much, but the bird still loved him regardless. She couldn't understand why the familiar was afraid of Kaiya though. The girl was a bit on the short side, maybe an inch or so shorter than Yukiko, and there was nothing frightening about her at all.

"I am sure he can take care of himself Bibi. We have nothing to worry about from him," she found herself stating as she tried to comfort the bird. In a way, somehow, she was slightly worried. Maybe because it was rolling off in waves from the bird, but something deep inside told her otherwise. She tried to shake the thoughts but they still lingered. Another thing that, for some odd reason, bothered her was the fact that Kaiya was in such a close proximity of the blue-haired vampire. Not that she cared, but for some odd reason, it irritated her. Yukiko let out an exasperated sigh as she laid on her back, staring up at the starry sky from the grass hill. She was just being overly defensive. That had to be it. Even though the bangs irritated her, there was hardly anything else that irritated her from the blue-haired vampire. Well, maybe the way people flocked to him, but that was natural in the the vampire hierarchy. Nobles were always going to try and get on the side of a pure-blood. She had witnessed that with Yamato when he was the only pure-blood attending the school.

"Yukiko! Yamato is in trouble!" Bibi suddenly shouted as she flapped around wildly. Yukiko felt something, a heartbeat skipping, or something similar as she quickly stood up. Why did that seem to bother her? Wait, why was he in trouble and why were her legs running at such a speed she hadn't quite known she possessed?

Yamato had been leaning in his chair, ignoring the teacher once again as he found the outside a little more interesting. The days events were still playing through his mind and he couldn't help but feel slightly worried. There was an odd chill in the air and he couldn't place it. Much like Yukiko, he had tried to pierce the veil of Kaiya's mind, but found himself unable to do so. The feeling was similar to Yukiko's, and he couldn't discern why it was so. He glanced at the silver-haired female, sitting so closely to Khalid. It wasn't uncommon that vampires were often vying for the blue-haired vampires affections, but this girl had just transferred. That's when he noticed something odd about her. She was emitting an aura that seemed to radiate a deep violet color with flashes of crimson.

"Khalid, you are mine," Kaiya stated as the room seemed to darken. She had stated this rather unexpectedly, and it was stated with such conviction that she wasn't going to take no for an answer. She didn't want to wait any longer. She had to make him hers now or else. Yamato was the first to stand at the sudden expression of the female before she waved a hand at him. "You will not be allowed to be close to this one. He is my Prince and I have been searching for him for a very long time," she stated as Yamato seemed frozen in his place. He struggled against the invisible shackles but found himself unable to break free. Others, alarmed or worried for their blue-haired vampire, stood quickly to assist.

"Do you see how quickly they fly to your aid? You could be ruling them, making them do whatever it is that pleases you," she spoke as she flicked her wrist again, causing some of the vampires to disperse and fly across the room. "You are an interference, sleep," she stated as she watched the vampires in the room fall under her spell. Their eyes rolled back into their heads as they fell upon the marbled floors. Yamato fell under the spell as well, calling out to Bibi before his world went black. "I can give you this power. All you need to do is say yes and be mine," she stated as she traced a delicate finger across the pure-bloods face. Before she could hear his response, she felt a searing pain in her wrist as she glanced at the one grabbing a hold of it. Crimson met Fuchsia and anger shone brightly behind the darkened red eyes.

"I do not appreciate you touching my friends that way," Yukiko stated as she glared at the silver-haired female in front of her. Her grip on Kaiya's wrist tightened substantially, causing something to snap as Kaiya winced slightly. Where was this strength coming from? Surely she couldn't possess such a thing, the girl was only human. She didn't miss the flash of vermilion mixing with the crimson as Kaiya removed herself from Yukiko's grasp. Was that a play of the eyes? An illusion? There was no way snow-white could be a vampire. She would have known if she were. Although snow-white had been a vampire at one time, that side of her was suppressed thanks to her mother. She was just a normal human now. So where was this strength coming from?

Yukiko glanced around and spotted Yamato on the floor. His eyes were shut as if he were in a painful nightmare, only serving to further anger Yukiko. "And I do not appreciate you attacking my friend either," Yukiko stated, ignoring everything else around her as she felt a malevolent aura circling around her. The crimson shade of her eyes only brightened more. Kaiya hissed at the force as she fixed her wrist. She had a dislocated wrist thanks to the pressure Yukiko had grabbed it with.

"Stupid girl, you shouldn't have interfered!" Kaiya shouted as she shrouded herself in a black shadow, disappearing in the darkness. The anger still swirled within Yukiko as she felt a slight wave of dizziness overcome her. She was still human after all and the events that just took place, the excerpt of her suppressed vampiric abilities caused a weariness in her being. She placed a hand on her forehead, trying to keep her vision from doubling. She over did it, but she was angry. She knew this was because of that stupid friend of hers. She hadn't known why she reacted the way she did, but what was done was done. She turned to Khalid, those stupid bangs of his still there in their annoying fixture.

"I told you she was irritating," were the only words that slipped through Yukiko's mouth as she collapsed on the floor, darkness taking over her world for the time being from using too much too quickly. The last thing she heard was the sound of Bibi's voice calling out to her, and the last thought running through her head was Where are the prefects?


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji
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0.00 INK

"They say that tragedies are nothing more but boundless amount of opportunities. So, what do we call this undefinable moment in which I should reach out to you or not?"

So distinctive. Her scent. Her voice. It was like something deep in his subconsciousness was trying to remind him. There was something oddly familiar about this new student who has the same snow-white tresses. Normally if someone is faintly known to you, a person becomes a bit relax but rather it made him a bit wary. Orpei seemed to share this cautious feeling but on a greater scale. It was because the pink fuzzball had yet to stop glaring at Tsukumo. Even more so when the pure-blood reached out to wipe those tears away. Instinctively, Orpei bit Khalid's earlobe but not enough to break skin. But, his Master was too kind for his own good. As a result, it causes unnecessary troubles.

Saying he was kind, it was something that he did not expect to be praised about. Although, many had already said this about him. There are his grandparents, parents, sister, Orpei, Inoue, and the others. Yet in the end, he was simply doing things as he intended to do on his own will. Doesn't everyone do that as well? So, what was amazing about his actions? He could never understand such things sometimes. In any case, he could tell much that the feelings of dislike were mutual for Tsukumo and Daitokuji. He hoped it would not escalate any other than banter of words. Conflict and hatred would only cause further suffering on both parties.

Whatever it may be, he had decided to speak in defense of the pure-blood turned human. However, Inoue had beaten him to the punch. Supporting it, he patted Orpei's head who felt uneasy with the presence of Tsukumo and Inoue nearby. It was not a secret that his familiar disliked the two. However, the pink critter dislikes everyone mostly. "I agree with Inoue-san. No heart is frozen, Tsukumo-san. If it truly was, Daitokuji-san would be dead in every sense. The facts she gets irritated and smiles about cute things goes to show she cares." He ended these words with a warm smile as he continued to walk along the hallways of the main building. Orpei seemed in a good mood as he leaned to his Master's touch who continued to gently pat him.

The next words that Tsukumo released caused the blue pure-blood to have his eyes widened subtly in surprise. It was not because of the meaning but how it was spoken. These words held a certain sense of nostalgia to him. It made him wonder if he had heard them before from somewhere or even from someone. However, he came up with nothing. Well, his bangs were the one thing that made Daitokuji noticed him. As such, he did not see anything wrong from it. Would it be wrong for him to use something such as his bangs to get to know the infamous Ice Queen? Regardless, he offered a small yet sweet smile to Tsukumo. In the end, he was grateful for her words saying that there was nothing wrong with his bangs. "Thank you, Tsukumo-san."

Vampires around them swooned at such a smile and felt envious of the newcomer who was already attaching herself to the Prince. Khalid without a doubt was the topic of many fantasies and known to few a peculiar pairing of him and Inoue. If the two pure-blood would hear about it, their reaction would be firsthand laughter. Well, he was rather oblivious to such things or perhaps, he simply chose to have it all fell on deaf ears. Whatever the case maybe, he was definitely very popular both for the Day and Night Classes.

As for the said pure-blood, Khalid proceeded walking in silence. It was then a noble vampire inquired something to him regarding about a broken laptop and also the next project for the gardening club which he actively participates in. This resulted in him completely missing the ghost-like declaration of Tsukumo towards him. If he had heard, he might finally connect the ephemeral vision of that person to the newcomer as one entity. But, it was not meant to be for now. Soon, they all reached their classroom and started yet another session much like that of senators.

Truly, it was rather boring which he could not blame Inoue for taking interest on another matter which was looking out the window. As for him, he had opened the bag of sweets and allowed Orpei to munch on it freely. Speaking of which, he had received earlier the bill for the treats which Nightless had given to him yesterday. It made him wonder what happened with the prefects. He had yet to see anyone of them. Did something happened? If that was so, the Headmaster would have informed the Night Class at the very least or there would be another means of security. Hopefully, the two prefects were fine wherever they may be right now.

His line of thoughts slowly shifted on the blank paper before him. The lecture of their teacher served as mere background noise as he wondered what to say on the letter for Keilani. If he did not send one, his sister without doubt would throw a fit like none other. Well, he does hope that his sister is doing fine. Last time, he had heard. Keilani was attending an exclusive all-girl's school. His sister wanted to attend Cross Academy too but their grandparents dissuaded it. Reasons? He was not really keen on that as long as their best interests were put at the top of each decision, he would not question.

"Master, why is this girl sitting close to you?" Raising his eyes to look at Orpei and to the girl he was pertaining to, it was none other than Tsukumo. Well, he was not sure either but there was nothing wrong with it from his perspective. "It's a vacant seat." This made the pink critter pout so adorably but before a retort could be given to Khalid. Tsukumo declared a statement with conviction as the room was filled with a dark presence. He was not certain how to react as Orpei immediately hissed at Tsukumo. In his defense, Inoue rush to aid him but it was futile as this girl was able to stop him with a wave of a hand. "Inoue-san!" He called out to the other pure-blood.

However, Khalid was not able to do anything further than that. He was frozen as well as if numerous chains enveloped him with such strength. He could not move at all. His sky blue eyes looked at those fuchsia ones. She stated something about a prince and searching for him. What was happening here? Orpei noticed his Master caught in paralysis and tried to attack Tsukumo. "Orpei, don't!" But, it was too late along with the other vampires who rallied to help. Orpei was flung like a fly to the other side of the room. After doing so, Tsukumo did away with the rest by making them all fall to the floor.

"Inoue-san! Orpei Everyone!" Khalid called out with worry as he looked at Tsukumo in disbelief and relative annoyance. "What did you do to them?!" Those blue eyes of his darkened ever so slightly as he tried to fight whatever spell that kept him immobilize. Instead of answering him, she stated about giving these powers to him. All he had to was to be hers. He had no need for such things but if it would save everyone then, he would... But before he could say anything else, Daitokuji appeared. "Daitokuji-san?"

Soon, Tsukumo left with the cover of the shadows. The spell that held him in place was released as he moved forward slightly. He looked at Daitokuji with curiosity. It seemed she was able to tap to her vampiric powers despite being human. But, he had no time to dwell on such matters as she turned to him. She seemed weakened from the ordeal but still found a way to state that Tsukumo was irritating. "Daitokuji-san!" He called out to her as he managed to catch her in time. Checking on her vitals, Khalid released a sigh of relief. She was just unconscious probably tired from the toll her human body took.

He then looked around him. Everyone was harmed and it was because of him. Inoue and even Orpei were no exceptions. Who was Tsukumo really? Anyway, he needed to make sure everyone will be safe. Where are the prefects when needed them? He definitely needed them now. Cradling Daitokuji in his arms, he called out to Bibi. "If it would be fine, could you check on Inoue-san and the others if they are okay?" After asking that favor, he went to where Orpei is. "Orpei..." The pink critter laid on the floor unconscious but slowly stirred as he opened his eyes and looked at his Master. "Master...?" Khalid was thankful that Orpei seemed to be fine as the familiar managed to hover and perch on his shoulder. "Hang on there..." Orpei nodded and lost consciousness once more.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless Character Portrait: Watoshi Saken
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#, as written by Quelle
"Something troublesome is one thing. The other things is, if I don't help them, I do be a very bad bastard."

Not mentioning that it would be amusing to see Sera in bunny cosplay, he nodded as she said she wanted to go the next morning, already. It was very irritating and he felt a bit disappointed as she wanted to leave. God, Saken, not like she will be gone forever. He was very sick of himself and tried to chase away those thoughts.

"Hey Saken. Just don't do anything reckless."

"Well, like always I guess?" He said grinning - because he gradually was always in thought not to get into any kinds of troubles - but she just had that frown on her face - not giving back her usual playful smile - what made him wonder. Was she really that worried about him? He himself couldn't think that, her always teasing him, but his grin disappeared, and with that, Sera the next morning.

Yes, he did not really have any intentions to go to school that day. But still, someone had to protect the day class students from those vampires, and currently it's himself only. He sighed and crawled out of his comfortable bed. Not like he is incompetent without Sera.

“Morning Sakkun! God, you finally show your butt today! You hear there is a transfer student today? That bitch steals me the whole show!” The first thing was Natasha, who came running to him, having a pouting face. A transfer student? In this time?, indeed, Saken was very wondering about that situation, but Natasha did not lie to him this time, he could see it if she lies. And this one, she couldn’t lie just seeing her pouting face.

“Transfer student? Really?” He asked surprised, seeing other students busy to talk with themselves, all about that beautiful, white haired girl who just had transferred
 - wait. White haired? Was that a coincidence? ”Wears a black uniform I suppose?”

Natasha rolled her eyes. ”What else, dummy. It’s really an insult that they didn’t give me that uniform!” She said and Saken decided to pat her head to calm her down.

”Calm down Natasha. I gotta go doing my duties now because Sera isn’t here. It will be probably the most troublesome day today, so I hope that that transfer student didn’t make much fuss.” But that wish of his shouldn’t come true.

But Natasha calmed down, more because Sera’s absence as the pat he had given her. ”Okay okay, but do not forget me and let me eat by myself again today!” She said and walked away. Womans, really. Saken shook his head, not going to understand the woman’s heart at all and went to do his duties.

The parade was more troublesome than before. And at that time too, she saw that white- haired girl, seem to have already took a liking to that blue- haired vampire. But he could not spend the whole time looking at her because she was busy to push away the girls – and the boys. For real? Did they want me to get their ass kicked? “Give some place for them damn it. Or you want to be familiar with my sword? And let me tell you this: I have permission to strike as a prefect.” Well, that was a big fat lie, but it worked. They went away, like always whispering with themselves. “Pfft, a girly man speaked!” And although they said that, they did not have any courage to confront him. Truly pathethic. With a sneer, they completely were gone and so the parade. They all went to their classes. It's time for his patrol. He sighed and went to the patrol like a good prefect should. Well, better then baby sitting. He already played with the thoughts to ditch the baby sitting part and didn't went to the vampire class, as a shiver went through his body. "Wha-" Truly, he was not a hunter like Sera and could presence a vampire just like that, but he could feel something... familar. Something he felt before, as his uncle was killed just in front of him. Fear. But of what? He looked around, didn't see anything, but then his glance rested on one of the classes, which light was a bit dim. Very strange. It was a condition where he couldn't choose to run away from troublesome things. Something in his heart had give him a push to check it out. That feeling was not a coincidence. And he did all this just to find out what that was, isn't that right?

He rushed to that classroom, already seeing the first oddity from far: The door was open. The lesson should already have been started! What the hell is happening there? As he neared the classroom, he saw the sight that was very shocking: Everyone down and just the blue- haired vampire on his feets and as he looked down, he saw that white- haired girl turned to human, who shouldn't belong to this classroom. Just that carnary seem to trying waking her up.

From the situation, it was obvious for Saken to blame the blue haired vampire in this matter. But hearing him over his own familar having that worried and quite shocked face, he couldn't blame him - for now. Before the question that he had been wanting to ask about this whole crazy situation, he put out some herbs - a usual item that someone born into a traditional family - and started to treat the nearest one to him - the white haired girl. "Calm down Bibi. She is just unconscious. With this herb, she'll be up again after some hours of rest. I guess it is for all of you -" Then his glance rested on Khalid, wondering if he should trust him in the matter because Sera isn't there and everyone had to be carried to the infirmary this once.

Finally, he made his decision. "Hey, you blue haired vampire, catch!" He throwed the herb to him and gave him orders: "Give everyone of your friends one small piece of herb - if you really are their friends - and meanwhile, I am going to catch some help who are willing to help me carry them to the infirmary. If you still care about them, I suppose you should follow my orders. And after that... you have to be ready to be questioned." He stated, not really willingly to leave him like that. But he did. "Well I carry her to the infirmary, may I?" But he already took away the white haired girl from the arms of Khalid and carried her, Bibi on top of her. He rushed to the infirmary, didn't want to leave too long, letting Khalid alone.

He finally managed to get to the infirmary and lay the white haired girl down on the infirmary bed. Now he finally could congratulate himself seeing Bibi from near. It was a small amusement in this whole mess, but he enjoyed it. "Take good care of her, alright?" He finally said after awhile staring at Bibi and left the infirmary, catching with some teachers whom know the existence of the vampires and walked with 3 of them to the class, very worried that the blue haired boy did do what he told him to do - or was the culprit himself and he, Saken, gave him time to flee. And if that was the case, he would never forgive himself trusting a vampire. Ever.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless Character Portrait: Watoshi Saken
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"Just because I'm out, it does not mean you can do anything to this place I call home."

"Miss... Miss... Miss... Hey!"

Eyes that reflected the endless autumn opened abruptly. It held a sharp look and a promise of pain while Sera grabbed the wrist of the hand which was about to touch her. The driver had a frightened look as this girl was thoroughly trying to break his wrist. He even tried to pull away but the girl's grip was too strong for him. "We-- We--'re here..." The cabbie explained and was even stuttering as he could feel that his muscle would soon give way from the pressure. He was just trying to wake up his passenger but when calling out did not work. The next option was to shake her and what did he get? Sera who was finally released from the haze of sleep immediately let go of the driver's hand. "I am so sorry! It's an instinct! I'm so sorry!" Actually, the driver wanted to complain but if that was done out of instinct. This girl was scary if she was even more aware. So, the older man just massaged the hurt wrist and nodded in fear.

She was really sorry about what happened. As compensation, she paid more than the fare. It was far better than having to send the man to a hospital for a broken wrist. Sera could already imagine her father scolding her intently and lecturing her about control. Unfortunately for her, she looked at the contents of his coin purse and nothing was left even a lint. It was official she was broke and her allowance won't be coming till the end of the month. This was a disaster. Well, she could just leech of Saken until then. Finally reaching the top of the stairs, she entered the main gates and noticed how quiet it was.

There was nothing to be concerned about it since this is usual during this time. Taking out her phone, she looked at the time. It was just a quarter before 3. The Night Class should be wrapping things up on their end. Those guys were probably returning to their dormitory proper. Well, it would not be bad to drop in and check if everything was A-okay. She might see Saken as well and tell him she's back and all. But as she was just but a few meters away from the main gates, she felt something dangerous and the hairs at back of her neck stood. On reflex, she quickly yet had a bit of hesitation as she pulled Apollo out from the holder around her thigh and then extended it to a normal size rod.

"Stop it right there!" Sera announced as she managed to point it dangerously near the threat's neck which has snow-white hair. Wait, snow white? As she observed, this person was a girl and wearing the night class uniform. A student here? But, she knew all the vampires attending the academy. So, she is a newcomer? She didn't hear about it. Looking at the girl intently, she somewhat resembled Yukiko to a degree. Is she a relative? But then again, the dangerous presence from this stranger will not subside. That was enough for her to be on guard as her eyes narrowed in warning. "Identify yourself and state your purpose." The usual playfulness and coyness present in her voice were gone. Sera was clearly not only on prefect mode but she was also a hunter.

The next thing that Sera knew was the girl waving her hand and then the prefect felt an invisible force knocking her through the air. "Apollo longer!" With that command, Apollo extended and implanted itself on the concrete which prevented her being thrown like some beach volleyball. She then used this momentum to circle around the rod and do a triple loop on the air as she landed on top of the culprit. "Got ya! Now, be a good girl before---" She was not able to continue as the said girl underneath her became nothing more but a puddle of water. "Eh?!" This was definitely not her day. She quickly stood and tried to pick up by her senses if the girl was completely gone. There was not a trace. Clicking her tongue, she had Apollo returned to its normal length as she went to retrieve it.

Her next concern the Night Class. Judging by the uniform, the girl was part of it. She then ran towards the main building with her weapon in tow. She only hoped that everyone was fine and especially her partner. If something happened, she would never be able to forgive herself for being late. She finally reached the classroom and her eyes widened from the scene. Everyone was out of cold. It was her observation as she could not smell the metallic scent of blood. Was this done by that girl? Who was she exactly to overpower everyone including two pure-bloods.

"Tamesis-kun!" Sera called out to the only vampire on his feet. The usual question would be what happened here but for her. "Is that Saken's?" She identified the herbs and then looked around. "You'll explain to me in detail later what occurred here." There was no room for arguments as she proceeded to check on the others through their vitals while returning Apollo to its holder. They seemed to be knocked unconscious but from their expressions, mental hallucinations, the worse kind. "Tamesis-kun feed those herb to him, her, that and them." She pointed out effectively to whom the herb would be effective. As for the others, the herb would be useless as they were overtaken by the nightmares of their heads. She would have to use a spell and some special medicine from her hunter supplies.

Once, the pure-blood was done with what she instructed. She went to him and looked at pink familiar's condition. It seemed Orpei was hurt and needed medical attention. Her eyes then went to the other pure-blood to whom the herb would not be effective. "Help me here." She said as she pulled Yamato up and placed an arm over her shoulder. "The others should wake up a bit later due to the herb. For the others, Saken should be coming back for some help to carry others." She put up a small smile to comfort the blue vampire. "They'll be fine, Tamesis-kun. Let's get this grunt over to the infirmary first." Whether they finally moved or what. This night was truly a mystery to all.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless Character Portrait: Watoshi Saken
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#, as written by Azazel


"Maybe it won't be so bad to let someone in, give them the chance to be my friend but if you do, make sure to keep a watchful gaze on them for they could be swept away by a current."

Was she floating? All she could feel slipping through her fingers was air. She had to be floating, otherwise the only other conclusion would be that someone was carrying her. How could that be? Didn't she say for Inoue to not carry her? But something felt different. It wasn't Inoue carrying her. The arms were much more delicate in their hold. Then, she felt herself gliding to another set. She was being passed around to different arms. She would have spoken something to the people that were carrying her, but she couldn't speak. Darkness was all she could see. Was she blind?

You are unconscious, a voice whispered in the back of her mind. Well that explained the darkness and the feeling of floating. She recalled what had happened moments before she passed out. Kaiya had been speaking to the Tamesis pure-blood. She didn't know exactly what the silver-haired girl was saying, but by the look on the pure-blood's face, it wasn't good. Yukiko had managed, somehow, to make the girl disappear. She hadn't exactly remembered that little fact, but the fatigue coursing through her body gave her an idea somewhat. She must have exerted the suppressed abilities. Normally, those abilities would have been sealed along with her vampire side, but for Yukiko, at a price, could temporarily use them. If she released too much too quickly, she risked going into a coma of sorts.

The abilities put a great strain on her body since she was only human, hence why she was currently unconscious. She could feel something being given to her, but she reacted a bit differently to it. She spit it out. The feeling of something soft then encompassed her body. Where was she now? She could hear the soft humming of Bibi and the light weight on her chest from the canary. She tried to open her eyes, but her body refused to comply to her demands. She released a heavy breath, stirring Bibi from her perch as Bibi stared at the snow-haired girl on the bed. Bibi had witnessed the change in demeanor of the white-haired girl and this had frightened her slightly. She had never seen Yukiko so angry with someone, not even her master or any other students.

Bibi sighed as she continued to watch over Yukiko. Her master was fine, just unconscious like Yukiko was, however; she couldn't help but feel the similar aura radiating from Yukiko as the one that radiated from the silver-haired fuchsia-eyed female. Was it because the girl managed to push it onto Yukiko? Or was there something else that the familiar hadn't known? Whatever the reason, the aura slowly dissipated from the snow-haired girl. She shook her head in agreement when Saken told her to look over Yukiko. She could do that since her master was currently unable to. Then again, she would have tried to have defended Khalid since the prefect seemed to think it was the blue-haired vampires fault. It wasn't, he was the just caught in the cross-fire.

Aiko-chan, I hope you're okay, the bird thought as she fluttered from her spot and landed ontop of the poles as a nurse came by. She checked on Yukiko, and was startled when crimson eyes stared back at her. She stuttered before she asked Yukiko if she was fine. The only response the snow-haired girl gave was a quick glance before standing up and walking out of the infirmary, Bibi right behind her. That explained where she was, in the infirmary. How she got there remained a mystery to her for now, and she wasn't about to ask. The sound of her name being called caused Yukiko to stop in her tracks as she spotted Bibi flying after her. She grasped the bird gently as Bibi landed in her hand. She could still feel the fatigue coursing through her body, but it wasn't as intense as it had been before. She just wanted to get out of the infirmary. There was no need for her to be in there since she was fine.

"Bibi, how is Yamato-san and the others?" she found herself asking, confusion laced in her voice at the same time. She was inquiring the health of the others, not just Yamato, and this caused the small bird to inwardly smile since she couldn't physically smile. Yukiko did not notice the strange sparkle behind the black eyes as Bibi informed her that the Night Class was fine. They were just rendered unconscious although a few of them might have been slightly hurt due to the force Kaiya had used to knock them back. But even so, their bodies should have already kick-started to regenerate any physical injuries. Yukiko frowned to herself and was brought out of her thoughts by Bibi who rubbed against her cheek.

But there was this odd sensation in the back of her mind that there was something more to it. She needed to return to the Night Class. It seemed that there was something that was compelling her to go back. It was a good thing they were still in the Academy and not in the dormitories. She made her way at an even pace, trying not to over exert herself again and soon, she arrived back at the scene. She spotted Serafine talking to Tamesis and giving him directions to the vampires that would probably benefit more from the strange herb that she had spit out moments before. It was a subconscious gesture and one that she hadn't meant to do since the herb was given to her out of a good intent. She noticed some of the vampires were trembling a bit, almost as if their minds were clouded by a darkness that wouldn't be lifted any time soon. Serafine mentioned something about Saken returning soon, however; it appears as if he was still probably gathering teachers. If Yukiko did something first, then it would null the involvement of the teachers and the Night Class would be fine. Although if she did, there was a great risk to herself for suggesting such a thing, but that hardly mattered at the moment.

"Give them my blood. It'll help them," her voice pierced the air as she approached the two. She wasn't sure why, but she pointed to the vampires that were on the floor with the dark clouds hovering above them. Her blood would at least help them recover from that nightmare. Her father had pointed out that little detail to her one day. Whether it was because he himself had been trapped like that or not, he never disclosed with her. Why was she so concerned about helping them in the first place? Because they need your help, the little voice stated in the back of her head. She frowned slightly, but regardless, she awaited the response from the prefect and took a hesitant glance at the blue-haired vampire.

Meanwhile, Kaiya emerged from a pond, screaming and cursing. She was so close! And then that stupid girl had to come and interfere. Kaiya screamed once more, thrashing about much like a child who couldn't have their way. She had seen the look in the blue-haired vampires eyes. He was about to agree. He was about to become hers! Why did Snow-white interfere? Was she vying after the blue-haired vampire too? This caused an insurmountable anger to swell within Kaiya as empty bottles began to break around her. She couldn't have that! He belonged to her! Only she could have him. She would destroy anyone who will get in her way for that!

But there was a slight hesitance in that thought. Snow-white had managed to injure Kaiya. It was a known fact to Kaiya that she couldn't be harmed by vampires, nor humans. She was immune to a vampires venom, immune to the puny weapons and physical assaults of a human. So how did she manage to injure Kaiya? "She has your blood," a voice interrupted her thoughts as Kaiya turned to glare at the one responsible for the statement.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Khalid Zakai Tamesis Character Portrait: Yukiko Daitokuji Character Portrait: Serafine Nightless Character Portrait: Watoshi Saken
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"This feeling as if I only exist to watch everything behind the looking-glass. Never to touch. Never to speak. Why does it disappear whenever I see you here with me."

A wave of relief.

It was what Khalid instantly felt when the male prefect, Watoshi entered the room. Calling out to the male prefect, "Watoshi-san..." This was only done to let the prefect knew that he noticed his presence. The pure-blood was not afraid to admit that being alone in this predicament would be too much for him. Everyone was unconscious and he was not sure what and who to prioritize. However, he was certain that he needed help and to make sure that everyone would be safe. He could not take the risk of having everyone so vulnerable in the chance that Tsukumo returns. If she does, her purpose would probably be him. For whatever reason it may be, he has yet to know. It would be a good place for him to ask his parents but they were currently enjoying themselves with their honeymoon. He did not want to worry and to interrupt them. So, his best bet would be his grandparents.

His trail of thoughts were only halted when he felt Daitokuji being taken from his arms. Instinctively, he pulled the snow-white haired girl closer to his chest. But when he recognized it to be the prefect, he conceded. She would be safer with Watoshi than with him at the moment. The prefect stated about whether he cared for everyone or not and then him being questioned later. He was not certain if he had heard Watoshi's words right but he believed that he understood what it meant. Then, he caught something green which was thrown to him by the prefect. From the looks of it, they were herbs. It seemed Watoshi wanted him to feed this to everyone. Although, it did not go unnoticed by Khalid, the suspicious looks and dubious tone of Watoshi directed to him.

Watoshi cannot be blamed. From the perspective of the those who were not here, it was natural for anyone to conclude that he had a hand in this. After all, he was the only one left standing and unharmed. He was even doubtful of himself at the moment. Looking at the herbs in his hand, he wondered what Tsukumo wanted from him exactly. She called him Prince... But then again, everyone calls him that. Could it be possible that there was something more to that alias? Nothing was making sense at all. He shook his head to stop him from thinking any further. There was something he must do first.

Glancing to his shoulder, he was really worried about Orpei. He would need to feed the familiar his blood. As a result, he placed one of his fingers near his mouth. Elongating his fangs, he bit into the skin and soon blood appeared. He then placed his finger near Orpei's mouth who mumbled, "Sweet..." Soon, his bitten finger was being drained from its blood. When it was done, the pink critter returned to slumber with a satisfied expression. Orpei should be fine now as the pure-blood smiled sweetly at this. Khalid then proceeded to do as what Watoshi told him.

But before he could do so, a familiar voice called out to him. Turning his attention to the door, his eyes soften to a degree. Nightless was finally here. Would it be wrong for him to be this happy to see someone? It is true that he was glad Watoshi came but he felt more at ease with the hunter-prefect's presence. "Nightless-san, I'm glad you're here." Whether the girl heard it or not, he attentively listened to every word being spoken. She did not ask him what happened or if every one was fine. Instead, the girl simply dove in and told him that they will talk later. She was truly different. There were no lingering doubts in her words and those eyes of hers held no suspicion. They were simply filled with the sense of duty and the want to protect. Just like that, he followed the girl's instructions and fed the herbs to the one she pointed out.

Effective. He could tell this much as some of them were already waking up. This brought a gentle smile on his lips as he continued on. When he was done, Khalid noticed Nightless inspecting Orpei who was still on his shoulder. "He will be fine. He is resting." Seeing the girl was satisfied with this, he then saw her going to where Inoue is. The blue pure-blood wondered if the herb would work on Inoue as well. But judging by the dark cloud surrounding him and the others, it seemed more grave. Concern could be seen reflected through his eyes as his face also expressed such worry as well. In any case, Nightless did not waste time by hefting Inoue's arm over her shoulder and then comforting him that everything will be fine.

Was it that obvious? Did he look so worried? Well, he truly was but it can't be helped for him to feel a bit embarrassed. It was then Daitokuji made her appearance. Khalid's eyes widened in surprise seeing her up and about. But further, he was more worried of what she stated. Her body was still recovering from the looks of it. The intention to help was good and all. But to put much strain on her body was downright reckless. Then, there was the effect of her blood from what he had witnessed beforehand. This was a dangerous thing truly. "Even if it is a bit, you will tire yourself out." He then took Inoue into his arms so, that Nightless won't be burdened by carrying the pure-blood. "I also can't take the risk of them being addicted to you. I don't want you hurt."

Those eyes of his which were like the clear blue sky showed nothing but sincerity and concern for her well-being. "We'll try something else. If not, then I will be giving them my blood. It would boost their resistance enough to fight it by themselves." His eyes did not waver before Daitokuji. He was serious in his intention of not taking advantage of her blood. This was far better than to put her into needless consequences. He knew she would probably say something and reject his decision. Yet, he would not allow it. "Please Daitokuji-san, this time let me help." Unlike other vampires who held themselves above everyone, Khalid was not so. He did not have a problem to ask for help or to appear so fragile and determined. After stating that, he looked towards Nightless and gestured for the prefect to follow him to the infirmary. "Let's go Nightless-san."

The vampires whom were already up and about heard the discussion and decided to help their blue pure-blood. They carried the others who was still deep in their dreams. Khalid looked at them and offered a grateful smile. He then looked at the canary of Inoue. "Bibi, please watch over Daitokuji-san." He then looked at Daitokuji once more. This time he had a gentle countenance. "Take care of yourself more, Daitokuji-san." Cradling Inoue closed to him, he then walked passed the snow-white girl but not before remembering something and then looking over his shoulder. "Next time, I'll wear the hair clip." An assuring smile decorating his lips. With that, he left the room for the infirmary.
