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Zero Kuragari

"These choices are mine to make. Whatever may come of them is determined by how I choose to execute them."

0 · 1,064 views · located in Cross Academy

a character in “Vampire Knight: Bonds of Fate”, originally authored by Nephilim, as played by RolePlayGateway




Void; Darkness - Roughly translates to "Void of Darkness" or "Darkness in the Void"
⌈I think it's rather fitting. It was my father who gave me this name, and I wonder, did he see something in me that I have yet to? Or was there some other meaning to why he gave this to me?⌋


Woodkid || Iron
Breaking Benjamin || I Will Not Bow
Ra || Tragic Empire
E.S. Posthumus || Ushas
Incubus || Love Hurts
Jem || 24
Peter Hollens | |The Rains of Castamere
Art of Dying || Best I Can


⌈We are all apart of some grandieur plan. But we have a choice whether or not to accept it. I choose not to make that choice. Whatever comes of it, I shall have no part in it.⌋

Ze-Ze| Ero | Ro



Vampire; Pure-blood

Eldest son of Vincent and Ava Kuragari | Cousin to Alarica and Keir Alistair | Oldest Brother of Leora

⌈Face Claim:⌋
Genesis Rhapsodos | Final Fantasy


⌈My father said I am the exact replica of his father, my grandfather. I wouldn't know, I've never seen any pictures of him. But I've heard a lot about him so I suppose I should consider it an honor.⌋

⌈Hair Color⌋
Chestnut | Auburn

⌈Eye Color⌋
Blue | Sapphire

⌈Skin Tone⌋



⌈Physical Description⌋
Appearance wise, Zero inherited traits of both parents. From Ava, he inherited the soft, willowy appearance of his hair, down to the very color of it. While not retaining the honey-gold locks his mother has, Zero's hair is more along the lines of a mixture of a golden brown color with subtle hints of ginger running through. If anything, the color is more likened to that of chestnut and auburn (in certain lighting). There are certain aspects to his hair that make it appear almost a burnt orange color, but this is usually faded. His hair is typically kept short, unlike his father who kept his hair long. Zero feels that long hair would only be a hindrance and it is something he cannot afford to give his enemies leverage on. It falls to the nape of his neck, usually unkempt and choppy in layers. His hair is usually parted to the side of his face. His bangs are cut rather choppy, the shortest strand reaching the tip of his nose and the longest barely grazing the tip of his chin.

His eyes are perhaps the odd thing Zero inherited from his parents. He does not retain the fiery red of his father, nor the alluring honey-gold of his mother. They are a deep blue color, almost dull and lifeless, however; that is far from true. The color is perhaps closest to a sea-foam green than an actual blue considering that there are hints of green surrounding his eyes. Perhaps, if one peered close enough, they would notice honey-gold rings surrounding his pupil, reminiscent of his mother's eye color. It is perhaps the only thing he inherited from his mother. His eyes always convey a hint of mischief, of playfulness, and also of power. Not power as in superiority, but power as in there isn't much he isn't willing to risk in order to do something. This trait is enhanced by defined brows that rest slightly higher upon his brow-bone. The shape of his eyes is probably best described as fairly almond shaped, perhaps a bit slanted to the right if anything.

His skin is perhaps something he takes from his father. It is rather pale in appearance, and if not for the occasional streak of peach kissing his skin softly, one might consider his complexion fairly sickly. He is typically free of blemishes thanks to his vampiric blood, and his skin is at appears; smooth and flawless. He cares not for it really, and usually lets his genes take care of things like that. He stands an inch shorter than his cousin Balthasar, standing roughly at six foot three. He is built much like his father, lithe, lean, though corded with muscle. He is perhaps less bulky than his cousin, however; the two would be at an almost even strength if pitted against each other. Balthasar has the experience of refinement whereas Zero didn't particularly care much for learning about things such as that during his youth. He does regret it somewhat, but nonetheless trains with Balthasar to bulk-up, as he says.


⌈I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person; love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of.⌋

⌈Potential Interest⌋
Yuki Alistair-von Nacht: Zero is yet unaware of what his allure is to his cousin, Yuki. He is very aware of her subtle tendencies when he is around, and he usually takes full advantage of it and teases her about it. There was a point in time where Zero had thought himself in love with his other cousin, Alarica, but those feelings never really bloomed into anything. Plus she used to beat him at a few things, (not to mention him), and he'd rather avoid something so violent. Instead, he plays it safe and sticks to Yuki, though he will not deny it, she has grown into a rather fetching young woman and he can't seem to keep his eyes to himself.

    ★ Violin || Something he picked up from his mother actually. As a child, she would often play it as a way of a lullaby, and he always found comfort in it. As a result, he began playing it as well as a child, up until now. He still plays it, and has in fact made his own Violin. It is a way for him to escape, and much like most of his family, he is very talented.
    ★ Gunsmith || Having Vincent as a father, who is proficient in weaponry, especially guns, did wonders for Zero. He can craft his own weapons, mainly guns much to his amusement, and can wield them as proficiently as his father. He, oddly, repairs his father's guns when they are out of commission and things like that, often helping Leora as well with her weapons. He takes pride in his work and each custom job always has a type of trademark on it.
    ★ Resourceful || Much like his uncle Morgan, Zero is extremely resourceful when it comes to information. He tends to gather it like a shelf collects dust, and it comes easy to him. Not only that, he is quite capable of using practically anything...anything, as a means of a weapon. He can be an extremely deadly foe this way not only because of the information he harbors, but because he is capable of just about anything.

    ✠ Ergokinesis || The manipulation of Energy. Zero can manipulate energy to his own bidding, able to create bursts of light should he desire to resemble fire. It is about as hot as the white flames and is as intense can be about as intense as the sun, however; he does not use this ability much since it requires a great deal of concentration, something he sorely lacks.
    ✠ Umbrakinesis || An extension of his father's ability, something that both he and Leora inherited, though none of his other siblings have. This ability grants him the use of manipulating darkness to his whim, creating weapons, shields, and even teleport to a different area with the use of shadows. He is also able to heal certain injuries, though depending on the injury, such as something sustained from an ability such as his mother's, he would not be able to.
    ✠ Shape-shifting || Like all pure-blood vampires, Zero has the ability to shape-shift, his main form taking the form of a hawk, however; he is capable of shifting into almost any creature he desires to. His favorite form to take is that of a white cat simply to terrorize his two cousins, Alarica and Keir. He knows of their dislike for the feline creatures, and there is a sort of symbolism to it when he appears as a white cat. He is practically making fun of them, much to their chagrin.


⌈Secrets are made to protect, to hide what we don't want others to see. Scars are secrets carved into the flesh that are made known to everyone that you have secrets. So, tell me, do you wish to know mine? Because if you do, I cannot promise that I will tell.⌋


    ☁ Zoning Out || Because he has trouble concentrating, Zero tends to zone out...a lot. It's not something he does on purpose, however; years of tuning out Vincent have left him somewhat automatically just zoning out on people. It's left him in a bit of a pickle before, when someone was asking him a certain thing and he was reluctant to answer. He got off lucky though as he answered the question correctly...apparently.
    ☁ Teasing || No explanation needed really. Zero enjoys teasing not only his sister, but his cousins as well. He likes to make them flustered (especially Yuki) and he will often state things that are perhaps better left unsaid. Regardless, some have mistaken his teasing as flirting, however; Zero doesn't flirt...actually, he's pretty sure he is incapable of flirting. Others tend to disagree since his teasing towards Yuki borderline what flirtation is.

    ჊ Playing Violin || As something of a past time, Zero enjoys playing the violin when he can with his cousins who play another form of instrument (save for Yuki who also plays the violin). There have been times during the winter holidays were the five of them would get together and orchestrate a symphony of sorts in order to play for their parents. Needless to say, it was always a breathtaking experience, something that he misses a bit.
    ჊ Family || Zero loves his family. He loves teasing them, being with them, just about anything really. In a way, he draws his strength from them, they being his pillar of support and he their guidance when they need it (though that's more Balthasar's job really). He misses the days when they would make a symphony for the holidays since they hardly do that anymore.
    ჊ Spicy Food || Despite being a vampire, and disliking sweets, Zero has inherited a strange tooth for anything spicy. He'll often indulge himself in spicy things, such as anything made with curry or Tabasco sauce. When his mother cooks, or Alarica, he'll often request that they make something spicy, much to most of his cousin's dismay.

    ✘ Blood Pills || Plain and simple. He doesn't like them at all. He finds them repulsive and extremely bitter, however; he puts up with because he does not wish to feed from anyone save his family, who are even then reluctant to feed from each other. He envies Keir and Alarica due to their dual digestive system, and often wonders what it would be like to be somewhat human.
    ✘ Sweets || One would think that having Ava for a mom, one would love sweets. Leora certainly does, however; Zero ate way to many sweets as a kid up until he was about thirty-five years old. Needless to say, he cannot stomach anything sweet. He will literally become ill if he were to ever consume another sweet thing again. That isn't to say he doesn't like them, he just can't eat them, much to most of his cousin's amusement. Who get's sick on and of sweets, especially with Ava as a mother?
    ✘ Responsibility || Because of the responsibility placed upon his shoulders the moment he was born, Zero does not like it one bit. Though that doesn't stop him from taking it up, especially in regards to protecting his baby sister, Leora. She is probably his biggest responsibility not only due to her inheriting their mother's scent, but also because she is the only daughter to Vincent Kuragari, one of the last original Kuragari's. He takes it fairly seriously and will not allow anyone near his sister, though she is capable of taking care of herself.

    ♩ Combat Prowess || Being the oldest son of Vincent is probably the only good thing that came of it. From a young age, much to his dismay, Zero was trained in everything that was combat. From hand-to-hand, to weapon wielding, to utilizing his own abilities, he was trained to be precise and have the utmost control of it all. As a result, Zero can, when he wants to, become a precise, almost-perfect, killing machine.
    ♩ Control || Having Ava for a mother and Leora for a sister would leave a vampire going mad, however; for Zero, he is in complete control of his thirst, much like his father is. Though when he was younger, his control was seriously lacking. His powers would often get the better of him and he once attacked his younger brother accidentally. This was the only thing that caused him to actually strive towards so that he wouldn't hurt anyone else he cared about, especially his family.

    ☯ Concentration || Admittedly, his concentration is not the greatest. He is easily distracted and can have his moments where he will completely have a spasm and just zone out. This can cause problems, especially when he uses his own unique ability as it requires tremendous amounts of concentration in order to work properly. It can actually backfire on him and cause damage not only to himself, but to anyone within a five foot radius. As a result, he doesn't use his ability much, only in intense situations where it is required and he has no alternative.
    ☯ Leora || His major weakness is his baby sister. He can be a bit over-protective of her and has been known to be a bit, over-bearing. He only does this because he loves her, and she is the only sister he has, and as the eldest of the family, he feels it is his responsibility to protect her from things, often endangering himself in the process. It doesn't help that she inherited their mothers alluring scent, though he is immune to it, having stated once that it was a bit annoying.


⌈Molded and sculpted from a young age, I am everything I am not. I refuse to bow to whim and heritage. I do not need fancy titles, bloodlines, to carve out my name into history. I will do so on my own.⌋

Calm | Rational | Rebellious | Protective

If there was anything Zero inherited from his father, besides his abilities, it was his trait of being calm. He is a calm person, and does not waiver even under the heaviest of pressures. He is able to keep his cool and doesn't allow things to sway him. As such, he is able to make decisions with a clear and level mind. He is as firm as an oak tree during a hurricane storm and is about as strong as one. Zero is capable of keeping up such a facade if it is required of him, and comes off as unreadable to most people, an enigma to those who do not know him. This is not the case truly, however, and he can appear to be very mild mannered for the most part. He doesn't get agitated easily, and this usually serves him well during certain situations and other such things. Despite his ability to be calm though, Zero has his moments where he can get excited about things fairly easily, and is not afraid to express this in anyway.

Zero has expressed his ability to be rational, able to reason with just about anyone should he desire to. He is usually the one, besides Balthasar, who is reasoning with people, trying to get them to see the other side before a solution can be found to the problem or question at hand. This part of his personality was drilled into him by his father, who wanted Zero to become head of the family once it was his time. As a result, this bred a rebellious streak within Zero who refused to obey anything his father told him. He doesn't take to being told what to do, and doesn't understand how his cousin, Balthasar, can take it as such. The responsibility of such a heritage was something he did not ask for, nor does he want a part of it. If he could, he would hand it down to one of his younger brothers, however; he doesn't shirk his responsibilities even if he doesn't like them.

Zero, being the eldest of seven, is extremely protective of his younger siblings, more specifically, his baby sister Leora. He can come off as over-bearing, however; he does this simply to protect her so that others will not take advantage of her. He is well aware that she is capable of defending herself, but he views Leora as his baby sister always. To him, she will always be the small baby held in his mother's arms, not the young woman she has grown into today. As a result, Zero can usually be found near his sister often to the point he annoys her, which isn't quite as easy as it looks. Zero also has a tendency to pick on his cousins, teasing them to no end especially his half-cousin Yuki. He does it all in good fun though and tries not to take it to the extreme. In all, Zero is a typical person who has a bit of a rebellious streak who can also be extremely calm when the situation warrants it.


⌈As children, we think we know the world, how it's going to be, what to look forward to. As adults, we understand the world a little more than we did as children, however; we learn that what we've been taught is only to help us see a brighter future. I think I understand what my father was trying to do now.⌋

Zero was born the eldest child to Vincent and Ava Kuragari. He was born a few years after the death of Theodor von Nacht, in a time of contemporary peace. He was born the first child of the Kuragari's, something that he would later come to resent. Not because he wasn't loved by his parents, because he was loved dearly by the both of them, but because Vincent put a lot of responsibility upon his shoulder's at a young age. As a child, Vincent began grooming him in proper etiquette, took him to meetings, and began teaching him the things he would need to know for when he was old enough to take over being head of the family. This caused some resentment to build within Zero for his father, however; Vincent wasn't trying to be harsh with Zero. For a majority of his teenage years, Zero rebelled against his father, usually taking solace with his mother who tried to convince Zero that Vincent still loved him.

He only began settling down when the seventh addition to his family was born, his youngest sibling; Leora. He was a dotting older brother, always wanting to hold her and was often the one taking care of her as a babe. When she got older, most of that responsibility shifted to his elder cousin, Balthasar. In some ways, Zero resented his cousin not only because Balthasar was everything Zero resented, but because of his simple subjugation to it. Balthasar had accepted it whereas Zero rejected it. This, however, resulted in a form of rivalry between Zero and Balthasar, though it was more one-sided than anything. This actually stimulated Zero into obeying a few things his father was trying to teach him, and though he still rebels from time to time, he has acted more maturely upon the advice of his father.

It was not a well-hidden fact that Zero loved his mother more than anything. Much how Leora became a light in their father's heart, Ava did the same for Zero. He leaned on her for support, for advice, for comfort and for that parental love he felt he lacked from his father. Ava did her best to reassure Zero that his father did love him, that Vincent was just trying to look out for him. Ava knew better than anyone that Vincent's ability to show love towards someone else wasn't exactly the easiest thing for him to do, especially since it was towards his first born son and heir. Zero refused to believe that and held nothing but contempt for his father. Vincent could never properly reach his son, and the two often quarreled much to the other's chagrin. If it wasn't for Balthasar, Zero would have never reconciled his differences with Vincent.

When Leora was born, and as she grew, Zero always felt the need to protect her. Not only from prying hands and eyes, but even from his family members who were not as controlled in their thirst as he was. Leora's scent would often send his youngest cousin, Alarica, into little fits every time she was around Leora, however; with supervision, Zero managed to help build Alarica and Keir's resistance to Leora's scent with the help of his mother's as well. Zero was already somewhat immune to his sister's scent thanks to his mothers own scent. As Leora grew, Zero found himself somewhat oddly detached from his sister, she often going to their elder cousin for support and to confide in. He felt a bit of jealousy towards his cousin, and this perhaps also stemmed from the rivalry he had held with him.

To this day, Zero still feels a bit jealous of his cousin, however; he respects him more than anything and has long since abandoned the silly notion that was once a rivalry. The war, though it grows near, is something Zero does not tend to think about. It is something that is inevitable, and he will play his part in the twisted game that it is. Whether or not he chooses to do so, he knows it is something he must do in order to protect his family. He is currently attending the neutral grounds of Cross Academy with his cousins.


⌈Whatever may come our way, we shall all face it with a courage and fierceness our parents fought it with. We shall be the new legacy to be imprinted into the books of history, and it shall remember all of our names... all of them.⌋

So begins...

Zero Kuragari's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keir Alistair Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Aryan von Nacht Character Portrait: Balthasar von Nacht Character Portrait: Alarica Alistair Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari
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A hundred years.

A whole century has passed since the incident. An incident that had forever changed the lives of everyone involved, directly or indirectly. A new day arose, the sun peeking gently over the horizon, glancing through the leaves of the trees. The breeze blew by softly, carrying cherry blossoms as it went by. The day in question was Monday, the beginning of the week, and the echoes of Cross Academy's bell resonated through the area. Slowly, it came to life, students passing each other, greeting each other, and conversing with one another as if they hadn't seen each other in years. This day was no different for one Alarica Alistair. She opened the door to her room, blinking owlishly at the basket of apples laid in front of her door. She frowned, Mihkail landing softly on her shoulder as she glanced towards the white owl.

"Every Monday there is a new batch. I wonder, do you have a secret admirer?" Mihkail stated, mischief laced in his tone. Alarica merely rolled her eyes at her familiar, picking the basket up and setting it on the table to her room before leaving. She had to find Keir. He said there was something that he had discovered and he wanted to show her what it was. She glanced back at the apples on the table, a vague scent of something familiar lingering about, before shrugging her shoulders and continuing on her way. Zero, on the other hand, the son of one Vincent and Ava Kuragari, lounged lazily in a tree, his arm dangling as he glanced up.

It was his place, where he spent most of his time during the school hours. There wasn't much for him to learn anyways, and the only reason he was attending was at the behest of his mother and father. The things they were learning were already covered in the books and information Vincent had drilled into him as a child, and more so as he grew. Sighing softly through his nose, he pushed himself away from the tree, landing gracefully and elegantly as a cat, upon the ground. He turned his attention towards the school, shoving one of his hands into his pocket and bringing out the book that had occupied his attention moments ago.

As he neared the school building, a smile formed on his lips as something ruptured through the air. "And it seems Keir and Alarica have started their fun without me," he stated, the rumbling of the earth signaling a strong explosion just took place. Zero glanced about, stepping to the side to avoid a javelin that fell from the sky. He spotted a few basketballs, volleyballs, and even the shinai the kendo club used flew from the sky. "Of all the had to be the storage building."

A cackle of mad laughter split the air, Keir practically doubling over as supplies rained down from the sky over half the campus. He grinned at his twin, ice-blue orbs meeting pale-pink. "I told you this was an awesome idea!" A white wolf stood not far off, shaking his head. Keir stuck his tongue out at his familiar. "Oh, buzz off, Lulu."

On the other side of campus, one of the only other students with hair as white as snow sighed, exasperated. The Twins just never knew when to quit, did they? But, then again, considering who their father was...

Yuki Alistair-von Nacht stood up from her chair, intending to go assess the damage. She could only imagine what Keir and Alarica had done this time. She loved them, of course, and sometimes even joined them, but...sometimes she just wanted a peaceful day. She glanced over at her younger brother, Aryan, who was asleep at the desk he'd been sitting at all night. She smiled fondly. Not even an explosion could wake him up when he was tired enough. She wasn't surprised, he hadn't slept in three days.

She shook her head, pulling one of the blankets over him, and let him be. He needed the rest. She left the library, heading towards the source of the explosion. Kiba met her at the door. She pet him lightly, and then continued on her way. A few more thigs were still raining from the sky, mainly sporting equipment, and without even thinking about it, Yuki threw up a wall of telekinetic energy above her head. She rounded the corner, running almost smack into Zero. She blinked once, and then smiled slightly. She pulled the javelin from the ground that he'd side-stepped. "Really? They blew up the storage shed? Honestly..." She shook her head, a small smile on her face nonetheless.

The explosion was enough to rattle the windows of the school building proper, and Leora glanced out of the nearest one in the music room, shaking her head with a secretive grin when she noted a deflated basketball falling through the air. She was actually a bit disappointed she hadn’t been let in on the fun this time. Ah well—there was always tomorrow, after all. Smoothing her face out, she regained the cool impassivity she was known for displaying and turned back to what she was doing, drawing the bow back over the strings of her violin and releasing the first note once again. She needed to stop by the library later, to pick up a few books—mostly to write Zero’s next English assignment. She did it for the experience, really; unlike him, she wasn’t almost a century old, and having been home-schooled all her life, actual homework was something of a novelty for her. Plus her brother’s grades were now immaculate, despite the fact that he never went to class.

In that selfsame library, Helen Trist did not even glance up from the book she was reading, at least not until Yuki moved. She was always very aware of what her friend was doing, but she was not overprotective to the point that she felt the need to follow. Instead, she glanced back down at the novel she was reading and turned the page. She wanted to see how it would end
 A slight stirring made her look up again, and she noted that Aryan had a piece of paper stuck to his face. She debated removing it, but decided that was probably something he should do himself. It wasn’t like she was going to laugh at him for it. In fact, she dismissed the thought from her mind and went back to reading thereafter.

Balthasar, on the other hand, was perhaps not ten meters from the storage shed when it blew up, and he yelped with surprise as various pieces of debris flew around the area. His reaction was instantaneous even so—in the area of his immediate proximity, the grass flattened, and any chunks of wood or sports equipment that entered the field smashed immediately to the ground as though magnetized. The double-tailed fox-kit on his head giggled, resettling herself in his dark locks and blinking over at the ruins from which his cousins emerged. Sighing through his nose, he picked his way through the remaining splintered two-by-fours and ducked under the partially-collapsed roof, placing the orange cones in the usual spot. It looked a little absurd, given that they were the only things currently in the right spot, and the building was basically gone.

This was no easy repair, either, though he did use his fields to move a few things back into order, and bolstered the missing half of the ceiling for a moment while he recycled another piece of wood to support it in the meantime. At least what was left wouldn’t injure anyone coming to survey the damage now. “Those two
” he murmured, more to himself than anything, though Ilyana, being her helpful self, did not hesitate to reply.

“But you love them!” she sing-songed in a lilting soprano. Balthasar only sighed again.

“Of course I do. That doesn’t mean I approve of wanton destruction of school property.” Even if it was a bit funny, and even if he was smiling, just slightly.

"Better the shed than the actual Academy. I don't think they'll go that far...yet," Zero replied, a smirk pulling at his face as he turned his attention towards Yuki. "Besides, they were planning on remodeling the building anyway. They just did the construction workers a favor, really," he added with a light shrug of his shoulders. His eyes traveled to the javelin in Yuki's hands and took the weapon from her, spinning it in his hand in the process. "And it's been awhile since they last blew something up. The gardening shed was the last victim if I do remember correctly. Luckily, Hel had Sven and he was able to help restore some things," he added as an after thought.

His smirk turned into a smile at that thought before shaking his head. School was about to start for them, and they should be returning to the classroom. The smirk returned to his face as he stared at Yuki, tapping his chin thoughtfully before slipping behind Yuki. "I think this will be easier and more convenient," he stated, slipping his arms around her waist and hoisting her over his shoulder, laughing all the same in the process.

Alarica stood, smudges of dirt covering her face as a large grin was painted across her face. "Have I ever doubted you before, dear brother?" she stated as she turned to grin at him. Her face, however, pulled into that of a frown as Mihkail followed her line of sight. If he could smirk, he would have. Immediately, the air went a little chiller than usual and Alarica abruptly turned to walk away, Mihkail letting a light laughter in the process. He turned to his brother, glaring lightly with a strange tint to his blue eyes before following after his master. "Not a word Mihk" she stated towards the white owl.

"My, you wound me so, Lala," he spoke, the last word coming out with a bit more emphasis that he barely dodged an icicle headed his way. Laughter rang out merrily as he perched himself upon Balthasar's shoulder, glancing up towards Ilyana. "Master seems upset with me, shall we share yours?" he stated as he turned his blue eyes towards Balthasar, a strange glint of mirth shining behind his eyes.

Yuki laughed, the sound like bell chimes. "Yes, it was the garden shed. Oh my. I'd forgotten about that." She shook her head, but stiffened when Zero stepped up behind her. And when he threw her over his shoulder, she blushed redder than the apples on the trees. "Z-Zero! Put me down!" Kiba, on the other hand, simply chuckled, slipping off to find a quiet spot. Yuki would be fine, he felt no need to be glued to her side when she was with any of the family, especially Zero.

Aryan had woken when Yuki left, picking his head up and looking blearily around, as if he was lost. Indeed, it took him a few seconds to realize he was still in the library. He yawned, feeling something stretch his skin, and looked sideways to find a piece of paper stuck to the side of his face. He frowned, pulling it of slowly. With the paper gone, he could see Helen in his peripheral vision. He looked at her, his voice soft. "How long was I asleep?"

Keir had finally seemed to recover from his laughing spell, looking over at his cousin, a manic grin on his face. "Bally! Aww, Lala, don't run away." He pouted slightly, shaking his head. His sister was so thick-headed sometimes. He shrugged it off. If she didn't want to face her feelings, whatever, it was her loss.

Helen looked back up, tilting her head faintly to the side and running a mental calculation. “Two hours and thirty-seven minutes,” she replied promptly, though her voice was flat, and slightly husky, as though she did not often use it. This was, in fact, the case. “Yuki left sixteen minutes ago.” She blinked, nodding slightly, then returned her eyes to her reading. It wasn’t that it captured her overmuch—it would be nice to know the ending, but it wasn’t particularly arresting. She just didn’t know what else to say or do. Hel was not skilled in the arts of small talk and socialization, and even if she were, she might feel uncomfortable exercising them here.

She just didn’t see why anyone like him, like any of them, would want to talk to someone like her. She was a discarded tool belonging to an evil man, and part of her still belonged to him. The part she could do nothing about. They allowed her to remain, and for that she was grateful, but she could not and did not respond to the overtures of friendliness from them. Yuki was an exception, but even that was
 strange, for Helen. It was easier to see herself as a vassal, for they should always love the ones they served, and that made things less complicated.

Balthasar, meanwhile, smiled over at Keir as he emerged from the wreckage, squinting slightly against the light of day, though it faltered slightly upon noting that Alarica was already walking away. He just didn’t understand why she despised him so. He was trying to give her the space she seemed to want, but
 they were part of the same very close-knit family, and it was difficult to do.

He was a bit surprised, then when her familiar landed on his shoulder, but he reached up to stroke the owl’s feathers all the same, the smile returned to his face, if only a slight one. It was a fairly commonplace expression for him, actually. “Hello Mikhail,” he greeted warmly, then turned a raised eyebrow on Keir. “You just couldn’t help yourselves, could you?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Yuki Alistair-von Nacht
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The smirk that had been plastered upon Zero's face, only broadened when Yuki began to protest. She told him to put her down, however; he did not oblige his cousin, instead, choosing to keep her over his shoulder. "And tell me why, dear cousin, I would wish to do that?" he stated, glancing over his shoulder to stare at Yuki. He will admit, he loved teasing her to no end. Her reactions to his actions were simply something he couldn't resist, and it didn't help matters much that he found his half-cousin distracting.

"Besides, class is boring. You can only learn the same thing so many times before it gets boring. And I hear that the roof of the school is exquisite this time of day," he stated, his smirk still brightening upon his lips. Though he wouldn't truly take her away from her studies. He knew, without a doubt, that Yuki enjoyed taking the classes. Whether it was because it was something normal, or if there was another reasoning behind it, he didn't know. And pretty much didn't care. If she liked it, then she had every right to be there. It was just something he did not favor, hence why Leora was the one who did most of his school work. She wasn't as aged as he was, and really, it was more-so for her benefit than his.

Oh, why did he have to be so difficult? She could practically feel her heart thumping against her rib cage. She had no idea why it would chose to do so, but there it was all the same. When he turned back to look at her, she hid her face in her hands. The roof? They were going to the roof? It wasn't so much that she minded, she loved being outside, even more if it was somewhere high.

It was more or less the fact that she was going to be alone with Zero. Though why that should bother her so much, she did not understand. She didn't understand anything about her reactions to him. They made no sense, and she was too terrified to ask anyone about them, or she probably would have gone to her mother by now. She let out a shaky sigh as her cousin continued to carry her. She couldn't form coherent thoughts at the moment, and she found herself tongue-tied.

Though, in all honesty, she didn't mind missing this particular class. It was English, which was something she had no aptitude for, at all. She was better with history and science, and math. Give her grammar, and she was absolutely lost. Maybe she should ask Leora for help. Oh, and now her mind was wandering, as she was startled suddenly when Zero set her back on her feet. She looked around, and then promptly turned away from her cousin, trying to get her face to cool down. "Oh, why do you have to be so stubborn?" She muttered, though it was more to herself than to Zero.

"Stubborn? Oh you must give me more credit than that my dear cousin," Zero replied, a hint of feigned hurt lacing in his tone. "Stubborn would be me actually taking you to the roof. I am not so heartless that I would make you miss your classes," he continued as he tilted his head to the side. He sighed softly though and placed Yuki down, though his hand laced with hers and he held her hand. He could never truly describe the sensation he felt, the passing of chills through his skin at the mere contact.

It was something akin to what he felt when he was with his mother, though this was something completely different. He would not lie and say he didn't know what it was, because he certainly did, he just wasn't sure if he was exactly ready to say something like that. Especially to Yuki. His mother and father had told them of their history, of the war that had transpired, of what had happened to his Aunt Nikki and his cousin Yuki. Of what his Uncle Jasper did to Theodor, and what had happened to his mother.

He sighed through his nose a little harshly before running a hand through his ginger locks. "You know, if you need help, you could always ask Bal or myself. Rica and Leo both said that you are having trouble in English," he stated, stopping momentarily from his walk to glance over his shoulder at Yuki.

A small tremor ran through Yuki at the contact of their hands. If only she understood why he made her feel like this. Still, when he looked at her like that...

She found herself glancing between him and the door, which was still closed. She glanced back at Zero, and then, without giving herself time to think, she walked toward him, looping her arm through his and dragging him with her.

"Well, I guess I'm the one being stubborn." She said softly, and dragged her cousin exactly where he had originally said, the roof. Still, the time would not be entirely wasted. She had her English books with her.

Zero chuckled at Yuki's response, and allowed her to drag him towards their previous destination. He couldn't lie, the view from up here had its pros, and he certainly didn't mind viewing it up here with her. He didn't mind that their arms were still looped together, and it was he who initiated the releasing of said arms, though with a bit of reluctance. He sighed, taking a seat down upon the concrete roof and patted at a seat next to him, pulling out one of her English books in the process.

"Although you didn't officially ask, I am taking this as a sign that you do need help," he stated, flipping through her books in the process. "Hm, okay I see your problem," he stated as he began shuffling through the problems with her, writing a few words out and sentences so she could practice on her own. He barely missed the bell signaling it was time for lunch.

For once in her life, some of it began to make sense. She also could not remember the last time she'd actually enjoyed English, in any sense of the word. Still, the time passed all too quickly, the bell ringing, signaling that it was time for lunch. She glanced up, a little surprised. Was it that late already?

With a small shake of her head, she packed up her things, and stood up. She stretched languidly, and then glanced back down at her cousin, a coy smile on her face. She didn't even really think about it, it was more natural to her than breathing as she reached out, touching his mind with her own. She didn't dig, she never did, it was the connection that she was after.

Thank you, Zero.

You're welcome, Yuki.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aryan von Nacht Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari
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Aryan sighed through his nose, allowing his sense of smell to guide him to where his least favorite cousin was. He had no wish to go to him, but at the moment, he was avoiding Leora. While Keir was a bit dense when it came seeing that he'd been manipulated, Leora was a bit sharper, and as such, Aryan was going to avoid her wrath, for now at least.

So, in order to relay the news of the attack coming, he had to tell one of the Kuragari's, and then the Twins. He found his cousin on the roof, a place that did not surprise him at all. His temper flared almost immediately, but he quashed it. There was no time for such petty matters, and besides, it was not as if anything had been done to Yuki. As it were, Zero had actually helped her with her English, and that was a good thing, even if it did rankle Aryan that they were spending time alone together.

His cousin, as it were, was laying on his back, his hands laced together behind his head, staring up at the sky. Aryan stopped about five feet from him, his hands in his pockets. His face was placid, as was his tone.

"The town on the outskirts of Cross Academy's borders is going to be attacked in a week's time. Yuki, Helen, and I will be at the Council, leaving my brother, you and your sister, and the twins here to defend it. There are also going to be two rather highly skilled hitmen present. We are unsure of the intended target or targets, so just be on your gaurd."

Zero sighed softly, the gentle breeze caressing his skin as he closed his eyes to the world. He had opted to skip his classes again, spending the rest of the day upon the school roof. Even when the bell chimed to return to the dorms, he remained where he was, arms laced behind his head. His eyes, though closed, displayed a sense of boredom, and his mind wandered to what the twins were currently doing. Usually, at this time of day, they were either beating each other senseless, or blowing something up. He had to say it wasn't the latter since there had yet to be another explosion. He sighed through his nose, a familiar scent laced with the breeze.

"Always the dutiful cousin, Ar," he replied as he cracked one eye open to stare up at his cousin. A frown laced his face before he sat up, stretching his arms until he heard the satisfied popping of his shoulders, and turned to fully face Aryan. "Is that what Alden has sent? Information of an attack? You should know fully well who the intended targets are. If it's not Leora, it's one of the twins, your sister, or your brother. They are not fully interested in either you or I," he stated with a casual shrug of his shoulders. Which was partially untrue. Being he son of Ava and Vincent Kuragari had had him on plenty of hit lists, and Aryan himself would perhaps rival that number as well simply by just being Jasper's son.

Aryan raised a delicate eyebrow. If anything could be said of Balthasar being the mirror image of their father, Aryan was definately the male version of their mother. Really, the only trait he had that was not really either of his parents were his eyes. A deep violet hue, they matched none of the family, at least, insofar as Aryan could tell.

He sighed through his nose. "Actually, one of my contacts was found dead the other day, one of the members of the Council. It would seem someone found out that he'd been leaking information. There is a very real chance that this attack and my summons to the Council is a planned effort on my life, though nothing is certain. And people are more interested in kidnapping your sister, not killing her. I think they would have better chances at convincing a rabbit it is a dog."

Zero sighed a bit more harshly through his nose than he intended. He rubbed the side of his temples at Aryan's response. "You know what I meant about my sister. The same goes for the twins and your sister. A genetic experimentation is all that they are to those bastards. Leora because of mom's ability being passed onto her, the twins thanks to Erys and Morgan's altered DNA making them what they are, and your sister being the sick, twisted experiment of Kisuke. They are all valuable in that way. We are just liabilities in the way of preventing either of them from being taken," he responded as he laid back down on his back.

He closed his eyes briefly again before re-opening. "And didn't you know? They already have rabbits believing they're dogs. The beauty of hypnosis, it's a wonderful thing really," he stated in a nonchalant gesture. He was mostly kidding about the latter part of the sentence, but Aryan would perhaps miss the humor in that.

The stone beneath Aryan's feet cracked in response to the violent flare in his temper. His purple eyes narrowed to slits, and he had to reign in his shadows, realizing that the tendrils had suddenly sprung up around him. His mouth was a hard line, and he hissed through his teeth, "If anyone was sick and twited, it was that pathetic excuse of a man who all but tortured his own daughter." He forced himself to stop. That hadn't been what Zero had meant, and he knew it.

He turned on his heel, leaving his cousin. "Just make sure my brother doesn't do anything stupid."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari
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Zero combed through the empty court yard of the Academy, his hands laced behind his head as he watched the clouds roll by. He didn't pay much attention to where he was going, only to the sky, and it's not that it mattered. No one was around at the moment. He had the place almost all to himself really, though it was getting a bit boring. The twins were off on their own again, doing only what they do best, and Balthasar was tending to something with his brother, Aryan. His face pulled into a frown at the thought of Aryan and their little conversation. It was obvious enough that Aryan had taken what Zero said out of context, and really he couldn't blame him.

But still, he didn't have to react the way he did. He sighed softly, slumping his shoulders lightly as the sound of something connecting with something caught his ears. A light sniff of the air, and he smirked. Slowly, he made his way towards the source, finding his sister sparring with a punching bag. He leaned against the door frame of the gym, watching as her hands connected with the bag in flawless succession. Shaking his head softly, he pushed his way off and made towards her, clapping all the same.

"So, who's the unlucky bastard to be plaguing your thoughts? There has to be someone bothering you, otherwise you wouldn't be hitting that back so hard. Poor bag, didn't do anything to you and you're just pounding away on it," he stated, smirking lightly as he crossed his arms against his chest.

Leora smirked at her brother’s entrance, landing one last hit on the bag that tore it from its hook on the ceiling and sent it flying across the room. Opening and closing a few times the hand that had delivered the blow, she observed that she’d actually cracked a knuckle, though it was healing even as she examined it. Shrugging, she glanced up and back at Zero, the smile still tilting her lips. Leo was not a grinner—in fact, her smiles rarely if ever even flashed her teeth. But there was a lot that could be conveyed more subtly. “Oh, nobody,” she replied casually, which was not exactly true. She was definitely frustrated, but she couldn’t decide if the person she was displacing her anger for was Aryan, for putting her in this stupid predicament in the first place, or Keir—for being confusing enough that the challenge even bothered her at all. It wouldn’t have bugged her if it was Ary or one of the girls the challenge had been against. If it was Al, she might have ceded just to be merciful, and if it was Zero, they both probably would have laughed and picked a different challenge.

 it was literally the worst-case scenario, somehow. But she was far too headstrong to give it up. Maybe it was just the stakes—she’d gotten a lot of mileage and amusement out of her little rivalry with her cousin over the years. She didn’t really want this to be the end of the game. And yes, she was quite attracted to him, so there was definitely a chance she would lose. That was probably it. Such reasons were enough to feel as much dread as she did about this, right? Leo definitely hated losing, so probably.

Padding across the gym to pick up the bag, she slung it over a shoulder, and carried it back to the supply closet. “Bored already, dear brother? You know, maybe attending class would give you something to do. You wrote your English essay on Whitman, by the way—you were very deeply moved by some of his works, and traced his influence through American literature all the way up to the twentieth century.” They were in the twenty-second now, of course, but literature and poetry didn’t really expire.

"If you say so, but know I do not believe you," he replied casually, smirking at her in the process. He reached a hand over, ruffling her hair a bit before placing his hand against his own head and rubbed a bit. "Was I? I can't recall anymore," he said simply, allowing his hand to fall back to his side. Attend class? Perhaps he should, but then again, he'd just perhaps end up lecturing his teachers rather than being the one lectured. He'd lived long enough to learn most things, and there was hardly anything new that needed to be learned. Really, both he and Leora benefited from their mutual relationship. While she did his homework, she could catch up on history and the likes, whereas he would be able to keep up his grades.

Granted his grades would still be pristine should he ever desire to attend class, but that was a thought to entertain for another time. "If I ever attended class, it was because something interesting and worth learning would be happening. As it is now, there is nothing quite like that yet," he added. "So, are you going to tell me what's on your mind, or should I go find Keir and Alarica to drill it out of you?" he stated, the light smirk returning to his features. He wouldn't actually go to the twins for help with things such as this. He might actually go to Balthasar if he needed help with his sister, but at the moment, he just wanted to know what was bothering her.

"You can't wear a straight face in my presence and you know it. So, kido, are you going to tell me?" he continued, waiting patiently for her reply as he took a seat on one of the bleachers, folding his hands across and laid his chin upon them.

Leo rolled her eyes when her brother mussed up her hair, setting about straightening it with her fingers. Not for the sake of appearance, as she hardly cared for that most of the time, but because her reputation was for a person who walked around without a single hair out of place. Her neatness, like her mother’s, was actually a kind of shield. Rumpled meant vulnerable, and that was something she was not allowed to be, not in front of anyone. Except maybe her brother or Al sometimes. Taking the seat beside him, she sighed theatrically. “Dammit, Zee, mess up your own hair. Oh wait, you already did.” she said, looking at his wind-tossed auburn strands. Reaching over a ways, she tugged on his forelock, but not hard enough to hurt, of course.

It was hard to keep things from him, but in this case, she had to. The rules of the challenge stated that nobody was allowed to know about it, and she didn't intend to lose on a technicality. She didn’t intend to lose at all which was why she was here. She let her aggravation and confusion out on the equipment, and then she was in a much more solid place to deal with it later in a more controlled way. She supposed this much at least she could convey without breaking any rules. “There’s just some stuff I have to handle later, and I wanted to be at my best. I’m always at my best after I’ve punched a few things.” As if to prove the point, she socked him lightly in the arm. “Though hitting a poor defenseless bag isn’t quite as fun as hitting my poor defenseless brother. How about it, huh? Spar?”

Zero, being much older, was a better fighter than Leo was, but he wasn’t a specialist in hand-to-hand like she was, which made it so that, while he still usually beat her, it wasn’t so unbalanced that it was useless. They could go at it for days, probably, and they actually had once, until their mother had their dad interfere because she wasn’t sure how much more structural damage the house could handle. They tended to keep it a little tamer than that, now, but she still learned something every time she fought him. And he didn’t hold back on her like her dad did.

"My own hair?" he stated, glancing up as if he could see the state of his hair, only to wince when Leora pulled a strand. He chuckled softly, rubbing his hair line in the process. "I wear the messy look better than you do anyways," he stated, running a hand through his hair in the process, messing it up again. He rose an eyebrow at her next statement. Poor, defenseless brother? He was anything but, and they both knew it. His lips tilted into a light smirk as he stared at Leora, leaning a bit closer to her face than necessary.

"Loser has to go streaking Friday night," he stated, the smirk growing into a grin. "And you've got yourself a deal, dear sister of mine," he stated. He wouldn't mind a bit of practice anyhow, given that they were going to be defending the town and Academy in a few days time. They could both use the practice, and they usually did. Though they always did it in the confines of the forest. The last time the two sparred, their father had to step in and their house had nearly been destroyed. He would never go full out on his sister, however; the both of them still managed a heap of damage to the Kuragari estate.

“Across the whole grounds, at a speed the humans can see you if they look,” she added, cracking the knuckles still under the boxing tape she wrapped them with. She gave him a moment to do the same—though the extra protection wasn’t a lot, it would at least soak up any blood from split knuckles and so on. When the Kuragari siblings went at it, they really went at it. Broken bones and all. The gym was a little small for this, but it had been built with the vampiric students in mind, so at was about as reinforced as anywhere would be. Last time they’d done this, more than a few trees had been collateral damage, and she honestly felt a bit bad about this.

Settling down into her stance, Leo smiled, holding out one of her hands and beckoning her big brother forward with two fingers.

“You know, this is really much less punishment for you than it would be for me,” she said about an hour later, removing her knee from his back to let him stand. She’d fought damn hard not to be the loser of this particular match, because hell if she was going to run across the grounds with no clothes on. She actually had some sense of modesty, though she was far from a prude about it. She’d probably be there when he made his run of not-so-much-shame-for-Zero shame, laughing at him all the while.

“I probably should have made you eat an entire cake instead, but I guess it’ll do.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keir Alistair Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Balthasar von Nacht Character Portrait: Alarica Alistair Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari
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The day had been relatively peaceful, Zero was out sitting underneath the tree with his head resting against Alarica's lap. She had went to find her cousin for a conversation that lead to one thing and they had sat in silence for the remainder of the time. She combed her fingers through his hair, and if one were not part of their family, it would seem as if the two were quite intimate. This was far from it actually. The two just had a common interest, or rather common interest in the same von Nacht children. He sighed softly through his nose, his seafoam blue eyes opening in a half-lidded gaze as Alarica kept her Amaranthe colored optics closed.

"We're hopeless are we not?" he stated, chuckling lightly in the process as he sat up, removing himself from his comfort and rolled so that he was sitting next to her. Mikhail sat in the tree branch above them, glancing down at his master and her cousin, humming softly to himself as he puffed out his feathers a bit. This form was growing weary on him, but he couldn't shift into his true form. Not because he would expose a secret, because by now most humans knew of the vampiric world, but more-so because Alarica had told him not to unless absolutely necessary. And right now, there was no reason to do so.

"Possibly," Alarica replied, finally cracking one eye open before opening the other one. "At least you don't have much of a problem. Yuki, she..." she paused stopping herself in her sentence and shaking her head. It wasn't her place to say anything about Yuki's feelings; that was for the snow-white haired girl to do at her own leisure. "Zero," she was about to say something else when a scent hit her nose, both she and Zero's face turning towards the source. There was a large cloud of smoke rising from the area of the town not too far from where they were, and the town she and her female cousins had just visited.

"Mikhail," was the only word spoken as the snow white owl descended from the tree, his form twisting and contorting until he was about half the size of the Academy. Alarica glanced towards Zero, he nodding in understanding as they both jumped upon Mikhail's neck. The dragon flapped his wings, sending a gust of air coursing through the grounds as he took off. It was only a matter of minutes before they reached the town, people screaming and running wildly amongst each other. Alarica frowned at the scene. There were vampires, Level E's to be exact, attacking humans, draining some of them while other vampires, like Noble's were also attacking.

"Well, if I didn't say this looked like a banquet, I'd say it looks like a feast. Shall we indulge, dear cousin?" he stated, pulling out Ragnarok in the process. He knew with the rumbling of the explosion, and the black smoke littering the air, the others wouldn't be far behind. Alarica merely smirked, pulling her mother's trademark weapon from her back, and pointed Ulrik at the first vampire that came their way. Mikhail by this time was crunching away on Level E's, trying to keep a majority away from the humans.

Alucard raised his head as he watched Mikhail fly towards the direction of the town. He looked up at his master, who gave the barest flicker of a nod. With almost something akin to glee, the wolf shifted, matching a form of the snow white dragon, but with scales the color of topaz and sapphires.

Keir himself turned to his cousins before going to stand on Alucard's head, his arms crossed. "Looks like it's showtime." Alucard gave them enough time to climb on if they so wished before taking to the sky himself. The dragon let out a roar as he descended upon the town, taking out a few level E's as he stepped on them when landing. Keir let out a mad cackle, leaping from his familiar's head. When he hit the ground, he rolled, coming up with a clawed hand in the face of a Noble.

Keir squeezed, the man's windpipe bursting. Blood splattered into his snow-white hair, his eyes gleaming silver. His grin grew wider still as he licked his hand clean, taking off to take out more Level E's.

When the smell of smoke hit Leora and Balthasar, they were both outside, in a tree, actually, playing cards of all things on one of the branches. They were usually doing something else while they talked, and Leo had gone through a bit of a card-shark phase as a child, when she was still trying to find her niche in such a big family. He’d indulged every one of these weird new hobbies with a rare patience, and this one at least had stuck. She’d just beaten him again at a modified two-person poker, because he was hopeless at lying, and she was very, very good at it.

She swooped the cards up and stowed them in a pocket just as Keir arrived, standing on Alucard’s head, and she smirked when he gave them the opportunity to ride. She actually would have enjoyed it, but she enjoyed doing the unexpected more, and so she shook her head. “Thanks, but I travel by human bullet. Balthasar?” She glanced at her cousin, who shook his head and sighed slightly, but nevertheless, when she ran to the edge of the branch and jumped off, he followed immediately after, catching her in midair and warping several gravity fields around them so that they did, indeed, take off like a shot.

The feeling of flight was utterly euphoric, but sadly it was not to last long, and as they approached the town, they adjusted positions so that she hung beneath him vertically, held in place by a mutual grip on one another’s forearms. “There!” she told him, and he swept in low, dropping her right on top of a knot of level E’s about to tear into some frightened humans. The fall didn’t even halt her, and she broke into a smooth run, throwing her hand forward and smirking when the ambient static in the air coalesced into a bolt of lightning, hitting several level E’s and making them extra crispy. The fire would have to be dealt with though, and even as she was thinking it, the storm clouds started to gather and roll in over head. She loved being able to decide the weather.

Balthasar, on the other hand, swept himself into the middle of the largest knot of vampires he could find, his mouth set in a grim line as twin bursts of flames erupted from his arms. The flames, unlike the more conventional kinds of pyrokinesis, were perfectly white, and it didn’t take them long to eat through anything that wasn’t him, even considering the soft rainfall that was now pouring down over the town—Leo’s work, no doubt.

Zero had just managed to snap a Level E's neck in half when the cavalry arrived, a smirk adorning his features as the rain began to fall. Mikhail smiled a bit, using the opportunity to freeze a few vampires in place as Alarica swung her blade in a wild like manner, though it was with precision that she wielded the blade. Zero cracked his neck before twisting his body away from a pair of clawed hands, glancing into the eyes of a Noble vampire. Something like a scoff escaped his lips as he grabbed hold of the arm, twisting it until he heard a satisfied pop, and dislocated the vampire's elbow before ripping the arm from its socket.

He then swung the arm at the vampire, smacking the noble in the face with his own hand before kicking him to the side and attacking another vampire. Alarica managed a downward swing, cleaving a Level E in half in the process. A spark filtered through her eyes as she watched the others arrive, momentarily forgetting her inferiority complex and smirked in their direction. She executed a roundhouse kick towards a vampire that lunged from behind her, breaking their jaw in the process. The vampiress hissed as she clawed at her broken jaw, trying to place it back, however; Alarica did not give her the time nor pleasure of being able to do so.

"Come now, and here I was expecting more of a challenge," she stated, a hint of malicious glee coating her words. Mikhail merely sighed at his master's enthusiasm for the battle, and tried to keep the humans he coralled safely tucked behind him. He managed to create a barrier between them and the vampires, allowing the surviving humans to retreat and escape with their lives. The humans unfortunate enough to lose their lives were being burned and mangled due to the overwhelming number of vampires ascending the field.

"Don't jinx yourself there, cousin," Zero stated as he fired a shot at a vampire that had managed to come up behind Alarica. She merely smirked before taking off towards another vampire. Zero shook his head, jumping so that he was beside his sister now and helping her clear out some of the vampires. "It's a good thing we sparred," he chided alongside Leora as he twisted his body, bringing his leg behind him and kicking a vampire away from Leora. "Ah, I don't think so. My sister is not on the menu," he stated as he ran after the vampire.

Across the battlefield from his twin, Keir was a veritable demon, tearing through his enemies with his bare hands. The boy had never taken to weapons, much prefering hand-to-hand combat. The blue patches of scales on his body had shifted, covering his entire upper torso and arms, stopping at his neck. It gave him a very lizard-like appearance, and his maniacal grin only made it worse.

Keir spun, his enemies dropping around him like flies, the Alistair laughing madly all the while. Alucard, on the other hand, had been keeping an eye out. He was still munching on quite a few level E's of course, but there were hitmen on the prowl, and Aryan had surmised that they were after the Twins. Too late, he saw something go after Alarica. The blue dragon lifted his head and roared, mentally connecting to Keir, Alarica, and Mikhail.

Alarica! Behind you!

Keir spun, his ice blue eyes immeditely zoning in on his sister, his lips pulling back in a vehement snarl. He made to go to her, however, his path was cut off by the second assassin. Keir had dropped to all fours, a hiss escaping him. This vampire was preventing him from going to his twin, and he did not like that, not one bit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keir Alistair Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Balthasar von Nacht Character Portrait: Alarica Alistair Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari
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Mikhail was satisfied once a majority of the humans were safe, turning his attention then towards a pack of Level E vampires with a Noble leading them. With a swing of his tail, managed to knock them back, sending the group into another in the process, however; Alucard's voice fluttered through his mind, his blue eyes zoning in on his master. She was too far, and he was too large to move quickly enough to reach her. He did the only thing he could. His body shifted, contorting and twisting until he was but a small white owl once more. He shot off like a bullet train, his mind desparately trying to reach Alarica in time.

Alarica had been busy fending off a Noble vampire. He was a bit stronger than the rest, and if one were not able to distinguish between them, would have mistaken the Noble to be a pure-blood. She twisted Ulrik so that the flat of the blade had blocked his claws, however; she was startled slightly when he jumped back and ran. She made to follow him, however; she found herself paralyzed, glued to the spot she was in as Alucard's voice echoed through her mind. She turned, slowly, gazing into a pair of vermillion eyes. The vampire raised his Kusarigama. Her eyes widened, anger fluttering across her eyes as he brought his weapon down.

Blood splattered across her face, a wall of ice forming between her and the vampire that had attacked her. It was warm against her face, and the scent was somehow familiar. There was a sharp pain in her shoulder, climbing all the way down towards her chest, and blood pooled in the fashion of the mark. She fell to her knee's, clutching at the white creature in her hands as tears pooled into her eyes. The pain was unbearable, however; she chose not to focus on it right now; chose not to focus on the blearing of her vision nor the shouts and screams that came after it.

"Mikhail...Mikhail," she whispered, his blue eyes gleaming with happiness into her own amaranthe colored eyes. "Mikhail...what have you done? You stupid fool," she choked out, burrying her face into the plumage of his feathers. Mikhail smiled softly up at his master. He had no regrets, none if it meant he at least saved his master. He loved his master, he truly did, as he did the rest of her family. And dying for her was, and would be, his greatest honor. Nothing she could do now would be able to help him. His body was mangled, his blood, their blood, was pouring from his wounds.

"You wound me so," he joked, the light never leaving his eyes. "But, Alarica, I do not regret it. My life is but a mere flicker of a flame. Your's is much brighter than mine and will always be so. Do not grieve for me, I will be with you always," he spoke, reaching out with his good wing and placed it upon her face, wiping away the tears that were falling from her eyes. "Take care of the others for me will you? I love you my master. You are my master, my," he spoke, his voice fading as his body glittered, bursting into a ball of golden light.

Alarica held onto him as tightly as she could, feeling his life fading as was hers. She was growing weaker every passing second, and the blood that poured from their shared wound continued to flow from her. She was shaking, her body trembling as she pulled Mikhail closer to her. "Don't leave me Mikhail, please don't leave me," she chanted. "I'm sorry Mikhail, please, don't go," she continued, rocking her body back as she stopped at his final words. Her eyes wide, tears falling freely of their own accord, she watched as his body disappeared from sight. He was gone. Mikhail was gone. Her familiar, her friend, was gone.

There was an ache in her chest, not from the wound, but from the fact that he was gone. She wouldn't be able to create him again. She wouldn't be able to see him again, argue with him, play with him, love him. He was gone. Mikhail was dead, and she would never see him again. "MIKHAIL!" she shouted, her anger, her sorrow, laced in every syllable of his name as her eyes rolled back, her body lurching forward as she fell to the ground. Her tears never stopped falling.

I'm sorry I couldn't get to you quick enough, Lala

To say that twins had some sort of physical link between them that allowed them to feel each other's pain was simply absurd. Keir could not feel it when someone pinched his sister, but he always knew when something was wrong.

And something was certainly wrong. He heard her cry, her shout, the pain and sorrow laced through her tone, and he snarled. His vision blurred red, and he didn't bother to focus his sight on his oncoming attacker, instead allowing instinct to guide him, his claws swiping across the other vampire's eyes, sending him howling backwards. With a leap, the Alistair was on him, and he tore out his throat with a soft squelch.

Keir's silver orbs once again found his sister, this time, to see her lurch forward. While he had no major physical wounds himself, Keir could feel himself being drained. The dhampir took off, taking out any level E's that got in his way, finally making it to his twin. Mikhail was already gone, Alarica's wound healing, but slowly. Keir shut his eyes, his vision blurring. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you both." He whispered, a sharp pain in his chest as he, too, slumped over, the fingers of his hand on his twin's cheek.

Alucard's massive head swiveled over to his master and twin, the pain from both of them fiercely burning through him. However, he had little time to mourn. They were both unconscious, and there were still many vampires about. Alucard let out a snarl that turned into a howl as he, too shifted, and took out two level E's that had made for the twins. His lips pulled back in a bloody snarl, his wolf form standing protectively over his fallen master and twin.

For a second, the familiar bowed his head. Goodbye, my brother. I'll look after her, I promise.

Leora was honestly glad for her brother’s help. This was her first official battle, and it was no mere skirmish, either. Once the initial high of it had worn off, she felt herself faced with a very grim reality: she was ending lives. That, and the lives of those she loved most were in danger. These things alone would have been more than enough to curb her enthusiasm, but the fact that she was elbow-deep down a Level E’s throat didn't help matters any, and even when she tore out his windpipe through his mouth, she wondered if it was not perhaps the wrong thing to be doing.

But honestly, there was precious little time for contemplating. She had to survive, and so did they. So Leora jumped, scissor-kicking a Level C trying to make stealthily for Zero’s back. “And my brother is nobody’s victim,” she said, by way of reply to Zero’s comment to one of them that had been after her. She actually managed a wan smile, but it disappeared immediately afterwards when she heard Rica’s scream. Her eyes widening, and her expression shifting to one of horror, Leora snapped her head in the direction of the cry, just in time to see her cousin collapse, followed rather quickly by her brother.

The vampire that had nearly killed Rica was still nearby, and just about through the ice wall that Mikhail had generated in his last moments. She could see that Shiranui was there, but there were a lot of Level E’s around in addition to that mercenary. There was just no way she was going to let that go. Without really thinking about it much, Leora took off like a shot, leaving Balthasar to fill in her spot next to Zero, still focusing on keeping the main line of invaders at bay, though their ranks were thinning fast. He, too, was worried, but he trusted his little cousin to handle it. If she needed help, Leo was smart enough to ask for it, and they needed to cut off the flow of vampires.

Leo’s stride carried her right into the mercenary with the kusarigama, and she lowered her shoulder to hit him square in the chest as he made to swipe for Alucard, carrying him off his feet. Her teeth gritted together, she jumped back as he regained his feet, and they circled each other warily. He was pureblood, that was clear, and much older than she was, probably. Most of them were, after all. He was also considerably larger than her, but that wasn’t an advantage unless she let it be. He sniffed the air for a moment, then locked eyes with her and smiled hungrily. Damn, that got old fast. She was a person, not food, dammit! She sometimes wondered how her mother had ever gotten used to this.

He swung the chain part of the weapon, which she ducked, but the follow-up strike with the sickle was expert, and he was able to anticipate where she would be. It laid open a deep gash in her arm, which started to bleed immediately, the crimson liquid dripping to the ground in thick rivulets even as she healed. Even the short duration for which she bled was enough to kick the Level E’s into a frenzy, and she hoped Alucard had her back, because this was going to take all the focus she had. Overhead, her anger thickened the clouds, darkening them to a color almost black as pitch and darkening the town completely, but the lightning was in her eyes, and the red color of them was luminous even as it flashed above them, followed by a deep rumble of thunder.

The chain came at her again, but this time, she raised her hand, letting it thud into her palm. Hoping that she wasn’t about to kill herself, Leo did something perhaps best classed as reckless and possibly even stupid: she called the raw lightning to herself. It struck her, and set her nerve endings on fire. She screamed, but the chain she was holding was made of conductive metal, so she wasn’t the end point of the current, only a channel. Her foe was not nearly so lucky, and with nowhere else to go, the electricity discharged inside his body, effectively roasting his insides beyond the sort of repairs her own body was now putting her through. He burst into lights and floated away on the breeze.

Swaying but still standing, Leo tried to shake the black spots from in front of her eyes as her nervous system repaired itself. Eventually, the twitching died down, and she could see that the battle was doing the same. Her legs gave out, and she ended up on her rear end in front of her unconscious cousins. Sleep sounded like a really good idea right now, but she wasn’t about to let herself lose it until they made it back to Cross.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Yuki Alistair-von Nacht
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Yuki sighed, dropping the pencil back on top of the stack of medical charts. If there was one thing that Freya had always gotten right about her, it was that she really didn't know when to stop. It was one of her biggest problems. She saw work that needed to be done, and she just dove into it head-first. She ran a hand over her face, checking her watch, and flinched. She'd been sitting there for over thirty-six hours.

She stretched, rather satisfied when muscle and bone snapped back into place. The back of her throat burned slightly. She'd gone too long without feeding again. She smiled slightly. Her mother was always hounding her about that. Yet another side effect, she could not take blood tablets, and she had to feed more often than other vampires. It was a hassle, really, but she put up with it.

At the moment, the thirst was not overly unbearable, and she didn't feel like feeding at the moment anyhow. So instead, she went to her favorite place at night: the roof.

Zero lay with his arms behind his head, his eyes focused up at the thick sky that had once been colored a bright blue. It was now a dark, midnight blue, for the night time had descended upon the Academy. He had felt no need to go back to his dormitory, and instead stayed upon the rooftop, a place he enjoyed being because no one ever seemed to like it up here. Perhaps they were afraid of heights, or perhaps it was something else. Not that he minded either way, it just meant more privacy for him. He released a content sigh, closing his eyes momentarily until he heard the shifting of the door and tilted his head to glance at who would be disturbing his peace. A smirk fluttered across his face when he saw who it was.

"Late night studying I take it?" he stated, chuckling a bit before sitting up right and turning so that he faced Yuki. "Or is it that you enjoy my company so much you had to seek me out for it? Personally either is fine for me," he stated, the smirk never leaving his face as he shrugged his shoulder in a nonchalant manner.

Yuki frowned slightly. In retrospect, she probably should have known he would be up here. He liked it just as much as she did. She sighed, pointedly breathing through her mouth. In this state, being around someone so alluring was not the best of situations, at least not for her. Control was something she sorely lacked at times, no matter how much she tried to exercise.

"You flatter yourself, cousin." She walked over to the edge of the roof, leaning against the railing. "Do you just stay up here all day?" She'd wondered at times. She knew he was not one for going to class, and that Leora did his homework. His scent assaulted her, and she gripped her arms slightly. She shouldn't be here.

"Oh, but it is you who does all the flattering, cousin," Zero countered, standing from his spot and walking over so that he too was leaning over the railing of the roof. He glanced out a head of him, his eyes piercing through the darkness in the process. Perhaps it was a good thing they were vampires, their sight was that much better than a humans, and he could see a nest of a family of crows, something he found rather ironic. "Do you know what they call a flock of crows?" he stated, tilting his head to the side as he noticed her clench her arms slightly. A frown pulled at his face as he moved closer to her, moving the back of his hand against her forehead.

"Are you feeling well Yuki?" he questioned, absolute concern lacing his tone. She didn't feel warm, and he highly doubted vampires of their nature could become ill, so perhaps it was something else. He took a deep breath before releasing it. "If you are not feeling well, you shouldn't be out here," he spoke, slumping his shoulders in the process. He allowed the wind to blow behind him, pushing his hair slightly forward in the process. His eyes still shone with concern. He may have been who he was, but he always knew when to be serious and when to take precaution. And right now, he was being serious for the welfare of his cousin.

Yuki found herself staring at Zero, his hand on her forehead, wide-eyed. At first, her mind couldn't discern why he was touching her, and for some reason, all she could hear in her head was his first question. "A murder." she whispered softly.

And then, his scent hit her again. That dark, twisted, ugly thing she kept buried deep inside of her, the part of her that wanted only to destroy, burned fiercely in the back of her mind, her throat. It was the part of her that would take what it wanted, without fear of the consequences, without care for who it harmed. Her eyes shimmered a deep red, and she hadn't even realized she'd moved until her fangs had slid down, her hands at Zero's shoulders. He was backed up against the railing, her body pressed into his. She was so close, she could hear the blood running through his veins, just beneath the pale skin. She opened her mouth...

...and shoved away from him, gripping her arms tightly across her chest. If it wasn't for the agonizing effort she was exuding to keep herself from attacking him, she would have run away. She lowered her gaze to the ground, fear laced into her features. What had she done? What had she almost done? She gripped her arms tighter, whispering, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry."

Had the situation been a bit different, Zero would have smirked at his cousin, however; it was fairly obvious now to him that she was not quite alright. He did nothing as he found himself pushed back into the railing, her lips so close to his neck that he had to contain the small shudder that wracked through his body. "Yuki," he spoke, his seafoam colored eyes flashing a hint of vermilion in the process. They returned to their normal coloring when Yuki pulled away, the heat still lingering where she once was. He sighed softly, grabbing her wrist in the process and leaned a little further towards her, exposing his neck to her.

"Aunt Nikki is not around, and it is apparent you need to feed. I will tell no one of this incident if that is what you wish, but I am not letting you leave until you feed," he spoke, his hands tightening a little around her wrists to emphasize his point. "But do not apologize for something that is in your nature, something that makes you, you," he continued, releasing her wrists somewhat so that he wasn't hurting her. That was the last thing on his mind, and he would never intentionally hurt his cousin.

Yuki couldn't think straight, but she knew she didn't want to do this. At least, not like this. But she knew, if anything, that Zero meant what he said, she was going nowhere. Hating herself all the more for wanting this, she found herself leaning into him again. Fang pierced skin, warm sweet liquid rolling over her tongue. It made her think of summer and oranges. Her fingers curled reflexively into his shirt.

When she released him, she did not step away, but instead rested her forehead on his shoulder. "You really are your father's son, Zero. That's one of the things I love most about you." She said softly.

Zero allowed a small smile cross his lips as she succumbed to her desire to feed. He relaxed his muscles a bit, shifting so that the intake would be easier for her and their height differences not hindering anything either. When she finished, his eyes softened a bit, however; a smirk crossed his face at her words when she stated them. That could be taken in many different ways, but he would allow his silly notion that his cousin did not love him that way, and instead feigned a mock hurt look.

"Are you saying you'd prefer my father? Oh how you wound me so dear cousin," he spoke, chuckling darkly before he slid his lips across her forehead in a friendly manner. There was nothing sensual about it, just from one friend to another. "Though I am afraid you'd have a very angry Aunt Ava after you if you ever tried taking him from her," he joked lightly, shuddering slightly at the thought of his mother being angry. He had only seen her upset once, and it was enough to cause him to fear her just a bit.

"But then again, you did say I am my father's son," he stated, tilting his brows up at her in a playful gesture before laughing at the redness of her cheeks. He truly enjoyed teasing his cousin...even if it was just that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aryan von Nacht Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari
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Aryan let out an irritated sigh. It had been a month and a half since he'd joined the council. There had been some interesting changes as well. Alarica had a new familiar, and his brother had, of all things, a girlfriend. Even better, she was Councilman Snowe's daughter. That in and of itself made Aryan tired. His brother was inexplicably oblivious. Then again, he was also undoubtedly Jasper von Nacht's son.

He glanced back down at the paper in front of him. It was a threat, addressed not specifically to him, though he did get his share of those, now more than ever since becoming a council member, but rather, to his family in general. He was not the only one, they'd all been receiving these threats. As much digging as he and Hel did, they couldn't figure out who was sending them. Everything came up to dead ends, and no path led to the same one, either. Whoever was behind this was undoubtedly a mastermind, and Aryan did not enjoy being beaten in such games.

And then, there was the matter of Yuki. Aryan sat back in his chair, a frown marring his features. He'd been wondering about that lately. He'd long thought his feelings for his sister to be akin to love, however; of late, he'd realized that they were in fact something quite different. He'd often gotten angry at Zero, but it wasn't because he wanted Yuki for his own, it was often just out of a sheer necessity to protect. That was as far as it went. You didn't grow up around parents like Jasper and Nikki von Nacht and not understand a concept like love, at least not when you were as perceptive as Aryan was. And what he felt for Yuki was not love, that much, he was quite certain of now.

That still did not mean he was overly pleased with the object of his sister's affections being Zero. It wasn't that he didn't trust his cousin, but Yuki was...not someone to be taken harshly. One hundred years had opened her up quite a bit, but she was still not at what one might consider a normal level of social interaction. She still hadn't even realized what her feelings toward Zero meant. Aryan found himself sighing again. Gods, he was turning into his father.

Though, that may not be the worst thing in the world.

"You know, one of these days, you're going to run out of sighing and then what will you do?" Zero stated as he leaned up against the door frame, arms crossed against his chest as he stared at Aryan. He rose an eyebrow at Aryan, wondering what the von Nacht was thinking, however; he let it slide off of his features as he glanced at the paper in Aryan's hands. So it seems that everyone was getting those letters. Alarica had said the other day that she felt like someone was watching her and the others when she was with Leora and Helen, and Zero himself had received a very interesting letter. He, of course, had crumpled the letter and had Angelus burn it.

"Any idea who could be behind these letters?" he finally stated as he removed himself from the door frame and took a seat across Aryan. He folded his hands in front of his face as he leaned on his knees. These letters were becoming more and more abundant, some of them being recieved almost every other day. Sure, he was used to the assassins, the death threats, but threats from letters? Someone wasn't trying to be creative enough about how to go about these things. Alden hadn't sent any news as of late either, so either this person, or people, who were sending the letters were not a apart of the Pantheon, or they were a part of the Pantheon or council they did not know of.

Aryan rose his eyebrows slightly. Speak of the Devil... His face remained quite placid as his cousin questioned him. "Not a one. No matter how far we dig, everything comes up empty. Uncle Morgan has reached the same conclusions. Whoever is sending these..." He almost sighed before remembering Zero's statement. "Is incredibly skilled at covering their tracks."

Aryan's eyes narrowed slightly, catching Zero's scent. He smelled like Yuki. He supposed it was none of his business, but he'd also noticed that she'd been acting...odd since the previous night. "One can never run out of sighs. Is there something going on between you and Yuki?"

Zero himself sighed this time, releasing it slowly as he processed the information. If Morgan couldn't even find out who was behind the letters, then perhaps this person was extremely talented at keeping their trail hidden. Morgan wasn't the best in his field for nothing, and if he couldn't find information, then there was little they could do about it. They would just have to be more careful, and try not to travel alone. They would be easy targets for just about anyone if they were alone. Aryan's next statement, however, caused Zero to tilt a brow upwards, and a small smirk appeared on his face.

"What concern of it is yours if there is?" he spoke, a hint of mischief behind his tone, however; he paused and sighed, running a hand through his chestnut locks. "I assure you, Ary, that there is nothing going on between Yuki and I. She had a bit of an incident the other night, and since your mother was not around," he paused in that sentence. It wasn't exactly a secret to the family that Yuki's body rejected the blood pills. It was why she was often supplied blood by one of her family members, particularly her mother.

"I just helped her out is all," he spoke as he ran a hand across his face and released another sigh. It seems that sighs were contagious.

It was Aryan's turn to smirk. It would seem that everyone in his family was oblivious. "Right, and the fact that she's been avoiding you all day means nothing, of course." Yuki had only ever fed off of her immediate family, and even that had only been limited to their mother, and a handful of times from Aryan and Balthasar. As far as he knew, she'd fed off of their father only once. She was...rather conservative when it came to such things.

"And it is my concern because she's my sister, and I intend to look out for her. I'm sure you can relate, with Leora, no?" He leaned his head on his hand.

"Well, she did drink my blood, Ary. I'm sure she's just trying to recover from that. She's only fed off of her immediate family, which is basically you, Balthasar, and your mother. I am not sure if Jasper's ever let her feed from him seeing as Aunt Nikki takes care of it," he replied, raising a brow at the statement he gave. Sure he could relate to that, but Zero wasn't exactly inclined to butt into Leora's life like that. She would always be his little sister, and he would do anything to protect her. But she was capable of taking care of herself as well, and she was capable of choosing whomever she wanted to spend the rest of her time with.

"Sure you could say that, but Leora's a big girl now. She can take care of herself and she is more than capable of choosing whomever she wants for a partner. I will not interfere with that as long as he, or she, makes Leora happy. Though I can't say the same for my father. I would feel bad for the unlucky soul she falls in love with," he replied in a nonchalant manner, waving his hand in front of his face to dismiss the thought. He knew his father wouldn't be exactly...pleasant with the unlucky person. He sighed softly.

"Do not misread me Aryan, Yuki is far older than the both of us, though her emotional state is perhaps still relatively new. I will not do anything that would jeopardize that for her. She means as much to me as she means to you," he replied, his voice losing all playfulness and was replaced with something unbecoming of him: seriousness. He meant every word he said. He would never put Yuki in a situation that would harm her physically, emotionally, or at all. He wasn't that type of vampire.

If he was any other vampire, Aryan might have laughed. He was who he was, and there was no changing that. What Zero said had a ring of truth, to be sure, but he was lying, and to himself more than anyone.

"She fed off our father once, out of necessity. Even so, that is not quite the reason she's avoiding you. Taking someone's blood, whether she wants to or not, would not be enough to cause this sort of behavior in my sister, I know her far too well for that."

He stood up, his hands resting on the tabletop as he regarded his cousin. "I would also suggest you stop lying to yourself, and figure out what you want. How you feel about her far exceeds what I feel, even I can see that. And I expect you to protect her, her heart is not something to be taken lightly." Aryan left his cousin with that cryptic comment. He was actually a bit curious to see what Zero did with the information. Everyone needed a push in the right direction, it seemed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keir Alistair Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Emrys Alistair
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Zero stared up at the open sky, his hand in front of his face as he stared at it. Aryan's words echoed through his mind as he played them over, a smile covering his face in the process. He knew exactly what Aryan was referring to, however; was he actually lying to himself? Aryan was a perceptive person, that much he had known, however; Zero was not lying to himself. Yuki meant a great deal to him, so much to the point that he could say he loved her. He released a content sigh as he closed his fist.

"Now if only," he paused mid-sentence. Only what? If only he could tell her, could show her? He couldn't do either of those. If he did, it might have negative results on her mind, and as she was, she was already very fragile. She was avoiding him, and he was inclined to leave her be. He was, after all, a patient man when he wanted to be. And they had a very long time for things to be sorted through. He could wait. He was brought from his thoughts as a familiar scent entered the area.

"Bored?" he stated, addressing Keir as he came into sight.

Keir had been wandering, Alucard at his heels. He'd smelled his cousin, but really hadn't made it a point to go over to him, though he wasn't really avoiding him either. It was just a matter of where he ended up. He shrugged at his cousin's question. "Not really. I think the correct word is angry. Perhaps frustrated."

He sat down on the grass. "You look like you're is a deep well of thought. I thought only Aryan could look like that."

"Well you do know that we are related," he replied, chuckling softly before siting up. "It wouldn't surprise me if we all had similar traits, but then again, it probably would," he added as he rolled his shoulders, listening and waiting for each one to pop before closing his eyes. The morning breeze tousled his burnt locks, caressing his face as he sat in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the company of his cousin and the morning breeze. Finally, he cracked his eyes open and rolled his head so that he was facing Keir, a smirk tugging at his features.

"So," he began, propping his elbow upon his knee and rested propped his chin upon his hand. "When is Em supposed to be back? I miss the tyke," he questioned, referring to the eldest Alistair child. The two were born roughly the same month with Emrys being the oldest by a few days. Not that he cared much about age, he actually missed his cousin. He and Emrys were a handful as children, and even so when they grew older, however; Emrys had taken off like Alden had, opting to stay out on the field. It's been a few years since he last saw Emrys, and he had spent a majority of his time following the twins around because of the absence.

Keir's eyebrows rose slightly, a smirk crossing his face. "Where do you get off calling Emrys a tyke?" Em was anything but: a veritable demon on the battlefield, more so than even Keir himself, and more skilled with guns than their mother was, Em was a force to be reckoned with, especially with his ability.

They didn't call him the Ghost for nothing, after all. In response to his cousin's question, he shrugged. "I couldn't tell you. Em comes and goes as he pleases, really. Though, he'll probably pop back up here soon. It has been a few years now." That was more than true, the last time Keir had seen his older brother, he'd been nineteen.

"The last I heard he was up north with Mom and Uncle Vincent."

"Perhaps because he acts more of a child than I did? And still does?" Zero responded with a light shrug of his shoulders. "Ah, dad said Em was headed back towards Russia, I thought he would have at least informed you of that. I mean, you and Lala are his baby siblings," he spoke, the smirk widening in the process. He was well aware of his older cousins ability and why he was called Ghost for a reason, however; that was where a majority of their fun came from.

Keir opened his mouth to respond when Alucard picked his head up, the wolf's ears pricking forward. Keir looked at the familiar, and then looked around. He saw nothing, heard nothing, smelled nothing...and then a voice reached his ears. A very familiar voice.

"Wow, Z, if you're only just getting that information now, then Uncle Vincent's getting out of touch. And since when are you any less childish than I am? You wound me, Coz."

Keir glanced up at the tree looming above him, an expectant smile on his face. Sure enough, his older brother materialized out of thin air, blonde hair and crimson eyes. While using his ability, Emrys could not be touched, and with more focus, he couldn't be smelled. The matter of staying out of sight and not being heard were just tricks he'd picked up over the years. "Emrys, you bastard, why didn't you tell us you were coming back?"

Emrys shrugged slightly. "Well, Z had it half right. I had been on my way back to Russia, but I stopped when I got wind of what happened here. I was worried about my baby brother and sister." He stuck his tongue out, teasing the other Alistair, but he was completely serious about being worried. When he'd heard the Twins were comatose, he'd changed course immediately, and that was what brought him here. He was a few months late, of course, but well, traffic in a war zone did not make for the best travel time.

Zero's eyes snapped up to the tree, his smirk turning into a large grin as he spotted his long time partner-in-crime. "Well you know dad, there are other pressing matters at hand," he stated, watching as Emrys "Since, I don't know, forever? Face it, you're more of a child than I am. I think you got that from your mom," he responded, the smirk still lingering on his face. He stood from his spot and walked closer towards the tree Emrys had perched himself on and tilted his head so that he was staring at both of his cousins for a few minutes.

"Well then, how about we show the school the combined efforts of the Kuragari and Alistair family?" he stated, the smirk growing into a wicked grin. It's been awhile since he and the older Alistair did something productive, and he wasn't going to leave Keir out of the fun. If Alarica was around, it'd be just as entertaining, but from the wind, she was apparently with Balthasar, something that caused his grin to spread into that of a Cheshire cat's.

Keir cocked an eyebrow, and Emrys grinned. "Now, if I know that grin, you've got an idea." He pushed himself off of the tree branch, landing lightly in front of Zero. He stood up straight, his grin matching his cousins'.

"What do you have in mind?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Yuki Alistair-von Nacht
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Yuki sighed through her nose. For once, the roof was her own. She found herself in a position much like the one Zero usually occupied when he was here. She was lying on her back with her fingers laced behind her head. Her feet were propped up on the bench, and her hair, for once free of the black and purple ribbon she kept it pulled back with, was fanned out around her. The breeze ruffled the ends of her hair every so often, sending a lock or two shimmering over the flat expanse of her exposed stomach.

It had been about a week now, since she'd fed off of Zero on this roof. It wasn't that it had been bothering her, because it wasn't. What was bothering her was the fact that, ever since she had, she'd become increasingly aware of his presence. She knew when he entered a room, when he left, and was always able to tell how far or close he was. It....unnerved her, and she didn't know what to do about it. She was quite sure she understood what it meant, as you didn't spend a hundred years around two people like Nikki and Jasper and not understand at least something about love.

She was also well aware of her cousins' tendencies, but familial love and unrequited love were two very different things, and she was fairly certain that Zero Kuragari felt nothing other than familial love for her. Besides, she couldn't be that way with anyone, especially a Pure Blood. She closed her yellow eyes. She shouldn't be thinking about this. What was the point? There was no way to stop it, she'd known that for years.

Zero had laughed, the look upon Alarica's face had been priceless and it was well worth the bruise he currently sported on his left bicep. He sighed softly, mussing his hair as he tried to get the sticks and leaves from it. He'd fallen out of the tree laughing so hard and had hit a few branches along the way down. He chuckled still as he wandered the halls of the Academy, adamant about skipping his classes and not attending them as per usual. It wasn't at all odd, and it wasn't like his grades were dropping anyway. It was an understanding between him, Leora, and the Headmaster. The Headmaster was aware of Zero's absence from the classes, but as long as his grades didn't slip, he was usually left alone.

A familiar scent on the wind caused Zero to stop momentarily in his tracks, and glanced up at towards the roof of the Academy. She was up there. A smirk crossed his face as he thought for a moment. It was night time anyways, and no one would have a problem with what he was about to do. So, without further hesitance, Zero jumped, landing with a soft thud upon the roof. His eyes zoned in on her and he made his way quietly towards her, though she would be able to sense him or smell him at least.

"So, care to tell me why you've been avoiding me as of late?" he stated, plopping down beside her, assuming the same position she was in with his hands resting behind his head as he stared at the sky. The stars were shining brightly above them, and he was inclined to turn his head to face her. "Was it because of something you saw?" he spoke, a hint of concern lacing his voice before disappearing.

She'd been well aware when he was walking across the courtyard, and even more so when he jumped. She didn't move as he positioned himself next to her, and at first, she didn't answer, she simply stared upwards. When she finally did speak, it was in that flat tone she'd used back when she'd first met her mother. It was one she didn't use very often anymore, but it did crop up every now and again, especially in situations that she really didn't want to deal with.

"No, Zero. Frankly your memories are not that different from Balthasar's or Aryan's, save for a few instances. Though I will be having a few choice words with my little brother at some point."

She sighed through her nose. No, it was not his memories that bothered her. It was the fact that she could not ignore the feeling in the pit of her stomach, no matter how hard she tried. She wanted to believe with every fiber of her being that by not addressing her feelings, she was protecting him. But what if she wasn't? But telling him, and being rejected, or worse, having those feelings reciprocated, was not something she was willing to risk. She wouldn't do that to him.

"I wouldn't say I've been avoiding you. Our paths simply have not crossed." That was a blatent lie. She had been avoiding him. She knew it, and he knew it. She sat up, her hair curtaining around her head. Her eyes were almost golden in the moonlight. "Why do you ask, anyway? Does it bother you, what I did?"

Zero quirked an eyebrow at her first response. A few choice words with her brother? About what? He didn't say anything that would have offended her, did he? Zero searched through his own memories, the most recent one of Aryan's and his conversation. "If it is anything to do with what I said, I meant every word of it Yuki," he spoke, watching as she sat up and continued speaking. At that, he merely smirked. She was lying; they both knew she was lying. She had been avoiding him, though he did not know the reason why. He too sat up from his spot, turning to look at Yuki in the process.

"And if I said yes? If I said that it did bother me that my cousin was avoiding me?" he spoke, the smirk merely remaining as he stared, golden eyes captivating him as they usually did. There was something about them, the molten color mixing with the light of the moon. He sighed softly through his nose before reaching a hand out towards her, grabbing her arm gently as he pulled her towards him, placing her so that his arms were wrapped around her torso and his head resting in the crook of her neck.

"Yes Yuki, it does bother me because you are family. If I did something to upset you, I want you to tell me so that I can make it up to you. I do not need my family avoiding me, especially you," he spoke, his tone low, his breath warm against her neck. He truly didn't like it, her avoiding him. There was an ache in his heart when she did, and he would rather her not avoid him for something that couldn't be helped. He wasn't his cousin, Balthasar. He would not sit back and let his family avoid him, not if he could do something about it. Though Alarica seemed to have returned to speaking with him, he'd rather not have Yuki avoid him like Alarica had avoided Balthasar.

Yuki blinked at Zero slightly, not entirely sure what to do when he wrapped his arms around her. The teasing, the jesting, she could all take, but...this, she didn't know what to do with this. Still, she did what she always did. She sorted through the statements, and she answered them. If her pulse was racing slightly at their close proximity, well...she would just have to ignore that.

"It has naught to do with what you said, it has to do with Aryan sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong." That, was true, at least. Her brother needed to mind his own business, and not try and shove them together when--

She forced herself to stop thinking about it. She had been dwelling on it far too much lately. At this rate, she was liable to tell someone. So, she switched topics, instead addressing his last statements. "I was not referring to my avoidance of you. I was referring to my feeding from you." She admitted it then, though she didn't want to think of the reason behind his not liking it when she avoided him. He'd said it was because they were family, but there was a subtle undertone, one that she was not at all comfortable with. Or rather, she was too comfortable with. There could be nothing between them, not of that nature. She couldn't do that to him. She wouldn't do that to him.

"It's a brother's job to stick their nose where it doesn't belong, especially in regards to their sister, older or not," he responded, though the frown that marred his face twisted into a light smile. At least she wouldn't avoid him, that was all that mattered, however, she had avoided him because she fed from him? Why did that seem...wrong? It was as if that was what she was trying to convince herself of, that the reason she wouldn't speak to him this week was because she fed from him. He shook his head softly, releasing a held breath as he closed his eyes.

"There is nothing wrong with you feeding from me. You were in need of blood and I was the only one who could provide it. It did not bother me at all that I could do that for you Yuki. I would do anything for you," he stopped himself there at that sentence. He was about to say something he wasn't quite ready to, not yet. He smiled once more, however; it faltered shortly there after. "Is something bothering you, Yuki? You do know that you can come to me for something, I've told you this once before," he spoke, his tone reverting to something a little more serious.

Yuki looked at him, something flashing through her eyes, something caught between hesitance and sorrow. She shouldn't tell him. She shouldn't tell anyone. But she wanted to tell him. Even if he never found out how she felt about him, this, at least, was something he should know about. They all should know about it.

But she didn't want them all treating her differently, knowing that she was going to die. She didn't want them wasting their time trying to figure out how to save her when they couldn't. She'd been searching for a way for almost a century now, there was no way. Yuki was going to die, and that was the end of it.

She let out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "It's one thing to bring a problem, it's quite another to..." She sighed. Perhaps she should explain a little. "Kisuke tried to turn me into a Pure Blood, and in the end, he did the exact opposite. I'm more or less human, and because of that, my body can't stand up to the strain of being a vampire. As such, the experimentation severely shortened my life span. Most Nobles live for at least five hundred years, if not longer." She pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them.

"I've got fifty years left to live, at best."

Zero blinked, confusion evident upon his features. He knew Kisuke experimented on Yuki, but he did not think it was to that extent. He was trying to create a pure-blood, by the means of experimenting on his own daughter. He felt his jaw clench, tightening, constricting before it locked in place. He had not known what rage felt like, to feel the pulsing anger that burned through his blood at just the mere thought of Kisuke. If he wasn't already dead, Zero would have tortured him, denied him death for as long as he possibly could until Zero was finished with him. Then, a bout of fear crept upon him. Fifty years? She only had fifty years to live?

That...didn't seem fair. Why had she never told him? Any of them? If she had...his eyes glazed over as he stared at her. His cousin, this woman, who he grew so fond of over the years, was going to die. Fifty years time, that was a blink of an eye for a pure-blood. But for humans, it was relatively normal. Fifty years of life was plenty for most humans, while some of them were able to reach the delicate age of one hundred. But Yuki wasn't a human. She had been correct, Nobles only live for so long, the oldest ones living to be a little over a thousand. He knew one such Noble, but he hadn't spoken to him in years. His arms shot out to Yuki, grasping her so that she was turned to face him.

"Why?" were the only words that seemed to leave his lips. Nothing seemed to make sense to him and he was confused. "Why didn't you tell me?" he spoke, his voice laced with anger, sorrow, regret? He didn't bother to hide the fact that he left out the whole family, that he had addressed himself, and none of the others. The others didn't matter. He wanted to know why she didn't tell him. With one fluid movement, he pulled her to him, his lips descending upon hers.

Yuki wasn't really sure what she'd been expecting. Anger, perhaps, or sorrow, but not...not this. This shouldn't be happening. He couldn't love her. There was no future with her, and Zero deserved so much better than that. He deserved better than her.

Even so, she made no effort to fight him as he kissed her, her arms entwining themselves around his shoulders. When they parted, she answered him, but she couldn't meet his eyes. She was afraid of what she would see, of what he would see. "What would be the point? Nothing can be done about it, and if you didn't know then...I could have gone off and died in some attack, no one had to know. You could move on, forget about me. You deserve better than me."

She hadn't realized she was crying until she stopped speaking. "I have no life to offer you, what right do I have to tell you how I feel?" She whispered.

Zero unintentionally coiled his fingers tightly around Yuki's shoulder, the anger still shining behind his eyes. She...thought that of him? That he could possibly forget about her? That he could move on without her? He couldn't do either of those. He loved her. He had loved her for as long as he could remember. He couldn't deny that fact. To simply forget the first woman he's ever loved, was not something he could do. He couldn't do.

"Because we can still make a life out of it. That is why. How could you possibly ever think that I could forget about you? What I deserve is for me to decide, no one else, not even you. And what I deserve is to know that the woman I love, loves me as well. If she does not, that will mean nothing to me, because I cannot love another. I will not. Dying in an attack is not the same as dying regardless. If you died in an attack, I could avenge you, but this...I cannot avenge you for this."

Each word he spoke, felt like he was ripping himself apart. How could she think so lowly of him? Perhaps it was partially, if not all, of his fault. But he had never known. She had never told anyone. What...what were her parents going to say when they found out? He sighed softly, running a hand through her snow-white locks. "I love you, Yuki. I really do, more than I can even understand myself. My life would have no meaning without you in it," he spoke, releasing himself from her and standing behind her. He glanced at her, giving her one final look before he fell from the top of the Academy, landing with all the grace granted to his kind, and made his way to his dormitory.

Yuki shut her eyes. He loved her. He loved her. It didn't seem to matter whether she loved him or not, she'd already stolen that from him. And for that, she hated herself. The tears streamed silently down her face as he left, leaving her unable to speak. She clutched at her chest as she fell to her knees, her shoulders shaking in an effort to keep the sobs from tearing themselves from her throat. She wanted desperately to run after him, to tell him, but she didn't. She stayed where she was.

He would forget her. He would forget because he had to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarica Alistair Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari
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She was avoiding him again. For three days, she had ceased to talk to him, to come to him, to interact with him. And he hated it. Was this how Balthasar felt when Alarica was avoiding him? He couldn't fathom the feeling if Yuki avoided him for three years as Alarica had, and that was a thought he did not want to entertain. He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he released a rather harsh sigh. Had he done the right thing by telling her? Or did he just make things worse for her by telling her? H couldn't discern the difference, and as he was lost in thought, failed to notice a presence trailing behind him.

"If I had been an assassin, I would have killed you already," Alarica stated, the cold sensation of metal being pressed upon Zero's neck. He glanced at her through the side of his eyes, noting the smirk that littered her features, but he couldn't bring himself to return it. She rose an eyebrow at this. "So, Zero would have preferred to die?" she spoke, the question being stated carefully as she kept her brow raised. Zero visibly flinched at the word, causing Alarica to purse her lips together. She removed Ulrik from his neck, shifting the blade so that it retained its smaller form. "Something is bothering you," she stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I'm just tired, Lala," he stated, the tone of his voice stating otherwise. Alarica rose an eyebrow, placing Ulrik away before crossing her arms across her chest, tapping her foot. "Really, I've had a lot on my mind," he spoke honestly. He did have a lot on his mind. If Yuki's sudden declaration was considered a lot. Alarica merely sighed, keeping up with his long strides until they found themselves underneath a cherry blossom tree. She sat, cross-legged and motioned for him to do the same. He lay, his head in her lap as she ran her fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes and sighed heavily through his nose. "How do you do it? How do you stay the way you do seeing him with another?"

Alarica paused in running her fingers through his hair before resuming the gesture. She sighed at the question, musing it over a few times before forming the right words. "Because I cannot be selfish. His happiness is the only thing that I want, and if he is happy with another, then I too am happy. It doesn't matter how I feel about it Zero. If he chooses to love her...then what right do I have to take it away? He deserves--" she was cut off by the harsh glare he sent her, amaranth meeting sea-foam green. There was that word again, deserve. What made them think they knew what he and Balthasar deserved? The only people who could ever know that was themselves.

"What makes you so sure of what he deserves? You don't know what he deserves because you are not him, Alarica. You cannot presume to know what other people deserve," he snapped, sitting up abruptly to turn and face her, however; he was stopped when Alarica's hand pushed him back down. "I'm sorry Lala," he stated softly as she continued running her hand through his hair. She had matched his glare with one of her own, but she knew her cousin meant nothing by it. It was obvious enough that whatever was bothering him was making him extremely volatile. And she could only guess that it might have something to do with Yuki. He always reacted this way when it involved her.

"You are right, I cannot assume to know what other people deserve, but I do know that I do not deserve him. And if I do not deserve him, someone else does. I cannot say I know how Yuki feels. I do not know how she feels about you, but I do know how you feel about her. You have to understand, Zero, it's not easy. Telling someone that you love them, is not an easy task," she stated softly. Zero sighed softer this time, closing his eyes again. Perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn't. But then again, Alarica didn't know what he did. She didn't know that Yuki was going to die. For a moment, he contemplated telling her, but shook the thought from his head. He couldn't tell his cousin that, not unless Yuki wanted to first.

"Sing something for me Lala," he spoke, dropping the subject and leaving it where it stood. Alarica smiled softly, shaking her head before humming a soft tune. She began to sing, allowing the melody to soothe him as Zero lay still, his mind flooded with thoughts of her. Zero had a chance, or so Alarica thought. He had a chance to tell Yuki how he felt about her, and to see how she felt about him, but Alarica did not. She didn't have that chance simply because she was too late. And they both knew it, but the others refused to accept it. Was it really all that bad?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Yuki Alistair-von Nacht
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Yuki sighed, once again questioning if she really wanted to do this. She shook her head. This wasn't a question of want. It was a need. She needed to tell Zero how she felt, and apologize for hurting him. It didn't matter if he rejected her or not. He at least deserved to know. And Balthasar had been right. She deserved to live whatever life she could in the years remaining.

The breeze carried his scent to her, along with Rica's, though the latter had since left him. Kiba trailed along at her heels as she approached him, finding him sitting under a tree. For a second, she watched him, standing off a ways, a hand held up to her chest. When she spoke, it was almost hesitant.

"Zero?" She almost flinched, her voice sounded terribly small. Why was she so afraid?

Alarica had left about half an hour ago, leaving Zero by himself underneath the cherry blossom tree they had both occupied. He had kept his eyes closed, his mind working overtime as he tried to sort everything out. There had to be a way to save her, to undo the mess that Kisuke did, however; if she couldn't find something...he banished that thought from his mind. He couldn't think like that. He just couldn't. Even if it took them the rest of the fifty years to find a cure for her, he would find it. He was startled out of his thoughts by the whisper of his name, and he tilted his head to spot Yuki standing a few feet away from him, clutching at her chest.

"Yuki," he greeted, sitting up and allowing the cherry blossom petals to fall from his person. He dusted the remaining petals off as he stood from his spot. For a second, he contemplated leaving her, however; the look in her eyes compelled him to stay. So, instead of walking away, he walked so that he was standing a few feet away from her, hands kept to his side. "I'm sorry...about the other day," he began, trying to apologize for his actions, his words. Part of him felt as if he'd just made things worse by telling her that he loved her, and part of him didn't care. He wanted to know if she loved him or if she didn't. And that if she didn't love him, it wasn't because of the reason of her dying. He would take any reason other than that for her not loving him.

Suddenly, everything that her mother ever did when she was around her father made sense. For once, Yuki understood. The gestures, the glances, the words, the touches. It made sense because, she wanted that. What her mother had with Jasper, Yuki wanted with Zero. And she had been a fool to think otherwise. So when he apologized, she shook her head.

"No...I'm the one who's sorry, Zero. I shouldn't have said that, about forgetting me. I...I know that hurt you, and a part of me wanted to, because if maybe...if maybe you didn't love me, if you hated me, then I could pretend like I didn't love you. But..."

She met his eyes then, yellow meeting seafoam. "It was wrong and I'm sorry and I do love you. I've loved you for so long, even though I never really understood it...I still don't, really..."

She loved him. She loved him. He was tempted to believe that he was dreaming, that she had not said those words, and that his feelings were not being reciprocated by her. But they were, and he wasn't dreaming. She spoke to him, the words a little hesitant, but understandable. She loved him, and that was all he needed to hear. He closed the distance between them with a speed only possessed by his kind, his right arm hooking behind her neck and his left hand pressing against the small of her back. His lips descended upon hers, tipping her slightly back in the process.

"I could never hate you, Yuki. To hate you would be like hating the life that was granted to me, to hate the air I breathe. It is a necessity that I need, because I wouldn't be alive without it," he spoke when he pulled away from her. "Nothing you do or say could ever cause me to hate you, or forget about you. I would rather cease to exist than to ever hate the woman I love," he continued, the smirk returning to his features as a hint of playfulness flashed behind his eyes.

Yuki was not hesitant in returning the kiss, and when he pulled away and looked at her like that, it sent shivers down her spine. She loved him, this ridiculous, insufferable man, God help her, she loved him. She wondered how she couldn't have seen it before.

"I'm sorry it took so long for me to realize it." She said softly, her arms looping around his neck. A part of her just wanted to stay like this forever. "Believe it or not, it took Balthasar to talk sense into me."

Zero blinked owlishly a few times. "The dope? He talked sense into you?"" he stated, almost tempted to believe he truly was dreaming. "The world is coming to an end if that is true," he added with a light chuckle. How was it that the dope could talk to someone...he paused in that train of thought. This was Balthasar he was thinking about. The man, granted had a gift for listening and offering advice, but was just as dense and stupid about his own feelings. Though Zero really couldn't say where the von Nacht heir stood with those feelings. But those thoughts were for another time. Placing one last kiss upon her, Zero let her up and released her, however; his fingers were still laced with hers.

"Well, I suppose Bal's always had a way with words," he added.

His years as a ghost had given him a certain flair for recognizing just where to enter and what to say to cause maximal pain. And the entire point of this particular exercise was pain. He’d caused quite a lot to his dear sister already, but that was merely the beginning, a little reminder. This was designed to shatter them a little more. Slowly, exquisitely. And he’d start by crushing the fledgling blooms of happiness here. That was always especially interesting, in the end.

For just a moment, Freyr wondered when he’d begun to derive pleasure from the pain of others. But of course, like everything else, it had begun with Theodor, and would survive well past the man’s demise. This was just a part of his conditioning, as Hel’s subservience was part of hers. He was actually standing no more than three feet from the happy couple, having just arrived, but he was utterly undetectable even at that distance, unless he chose to make himself otherwise.

In this case, it was a capacity he exercised only on the girl, speaking directly into her mind, as he knew she would hear. Yuki Alistair-von Nacht, he said, his mental voice laced with something equal parts malice and amusement. You cannot see me, hear me, smell me or even touch me, but I am closer than you think. I think it goes without saying that I could wipe the smile from that boy’s face right now if I chose, perhaps by slitting his throat. You will leave him, and you will head west for seventeen miles. You will allow neither he nor anyone else to follow you. Am I understood?

If Yuki truly did hear the voice inside her head, there was no outward sign. She didn't recognize the voice, but she did recognize the malice -and truth- behind it. Whoever this was, whatever they wanted, they would kill for it, and then were threatening Zero.

And there was nothing she could do to stop it. You could not engage an enemy you could not sense, to attempt so would be suicide, and both she and Zero would be dead. She would not allow Zero to die. Getting off campus undetected would be easy. Getting Zero not to follow her would be the harder part. She quickly ran through her options. None of them were very good, most of them were dangerous, but she had little choice. She went for the least risky plan.

She centered herself with a breath, sending a telekinetic wave through Zero's mind, pressing down on his frontal and orbital lobes. It would hurt, but the pressure would cause him to black out; he wouldn't be able to follow her. She saw the confusion flash through his eyes, and there was a sadness in hers. Before he blacked out completely, she did say one last thing.

I'm so sorry, Zero...I love you.

She did the same thing to Kiba, the wolf whimpering slightly before collapsing onto his side. After that, Yuki shielded herself with her telekinetic energy, and just began walking. Whether or not she would get out of this alive, she still didn't know. She also did not try to contact whoever had touched her mind. There were very few people who could break through her barriers so easily, and she was not looking forward to meeting this person.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keir Alistair Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Aryan von Nacht Character Portrait: Balthasar von Nacht Character Portrait: Alarica Alistair Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari
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Aryan was, by his very nature, a patient man. He could wait as long as he needed to for something to happen. It didn't matter how long it took, just so long as the end results were what he expected.

But not for this. He was currently pacing, back and forth across the library floor. He continued to do so until finally, Emrys grabbed him by the back of the shirt and all but slung him into a chair, saying, "Sit down, kid, that won't help anyone. Even your mind can only move so fast. We need everyone here, and we're still waiting on Rica and Z."

Aryan glared at his cousin, but in the end, he said nothing, and stayed in the chair. Balthasar sat across from him, looking worse than Aryan could ever remember. It wasn't like he could blame him. So much had happened within the last twelve hours...

Helen sat the farthest away from everyone, over in a corner. If Aryan had to guess, it looked as if the girl were about to be sick, though considering what she went through, he wouldn't be surprised. But he also knew better, and knew her state of mind was a fragile thing, at best. The appearance of her brother, along with the disappearance of Yuki, had probably done a great deal of damage, and Aryan was a bit surprised she was functioning, let alone awake.

Emrys was leaning against the wall, messing with one of his guns. There was almost a bored expression on his face, which would have pissed Aryan off if he didn't know his cousin better. Anyone who knew him knew when he had a gun in his hand and he wasn't cleaning it knew that he was, indeed, a very angry man. And indeed he was. Emrys was not happy, and for the man who usually took everything in stride, that was saying something.

Em glanced over at his little brother, who was sitting next to Aryan. His hands were folded across his chest, his face placid. The only thing that let on that he felt anything at all was the fact that his eyes had gone from ice blue to a pale, moonlit silver. Yeah, Keir was definitely pissed, and with good reason. Leora sat across from Keir, her face...far from what one would consider happy. It made Emrys wonder, was she angry for Yuki, or at the girl...? Knowing Leo, it was probably both.

Yuki was gone, and what was seemed she had left willingly.

Angelus had been wandering the grounds, his tails swishing as he strolled about. His master was somewhere on the grounds, patrolling on her own accord. She wouldn't say, but something had felt off, and she wanted to make sure that the school was safe. Angelus had taken one side of the Academy and Alarica the other. He was quite sure his side of the grounds was completely safe, until he came across the fallen form of Zero and Balthasar. He immediately sent word to Alarica, who was immediately there in a few seconds, gazing upon Zero and Kiba's unconscious forms. Without a word, she took Zero and Kiba to the infirmary, letting Balthasar take care of whatever had happened.

And hence where their current location was. Zero had a pained expression upon his facial features, and Alarica couldn't discern where it came from. The slow rising of his chest signaled he was still at least physically okay. But she could see that he wasn't mentally. That pained her to see her cousin in such a way, and she ran her fingers through his hair as she always did, in a comforting manner. It wasn't more than five minutes later that Zero's eyes opened, his senses being flooded by a dim light and the faded scent of Yuki. His eyes met Alarica's as she tried to coax him back down, however; he pushed her arm out of the way and rolled his feet over the side of the bed.

"She's gone Zero," she spoke, her voice soft and laced with concern for her cousin. Zero's fists clenched tightly together. He knew she was gone. He was there when she rendered him unconscious. Though he knew not the reason why she did so. The only thing that rang through his head was the parting words she left. "The others are waiting on us, we need to go," she continued as she saw his body tense. She sighed, standing from her spot and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry Zero, we'll get her back. But first, we are needed by the others," she finished as she removed her hand.

"Alright," was his only response before following his cousin out of the infirmary. Angelus situated himself on Alarica's shoulder as Zero glanced to his side, spotting Kiba there, and a frown marred his face. It wasn't long before they reached the area where the family was, and Zero allowed the frown on his face to deepen. Yuki's departure took a toll on everyone, and they did not bother to hide it. He took a seat, watching and waiting for someone to address the situation. He could not, for he couldn't find his voice. Alarica took a seat by Leora and allowed her eyes to drift around the room. Everyone was accounted for.

With the arrival of Zero and Alarica, the meeting contained everyone that should be there, and though his tongue felt heavy in his mouth, Balthasar broke the silence first. He hadn’t told anyone about Elizabeth—no, Sigyn—yet, but right now, they needed to sort out what had happened to his sister. Everything else, even the appearance of a new member of the Pantheon, was secondary to that. He watched for a moment as Leo, her expression thunderous enough to match the storm brewing outside (probably her doing anyway), took Rica’s hand, a gesture of mutual comfort, and as Helen’s eyes flickered momentarily from their spot on the floor to those assembled, stopping only briefly on Aryan before they returned to where they had been.

“By now, we all know at least the basics of what happened last night, but there are missing pieces, and perhaps things that only some of us can tell in full. In order to figure out where to go from here, we all need to know everything. From what I can tell, it starts with the run-in Aryan and Helen had.” He wasn’t really sure how to ask someone to recount something like that, and he was hoping that maybe what Ary knew would be adequate, considering the drawn, sickly-pale state of Helen’s face. The girl always looked a bit delicate, but at the moment, it seemed as if any of them breathing too hard would accidentally shatter her.

As if she knew what he was thinking though, she raised her eyes again, and addressed the room without further prompting. “We were confronted by a member of the Pantheon. His name is Freyr, and he was once my brother. Not by blood, though he is Freya’s genetic twin. We both believed that he was dead—but it seems not. I
 do not know the full extent of his capabilities or his conditioning, but what I do know is that he is capable of rendering himself completely undetectable to any of the ordinary senses, and he’s a more powerful telepath than anyone I’ve ever met. He could have killed any of us, and we would never have even known he was coming.” That was why he’d always been Theodor’s shadow hand—because there was no skill set more suited to assassination than his.

Leora understood almost immediately. “But even if we couldn’t know where he is, he could have spoken telepathically? Perhaps to Yuki?” There was a loud crack of thunder overhead—Hel almost flinched, but managed to hold her musculature steady. It reminded Leo, however, that her anger was getting away from her, and she contained the storm as well as she could.

“Yes,.” Hel replied flatly. She’d seen, among the other things that he’d brought to the fore of her consciousness, his intention to take Yuki specifically, though as far as she could tell, the only purpose for it had been to hurt. It was so at odds with the man she’d thought him to be that she was having trouble reconciling the two. Was this really what his conditioning had made of him? If so, how much longer did she have before she broke as well?

Aryan's hands clenched themselves together, the shadows in the far corners of the room flickering in response to his anger. He allowed Helen and Leora to finish speaking, before voicing his own question. "But why take Yuki?"

It was Emrys who answered his question, by dropping a stack of medical files in front of him. Aryan leafed through them, raising an eyebrow. Emrys explained, "One of the things Kisuke did to your sister was create a special type of serum that, in the event that he was unable to brainwash her, he could control her. She'll be aware, but unable to decide her own movements outside of the orders that she's given. Ultimately, she's the perfect soldier."

Aryan's jaw clenched, but Keir spoke before he could. "Then if they send her into battle, she's not going to hesitate to kill us." Emrys shook his head. "She won't be able to."

Kiba's ears flattened against his head as he sat next to Zero, his mood dropping with every word. He'd been as confused as Zero was when he woke up, and what he was hearing was not making things any better. He also could not feel her, at all. Her mind was completely closed off from him, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pinpoint her location, or speak to her, or anything. It made the familiar very uncomfortable.

Zero listened to the words being thrown around. Each word that passed, he could feel the anger boiling inside of him. Why did she knock him unconscious though? He could have helped, he could have done something, and Zero tightened his fists. She said she loved him, but did she not believe in him? Did she truly think that leaving would be best for everyone? He could feel his heart breaking a little, and for a moment, he wondered if this was how his father felt when his mother was taken. Perhaps it was, and the words she had spoken before rang through his ears. He truly was his father's son, and if there was any truth in that, then he would not hesitate to rip apart the one responsible for Yuki's departure.

Alarica rubbed her thumb in a comforting manner against Leora's hand, which was currently in her own for comfort. She was angry, more-so than she had ever been before, or at least that is what she thought. Though not by blood, it mattered not to Alarica; Yuki was her sister. Her sister had left willingly to protect them from Freyr, a member of the Pantheon who seemed as dangerous as they came. If his ability was like Emrys' in a way, then it was even more so that he was to be feared. Alarica could sense her brother because of her own ability, but if she couldn't even use it to sense Freyr...she banished the thought from her mind.

"And they will send her against us, knowing that we will not fight her. That is what they are planning, and banking on. They will assume that we will not harm her because she is our sister," Alarica finally spoke, her voice laced in a dark tone, one that she was not often used to using. Her hand coiled a bit tightly around Leora's and she released it once she had realized her grip was tightening against the other's hand. That is perhaps where they were wrong. Alarica loved her family, but that meant nothing when it came to their lives. She would do anything to protect them, even if it meant hurting them. And if she had to hurt Yuki to save her, she would not hesitate on it, however; her eyes shifted towards Zero.

He wouldn't be able to. She knew that he wouldn't be able to, no matter how hard he would try. He just couldn't. "What are our options?" he spoke, the words almost too quiet to hear. It was taking a lot of restraint for him to not leave his family here and now to go searching for her, however; he also knew it would be a foolish thing to do. Searching with no leads would only render him lost, and he couldn't allow himself to be lost. He needed to find Yuki. That was the only thing that mattered at the moment.

Leora didn’t mind Alarica’s grip on her hand—it was keeping her grounded, even when it became a bit painful. She sighed softly when it was released, her eyes flickering to her brother. She was having practically the same train of thought that Rica was, though she didn’t know it, and she also knew just how tempted he was to do something stupid, like go out looking for her when he had no idea where to even start. She couldn't blame him for that impulse, but all the same it would exhaust him, and do no good.

“If you want to know the vibrations in the web, you ask the spider,” she said simply. “We’ve got the best information networks in the world. I’m sure Uncle Morgan will be on it as soon as he knows, and that means Alden will be, too. If anyone can figure out where she is, it’ll be them.” She had faith in her brother’s ability to track down any thread of information, however small, and she could only assume that since he was the best, Uncle Morgan would put him on the task instead of someone else.

“There will likely be no need,” Helen said from behind her, and Leora adjusted in her seat to more properly see the girl. She shook her head, disheveling the lank hair there, which, normally a shining silver, was presently dull grey at best. The usual ribbon was also missing, and so it obscured her eyes and the sides of her face. “The Pantheon is not in need of more weapons. He did not take her because he had any real use for her capabilities. He just wants to hurt you. And to do that, he will make you confront her
 probably more than once.” She would not let this end the way she saw Freyr wanted to end it. She would change that foretold future, the vision he’d left in her head. She would save her friend. Even if it cost her her life.

With that announcement, it seemed they had come to an impasse, and Balthasar knew what he had to say now. “Not to make matters worse, but I'm afraid I have to. Last night
 the Pantheon took my blood. I don’t know why, but it seems to have been coordinated with what they did to Yuki. You should all know
 Elizabeth is one of them. Sigyn.” He warned them because they needed to know, but no part of that came easily. Leo’s eyes went wide, and he saw the barest start of a snarl forming on her face, but he dropped his eyes to the table.

“I’m going to inform father of everything that has happened.” So saying, he pushed himself into a stand and departed, the hollowness in his tone translating into a slump to his broad shoulders.

Something in Alarica's jaw tightened. She didn't know what it was, but there was the sensation of mutilating something building up in her system. Elizabeth, Sigyn, was a Pantheon member. Something burned beneath Alarica's skin, something that felt akin to fire peeling away at her flesh. Her face remained void, her breathing even and stilled all at the same time. She almost appeared doll-like, just sitting without even blinking an eyelash. In honesty, she was trying to contain the rage that boiled inside of her. How could...she paused in her thoughts. It was partially her fault that it happened. But then again how could she have known?

She was so intent on keeping him happy, making sure that Elizabeth was the one for him, had she been blinded by that? Her fists tightened, the popping of her knuckles indicating just how tightly they were being closed before she bit the bottom of her lip, trying to keep from snarling aloud. Two in one day. That was all she could think of. This Sigyn, she was going to pay. She was going to pay for betraying Balthasar, for deceiving him, for hurting him. Alarica would see to it herself that this woman paid for it with her life. She would demand blood, and only that woman's blood would be required. Zero glanced upon his cousin at the mention.

He could see the anger seething from her, though she made no face of it. He knew because he was currently feeling the same thing, though this might have been a bit different for her. At least he knew Yuki loved him, but this...part of his heart went out to his cousin, sending her a private glance as he returned it to the others. He glanced towards Emrys, who looked like he was about to jump out and head straight for Morgan to inform him. He wanted to go with Emrys, however; he remained in his spot, instead, choosing to close his eyes momentarily as the information still rolled around in his head. Leora was right, their brother and their Uncle were the best at what they did. If anyone could find a lead, it was either of them.

"Keep me posted Emrys," were the only words Zero spoke, using his cousin's full name for once to convey just how serious he was. Alarica, almost immediately as Balthasar had, stood and stared out into nothing. She said nothing, instead, grabbing the hilt of Ulrik and abruptly turned. Something, anything would do right now as a replacement. She felt the strong urge to maim something, and she would do so where she could. Without a word, she turned on her heel and left, speaking not a single word to the others. She was pissed, and nothing was going to stop her from venting it out.


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Zero shifted uncomfortably. He had passed by Balthasar who had informed him that Nikki wanted to see him. He wasn't even aware that his aunt was on campus. She must have came due to the news about Yuki. He released a soft sigh, running his fingers through Kiba's fur before standing from his chair. Though he had no desire to see her, he could not refuse his aunt. When she called, he was obligated to go. A part of him slightly knew the reason she wanted to see him, but another part of him was terrified all the same. The two days that passed after the meeting had been torture. She wasn't around, nor was she near him, and he found himself staying up on the roof often.

"I guess I should go find out what Aunt Nikki has to say," he spoke solemnly to the wolf, moving so that he was out of the door and headed towards where he could smell his aunt. He feared Nikki in the same way he feared his other Aunt, Erys. Both women were frightening, especially when it came to their children. That much was evident when Erys nearly tore up the battle grounds searching for Emrys that one time he went missing. Though Emrys wasn't truly missing, Erys didn't know that and had instilled a fear in Zero which caused him to shiver even now. His Aunt Nikki, though, was perhaps the worst one.

"Bal said you wanted to speak with me?" he spoke, glancing down at the woman that was his aunt. His tone came out rather calm, nothing at all what he was truly feeling, but he didn't need to convey it all at once. Nikki was exceptionally perceptive, this he had learned over the years as well.

Nikki had to fight not to sigh through her nose. They were all so jumpy around her, and she could only guess it was because of Yuki. Did they really all think that she blamed them? Perhaps she wasn't the one acting right. Still, it didn't matter, she supposed. She nodded in response to her nephew's question, motioning for him to sit. As he did so, she noted Kiba sitting next to him, and a wry smile could be seen on her face.

Had she not known already, that would have been proof enough. The wolf apparently was sticking to Zero like glue, and Nikki did not have to guess why. She returned her gaze to Zero.

"I won't ask if you're alright, because I already know the answer to that question. I will, however, ask you if you are willing to do whatever is necessary to save the woman you love."

Zero gave his aunt an unintentional flat look. She knew how he felt? Perhaps she did. He could not say for sure, however; he will not deny that she was right. He wasn't alright. He was far from alright. The woman he loved knocked him unconscious after telling him that she loved him, and then she left. She left because she thought it the only way. He sighed, running a hand through his burnt locks in the process. His aunt was truly too perceptive of things. Her question ran through his mind as he thought of the best way to answer it.

"I am willing to go to any lengths to save her, though if you are referring to if I must kill her to save her," he began as he paused, focusing his full attention back on Nikki. "Then no, I cannot do that to save her. If she died, I might as well be dead. Life would have no meaning without her by my side. Even..." he paused. He knew that his Aunt and Uncle had known about her condition, but did they know the length of life she had? He wasn't willing to take that risk. "Even with her condition," he finally stated before sitting further into his chair.

Nikki pursed her lips, her eyes narrowing slightly. She had not missed the way her nephew hesitated. His final sentence was not what he originally intended it to be. Perhaps it was nothing, but even so...

She put the thought aside. While she was not overly fond of having information withheld from her, she was also not one to begrudge anyone their privacy. If Zero felt inclined not to tell her, then she would not push the matter. Instead, she remained on the original topic.

"Then you would allow her to kill you, knowing that, she would not be able to handle living with that knowledge, knowing that she killed the one she loved? Do not misunderstand me by thinking that I believe this is the only solution, I know it is not. However, it is still a possibility. Yuki did what she did because she saw no other way out. If I had to guess, I would say that Freyr threatened you. While I do not believe that it was the best solution, I think it may have been the only solution where no one died. At least, not yet."

Zero flinched slightly at the tone in Nikki's voice. He hadn't meant it that way, but he could see her logic. Either way, there was no way he could ever bring himself to harm Yuki. If she had to kill him for it, then he would gladly die by her hands. "Freyr threatened all of us, not just me," he spoke, his voice a little firmer than what it once had been. "And you are correct, it wasn't the best solution, but it was the only solution she could see. I just...," What? Had known? Sensed Freyr so that he could have protected the others, warned them? He sighed once more, leaning further into his chair.

"I just don't think I could kill her if it came down to it. I don't think any of us could, perhaps the twins though. They love her, and they would do anything for as would I, but I couldn't kill her. It's not even a thought I can entertain the notion of. I love her. I've always loved her, I just wish it didn't take so long for me to have told her," he spoke, placing a hand over his face as he brought it down his face slowly. "I will do whatever I can to save her though, just not that," he responded slowly.

Nikki nodded slowly. "I can both understand and sympathize with that. It does not surprise me that you couldn't. Your father could not raise a hand against your mother, after all. I apologize for the questions, Zero. You are the man my daughter has chosen, and while we are not in the best of situations, I simply had to make sure she chose wisely."

A light smile touched her lips. "Believe what you will of yourself, blame yourself even, I cannot stop you. But you will get her back. In that...I have faith in all of you."


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Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Emrys Alistair
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"We still have nothing, it's like...she just dropped off of the face of the earth. The Pantheon have been hard to find before, but this....this is something else entirely. Though I can say I'm surprised, with this Freyr's abilities. I'll keep searching, and so is Alden. Let me know if you find anything before we do."

Emrys nodded, his features tight, his eyes molten rubies. The screen went dark, and Emrys stared at his reflection. He looked....worn out. And he was, really. It had been two weeks, and they still had turned up neither hide nor hair of Yuki, not a scent, not a sighting, absolutely nothing.

Two weeks that he'd had to watch his best friend become increasingly more and more depressed and frustrated, and he could do nothing about it. He wanted to say something, to talk to him, but what could he say? There was nothing to say, and the only thing that could help Zero was getting Yuki back, and that was out of their reach right now. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. Sitting around thinking about it wasn't helping, either.

Emrys stood up, shoving his hands in his pockets. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got, until finally, he found himself out on the grounds, and he hit the closest thing he could find. That turned out to be a tree, and with a resounding crack, the old oak tree fell over. Not that he cared. It was all he could do not to just go on a rampage. He sat down roughly next to the felled tree, touching it with his palm.

The effect was instantaneous, and the whole thing began to wither and turn black as he drained what life it still had within in. Soon, he was looking at nothing more than a large pile of ash, the power thrumming through his body like electricity, his eyes glowing in response to the extra energy. There was a dark look on his face as he sat there, and he was well aware of the presence coming towards him. He knew without looking or smelling that it was Zero and Kiba. Emrys grit his teeth. He didn't like this power, and he'd let his anger get the best of him.

For that, he felt ashamed, and yet a part of him didn't care. What was the point, if he couldn't even find Yuki, and he couldn't help his best friend? Some friend he was. He was useless. Kiba trotted up to him, the wolf pressing his nose to his hand. Emrys looked at him, the power still thrumming underneath his skin, and it would until he released it, and he pet the wolf slightly. "I'm sorry, Z." He said softly.

Two weeks.

Two weeks had passed since the disappearance of Yuki, and Zero could think of nothing else. There was no news of her, no sighting, no nothing, and Zero couldn't help the emptiness that crept upon him like a thief in the night, stabbing him in the back. He couldn't defend himself against it, couldn't prepare for it, and as such, he was at the mercy of this thief that repeatedly stabbed him. He sighed through his nose, running a hand through his hair in the process while closing his eyes. Her disappearance had taken its toll on him. His eyes were bagged, dark circled, and practically almost lifeless. The spark that had once been there was gone, all because she was gone as well.

His eyes flickered to the sound of something breaking and crashing, following the sound until he came upon Emrys. He destroyed the tree, caused it to dissolve before it faded to ash. He frowned merely, glancing down at Kiba at his side before taking a deep breath. He hadn't wanted to speak to anyone, not after he spoke with Nikki, but it seemed that he couldn't avoid his family. With that in mind, he walked, albeit slowly, towards Emrys. His cousin's words echoed through him, causing his frown to deepen. Why was he sorry? It wasn't his fault. Was he apologizing because they couldn't find Yuki? He sighed at that thought and laid a hand on his cousin's shoulder before removing it.

"You shouldn't be, Em," he spoke, his voice cracking just slightly due to fatigue. "I know Uncle and my brother are doing everything they can to find her. It's not easy, and I didn't expect it to be. You shouldn't be apologizing for that, but thanks," he continued before taking a seat next to his cousin, leaning back so that he was resting upon his forearms and staring up at the sky.

Emrys winced at his cousin's words. He looked terrible, not that Emrys could blame him. There was a feeling in the pit of his stomach that told him it was only going to get worse before it got better. The question really was, how much worse would it get? He wasn't sure how much more any of them could handle, especially Zero.

He knew it wasn't really his fault, but that didn't stop him from feeling like there was something else he could be doing, something he should be doing. But in the end, there was nothing to do but wait, and Emrys hated that. For a long time, he said nothing, he just allowed the power to continue humming in his head, because it was a distraction from his thoughts. But keeping that power pent up inside of him was dangerous, so with a heavy breath, he let it go. The grass within thirty feet of them turned bright green, returning to its state when it was in summer. It wouldn't last, of course, but for now, it wasn't half-dead and brown.

It did nothing to quell the hollow look in his eyes. It wasn't just Yuki's disappearance causing it, either. Being out on the front lines, the death, the killing, everything he'd done, Ryvrn's had taken a heavy toll on him, and it was finally starting to show. He couldn't just sit back and pretend that it didn't bother him anymore. Not after Yuki, too.

"I don't know how much longer I can do this, Z." He said softly.

Another sigh escaped him. He wanted to feel like a hypocrite. He had told Aryan not that long ago about sighs, and a subtle quirk of his lips tilted upwards. He leaned back so he was fully upon his back and continued to watch the clouds roll by. He could understand, perhaps a bit, where his cousin was coming from. Zero would have been in the same situation as Emrys if Vincent hadn't had other plans. That left one of his brothers, if not all of them, to man the front lines and participate in whatever suited them and their abilities. Like Alden. He was good at what he did for his ability alone.

"You know, it wouldn't be so bad to have another. Alarica managed, and though she still mourns for Mikhail, Angelus has brightened her up a bit. It won't be the same as Ryvrn, but..." he paused, sitting up and dusting the leaves from his person before turning towards Emrys. "At least give it a try. I'll do it with you," Zero spoke, hovering a clawed hand over his wrist in the process. He'd never wanted a familiar before, but he could understand somewhat how Alarica felt. There was an emptiness, and though it wouldn't fill the hole that Yuki left, it would keep him from descending any further than what he'd gone already.

Something painful flashed across Emrys's eyes. Create another familiar? He wasn't sure if he could do that. It had been two years since Ryvrn's death, and it was still hard, but...

There was a ring of truth to what Zero was saying. Maybe it would help, having something there. He was slightly startled at Zero's declaration that he, too, would create one. That...was unexpected, to say the least. Zero had never wanted a familiar, but...he could also understand where he was coming from. Resolve hardened in his eyes, and he nodded once.

"Together, then."

As he spoke, he slid a claw down his wrist, just as Zero did the same. His blood pooled on the ground in front of him, solidifying into a glowing ball. Before long, the blood had turned into a grey and black wolf. What was odd about her were her eyes. One was a bright yellow, and the other was an ice blue. It only took one look to know her name. "Solaris." The wolf cocked her head at him. "Master?"

Zero nodded his head as he slit his wrist, allowing the blood to pool from his wrist before, in the same fashion as his cousin, molded it until it was but a small ball of solidified blood. He watched as it expanded, grew, and contorted. His eyes went fairly wide at how large the ball kept growing, and for a moment, it appeared that it wasn't going to stop. Dread filled Zero as he watched the ball grow until it finally stopped, rolling out and producing a very odd creature indeed. It was shaped and molded like a wolf, though there were some characteristics that suggested it was a tiger, however; it was neither.

The familiar rolled, tumbling as he fell upon his back, and golden eyes met sea-foam green. "Zero!" the familiar stated, rolling till he was on his feet and bounded after Zero. An uncharacteristic scream tore through Zero's throat, running away from the familiar in the process. This was precisely why he did not want to create a familiar. It could crush him if it wanted, and he did not want to be crushed by an over grown dog.


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Character Portrait: Aryan von Nacht Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Helen Trist Character Portrait: Alden Kuragari Character Portrait: Yuki Alistair-von Nacht
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It still had that certain je ne sais quoi about it, didn’t it? Or so he thought, at least, sweeping red-violet eyes over the grounds, as viewable from the entrance arch. He could feel them all on the grounds (well, save the ones who had left two days prior to deal with a skirmish near the border), exerting next to no effort to pinpoint the few students he was concerned with, even the ones who fancied themselves good at hiding. Well, they were, he was just better at finding what was hidden. It was, after all, his job. Alden sighed, shaking his head faintly and sending a few stray locks of wisteria-colored hair in front of his eyes, something he did not bother to correct. It wasn’t like he was in danger of running into something because he could not see.

He might have allowed the nostalgia to subsume him for a while, but unfortunately, there were more urgent matters to attend to. As it happened, his siblings were together at present, and though perhaps his first instinct might have been to seek out the von Nachts, he knew exactly how involved Zero was in this series of events, and so it was with he that starting made sense. There was very little Alden did not know about any of them—Leora had to have learned her ways from someone, after all, and it certainly had not been their parents.

With a slight sigh, Alden popped a piece of pocky into his mouth, letting half of it stick out haphazardly from between his lips and teeth. It was always a bit hard, hanging around Leo for any length of time, but that didn’t stop him from doing it. Sliding his hands into his pockets, Alden shuffled his way to where they were, which at present happened to be under a tree. They both leaned against it, Leo’s arms both wrapped around one of Zero’s, and she leaning into his side. It was a bit cute, actually, and if he hadn’t known the reason for it, he might have teased them both. He bit off the pocky as a way of announcing his presence, because his scent was still the same one he’d been using for his last assignment, and thus not familiar to either of them.

The noise made Leora glance up, but before she could say anything, Alden spoke. “You have twenty-four hours before Freyr deploys Yuki. Here.” He reached up with one hand, straightening his black-framed glasses on his face. Completely unnecessary, of course, but he liked them.

Kiba's ears pricked forward at the newcomer, a low growl leaving his throat as Yuki was mentioned. As usual for the familiar, he'd not left Zero's side since he'd woken up, even with the birth of Xenos. While his own master was missing, he would stay with the one she had chosen as her own.

Aryan was well aware when Alden arrived, and it was to him he currently found himself headed. While he did not recognize the scent, it was easy enough to sense the presence of someone new on campus. His pace was brisk, and Helen was right behind him, as silent as ever. As it were, they arrived just in time to catch the end of Alden's scentence.

"So we were right, they are sending her after us. But does she have a particular target in mind?"

Zero sighed softly, leaning his head against his sister's as they sat, arms laced together. His breathing was stilled, shallow almost, however; he was completely content at the moment. Though, he wasn't entirely, he was still nonetheless happy. Their efforts in finding Yuki were intensified and they had spent no expense at finding her. He popped an eye open, glanced down at his sister, and ran his free hand through her hair. Her scent filled his senses, and he sighed. He was used to it by now. Being one of the first born, growing up around Ava, it instilled a sense of control in him. Though perhaps he wasn't as controlled as his father was.

His attention, however, was taken by the subtle growl of Kiba. Xenos lifted his large head, glancing at the newcomer, however; his tail wagged happily. "Then we have to prepare," he spoke, moving so that he unhooked himself from Leora's arm and stood. He straightened himself out so that he stood on par with his brother, staring at Alden as he shook some of the dirt from his clothes. "The twins are gone with Emrys, it'll be just a handful of us here," he spoke. If she was going to be here, then he had to prepare himself. He would finally be able to see her, though part of him was terrified.

His eyes drifted to the arrival of Aryan, his eyes narrowing slightly though they held no malice towards the younger von Nacht heir. "The target matters not. The only thing that does is that she will be here after someone. We cannot afford for any of us to stray too far from each other. Though, their intentions will probably be to separate us while she goes after her intended target," he spoke, his voice unusually calm.

Alden returned his brother’s scrutiny with a flat stare. He was a rather straightforward person, when he wasn’t busy being deceptive, and so his eyes flickered for a moment towards Aryan and Hel—he was careful not to do more than break the surface of that one’s mind. Some things could fuck you up just in the seeing, and he’d made the mistake of trying to read a bit deeper into hers once. It had given him a profound respect for the fact that the girl was even still capable of basic function, though she looked a bit worse for the wear now.

“Think about it, Ary. Helen’s informed you all that Freyr’s only intention is to hurt us, so he’ll aim her at what’s going to hurt the most.” His eyes slid back to Zero. “Namely, Rocchan here.” Like many little brothers, Alden exercised the right they all shared to give the older ones rather annoying nicknames. ‘Rocchan’ was derived from ‘Ro-chan,’ something he’d been calling his brother since he was old enough to speak. “There’s also less chance of her being incapacitated against someone who won’t fight back. She won’t be alone, but whomever they send with her will be just a distraction. I wouldn’t be surprised if the schemer himself decided to put in an appearance. Some people like pain.” He shrugged lazily, a gesture that made it seem almost as if he didn’t care much either way, though nothing could be further from the truth.

Over Alden’s shoulder, an enormous pair of eyes set into a fuzzy rodent’s face peered at them, and his familiar scrabbled up onto his shoulder. Alia was presently a bush-baby, though she was just as capable of being anything she wanted as he was. “And don’t forget the diversion,” she squeaked, and he sighed.

“I would have thought it was obvious, but yeah. That Level E attack was intended to draw away the more
 combatively-inclined half of the family.”

The pain was still there, in her head. And the voices. But there were no faces, not while she was waking. Her yellow eyes skimmed over the campus. There was a certain person she was looking for. The male with the sea foam eyes. He was her target. If anyone got in her way, she was to kill them. That was what weapons did. They killed. The wind tousled her hair, which was free of any restraints. That alone was enough to cause one to do a double-take.

She never wore her hair down. Oddly, she was also barefoot. Coupled with the light flames that were rising from her body, it gave her a wild, feral look. Suddenly, she picked up on his scent. He was with the younger von Nacht boy. How odd, she'd been told he didn't like fighting. No matter, it would make killing him all the more easier. Her eyes slid to the others with her for just a second, but she otherwise ignored them.

She had a job to do. The Katana at her back slid from its sheath with a metallic sound, and she began walking. At first, one could only see her eyes glowing in the darkness as she stepped out of the shadows, but Aryan had been able to feel her. Nothing hid in the shadows from him, save for perhaps Freyr and Emrys. But not her. Not his sister.

His purple eyes narrowed as she came into view. He'd never quite seen her like this, and his hands clenched at his sides, the shadows responding. He was only further angered by the grin that spread over her face as his shadows flared. It was her voice, but it wasn't her. Her voice was flat, monotone; the blade in her hand gleamed in the moonlight.

"You are not my target, Lord von Nacht. But I will kill you if you get in my way."

It was from the same shadows that Hel darted, her own odachi ringing free with a soft chime. She would not let her friend do this. She would not let her hurt the people she loved. The girl came in fast on Yuki’s left, but she was intercepted in turn, her blade clanging off a three-pointed spear. Freyr. He smiled at her, nothing in it resembling the one he’d used to wear, and his greater strength tossed her backwards. She landed lightly in a three-point crouch, her blade held out to the side, and in a rare display of emotion, her lip curled upward slightly, into the faintest of snarls.

“You will move, brother, or I will not hesitate.” He chuckled, low and dark, and stabbed for her again with the spear, driving her backwards another few steps and clear of the engagement between Yuki and the others.

“All you are is hesitation, Hel,” he said, only to be cut off by a pair of flying daggers. One actually managed to nick him in the cheek. Odd—he should have been gradually becoming imperceptible to anyone but her
 ah. “The Spider,” he murmured, running a thumb along his cheekbone and examining the red liquid there as though he’d never seen it before. “And here I thought you never left the center of your web.”

“I don’t,” Alden replied bluntly. “It’s you who’s in the wrong place, pest.” He moved to stand beside Helen, who nodded to him slightly. Freyr was not a run-of-the-mill opponent, and it would take subtlety and power in equal measure to even have a hope against him.

Leora, meanwhile found herself as usual in the middle of a horde of hungry Level E’s. “It never fails,” she muttered dryly, though this time, she’d let her blood intentionally, to distract them from her family. This meant she got to deal with them all herself, but there were only about twenty—she could handle it. Settling back into a pugilist’s stance, she drew her fist back and slammed it into the nearest one, tearing its head from its shoulders with the force of the impact. “Not a snack, assholes,” she growled, launching herself at the next.

The day passed swiftly, and Zero found himself along with his family standing outside. His eyes sweeped the field, noting the Level E's assembling around, their eyes glowing like ravenous starved dogs. His lips pulled into a viscious snarl, revealing white fangs that glistened like the moon does in the middle of a winters night. He watched as the scent of Leora's blood beckoned the lower vampires towards her, and a flash of worry crossed his features. Leora could handle herself, but it was still dangerous to use such a notion to call attention towards herself. He merely kept his eyes glued to the battle field, trusting his sister knew what she was doing and allowed himself to charge into the fray.

He was, however, brought from it when he spotted someone. It was her. She stood a few feet away from Aryan, and he could hear her speaking. He couldn't make out the words over the loud snarls of the others, and his eyes momentarily fled towards Hel and Alden. It appeared that there was another on the field, however; the aura this one produced was different than the level E's, and Zero couldn't help the hairs along the back of his neck from standing. He couldn't understand why, but part of him pulled to attack this man, to harm and maim him for some crime he did not know he committed. Instead, Zero refocused back on her.

"Yuki," he murmured softly, as if her name was a delicate piece of glass already on the cusp of breaking that if he said it any louder, it would shatter completely. He ran towards Aryan, his speed a little slower than what he was trying to exert. It was as if a part of him was afraid to be near her, to go to her, to help her. But that is what he desired most. He wanted to help her, though he knew he wouldn't be able to. He was by Aryan's side in seconds, staring down at the woman he loved. "Yuki."

Aryan's lis pulled back in a silent snarl. He hated that title, even more so that she was the one who said it, however; Zero was at his side, speaking before he could. He said her name, and her yellow eyes swiveled to him. She raised the blade slightly. There was no recognition in her eyes.

"Yuki." He needed a reaction from her, anything. Something so that he knew his sister was still in there. The answer he got was one that gave him chills.

She raised the blade, leveling it with her face. "Do the Lords Kuragari and von Nacht deem fit to name me? I am not yours to name. I am a weapon, and therefore, I have no name. I have only one purpose, and that is to kill."

With the last word she spoke, she moved, nearly as fast as a Pure Blood, her katana leveling with Zero's throat. She had spoken truly, Aryan was not her target. Her target was the man in front of her.

Aryan's eyes widened, realizing that Zero wasn't moving. The idiot was just going to let her kill him. He didn't think, he just moved.

Self-sacrifice was not something Aryan would have ever guessed was in his nature. He had no love of battle, he wasn't good at it like his parents, his brother, his sister. His fight was on paper, in dark rooms. Not this, not out here. So when the blade connected with his forearm as he stood facing Zero, at first, he was confused. Blood ran down his arm, dripping onto the flagstones beneath his feet. Then it made sense, what he'd done. He'd saved his cousin.

While it was not a particularly alluring scent to her, there was something about his blood, something that drew her to it. That, and the fact that she hadn't fed in almost a month. She twined her fingers in his hair, wrenching it so that his neck was exposed to her, and with no ceremony, she sank her fangs into the skin. The von Nacht's eyes went wide, and the fight-or-flight response his body induced only made his blood run faster. If she could have, she would have smiled. The more he struggled, the faster he would be drained.

What little color that was in Aryan's face drained as soon as he felt his sister's mouth on his neck. That had been entirely unexpected, and his fingers were instantly at hers, trying to pry her off of him, however; he couldn't. What little struggle he'd been putting up was ceased when she brought the blade up to his throat, the cold steel bitting into his neck. His vision was already fading, the light leaving his eyes as she drained him.

She wasn't just feeding, she was devouring him. He didn't even realize when she'd released him. His body felt numb, an odd sense of warmth spreading through him, starting at his neck. He felt her lips move against his ear, but he couldn't make out the words, not yet. The blade was drawn across his throat, slicing it open. He didn't feel that either.

"Goodbye, Lord von Nacht." She told him, her tongue removing some of the excess blood on her lips. She watched silently as the man his the flagstones, what little blood he had left in his system leaking from the cut she'd made. Nothing flashed across her face, nor in her eyes, which were now glowing a deep crimson as she set her gaze on Zero once more.

A strange gasping noise came from Aryan. The only thing he could think was, I hate that title.

Even between the two of them, Freyr was not at much of a disadvantage. Really, they were saved by dent of Helen’s superior reflexes and Alden’s foreknowledge within his zone, neither of which got them past the Pantheon member in enough time to do anything to save Aryan from having himself nearly drained. Sometimes, being able to sense intent really fucking sucked. Though apparently not as much as Yuki did in this particular state. 
His dark sense of humor was really getting away from him these days—he should probably work on that.

Ducking away from Freyr, he used himself to conceal a lunge by the much smaller Helen, and she succeeded in scoring a gash along her brother’s side, one that would have been a lot deeper had the lack of sleep and recent malnutrition she’d been undergoing not weakened and slowed her considerably. Nevertheless, he seemed to be inclined to leave now, and Alden felt the shift in his intentions and thoughts in time to stop Helen with an index finger to her shoulder. To her credit, it took no more than that. She was ruthless, but consummately rational, and she understood as well as he did that the real priority right now was saving his cousin.

Alden was not capable of that. Nor was Zero. Leora might have been, if she’d allowed him to take her blood, and he could hear the thought cross her mind. But that was far too risky—they didn’t need an addict on their hands. That left one option. He knew the girl did not like this ability of hers, as she had been conditioned to enjoy the taking of life at one point, and this fashion was the way in which she had most often done so. He hoped, or rather knew, that she would be willing to set that aside for the moment, however. If her general willingness to sacrifice anything for this family were not enough, her guilt at not being able to stop Yuki would drive her to it. Not the ideal motivations, but Alden didn’t have the luxury of being choosy. Ary’s life was on the line.

And help him Helen did, kneeling beside him and placing one hand over the slit in his throat—she was doing much better than he would be at exposure to so much blood—the von Nachts were pretty potent, if not in the same way as Leo or his mom, and he would not have had such an easy time of it, which explained why he was standing well back, his arms crossed, and watched Leo dispense with the last of the Level E’s as Freyr and Yuki disappeared. Not from his perception, at least not until they left his zone of influence, but from everyone else, anyway. The girl whispered something, and though he was not close enough to hear it, it did escape into the mental space between them.

“I won’t let you die

All around her, the grass and trees began to drain of life, losing their autumn colors and fading until they were crinkled and brown, the trunks withering as she absorbed all the life that was to be taken from them. It was like watching time-lapse footage of the natural process of decay, until eventually the molecular bonds holding everything together just broke, and they were standing on a wide circle of barren soil. The energy seemed to light her skin from beneath, making her glow like some kind of fantastical spirit, or, thin and small as she was, perhaps a faerie. The wound she held to stem its bleeding closed, the flesh becoming smooth and whole once more, and the color returned in large part to his cousin’s skin, but the primary difficulty was blood loss, and she knew it as well as he did.

From his pocket, Alden removed a cherry-flavored hard candy, laying it against his tongue. It almost wasn’t enough to distract him from the smell that entered the area as she drew her own wakizashi up to her throat, laying it across the paper-thin flesh of her neck and collarbone and drawing it without hesitation, flaying open a portion of her marble-white skin and causing blood to well from the wound. Smart—he’d be far too weak to bite on his own, if he could even think straight enough to do it. She slid an arm underneath his back to help him reach the wound, and cradled his head with the other, so that all Aryan had to do was figure out how to drink.

Zero couldn't concentrate. His mind was drawing a blank at he stared at Yuki. She didn't recognize them, him, and it tore something in his chest. He wanted to go to her, to remind her somehow of who she was. That she was Yuki Alistair-von Nacht, that she wasn't a weapon. He wanted to remind her somehow, but he didn't know how. It wasn't long before he was able to command his body to move, however; by then it was far too late. She was behind him, cold steel pressed against his throat as his body tensed once more. His eyes faltered, the light dimming from them, and his body surrendered.

He couldn't. He told his aunt that he couldn't, wouldn't be able to harm Yuki. He wanted to save her, but he couldn't. Her words, they pierced him in ways that even the blades that could physically do him harm, were but the fleeting illusion, and the illusion itself was the reality. Then, he was there, the scent of his blood piercing the air as Yuki took Aryan. Zero's eyes widened at the display, watching as Yuki drained his cousin, and willing his body to move to help his cousin. But his body refused. It refused to work with him, refused to move, and so he stood, watching with eyes wide at the scene playing before him.

It was like a twisted play, and the scent of blood growing stronger as Aryan bled. His eyes met the vermilion stained irises of Yuki's, and he felt his breath hitch in his throat. This wasn't Yuki, this wasn't his cousin. This wasn't the woman he loved standing before them, and as he watched her disappear, he felt a little part of his heart breaking further. He glanced towards his brother, watching as Alden and Helen appeared. Immediately, she set to work on healing Aryan, and Zero could only ball his fists in anger. He was pathetic. So very pathetic that he couldn't even protect his own cousins. What use was he to the battlefield if he couldn't fight?

He was useless, and he knew it. He was so utterly pathetic and useless. And those were the only thoughts that rang through his mind. He failed to help Yuki, to help Aryan. He failed. He turned on his heel, leaving the area as he walked away. Aryan was close to deaths' door because of him, and Yuki was gone. All because he wasn't strong enough to protect his family. How could he ever face her again? How could he be the older brother, and fail to protect those who meant the most to him? He was pathetic, and everyone would know it.


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Character Portrait: Aryan von Nacht Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari
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Over the next few days, Aryan would drift in and out of conciousness, but he was never really there. He would open his eyes, but he didn't respond. His mind was elsewhere, somewhere dark. He was always alone, his neck feeling like it was on fire, and no matter what he did, he could never soothe it, or figure out where he was. There were voices, memories, pain.

There was always one person he could see, but just barely. A woman with long white hair. His sister. She was standing with her back to him, and he would try to go to her, to make sure she was okay. But every time he tried to reach her, she would vanish, reappearing behind him. He would look at her, only to see that it wasn't her. Not Yuki. It didn't matter how much she looked like her, it wasn't Yuki.

Aryan's eyes opened slowly, not comprehending where he was for a second, the ceiling unfamiliar, scents of bleach and steril solution, mixed with the scents of his family flooding his senses. He was in the infirmary. He shifted his eyes downward, something golden on his chest catching his eye. It was Medusa, and the snake lifted her head as she felt her master move, her tongue flicking out silently.

"Massster." She hissed.

Aryan stroked her head lightly, not saying anything. There was little to say, really. He could vaugely remember Yuki devouring him, but he remembered little else. He could only surmise that Helen had saved him, it was the only way he would still be alive, honestly. He shifted his head to right, catching sight of Zero. The Kuragari was asleep.

"He'sss been keeping an eye on you when your mother wasss gone." The familiar said softly.

Zero stirred, his chest rising slowly. His face contorted into one of pain, but there was no physical pain to be had. His dreams, they all drifted to a woman, her hair long, white as snow, and her eyes. It was her eyes that always stilled his breath, caused him to feel as if he couldn't breathe, that he was suffocating. His heart felt that it was pulling from his arteries, trying to burst from his chest and just bleed for her. And it was. It ached every moment she was gone, and when she broke his heart even more. She didn't recognize him, her family. She recognized none of them. What did they do to her?

His eyes opened slowly, the light flooding his senses. There were words being spoken, but it took him a moment to clear his senses, and glanced towards the bed that Aryan occupied, the von Nacht woken from his deep sleep. A sigh of relief escaped Zero as he straightened his posture, popping his back in the process as he stretched. He took a deep breath, releasing it as he turned towards Aryan. "How are you feeling Aryan? You've been out a few days," he spoke, concern genuinely laced in his voice.

Aryan's eyes slid over to Zero again as his cousin spoke. There was certainly more life in them than there had been, but it still was not quite up to his usual standard. He grimaced slightly, moving various parts of his body before rolling his head around and sighing.

"If I knew what it felt like to be crushed by a compactor and then re-inflated, I would think I feel something like that. But I would not know, so I believe I simply hurt." It wasn't really so much physical pain as it was simply being sore from not having moved for three days.

"Was anyone else hurt?"

Zero sighed. That perhaps would be considered normal if that is how Aryan felt. Yuki did take a lot of blood from him, bringing him almost to the brink of death, and Zero clutched the arms of the chair tightly. He should have done something, anything, to at least save Aryan. If he couldn't save Yuki, he should have at least saved his cousin. Aryan's question brought him out of his thoughts as he turned to face him again. He sighed softly through his nose, racking his hand through his hair as he thought about the words to tell him.

"No," he finally stated, the word being drawn out in the process. "Everyone else made it out okay, but you were the one who was hit the worst," he replied. He fell silent after that. What else could he tell him? That he failed to protect Yuki, to protect him, to protect his family? He finally slumped into his chair as he closed his eyes softly.

It was Aryan's turn to sigh, Medusa slithering off of his chest as he sat up. He winced as he did so, though he otherwise made no sign of discomfort. He regarded his cousin silently once more. It was good to know that no one else was hurt, however...

Not everyone was dealing with physical pain. "I suppose it would do little good to tell you that you're being an idiot. What happened to me was not your fault. I was the one who made the decision to save you. Besides, now we know exactly how she's going to act. That gives us more information on how to get her back."

Zero scoffed silently. Perhaps he was being an idiot, but that meant nothing to him. He had failed, that was all there was to it. "You wouldn't have had to make that decision if I had acted, and for that I apologize," he spoke, opening his eyes once more as he silently regarded his cousin. He then cracked a small, broken, smile, one that he could barely muster enough energy for. It was true, they had a bit of more information now as to how Yuki was going to act around them. She wasn't going to recognize them, and that meant that she wasn't going to hold back on hurting them.

"You're right, we do. And we won't fail at getting her back the next time," he continued, his voice laced with resolve. And he wouldn't hesitate to save her this time.

Zero's tone alone produced what could be considered Aryan's normal smirk.

"Good, because I won't be saving you next time."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Balthasar von Nacht Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari
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Balthasar stretched—he’d been napping in the sun for a while there, trying to enjoy the last touches of late fall before winter overtook the campus in full. It was hard to enjoy anything at the moment, but he was serious when he’d told Alarica—he needed to remind himself of the good things in the world periodically in order to stay himself. Good things, like naps in the sunshine. His muscles loosened as he moved them around a little, all the aches of the previous day gone. Or well
 at least the physical ones.

Yuki had shown up again yesterday. This time with a small army of Level E’s and no Freyr. At least this time, nobody had been injured to the point of near death. Leo had sustained a pretty bad wound from Yuki late in the confrontation, though, and Balthasar had been prevented from stopping his fleeing sister by the need to hold Alden back. Without any warning or preparation and in the heat of battle, the potent smell of his sister’s blood had nearly taken him over the edge of his control, and Balthasar was one of the few that understood the reason for this. Alden was nearly always starving, because of the nature of his abilities. Where most of them could switch things on and off as needed, Alden was just constantly running, and it wasn’t easy for him.

 even Helen had been distracted by the smell, and that was probably because she looked about as starved as a junkyard dog, too. She’d upped her consumption of blood pills, but she’d been exhausted and malnourished even before she’d given up so much of her blood to save Ary, and Balthasar knew from experience that there was only so much the pills could replace in such a short time. He was amazed that the girl could still stand and fight, let alone run the infirmary by herself and function as Aryan’s assistant.

They were slowly falling apart, and when not from the physical wounds, from the motional ones. Freyr was an adroit strategist, Balthasar had to give him that. He’d set out to hurt them, and hurting them he was, but perhaps none quite so badly as Zero. Which was perhaps why the eldest von Nacht son found himself heading to where the eldest Kuragari was—in this case, the music room. It seemed to be a common thread in their family, to take solace from such things. He found his friend plucking idly at the strings of what had once been his mother’s violin, gifted to her ironically enough by Balthasar’s own father. They were always connected, these people he loved so dearly.

“I suppose you know, don’t you?” he said by way of introduction, taking a seat facing the wrong way on the piano bench, and crossing his arms over his chest. He referred, of course, to Yuki’s secret. He could see it—though Zero was unmistakably in love with his sister, and part of that sadness was because of her current state, there was something else there. Balthasar could only see it because he felt it, too. And unlike anyone else who might observe its presence, he could actually identify it.

For what seemed the umpteenth time that day, Zero sighed, stretching his limbs out as they popped in random places. He began plucking at the violin, the one that once belonged to his mother, and it brought a mournful smile to his face. He missed playing, but most of all, he missed playing with his family. He missed the music they could all produce together, because like their fathers and mothers before them, they were all gifted in some instrument or another. He sighed, pushing those thoughts away as he recalled yesterday. She was there again, attacking her family as a pack of Level E's descended upon the field. She managed to wound his sister, and that was never a good thing.

Alden had to be restrained by Balthasar, something Zero was silently grateful for. He didn't want to have to harm his younger brother to protect his sister. Because he would have. As much as saving Yuki meant to him, he couldn't allow anyone else to be hurt because of her. He had managed to get Leora off of the field, tending to her wound before he allowed anyone else near her. The twins had control of their thirst, thanks to their human sides, but they were still susceptible to the scent. At least he thought they were. They had never shown any interest before in taking blood from anyone else, and he was pretty sure that if there was one source of blood Alarica wanted, it definitely wasn't his sister's.

He sighed once more, plucking the strings still before he went to tune the instrument. Once he set it to the tone he wanted, he pulled the bow across the strings and frowned at the sound it elicited. It wasn't the same note that he used to play, though it was. Perhaps he just needed to practice more often. He hadn't played in the last few months, and he was sure he was getting rusty. The light in his eyes were dimmed still, fading his eyes from the light, sea-foam green to a dull, almost gray color. It was starting to take its toll on him, the battle, her. And he knew most people could see it. He wasn't all too surprised to hear Balthasar's voice, and he turned to spot his cousin. He offered a small smile, but it still did not reach his features.

"It's not fair," he spoke. If one did not know the circumstances, they might have considered his statement a bit childish, and with no room to be spoken, however; he meant it. It wasn't fair that she only had fifty more years of life, that she had had whatever possibility for a longer life, stolen from her by that man. It wasn't fair that he loved her, and he was going to lose her no matter what happened. He was either going to lose her to Freyr, and his twisted mind games, or he was going to lose her to this disease, this whatever it was that Kisuke had did to her.

“No,” Balthasar agreed, leaning up against a wall and crossing his arms over his chest, “it isn’t.” He was well aware of the injustice of it all, and it still rankled him to believe that such a person as Kisuke Sou had had any influence on his sister’s life whatsoever, especially something so profound. How anyone could do such things to anyone else, let alone their own child, eluded him entirely. It was hard for him to even imagine, truly.

“But I’ll tell you what I told her: your mother is right. As long as those fifty years are the best fifty years they can be, they’ll be enough. Even I can see how much the two of you care about each other. Even if
 even if your time is limited
 hold onto that with everything you’ve got, because we don't all get it, Zero. It’s worth treasuring, without tainting it with thoughts of what might otherwise have been.” They couldn’t spend even a day of those fifty years being sad about how they wouldn’t have more—they just had to seize that time for everything it was worth. Most humans got less time than that, and nobody would deny that humans were capable of living full, worthwhile lives. At least, he didn’t think anyone would. He certainly didn’t think they were incapable. Sometimes, they seemed to grasp things that his own kind couldn’t see.

And whatever happiness Yuki and Zero managed to find for themselves
 it would be more than Balthasar had. He couldn’t say he resented them, because he’d never even dream of it. He wanted them to be as happy as possible, and he’d give anything he had for it to be so. But
 part of him ached a little, for lack of that same experience. He was still young by the standards of his kind, he supposed, but he was beginning to doubt he’d ever get something like they had. In his youth, nobody had seen anything but his name, and in the end, even Elizabeth had only wanted his blood. At least
 at least Yuki got to have better than that. So much better—he’d always be grateful to Zero for that, for giving his sister that chance.

Zero listened quietly as his older cousin spoke, and a small smile tugged upon his lips. "Mom always had a way with words, and it seems that they rub off on you too," he spoke, a light scoff escaping him in the process. It was perhaps the reason why he always sought Balthasar for council when his mother wasn't around. The two were alike in so many ways, that it frightened Zero a bit to know that there was another of his mother out there. But it wasn't such a bad thing, because if he wasn't, Zero wouldn't know how to handle the current situation. Balthasar was right. Whatever time they had together, when they got her back, they should use to make it the best years of their life.

But still, the dread still crept within him. What was he going to do once she was gone? Life without her wasn't a life at all, and he couldn't imagine himself living on, a thousand years even after her death. There was just no meaning for it. He would not tell his cousin that though, and instead, allowed the smile to remain. "See, now that's where you're wrong. We all do get it. There already is someone who loves you for who you are, not your title, not your blood, but just for you. Some of us are just too blind to see that," he spoke. At least Yuki loved him, at least he loved her. That was all that mattered. And he knew with that statement, his older cousin wouldn't understand, and that was how he wanted it to be.

In due time, maybe he'd really see the one who loved him for all that he was, just as he could see Yuki and love her for all that she was. Noble or not, experiment or not, he loved her not because of her status, but because of who she was to him and what she meant to him. That was all that would ever matter. "Thanks, Balthasar. I guess that's all I really needed to hear. When we get her back, not a day will pass by that I will not cherish it, I promise you that," he spoke, determination laced with a promise, covering his voice.

Balthasar was honestly perplexed by part of what his cousin said, for he could think of no such person, at least not in the way he meant the words. Perhaps they referred to different senses in which one could be loved, or perhaps Zero was indicating something about the future. It didn’t really matter, anyway. The important part was that his words seemed to have helped his cousin a bit, and that was what he’d intended. “Well
 good. Okay, then. No giving up until she’s back, and after that
 still no giving up, and a lot of living. Sounds like a plan to me.” He nodded his satisfaction, and matched his friend’s smile.

“You’re welcome, Zero. Your mother’s a very wise woman—I’m glad to be thought of as like her. And I’ll be holding you to that promise. She is my sister, after all
 I’d be a pretty bad brother if I didn’t.” He wasn’t going to threaten him or anything though—that seemed patently unnecessary. It was obvious Zero loved Yuki, and that they could and would be happy together. Besides, Zero was his cousin (distantly) and his friend. He was happy for both of them, and protective of both of them, in his own way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Alden Kuragari
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Alden currently lay—spread-eagled and apparently asleep—on a knot of brownish grass, some distance from the main school building. Winter was upon them in full by this point, and Christmas was not long away, but the temperature bothered him not at all, and in fact, the sunlight today was rather warm on his face. He was not, in fact, asleep, but that would not be immediately obvious to an observer, given his present state of repose. At least this sort of resting position was slowing his bodily functions, including his metabolism. When he could not consume a lot, Alden had learned to sleep a lot, and to simply rest when that was impossible.

He felt them both enter his range, and his mouth curled up in a smile for just a fraction of a second before it disappeared again. He still felt a bit guilty about the time he’d almost attacked Leora, but he was not worried about doing so again if Zero was there. His brother would be strong enough to restrain him for long enough that he could bring himself back to his senses, unless perhaps she started bleeding again. He did not like this—that he posed a constant threat of danger to his mother and his sister, but at least he could cope most of the time. He had enough control that it was only an open wound on either of them that would cause him to lose it, and only if he was within a certain range of it. Anyone else’s blood, or they on a normal, non-injured occasion, and he was fine, for the most part.

He cracked one red-purple eye when they came within visual range, his vision adjusting immediately to the light and taking in the figures of his brother and sister approaching. Leora smiled as she did, taking a seat beside where he lay without hesitation. That was perhaps the thing he loved most about his sister—no matter how often he almost burned her, almost lost himself, she never stopped believing in his ability to conquer his demons. His mother was the same. “Hey Vi,” she said, using his more common nickname—though ‘Al’ seemed more direct, that had been one of Balthasar’s nicknames first, and as such, those closest to him had taken to calling him ‘Violet’ or ‘Vi’ instead, a reference to his trademark hair and iris color.

“Leo, Rocchan,” he returned neutrally, blinking slowly at the both of them. Nevertheless, he was pleased to see them. He just didn’t always do the best job of showing it. They didn’t seem to mind. “There is not much longer now,” he said with a quiet kind of certainty that was rather trademark of him. He was also highly blunt, as now. “Freyr’s network is fairly certain he doesn’t intend much more use for Yuki. We are becoming too good at repelling her attacks, and she is becoming a little more inured to the serum. I estimate that the next confrontation will be the last. Prepare yourselves—I doubt she will be quite herself for a while afterwards.”

Zero had spent most of his days in the music room. Her attacks were becoming constant, and it seemed that everytime they fought her, something always seemed different. He couldn't place it, but there was something different about her. He sighed softly, finishing the tune he was playing before Leora had shown up. He offered his sister a smile as he left the music room with her, walking by her side as they just walked in silence. It was a comforting notion, and he always found comfort from his family, especially Leora and Balthasar. Though Balthasar was more like Ava, Leora could always talk to Zero and make him feel better. And he appreciated that about his sister.

It was perhaps the reason why he was always so protective of her. She was his link to their mother when Ava wasn't around, and he would always need that anchored feeling when something was bothering him. Like now. All she had to do was walk in silence with him, and somehow, everything felt better. He sighed softly, allowing it to carry a sort of melancholy feeling to it. Though it felt better, it didn't mean it was better. He paused in that thought, shaking it free as he dissolved it. He had promised Balthasar that he would live life to the fullest with Yuki, and that meant to stop thinking this way. Sliding a hand through his hair, he caught his younger brother's scent. They were headed towards him.

When they approached, they were greeted by Alden, immediately speaking of the situation at hand. "Blunt and to the point, just like always," he spoke, offering his brother a half broken smirk. "Then we need to prepare. Is there any word of when she'll be attacking. They've been a bit sporadic as of late," he questioned, sitting next to Leora on the other side. He loved his brother, he really did, but he still couldn't take a chance of him accidentally attacking their sister.

” Alden hummed a contemplative syllable, pushing his glasses up his nose for a moment before rolling up into a seated position not unlike the one his siblings were using. His posture was poor, however, something which diminished his height. That and the fact that he was wearing a baggy cardigan and his hair was askew, managed to cement his impression as someone who really didn’t care a whit for how he appeared to others. It was, of course, the opposite of the truth. In his line of work, appearance was everything, just not in the same way that it was in, say, business.

None of this stopped Leo from clucking her tongue at him and immediately setting about righting his disheveled locks, which he turned bright orange in mid-process just because he could. She snorted her amusement, and the corner of his mouth ticked up into that elusive smile again, for just a moment, before it dropped back into place and his hair returned to wisteria. The touch was actually soothing, as their mother’s tended to be. Alden took care not to compare them too often, because Leora was certainly her own person, but this, they did share, and probably always would.

“I’d give it three days, maximum,” he replied blandly. “More likely two. That will be the last chance we have. If she does not return then, I imagine Freyr will dispose of her.” His sources had been quite clear that it would not be the first time the man had ended the use of a so-called tool this way. It wasn’t particularly uncommon for the Pantheon, either—they were creating Level E’s en masse, now, in lab tanks, with the intent to simply send them to die. Yuki was a fair bit more useful than that, but the inherent point was still the same. If he were Freyr—and he’d had to learn to think like these people—then he would have done the same.

“Then we get her back,” Leora said firmly. “No matter what.”

Zero's jaw tightened at the response Alden gave. Freyr would dispose of her. His eyes narrowed out in front of him, glaring at whatever unfortunate soul was unlucky enough to be caught in his sights, taking slow and steady breaths. It shouldn't surprise him that they would do that. It was like that with anyone really. Once you had no purpose for a tool, broken or not, you'd dispose of it. His fists tightened in the grass as he thought about, trying to put his mind on anything other than that. He wouldn't allow Freyr to touch her, not so longs as he breathes. His eyes traveled to Leora when she spoke, bringing a light smile to Zero's face.

"Yes, we will," he spoke, lacing his hand with Leora's and gave it a light squeeze. She was right, they would get Yuki back, no matter what. He released Leora's hand, setting his back on his lap as he continued to stare over the area. He took a soft breath, glancing back over towards his younger siblings, and for a moment, a smile crossed his features. This was nice, having family around. They were supportive, and they were here to help get Yuki back. To have such a close family, part of him wondered what would happen if they were not. Would they still be trying to get Yuki back? Would they even care?

"No matter what," he allowed himself to state after the moment of silence. No matter what, they would get her back. "How's the life treating you, Den?" Zero questioned, changing the subject matter. He had not seen his younger brother in a while, and though they were probably not as close as he and his sister, that did not mean that Zero didn't worry about him. He was the oldest, it was his job to make sure the younger ones were always safe, even if he couldn't physically do it himself.

Alden considered the question. He never told any of the members of his family the full extent of what he did, because they did not deserve to be troubled with it. If there were a more straightforward way to do what he did, he would use it, but as it was, he was uniquely capable of getting at the things that simply could not be retrieved through force or more political maneuvering. Alden’s was the intrigue of backrooms and boudoirs, the secrets he retrieved were the ones exchanged for deaths or package drops, or else whispered in drug-riddles hazes, or into pillows. It was, after all, much easier to worm into thoughts when someone was distracted, and though he could force his way through any barrier if he had to, he had to be more subtle than this, lest everyone start defending against what he could do. One did not become so easily snared in a spider’s web if one knew it was there.

Most of his family was under the impression that what he did was a lot of sneaking into private offices and clandestine meetings with informants in Italian street-corner cafes. His life was better the longer and more fully they continued to believe that. He pulled a hand lazily through the hair Leora had just finished neatening, and he heard her sigh with mock exasperation. The answer to Zero’s question was longer and more complicated than he was looking for. His brother wanted assurance, that there weren’t any bigger problems than the Yuki situation, or at least none big enough to distract from it. He wanted to believe that everything was okay, or at least would be okay, when he had her back.

And because Alden was Alden, and younger brothers were not so different from older brothers, he would lie to him about that. He would let him believe it for as long as it was possible to believe. “Same old, same old,” he replied with a vague sense of boredom, but the side-glance he cut his brother was sharp. “I’m here because my first priority was this situation, so you know I’m being treated better than you are.” Leora’s eyes flickered with something just a bit suspicious, and he’d known they would. He’d taught her to smell a lie. But unlike him, she could not detect them outright, and he was a very good liar. Even that little tinge of suspicion passed, and he heard her decide not to ask him about it. Good. There were some things his baby sister should never know.

“But we don’t have forever. I’m gonna go find something to eat. You two should
 do whatever it is you fighting-types do to prepare for stuff like this.” He shrugged, stretching languidly as he flowed into a stand, tossing the pair of his siblings a wink and a small, sardonic smile. Alden was fine. Alden was always fine.

Zero sighed shaking his head softly with a soft smile. "Sure thing, Den," he replied. He was right, they should prepare for when Yuki showed up. He watched his younger brother disappear from sight and glanced towards Leora, a brow raised with a subtle smirk crossing his features. "So, shall we?" he spoke, offering Leora a hand. He was, of course, referring to a sparring match, one that they both could use. It would keep them up to speed and they could use the little time they had to the fullest extent.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aryan von Nacht Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Helen Trist Character Portrait: Yuki Alistair-von Nacht
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Her yellow eyes scanned the grounds again. They lacked the luster and shine they once had, underscored by heavy dark circles. Her hair was dull, with a straw-like quality to it. The faces and the voices nudged at the back of her head. She ignored them. There was only one thing that she wanted. And that was answers.

Why did they know her? Why did they feel so familiar? And why could she not forget them? Him?

Her fangs slid down as she found the one she was looking for. Her lips pulled back in a silent snarl as she approached. A horde of level E's followed her, and her eyes, wide, wild, took in the three people in front of her. The Lords Kuragari and von Nacht, and the Trist girl. She flinched as Kisuke's voice filled her head again.

You know what you're supposed to do.

Aryan was...a bit surprised, at his sister's condition. Whatever the serum had done to her, it was having a very adverse effect on her. She looked like she hadn't slept in weeks, and the look in her eyes was something dark, something feral. He used his shadows to take out one of the level E's that lunged forward, this insinuating mass chaos. Yuki, however, went straight for Zero again. What she said caught her brother off guard.

"Why do you not leave me be?"

Zero stared out into the battle field. There was a mass of Level E vampires, each one different than the next not simply by physicality, but also by scent. It appeared that they were experimenting now, and Zero's lips pulled back into a snarl as one came for the group. Aryan took care of some with his shadows as did Zero, commanding them with the ease his father had shown him. It was then he turned, coming to a stand-still with the one he wanted to protect. She attacked him again; it was like this every time they met on the battle field. Her statement, however, caught him a bit off guard.

"Because Yuki," he spoke, blocking her attack rather than allowing her harm. He had promised. He had promised Balthasar, Nikki, and Aryan (in his own way) that he would save Yuki. Though he would not resort to killing her, he would use his force now to restrain her if he had to. He needed to save her. If not anyone else but her. "You don't leave the one you love," he spoke, shoving her away from him as he pulled out Ragnarok. The weapon could be utilized much like Ulrik, Erys' previous weapon now belonging to Alarica. He switched it, causing it to become a short sword-like weapon.

Yuki looked startled at his response. It made no sense. She did not know him, how could he love her? She skidded backwards when he shoved her, one hand clasped to the side of her head. Pain lanced through her.

You are my weapon, and weapons do not love.

The faces swam before her eyes. "No." She said softly. Her eyes widened, seeing, but not what was in front of her. "No!" Him, he was all she could see. She shut her eyes. Kisuke's voice taunted her, scolded her, tore her apart bit by bit until there was nothing left.

"Get the Hell out of my head!"

Aryan took out another few of the level E's, his attention never far from his sister, and he took advantage of the situation. He grabbed hold of his sister by her wrists and ankles, and around the waist using his shadows. "Helen, now!"

She did not need to be told twice. In a move uncharacteristic of her, Helen sheathed both of her blades, applying her speed to come stand in front of the bound Yuki in an eyeblink. Reaching up, she placed a hand on either side of the other girl’s face, forcing golden eyes to make contact with mossy lilac. Something uncommonly fierce burned in Hel’s, and though she was still paper-thin and weaker than she’d ever been in her life, she was strong enough for this. She must be strong enough for this. “Yuki,” she said, the flatness of her tone somehow managing to convey a kind of sternness and a kind of softness all at once. “Remember me. Remember him. Remember this.”

It was, after all, eerily reminiscent of a time a hundred years ago, when their positions had been reversed, and it was Helen who was bound in shadows, Yuki attempting to reach her through the haze of her conditioning and her control. Theodor had let her go, she knew this, but the serum’s hold on Yuki was weakening as well, and all her friend needed was to remember, to throw off the last of the shackles holding her in place. Taking a deep breath, Helen spoke directly into her friend’s mind.

You are not a weapon. You are not a tool. You are a person, and you are loved. Remember that. Remember them. Distantly she felt a disturbance in the air, as Balthasar’s aura flared dark and terrible, but she pushed it aside. Now was not the time for an episode. This was more important than anything else. This was the one place, the one act, in which she could not fail. If she never succeeded at anything else again for the rest of her life, she would succeed at this. Even if she had to die for it. Opening the mental connection wider, Helen showed Yuki things she would know, things she would recognize, and she explained them to her, slowly and clearly.

First were the faces of Jasper and Nikki. These are your parents. They love you. They took you in and raised you into the person you are. They taught you music and love and kindness and light. The image switched, until it was a memory of Balthasar and Aryan playing one another at chess, with matching subtle smiles on their faces. These are your brothers. They love you, too. They taught you devotion and humor and affection.

The rest of the family appeared this time, and she included Freya and herself as well. These are your family, and your friends. They all love you. They have taught you many things, about yourself, and about them. About what it is to have a home, and a real life. How to be something other than a tool, other than a weapon. Taking a deep breath, Hel ignored the fact that fighting off an episode was starting to cause her physical pain—she was bleeding from the nose, and felt ill enough to collapse. She wasn’t done yet, though, and willed her shaking hands to still, refusing to give up until she was done. One final image passed between them.

This is Zero. He loves you, in a way that nobody else can. You love him, too, because you are not a weapon. He has taught you what it is to feel like the most important person in someone’s world. He has taught you complete acceptance. He has taught you that there is nothing he will not do for you. Come back to him. Come back to them. Come back to us.

Yuki was shaking, the images and memories flooding her system. She couldn't make sense of what the girl was trying to tell her, the faces, the words. Her eyes widened, a look of pain and fear crossing her features. She wrested free, the sword in her hand making an arc for Helen. Aryan, however, go there first. There were things he could let slide, he understood that his sister was not herself.

But he would not allow Helen to be harmed. This was made evident when he placed himself between her and Yuki, and caught her with his shadows again, and he snarled. "Don't, Yuki!"

Then she remembered. What she had done, the fact that she had hurt her family. She'd hurt them, and worse, she'd hurt him. The surge in Balthasar's aura made her flinch, and she managed to expel Helen from her mind, as well as slip free from Aryan. She stood there for a second, staring at them, terrified, and she turned and fled.

She couldn't face them, not after what she'd done. She couldn't face him. She ran, and ran. She didn't pay much attention to where she was going. She just wanted to go home.

Helen was conscious exactly as long as it took to confirm that Yuki was at least herself again, but she could not hold onto her waking world any longer than that, and she coughed, the harsh motion pulling yet more blood from her lungs. This was the price for resisting what he wanted to show her, and she was paying it now. She wondered, distantly, if she was going to die. But it didn’t matter. She was back—Yuki was back, and though it would take her time to recover, Helen knew that her friend would. Because she was loved, and surrounded by people who would remind her of this fact. Sometimes, that was all it took. Even if
 even if she hadn’t understood it at all at the time.

For the first time in almost a month, Helen lost consciousness, falling still and cold. She was out before she hit the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Yuki Alistair-von Nacht
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Yuki Alistair von Nacht. That was her name, who she was. Faces, names, memories flashed before her eyes, and she swayed on her feet once more, having to stop and lean against a tree to keep from collapsing to her knees. The wind blew, the November air cold against her bare skin. Normally, she wouldn't even feel it, but as malnourished and starving as she was, everything was beginning to affect her. Her hair hung limp at the sides of her face.

Kisuke stood in front of her, yelling at her, barking orders. She simply walked forward, and through him, ignoring him this time. He dissolved. Her foot caught something, and she fell, catching herself on her hands and knees. She looked around her, her vision blurring with fatigue. Her hand came away, blackened, and confusion marred her features. It would seem that she had stumbled upon some sort of wreckage. She sat slowly, looking around her, noticing what looked like a door off to her right. Except, the door led underground.

Something pulled at the back of her mind. She knew this place. She crawled over to it, tugging at the heavy door. Whatever this place was, the fire had not destroyed it. She found herself staring down a staircase into utter darkness. Darkness...her eyes widened slightly. She knew this place. She was home. The faces of her family flashed before her eyes again, ending with Zero. She shook her head.

She couldn't go back to them. She didn't deserve to go back. She'd hurt them, and almost killed her brother. She didn't deserve them. She didn't deserve him. She was nothing more than a monster, an abomination that shouldn't have existed in the first place. He deserved better than her.

She slowly made it down the steps, her eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. The memories of this place came flooding back, memories of pain and darkness, of cold, and solitude. Of silence. This was where she belonged. She never should have left in the first place.

You belong here, with me...

Yes, father... Her mind answered.

Kiba paced restlessly as the family moved. Cross Academy was in ruins, they could not stay there, so it had been decided that they would all go to the Kuragari household, if only because they were the closest, and Emrys wouldn't make it anywhere else. In truth, he'd barely made it there. Even now, his condition was far from stable.

Kiba felt for him, for all of them, really, but...he could also feel Yuki, and he was restless. He couldn't form a complete link with her, as every time he tried, she shoved him out, but he could pinpoint her location. He knew where she was, and he wasn't letting her get away this time.

Unable to stand it any longer, and knowing that he couldn't get through to her on his own, the familiar sought out the only person who could. His yellow eyes looked up at the eldest Kuragari. "I know where she is."

They wasted no time, the familiar leading the pure blood. It didn't take them very long, and Kiba, while he'd never seen it, recognized the location as what had once been the Alistair Estate. The wolf's ears flattened slightly, sniffing at the air. He tracked her to the solid pair of doors in the ground, and he snarled slightly. The scent of blood hung heavy in the air, the underlying scent of crushed pine along with it. That only ment one thing, and in answer, a shadow shot up in the wolf's face.

Kiba yellped, skittering backwards before racing down the stairs. Wanted or not, he was not simply going to let his master continue this. Because this would kill her. He couldn't get close to her, she prevented that. His ears flattened against his head, his tail between his legs. Yuki sat in a corner, blood slowly dripping from her nose, and her hands. Her eyes were wide, staring at nothing. It was as if she didn't even realize that they were there. She probably didn't. The fingernails of her right hand had been all but torn off as she scratched at the wall. She was muttering something under her breath, and Kiba caught it, but only barely.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

Kiba let out a whine. "Master..."

Zero had taken to looking after the injured, namely Emrys. They had all retreated to his family's home not too far from the Academy. That was one thing about the von Nacht's and Kuragari's, they always had a home somewhere. It wasn't for flashy occurances, but more for strategic placements. There had to be a place for them to conduct councils and have an advantage on the battlefield. He sighed, running his hand through his burnt locks as he closed his eyes. Cross Academy had been destroyed, there was no going back to it now. It was the last neutral zone, but with the attack, it was sure to cause some hands to be forced in the war. His attention was taken when when Kiba spoke to him.

"Take me to her," were the only words out of Zero's mouth when Kiba spoke to him. He knew where she was. His heart nearly fell to the pit of his stomach that day when Hel was able to get through to her, however; the look in her eyes nearly devastated him. It was one of pure and utter horror, of regret, and it had slowly killed him. He followed closely behind Kiba, his eyes taking in the surrounding area, and something flashed behind his eyes. He knew this place...or he thought he did. This was that place, the one from his father's memories. Zero had fed from Vincent once due to an injury he had sustained that would not have healed either way. He had seen a lot from his father, but this place seemed to be prominent in Zero's mind.

It was the place he held her. It was his Uncle and Aunt's birthplace: the Alistair estate. He felt his breath hitch, his anger rising before subsiding. He ran after Kiba, only stopping behind him when they came to a room, dark as night. He need not worry about his adjusting his vision, his eyes did that on their own, and what he saw almost caused his heart to stop. Yuki, she was facing the wall, her fingers scratching along the wall. He could smell the faint traces of blood, and could only assume that she had harmed herself in one way or another. He willed his limbs to move, and as he did, he grasped her from the wall, turning her around and embracing her.

"Yuki stop. This...this isn't your fault," he spoke, his voice coming out a mere whisper as his hold tightened around her.

Yuki flinched when a pair of hands grabbed her, the shadows writhing in response, but they stilled quickly. She didn't have the energy or the control to use them any longer, if the blood now leaking from her eyes was any indication. Her fingers still scratched, even though there wasn't anything there for her scratch at. Her body began to shake as Zero held her. Finally, she seemed to focus, and realize who was there.

"I almost killed my brother, I attacked you...I hurt you...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." She whispered hoarsely, tears mixing with the blood in her eyes. She flinched again, Kisuke's voice echoing in her head once more.

You don't deserve him.

"I shouldn't have left...I don't belong out there."

Bloody words had been scratched into the wall, ranging from words to sentences, saying different things, in multiple languages. Most of them, however, read 'sorry', 'abomination', and 'home'.

Zero tightened his arms around Yuki as she spoke. "That wasn't you, Yuki. You cannot blame yourself for that. What you did wasn't because you did it. Aryan is fine, Hel saw to him, I'm fine. You didn't hurt any of us," he spoke softly against her hair. It hurt him to see her this way, and he couldn't do anything about it. Her words, they were like knives cutting into his skin, tearing him apart slowly, and he hated this feeling of being useless to the woman he loved. He took a deep breath, smoothing out her hair as he ran his hand down her back, combing through the silver locks.

"You shouldn't say that, Yuki. You do belong out there. You belong with us, with me," he spoke, his hold loosening just a bit. "You are not an animal Yuki. You are not something that needs to be caged. You live, you breathe, you love. None of that would have been possible if you had never left. This isn't a life, Yuki. Whatever this is, was not meant for you. You deserve so much better, and if I could give it to you, the world," he continued, unsure of if he was getting through to her or not. He wanted her to see that she was special, that she was a person who deserved as much out of life as anyone else.

Yuki buried her head in his shoulder. Why? Why didn't he just leave her? She didn't belong with them, she didn't, and she never would. He had said that she wasn't an animal. He was wrong. She was, she was wild and feral and she couldn't be trusted. She trembled again, her fingers curling into his shirt.

But then his scent hit her, and she shoved away from him, the fear in her eyes evident. It was oddly reminiscent of their encounter on the roof, but she wouldn't, she couldn't. She was worse off now than she had been when she almost drained her brother, she couldn't take that risk. Not with Zero.

"Don't," he spoke, reaching back for her arm and pulling her back to him. "Don't push me away, Yuki," he spoke, holding her at arms length as his eyes bore into hers. He didn't want her to push him away, not because of this. Let her push him away for any other reason but this. She looked so fragile, and it pained him to see her so. He could see the desire to feed, and he was the only one around. A smile played at his lips, bringing himself lower to her level, exposing his neck in the process. She had to feed, and he trusted her. He trusted her that she wouldn't let her hunger get the best of her.

"Take it, Yuki. Take what belongs to you, and only you. I trust you, because I love you," he spoke, bringing her head closer to his neck in the process. He kept one hand firmly against her wrist, reminiscent of when she first took his blood up on the roof. He wasn't going to let her go, not this time.

She couldn't do anything, not pull away, not run, she was trapped. But it was his voice that she noticed. He trusted her? It was more than she could fathom. How could he? Why did he? Even in her state, she still felt the thrum of electricity that still passed between them. She took a shaky breath.

And sank her teeth into his throat. He had said that he was hers, but he was wrong. She was his. There was no other way to put it. He grounded her, steadied her, when all else threatened to destroy her. She felt her body healing, and she was able to stop shaking as she pulled away slowly. She found herself swimming in sea foam as she leaned forward, her mouth covering his.

I love you, Zero.

Zero smiled, his lips twitching softly as she sank her fangs into his neck and took what she needed. When she was finished, he felt her pull away and stared at her, wiping off the excess blood that pooled near the corner of her mouth. "And I, you," he spoke, leaning into her kiss, wrapping his hand behind her neck before pulling away. "There are a lot of people worried about you. I think it is time we go back to them," he stated, lifting her up so that he was carrying her bridal style. Without another word, they began a slow pace back to his family's home. Yuki was back, and that was all that mattered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari
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This was, perhaps, the first time in a while, that Zero had left Yuki's side. He knew she wanted her space, and that he couldn't keep smothering her like that, though they both really had no complaints. Still, it was nice at least to give her some alone time, or time to spend with her family and not just him. As much as he wanted it to be that way, he couldn't be selfish. He glanced out the window, watching as the snow fell in small flurries, and a faint smile tugged at his lips. It was getting close to Christmas time, and that usually meant his mother would be setting up traps all over the estate. Not that he minded, he'd probably drag Yuki to one of them, or force some of his cousins under them.

It was a tempting thought really. Instead, he shoved those thoughts to the back of his mind for a later use, focusing on the snow as it fell. He pushed himself from the chair he was seated in and made his way outside, allowing the snowflakes to fall upon his face as he stared up at the sky. He almost admired the snowflakes really. Each one was unique, different in every way possible. In a strange way, they reminded him of his family. They were all connected in one way or another, but like the snowflakes, each of them was vastly different than the next. Such an odd comparison, but he thought it fit.

"What do you think mom has planned this year?" he stated, turning his head slightly to meet the gaze of his youngest sibling, his only sister. "Do you think we'll stand a chance?" he continued, turning his attention back to the sky, catching a snowflake on his tongue and smiling when it dissolved.

Leo mimicked her brother’s posture, lacing her hands behind her back and sticking her tongue out to catch a snowflake or two. Her nose crinkled with amusement at his face, though she knew she looked just as silly. That was all right though—she’d never had to worry about being anything in particular in front of her brother. So if she felt like doing silly things, she would, because it was the same for him. She treasured this bond, more than she could ever put into words, and it made her joyful to see him so happy, enough that she felt her mood lifting regardless of anything else going on.

“You know she never tells anyone,” she replied with a smile and a shake of her head. Their mother was the Queen of All Things Christmas, a title happily ceded to her by everyone who got to reap the benefits. The benefits being her delicious food, a fully decorated (and always very musical) home to stay in, the warmth of family, and the gifts. It had apparently been decided about fifty years ago that nobody really needed presents from everyone else, so they basically just donated the money to Ava, who selected one gift for everyone, and it was always basically the most amazing thing ever. Of course, couples still gave their own personal things, but other than that, it kept everyone happy to have things that really suited them, and not have to worry about trying to find space to put it all. Besides, they all found the experience of being together more important.

“But I’m betting it’ll involve food, a ton of mistletoe, and probably some really awesome music,” she said, as though it ever didn’t. Then, in a slightly more somber tone, she added. “It might be the last one we all get together, for a while. Alden says things are about to pick up again, and our parents are going to need us all, now.” There was no telling where they’d end up, and it hurt to think of being separated from the majority of her family for that long. But
 perhaps it was better not to dwell on it for now.

“I’m really tempted to shove Al and Rica under some, but honestly I doubt it would help anything,” she said, shaking her head. Leo wasn’t sure if Balthasar had any feelings for Rica, and it might crush her if he refused to participate. Leora could see the potential there, but it wasn’t far enough along on his end for that kind of push. Poor Rica was so in love it hurt to look at, honestly. She was just glad that Balthasar would never be like Alexander and take advantage of that.

"True, mom's always been so secretive about those kind of things. I was actually hoping she would have told you something this year," he stated, a light shrug of his shoulders in the process. At Leora's statement, Zero almost scoffed before a smirk appeared on his lips. He shook his head lightly. "It probably wouldn't help anything. Rica's too stubborn to tell him, and Bal has no clue. And if he doesn't reciprocate those feelings she has, it'll only make things awkward between them," he sighed softly through his nose before taking a deep breath. Besides, it wasn't in their place to push things. They had to let nature take its course gradually.

If they tried to push something that wasn't meant to be, they would only succeed in making things awkward. In time, it would probably mend, but it was hard to mend a broken heart forever. He didn't want to dwell on that thought, because he knew his would never mend when she died. He promised Balthasar he would live every moment with Yuki, but the fact that she was still going to disappear from his side, would never be with him again, it had already broken his heart just a bit. He sighed softly, allowing a smile to grace his lips in the process, blinking owlishly before he turned back to his sister.

"Well, that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun with it though," he spoke, the smile morphing into a wide grin. "Though, I think the whole family would be a little fun to mess with. What do you say, Leo? Care to start a little early with helping mom hang the mistletoe?" he questioned, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

She was no empath, but all the same, she could sense her brother’s feelings, and honestly, a part of her heart had broken, too, for what would happen to her cousin and to him. But she knew that right now, talking about it wasn’t the thing that would help. Distraction was. And the form of distraction that he suggested was pretty much exactly the kind of thing she felt like doing right now. “You know Zero, for an idiot, you sure can be a genius sometimes. Let’s do it—I know which closet she keeps the stuff in.”

Maybe this time, they could actually get Alden underneath some. He always seemed to know exactly where they were, and she swore he would stand underneath some of them alone on purpose right until someone else walked over, at which point he’d move out of the way just in time. He’d usually shoot her a serpentine grin when he did, as though he knew she was trying to get him and was just teasing her with it. Knowing Alden, all of that was true. It was also weirdly difficult to get Balthasar of all people—he seemed to avoid it by dent of dumb luck. Not this year, though—Leo was determined to prank as many people as possible in this way. No matter how many times she had to move the stuff.

“Make a list, Zero. This is going to be fun.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aryan von Nacht Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari
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Aryan was currently walking through the gardens, the snow falling gently around him. He watched the sky, a slight smile etched onto his face, despite the inner turmoil in his head. Yuki had told him a few days after she had broken the news to their mother. He’d taken it, at least outwardly, much like Balthasar had. But on the inside, something had broken. He’d always known that one day he’d have to face this, he just thought it wouldn’t be so soon.

He also felt immensely bad for his cousin. That would not be an easy thing for him to deal with. Yuki had told him, of course, but still. He sighed through his nose. So far, Zero and her immediate family were the only ones who knew. He didn’t want to think about how the rest of the family would take it when they found out.

”We’ll make sure they’re the best years of your life, Yuki.” He whispered.

Zero wandered through the estate, humming to himself as he glanced at the various things littered about. One in particular caught his eye. It was a picture of the entire family in one of the music rooms. Everyone had their preferred instrument in hand, or in Yuki, Alarica, and Balthasar's case, situated at the piano. He had his mother's violin in his hand, staring at the flustered face of Alarica, who had been situated between Yuki and Balthasar. He remembered that day. He had tried so hard not to laugh, but failed. Shaking his head, he made his way outside, blinking owlishly when he spotted Aryan.

"Yes, they will be the best years of her life. Whatever she wants, whatever she desires, she will have," he spoke, walking so that he stood next to Aryan. "I suppose she told you already then," he spoke, sparing a glance towards Aryan before returning his attention towards the Garden. Surprisingly, it was his father's idea to have such a thing in the estate. His mother designed the garden, but it was his father's idea to have one. Still something that confuses him to this day.

Aryan glanced over at Zero wth a weary sigh, nodding once. It was not an overly great way to start the holiday, but he could also understand why she preffered not to wait with such news. Such was not in his sister's nature. For the most part, she was incredibly direct when it came to just about everything, so long as she understood it. Yuki failed to understand little other than the human heart, but it would seem she was getting better at that.

"Yuki killed the man once, father killed him a second time, and even that is not enough. It really isn't fair. But then, many things are not fair. If I were younger, I might've been more smug with the news with you. I can only thank the heavens that I am that boy no longer. I am sorry, Zero."

"Don't be," Zero responded, shaking his head softly in the process. "There is nothing to be sorry for. Though this is different, this would have come eventually. You are correct, it is not fair. It was never fair to begin with. Yuki was born a noble, she would have eventually died, but to be this soon," he continued, trailing off for a second, running a hand through his hair. There wasn't much they could do, but do what they said they were going to do. They could only give her the best years of her life. "All we can do is ensure that she is happy, that she'll enjoy the rest of her life before it is over, besides," he continued, a light smile tugging at his lips.

"It is something we shouldn't be thinking of such things. It is Christmas after all, we should be celebrating the life we have, not what we are going to lose," he spoke with a light shrug of his shoulders. He really didn't need to think any longer on the inevitable death that would end Yuki. It almost pained him to know that the woman he loved was a noble. Part of him wondered how his Uncle Jasper would take it when his Aunt Nikki died. She too, was a noble, but from his understanding, her life had been prolonged just a bit. He didn't know how, but it had.

Aryan smiled wanly. His cousin was right, now was not the time to be dwelling on such things. He shook his head, chuckling slightly. He'd giver her anything, hm? He wondered what Zero would think when he found out that Yuki wanted children. She always had, though a part of her was also terrified, and now he knew why. She was afraid the child would be like she was.

Aryan's purple eyes slid over to Zero, regarding him with a slight smirk. With Zero being a pureblood, it probably wouldn't be a problem. Still, it did seem a bit cruel, having a child knowing you only had a set amount of time to be with them. Still, that was their choice, in the end. He'd never really considered it before, but Uncle Aryan did have a nice ring to it. He pushed it aside. She would be the one to inform him of anything regarding children, Aryan had no wish to intrude upon that.

"Frankly, I'm just celebrating the vacation, even if it is only one day. The Council can be harrowing, at times."

Zero regarded Aryan with a silent smile as he sighed softly. "Yeah, well no one said it would be easy. For what it is worth, I think you are doing a rather formidable job. Not everyone can do it you know," he stated with a light smirk. Gods knew he couldn't be on the council. He'd probably fuck things up, and that was a thought he did not want to entertain. Besides, his cousin was a bright, manipulative thing, and if anyone could be more suited for such a job, it would be Aryan.

"Well, one day of vacation is worth it all just to be with family. We will be separating soon. Who knows the next time we'll see everyone, let alone if something happens," he stated, his fists unconsciously clenching tightly together. He would be spending his separation with Yuki, but he'd be separated from the rest of his family. Anything could happen within the span of time that they were separated, anything. And he wasn't sure if he could manage it if something happened to his family.

Aryan chuckled. "You worry too much, cousin. I'll be with Emrys, if anyone knows how to keep people safe, it's him. As for the rest of us...we all have our ways. We'll make it through this, just like we always do."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Yuki Alistair-von Nacht
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Yuki sighed slightly, looking down at herself. Somehow, her mother had managed to talk her into the dress she now wore. It was a pale sky blue, setting off the silver of her hair and the yellow of her eyes. It was tight at the bodice, with minimal flare at the waist, accentuating her height, the hem reaching her feet. She wore a pair of silver heels, and the dress bared her shoulders, the sleeves belling out from the elbows down.

She looked at herself in the mirror, her mother braiding her hair. She fought not to shake her head, her mother was enjoying this too much. She smiled however, as she was enjoying it, too. Still, she was a bit unsure about the bare shoulders
which was amusing, considering what she normally wore exposed her midriff considerably.

Zero found himself wandering around the estate again, having just come back from talking with his father. It was odd. He'd never really sought advice from the man, seeing as he had loathed him for a better part of his years. He hadn't exactly told his father what was going on, but knowing Vincent, the man already just knew. It was perhaps one of the things that terrified him about his father. You didn't have to say much, or anything at all, and he would still know. He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he pushed their conversation to the back of his mind.

He didn't want to push things, but if it was what she wanted, he would give it to her. It was far too soon to be thinking about things like that anyway, even though their time was limited. Sighing, he shoved his hands into his pockets and continued to roam. He had left Yuki to her own space as of late, again, as he didn't want to smother her. He would never want to do that, and cause her distress. Instead, he found himself standing outside the door frame of the room Yuki and her mother were currently occupying.

"Good evening, Aunt Nikki, Yuki. The two of you look lovely, as always, but I must say," he stated, leaning on the door frame and crossing his arms over his chest, a light smirk crossing his face. "Yuki, you look rather ravishing in that attire," he spoke, a hint of teasing in his voice. He wouldn't say too much for fear of Nikki, but he could still tease the woman he loved.

Nikki smiled, just having finished her daughter's hair, when Zero entered. She courtsied to Zero, a rather knowing smile on her face, the midnight-black dress she wore accented with crimson billowing out as she did so. She paused on her way out, laying a hand on Zero's arm.

"Do be careful, Mr. Kuragari. The Alistair women are not known for their gentleness."

Yuki let out a sigh as her mother left, shaking her head. "I don't get her sometimes." Once they were alone, however, she wasted no time in crossing over to him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, murmuring into his chest, "I've missed you, Zero."

He chuckled at his aunt's words. That he was well aware of. If his Aunt Erys and his cousin Alarica were anything to go by, he didn't want to know about his Aunt Nikki. Shaking that thought from his mind, he smiled softly when Yuki crossed the room and wrapped her arms around him. He returned the embrace, wrapping his arms around her shoulders in the process as he laid his head down upon the top of her head, placing a kiss upon it before doing so.

"You do not have to miss me. I am always here. If anything, I miss you more," he replied, smiling against the top of her head. Which was true, he did miss her, even when he had her wrapped in his arms he still missed her. He wasn't sure...he paused in that thought and banished it. He still had a lot of time with her. He really did need to stop thinking like that. It was becoming annoying more-so than anything.

Yuki frowned slightly, as if reading his thoughts. She hadn't of course, but even so, his train of thought was not hard to follow just by watching his body language. She sighed softly. pulling her head back to look at him. "I think we both should just call a truce and stop missing each other, it won't do us any good. And we have each other now. So, let's make the most of it, shall we?"

There was an almost uncharacteristic smirk on her face as she laced her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck, lowering his head to her. Kissing was not something she'd done very often; indeed, the only time it had ever happened were the two times prior with Zero, but it was something she had decidedly taken a liking to.

Zero had to keep from smiling so widely, unless he wanted to tear his face in half. "True, but then again, I can't promise that I won't miss you, even still," he spoke, smiling against her lips as she pulled him down to her. "But you are correct, we should make the most of it," he spoke against her lips, brushing against them once more before taking her hands into his. "Let's dance shall we?" he spoke, twirling her around before adjusting his hands upon her waist, keeping one of her hands into his.

Yuki smiled, spinning as he twirled her. Her hand met his shoulder, and she looked at him with half-lidded eyes. "You silly man." She murmured. "You would dance to no music." Silly or not, she loved him, and that was a fact.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keir Alistair Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Aryan von Nacht Character Portrait: Balthasar von Nacht Character Portrait: Alarica Alistair Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari
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After all the present opening in the morning, the family was more or less left to their own devices for a while, which meant that most of them were occupying the large living room, spread out over the various pieces of furniture, occupying themselves with games or conversation or food, of which there was plenty. Most of their parents were around, but the central living room was basically the haven of the younger generation at present, including the other four Kuragari brothers. Leora, as it turned out, was just entering the room with another plate of cookies, unaware that she had passed under a certain conspicuous object at the same time as Alarica was there, who did not seem to know that she was standing beneath it.

“Ne, Leo,” said Carlisle, her youngest brother and the family’s primary contact with the Dissident hunters’ group. “You and Rica.” He’d been entertaining himself with backgammon against his immediately older brother Lysander, but since he was facing one of the two pieces of mistletoe in the room, he’d also taken it upon himself to notify the entire set of relatives when someone and someone else happened to be under it at the same time. His telekinesis may also have been responsible for moving it, but if so, he wasn’t fessing up.

Leora looked over her head as if to confirm it, then at Alarica, and shrugged. Balthasar was in the room, which just amused her further. Setting the baked goods down on the table and rolling her eyes when Alden immediately descended upon them like a ravenous shark, she returned to her previous spot. “How ‘bout it, Rica?” She didn’t mind if her cousin rather wouldn’t, but knowing the other woman’s instinct for doing the unexpected and the mischievous, she doubted there would be a real protest to the notion.

Alarica had been standing off to the side, leaning against the door frame as she stared at her cousins. She had a delicate brow raised as she watched most of the Kuragari males devour Ava's cookies, something she had grown quite used to over the years. It must run in the family or something, because no matter where they were, they would always find a way back to Ava's cookies. Not that she could blame them really, her aunt had always been great at baking things. Alarica could cook, that much she knew, but when it came to baking...she leaves all the baking to Ava and Leora.

No one wanted a destroyed home, and Alarica was content at letting it be. There were some things she just couldn't do, and she was perfectly fine with letting baking be one of them. She sighed softly, her attention being drawn towards the second youngest Kuragari when she heard her name. She glanced up, spotting the mistletoe hovering above her, and her brow ascended further up her forehead. Leora just passed by, and judging by the look on Carlisle's face, that meant that Leora and herself had momentarily been standing underneath it. She mirrored Leora's shrug with one of her own.

She watched as Alden attacked the baked goods, scoffing slightly in the process. "You are an idiot to think I wouldn't do it otherwise, Carlisle," she stated, a light smirk covering her features in the process. She had, momentarily, forgotten that Balthasar was in the same room. There was a challenge hidden beneath that tone of Carlisle's, and she was never one to back down from one. "Shall we show them how it's done, dear cousin?" she stated, the smirk pulling wider across her face.

Alden watched with some interest as the smirk across his sister’s face grew to match the one on their cousin’s, and he smiled inwardly, quite anticipatory regarding all of the various thoughts he was going to hear in reaction to this. Some of them were already a bit funny, but he hid his amusement well, reclining back against the couch and chewing over his cookie with enthusiasm. His interest was purely professional—he had taken it upon himself to teach his little sister how to do these sorts of things, and he was going to be sadly disappointed if she didn’t remember the lessons for lack of practice.

As it happened, Leo raised a hand to Alarica’s cheek, laying her palm against it and leaning slightly forward and down the couple of inches they had in height difference. It was assuredly a showman’s kiss, not entirely chaste but nothing too risquĂ©. He was duly impressed when she remembered to nip a little at her cousin’s lower lip on the way back, though. This, of course, produced a catcall from Lysander, who thought the whole thing was hilarious. Carlisle, who in fact had not believed they would actually go through with it, looked faintly gobsmacked, and Leo tapped the underside of his chin on her way past. “Pick up your jaw, Carey, you look like a fish.”

He had to try very hard not to laugh at the fact that Balthasar’s train of thought just stopped for a moment, screeching to a halt before picking back up again with a bewildered shake of the man’s head. Helen was mildly confused as to the point of mistletoe in the first place, but otherwise oblivious to the appeal. Zero, of course, had fallen out of his chair laughing, mostly because he’d been leaning back too far to begin with.

“Not bad, Leo,” he pronounced, pushing his glasses up his nose a bit. “That’s a solid seven out of ten, but it was pretty obvious you don’t usually kiss girls—if you’re going to do it again, get used to being taller.” She was at least a pair of inches over the next tallest female in their family, and more than that over the average woman.

Leora frowned. “Put up or shut up, Vi. Go stand under that thing, and kiss the next person that walks through that door. I don’t care if it’s dad—since you have to be flexible and all.” It was pretty much the first rule of seduction, after all.

Alden’s response was to shrug. He knew exactly who the next person through the door was going to be, and it wasn’t going to be their dad. He certainly didn’t mind—but would his unwitting partner? He was rather interested to find out.

Yuki had watched the entire thing with a slight amusement at the whole situation with Leora and Rica, and even more so when Zero ended up in the floor. She raised a slight eyebrow as she stared down at him. She shook her head slightly, her amusement only growing as Alden stood under the mistletoe just as Emrys entered the room. He’d been about to just go through when Yuki stopped him with a wall of telekinetic force. She wasn’t about to miss this. She smirked at her cousin, who looked confused at smacking into something invisible.

Emrys rubbed at his nose slightly, blinking. Yuki was smirking at him, Zero was on the floor, and Alden was in the doorway. He glanced at each of them until Yuki glanced above him, and he did the same.

”Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” He looked down at Alden, who was grinning at him. He sighed. ”Well, are we bending over backwards for them, or shall we just go our own way?”

Emrys really did have to learn how to consider his verbiage a little more carefully before he spoke. “You’re welcome to bend over backwards if you want to, dear cousin, but I at least certainly intend to do this my way.” He arched an eyebrow, then turned towards his only sister, giving Leo a wink. “Watch and learn how to handle being the taller one, dear sister mine.”

Of course, the purpose of such things was not best served by simply throwing oneself at one’s intended target with no ceremony whatsoever, so Alden was deliberately slow, partially to give his cousin a chance to escape (which he was far too stubborn to ever do), but also for the effect it would naturally have. Anticipation was one of the best weapons in the arsenal of teasing, and he played it to its full advantage here, placing a hand at the side of Em’s neck before sliding it back and up slightly so as to tangle his long fingers in the sun-blonde locks his cousin sported. This of course was also an excellent way to assure that he didn’t worm his way out of anything. Hovering bare inches from Emrys’s face, Alden let their breathing co-mingle for just a moment before he closed the gap, brushing his lips with a light, teasing motion over the other’s, once, twice.

On the third pass, he actually committed to the kiss, and unlike in Leora’s case, there was nothing even remotely chaste about it. It was heated, open-mouthed, and a bit lingering, and at the end of it, he pulled away with a smile on his face and absolutely no shame whatsoever. He heard his sister sigh. “Yeah, okay. That’s your win, Alden.”

If he were being completely honest with himself, and he usually was, he didn't want to worm out of anything. That did not stop his mind to come to a screeching halt the first time their lips connected, nor from actually participating in the kiss.

Leora's sigh and subsequent comment did, however, force him to remember that there were others in the room, at which point the eldest Alistair blushed almost as crimson as his eyes and cleared his throat awkwardly. It was Yuki's turn to laugh, because in that moment, Emrys reminded her so much of his father back when she'd first met him that it was uncanny. She was doubled over in her chair laughing, causing Emrys to glare at her.

Keir, on the other hand, arrived late enough that he wasn't sure what was happening, he just knew, at the moment, he couldn't pass because his brother and his cousin were standing in the doorway. He glanced at both of them, and then looked up, and laughed. "Aw, you're kidding me, I missed it? At least tell me you did a good job, Em."

Emrys scowled at his little brother, but then glanced up at the mistletoe again. "You know, you're under it, too." He grinned a little wickedly, and Keir shook his head. "Oh no, I don't think--" He was cut off, however, when both Emrys and Alden leaned in, each kissing Keir's cheek at the same time, effectively sandwiching him between them. Em loved it, he didn't even have to say anything. Such was the perks when your partner in crime was a telepath. Keir scowled.

"You guys suck."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Alden Kuragari Character Portrait: Yuki Alistair-von Nacht
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Yuki paced. She paused. She paced again. She sat down. She stood up. It seemed as though no matter what she did, she simply could not sit still. Of all things, of all times, this had to happen now. It had been something she'd given up on a long time ago. She was happy, of course, but this hadn't been how she wanted it.

She leaned against the wall, blushing slightly when she remembered that night. She'd fed from Zero, and then one thing had simply led to another. She sighed, and paced again. She needed to tell him. She wanted to tell him. She just had no idea how to go about telling him.

It was not every day you found out that you were pregnant, after all.

Zero twisted his neck, listening to the pop it made. A faint smile tugged at his lips before morphing into a frown. He was going to be leaving soon with Yuki, his aunt, and his sister. He had been against Leora going out onto the battle field, but there wasn't much he could do about it. Most of the family was battle prone, and his family was no exception. Perhaps his mom, but she was always such a gentle creature, though she could still be fierce to the point it scared him. He shook the thought from his head as he wandered down the hall. He was meeting his family for a meeting, and he was currently on his way there.

"Yuki?" he spoke, blinking a bit confusedly when he spotted her pacing. "Is there something wrong?" he spoke, wrapping his arms around her shoulders in a light hug.

Yuki sighed, relaxing into Zero's hug. It was amazing, really, how he made her feel better just by being there. She wondered if this was how her parents felt. She could only imagine that it was something similar. She shook her head. "No, nothing's wrong, in that sense. Do you remember the night a few months ago, where" She paused, blushing slightly. Her fingers curled into his shirt, inhaling his scent before finally saying the words. They sounded strange to her, saying them aloud.

"I'm pregnant, Zero."

Zero stared down at Yuki as she spoke, a smirk forming on his lips as he recalled that night. She had fed from him, and before he had known what happened, it was a night of ecstasy on their parts. He hummed a thoughtful noise at the back of his throat, trying to keep himself from laughing at the memory before placing his chin on top of her head. "Of course I do," he spoke, placing a kiss ontop of her head as he pulled back. The smile disappeared from his face as he continued to stare at her.

And then she spoke those words. He blinked a few times, the information registering into his mind. Again he blinked, still trying to properly register the words she had spoken. He knew pregnant was one of the two words, however; he couldn't register the fact that she was pregnant. That she would be having his child, out on the battle field. Immediately, his arms tightened around her, a large grin plastered on his face as he burried his nose in her hair.

"We're going to be parents," he spoke softly. The thought finally struck him, however, and he pulled away from her, holding her at an arms distance. " you want to stay? I can't force you to stay, and I know you'll not want to, but still," he spoke. If he could, he would have forced her to stay, but he couldn't do that to her. It was her decision if she still wanted to go out to the battlefield in her condition. For a brief moment, he wondered what his mother would think when she found out she was going to be a grandmother. He could only imagine the look on his father's face.

Yuki had to fight not to roll her eyes. Instead, she smiled. "No, Zero, I'm not staying anywhere that isn't with you or my mother. Now, come on...we, ah...should probably tell the others." That was something she was decidedly not looking forward to, but it was necessary nonetheless.

Ava’s hand was twined in her husband’s as she and her family, minus Zero, headed towards the front door, the majority of them packed and ready to go off wherever. Leora looked absolutely miserable, and she was feeling the strong urge to pull her daughter aside and ask what troubled her, but she was hiding it under the same face her father wore, which meant that likely only herself, Alden, and Vincent would be able to read her actual mood. It was a sure sign that she didn’t want to discuss it, and now was unfortunately not the time.

The Kuragari brood, as it were, passed their eldest and his beloved in the hallway, and Ava stopped the procession, smiling over at the both of them. She hadn’t spent so many years as Jasper’s assistant and not learned to read people, and the look Yuki was wearing on her face, that subtle glow that had nothing to do with her actual expression, was immediately clear to Ava, having possessed it herself no less than seven times. The way Alden was grinning, licorice wand dangling from between his teeth, was a sure indication that she was right, and she struggled to contain her excitement, squeezing Vincent’s hand gently and fidgeting, attempting not to jump up and down with glee. They should be able to present the news properly, after all.

What she did do was open the opportunity, before Alden could be much more blunt about doing the same. “Hello, you two. It’s almost time to leave—we were looking for you, Zero.”

Vincent had decided against his better judgement to leave his daughter be. He had not missed the sudden drop in her mood, nor the fact that she had taken to hiding behind it with the facade that he knew all too well. If she needed to speak about it, she would, on her own terms. He trusted her enough that in time she would, whether it was with him, one of her brothers, or even Jasper's son. He cared not who she talked to as long as she eventually did. His hand clasped a bit tighter against Ava's, giving a gentle squeeze before loosening the hold.

Zero's eyes swiveled to meet the gaze of his mother before glancing at his family. They had to be told regardless, and perhaps it wasn't the best of times to say such things, it needed to be done. The look on Alden's face already gave it away that his brother knew, however; he still needed to voice it. "I was on my way to catch up, but it appears that you have all come to me," he spoke, his usual teasing missing from his tone.

"There is something you should all know," he spoke, pausing only momentarily to let the information sink in. Before he could speak another word, Vincent cut the silence, saying what Zero wanted to say, however; he merely shook his head. Leave it to his father to be ever observant. Then again, the man did have seven children. Part of Zero feared that there would soon be more on the way, however; those thoughts were for another time.

"She is with child," was the curt reply from Vincent, glancing towards Yuki as he sighed softly through his nose. There were times he wondered if his son actually ever thought about anything he did. Now was not the time to be bringing in new life, however; it would only make him a hypocrite if he were to ever state that. He and Ava had seven children in the war, raised them all the best that they could. He thought about it for a moment before a light glittered behind his eyes. "Congratulations Yuki," were the only words he spoke.

Ava sighed when her husband delivered the news in his usual blunt manner, elbowing him in the side. “You’re not one of the parents this time, dearest, so don’t steal the thunder.” Nevertheless, she was smiling brightly, as were all six of her other children. Even Leora had managed to shake off her melancholy for a moment, punching her brother in the arm.

“You dog,” she told him, but the words were laced with affection. “Congratulations, both of you,” she said, shooting her father a look. Sure, Z wasn’t having the kid, but it took two to tango, vertically or horizontally. Her mother, apparently unable to contain herself a moment longer, at last departed her father’s side, coming to stand in front of Yuki.

“This is probably going to make you slightly uncomfortable,” Ava confessed with a rueful smile, “but it’s a good skill for when one has a family. We’re all going to hug you now.” She started, throwing her arms around Yuki’s shoulders warmly. “I’d say welcome to the family, but you were already a part of it,” she admitted with a smile, and it was at this point that Leo, Tugging Zero in one hand and Alden in another, joined the hug, wrapping around the two smaller women with a giggle. The rest of her brothers piled on afterwards, swaying back and forth in some amorphous Kuragari blob that was nevertheless missing a component.

“Vincent Kuragari, you are not in this group hug and I know it!” came Ava’s considerably muffled voice from somewhere in the middle. “You suck it up and come hug your children and future grandchild, or so help me, I won’t hug you for a year!” The threat was impotent, and they both knew it, but the point was clear.

“Mom,” Alden said from somewhere behind her, “We’ve really got to work on your leveraging skills. You could have dad in your back pocket by now if you knew what to actually threaten him with.” He was pretty much there already, but she should be telling him she’d be withholding something much more desirable than simple hugs if she really wanted to make a point.

“Hush, Violet. This is a group hug, not an opportunity to show us all how smart you are.”

yes, mother.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Diya Kuragari Character Portrait: Yuki Alistair-von Nacht Character Portrait: Bryer Kuragari
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The family was separated for a total of seven years, and in that time, only infrequently did any two members of it cross paths with one another. Some never once caught sight of one another in that time, but all were connected through the impressive organizational and informational networks of Morgan, Alden and Ava, and so it could be said that each of them took a small moment to smile and celebrate when the news reached them of the birth of Yuki and Zero’s first child, their daughter Diya, and a year later, her younger brother Bryer. Over the next six turns of the earth around the sun, each of them would meet their newest relatives, and not one of them was less than charmed.

But war waits for nothing, and certainly not for children, and time moves ever apace. Each of the groups found themselves almost too busy to handle over the intervening years, and not one person was unchanged by the events they encountered and participated in. Some changed less than others, but few changed more than the fledgling family born of Yuki and Zero Kuragari

Two hundred and fifty years was perhaps a very long time to go between seeing family members. At least, she would assume so. She really neither knew nor cared, and as such, she held a lack of certain things like notions of family and love. She could fake them well enough, she'd done so for the first sixty years of her life before her parents had died, after all. For a long time, she'd thought her brother had died, too. But she had been proven wrong in that.

The night air was chill on her bare feet, her waist-length midnight black hair hovering around her, as if suspended. It made her look like some wild, magnificent spectre, her red eyes only furthering the design. A strange little song escaped her, the melody carried away on the wind. She laughed at nothing in particular, leaning her head sideways as if listening to something. In the darkness, one could make out two other figures with her, though they gave off no scent, no heartbeat was detected, and they made no sound. But they moved when she did, and the three slowly picked their way through the trees, towards the mansion where she knew her prize was.

She had a grandson to meet, after all.

Nikki von Nacht was, without a doubt, a very patient woman. She would have to be, with her granddaughter and grandson running along after her most days she was in the house. She loved them both dearly, but some days, there was work to be done that she'd rather they not be around for. Well, Diya at least. Bryer had proven more than once that he was capable of handling such gruesome matters, to the point where Nikki often forgot he was only six years old. She shook her head slightly, trying to banish the prickling feeling that was underneath her skin, as if something was wrong. She tried to occupy herself with other things, like organizing her brother's desk. Sometimes she wondered how he got anything done.

Yuki, on the other hand, was currently curled up next to the man she loved and the father of her children. She was feeling particularly lazy and did not feeling like waking up, her son curled up between his parents. Their daughter, of course, had other ideas. Quietly, the little girl crawled up into the bed, peeking over her father's shoulder. She reached out a finger and began to repeatedly poke him in the cheek.

"Daddy. Daddy. Daddy. Wake up!"

Seven years was perhaps a blink of an eye to one such as a pure-blood, however; for Zero Kuragari, they were the best years of his life. He could not fathom the happiness he received from the two pairs of feet that had run along the house, echoing their laughter, their voices in general, throughout the home. There were times he wondered if he was truly ready to be a parent, however; the thought eventually subsided. No one could ever prepare for things such as parenthood, but he and Yuki managed to make the most of it. He was happy, she was happy. That was all that mattered.

Currently, he was laying in bed, his arms wrapped around Yuki and encasing their son. A slight sensation was poking his cheek, and he heard a vague sound. Groaning slightly, he turned, cracking one eye open and allowing a tired smile to greet his features. He moved his arms so that he managed to trap Diya in them, bringing the girl over as he rolled with her. "I think not little one," he spoke, nuzzling his face into her hair in the process. "Daddy likes his sleep," he spoke, kissing the top of her head in the process.

Diya laughed in delight as her father all but smothered her. By this point, both Yuki and Bryer were also awake, the latter giving a tired little smile over at her daughter. She had to shake her head slightly. Seven years and they were lucky if they got five hours of sleep at a time. Diya was an endless ball of energy, and she did so enjoy proving it.

Bryer, on the other hand, seemed to be wide awake, and for the most part he was. His big pink eyes looked up at his father and sister, he blinked and then gave a funny little smile. Diya had been his alarm clock for as long as he could remember, at least on the days that he could actually sleep, so this was no surprise to him.

jaciv ui confnir. jaciv ui confnir. jaciv ui confnir. jaciv ui confnir.

Bryer's eyes widened fractionally. It was the voices again. He sat up slowly, conscious of his mother watching him, but looked out the window nonetheless.

jaciv ui confnir. jaciv ui confnir. jaciv ui confnir. jaciv ui confnir.

The voices were getting louder, but it was odd, like he was hearing them through a layer of cotton. He just wished they would go away.

Nikki jumped slightly when a knock rapped across the door. She frowned. They hadn't been expecting anyone, and what was more strange, she couldn't smell anything either. Her eyes narrowed, her hand reaching for Benehime as she approached the door. Every fiber of her being screamed danger. The face that she saw when she opened the door was one she would never forget, in all her years.

She found herself staring into the eyes of Michaline Alistair, her mother. But her mother was dead. An eerie little laugh sounded from behind Michaline, and Nikki jumped again, preoccupied by her thoughts to notice the scent enter her vicinity.

"Aw, is poor big sister too shocked to say anything? I'm hurt Kiki..." There was something...very familiar about that voice, something that Nikki couldn't place. She wasn't sure she wanted to. "And where is our dear big brother? I was hoping to see him again..." Nikki couldn't see her, but if she had to guess by the tone, whoever was speaking was pouting. Someone was messing with her. They had to be. She finally managed to get over her shock and form her face into a fierce glare. "Show yourself. I'll have none of these games."

The voice giggled again. "Oh, that's so mean, Kiki!" Naya Alistair stuck her head down over the edge of the porch's awning, her hair cascading down in waves and then floating, suspended. "Is that how you're going to treat your own little sister? Have you forgotten me, Nikki?" She made a frown, everything distorted because she was up-side down. "It was Jasper, wasn't it? He made you forget! That's so rude...but I haven't forgotten you, Sister..."

Nikki couldn't breathe. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. The name escaped her lips before she even realized she was speaking. "Naya..."

Zero chuckled as Diya laughed, reaching over towards his son and placing a hand on top of his head. "Everything alright, kido?" he asked, watching as his son slowly rose and glanced out the window. He followed Bryer's gaze, glancing out the same window, but saw nothing. He pursed his lips together momentarily before glancing down at Yuki. She had a tired smile upon her face which only caused the grin on his to widen. As he opened his mouth to say something, the sound of the door knocking caught his attention.

"Who could that be?" he stated more to himself than any of the people present. He removed himself from the bed, rolling off and letting his feet hit the ground, sending a light shiver down his spine. There was an odd feeling rolling down his back, one that he couldn't place, and it bothered him. Shaking his head, he sighed softly, shooting his family a soft smile before opening the door to the room. Though the knock was plenty soft, he could still hear it as he heard every other small noise. One of the perks of being a vampire was heightened senses, hearing being no exception.

"Aunt Nikki?" he spoke, glancing at her shocked expression when he came into view. He still couldn't see who was outside of the door, however; he did not miss the name that left his aunt's lips. Naya? Who was Naya? He couldn't recall anyone by that name, or at least no one in particular that wasn't a part of the family. But then it clicked. Naya, Naya Alistair, Nikki and Morgan's sister. His eyes widened slightly as he rushed towards his aunt's side.

Leora had been up early that morning, taking a run around the house they were all in for the moment. She and the others still frequently found their way onto battlefields, but for the moment at least, they’d been granted a short reprieve. She knew her brother and Yuki were glad for the chance to spend some time with the kids, and honestly, she was too. Diya was the cutest little thing, and Bryer was probably the most interesting kid she’d ever met. She never forgot he was a kid, exactly, but she was still pretty consistently amazed by how quickly he learned things. It was fun watching him interact with the other members of the family, actually.

She allowed these thoughts to occupy her mind, because she would rather not think about all the things seven years had managed to change for the worse. She understood now the darkened look Alden got to his eyes when someone asked him a question about his work, and what he and Emrys were talking about when they talked about the toll. Leora had been still just a girl when the time came for her to start paying it—nineteen and still untried. Seven years later, she was twenty-six and an old hand with killing and battle, and she knew how much it could hurt to pay the toll.

She would like to be able to say that the first few years had been the worst, that she no longer cried herself to sleep at night, that she no longer saw the faces of the people she’d killed in her dreams, but
 it would be a lie to assert that. It was just as bad now as it always had been, and she understood why her mother had never taken to this kind of thing. Her soul was far too gentle. Leora’s soul
 might have been that way, once, but she’d bathed it in blood so many times now that it was mangled and twisted and blackened, and there was nobody left to protect her from it. Growing up, her parents had sheltered her from the worst of the world, and then when she’d tasted it the first time, Alden had taught her to build a shield so that she could keep it at arms’ length again. Now
 there was no shield for this. Not even the Aegis in her blood.

The worst part was that there was really nobody to talk to about it. Zero and Yuki were so happy with their family that she didn’t want to interrupt that warmth and light, now that she knew how limited that happiness would be. Aunt Nikki was a wonderful person and a good mentor, and seven years had made her Leo’s mentor, after a fashion, but she was so accustomed to fighting, had that Alistair flair for it, and Leora felt like admitting her weakness to someone like that would just make it worse. So she hid it all behind her father’s face, or rather the version of it that she wore, and she pretended that everything was fine.

Of course, even thinking the word Alistair made her think of him, and she increased her speed until she was almost flying around the grounds, her feet barely touching the ground. How she wished she could fly, could just soar so high above everything that it seemed not at all to matter anymore. She missed flying with Balthasar. Hell, she just missed Balthasar. She missed them all, and some days, she just wanted her parents, or Alden, or anyone who wasn’t so terrifyingly happy that she couldn’t help but envy them.

More than anything or anyone, though, she just wanted to see him.

Leora wasn’t a fool. She knew what that meant. Seven years should have dimmed the keenness of that pain, but for her, it had simply sharpened to a razor point, on which she cut herself far too often. She hadn’t seen his face in seven years. She’d seen Rica a few times, and Ary and Vi and Em and Helen, but she hadn’t seen Balthasar or her parents or him, and she was feeling the loneliness of that with a fervency that she hated. Any of them would have been a balm to the wound in her soul, but it was they she’d always seemed to miss, in the between-time of battles and the endless red haze that fell over her eyes when she was forced once again to end life to preserve other lives. If this was the toll, she wasn’t sure she had anything left to pay.

She hoped, prayed even, though she knew not to whom, that he didn’t care for her anymore. That seven years had done for him what it could not do for her, and that he was happy as he could be, given the circumstances. Sometimes, she even hoped that he’d found someone else, but her heart wouldn't let her hold onto that hope for too long. She was a horrid, selfish person, but she was slowly coming to terms with that. Because at least she’d been strong enough, and good enough, not to subject him to this, to her. Leora counted it strongly in her favor that that much was true, at least.

Something moving in the corner of her vision caught her attention, and Leo was brought from her thoughts by the sight of three figures moving towards the house. Her brows drew together, her mouth compressing into a suspicious line. Thinking quickly, she stepped into the nearest shadow, her form dissolving into it so that she lost visibility, sound, and even her distinctive smell, had become one with the dark. Jumping several times, she ended up in the shadow of a woman with black hair, walking behind another woman, who was flanked also by a man. She watched and waited when the one she followed climbed up the awning, and the shadow Leo belonged to stopped. It was strange—though the leader had a scent and an aura, neither of the other two did.

Her Aunt Nikki answering the door produced more confusion than anything, and then her brother appeared. The leader was obviously psychotic, but
 just what was going on here?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Diya Kuragari Character Portrait: Yuki Alistair-von Nacht Character Portrait: Bryer Kuragari
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Yuki sat up, sliding her arms around Bryer. Something was troubling him, and it bothered her that she did not know what it was. A shiver ran down her spine, her brows furrowing as she frowned. She looked at her daughter. "Diya, I want you to stay here, with your brother, okay? I'm going to see what Daddy's doing." Diya's big blue eyes looked up at her mother, and she nodded. "Okay, Mommy." Diya scooted over, wrapping her arms around Bryer's shoulders. Though neither of them would say it, both children could also feel that something was wrong.

letoclo udoka. seilor udoka duulo.

Bryer shivered.

"Ooh, goody! The little Kuragari lord is here. But where is the little Aegis girl? I was looking forward to playing with her. Oh well. She's not what I'm here for, anyhow." Naya giggled madly as she swung down, landing silently behind the Michaline puppet. Naya's eyebrows rose slightly, her grin only widening with Nikki's increased confusion. She touched the Michaline puppet on the arm, and it immediately sank down onto one knee. "She looks almost exactly like mom did, huh? She should, I made her myself. Daddy is here, too, see? It's amazing, what one can do with a bound soul...and it would seem that my grandson has inherited my ability, yes? That's good...I've always wanted a student. It's a shame, though, that the girl does not have it. I have no use for her."

Naya spun around on the ball of her bare foot, her grin shining as she did so. "Oh Sebastian!" She trilled, her voice sing-song. "Do be a good puppet and take care of the Kuragari lord for me? I have a feeling he'll just get in the way. Mother Dearest, go find the boy. I'm feeling a bit nostalgic...I think I want to play with my big sister for a while."

Both puppets did as they were bid, the female heading off in the direction where she could sense the other animator, the one called Bryer, while the male, Sebastian, headed straight for Zero. Nikki had gone through it all, her eyes glued to her sister, not wanting to believe what she was seeing. But when the puppets moved, Naya too, flickered out of view, reappearing right in front of her sister with a gleam in her eye that screamed insanity. Nikki's eyes widened, but she was too shocked to react in time, Naya had latched on to her wrist, pulling her forward before slamming her chest with an open palm. The force of the blow sent Nikki straight into and through the far wall.

"Oh dear. Please tell me you aren't going to disappoint me, Kiki...I've been looking forward to this for oh so long."

Sebastian was a tall man, who other than the height, looked very much like his son Morgan. His face, however, held no expression, and his eyes were a dull, lifeless red. He did as he was bid, of course, attacking the Kuragari without hesitation, the polarity in the area around Zero reversing and sending the Pureblood to his knees. It was then that Sebastian spoke, his voice flat, lifeless.

"He can help us."

Yuki, on the other hand, found herself face-to-face with a woman she had only seen in memories. While she was rather unsure of what was going on, the intent was clear enough: this woman wanted past her, and the only thing past her was her children.

Like hell that was happening.

With seconds of coming across from her, Yuki had forced Michaline to retreat back into the entryway, the scowl on her face only deepening as she took in the damage already done. At this point, Yuki didn't care what was going on, she just wanted these people away from her family.

letoclo udoka. letoclo udoka. letoclo udoka. letoclo udoka.

In the room where their parents had left them, Bryer was shaking violently, his hands covering his ears in an attempt to shut out the voices that only he could hear and could not understand. Diya held her little brother, trying to comfort him, but to no avail. "Bry..."

Leora chose this moment to appear, torn between assisting Yuki and helping her aunt, but it was clear that Nikki needed it more—clearly in too much of a state of shock to do anything. So she appeared from the shadow of the doorway, having jumped into it when the Michaline-puppet passed it. “Back off my family, bitch,” she snarled, not in any mood for this sort of thing. She’d heard enough to guess who all these people were supposed to be, and Naya or not, this woman had no good intentions for them. Leo wasn’t about to let that stand, and with the speed borne of her blood, her training, and her years of practice, she launched a heavy kick for Naya’s midsection.

For a brief moment, Zero's eyes flashed a dangerous crimson. This woman, this Naya, she was deranged. The look in her eyes was feral, and laced with dangerous intent, however; the moment she spoke about his family, a low growl emitted through his throat. His family was not something one threatened so lightly, and could get away with it. His eyes, however, darkened considerably when Naya ordered the female puppet to go after the boy. The only other boy around was his son, Bryer. Immediately, Zero made to move, but found himself unable to.

"What the," he gritted between his teeth as he found himself on his knees. Something was forcing him to his knees, and he didn't like it one bit. Sebastian was doing something, something that Zero couldn't put his finger on, however; he began to summon his ability, the energy around him, and forcing it within himself, sending it through the electrical current of his body. It was enough to give him his mobility back, however; it was still hard to keep on his knees.

"He can help you? Who?" Zero spoke, his gaze furious and angered. If Zero had paid any attention, he would have noticed the resemblance the man shared with his uncle, Morgan, however; Zero wasn't interested in who or what the man in front of him looked like. He was only interested in destroying him. If he wanted to do that, he'd have to make it quick. His ergokinesis would only last for so long before he was drained of his energy, rendering him to fall to his knees again. Gritting his teeth, he attacked Sebastian.

What felt like hours was merely a few minutes at most as Zero let out uneven breaths. Every time he would get close to destroying this thing, it always seemed to regenerate itself. He was growing weary, tired, and it did not help that he was concentrating every thing he had into keeping his body from being subjected to Sebastian's polarity control. His ability was the only thing canceling it out. He manifested a ball of light into his hand, attacking Sebastian with it, but the puppet merely dodged. He growled, his frustration becoming apparent.

He needed to end this quickly. Something sparkled, catching his attention as Zero dodged an oncoming attack from Sebastian. Though he appeared physically fine, Zero would have sported a few scars already from the attacks that had landed upon him. His regeneration, however, was slowing down with the passing moments. He managed to grab the back of Sebastian's head, forcing the puppet to look at him, and he noticed it. Sebastian managed to twist out of Zero's grasp as the two men stared off. Zero lunged first, his fist aiming straight for Sebastian who countered.

The scent of blood filled the air a bit thicker than normal as a sharp pain went through Zero's shoulder. The point where his shoulder met the socket had been pierced by Sebastian's hand, the whole fist being exposed through his back. Zero winced slightly, however, with a fluid movement, his forefinger and thumb plunged deeply into Sebastian's right eye, pulling it from the socket as quickly as he could. He had to get close enough to do this, and the only way for that to have been possible was for Zero to become injured one way or another. Once the eye was free from the socket, Zero crushed it.

He then pulled Sebastian's arm from his shoulder, watching as his blood coated the ground. He fell to his knees, the fatigue finally settling in as he banished his ability from his body. "Leo," he spoke softly as his eyes went towards his sister and his aunt. He couldn't focus with the loss of blood, nor did he know what happened to Sebastian. He didn't care. He needed to go to his family. To Yuki, to Bryer, to Diya. With that thought in mind, he forced himself up, holding his shoulder in the process to keep it from bleeding further.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Diya Kuragari Character Portrait: Yuki Alistair-von Nacht Character Portrait: Bryer Kuragari
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Diya Kuragari Character Portrait: Yuki Alistair-von Nacht Character Portrait: Bryer Kuragari
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Naya had been in the process of walking slowly towards her sister, a deliberateness in her step that spoke of intent to harm, when something collided with her side. Even with the amount of force used, she only stumbled a few steps, and she looked over at the newcomer. Her grin only widened, her eyes a light. "Oh, where did you come from, lovely? You smell like the Aegis girl...oh how delightful!" She giggled again, the sound light and airy. She spun, her foot amed for Leora's head, Nikki almost utterly forgotten. Indeed, she herself could barely move.

Fire and water do not mix, and as it were, Yuki was beginning to seriously consider using that in order to finish this, even if it did have the chance to kill her. She didn't care, she was not going to allow harm to come to her children. In the end, it didn't matter one way or another. Yuki and Michaline had backed towards the door, and Diya opened the door. Bryer was curled up into a little ball, shaking, and she didn't know what to do. Of course, with the scene before her, there was little any of them could do.

Naya's eyes narrowed at the open door, just barely able to see Bryer on the bed. But Yuki and Diya were in the way. She had little use for either of them, really. "Oh Michaline..." She purred, and with a speed that most would have thought impossible, the puppet moved, sending Yuki into the far wall, and headed straight for the little girl.

The stench of blood mixed with pine and something sweeter hit the air. Yuki hit her knees, positioned between Diya and the puppet, a hole in her chest where her heart had been. Her eyes, once a vibrant yellow, had gone flat and dull, utterly devoid of life. Diya simply stood there, her big blue eyes wide, blood splattered across her face and hair.


It was as if everything simply stopped then, and the silence was broken by Naya, who threw her head back and laughed. It was not the light, airy giggle that it had been before. It was heavy, and dark. "Oh how precious...she died to save her daughter. Now tell me, Kiki, that sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it? Isn't that what our dear mother did years ago? Hm...I wonder if this one would make any use as a puppet...I can always toss her back if she's not..."

Lost in her musings, Naya did not realize that Bryer had moved. The little boy was now standing next to his sister, his face a blank, expressionless mask, except for his eyes. A deep crimson, something akin to pure rage shined behind them, as he stared at the body of his mother. Naya only noticed him when waves of energy began to roll off of him. That, and she suddenly found herself with a sword through her right forearm.

It was Yuki. Her eyes lifeless, her wound not healing, and no expression on her face, Yuki stood before Naya, blade in hand. Bryer had not moved, but one look told Naya all that she needed to know. "My think you brought her back already.'ll be a better puppet master than I am, boy. Now let's see what you can do!" She tore her arm free, and with a flick of her wrist, brought Michaline back to her side.

Bryer stared with a deep hatred at the woman who reminded him of his grandmother. There was a deep silence around him, he couldn't even hear the voices any longer. All he was aware of was her, and the fact that his mother was dead, and she was the cause. He wasn't even aware of the fact that he was crying.

"Die." He whispered softly.

Nikki, from her position behind Naya, shivered at the scene before her. There were too many things for her to understand, but she did understand two things: the first was that Yuki, her daughter, was dead. The second was that the woman in front of her, Naya, was the one who killed her.

Something snapped. She lunged at Naya, the rage, the regret, the confusion all evident in her eyes and voice as she screamed something incoherent. She had aimed for the back of Naya's head, intent on kiling her, but Naya was faster. She spun, catching Nikki's wrist and twisting it behind her back, pulling Benehime out of it's sheath and holding the blade up to her throat as she forced her sister to her knees.

Her long hair fell in front of her eyes as she grinned, Nikki utterly helpless. "Think, Bryer. You've lost your mother this night, would you like to add your grandmother to this list? Although...I have half a mind to kill her anyway, that would cause Jazzie to break...what do you think Sister? Do you think your husband would weep for you?"

Nikki struggled, the blade biting into her throat. No. No. She would not die here, she could not die here. Her eyes were a steel-cold glare as she looked up at the woman who had once been her little sister. "Fuck you." Naya laughed. "Oh my, what a mouth!"

Bryer hesitated when Naya took control of Nikki, his body tense as he watched. Naya was getting distracted, and that was an opening he could use. Using more subtle movements than those Naya deployed, Bryer moved Yuki around Michaline, and right after Naya said the word mouth, Hineko slid upwards through her chest, piercing straight through her heart. A look of surprise laced Naya's features, and she looked down at the blood-coated blade. She grinned again then, looking over at Bryer, who still glared at her.

"Oh've gone and killed me. That's too bad, you would have made such...a good..." She never finished her sentence, as she desintegrated before she could. The effect on Michaline was instantaneous. Without a master, the puppets could no longer function. The soul trapped inside screamed, though Bryer was the only one who could hear her. The puppet itself merely stood there. But Bryer could hear it howling. He crouched, covering his ears.

Leo ducked swiftly under the blow aimed for her head, flipping backwards in just enough time to hear her won name spoken aloud. Turning, she caught sight of her brother over her shoulder. Uncertain what the right choice was in terms of action, she acted on instinct alone, and she was at Zero’s instantaneously, taking the majority of his weight on her as he half-collapsed into her side. Winding an arm around his waist, she threw his good arm around her shoulders and tried to walk the both of them inside. They needed to stop these people, and then surely, Yuki would be able to—

Both of them stopped dead in their tracks as they passed inside, in just enough time to watch the scentless woman rip out Yuki’s heart. Leo’s eyes went wide, their color a near-perfect match for the smears of her brother’s blood on her face, her arms, her clothing, and she felt him sag against her, losing consciousness. Oh gods, he’d seen

Burdened down by her brother’s weight and in shock, Leo could do little more than watch events unfold, words like puppet and grandson swimming around in her head until she finally got some kind of tenuous hold on the whole situation. Naya
 this was Nikki’s twin, and she was implying that she, not Aunt Nikki, was Bryer’s grandmother, and therefor Yuki’s mother. There were the actual bodies of her dead parents, and she was using some kind of ability to animate them, the same power that little Bry was using on his own mother right now.

Leo regained her ability to move only when she saw her little nephew covering his ears, as though he could hear something that pained him. Setting Zero down on the ground as carefully as she could, Leo straightened, her face as devoid of expression as her father’s ever was, and straightened to a stand. She didn’t know how to kill these things, exactly, but she had a guess. Worst case scenario, she’d just have to try again, but
 she’d just had to watch all that happen, and there had been nothing she could do for her family. She had more than enough anger to dismantle this puppet as many times as was necessary. Taking a deep breath, Leo extended her nails until they were vampiric claws, then formed her hand into a spade or dart shape, plunging it into the remaining puppet’s back until she felt its heart. Closing her hands over the organ, she felt somehow that she had the right spot, and squeezed until it was crushed ash in her hand. The rest of the body followed, dissolving into a cloud of nothing, and Leo fell to her knees, feeling suddenly weaker than she properly should.

Her eyes swung to where the puppet-Yuki still stood, and her only thought was that she was glad Zero didn’t have to see this part.

Bryer was only aware of the silence that followed, the Michaline-puppet having been destroyed. For long moments, he didn't move.

Yuki felt her soul slipping from her body. It was an odd feeling, dying. Everything was cold, and where ever she was, it was dark. But there was an overwhelming sense of belonging, as well. But something was tugging at the back of her mind as she floated in the void. Something didn't want to let her go. There was a flash of crimson light, and she became suddenly very aware of her surroundings, scents, sights, and touch. Her body felt...wrong.

Her body. She was back in her body. But she was not in control of it. She could hear something whispering to her, and she was compelled to comply, doing whatever it told her to do. Then, everything was over, and she fond herself standing over her mother, who was mutely staring up at her. Yuki understood then, what had happened. She felt a longing desire to return to where she had been, to go back. Her dull yellow eyes traveled over to her son, and her heart broke. She didn't want to leave him, to leave them, but she had little choice. She did not belong on this plane of existence any longer. Without a sound, she made her way over to her son, and placed her hands on his shoulders.

" need to let me go, little one." Bryer looked up, as if surprised to hear his mother talking. Stubbornly, he shook his head, tears still streaming silently down his cheeks. Yuki smiled. "Please, Bry...I don't belong here any longer. You saw how Michaline and Sebastian were. Surely you don't want that for me as well?" She gently wiped away her son's tears as he shook his head again.

"I love you, Bryer."

Hineko's hilt shattered, and Yuki closed her eyes as she slowly dissolved. Bryer's shoulders shook as she disappeared, his silent tears turning into sobs.



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Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Diya Kuragari Character Portrait: Bryer Kuragari
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Leo wasn’t exactly sure how she did it, but she managed to roll out of bed the next night, careful not to disturb her niece or nephew, both of whom she’d slept curled around to keep them comfortable. Aunt Nikki was in the room, too—none of them had really felt like being separated after the events of yesterday, and that made complete sense. Zero had yet to wake, and they’d put him up in the room next to the one that had been his and Yuki’s, but not the room itself. Waking up to that, and then those memories
 it would be jarring to say the least.

She needed to check on him, though—she wouldn’t feel right if she didn’t. It was halfway down the hall that a familiar scent entered her nose, and Leora had to stop and compose herself so as to not burst into tears on the spot. Seven years
 seven years, and at least, her mother was here. At the worst possible time, but then, this was exactly when they would need her the most. Leo opened the door to the room Zero was in, to find her mother sitting at the side of his bed, her thumb rubbing small, soothing circles on the back of his hand as her other, alight with her healing luminance, worked the soothing skill into his still-wounded shoulder. The wound closed, and Ava brushed the auburn hair back from her son’s face.

From the redness of her eyes, Leo knew her mother had been weeping. Her own eyes matched, she was sure. “Mom
” she choked out, and her mother turned, smiling sadly and gesturing her daughter over. They both fit in the chair Ava occupied, and she wrapped her arm around her youngest, moving her palm up and down her daughter’s back. Leo’s shoulders shook, and Ava propped her chin on one of them, still holding Zero’s hand with her own left.

“It’s okay, Leo,” she whispered softly, tightening her hold on her only daughter. “It’s okay to cry.” And just like that, everything that the last seven years had done, to her and to them all, compounded by the tragedy of yesterday, came pouring out her eyes, and Leo wept in truth.

Everything was dark. The world was dark, it was cold, and there was nothing he could feel. The last thing he could recall was the scent of blood permeating the air, and it wasn't just anyone's blood. It was hers. It was Yuki's blood that coated the air in a thick scent that it almost suffocated him. But that was just a dream, right? He was dreaming. Yuki wasn't dead, and the hand that was currently rubbing circles upon his own, even as his eyes were still closed to the world, was the hand that belonged to her. Then why was he so afraid of opening his eyes?

Slowly, he shifted, cracking his eyes open as slowly as possible. His body ached, and his shoulder still felt sore. They were clear indications that he had in fact not been dreaming. Everything that he had witnessed, everything that had happened, it was all real. That woman's hand, plunged through Yuki's chest, had been real. She was gone. Yuki was gone, again. The only thing, he wouldn't be able to get her back. Ever. There was no going after her, no chasing her to the ends of the earth to bring her back. She wouldn't be able to come back.

She was gone. And he would never get to see her again. He wasn't even able to say goodbye. He couldn't say goodbye to the woman he loved because she was gone, stolen from him before her time. Already, he could feel the back of his eyes stinging, and as he fully adjusted to his surroundings, the light that had once been vibrant behind his sea-foam green eyes, was dull and lifeless. He stared at his sister as she wept in their mother's arms. How much more of this could they take? How much more did they have to endure before the world ended, before they could live in peace to raise their family?

"Leo, Mom...she's gone," he spoke, his voice low, monotonous, and void of any real feeling but pain. Pain at losing the woman he loved, the mother of his children, but most of all, his reason for existing. Without her, there was just no purpose, however; he stopped himself in that thought. He had Diya, and Bryer. He had his son, and his daughter. They would be his new reason for existing. They would be the reason why he was anchored to this world until the time came that he could join Yuki once more. But for now, all he could do was weep for her, and that is what he did.

Unashamed, unafraid, he wept for the life that was lost to him. He wept for the innocence that was stolen from not only his sister, but his children, his lost wife. He wept for the life that was stolen from his children whose mother would not be around to see them grow. They still had forty years together, and it was plenty of time to raise Diya and Bryer, to watch them grow, perhaps finally end the war, and watch as they carried on the family line with the ones they loved. Yuki would no longer be a part of their lives, his life. The tears continued to fall in a searing sensation across his cheeks as his fist closed softly around his mother's hand.

When Zero stirred, his mother’s eyes snapped to him, and part of her broke for the emptiness she saw. Leora sniffled, took one look at her brother, and crawled in next to him, hugging him around the waist, and their mother moved to sit on the edge of the bed beside them, running a hand in repetitive, soothing motions through her son’s hair. Her heart clenched in her chest, and Ava lamented what was lost. Yuki first and foremost, but also the other things that she could see that seven years had taken from her children. In that time, she’d been fortunate enough to see her grandchildren and her son, but not her daughter, and the changes in all of them threw her, to the degree that her head was spinning with it all—the unanswered questions, the what-ifs, but most of all
 just pain. A mother’s pain, pain on behalf of her children.

She could only imagine what Nikki must be going through, and she mourned for her friend just as surely as any of them. What was precious was lost now, in all but memory. Those memories, she knew, they would have to hold tightly to, but there would be times when even they were not enough. She recalled the promise Vincent made to her every time he left, and she wept because her son did not have his beloved to make it to, to ask it from. Shifting her position, she gently moved her son’s head into her lap, still stroking his hair, her other hand moving to entwine with her daughter’s. There was nothing else she could do for them, in this moment, and for that, she felt a failure as a mother.

What did one do or say in the face of such pain? There was nothing. There were no words, no actions, that could make this better. All she could do was be there, physically present and willing to do anything they should ask of her. That was it, and it was not enough. Ava knew this with a cold, trembling certainty. She would do it anyway—because if they simply stopped going, then none of it would ever mean anything. One thing at a time, and the first thing was to allow them to grieve, as long and as hard as they needed to.

Bryer did not sleep. The voices had returned, and they would not leave him be. But it was more than that. What he had done was wrong, and more than one wrong had been commited. His sister had slept fitfully, and he had watched her in the arms of his Aunt. His grandmother had fared no better, and in fact, Bryer was almost sure she had not slept, either. One look at her face and the dark circles that hung under her eyes confirmed this.

Leora was the first to leave, and Bryer sat up, then. Nikki at first did not move, but she did when Diya spoke. "G-ma...where's Daddy?" Nikki smiled as best she could, sitting up and taking Diya into her arms. Silently, Bryer followed. Nikki's chest hurt, some twisted lump in the place where her heart had once been, but even so, she worried about her grandson, about the utter lack of emotion that she saw there.

She was not surprised to find Ava present, and the second she set Diya down, the little girl went straight over to her father, her little hand wrapping around his as she looked at him sadly. Bryer, however, stayed next to Nikki, one hand clenched into her skirt as he half-hid behind her, as if he was afraid to enter.

It wasn't that he was afraid to enter. He felt he had no right to. He'd killed someone, and what was worse, he'd brought his mother back onto this plane of existence when she had no reason to be here. He understood more about his ability because of this encounter, and he reviled it now. He was no god, what right did he have to go around using souls? He was nothing more than a monster, and the fact that he had so easily killed another, regardless of the fact that he had been protecting his grandmother or not, only added more proof.

Zero wrapped his arms around Leora as best as he could. His mother tried her best to soothe him, however; he just couldn't feel it. He wanted to, so desperately so. He wanted to feel that calming affect, that soothing gesture that made everything feel better. But nothing would ever feel better again. It would mend, with time, his heart, but it would never be better. It would remain broken, jagged and unhealed. He sighed softly, inhaling the fading scent of her. He could still smell her, though faint as it was, lingering about. He was brought from his thoughts when Nikki appeared, Diya going straight for his hand while Bryer stayed behind Nikki.

His eyes softened as he watched his children, running his free hand through Diya's hair as he tried to muster a smile for them. "Diya, Bryer," he spoke, mustering enough emotion to be laced into his voice as he called to his children. He could see something behind his son's eyes, something he couldn't quite place, and a part of it broke his heart. He sighed softly. He had to be stronger than this. He had to be strong for his children, so that they could be allowed to grieve for their deceased mother, while still having their father for support.

"Nikki...I'm sorry," he finally spoke, addressing his aunt in the process. What was he apologizing for though? The fact that he couldn't protect Yuki? The fact that he let her die before her time? That he had failed to protect her when she needed him most? He did not know, and he could not describe the feeling of something reaching inside of his stomach and twisting it around. "I'm sorry," he repeated, turning his attention back to Diya. It hurt to stare at his aunt, and he wasn't even sure he could face the rest of his family once they found out.

Leora slid back when Diya and the others appeared, allowing the little girl to get in closer to her father. Wiping her face of her tears as well as she could, she gave her aunt and nephew a watery, wan smile, which faded abruptly on seeing the look in the little boy’s eyes. It didn’t take Leo long to guess what it meant. She was not the most academic of her relatives, nor the best strategist, but Leo had an instinctive understanding of emotion that she shared with her mother. Only, unlike Ava, she had seen what happened, and could connect the child’s obvious guilt to the events.

On bare feet, she padded quietly over to where he was, hidden partially behind Aunt Nikki, and descended to her knees in front of him. For a moment, she just looked at him, reading the guilt and the hurt hidden behind the lack of expressiveness, and she shook her head slowly, opening her arms and leaning forward a little to wrap them around her nephew. “You saved us,” she whispered, softly enough that only he could hear her. “You saved us in the only way you knew how. Don't ever feel bad about that, Bry. Thank you.”

He could understand what his aunt was saying, surely. But that didn't make him feel any better. But instead of speaking, he only allowed her to hug him, closing his eyes in the process, trying to block out the voices.

Nikki watched silently as Zero apologized to her. That right there was almost too much for her to handle, and a tear slid slowly down her cheek. No, he had no reason to apologize. If anything, she should be apologizing to him. She'd hesitated, and if it had not been for that, she may have been able...

She had to stop her train of thought. She could not have known that her sister had survived that night so long ago that would not stop haunting her, even after two and half centuries. She'd watched Naya die, and in truth, Nikki believed that she had died that night. The woman who had appeared before them had not been Naya. In body, perhaps, but not mind. Naya had always been gentle, and kind, and that woman had been anything but. "No, is I who is sorry..."

Diya closed her eyes, buring her face in her father's chest as two big tears fell down her cheeks. "Daddy and Bry hurt...I don't like it."

Zero shook his head lightly at Nikki. It wasn't her fault. None of this was their fault. The fault lay with the war, the one who started it. If it had not been for that, they would all not have suffered so. They would not have had to have lost the ones they did. Yuki would not have suffered as she had, his family would not have to suffer for it now. They could have all lived peacefully, in a faux ever after, but it was too much to ask for. He was a fool to think otherwise. Sighing softly, his attention was taken by Diya when she spoke.

"We are all sorry," he spoke, responding to his aunt before turning towards Bryer and watching as his sister hugged him. "I'm sorry, Diya. Daddy won't hurt any longer then," he spoke, poking her nose softly with his forefinger and offering her a small smile. He wrapped his arms around his daughter, allowing her to bury her face into his chest as she cried. He would see to it that this war ended. He would do everything in his power to end this war, even if he had to die to do so. His children, his family, deserved to live in a world free of war, and he would do everything he could to provide it to them.


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Zero stared out the window, his eyes slightly glazed. They were not as dull and lifeless as they had once been, however; they were not so vibrant either. He had learned to cope with Yuki's death, for the sake of his children. It was hard, knowing she was gone, and for a while, Zero had neglected himself, never his kids, but himself. His hair had lost its luster, dark circles had formed underneath his eyes from the lack of sleep, however; he always tried to keep himself composed for Diya and Bryer. They were the only link he had to her, and he couldn't lose them too.

He ran a hand through his hair, feeling the limp, wispyness of it as he pulled a few strands out. A small smile appeared on his face as he released the strands into the air. He pushed himself from his seat and stood. He needed to stretch his legs a bit. Diya was with his father, that much he knew, and Bryer had opted to keep to himself. Zero tried everything he could to get his son to talk more about the situation. Losing his mother at such a young age was not an easy task for either child, however; Bryer had seemed to withdraw into himself. He sighed, his legs carrying him towards a rather peculiar area.

A smile littered his lips, small, but still noticeable. "Why does it no longer surprise me that I find you in the kitchen," he stated, crossing his arms as he stared at his mother.

Ava looked up as her son entered, smiling her usual sun-bright smile and tilting her head slightly to the side. For all that she was his mother, she had never lost the relative air of youthfulness she had, and even when the weight of their lives seemed to burden the others and age them, even just a bit, she seemed untouched. It was not true, of course, but it was a unique gift of hers that she was able to see the happiness in anything, find it like the elusive needle in the proverbial haystack. Even when she saw her son, some of the color gone from him, and it broke her heart, Ava could smile.

“I would hope it no longer surprises you,” she replied with a lofted eyebrow. “I’ve been this way since before you were born—I don’t see it changing, I’m afraid. Now come on, stranger, I made pretzels.” Zero had lost his sweet tooth after considerable overindulgence in his childhood, but she compensated for this by making things he liked that were primarily savory, spicy, or salty, such as the soft pretzels she pulled out of the oven, as if her timing were magic. That, too, was something her children were used to by now, perhaps.

Ushering him into a seat, Ava moved a few strands of his hair around with her fingers, tutting in an unmistakably maternal fashion before taking the seat across from him at the small kitchen table. “I’m glad you came to see me, Zero,” she said quietly. “I missed having you around, all these years.” She’d missed her entire family, as the only time she seemed to see any of them was when they were heavily injured, and then that was only for long enough to have them back on their feet before they were leaving her again. She’d gotten awfully lonely, watching so many retreating backs. Ava was not yet so old that seven years couldn’t seem like forever. It could certainly seem like too long.

Zero shook his head, a faint smile brushing his lips at his mother's response. It shouldn't surprise him, because she was always in the kitchen. Even before he lost his sweet tooth, he would always find his mother in the kitchen cooking or baking something. Though she baked more often than cooked simply because everyone in his family, extended included, loved his mother's sweets. He used to...until he got sick of them. He consumed too many as a child, and he was paying greatly for it. Even if he were to even just have a bite of something sweet, he'd get sick. Shaking his head once more, he entered the kitchen, and stood next to his mother.

"Pretzels? You know me too well already." he stated, a light chuckle escaping his throat before a small frown covered his face. He sighed softly, taking a seat at the small table as his mother took the other side. "And I've missed you all. You can't get rid of me that easily," he stated, a small hint of playfulness returning to his throat. He had missed his family dearly, but he was happy during those years because he had Yuki, Diya, and Bryer. He had his own family there with him, and it had provided to fill the empty feeling he had when he thought of his siblings and parents.

Ava rolled her eyes at her son, but the gesture was playful. If he wanted to talk about it, he would. She was here for that, just like she’d been there for every one of his growing pains and his triumphs. She’d delivered his children, with Freya. She chose to hang onto the fact that she would, barring disaster, always be able to be there for him as she had, to help him raise them and do the silly small things like this that would make him smile for a while. Outwardly, though, she kept her words light. A little bit of normalcy could go a long way at a time like this, and he spent too long with his darkest thoughts anyway. She knew he would—because she knew him as only a mother could.

“Already? I’ve known you for almost a century, mister, and don’t you forget it!” Reaching forward, she flicked his forehead lightly with her index finger, something she’d done to mock-scold him since he was a child. She missed those days, sometimes, not because she wanted him to be a child again, but because in these days, he’d been simply happy, without reservation. But pain and hardship had made her son into the man he was today, and there was no denying that she loved that man dearly. Her eyes softened, though, and she used the hand to lay on his head for a second, meeting his blue eyes. His grandfather, whom she’d never met, had had them, apparently, but her own father’s had not been so different, either.

“I know,” she said gently, with a soft smile. “And we’d never want to. I’m proud of you, Zero, and everything that you’ve become. Your dad’s horrible at saying it, but he’s proud of you, too. And we love you, so, so much.”

Zero covered his forehead, giving his mother a faint mock-hurt look as he rubbed the spot she flicked. He chuckled lightly as he took a pretzel from the plate they were situated on and took a bite from it, a faint smirk crossing his features, but disappearing slightly at his mother's choice of words. He knew she was proud of him, but his father. That was a matter that he still did not know. Was his father proud of him? Even after all of the screwed up things he did? Perhaps he was, perhaps he wasn't. He needed to talk to his father, but that was for another time. He was with his mother now.

"How could I forget that I've been alive for that long? And that you were the one who created me? You underestimate me, mother. I am not as dull as Balthasar," he spoke, shaking his head once more, his smile brightening just a little more. "Yeah, I know," he responded as he glanced at his mom. "I love you too, mom. And even the rest of our crazy family," he chuckled softly. Speaking of which, Leora had a sudden change in attitude. Though she wore their father's face, he knew there was something wrong with her, and he was concerned.

"Have you, perchance, spoken to Leora? She seems...a little lost," he questioned. He was worried about his sister more-so than he was worried about himself.

The question drew a sigh from Ava, and she shook her head gently. “Your sister is in a lot of pain,” she said quietly, “Of a different sort from yours or even mine, I’m afraid. I have spoken to her a bit, but she is resolute in the course she’s chosen, and it will unfortunately only continue to hurt her.” She couldn’t say much more than that, because Zero didn’t know about Alexander and the incident surrounding him, and she respected her youngest child’s privacy. She wished she could do more for her daughter, just like she wished she could do more for Zero, and for Alden, and for all her sons. But they were old enough now that their decisions were their own to make, and the best she could do was offer love and support and someone to lean on if things went sour.

She wished more than anything that she could take their pain away, but it was simply impossible. “For now, we’ll have to let her make her choice, and see if she really ends up going through with things, and be there for her if she needs us. Just like we always do.” They were family, after all, and that meant that they were there for one another, no matter what. “But we don’t need to fix everything today. One thing at a time, okay? You focus on your children and on moving forward as well as you can, and we’ll all do our best, too.” She smiled kindly and took a pretzel herself, tearing it into small pieces. She’d never quite been able to get over her love of solid foods, after all, even if she didn’t really need them anymore.

Zero frowned when his mother spoke. His sister...was in pain? Why? What could have possibly hurt her? The thought that someone might have hurt her caused a sharp chill to go down his spine, and he resisted the urge to pull his lips back into a snarl. No one messed with his sister and got away with it. At least, as long as he and their father knew about it. He knew his father wouldn't have allowed anything to harm his sister, and he sighed softly, running a hand through his hair in the process. As the rest of the sentence entered his senses, he sighed even heavier. So, it was a choice she was making. That... couldn't be good. Why would she choose to hurt herself? He should speak with her, perhaps, but then again, he would probably only make things worse.

"She's a strong girl, she'll be able to make the right decision," he spoke, taking another bite from his pretzel before setting it down. He suddenly lost his appetite. "But like you said, we will be there for when she needs us. I just hope it won't be too late," he continued before laughing at her last statement. One thing at a time: that was her motto. Perhaps he should try and follow it more often. His mother was right, though, he needed to focus on his children and trying to move forward. He could do this. Though it will be hard, he could do this with the support and love he had from his family. That was all he needed.

"I wonder what dad would do without you," he spoke, his lips tilting into a light smirk, his tone a bit teasing in the process. His mother always knew what to say, and he loved her for it.

“The same thing you would all do,” Ava replied with a grin. “Fall into chaos and misery.” She winked, though, to show she was only joking, and stood, giving her son’s shoulder a brief squeeze. “We’ve got your back, Zero. We always will.”


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Bryer let out a soft sigh. It had been two months since his mother had died, and a month and a half since his talk with his uncle. His father had tried numerous times to talk about what had happened, but Bryer was aware that his father did not know what his part in it had been exactly, and he did not relish telling his father what he had done. He didn't want his father to hate him, even though some nagging part of him told him that would not be the case. Diya didn't, and she had seen the whole thing. But his sister was not his father. He was so terrified that his father would hate him, revile him, and he wouldn't be able to handle losing both of his parents. Even so, his grandmother had the right of it. He needed to tell his father, even if it was only minor details.

This was precisely the reason that Bryer now sought out his father. The little boy poked his snow-white head around the door-frame of his father's room. The man was gazing out the window. If he had a mind to worry about that sort of thing, Bryer probably would have winced at how small his voice sounded. "Dad?"

Zero lay in his bed, an arm draped over his face, the other hanging off the side of the bed. It had been two months since Yuki's death, and each day was becoming a bit more bearable without her. Odd, he though it would have been harder without her. He had thought that he would have lost his meaning of life without her in it, however; he had a reason, a meaning to continue living for her. He had two: Diya and Bryer. Their children were his reason to continue on with his life. It took him a while to remember that, but he was glad that he had. He couldn't lose himself lest he wanted his children to suffer more than they already were.

He sat up, removing himself from his bed and walked over towards the window, gazing outside. A small voice caused him to turn his head towards the door. A smile fluttered across his lips as he spotted Bryer. "How's little Ary?" he spoke, teasing his son in the process. He had taken to calling him that after it was apparent at how intelligent his son had proven to be at the age of six.

While Bryer had never really understood the nickname his father had given him, he did not mind it, either. He certainly preferred it over "Bry", though he would never tell his sister that. She'd probably cry, and he had no intention of making her cry. Even so, the barest flicker of a smile passed over the little boy's face in response to his father's. He could only hope that it would not turn into fear, or something worse.

He slowly crossed the room, coming to a stop in front of Zero, which of course forced him to look up, seeing as the six year old just barely pushed past three feet tall, and his father was over six foot. While it was much less obvious than what it had been two months, or even two weeks, prior, there was still that visage of guilt laced in his red eyes.

"Did Grandma tell you what happened that night? What...what I did?" The hesitation and uncertainty in his voice was not hard to miss.

Zero frowned slightly. Nikki had not told him exactly what happened, however; she did tell him that Yuki died protecting her children. That was it, and that was all he needed to know. He, however, tilted his head when Bryer spoke. "What you did? Bryer, you didn't do anything," he spoke, falling to his knees softly and bringing his son into a warm embrace. He frowned, trying to wrap his head around what his son meant. How could Yuki's death possibly be Bryer's fault?

Bryer buried his head in his father's shoulder when he hugged him. If only he could simply believe that, that he'd done nothing. But he had, and no matter how justified it seemed, it didn't make it feel any better. He shook his head a few times. "Yes I did. I...I killed her, Dad." His voice was muffled as he spoke, still facing his father's shoulder. "She killed Mom, she was going to kill Grandma...and I killed her."

He sighed softly, wrapping his arms tighter against his son. He understood now, why his son looked, and was acting the way he had. His son, at six years old, had killed someone, in defense of his Grandmother, his aunt. "You did nothing wrong Bryer. You are young, you should never have experienced that in the first place, but if you had not, your mother would not have been the only one who died. Your grandmother could have died, your sister, you," he began, sighing softly as he leaned into his son's shoulder.

"I am sorry, Bryer," he spoke. "I am so sorry I wasn't there to protect you, your mother," he apologized to his son. If he had not been so hurt, if he had not passed out, he could have saved Yuki. He could have saved his son from this guilt that he was carrying, and his family would not grieve as they had.

No, that wasn't even the half of it. Killing Naya was something he was already learning to live with. It was how he killed her that he wasn't sure he would ever be able to forgive himself for. He hadn't realized that he'd started crying until he tried to speak, and he had to swallow before he was able to.

"That's not all I did, though...Dad, I..." His mouth didn't want to form the words, and for a second he struggled to say anything at all. And then, like a dam, everything just came loose all at once. The guilt, the anger, the pain. His father was right, he was only six. He should be dealing with this in the first place.

"I don't know what I did but I brought her back...I brought Mom back and, and--" He was shaking, a part of him terrified of what his father would think of him. "I used her to kill Naya and then she made me let her go and I didn't want to and I'm sorry..."

Zero pulled back from his son, staring down at him with a baffled look upon his face. Bryer... brought Yuki back? He brought her back? His face turned into one of confusion before his eyes softened greatly. He brought Bryer back into an embrace, his head leaning against his son's shoulder as he tried to contain the sorrow that shivered down his spine. His son was bearing a great deal of guilt, and there wasn't much Zero could do to lift it from him. And he wanted to. His son shouldn't be feeling this way, it wasn't his fault.

"But you did, Bryer. You let her go. That takes a great deal of courage, and if it were I in your shoes, I do not know if I could have let her go. She would have suffered, greatly so. She wouldn't have been your mother if you hadn't let her go. It is hard, and no one ever wants to lose the ones they love, especially your parents, but... I am proud of you Bryer. I am so very proud of you," he spoke, his voice quieting with each word he spoke. It took a great deal of courage for his son to release Yuki, and he would not fault his son for doing what he did.

It wasn't Bryer's fault, and it never would be. He hoped his son could see that. "I am proud of you, for letting her go," he continued, unable to contain his own sorrow as his shoulders shook lightly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keir Alistair Character Portrait: Alarica Alistair Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Emrys Alistair Character Portrait: Diya Kuragari
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Zero walked, hands laced behind his head, in no particular direction. He had been feeling a little better after his talk with his mother and son. It still bothered him that his son had felt the way he had, and a bit disappointed that no one had bothered to tell him what had happened. Yuki was his wife, and Bryer was his son. Did they not think he could handle the news? Were they trying to protect him from something? Shaking his head, dislodging a few locks of hair, the sound of someone sparring caught his attention. A smirk wormed its way onto his face as he came face to face with Emrys pummeling Keir. The younger Alistair child had already sported a few bruises, and he could only guess that Keir must have said something to set the older Alistair off.

"You're not wrong, if you're thinking Keir said something. Keir always says something," Alarica stated as Zero leaned on the rock she was currently perched on. He rose a brow at this before turning back to the other two Alistair males. "Alright, Em, I think Keir's learned his lesson," she stated, sliding off the rock as she walked towards her brothers. She linked an arm around Keir, grabbed his other one, and hoisted him up so that he was leaning on her for support. She shot Zero a smirk as she walked away with Keir in tow. Her oldest brother didn't exactly know the word mercy, but then again...they were Alistair's, and the offspring of one Erys Alistair.

"I take it Keir said something," he repeated the words Alarica spoke moments ago, sending Emrys a questioning look. "And I take it had something to do with you and Vi, because you smell like him. If you and Vi want to keep it on the down low, I'd suggest learning not to smell like him, otherwise it won't just be Keir talking," he spoke, a smirk covering his face as he moved around the rock he was behind, and sat cross-legged on top of it.

Emrys popped his neck, the scowl still present on his face as he did so, though it did lighten slightly after watching his best friend for a few seconds. He didn't look as good as he'd used to, but he certainly didn't look like the walking dead anymore, and that was good. He sighed, though, at Zero's comment. He rolled his shoulders out, stretching things as he walked over to the rock, leaning on his stomach as he looked up at Zero.

"I don't really give a rat's ass if people talk, what I do care about is my little brother making some snarky comment about my sex life when he can't even figure out his own. What's between me and Vi has been and probably will be rather obvious. If he wants to not broadcast it, then so be it. I really don't care either way." He flashed Zero a grin. "Good to see you back on your feet again." Well, Zero had never been off of them, so to speak, but he knew what Emrys meant.

"Well, that's what little brothers are for. They try to make your life miserable, but you know he doesn't really mean anything about it. And Keir has a sex life? I wasn't even aware the kid had a life like that," he responded, the usual tease to his voice prominent. Trust his younger brother to do something like that, but Zero wasn't going to judge. His brother could do whatever he wanted to with whomever he wanted. Besides, he wouldn't admit it, but Zero was glad that Alden had found someone to attach himself to. Who knows, it might turn out good for the both of them.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," he replied, sighing heavily and running a hand through his hair. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately, running his hand through his hair. She used to do it in such a subtle way, that it caused a faint smile to appear back on his lips. "I still have a lot to do before I can fully stand back on my feet, but it seems I don't have to go it alone. I have an awesome family," he spoke, shooting Emrys a grin in the process.

"So," he began, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Who's the one on top?" he spoke, trying to contain the laughter that was spreading through his chest.

Perhaps thirty seconds later, Jasper, his granddaughter still astride his shoulders, came upon the sight of Emrys with the girl’s father in a headlock. The latter seemed to be taking this in good humor, judging from the uproarious laughter currently filling the air. The eldest member of the family blinked, shaking his head minutely, but with a similar good humor. “It would appear that your father has put his foot in his mouth again, so to speak,” he informed his granddaughter mildly, waiting patiently for their presence to be acknowledged by the other two.

Diya cocked her head, looking a bit confused. "Daddy shouldn't put his foot in his mouth. I would think that would taste bad..." Even so, she silently watched as her father and her uncle struggled a bit. Her father was laughing, and that was good. You couldn't laugh without smiling first, so now she only had her little brother to deal with.

Emrys let Zero go, the scowl softening, and then vanishing when he spotted his uncle Jasper with his niece. Well, she was more like a second cousin, but whatever. She called him uncle, anyway. Or rather, she did...

"Hi Daddy! Hi Aunt Rits." She giggled at them. Emrys drew a hand down his face. "Can I ask where you get Aunt from, Kitten?" Diya stuck her tongue out at him. "Silly, because of Uncle Ollie! You can't both be the guy, so one of you has to be the girl."

Something like a tired smile wormed its way onto Emrys's face as he turned to Zero. "You did this, didn't you?"

Zero couldn't help the laughter that spilled from his lips when Emrys attacked him. Honestly, he had that one coming, and he knew it. He knew the relationship status of his brother, and that his little brother would never be on bottom. He didn't care about that anyways, he had succeeded in doing something positive for his cousin though. He made Emrys something other than upset or angry. And that was all that really mattered. Even when his uncle, Jasper, and his daughter, Diya, approached, he couldn't contain the laughter and just continued to hold his sides.

He greeted his uncle and daughter, making to scoop her up into his arms when he was stopped in his tracks. He blinked a few times, turning to stare at Emrys, and placed a hand over his mouth. His daughter just called Emrys, Aunt Rits, and the logic she made of the reason caused him to lose his control. He laughed, doubling over as he clutched his sides. Emrys asked if it was his doing, however; he was too busy laughing that he barely caught the statement. Once he collected himself, wiping away a few tears that collected in his eyes, he turned to face Emrys.

"Do what, dear cousin? Tell Diya that you are now considered Aunt?" he questioned, his lips slowly pulling into a sly smirk. He tapped his chin thoughtfully for a second. "Perhaps, perhaps not. But look at it this way, at least one of you likes playing for the bottom team," he spoke before taking off with as much speed as he could muster. Jasper could look after Diya for a bit. He had to hide from an angry Emrys at the moment, and an angry Emrys was only half the equivalent to an angry Erys. Perhaps just a smidge.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aryan von Nacht Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Helen Trist Character Portrait: Emrys Alistair Character Portrait: Alden Kuragari
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How long had it been?

She’d found that she could no longer grasp time properly. Perhaps that was to be expected; one did not enter his presence and remain unscathed. Especially not when one fought it as hard as she had. She remembered vaguely being told what she was meant to do, and then attempting to take her own life to prevent doing it. Because it was such a terrible thing that no life was worth letting it happen, especially not hers. But they’d stopped her, and then they’d made everything happen faster, so that she would not have the chance to try again. They hadn’t been fast enough to stop her attempts, but the damnable blood in her body, her power, kept her from succeeding all the same. She was dangerous even when caged and weaponless—they’d learned that the hard way.

But she wasn’t nearly as dangerous as him. This, she had learned the hard way. They’d brought her to a sepulcher, a tomb underneath the castle she was in, and one of them had moved the lid off a sarcophagus. There was a man sleeping inside, and her reaction had been immediate. She—she couldn’t remember her name anymore, but she knew she’d still had one, back then—had immediately reacted, something in her mind triggering a response she could not control. It was like, in one moment, everything that she had been for the past hundred and some years had just
 gone away. Every effort to build herself an identity, a self independent of Theodor’s intent, had simply been swept aside like it was nothing.

Her memories hadn’t disappeared, exactly. She still knew all the things she’d done, all the people she’d met, and even that she’d come to care about them. It just utterly ceased to matter. Everything had. The light in her eyes had died, flattening them to hazy disks of violet-grey, and she’d simply walked forward, taking the knife her brother had handed her and drawing it across her throat, climbing into the sarcophagus and letting the blood from her vital artery spill onto his lips. As if by some darkly-twisted kind of magic, his eyes had opened, and there was no trace of color to be found in them at all—they were only white. She knew them, knew them as the stuff of her darkest nightmares, and everything clicked together in a moment that left her paralyzed with fear. For all her power, for all her training, for all her cool, logical mentality, Helen was nothing before this person, and she felt it keenly just by looking at him.

The eyes had narrowed, a tongue darting out to taste the fluid on his lips, and he had smiled. He looked like them, like the male von Nachts, and yet at the same time, utterly unlike them. He was perfect, aesthetically, not a single flaw anywhere on his person. Even the crimson stain of her blood on his mouth just served to accent the marble of his skin, an artistic detail that was neither necessary nor truly superfluous. Taking advantage of her stillness, not that he needed it, he had attached himself to her neck, until she was so weak from blood loss that she’d collapsed against him, drawing a dark chuckle from him. The last thing she remembered on that day was the feeling of being lifted almost gently as the man rose from his sarcophagus, and two murmured words that had sent chills down her spine.

“My Queen.”

She had learned since that this position, this thing she had been created to be, was not something she would ever enjoy, but she was simply unable to resist. He compelled her with nothing more than a thought, and if she’d believed what Theodor had done to her inescapable and cruel, his father was infinitely worse in both respects. She retained her mind and her memories, just not her name or free will. She came when he beckoned, answered to whatever designation he gave her, but there was simply no option other than to obey. He was in her mind, always, digging through it with no gentleness and uncovering all the things Theodor had left there—things she had never even guessed were present.

She’d been right—she was a repository for his use. But she was more than that; she was a source of food, a decorative item, and
 she shuddered. She dare not linger on the thoughts. She knew he would hear them, knew what it would mean. So as she always did when she wanted him to ignore her, she distracted herself with a mindless recitation of facts, of names and places. Targets, people she’d killed, birthdays, anything she could list to keep even a tiny hold on sanity. She was a prisoner in her own mind, and her body was no longer hers to control. If there was anything worse to be, she could no longer recall it, because she would rather be dead.

But he would not allow her to die.

Baldr waited at the drawbridge of the castle, unsurprised to see the group making their way over to him at considerable speed. He wondered if they could feel it yet, the dread that his presence evoked. They would be able to feel it soon—he was willing to bet the telepath especially would not have an easy time of it. Being in his presence for any length of time tended to make even a pureblood feel weak and drained; it would have a more pronounced and quicker effect on those of lesser blood. He wasn’t sure how the Queen could survive it, but then
 it was the purpose for which she had been created.

Regardless, all of them, even his great-grandson, would be subject to his will. They simply did not realize it yet. They arrived, Jasper at the head of the procession, the others fanned out behind him. He noted the presence of the Aegis with a disdainful sneer. Perhaps his lord would do him a favor and kill her today, perhaps not. It was not for him to know his master’s plans. And master he was, in a way Theodor could never have hoped to match. But then, at least Theodor had known this. They would all know it, eventually.

He eyed them all for a moment, unsurprised that some were missing. Though the absence of the young prince was inconvenient, his father would serve for the making of the point, perhaps even more poignantly. He was sure that somewhere, Sigyn was enjoying herself at this very moment. “King Malkior will see you now,” he told them simply, turning and leading the way through a series of corridors until they hit the throne room. Ushering them through, he stepped in behind them and closed the door. What choice did they have? Their precious Helen was in here, as was the man they needed to kill to end this farce of a war.

He sat the throne, attired entirely in black. His silvery eyes, flecked with the faintest traces of metallic blue, were eerily similar to his great-grandson’s, as was his dark hair, his height, though he had an extra inch, and even down to the features of his face. The resemblance was so strong that the men could have been twins, or a mirrored reflection of one another, save that there was something about Malkior that Jasper lacked. What that something was could not be said, at least not in any words that Baldr knew, and he was a very learned man.

Beside him and to the right, unarmed, stood Helen. She too wore nothing but black, hers a long velvet gown that brushed the floor. Her silver hair was a glittering cascade, falling from her head and spilling forward over her shoulders and down her back to her thighs. She looked quite well-kept, save for the fact that her eyes were dull. She showed no visible reaction to their presence, simply staring straight ahead, but there was one person in the room who knew exactly how false that impression was. Just touching her mind was enough to send Alden reeling, and he backed off immediately, unsure he could cope with what was in there. It wasn’t just the memories or the feelings or the fact that she was caged, but he was inside there, too, and even the barest brush against his mind had the telepath doubled over, bleeding from his nose.

He managed to straighten, though, when they were addressed. “So,” Malkior spoke, his syllables at once infused with so much power it almost hurt to hear and so little emotion it left Alden feeling strangely hollowed out. “These are the rebels.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aryan von Nacht Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Helen Trist Character Portrait: Emrys Alistair Character Portrait: Alden Kuragari
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The closer they got to their destination, the worse Nikki felt. She could not explain it, other than a sinking feeling of pure dread. By the time they entered, she was amazed she was still on her feet at all. Being in the same room as Malkior was affecting her greatly, if the subtle tremble of her limbs was any indication. She positioned her arms in front of herself, one hand clenched to her chest in that old gesture, one she had not made in decades. It was as if she were trying to shield herself from the man in front of her, the man who looked uncannily like her husband, but unlike him in every way.

Her eyes flickered to Helen. Even in the state she was in, drowning in the darkness, the pain, the fear, she still knew why they were here. She almost flinched at what she saw. She could only imagine what the woman had been through, and she didn't want to. She did flinch, however, when Malkior spoke. It actually hurt to hear his voice, and his eyes...a tremor ran down her spine. They were the same, and yet wholly different, as Jasper's.

Emrys was faring worse than his Aunt, but was holding himself together slightly better, at least for now. His gut felt like it was churning, and he felt ill, though he reflexively turned to Alden when the other man doubled over, his hands on his shoulders. His face twisted into one of anger as Malkior spoke. Aryan wanted nothing more than to go to Helen, but his feet remained rooted to where they were, his purple eyes going back and forth between her and Malkior. He was stunned at how much alike the man looked to his father. At the moment, however, all he could do was look at Helen, his heart constricting inside his chest.

He couldn't tell if she didn't recognize them, or if she was doing it out of self-preservation. He wasn't sure he wanted to know. He didn't want to believe that everything he'd done, all they had worked for to get Helen back to being Helen, had been for nothing. He wouldn't believe that. His jaw clenched as Malkior spoke. Odd choice of words, really.

They had finally found Helen, or at least his son had. Vincent was not one to doubt his son's abilities, none of them, and it was through Alden and Andrick that they were able to find Helen in the first place. Without much hesitance, the family was off to retrieve Helen, however; there were certain things that needed to be attended to. His sister and his niece and nephews, even his own daughter, left to take care of the situation in St. Petersburg, and he trusted them all enough that they would be well. He trusted that they would all watch over each other and protect each other until they could return home. All of them.

Even as they approached their destination, this thought was the only thing going through Vincent's mind. He was worried for his daughter, and for good reason. She had inherited her mother's ability. He would always be worried for her. They were greeted by Baldr, a man Vincent did not know, nor did he care to. They were here for one purpose, and that was to retrieve Helen. This man was nothing more than an obstacle that would be removed if he stood in the way. Vincent was not one to overestimate a person because he had his strength as a pure-blood, nor the fact that he had the Aegis. He was not so shallow a thinker to believe himself invincible.

Everything had limits, even the Aegis. Regardless, they all stood in front of another man, that for a split second, Zero thought him to be Jasper's twin. There were small, hardly noticeable, differences between the two men, however; it was apparent to Zero, that the man they were staring at was nothing like his uncle. This man, from his appearance, to the sound of his voice, spoke and commanded a lot of respect. It commanded power, one that Zero could feel a faint fear from. Who was this man? Zero couldn't recall any conversations about a man named Malkior, or who he even was. At least not any he could remember to be important enough.

He watched as his brother doubled over, blood spilling from his nose as he furrowed his brows. It was his father who spoke first. "We have many names. Rebels is but a one of the many moniker's bestowed upon us," he spoke, his voice erieely calm, though he too could feel the abnormal power rolling off of the man. He could only safely guess who this King was. And if he was right, that could not be a good thing. They were going to need a lot more help if they intended to survive this. But who could help them when their opponent may very well be the very first of their kind?

Malkior honestly wasn’t particularly interested in their answers to his assertions—it was much more interesting to watch what their bodies and their faces gave away. He noted with some amusement the way that several pairs of eyes would occasionally flicker to his Queen. He’d seen her memories, of course—he understood better than she did just how precious these people were to her, and what was more, how important she was to them. He draped an arm out to the side of the throne he sat on, the chair itself cut from a solid slab of obsidian. With a single index digit, he beckoned her forward, and compelled her to answer the summons. “Lovely, is she not? Theodor was a useless son, in many ways, but he did know some things. And when he set his mind to something, no detail was spared. Such a dutiful child, remembering my tastes.” The smile that spread across his face was wicked, and he scanned over the faces in the room.

“Of course, if he were still alive, I’d kill him. My awakening is not the stuff of back-up plans.” His eyes flashed for a moment, and everyone in the room felt a sudden spike in the pressure of his mind on theirs. His eyes moved back to Helen, whose body shuddered visibly, but she advanced forward all the same, climbing into Malkior’s lap and tilting her head to one side. Pushing back what hair remained in the way, he sank his teeth into her throat and drank for a moment, exhaling almost in a sigh as he pulled away and placing a kiss to her forehead before he let her go again. He seemed to have no care for the fact that there were other people in the room, and only after a few more heartbeats did he turn his attention back to them.

“But I understand not all of my heirs are as useless as he. You, boy—you are his grandson.” Jasper’s eyes only narrowed further at being addressed as such, and that drew a dark chuckle from Malkior. “And you carry with you a shadow of my power. I admit I did not foresee its appearance in any but I, but perhaps the world is simply never meant to be without it forever.” A pause, and then he stood, the dais that he was on and his own towering height sufficient to loom over them, casting a long shadow. The color bled from his eyes, and his power swept over the room like an onrushing tide, crushing and fathomless.


And each and every one of them did. There was no other choice. Slowly, Malkior descended the stairs, pausing for a moment when he felt a bit of pushback from Jasper, struggling valiantly to overcome the compulsion, his own eyes losing their own color as well. But the First’s footsteps continued, and he walked among them, stopping occasionally as if to examine his handiwork, or admire the look of particular rage or hatred upon someone’s face. When he reached Ava, he placed a fingertip at the crown of her head, his expression clearly one of amusement. “So you are the Aegis. He was so very proud of you.” He lifted a long strand of her hair, bending slightly so as to smell it. “It is not difficult to guess why.” It was really too bad that no shield was of any use against him, else they might have stood a chance after all.

“A spider in his web,” he murmured to Alden, chuckling darkly. “A shame you wouldn’t use those talents for me—I am rather bereft of those skilled in the collection of information, else I’d have prepared more extravagant welcome.” Whether he was lying or telling the truth was something Alden could not tell—he was too busy trying not to die.

When he reached Aryan, he actually bent so as to meet the man’s amethyst-colored eyes. “The Queen was fond of you,” he said, his voice as smooth and venomous as snake-oil. His use of the past tense was quite intentional, of course, and he straightened, folding his hands behind his back and sighing as if in resignation. “Well, it isn’t much,” he said dismissively, “a handful of knights and a pretender to a throne. But it’s been so long since anyone had been even this much of a challenge. I do miss being able to go all out. So, rebels, I will make you a bargain. Leave now, and I’ll even give you my Queen as hostage. She will be in your care for one year, and then I shall come for her. Prepare well, valiant knights, and see if you have it in you to resist the easy solution.”

He allowed Helen to stand and make her way past him, their paths crossing as he ascended back to his throne, resuming his seat even as he lifted the compulsion upon them. “I should like to see what happens when you are thrown against I and my Pantheon of gods. Do try not to disappoint me. Baldr, show them out.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keir Alistair Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Aryan von Nacht Character Portrait: Balthasar von Nacht Character Portrait: Alarica Alistair Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari
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Balthasar contemplated his twin lances for a moment, testing their weight and balance in his hands, then sighed slightly through his nose and shook his head. They wouldn’t be of any use against Malkior, and he hardly needed an edge against anything else he would face. At this point, it was probably better to simply leave them behind. Setting both back against the wall, he ended up doing no more than checking his leathers and linens. He didn’t wear the fabrics for protection—considering the strength that both he and his opponents were capable of, any such attempt would be pointless, but rather because they were flexible, aerodynamic, and fitted close enough to his body that they wouldn’t stand any chance of getting in the way. That was really the only important thing. Tightening a buckle or two, he raked his fingers through his hair and headed to the foyer.

It was, after all, the appointed date. One year ago, his family had confronted the Progenitor of their entire race, and he had promised them this much time. Whatever they had done, whatever they had become, in this year would have to be enough. If it wasn’t, then
 Balthasar chose not to allow himself to think about the consequences. Setting his jaw, he entered the appointed room and found that it was empty save his mother and father. Jasper was whispering something inaudible in Nikki’s ear, his arms wrapped gently around her, lips bushing her neck for just a moment before he propped his chin on her crown.

Balthasar honestly couldn’t say if he envied his father, or felt bad for him. This was mostly because he couldn’t decide, if it had been up to him, whether Rica would have stayed or gone with. On the one hand
 it was only natural to want to keep her safe. He was sure it was something that all of them felt, at some point or another. But otherwise, he honestly liked fighting beside her, when he had to fight at all. He knew she was strong, could contribute to the effort, could make a difference, and in that sense it seemed just wrong to think about her not being there, facing whatever they faced together.

In the end, he decided, it was what it was. They had to fight, but they also had to look after the kids, and somebody had to be responsible for that. Balthasar let his eyes fall to his feet. There was no point in thinking too much about it. The time for thinking had passed, and would come again when the battle was done. Now, however, was the time to act, and so he simply decided to wait for the others to make their way down, having finished whatever preparation they had deemed necessary.

Nikki sighed softly, relaxing into her husband's embrace. She allowed her eyes to close as her eldest son entered, though she did not move. She didn't want to, just as she didn't want to stay behind as her husband and children went off to battle without her. But, she knew, better than anyone that she needed to stay behind above all others; Brayleigh needed her mother.

It did not take long for Aryan to arrive; he was alone, as Helen was currently with Freya. He was not at all surprised to find his parents like such, it was actually something he'd seen often in his earlier years. He stood silently next to his brother. His face was a cool mask, unreadable as always. Inside however, he was...restless. It wasn't to say that he was worried, but he wasn't completely calm, either. But he was not one to let it show on the outside. They had had a year; he could only pray that it would be enough.

A year.

It has been an entire year since Helen first returned, and the date the Progenitor, Malkior, said he would come for her. Sapphire eyes watched as the laughter of children filled his ears, a smile once hard to form, now present softly upon his face. Zero watched his children, his son and his daughter, playing off in the distance. He didn't want to leave them, but he had to. He had to leave them in order to ensure that they, at least, had a future. He would return to them, that much he had promised, but he wasn't so sure. Even with all the training he did with his family, he wasn't quite sure they could do it. The smile faded slightly from his face, his eyes glazed over as something warm squeezed his hand.

He turned to stare at his oldest, Diya, as she smiled up at him. He shook the thoughts from his head as he squeezed her hand back, watching as she left to go with Bryer. No, he couldn't still think like that. They would win this battle, and he would get to watch his children grow. He would get to watch them grow up, become adults, fall in love, have children of their own, he would get to do all of that. Though it hurt still that his beloved could no longer be here to see them as well, he knew that Yuki would still be with him, in his memories, in his life, in everything that was him, she would be there. And that was all that mattered. He would bid his children farewell until he returned.

Alarica, on the other hand, was restless. To say she was excited would have been an understatement. There were no words to describe what she was feeling. The excitement, the adrenaline coursed through her veins. She and her family would be going up against strong opponents, that much she knew. She also knew that her family had also become stronger over the year, and not just physically either. They had all gained a stronger mentality, each one of them knowing that this battle was theirs, that the war was going to finally end with them as the victors. The pantheon would be destroyed, and the Progenitor dealt with. Though still, doubts lingered in her mind.

Strong as they may be, he was still the Progenitor. He was the father of all vampires, and the creator of the vampiric race. He was powerful, and they only strong. But she had to have faith that the person she loved the most, and her Uncle and the rest of her family would be enough. With that in mind, she followed behind her mother, matching her strides as Ulrik hung off of her shoulder. They were to all meet, to have a final meeting before they left for battle. Her brothers were with their father, probably already there, and Uncle Vincent should be there as well. She knew not where her cousins, Leora, Zero, or Alden, were, but from the scents, they would be arriving shortly.

When they arrived, it was to the sight of the von Nacht family already gathered, and Alarica merely shook her head. Leave it to them to be the ones on time while the rest were late.

Bathasar looked up when Rica entered, smiling gently at the woman he loved, but for the moment, he said nothing. What else was left to be said? This was it, and they all knew it. Leora and Alden arrived next, having met each other in the hallway on their way over. She’d gone ahead of Keir, and he of Emrys, both aware that their lovers would be along presently. Leo punched Balthasar affectionately in the arm, and he responded by ruffling her hair, earning a muted chuckle from her and a grin from him. But then she righted herself, he removed his hand from her head, and things were once again quiet.

Ava was next in, her hand enclosed in one of Vincent’s—at her prompting or his, it was always hard to tell with the two of them. As Brynhilde had been gifted to Alden a long time ago, she wore a different spear sling over her back, this one plainer but just as sturdy. Her hair had been pulled into a tail, trailing to her waist even so, and her gear otherwise resembled her daughter’s—practical, skintight fabric for ease of movement. The only difference was that Ava wore one of Vincent’s trademark red hair bands, and the black cord of a necklace could be seen disappearing beneath the line of her shirt, the pendant worn, as it always had been, against her heart.

It did not take long for Emrys and Keir to arrive, and they did so together, the brothers wearing matching expressions of calm aloofness, though Keir's may have been a bit darker than his brother's. Sagiv was stirring, and for once, Keir was not fighting him, if the fact that his eyes were glowing a bit of a darker sapphire than normal was any indication. Alucard and Solaris trotted next to them, the wolves silent as ever.

Keir was in much the same attire as he ever was; seeing as he would more than likely yield to Sagiv for the majority of the battle, what he wore was of little consequence, and besides that, he was used to fighting in what he wore. Emrys, on the other hand, was dressed much like the rest of the family. Simple, skin-tight, and flexible, though the eldest Alistair did tend to wear a lot of black. Really, the only color aside from his hair and eyes were the silver steel of the seven different guns he wore. While Antissa, Ushas, and Esternos were his three favorites, he also had Vishnu, Nassivern, Isunova, and Kuvera. For this battle, he would be taking all of them.

His eyes roamed over the others, resting on Alden for a second before he seemed to simply stare off at nothing. They were only waiting on Helen and Freya now, it seemed. Solaris rubbed her head against his hand, and he absently petted her.

Freya and Helen were the last to arrive, only the latter dressed for battle. Freya only fought on occasion, and for the moment, she was best put to use hanging back with medical triage equipment, just in case, something which she would do, though her own arrival to the field would be somewhat delayed, just in case. If everything went wrong, she would need to get the word back to the siblings who stayed with the children. Helen, however, was arrayed similarly to the others, her swords strapped firmly in place and her hair tailed high on her head. It was, however, the elder sister who spoke.

“Before you go,” she said calmly, “there is something you ought to know.” Pausing just long enough to make sure that everyone was listening, she blinked once and continued. “Most of you must stay away from Baldr. By now, you know that every member of the Pantheon was created for a purpose. His was to render enemies of the king useless, and he will. With a touch, he can steal any and all abilities you possess—permanently. As long as he’s lived and as many people as he’s fought, he has some version of almost all of them by this point. Such a talent passes through even the nullification that some of you share, so you must not let him touch you.”

Another small pause, and this time, she smiled a little. “Fortunately, Theodor never liked him much, and was afraid of him. So there is a countermeasure. While I doubt his talents would work on those with Malkior’s powers, the Aegis was designed with Baldr in mind. So anyone using it should be able to avoid having their power sapped or his talents used upon them. Be aware, however, that he will be able to injure you physically still. The Aegis was the shield to Baldr’s Sword—he can hurt you, and he will try. But he shouldn’t be able to do anything more than that.” She directed the last words to Vincent and Keir, the known bearers of the Aegis, then nodded slightly and left the room to finish preparing her equipment, laying a delicate hand on Helen’s crown for a moment and then departing.

Once everyone was properly organized and had said their goodbyes, the group left the estate. Malkior doubtless knew where they were—they had made no attempt to conceal it, after all, and even if they had, he’d likely have found the location anyway. Indeed, not three miles outside the estate, they found the army waiting for them. It was arranged oddly: two separate halves. One seemed to be a horde of lesser vampires, from Level E to a few Nobles, and it was enormous. The other, the vanguard, was split off slightly and contained the members of the Pantheon and Makior himself, dressed in the color of night and standing front and center of his servants.

Ava took one look at the arrangement and branched off to the left, where the horde was. “You guys handle the Pantheon,” she said firmly, drawing the spear from her back. “I’ll keep the rest away.” It was a lot of vampires, but the fact was, they needed as much strength as they could muster to handle the Pantheon. When the spheres of light that issued from each of the fingertips of her left hand exploded into the middle of the horde, cutting massive swaths in the soldiers, she knew she’d be able to handle it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leora Kuragari Character Portrait: Alarica Alistair Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari
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Of all the members of the Pantheon, the year under the dominion of the King had changed Frigga the most. Like Sigyn, she had once been led to believe that she was a candidate for Queen. She was certain that, in one of the possible futures Theodor had envisioned, she was. She deemed it fortunate that this was not that future, and had even caught herself feeling a little sorry for Hel, when she’d still been there. Of course, the year since she’d left had been even worse. Malkior was absolutely terrifying, and without his little Queen around to keep him occupied, he’d seemed to take no particular issue with “testing” the capabilities of his other soldiers, which included rooting around in their minds and forcing them to try resisting his control—a futile effort if ever there was one.

The constant fear of being killed on a whim had dimmed Frigga’s uncanny brightness considerably, and though she was now a ruthless, efficient solider even more than she had been, she’d lost the joy in any of it. Thor might have been able to hold onto fighting as a form of release, but to her if anything it was just more work now. She knew that if they succeeded, these enemies of hers, then she would die. She wasn’t sure, but Frigga might actually prefer this. Even the certainty of death would be welcome over the feeling of someone else in her head for the rest of forever. But she had her pride, and she would not die without the hardest fight she’d ever given. Considering who she was and what she could do, it was going to take a lot to bring her down.

Seeing as how most of those she’d fought before were already occupied, she made a line for the ones that remained. She wasn’t going to sneak up on anyone and do them in while they weren’t looking. That wasn’t her style—it was Freyr’s, and she honestly had never liked him much. She did spot the pretty little Aegis-girl, though, standing in shock at the disappearance of her uncle and cousin no doubt. Moving quickly to stand before them, she swung her axe down for Leora’s shoulder, not even managing a smile when the girl ducked and rolled away, coming up in an automatic fighting stance than anything else, delivering a series of hard blows to Frigga’s midsection. Much harder than she recalled the girl having hit before.

“Sorry, dove,” she said, but the words sounded hollow, even to her. She'd regenerated her tongue, but not the spirited lilt of her voice, it seemed. “You’ll still need to hit harder than that. Maybe if all three of you try at once?”

Alarica had to keep the frown from marring her face when Jasper and Balthasar disappeared. Her hand twitched, reaching immediately for Ulrik. Her uncle and cousin would be fine, she believed they would be. She had to believe that they would be. Instead, her mind focused upon the people left standing with her: Zero and Leora. A smirk graced her features as she stared at the eldest and youngest Kuragari duo, shifting so that she held Ulrik at arms length. Zero regarded his cousin and sister with a stare, Ragnarok clutched in his hand as he was itching to pull the trigger on someone. His mother left to handle the small horde of level E's and a few Nobles, a hint of worry crossing his features.

He was worried about his mother being alone, however; he knew she was strong enough to handle it, and that worrying about her would only distract him. He couldn't allow himself to be distracted, there was an enemy approaching, and he could see as the one known as Frigga, attacked his sister. He pulled his lips back, a faint snarl leaving his lips as she spoke. All three of them? Did she truly wish for that? He would have to oblige the woman then. They would suffer a few broken bones, perhaps come close to the verge of death, however; it would be worth it all once they ended this war. Immediately, Alarica was by her cousin's side, glancing at Leora as she pulled her lips back, though she did not bare her fangs as Zero did.

"Then let me be the first to oblige your wish," she spoke, glancing at Leora and Zero as she shot off towards Frigga. Zero wasn't far behind her, as Alarica aimed a blow to Frigga's face, Zero coming up behind her quickly aiming for her abdomen.

Frigga ducked backwards, dodging the blow aimed for her face and retaliating with a punishing stroke to the chin with the handle of her axe. She heard it crack Alarica’s jaw, but it was not a fatal wound by any means. The follow-up from Zero, she simply took, impressed with the force used, but unmoving against it. One of her ribs gave way with a snap, but as soon as his hand was gone, it was healing anyway. The third strike was a sweep from Leora, and that did force her to move, lest she lose her footing and fall to the ground, which would be a serious disadvantage. Se leapt back lightly, readjusted her direction and aimed a series of crushing axe-blows for Zero, forcing him to back up quickly or be sliced to ribbons.

Her face was entirely bereft of its usual smile, even when she blocked a punch from Leora one-handed, throwing the girl back several yards and returning her attention to the girl’s brother. They were stronger than reports had indicated, certainly, but how long would that strength last?

Alarica did not move fast enough, and so she found her jaw slightly cracked, the pain shooting all the way to the back of her neck. She hissed out in pain, stumbling back a bit as she felt along her face. She'd bruise, but the damage done was already healing. She could feel her jaw piecing itself back together and gave a few grazes to make sure it was intact. Once it was realigned, she stared at the battle between Frigga, Zero, and Leora. Zero had managed to dodge a few of Frigga's blows, however; he was sporting a trail of crimson along his arms. Though he had managed to block, he was not unscathed, instead sporting wounds that were closing. He had used a majority of his arms to block the attacks, perhaps not a wise move, however; it was necessary.

He clicked his tongue as he locked glances with Frigga. He shot Alarica a glance, and she nodded. Pulling Ragnarok in front of him, he fired a shot, pushing himself off of his feet to follow behind the bullet as Alarica shot at Frigga from behind, mirroring her cousin's move. She would attack from below, he would get her from above. Either way, it still left plenty of room for Leora to go in and follow with an attack as well. They couldn't give Frigga much room to escape, they mustn't.

Frigga twisted so that neither of the bullets struck anywhere vital—in fact, one of them rebounded off her unnaturally-hardened skin. The other managed to lodge in the back of her shoulder, though her healing factor had pushed it out and healed the wound in no time. She was about to get out of the way of the lunges when she felt her legs become entrapped, by none other than Leora, who used her own to tangle with them and twist her whole body had enough to bring Frigga down. It cost her dearly—the axe biting into the place between her shoulder and neck, breaking her clavicle, but Frigga was clearly surprised, and desperately reached for her terrakinesis, using the roots and vines that sprang from the ground to entangle the other two. The axe, she threw like something much lighter, catching Zero in the abdomen on her way down, but Alarica’s sword caught her across the back. The damage was minimal, but she hissed anyway, landing on the wound when she fell.

Despite her injury, Leo kept on fighting, stubbornly refusing to let Frigga up and twisting herself with surprising flexibility so that she was holding the other woman to the ground, one hand fisted in Frigga’s bright scarlet hair, the other pressed hard into her sternum. Both of Leo’s knees were pinning the other woman’s hips. Unfortunately, this left Frigga’s arms free, and her claws were used to great effect on Leo’s own arms, one of which was rapidly losing strength because of the injury to the corresponding deltoid muscle.

“Zee, Rica, her throat—quickly!” She couldn’t hold her down much longer, and only hoped that the spot was a little more vulnerable than the rest of Freya’s skin. Surely it would need to be, if she was ever supposed to be a blood supply for anyone, but there was no guarantee that even this was the case. She was struggling to hold on, and knew she’d be thrown any second—and probably out of the fight, given how much bleeding she was doing. She only hoped that Frigga did not get the brilliant idea to try drinking any of it. That would be bad news.

Zero winced, stopping in his tracks when the axe met his abdomen. He heaved the weapon out, falling to his knees as his body took its time to regenerate. He cursed his luck that he would heal so slowly. He was, after all, not entirely up to strength as he should be. After Yuki's death, there was no one else he fed from. He had stopped using his father and his other siblings, excluding Leora, since he wanted no other, and instead resorted to using the blood pills. He had taken a little bit of someone's blood before the battle, however; it was apparently not enough to keep his regenerative abilities up to par. He cursed beneath his breath as he watched Leora struggle to contain Frigga.

It was Alarica who moved to her aid, reaching for Frigga's neck in the process. She had to take the chance of not missing her mark, and catching Leora's arms in the process. She'd have to be careful, precise, and with that in mind, she brought Ulrik down, hard, upon Frigga's neck, watching as the blade pierced the scarlet-haired woman's neck. She continued to push, watching, feeling the blade slip through. She paused just moments before grazing Leora's arms, missing barely by a hairsbreadth. She watched as the Pantheon member's head rolled away, her body slowly dissolving as she turned to Zero, kneeling down beside him and clasping her hands together.

Zero watched as Alarica tended to his wound, his eyes flickering over towards his sister. "Leo, are you alright?" he questioned, thanking Alarica who merely fell back on her backside, her breathing slightly labored as she tried to keep her heartbeat down. "We...did it, guys," he spoke, a soft smile grazing his lips as Alarica fell completely on her back, staring up at the sky. They did it. They managed to kill one of the members of the Pantheon. How the others were faring, she did not know, and at the moment, he didn't give it much thought. They had defeated one of their own enemies. That was one victory in their pouch.

Leo rolled over onto her back as well, her own injuries healing faster than her brother’s were. It was also true, however, that they were more grievous, and the scent of citrus and cream was thick on the air. But they did heal, and she reached over the grasp Alarica’s hand in one of her own. “I’m okay,” she breathed in relief, answering her brother’s question. “Everything is going to be okay.” she could hear and smell the other battles coming to an end around them, leaving her with only one remaining question: where were Balthasar and Uncle Jazz?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zero Kuragari Character Portrait: Diya Kuragari Character Portrait: Bryer Kuragari
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"Vinxa, Samuel. Wux tepoha coanwor vi jennu letoclo. Yenta ava'yorn ekess dask ihk ve." The wooden puppet stilled then, the soul returning to the afterlife. Bryer rolled out his shoulders, smiling slightly. Samuel had been a young boy who had lost his life in the war years ago, drawn to Bryer because of their closeness of age and Bryer's own gift. The two talked often, now, and Samuel had proven a great help in Bryer's efforts to teach his cousin to understand his abilities. Aryan and Helen's son, Lucien, had gained the same reanimation ability Bryer had, and Naya before them.

For a second, Bryer simply sat there, contemplating over the last twenty years. He roused himself out of his musings, shaking his head slightly before pulling on the red jacket. He ran a hand through his snow-white locks, sighing slightly when they simply moved back into the same place. His hair was hopeless, really. He shut the book, replacing it back on the shelf, and headed out into the hallway, his nose leading him to where his father was. The huge creature that seemed to resemble both a tiger and a wolf was there, and Bryer grinned slightly, petting him. "Hey, Xenos." He glanced over at his father, sticking his hands in his pockets. "You know Diya's going to be dragging Andrick up in a few minutes. She'll flip if you're not ready."

It was amazing what two decades could do to someone. Zero could not have been happier, per se, with his life. His children, both of them, were grown and though a part of him would always miss his beloved, his life was complete. His daughter, he had found out had a thing for Andrick, Vi and Emrys' son, and he couldn't help but laugh at his daughter. She was so young still to him. He understood how his father felt about his baby sister, Leora. They were small regardless of how old they were. Diya would always be his baby girl, as Bryer would always be his baby son regardless. He chuckled faintly at the sound of his son's voice and flickered his gaze over towards him.

Never one to not appear pleasant, Zero was currently dressed in a white shirt with a pair of khaki dress pants. "She'll flip regardless," he replied, offering his son a smirk in the process. Which, in a sense was true perhaps. She had taken after her mother in some ways, some, and he was ever grateful for that. He sighed, fixing his cufflinks in the process before turning to his son. "So, do I look presentable or do you think she'll still flip?" he spoke, twirling in the process. He may have been almost two centuries old, however; he still acted much as he did when he was still a teenager, and that didn't matter because he loved his family and he knew they loved him, crazy and all.

Bryer shook his head, a slight smile on his face. Two decades had changed him little, he was still the same quiet person he always was, though he no longer went into silent periods any more. He was slightly more expressive as well, though not nearly as much as his sister, though he was fairly certain that there was no one who could match Diya in that regard. Bryer shrugged slightly. "I'm sure she'll find some reason to get all nit-picky over the both of us, she always does."

The last time, it had been Bryer's hair, and he'd been forced into a chair at shear-point while his father only laughed at his son's misfortune. Diya had taken it upon herself ever since their mother had died to all but take up Yuki's role, and though he may not ever admit it out loud, Bryer truly was grateful to his sister. He loved her really, even with all her craziness, though sometimes he felt a bit bad for Andrick, though it was rather clear that those feelings were reciprocated on both sides.

Bryer blinked for a second, hearing a mini-stampede of feet and could only shake his head. "Uncle Vi seems to have released all of his little minions..." He'd probably have to watch out for that, last year he'd gotten caught under the mistletoe with Andromeda, and that memory still made him turn pink.

Zero laughed at his son. "His army of minions is more like it. And you are right, she always finds something to nit-pick about," he spoke, his smile fading into a soft one. Shaking his head, he chuckled as the minions all passed by his room and glanced over towards Bryer, a knowing smirk pulling at his lips. He had been there the time the minions had moved the mistletoe on his son, trapping him and Andromeda underneath said mistletoe. He hadn't missed the way Bryer's face turned a little pink at the situation, and partially, a part of him was itching to redo the situation. Besides, it was what a father did best: agonizing their sons. And what better way than to trap him and his cousin underneath mistletoe again?

"So, care to tell me how your escapade is going with Andromeda? I see the way you look at her, and don't you lie either. I'll know," he stated, the smirk still growing, if it could, wider. Though he smirked, he was truly smiling on the inside. Never, in a million years, had he thought that he would finally know the peace he knew today. The only thing, he wished he could have shared it with her. To share this happiness of watching their children grow, to know the peace of a time without war. Would she be any different if she were still alive? Would she be happy? These thoughts were forced out of his head as he shook it lightly. Of course she would be happy, that's all she had ever wanted. And he liked to think she died happy, even if it was protecting their child.

Bryer Kuragari had always taken great pride in knowing that he was like his mother, but perhaps in certain areas, he was too much like his mother. He scowled, turning a shade of crimson that matched the coat he wore, scowling as he crossed his arms in front of him. "There isn't any escapade. That was a one-time thing. Jeeze, Dad, you make it sound like I gape at her." He was lying through his teeth, and he knew it, his father knew it, and so did his sister who had just walked through the door hand-in-hand with Andrick.

With that bright smile that could light up any room, Diya cocked her head to the side. "Gape at who, little brother, Andromeda? Because you do, you know. Like a love-sick puppy, it's adorable you know." She couldn't help but grin as she teased her brother. She found it adorable, really she did. She practically danced over to her father, giving him a hug and stretching up onto her toes to kiss him on the cheek. "Hi, Daddy." After that, with the expertise of two decades, Diya began tugging and pulling, straightening her father out before moving on to her brother who merely resigned himself to it with a sigh. There was no fighting his sister when she put her mind to things. There never had been, and he was okay with that, even if he didn't act like it.

Zero couldn't help but shake his head at his son, letting out a deep chuckle. Bryer was in denial, and they both knew it. He was about to make a snide remark about it, but stopped half-way to opening his mouth when Diya appeared. He smiled at his oldest child, shaking his head softly when she all but danced up to him, kissing his cheek in the process. He responded the same, kissing the top of her head instead, though, and smiled. He chuckled when she began straightening him out and couldn't keep the large grin off of his face when she moved to Bryer.

"It seems that we would be lost without your abilities, Diya. We Kuragari males wouldn't be able to properly dress ourselves without you," he spoke, shaking his head softly before glancing towards Andrick. He had not missed the way they both walked hand-in-hand, and had known for some time now that the two shared a mutual bond. Though he couldn't say he wasn't reluctant when Diya showed interest in the adopted son of his brother and Emrys, Zero could say he fully understood then, his father. He wanted Diya to be happy with whomever she chose, and it so happened to be Andrick.

"Are you taking care of my little girl? Because if you're not...," he stated, setting his gaze into a narrow glare before quickly replacing it with a bright smile. "I'm just kidding, but seriously. Take care of my little girl. Just as Bryer would take care of Andromeda, if he ever got his head out of his ass and told her something," he spoke, the trademark smirk pulling at his lips before leaving the room. He did not need to be around to see Bryer's reaction, because he already knew what it would be. Andrick said nothing, the bright red of his face conveying his feelings well enough.