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Erorn Swiftblade

"I will rip your eyes out if you cross me."

0 · 3,412 views · located in Ravendale City

a character in “Veritas Isle”, as played by SugarNspikeS



Name: Erorn Swiftblade

Age: 26

Race: Elf

Gender: Male

Occupation: Royal Guard/ Elven Knight

Appearance: Erorn has a pale complexion, accented by average length,fire-red hair. He has blue eyes and in spite of his muscular physique, he's still rather small. He's only about 5'3" and 125 lbs. He hides this under his armor most of the time, as it makes him look larger than he really is. When not in his armor, he likes to wear fashionable clothes.

Personality: Often picked on as a child for being smaller than the other kids, Erorn developed a fiery temper. He tends to be quick to act and slow to think. He's impulsive, but also highly driven to be the best he can be both in fighting and on a moral level.

Background:The fact that he was picked on so much as a child only strengthened his determination to be strong. By the time he was 16 his temper got him forced into the royal army and he quickly worked his through the ranks. However, the other men in the army were just as merciless as the kids he grew up with. As such, he was often left out of important missions or the target of bad pranks and practical jokes. He still doesn't let this get to him as he knows that he wouldn't have gotten into the royal army if he were weak. Soon he was promoted to the Royal Guard specifically tasked with the safety of the royal family.

+۝ +

So begins...

Erorn Swiftblade's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs
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Erorn had been so comfortable that he fell asleep. He woke up to see that James had left the room. He heard talking and movement coming from downstairs. He peaked out of his room and saw James and someone else who looked like a butler carrying Elwin in and up to the other room. He figured he should just wait in his room until one of them came to get him. He closed the door and sat down on the bed. "Well, looks like we're just waiting on Marcus now." He said to himself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs
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#, as written by Sambea

James shook his head and walked into Erorn's room. We might as well enjoy the peace while we have it. He said as he closed the door. James leaned against it, watching Erorn. He looked a bit still. Ollie told Josh, who is in town, that he has Elwin... so he is probably going to give Marcus his hints and then we wait. He didn't know why he was sharing his plans with the hid, not like he had any say or what not in the matter, but he felt like he should... like he was included.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs
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Erorn smiled at James. "I guess our time together is either gonna get shorter or a lot longer." He laughed nervously. It was starting to feel a lot more real to him now. Soon, Marcus would be forced to make a choice between Elwin and himself. He could feel his heart racing because he really wasn't sure now who he wanted Marcus to pick. On one hand he loved Marcus and he knew that Marcus loved him too, but after the way he ran off, he figured it wasn't worth hoping. On the other hand he was realizing that James was a decent guy in spite of this whole kidnapping thing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson
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#, as written by Sambea

James walked over to Erorn and ruffled his hair. It was so soft, he could run his fingers through it all day. His hand linger o his head a little longer than he meant and quickly brought it back. Erorn... are you saying you will miss me, your kidnapper? How interesting. He smirked and sat on the floor, resting his head on the bed. He closed his eye and took a deep breath. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were starting to like me.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs
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Erorn blushed again in the way that James thought was cute. "I think I am saying that. I do like you." He bent down and kissed him on the forehead. "You're a nice guy apart from the kidnapping thing, and even that wasn't so bad. Why else would I have asked to stay here if Marcus doesn't pick me? I hate myself for even thinking this, but there's a part of me that wishes he wouldn't. I mean it's not like I don't love him, but I just don't see a future with him if I can't be open about being with him." He sighed. "I'm a real mess, huh?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson
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#, as written by Sambea

James smiled, I big one, a mess should be named after you. His hand slid behind Erorn's head and gently brought him down, kissing him softly. Erorn liked him, that was enough for him. Just don't fall in love with me, Erorn. He whispered. His good golden eye darkened a bit. If he did, it would just put him in the same spot he was in now. James job was to entertain many people, even some ways Erorn wouldn't like. James knew where he stood with Romilly and Marcus. Now he felt like Marcus more than ever.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson
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Erorn smiled at him. "I make no promises." He was happy that James was happy. If he did fall for James at the very least he knew that James wouldn't want him to hide his love, except in front of the clients. And unlike with Marcus, he'd know what he was getting into beforehand. "But for now I like you, as messed up as that may be, and that works for me."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson
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#, as written by Sambea

James pinched his cheeks softly, I don't normally tell anyone this... but you are really cute. He let go and slid away. He got up and dusted his ass off and ran a hand through his hair. He looked down at Erorn, the stern face back on. I shouldn't stay in here for too long, if Ollie isn't in the room with Elwin she is snooping about. He gave a small wave before exiting the room and closing the door. James leaned against it and watched as Ollie stood in the hall by Elwin's door, smirking at him. Don't look at me like that. He said before going to his room and changing into sweats and running shoes. He passed by Erorn's room, debating if he should ask him to run, but knew saw the dark clouds coming in. James decided against his better judgement to peek into Erorn's room, glaring at him. Only his eye could be seen. You want to go run? He mumbled.

The setting changes from James' Secret House to Caecilius Woods


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson
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Erorn kept his composure. "Yeah, I can go for a run." He got changed really quick and followed James out into the woods. He decided to keep up and jog beside James this time. He was enjoying the fresh air. He had picked up on the fact that James liked it quiet and he wasn't all that put off by it either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson
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#, as written by Sambea

They ran in silence, except for their panting. This time James decided to take Erorn around the lake and further into the woods. At some points he almost forgot that Erorn was there at all. The clouds had begun to roll in closer and the woods were getting dark. James stopped and turned to Erorn, A little break and we should head ba-. James heard the crack of thunder and hurried to cover Erorn's ears. He looked down at him and frowned, mouthing the word sorry. He knew it was a bad idea to have him run with him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson
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Erorn didn't realize a storm was coming when they left. When the thunder cracked and James rushed to cover his ears, he felt comforted. He looked up as James mouthed the word sorry.He couldn't resist that sad look and he gave James a big hug. He smiled. "You don't control the weather, you don't have to apologize for it." he laughed. "You see, this kind of thing is the reason I like you. You knew I didn't like thunder and you rushed to help me. You're so sweet. But don't worry I won't tell anyone, I know you have a reputation to maintain. I think I'll be okay to get back, but thank you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson
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#, as written by Sambea

Erorn was too cute for him. He dropped his hands when the thunder stopped. James had to behave. Marcus was going to be there today or tomorrow or at least in a few days. Erorn didn't need to be lead any further down the rabbit's hole, but James really wanted to kiss him. He stood there glaring at the tree behind Erorn and sighed. Okay, let's see if we can outrun the rain. They began to run when the thunder started up again, he looked back and hoped Erorn would be okay.

The setting changes from Caecilius Woods to James' Secret House

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs
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Erorn kept up with James as they ran back to the house. He manged to only flinch as the thunder cracked and rumbled but it was killing his sensitive hearing. He saw the look of worry on James' face each time he looked back and he did his best to hide his discomfort. He used his visualization technique and pictured last night when James had cuddled with him. It helped him to remain calm and he was able to ignore the lightning better. When they got back to the house he went back to keeping his emotions in check around Ollie, he didn't want James to lose the respect of his people. "Thanks for the run." He said and gave a quick smile when Ollie wasn't looking. The he went to his room to get a shower.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs
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#, as written by Sambea

James and Erorn made it just in time before the rain poured down. He waited till Erorn left to glare at Ollie. She just smiled.
Boss is running with the hostage? Hmm... is that how it really works now? Or did our plans change? You get the small flame to fall in love with you and when Marcus goes to pick small flame denies him and picks you. Elwin would be hurt and then you get to keep both of them? Wise. Ollie was sitting on the couch, the fire roaring in the pit. James sat down next to her. It keeps us both fit and something to do. How much of the damn drug did you give to him, Ollie? Elwin should be up by now. Go check on him and make sure he is alive. James said.

Ollie frowned, "I would never kill my little flame, but I should check on him." She got up and walked up stairs. James could hear the door unlocking and opening before being shut. He was starting to miss having Erorn alone. He waited a few more minutes before getting up and going shower himself.


Ollie unlocked the door and went in, gently shutting it behind her, and sitting on the edge of Elwin's bed. She felt bad for having to kidnap him, but she wasn't going to let him stay here. He wasn't made for the escort life and her boss knew it. Ollie hoped that when how he was changing, James could come to terms and see what she saw.

She moved a strand of his hair out of his face just as he started to wake up. She smiled and he whispered, "Atlas?" Her heart sunk a bit, she wished she didn't look so much like his boyfriend right now.

"No, it's me, Ollie. Before you get up and fully start to hate me I have to explain." Elwin got up anyway, rubbing his neck before looking up at her. She smiled softly and hated Atlas at that moment. "My boss wanted me to kidnap you as a sort of get back at Marcus." Elwin glared at her, "But no harm will come to you, I will see to that. My boss runs an escort business and he sees you more as a way to save money and make more and he wants to hurt Marcus in the process. Now... I know what I did was stupid and I just can't see you in this business, you are too sweet and loving for that. Your talent is in your sewing. So I just need you to stay at the house until this whole Marcus thing is over and I will get you out of here."

Elwin was furious. How many times does he have to get wrapped up in Marcus shit before he was really free from it? "So, what? I sit here all pretty like until fucking Marcus gets here? I thought we could be friends, Ollie... but I don't even really know you." Ollie looked down at her hands. She was ashamed and her heart was breaking. She was made to serve and now she was just making things worse.

"You are free to roam the house. Some doors will be locked. Windows are sealed shut. It is dangerous to be out at night. I am sorry to have dragged you into this." She said softly before standing and doing a small dismissive bow. Elwin wanted to be angry at her, but she really did look sorry. As she was going to leave Elwin grabbed her wrist. She didn't look or turn back, but stopped.

"I am still very pissed off at you, but you are the only one in this house that I care to talk to... for now. So you just listen as I talk, okay?" She nodded and took a seat. She listened to him talk about Atlas and his family. He filled her in on Marcus and why he hated being sucked back into everything. He knew that Atlas was going to leave him after this because he would be tired of having to deal with him and Marcus. Then he went to go on about how he wanted a kid for himself, but he needed to find a girl willing to do so and what sane girl would do that?

Ollie perked up, "I can have our child!" She exclaimed happily. Elwin blinked and laughed, "Two men can't make a child, Ollie."

"I am female. She smiled.

"What? No... no you're not." Elwin looked confused, but then out of nowhere Ollie stripped. Elwin stared in complete shock before coming to his senses and looking away. "Okay okay okay, I get it. Put your clothes back on. I... I will think about it. If I can get out of here... and if you help me get out. I will see what Atlas thinks..." He whispered. Ollie smiled and got dressed. She was happy that he was at least talking to her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs
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Erorn got out of the shower and grabbed some casual clothes before he realized he was really hungry. He went down to the kitchen and made himself a huge bowl of pasta with a cheesy bacon and onion sauce. It was really hearty and filled the house with the smokey scent of bacon. "Damn running really makes me hungry." He muttered before he took a big bite.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

James got out of the shower and dressed. He could hear Ollie and Elwin talking as he walked by their door, but didn't know what was being said. He could smell the food and his stomach growled. Erorn was sitting down, eating. James smirked and walked over, grabbing the bowl and fork before taking a bite. Mmm, this is so good, even better when I know it is your bowl of pasta. James winked, holding the bowl out of his reach.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs
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"Hey! I could have made you some too." He said reaching for it but not getting it. He resorted to tickling him and grabbing the bowl when he lowered his arms. "When you're as small as me you have to fight a little dirty sometimes." He chuckled before eating some more. "But if you want I could get another bowl an we could share. I did make a lot." He smiled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson
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#, as written by Sambea

James lowered his arms while laughing and Erorn got his bowl back. He pouted and leaned over, whispering into Erorn's ear, Or I could just eat you instead. He whispered, gently biting his ear before smirking and walking into the kitchen and looking for what he could make him. He didn't really want to make anything so he grabbed some granola.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson
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Erorn's eyes widened when he whispered in his ear. "Yes please." he whispered as James walked to the kitchen. He hoped that James hadn't heard that. "Please, you wouldn't want to do that, I'd be nothing more than a snack." He chuckled. "Unless you're looking for just a little treat."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erorn Swiftblade Character Portrait: James Silverson
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#, as written by Sambea

James had heard that please from him and smiled as he shoved granola into his mouth. He wanted to act upon that beg, but if he had a chance with Marcus, he wasn't going to blow it for Erorn. Snack and treat would be the same thing... right? James was utterly confused for a moment before he heard the door to one of the bedrooms open and footsteps going towards the balcony. It was raining hard, but the balcony had cover so people could sit and watch the rain, feel the wind, or just be outside. He looked back over at Erorn, his stern face back on, I think we should go to the lounge... the storm seems to only be getting worse and there will be more thun- and just as he said it thunder and lightning sounded off. He saw the look on Erorn's face and dropped the granola on the counter before grabbing his hand and taking him to the lounge.