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Yui Eisenburg

"The true question that one should ask themselves is how far will you go and what you will give to win this game...?"

0 · 511 views · located in Tokyo, Japan

a character in “Vice Among Virtue”, as played by RadiantMagus




"I'd like to think this world is like a puzzle of a piece of art... Yes it starts out quite flawed, but when you begin to put together the pieces it becomes something beautiful."

→ Alias ←
« {Chastity | The Medic | Castitas} »

→ Partner ←
« {Lust | The Player | Fornicatio} »

→ Main Themes ←
The Last Reunion | Peter Roe

→ Emotional Themes ←
If You Leave Me | Yuki Kajiura

      Yui Shizuka Eisenburg

      Yu-Yu || A name given to her by some of the younger children at the children's home she had resided in. At first she wasn't quite sure what to think of the name, but eventually relented on the issues and doesn't mind being called it so long as it is just those who are close to her and no one else. Otherwise it is simply "Yui" to most.


      18 years

      "Asexual" || Yui if anything is extremely awkward when it comes to anything even borderline romantic, though if she where to become comfortable enough for any sort of romantic relationship she would not mind the sex of her partner.

      Her heritage is a mixed one being Japanese on her mothers side and German on her fathers side.

"Every life is a march from innocence, through temptation, to virtue or vice."


      167.5 cm. (5'6")

      55.7 kg. (123 lbs.)

      Yui's hair is a dark brown coloration that is slightly uncommon for most people she does know.When it comes to styling Yui tends to not bother with it much usually keeping it let down though will from time to time tie it back and whatnot if need be. In length it is decently long as it does fall down to around her mid back when let down fully.

      Yui's eye coloration is a straight forward chestnut coloration that seem to give off a calming feeling to most as they are usually warm and full of life. She gets her coloration from her mothers side of the family as it is quite a prominent trait on that side.

      Yui is slightly paler than most children her age as it is due again to the European side of her heritage. Overall however it is not a truly noticeable feature to her as it does not make her stand out in a crowd.

"We are all but pawns in this game, pulled by some unseen strings for blood sport and spectacle."


      Determined: [Yes] ||"Hey when I decide to set my mind to doing something you can count on me to do it you know."
      Opinionated: [Yes] ||"I have my own viewpoint on this just as everyone else does."
      Proud: [No] ||"What about me is to be proud of...?"
      Stubborn: [Yes] ||"I can um...dig in my heels a bit on issues I am found of."
      Quiet: [Yes] ||"It's not that I don't like to talk it's just that I don't feel like I have much to talk about."
      Friendly: [Yes] ||"I'd like to think I'm a friendly person to those who I am close to."
      Easygoing: [No] ||"People tend to describe me as high motor and a prude so I can't say I'm that easygoing."
      Affectionate: [Yes] ||"I-I um saved you this slice of see if well maybe you wanted it?"
      Risk-Taking: [Yes] ||"It all depends on what hangs in the balance."
      Curious: [Yes] ||"I can say my curiosity has gotten me into quite a bit of trouble in the past."
      Emotionally controlled: [No] ||"I wish I could say I was...but if it is any consolation I will try not to let emotional stress hamper me in the tasks at hand."
      Charismatic: [Yes] ||"If it comes down to it I can talk my way out of trouble though hopefully it won't come down to it."
      Fearless: [No] ||"..."
      Adventurous: [Yes] || "I very much liked going to Germany with....well it's nice to see new places."
      Daring: [Yes] ||"I can be daring...though anything remotely sexual is out of the question!"
      Defensive: [Yes] ||"Part of putting your belief in something means you are willing to defend it at all costs or that is what my Father told me."
      Sarcastic: [No] ||"I try to be sincere with most of my answers."
      Boisterous: [No] ||"Honestly I don't have much I'd be willing to boast about"
      Charming: [Yes] ||"Most of the adults at the orphanage said I could be charming when I wanted to be."
      Grudge holding: [Yes] ||"I can hold a grudge unfortunately for quite some time if the issue at hand is left unaddressed though it typically must be built up over time."
      Persuasive: [Yes] ||"I tend to be able to get my point across well enough if put into a situation where such is required."
      Calculating: [Yes] ||"I do like to stay two steps ahead of most."
      Intelligent: [Yes] ||"My parents always wanted to make sure my education was a high priority, and I hope I have so far honored that wish."
      Insecure: [Yes] ||"I have my insecurities though I prefer we do not talk about them."
      Doubtful: [Yes] ||"Just as I have insecurities I do have my doubts."
      Humorous: [No] ||"I'm not very good at jokes."
      Selfless: [Yes] ||"I will see to it that you make it out alive...even if I do not."
      Secretive: [No] ||"If there is one thing I hate it is a liar."
      Honest: [Yes] ||"Just as I hate liars I hate having to lie myself."
      Blunt: [No] ||"Well...I was thinking....I mean for the team benefit of course..."
      Loyal: [Yes] ||"To those who I am close to yes, I am quite loyal even if it is to a fault at times."
      Serious: [Yes] ||"I can be if the situation calls for it."
      Romantic: [No] ||"I-I...Ihavetogodosomething!!!!"
      Flirty: [No] ||"S-sexual Harassment!!!"
      Sympathetic: [Yes] ||"I will try to understand you even if you do not want me to."
      Brave: [Yes] ||"I must be brave...I will not run away this time!"
      Optimistic: [Yes] ||"That glass is how you choose to see it."
      Pessimistic: [No] ||"Keep you chin held high! Everything is going to get better just you wait and see!"
      Independent: [Yes] ||"When one has lived in an orphanage for most of one's life being alone is somewhat more bearable"
      Dependent: [No] ||"I don't need a crutch to stand on, nor a white knight to sweep me off my feet as I think I'd do better standing on my own"
      Logical: [Yes] ||"Reasoning is a weapon in its own right, it would be best we do not underestimate it."
      Hyperactive: [Yes] ||"I can be a little hyper at times."
      Kind: [Yes] ||"There is not a reason to be unkind to most so why do so?"
      Caring: [Yes] ||"I might not always show it, but I do care."
      Jealous: [Yes] ||"C-could you um... Please pay more attention attention to me or I might really grow to resent that!"
      Nurturing: [Yes] ||"I always did enjoy helping the younger children back at the orphanage."
      Childish: [Yes/No] ||"I am not!"
      Hostile: [No] ||"Unless you give me a reason to be hostile I will remain as reserved as ever."
      Argumentative: [Yes] ||"Some things just aren't worth arguing over though I do have things I will defend."
      Passionate: [Yes] ||"I-I stand behind my beliefs."
      Demanding: [Yes] ||"I will protect those I care about..."
      Possessive: [Yes] ||"Please don't touch my things!"
      Social: [No] ||"I'm sure all those people in that crowd are very nice people... but i-it's just not my thing."

      Art - Yui while having nothing to do to pass the time on some days took up drawing, and when she did fell immediately in love with it. Taking to it as said before like a fish to water she has shown a great talent in the past with many of her drawings and paintings. That being said in some ways to her it is both a coping mechanism and a escape as most of the time she can before found with a pad of paper and a pencil.

      Reading - Yui has always been a very avid reader who finds a good deal of enjoyment within the pages of a novel. She would at times go through entire libraries just simply to satisfy her curiosity as she does have a wide variety of favorite titles. In the end this habit served to pass the time well though at points she can become quite enthralled within the pages of her book that she can tend to ignore the things going on around her.

      Any Sort of Game - Be it a board game, a video and online games or just simply some sort of game made up on the spot it is sure to attract Yui's attention. At times one can say she finds just as much enjoyment in these games as she would in reading a book or making some piece of art to the point in which during her free time would just make up games on the spot such as on a title floor with multiple titles one could see her attempting to only land her steps in a certain color of title. Some of her favorite games are Risk, Chess, and Billiards.

      Cooking - Admittedly Yui's cooking can't really be defined as "cooking" in that the since its more of experimentation than anything else as her dishes can range from top of the line to utterly toxic. She does however take a good deal of enjoyment in getting the ingredients, cooking the meal and seeing if it is truly enjoyed by the one she serves it to. After all this hobby is motivated behind the idea that she is trying to please the ones she cares about as in a sense to her it is a labor of love. On the flip side of the coin if she where to realize the dish was bad she becomes extremely apologetic and tends to desperately try to make up for the bad meal.

      Innocence & Self Control - It's strange to say but Yui takes enjoyment in the very innocence that can be found in the world. It can from anything from a child's delight to actions of restraint in a situation of temptation as she views it as showing that there is still some spark of good in the world. It's simply a warm and fuzzy feeling that she cannot explain.

      Perversion - Yui as aforementioned is in simplest terms a very restrained person and to that extent she has shown a dislike towards perverse actions and activities. This is not due to the fact she dislikes the people who commit such actions rather to the fact that she is extremely uncomfortable in those types situations and that uncomfortably has breed a strong avoidance to anything of the sort.

      Liars - If there is a single thing that brings out the worst in Yui and that she hates with a passion it is being lied to. This stems from Yui's ideas of trust and her belief the trust of a person is not something to throw to the side like it is nothing and to that extent it agitates her when she learns she is being lied to the point of silent anger that is not easily quelled if left unchecked to fester.

      Betrayal - Yui is not one to take to back stabbing very well as she loathes the whole practice as much as she hates being lied to. She dislikes the practice due to the simple fact of how it takes ones trust and devotion and throws that to the side for ones own selfish gain. The idea of ever doing such a horrid thing makes Yui sick to her stomach.

      Overly Showy Clothing - As far prudishness goes Yui does not like wearing anything that would be showy display. She claims any such clothing makes her feel very awkward and it is very clear if forced to wear such clothing at any time how uncomfortable she actually is. The situation in truth is while she doesn't completely hate it she does tend to avoid it.

      Helplessness - Yui finds the one thing has learned to dislike with a strong passion throughout her life is the feeling of helplessness. It's one of those unshakable feelings that always seem to hang over ones head like a guillotine primed to drop. This feeling of being helpless terrifies her because it is an all to familiar feeling that still lingers in her darkest memories. This is truly a feeling that she never wants to experience again though even she realizes that one day she will have to face down this fear.

      « {Cellular Regeneration} »

      "The user can restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning. Though the user may potentially heal any form of bodily damage, the patient must be alive, even if hanging by a thin thread, in order to be healed; once the patient has died, it would transcend healing and would require resurrection instead."

      Intelligence - Yui has always been a smart child as it was easily seen in her class marks and in the way she seemed to be able to break down a situation piece by piece and plan accordingly on the fly for what could come next to stay that extra mile ahead of others. She knows she by far isn't the smartest person out there nor does she claim to be, but one cannot count her out when it comes to a battle of wits.

      The Artist - Everyone in this world has their sort of special talent, and for Yui it would probably have to be art. She has shown a good deal of skill in her drawings and paintings. She seems to show a large amount of enjoyment to this hobby as she can be found many a time doodling in her free time. Her efforts have come to fruition as repetitive practice built on this skill foundation as she has gotten much better since her first little doodles.

      Medical Training - While Yui dislikes the Valkyrie Games, the Games have provided her with something though it is hardly a consolation prize. To fulfill her role as a medic she was not only given the abilities to do so, but one of the first things she was put through a military battlefield medics course to make sure she was of some use to her partner in and out of combat.

      Photographic Memory - Yui has what one would call a photographic memory as she can remember most things she sees, and is then able to recall upon exact events or subjects in them with a good level of accuracy. It is a skill that has served her well in the past and continues to serve her well though how useful it will be in the Games is yet to be seen.

      Running - Sometimes everyone once in a long while you will find a person who can not only run at a sprinters speed, but continue running at that speed for quite some time. Yui is one of those people who was gifted with a good deal of speed and agility that usually culminate in her hare like take offs. If it comes down to having to get anywhere quickly or getting out of anywhere quickly she does have that in spades.

      Stubborn - One Yui has set her mind on something wither she finds it to be right or wrong she will usually entrench herself in the idea refusing to budge from that ideal. It most cases she will hold on to her though process with a death grip until she is otherwise proven wrong though she will require evidence in the matter in which case even then she can be reluctant to change her thought process.

      Trusting - While at first not so open to others once Yui feels she is close to a person she tends to put a good deal of blind faith in that person due to her trying to see the best in that person rather than their faults. While this is all in good intention and sometimes is a good thing it also leaves her very open to those who would betray her.

      Overly Defensive - When feeling like she needs to defend a person/subject etc. Yui can be quite tenacious in her defense. This combined with her stubborn nature can lead to her fighting a losing battle, or even defending someone who does not truly deserve the defense.

      Restrained - Yui is naturally not a very talkative person and this can be a problem when it comes to her talking out her problems or vocalizing a need for help. Neither does she like to address her issues from the past preferring to sweep them under the rug so to speak. This means she tends to keep a lot of these issues to herself which can be a burden on her emotionally though unfortunately treading into these issues is like a tap dance through a minefield.

      Loss - For one who tries to have a close connections those she cares about, the worse possible outcome would be to lose those who the one cares about.

      Helplessness - The feeling of being forced into a bad situation you can do nothing about is something that Yui fears as she has been in such a situation before and to before faced with another situation of helplessness only brings up memories she has long since buried.

      Clowns - Yui has a dislike overly fake things and clowns not only play on this dislike, but they take it to the next level as most things that are clown Yui tends to give an extremely large berth. If confronted with the clown related thing she will attempt to make excuses for her to get as far away from it as possible. Yes it's a childish fear, but she still fears it none to less.

      The Loss of Humanity - This is something that has haunted the darkest corners of Yui's nightmares ever since the men in black suits had come to draft her into the Valkyrie Games. She fears that she will lose every last bit of her innocence as well as what makes her herself and that in the end she will only become a monster who's lost everything to fight for.

"You can tell how dangerous a person is by how they hold their anger inside themselves quietly..."

      Gilbert Eisenburg || Father || Deceased, Mar/23/1984 - Dec/11/2015
      Hanako Takahashi-Eisenburg || Mother || Deceased, Jun/5/1986 - Apr/9/2018
      Charles Eisenburg || Grandfather || Alive, Aug/9/1955 -
      Emma Eisenburg || Grandmother || Deceased, Jan/11/1958 - Oct/28/2009
      Katsurou Takahashi || Grandfather || Deceased, Nov/2/1957 - Aug/28/2013
      Hotaru Akiyama-Takahashi || Grandmother || Deceased, Oct/3/1955 - Aug/28/2013

      Yui Shizuka Eisenburg was brought into the world on a warm summer midday in July to the parents of Gilbert and Hanako Eisenburg who's chance encounter at a company convention had brought a little something more then a blossoming friendship. Gilbert was born in Brandenburg, Germany on a rainy March night to the family of two proud parents who would raise him with great love and care throughout his childhood until he grew into a man. Hanako was born to a family with two parents and one sibling which would soon after become two and would be raised in a slightly conflict ridden household. Both would go their own routes through life before the chance encounter brought them together at electronics company's yearly technology demonstration in Tokyo would bring them together. At first it would start out as a good friendship and then as the months passed it would blossom into something much much more. Friendly meet ups would turn into dates and finally two years in would come the finally leg of the journey with the tying of the knot. It would be about a good three more years before along came Yui and the couple would find themselves parents. As a child Yui lived just outside of Tokyo where both of her parents would take the commuter train into work every day while she would go to her first years of schooling in which she was even then a very quiet and reserved child, but one who was caring and kind none to less. It was in essence the good life so to speak as there was not many bumps in the early stages on the road through her life as she even got to take trips to her Father's home country to see her other grandparents from time to time who she would come to love quite dearly.

      However the days would begin to sour after her Grandmother on her fathers side died of a heart attack followed soon after in the coming years Grandparents on her mothers side where caught up in a fatal car accident leaving Yui with her first tastes of death. It would certainly not be the last unfortunately as in the coming years her father began to complain of tightness in the chest during the playful romps he would do with his daughter. While her mother would attempt to convince Gilbert to visit a physician it would simply wave it off, brushing it aside as a trivial matter. It would prove a costly mistake as when Gilbert had a heart attack in the middle of the office one day at work it was revealed he had a heart condition that would be fatal if steps where not taken to fix. Yui was now treated to her first taste of helplessness as she was forced to watch her father confined in a hospital room fighting a battle against ever mounting odds. Yui would only get to see her father once more before his surgery though that in itself was a seemingly happy occasion as her father had high hopes for the operation and would tell her before she left she and her mother would see him soon and they'd go out for ice cream when all this was over with. He would never be able to fulfill his promise as he would not survive the operation that would attempt to save his life. It would be a sucker punch to the gut for the young girl as she had lost yet another person she was close to and leave her quite bitter for days after the fact, with the questions of why something like this had happened echoing through her mind.

      After a period of mourning she and her mother would move to another home now further out from the city and in a more suburban neighborhood. Here they would attempt to rebuild with Yui becoming very close to the point of being clingy towards her mother. Their relationship would only continue to grow as Yui would finish out her elementary schooling as those scars gain from that hospital room would begin to heal. The quiet girl started form groups of friends and began to feel at home in this new residence though the old memories would still linger to haunt her. They would have a seemingly normal life for the next year in a half before Yui would find herself in a situation of helplessness, however when death would come once more it would be her who was focused firmly in the cross hairs. It started out as a slightly rainy day as a drizzle had begun to fall over the residential area when Yui was walking home with her mother from the local convince store in the area on that day. It started out simply enough when they had just crossed over the train tracks as two younger boys where playing with a shiny red ball by the railroad tracks that a misjudged lob would send onto the steel tracks just as the train guards began to fall to signal the coming of the five o'clock commuter train. Yui however seeing that the boys looked downcast at the loss of their ball decided for herself she would go retrieve it before the train came to destroy the ball beneath its mass. In a decision that haunts her to this day she broke free of her mother and made a dash onto the metal tracks just as the loud rumble of the oncoming train grew louder. She would scoop up the object oblivious to her mothers screams and the sound of her mother racing towards her unaware of what was coming rumbling towards her in her single minded objective of returning the object. A loud wail from the trains whistle would cause her to turn where she would freeze up at the sight of the ten ton monster that raced towards her as the conductors whistles would only grow louder. The last thing she would remember was the firm grip of her mother and being tossed to the side into the cold grass as the train roared past as she would hit her head hard on impact succumbing to the inky black void of unconsciousness.

      She would wake up in the sterile white hospital room she remember from the past except this time she was the one in the bed. It would be a lonely existence as Yui would be left to her own devices in the room other than the occasional nurse coming in to check on her. The news that would come when she would ask on of the doctor that came in finally where her mother was would be the feather that broke the camels back so to speak. As upon the news of her mother death due to throwing her child out of the way of the oncoming train would send Yui so far into her shell it would seem she would never come out. Even as she was sent to she seemed to be a shell of a person for the first few months barely living her room at the assisted living center. The doctor would promise the staff time would heal her scars and it did to some extent with let demons that she could not readily overcome being locked away into her "mental closet" of sorts as Yui would make a surprising rebound in the months after that seeming to come back from the brink. She was still a very quiet girl, but most of the staff at the center would describe as friendly and soft spoken as well as being a kind girl who some very loyal to those who she came to be close to during her time with the other children. She would go on to become a mother figure to the younger children earning the nicknames "Yu-Yu" from the younger children while earning the nickname "Mama Yui" from others. She would stay at this assisted living facility for the next few years as her paperwork kept being pushed back for one reason or another until finally on the day she turned eightteen it would be reopened and her grandfather would finally after all this time be contacted. There seemed to be hope for Yui to look forward to on the horizon, but that horizon would soon be blocked by the storm clouds of the coming of the Kan'teli people to Earth and the beginning of the Valkyrie Games in which Yui would be approached by men in black suits who would take her away from the center with the empty promise that she would return. She would be forced to train to a be a fighter in these games in which to win means returning to the only person she loves that she has left and to a normal life and to lose is to forfeit ones life. In the end it is a risk she is forced to take.


      {I never wanted to even be in these games as I find them to be a simply disgusting brand blood sport for a few laughs on the part of the maker of this atrocity. But I know I will have to gamble with the cards I have as it's the only chance of survival in all of this...and hope I don't have the losing hand.}

      Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #086A87

      Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #0000FF

      Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ✦ Touko Fukami

      Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ✧ RadiantMagus

      [i]character basic form
      © aurei
      modified form ઽ૮૨Α
      edited, modified form Ever

So begins...

Yui Eisenburg's Story