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Richard Wilson

"Why me?"

0 · 179 views · located in Torn Down Bloody Nebighorhood

a character in “Walker Attack!”, as played by darknesspawn





Description:ImageRichard stands at a solid 5”9 with a fairly muscular build. He has dark brown hair. He has light brown eyes to contrast his darker hair and has taken to wearing his red T-shirt everywhere he goes. To finish off his outfit he wears black pants and white shoes.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Voice type: Alto
Body type :Athletic


ImageSkills: Richard could have never been prepared for a zombie outbreak but he has always been good a a select few things.
1.Baseball: Ever since he was a little kid he has been playing baseball, its something that has always been natural to him. Because of his skills in baseball he has very good hand-eye coordination.
2. Athleticism: Because of his career in baseball Thomas is very Athletic, able to run for longer durations than someone without training and able to hit just slightly harder aswell
3. Cooking: Though its not a very useful trait nowadays Thomas has always been a cooking aficionado. He wasn’t cooked meals that often on account of him always living with his dad so he usually had to make his own meals.
Inventory: Baseball bat, Backpack, Empty water bottle and food containers.

Personality: [Brave] [Proud] [Talkative] [Helpful] [Easily Discouraged] Image
Thomas has always been taught to have a hard exterior, to always be indifferent in the face of adversity, something thought to his father. Thomas was an only child so there were no other guidelines to truly follow so that’s what he did. He tries his best to look calm in most situations even though a lot of the time he is panicking. When he is around other people he will be a very proud person and during this apocalypse he might act like his group is invincible to the zombie threat. Alone he will start to show his true colors, he will actually recognize the situation as it is and not how he made it to be.
He is a very talkative person, tending to ask all the questions on his mind before actually taking the time to think for himself. He is not afraid to get to know new people, in fact he always found it exciting to meet others. He has met a few bandits during his time on the island so now his excitement to meet people is solely dependent on the situation.
Thomas always has the mind to help people when he can. He knows however that there are always going to be people he simply cannot help and won’t dwell on someone he wasn’t close to not being helped. At the same time with those he is close to he holds the same Morals however if he is unable to help them he will dwell on it for a much longer time and most likely blame himself in some way.
Thomas is more likely to be Brave in groups while he tends to be more cowardly alone, it has to deal with his him wanting to be socially accepted by everyone as the selfless person of the group.

Likes: Sports, People, Food, Comic books, Playing cards
Dislikes: Dancing, Being alone, Novels, Extremely Hot weather, Grapes

“I wish I could have saved them, I really do but there is only so much you can do these days”

Richard Was sitting in a cramped dark room, normally the darkness would unsettle him as it has done for so many others however right now it was the complete opposite. This room was a place of refuge from the monsters that wait just outside. He could hear them, the screams of not only the infected but those he had just allied himself with just hours before. The screams were deafening yet inside the dark room he still managed to find some contemplative silence, a silence that allowed him to reflect upon what his life had become, a struggle for survival at every step of the way.

“Things were finally looking up for me, for the first time since this thing started I thought everything was going to be okay”
Many people he met on this island were very unfriendly forcing him to be alone most of the time, making life much more of a struggle until he stumbled across a group of survivors that where more or less friendly. He was finally part of a group, something that could offer him assurance that he would survive another night. There was strength in numbers.
“I know it’s funny to think one group would beat out this thing but I really felt
. Safe”

This particular group had someone who was particularly skilled in survival tactics, another who was former military, the third a doctor. A pretty solid group of people brought together by unfortunate events, and then there was Richard.

“So why me, why am I the one to survive? Why do I get to leave unscathed while people more competent than me die?”
They went out of a scavenging mission, thy were low on basic supplies. They all knew they had to get back to a safe place by dark, but they also knew they couldn’t leave empty handed. By the time they found anything of use the sun was already dipping under the Horizon. Then the screams, the howls of the undead began. They all ran as fast as they could but in the end Richard was the only one to save himself, locking himself in a broom closet until day.

“Everyones dead

Richard begins to hear the sounds of the undead outside the door once again, feasting on one of his companions just outside the door. He held his knees close to his body in the dark and humid closet

“Why me?"


So begins...

Richard Wilson's Story

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People, my parents always told me how change is good. How its bad to stay stuck in one place for two long. Change yourself daily, change those around at the same rate, but im sure they didn’t have this in mind.

Richard was walking down the dark street, all by himself. It was a regular thing to be alone, not many people stay with him for long. He would love to say it was because of his intuition or his skills or simply his will to live but he can honestly say that is not the case. He can’t really tell you why he’s alive why all those around him have fallen. From fry cook to Military personnel they all die while he gets to just go on living. It could be a blessing or it could be a curse, it depends on how you interpret everyone dying around you.

His bat dragged on the floor producing a constant screeching noise. To any passerby this noise might be thought of as annoying but to Richard it was just the opposite. It was almost soothing to him to have a repetitive noise in his head, he couldn’t tell you why but it helped him get his mind of things; get his mind off the moans. He usually didn’t like being out on the street at night, most of his allies died during the night but tonight, he didn’t care. It was just him and he couldn’t really figure out if he wanted to continue living.

There were so many thoughts racing through his head, he knew he had to get somewhere but where? Did he actually want to get somewhere or waste out here in the streets like so many other have before him. Why did the world even become what is is now? If there is a God what was the divine plan for this
 or is it just like the flood? There were so many thoughts to answer at one time, and he could find no clear answer for any of them. He simply continued to sing his thoughts in rhythm with the screeches of his bat.