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Aether Eurus

"It's okay to marry someone you love! Am I right, Sis?"

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a character in “We are not meant to be, so let us say I do”, as played by Mat_z6


Aether Eurus

Age: 15

Appearance: Standing at around 5'5" Aether's appearance is very childish and "cute" in a sense. His innocent face and big grey eyes are almost too much to notice but while he may seem small and helpless, Aether is the extreme opposite of that. His flowing hair are two shades of grey one half being lighter than the other.

Love Interest: "My heart lies with Coventina but my fate lies with the Earth Princess Kristina. What do I do, sis?"

Personality: Much like his sister, Aether is a rather quiet person, speaking mostly unless spoken to, rarely at any other time unless he feels the need to. He thinks before he acts, rarely being rash or making stupid decisions unless irritated or angered. He is very closed off, hardly talking about his thoughts, personal feelings, or anything related to that with anyone. The only people he does open up to would be his family. Due to the extremely close similarities in their personalities, Anima is probably one of the only few people who understands him the most and Aether is the most open with his feelings with her. He often lacks emotions of any sort, and rarely shows them. Aether is often very sarcastic and rude to people he doesn't like, or when he is just in a bad mood. Due to how quiet he is, he appears very dark and cold while in reality he is very friendly and caring but chooses to show this "other" side of him to those he fully trusts. Deep down, Aether has a kindness like no other. He puts others before himself, and respects others. He never physically harms those close to him, and will risk himself to protect others. He isn't the most brave or courageous person, because he is indeed very cautious and thinks before taking risks. He keeps an open mind, accepting new knowledge as it comes, and is very creative. (grrr... sloppy personality...)

~the cold
~Cello (very skilled at it)
~Sour fruits

~The heat (duh)
~Things he cant understand
~Seeing Coventina with the Fire Prince
~The Youngest Fire Prince Alphios

So begins...

Aether Eurus's Story


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#, as written by Mat_z6
The Tsundere Air Prince: Aether Eurus

Staring wide eyed at the large island, Aether stood at the side of the boat speechless. The place was gorgeous and he couldn't believe he was going to stay at such a place. It had always been Athens or Anima who when on trips like this and this was the first time the young prince had been so far from his homeland. Aether snapped out of the trance and shook his head. 'Where are my brother and sis?' The last time he checked, Anima was locked up in her room probably asleep and Athens disappeared once they landed. Aether saw how the carriages of the other princes and princesses had already left. He decided to wait for his sister. Aether's mind wandered. 'I hope Tina had a safe journey.' When he found out that Coventina was to be on the same island living with him, his heart literally soared. But his joy did not last. He was then told that he was to be married. MARRIED!! He was barely in his teens! What were his parents thinking? It was absurd! And to make things worse, he was to be wed to not the lovely Coventina, but to the Earth princess he barely even knew.

(Not finished!!!!)


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Character Portrait: Aether Eurus Character Portrait: (Air Prince) Athens Cloud
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The Amazing Air Prince; Athens Cloud (The very first).

Athens has been off the boat for the past twenty minutes but he wasn't on the carriage. At the current moment, Athens head isn't at it's clearest. When they were only forty minutes from making their finial destination a servant offered the amazing air prince a drink. Never to be one to turn down a drink, Athens gladly toke a glass. Then gladly toke another one and another one; five, six, seven or maybe 10 more glasses of the devil's juice. He lost count after number eight. When Athens is drunk he is actually nicer. He mind is too clouded to come up with a smart remark that will have you crying to your mother. Athens smiles more when he's drunk and seems to be happy for once. Not many things can make the cold-heart prince smile. Athens is stumbling along the coast humming a little song that his mother use to sing when he was a little boy. She such horrible singer

"Prince Cloud! Prince Cloud! Please return, your siblings are waiting for you!" A sailor is currently chasing after the drunkard. Athens turn around slipping down on his two feet. He started laughing at himself; The air faerie trips on air, how ironic. Athens light grey eyes glowed against his very tanned skin. He stayed down on the soft warm sand.

"What do you mean their waiting me? I was just looking for Eurus siblings! Those bastards!" Athens let the sailor pick him and help him walk over to the carriage. Athens always refer to his blood related brother and sister as the Eurus siblings. Considering he basically disowned himself from the Eurus family. Athens is the Cloud in the royalty family. ((Read more in his bio that I'm making soon)) Athens could see his little brother waiting for him. The man started laughing...

"Wow, Aether you look even more like a girl from a far."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aether Eurus Character Portrait: Anima Eurus Character Portrait: (Air Prince) Athens Cloud
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#, as written by Mat_z6
The Tsundere Air Prince: Aether Eurus


The Naive Air Princess: Anima Eurus

The young prince raised his head and turned to the all too familiar voice of his older brother Athens. It looked like the Air siblings were the only ones who had not yet left for the great palace where they were all staying. Aether raised an eyebrow and smirked at his brother's rude but playful insult.

"There you are brother. I was wondering where you were." Striding over to Athens he looked about. "Have you seen Anima? I haven't seen her since we landed. I wonder if she-"

"I'm right here, dear brother."

Anima's soothing voice piped up behind him. Setting her hand on the top of his head, the girl ruffled his hair lightly and chuckled. "I was just wondering where you two were and it looks like we should get going. We don't want to be to late to meet our partners...."

At the mention of "partners" Anima's voice dropped and she stared at the ground blankly. Aether stuffed his hands in his pockets and confusion drifted across his eyes. Both of them sensed the other's distress and they knew they both felt the same. The same question ran through both of their minds: "why?"