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Stay away from me.

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a character in “We Will Rule”, originally authored by misssweetness821, as played by RolePlayGateway



Lineage:Spawn of Hades



Description:Celia is a loner, she prevers to listen to music as read than group activities. She has always been different from others around her, and form the moment she was born she was treated uneaqualiy. She was born a fiery red color, with a demon tail. Her father had been the king of the underworld, her mother was a deranged human woman who was locked away in a psych ward shortly after her birth.

Abilities:She is a spell caster, both with her sceptor and her hands, she is also a fairly good fighter with a dagger though magic is her forte


So begins...

Celia's Story


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Character Portrait: Celia
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Celia sits high in a tree, her tail flicking contently below her. She leans her head forward and rub the back of her neck, and glances out through the leaves. So many demi-gods...but none of them like her, so far atleast.
Why did it have to be f***** Hades... she curses her birth father, If it was anyone else...maybe i would have had a chance...

Celia returns to her reverie int the tree. here she is mostly hidden from the others, not that any of them would appraoch her anyway. no one wanted to talk to her,she had been a parriah since she was a child. She leans her head back agains the tree bracnch and flips her tail back and forth below her. She was so very different from the others...

Is there anyone out there for me?


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Character Portrait: Lenam Character Portrait: Celia
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Celia wathced as more and more demi-gods filed in. Some were taking amungst themselves but mostly everyone was keeping to themselves. Well if im going to make any friends they might as well see me as I am. She hopped out of the tree and landed gracefully on her two feet, her tail swishing behind her. She walked into the sun so the beams would shine off her flaming red skin, adn she runsher hand through her hair, rubbing her horns for luck. She sauntered towards a handsome boy sitting on a bench.

She stopped in front of him and said, "Tough crowd huh," she didn't know how to talk to others very wel, especially start a conversation. There was no reason for her to be talking to the boy, and the only honest thing she could have told him in that moment was that she wanted very badly to kiss him, but that was the lustful side of her coming out. She decided when she came here that she was going to actually talk to people before she kissed them this time. Of course, this wasn't a human man she was dealing with either.


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Character Portrait: Lenam Character Portrait: Celia
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Celia takes the seat offered to her, and listens to the boy. He liked my joke she smiled to herself.
"I'm not worried they're going to try and attack me, I can handle my own. I feel like they are going to look down on me. As you can see, I wasn't born with a normal human body...I had to take after my father," she huffed as she propped her head up with her palm.

She is wearing black leather pants, a yellow halter top, and her favorite thigh high boots. She wore a pendant bearing a black rose around her neck and bangles around her wrists. She leaned back on the bench, crossing her legs on over the other. The wind picked up a bit and the scent of cinimon drifted off her hair. She looked up to the sky," Do you think they would ever let me in Olympus?" she looked back down at her hands an twiddled her thumbs, "I want to go there someday..."

She sighs and pulls a pack of ciggarettes out, snaps her finger to create a small fame to light it. She takes a long puff and exhales, s thick jet of smoke. It looks almost like she is breathing fire.
"If this bothers you too much I'll step over there," she offers, not realizing how rude this may seem, "Or you can have one if you want." She smiles at him with her golden eyes.

((its all good im playing LoL XD))


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Character Portrait: Lenam Character Portrait: Celia
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Celia giggles, luckily it doesn't show when she blushes, "Im sorry, my name is Celia."
There was a moment of pause, She usually didnt act this way around boys. She was always in control, and confident. It was weird having a normal(ish) conversation for once.
"So do you know what cabin you are staying in? I am over there," she said pointing to a wooden building with an letter "B" hanging over the door," I havent met any of the girls in my room yet though. Im not actually quite sure why or how I got here either actually..."

((Leugue of Legends))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lenam Character Portrait: Kat Character Portrait: Melissa Hanna Jones Character Portrait: Celia
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Celia wathed as two girs approach the bench where she and Lenam were sitting. Her first thought was dissapointment that she wouldn't bw alone with him anymore, but then she decided,This is a new start, a new me. I need to learn to let people in. Though she was almost posistive that they were only looking at Lenam, because neither of them seemed to notice her tail, her horns, her glowing golden eyes, or her flaming red skin. She could understant however, he was quite the looker. She pinched hte end of her cigarette off and slid the half back into her pack.
She leaned forward to greet them, "Hello." She radiated confidence though her heart was pounding, once they truly looked at her, what would be their reaction?


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Character Portrait: Lenam Character Portrait: Kat Character Portrait: Celia
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Melissa nodded at Kat and took a long glance at Celia. Her face brightened up, she realized she had just met her half-sister.
The horns,the red flame like skin the tails and golden eyes. Melissa smirked and said "Hades". She studied the two girls not quite paying any attention to the boy sitting down. She tilted her head hoping she had just found her long lost sister.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lenam Character Portrait: Kat Character Portrait: Melissa Hanna Jones Character Portrait: Celia
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Celia cocked her head at her fathers name, "Yes, I take after my father. How could you tell?" she joked, thinking the girl was just making an observation. She looked her over and thought, She looks like an aphrodite to me, but that fire burning in her eyes...for some reason reminds me of home.
She stood up next to the girl and eyes her closer, rubbing her chin as she asks, "Who are you born from? Your eyes, they're mine."
Her tail flisked behind her, brushing Lanam's leg. She wasn't quite done with him yet, but she had to satiate this curiosity.


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Character Portrait: Celia
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Melissa stared at the girl, inhaling her scent and grinning. "Your eyes..their just like mine." she stated revealing the fire burning in her eyes. Melissa looked over at the girl, Hades alright, she had the body and everything. "Hades of course, you couldn't tell?My mother was very beautiful...and devious. That's why Hades fell in love with her."Melissa said rolling her reddish brown hair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lenam Character Portrait: Kat Character Portrait: Melissa Hanna Jones Character Portrait: Celia
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((OH. MY. GOD. So much to catch up on :c))

Lenam had been sitting quitely the entire time, observing the scene before him. He was almost glad that he hadn't been given quite a lot of attention. As he ran his long, elegant fingers through his hair he rested his gaze on the small girl, the one who was rather..quiet. "Hi." He said to her, with a small smile, his voice like that of a purring cat. Man. How the hell had all of this happened? It was all really..sudden. He couldn't really process the current situation. He had never been that big a fan of being around large groups of people, and this one was growing. He wouldn't leave, though. Not yet. He was still interested in speaking to Celia, and the other, more quieter girl. She had an air of interest about her.
Lenam sighed and glanced around them, making sure they weren't being watched. He didn't feel like talking to any more people after these three girls. Even moreso, he hoped they wouldn't be girls. That was the last thing he needed, was too have an impression on everyone else that he was a chick magnet. He wasn't, and that was good. Along with that, he really doubted that these girls were attracted to him in..that manner. They all seemed as normal as could be, and he was glad for that.


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Character Portrait: Melissa Hanna Jones Character Portrait: Celia
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Celia's stomach wretches at the name, "Hades." This girl was her half sister, her mother another victom of his trickery.
"My mother sold him her sould, so he would damn her husband and ferry his soul across the river Styx personally. He made love to her on the spot and apparently told her 'This is the price you will pay for his soul.' Nine months later she gave birth to me...and the moment she layed eyes on me she went insane. She tried to choke me with her IV. I'm not interested in talking about Dad, or his taste in women," she hissed at the girl.
She tried to soften her eyes at the girl, she did't mean to snap, her father was a touchy subject. "But I'm ok with anything else."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lenam Character Portrait: Kat Character Portrait: Melissa Hanna Jones Character Portrait: Celia
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Melissa leaned on a near tree,the wind blow the leaves for a few minutes while silence lays in the group. Melissa looks around her face darkens and her eyes watery. "You seem like the lucky one. The monster killed my mother...H-he destroyed her inside out turning her from the sweetest creature to a party animal, drug abuser and an alcoholic. She died when I was 5, He lied to me told me she had cancer." she spoke looking across the little lake beside the cabins as a tears slowly rolled down her cheek. "I-I wish I was different, I wish as if he wasn't my father, and what hurts me the most is he still has the balls to call me daughter send me messages and to try to taunt me into entering the underworld" she finished. She turned to the quite girl and boy sitting down. "So who is your parents?" she asked quickly changing the subject.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lenam Character Portrait: Kat Character Portrait: Melissa Hanna Jones Character Portrait: Celia
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Celia listened to the girl and chuckled to herself, This girl thinks I pity her... she shakes her head, being polite and not interupting while she spoke, I am a walking reminder of my mothers blood contract, that she would give her soul to Hades if he would kill her husband. Her impregnated her, giving her nonth more months of life, just long enough to carry the being created by the God of the underworld, and the murderous being my mother had been. My mother had fallen from Zues's eyes,a nd her true form was already that of one who is already damned in life. This is why I am the way I am, I am nothing more than a living, breathing contract. I pity no one." Though that she knew deep down, she had a human side...she just didn't want to show it to this girl, her sister...because she was a little jealous. Why does she get to be normal...?
The girl had stopped talking to her and had moved on to talk with the other girl and Lenam. Celia didn't want to be around so many people anymore, she felt uncomfortable...freakish. Like she was trying to fit in somewhere she obviously didnt belong. She stood up, brushing past her sister and started walking away, but stopped and turned back around, "Hi, im Celia. Im sorry I can't stay...but next time you see me come say hi," she was talking to quiet girl who came over with Melissa. She turned her attention to Lenam, "Come by my cabin later and we can finish our talk," she was happy she had mentioned which one was hers before the girl had come over. She waved to him and turned heel, her tail flicking behind her. She walked up to the door adorned with a B and walked in.
Looks like 3 more girls could be staying in here with me, She said looking at the beds lined up against the far wall. She chose the bed closest to the window at the end of the room. She pulled the sheet off her bed and pinned it up across the corner, making a makeshift 'wall' seperating her from the rest of the empty room. she pulled the curtain back and sat on her stripped bed. The window faced toward the woods and away from the other cabins. It ha slid open easily, leaving only a screen between her and the outdoors. The hot air drifted summer air felt good on her face.
Who needs sisters, I'm fine on my own... She grabbed her bag and pulled in into her sanctuary.
Before she was brought there she had ten minutes to pack. She easily grabbed the few pairs of jeans and blouses she owned, only a few of them were flashy. She usually wore daisy dukes and tank-tops and flip-flops in the summer time. Luckily she had packed a bottle of Jack and her bowl pack.
These are the only friends I have ever needed, she said unrolling the bag containing her WhiteWidow. She broke up a bit and packed it in her bowl, snapping hre fingers to create a flame, and taking a hit. She sucked the sweet potent smoke into her mouth and french inhaled through her nose...holding it in as she took a swig from her bottle. She cleared the bowl, then let it all out...her body began to tingle and she leaned back onto the headboard and stared out the window, letting her friends take over as she began to daydream....
Who needs sisters anyhow...


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Character Portrait: Lenam Character Portrait: Celia
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Celia wakes from her summer doze and stretched aren't there counselors or something in this camp... She stretched her arms over her head and felt her stomach rumble. She brushed it aside and stepped out the cabin door to sit on the step. She sees Lenam walking toward the other cabins and throws her hand in the air, waving to him , "Hello Lenam!" She stretched her legs out in front of her and waited for something to happen.