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Weight of the Broken World

Weight of the Broken World


War ends. Peace returns. But is peace the natural state of things? The young avatar sets out to find purpose in a world of bigotry and intolerance. A coming of age for a group of friends and the world they try to understand.

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A hundred years of war begets a hundred years of peace. Well, technically an eternity of peace. But history shows that peace is only good for nature. Humans have a way of screwing all that up. Avatar Aang lived a productive life. He reestablished the small Air Nomads and restored balance to the world. He found love and himself and all the other beautiful things we aspire to.

But he left too many stones unturned. The Fire Nation was still brimming with resources and imperialistic drive. The Earth Kingdom was in anarchy. The Water Tribes were rebuilding and full of scorn. He did his best. He did more than any one could have, and forged an alliance which would keep the world on the path to balance and perfection.

Too many stones unturned. The only nation with any semblance of oneness is the water tribes, who have banded together, fueled by all the wrong done to them. Water can be the cruelest element.

Isolationism is rampant, and those who survive the war fear that the only way to protect themselves is to avoid all contact with other nations. It's a false peace.

Left behind is a young avatar. A waterbender who should have it easy. The Avatar will learn the four elements and in the process draw out the timid nations. An age of alliance and peace and prosperity promised by one Avatar, must be fulfilled by another. But growing up in a world strictly divided, finding that sort of utopia seems hard.

So the story isn't of divine objects which grant unheard of power, or take it away. It's not of summoning up whole storms to desecrate the earth. It's about the burden forced on the next generations. The delicate balance which must be maintained in a world totally abhorrent to it.

Rebels without causes, brave and troubled hearts, those capable of feeling something in an age of numbness, will stand out against a world set in its ways. The opportunities are great, but young minds aren't privy to that sort of thing. It's all about the here and now, and that's just the sort of thing no one seems to understand.

This is a semi to literate roleplay which attempts to capture some of the heart and depth of the Avatar: The Last Airbender series.

Chris Crisis

Feel free to post your character bios. Just use the character tab. I usually prefer words to pictures, but it's fine either way. Obviously, for naming:

Water Tribe: Heavy on K's and "Aw" sounds: Katara, Hakoda, Sokka, Pakku, Kya, Kuruk, Kanna, Arnook, etc
Earth Ex-Kingdom States: Generally Chinese or Korean names, unless from Kyoshi island, which has Japanese names.
Fire Nation: Heavy on Z's and "Oh" sounds: Zuko, Ozai, Azula, Sozin, Zhao, Azulon, Kuzon
Air Nomads: Usually Tibetan names. Since most of the air nomads were in hiding, they would probably have Earth Kingdom Names.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Taking place in...

The Avatar: Last Airbender Universe our primary setting

A world slowly recovering from near-total destruction, where a few young benders will try to make sense of it all. How can this generation bear the Weight of the Broken World?

The Avatar: Last Airbender Universe

The Avatar: Last Airbender Universe by Oran Tarlin

A world slowly recovering from near-total destruction, where a few young benders will try to make sense of it all. How can this generation bear the Weight of the Broken World?

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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Out of Place

The Great Southwest wasn't exactly what Shen wanted. If he had spent a little bit more time studying, he would have known that beach sand is mostly crushed up coral and thus not so easily bended as his great homogeneous sea of sand back home. So when he finally got to that shore, all he got to enjoy was a sun about to set and the joy of spending the last of your money all at once.

He sat down on the powder sand, looking up at the orange sky. It was nice to know that the world he'd been running from was so far away. Of course, there were too many questions to be answered. Why was he running? Where was he running to? Why run? What is waiting for him? What is this honestly accomplishing?

He tried to make himself forget by gathering some dried wood and digging a nice pit in the sand. For the next few hours while he let the fire build and the sun prepare to set, he was moving around the fire wildly, as though imitating a water bender, occasionally kicking up sand that would hover in the air. He was focusing on those endlessly small bits of ground stone which would answer to his bending.

Sure enough, he had a faint little cloud of dust after a while, and collapsed in front of his fire again, exhausted and disappointed. He tried to remember some of the things his mentor had taught him. It was a good day for a bit of relaxation and a bit of nostalgia. That still didn't answer any of the questions which were neatly piling up in his mind. Of course, sometimes you didn't want answers.

His stomach growled violently. Sometimes you wanted food. How long had he gone without eating? The smoke rising elegantly into the air, Shen took some sand from his little cloud and some from his pouch and forced them into a compact little shell. He packed it with the onions, potatoes, and bits of scrap meat he had bought in the village, and the last of a fragrant desert herb he had brought with him.

Why not celebrate getting so far without answering a single question? That sort of thing took a lot of talent. He sealed the little shell and bent it into the coals of the fire. The sea wind was getting colder as the sun continued to fall.

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#, as written by Lerro
The sun's rays beat down hard on Azron's back as he stood tall on a collection of small boulders covered in moss and surrounded by green trees. Sweat beaded his face and shirtless body as his muscles tensed, exhausted from the excessive training he was forcing himself to go through. Being a nomad, he had plenty of time on his hands to do absolutely nothing. Continually pushing himself through training gave him something to do and also helped him to keep his wits about him. No one could be trusted these days, a lesson he had learned during his childhood.

He breathed in slowly as he bent his knees, falling into a readied combat stance. He suddenly shot out a heap of breath as he lunged forward, flames appearing around his wrists. Blazing with power, he cut down an imaginary enemy with three quick, strong strokes from his fists and then leaped into the air, his entire body now wreathed in flame. A cry left his lips as he pushed his energy to the limit, unleashing a wave of fire onto the boulders and trees below him. He landed with a loud thud, breathing heavily. The moss that once covered the boulders were now reduced to ash, and some of the leaves on the trees had been burnt off by the heat. Days like this made Azron extremely happy, it pleased him that he was able to push his limits.

Exhausted, he slid off the boulders and retreated to his temporary campsite that he had made last night. He laid inside his small tent where his armor, robes and cape waited for him all folded up and set aside. He didn't put them on. He was far to exhausted to do anything now. He laid still for a while, deciding to take a few minutes to rest. After that he would have to pack up camp and move on, he never liked staying in one place for too long. He shut his eyes and let the sun continue pouring warmth onto the tent, keeping him warm and comfortable as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

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Kota trudged somewhat aimlessly through the country-side, Haru trotting happily at his side, occasionally sprinting off to chase a bug or something else that caught his attention. In a way, Kota envied him. Haru was so carefree; he didn't seem to be aware of all that was going on in the world. He seemed unaware of all of the strife and resentment that seemed to permeate the very air of every nation. With a sigh Kota paused by a nearby stream and sat down. Haru ran over and began lapping up water out of the stream until he was satisfied then, licking his chops returned to Kota's side and laid down on the ground, placing his head on his paws. Kota pulled out a water skin and held it above his open mouth but no water came out, "Hmm," he said to himself, "I must have finished it off earlier and not even realized it."

He rose and walked over to the stream and, with what seemed only a few intricate finger movements pulled a thin ribbon of water and guided it into the opening of the water skin until it was full then allowed the rest to splash back into the stream. Had anyone been nearby they might have though it odd, a water bender alone in the Earth Kingdom but Kota was both alone and no mere water bender. He was the next Avatar, not that he wanted to be. He resented the fact that this so called gift had been bestowed upon him and wished nothing more than to be a normal kid like the rest of the Southern Water Tribe. He glanced up and noticed that the sun was sinking closer and closer to the horizon. "This seems as good of a place as any to make camp for the night.”

Haru whined softly as Kota stood up, “Stay here, boy, I’ll be back with some firewood in a minute.” With that, he set off into the forest, picking up stray branches and twigs for the campfire. Once his arms were laden with wood and kindling he returned to the small clearing and began arranging the wood into a pyramid shape and placed the kindling beneath it. It was at this time that he wished he’d learned some fire bending already. However, seeing as he didn’t, he pulled out two pieces of flint and started scraping them together, sending sparks into the kindling. Once it seemed like they caught he leaned over and blew gently, feeding the flames until they began to lick hungrily at the larger pieces of wood. Satisfied that it would eventually catch he settled back next to Haru and pulled out a bit of seal blubber jerky. He tore off a piece with his teeth and sat there, arms wrapped around his knees as he chewed, gaze never leaving the flames. “You think I’ll ever get used to the idea of being the Avatar?” he asked quietly of Haru who looked at him for a moment and barked. Presuming this was as good of an answer he would ever get he yawned and pulled out the sleeping bag from his pack and rolled it out a few feet from the fire. He laid down on top of it as it was a warm evening and there was no need to wrap himself up more. Haru padded over quietly and curled up nearby and, soon, both had drifted off to sleep.

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Daishen stood in a forest clearing, filled with soft light from the rays of the sinking sun. Just moments ago some large creature had rambled through, snapping twigs and branches as it went. He hadn't wanted a fight with his water pouch so close to empty, so he'd hid behind a tree, not daring to even breath. As it ambled away he let out a heavy breath, shaking his head slightly to clear it. As he walked into the center of the clearing he looked up, as a light breeze stirred his clothing. He watched the clouds swirl and shape, and he could almost see the thousands of water droplets. He envied clouds, they were so free of the burdens of this world. With another shake he returned to earth, and he went about setting up a small camp

First, he walked around the clearing, gathering some of the larger branches he could find, propping them together. He removed his belt and used it to lash them together, creating a small teepee like lean to, that would at least keep out the cold breezes from the sea. Satisfied that it'd sustain him for the night, Daishen curled into a cross legged postition, back straight, and he began his meditation. Slowly, he inhaled through his nose, exhaling through his mouth. He sat there for nearly an hour, focusing on the sounds of his heart, and the rush of his blood. He was perfectly motionless the entire time.

Daishen finished his meditation, and he slowly unfurled. He stretched, his arms reaching for the sky. Opening his eyes, he checked the position of the sun, and he sighed softly. He'd spent too long dwelling on clouds, and couldn't achieve the inner calm needed. He couldn't finish his training. His master always discouraged training at night, as a Water Bender could become high on the power, or they could become dependant on the power. He walked over to his lean to, where he pulled out a small piece of smoked jerky. He chewed it softly as he realized it was the last of his food. He finished the small strip and he ducked into his shelter, curling up for the night.. his mind back on clouds

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There was nothing in the nature of a sunset that warranted beauty or longing. It was a sun dying, but not even dying, worse, being buried alive. The sun died screaming, with color as its voice. The whole sky was blood red as the ocean swallowed the sea whole.

Shen looked on with a kind of joy in his wonderment. He heard his mentor, with his powerful but cracked voice.

"You know the moon is a woman. A beautiful one, I'm sure, for she would have to shine with all that silvery light. The sun is a man, I think. But truly only a woman could make such a big deal of laying down to sleep, and do it so beautifullly. But then, I guess all the stars are beautiful, which means there's a surplus of women in the afterlife. I rather think I'd like to die now. Certainly helps your chances, you know?"

The Sandbender probably looked funny laying there laughing. His mild chuckling was stopped suddenly. The food!

The hot sand shell hovered out of the fire, part of it dissolving away revealing the pungent meat below. Shen's eyes rolled back in his head. He fell back into the sand, the shell hovering between his hands, as he let the spicy drippings and the clouds of potato they carried fall into his mouth. Oh that serene feeling. The kind you couldn't buy.

Of course, it was all ruined by a violent waterdroplet to the forehead. Shen's eyes opened, snapped back into reality. The sky was dark now, the sun had been swallowed up all at once at the very last second, gone.

The clouds above weren't storm clouds. Not remotely. Apparently there was no other rain.

He returned to his meal, and finished with a savage hunger. He tossed the sand about in the air, letting the sticky parts fall away, and siphoning it back into his small pouch.

Another water droplet, and it seemed like it hit the exact same place.

Shen only now realized the storm which was forming just above him. He had heard of this sort of thing in the desert, freak waves of sand that could cover whole caravans... was it the same outside the desert?

Shen watched his fire die. It did so so suddenly and with such violence that it sent a chill down Shen's spine. Getting up, he immediately felt the cold. A flash of lightning was all it took to send Shen back into the forest, pulling his bags over his shoulder. If this was anything like the desert, finding cover or finding help were his only options.

Above the strange storm began to belch out its roars. The rain was light, but freezing, and any lightning bolt was accompanied almost immediately by the groan of the skies. It fell over Shen so quickly he thought the world had turned against him. He made plenty of noise as he jumped through the leaves, grunting and doing what he could to get under the canopy's embrace.

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#, as written by Lerro
A loud crash of lightening brought Azron back into the world from his light sleeping. His tent was moving back and forth in the harshly blowing wind, and little droplets of water pushed past some cuts in the top of it, sprinkling the fire bender with moisture. He sat himself up and poked his head outside, witnessing a harsh storm billowing overhead. A light rain poured down from the heavens as he emerged, pulling on his robes and armor. He couldn't stay inside of a little tent with a storm like this plowing over him. He had to find refuge in the nearby city of earth benders, it was the only place near him that he could go.

Gathering up his belongings, he pulled a back hood over his face to keep the rain from hitting him, and then began running into the direction of the city. He had passed it on his travels the day before, not wanting to enter inside simply because it would be best if he stayed away. Peace was still alive between earth and fire benders, but they still had their disagreements. Azron knew the peace would probably not last for long, so he had been sure to avoid any other benders that he saw coming along the road. But now, he would be forced to find refuge in their cities like a wet hound looking for a box to sleep in for the night.

The city came into sight, as well as a long line of travelers that had gathered together due to the harsh weather. He immediately infiltrated their ranks and acted as if he was one of them, wanting quick and unseen passage into the city walls. It wasn't long until he was inside, dozens of earth bender guards everywhere, keeping an eye out for any hostilities amongst the new group of travelers. He branched off from the group the walk down a few ally ways, looking for an Inn he had heard of before when he passed by.

"The Tinkered Inn," he said as he read the sign and then smirked, walking inside.

"Can I help you sure?" bar tender asked as soon as Azron entered.

"A free room please, I'm afraid I have nothing to pay you with. I need shelter from the storm..."

The bartender frowned and shook his head. "I'm sorry my young sir, but I cannot give you a room unless you give me full payment for the night."

With his face still hidden by the hood, Azron raised a hand, fire immediately appearing on his fingers. As the fire danced wildly around his palm, coloring Azron's dark appearance in with a red light, he said, "Times a rough, sir. Are you sure you don't have a-"

The bartender cut him off. "Oh why didn't you say so!?" His voice shook with fear as he realized he had a firebender in his inn. "Bad luck to be running into a storm, please follow me to your room sir."

Azron smiled and nodded, "Thank you. I'll be here just for the night."

Azron was given a room in the far back of the inn, away from all the other customers. He didn't mind, he actually preferred it that way. No one would trouble him as long as he stayed far back in the inn and out of sight. Wet and cold, he took of his damp clothes set them outside the door for the servants of the inn to take care of. Then he pulled on one of his extra robes, and headed back towards the bartender because he was no longer tired and desired a quick drink.

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Daishen was in hell. Almost literally. He was curled up in his hut, and the sound of the icey rain striking it was thunderous. But that wasn't why he was in hell. It was nighttime, the moon was near full, and it was raining. Daishen's water bending couldn't be stronger if he was standing in the middle of the ocean. He sighed heavily. He wasn't going to be sleeping any time soon, so he rolled out into the cleaing. Immediatly the harsh rain pelted him, but he found it soothing. Truly I could get used to this. Living near the ocean, beautiful storms filling my days, and my past far away.

He knew he shouldn't be having thoughts like that, but it was true. This was an escape he desired. With a groan, Daishen pushed himself up, and he unlashed his belt, causing his temporary shelter to crash to the ground. He belted it on, and he breathed deeply. Standing in the center of the clearing, he brought his arms up, and did a sharp turn to the left, bringing his arms around, causing a small stream of water to form from the falling rain. He directed it into the satchel on his back, and with a satisfied nod he checked to make sure it was full. Seeing it was, Daishen walked out of the clearing, looking for a better spot to camp out.

He stopped abruptly, for he could hear someone, or something, crashing around in the forest. He couldn't tell how far it was, due to the muting effect of the forest, and rain. Daishen stood there for a moment, weighing his options. If it was a traveller, he might find shelter with him, or even food. If it was an animal, he could take it down, and possibly cook it. Or it could trample him and he'd be a tasty snack. Sighing again, Daishen made his decision, and slowly crept forward, towards the sound of cracking branches, and stirred underbrush.

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Shen had found the forest disgustingly thin. It looked thick, but obviously something had thinned out the leaves above, because he was being absolutely pelted with water.

He awkwardly started to loosen the wrappings on his feet, binding them back up his leg. He had to hop about foolishly to do it, but even mud was a welcome relief.

He pressed himself into a small clearing, not more than six feet in any direction, and that was a generous estimate. It was, however, dry, gloriously dry. Shen hardly thought anyone would find him in the middle of a forest during a storm, and nonchalantly spun around, sending a wall of mud up the sides of the trees, sealing up the gaps. He took a breath, pushing his foot out along the ground and pulling it back, a slab of stone erupted from under the trees, bending them over the small gap of muddy grass.

Besides some minor sprays of moisture, the uprooted tree was hanging over the gap quite effectively. A deafening crack of thunder sent Shen crawling under his stone monolith, only now realizing how cold he was.

Of course, the chill wasn't as much from the icy rain as the faint sparkle he saw through the trees.

"Hello? Ugh... I don't want any trouble" He said, he wasn't in the mood to fight, and he was sure anyone else would be.

Just in case, he got a strong grip on the soft ground below him, and held his hands out. He had no idea what he could do in such a tight space, but he could still hope that this person didn't have any lingering guile for the Earth Nations.

It was this sort of moment that made Shen long for the desert heat again. A place where there was always sunshine. Not just sunshine, debilitating heat that made men delirious and boys scavenger meat. Where he and his mentor could debate the relationship of a viper snail to sandbending, and the relationship of the stars to the earth...

~No time for fantasies... at least look like you know what you're doing~

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Daishen looked curiously at the earth hut. When he'd passed by the other day, it hadn't been there.
Suddenly a whimsical voice rang out. "Who's there? Ugh.. I don't want trouble."

Daishen sighed, and he stepped out of the shadows from the tree. He crouched down, trying to peer into the hut.
He spoke, almost mechanically. "I'm Daishen, an Earth Kingdom Traveller, and I mean you no harm. I seek shelter from this storm, and would welcome any aid." Daishen held his hands up, showing he had no weapons. His stomach growled as a harsh breeze swept through the clearing.

He stood motionless, his eyes still trying to pick the boy out. Though his arms were outstretched, everyone of his muscles were taunt, wary of an attack

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"Shen don't entertain the wants of strangers. They'll cheat you, kill you, then rob your corpse."
"Everyone is suspect to the same ills... the same pains. Don't mark everyone as an enemy before at least getting to know them."

The first voice was his father's, the second was his trainer's. A massive crack of lightning tore through the sky. Shen dropped his hands.

"I have room." He said, moving back into his little earth-bent hut. Shen collapsed under the rock outcropping. He felt around in his bag. "Are you hungry? I have some old stew meat and a little onion, but that's all..."

He had to at least give the stranger a chance. Shen knew that he would want some amount of courtesy if he was running through the woods.

Oh... lovely... Shen only now realized that he should have asked the stranger why he was in the woods. All in time. If he died here, hopefully the man had the decency to bury him or burn him.

"I'm Shen..." He said, remembering the man's name. "Daishen... what are you doing out here?" He said, rather abruptly.

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Daishen stepped into the small hut, and the immediate relief from the storm was more then welcome. He examined the kid, he was small and oddly dressed. He'd seem more at home in an open field then a forest, but Daishen cast that thought from his mind. He knew nothing of this boy, and he could make no judgements.

He kept his face blank, as he said in an expressionless voice, "Aye, I hate to admit it, but I'm a traveller down on my luck. I sought to reach the ocean, because I'm a painter see, but I got lost in this forest. I don't make much money with my work, and I've run out of food. Anything would be appreciated friend."

Daishen held his hand out to shake the boys hand.

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After initially being woken up by the storm and scrabbling to bring all of his belongings together into his pack he'd hoped to try to wait out the rain. He'd wedged himself up against the base of a tree, Haru sitting at his side, taking a small amount of refuge from the foliage that provided a decent, tarp-like canopy over his head. However, the longer he sat under the tree, the heavier the rain seemed to fall. With a heavy sigh, he slumped back against the rough bark, feeling some discomfort as it dug into the parts of his skin that were exposed. His gaze shifted down to Haru, “This isn’t going to end anytime soon, boy, and we can’t just sit out here in the cold and the rain while we wait to catch our death.”

After a few more moments he pushed himself up off the ground and slung his pack over his shoulder. Haru gave a low whine and flattened his ears back, letting his tail droop between his legs. “I know, boy,” Kota began, reaching down to scratch Haru behind the ears, “I don’t want to either and I can’t redirect or stop all of it and walk at the same time. We’ve got to find better shelter.” He set off, Haru aright on his heels, into the driving rain in search of somewhere that would provide suitable cover for him to stay under for the duration of the storm.

His vision was so limited by the rain that he couldn’t see more than ten feet or so in front of him at best and, when the sheets of water got heavier it dropped to about five feet in front of him. The storm was still getting worse and he had to find something quickly. It was at that moment that he stumbled upon another clearing, this one with an earthen hut at one end. “Hello!?” he called out through the din of the storm. “Is anyone there? We need shelter if you can provide it? Only until the storm passes!” He took a few more tentative steps into the clearing, shielding his eyes to try to see better but there didn’t seem to be anything else in the clearing. Unsure of whether or not he’d been heard by the occupant he called out again, “Is anyone in there? It’s getting worse out here!” If no one answered he was going to assume that no one occupied it and take refuge in there anyway.

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Shen had busied himself searching for the onion and meat. It was scrap meat to be sure. He was still uneasy about using his bending, but the sheer earth hut gave that away already.

He shook the man's hand, trying not to seem timid or too forward, he hated handshakes, they gave away too much about a person. His was a little harsh and tight, but slipped away afterwards.

He heard more rumbling through the rainfall, but this was more melodic, were they vowels? "Ih-eh-ee-oh-ehr?" Was all he could comprehend.

"Hello?" He said, extending his tightly wrapped hand out through the trees. The small mud barrier on the ground was just to divert a little flooding, but when he felt a hand he pulled the person into the now cramped clearing.

"Well, I'm Shen, this is Daishen..." He said, rather awkwardly, as he tried to wipe away the moisture from his wrappings. "I hope you aren't hungry, because all we have is an onion and some raw meat... not even some proper firewood, it's all soaked by now." He said, with a discontented look.

He snapped a few branches and threw them into the center. Thankfully the trees above were thick enough to keep out most of moisture, but the branches were still soaked through. He had no method to dry them either.

Collapsing on the upturned stone below his uprooted tree, Shen sighed, "I wonder what spirit got offended enough that he can't even spare us some dry wood." So a miserable cold night with two total stranger and a freakish creature he only just noticed. It was like an albino Jackalsnake, without the snake, and something... else.

Shen tried to creep away from the... thing.

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Daishen inwardly groaned. He hadn't wanted a crowd, and he was still hungry.

He looked up at the newcomer, as Shen mentioned the wet wood. He couldn't make the man out, and he wasn't going to show his waterbending off in front of 2 people travelling around the Earth Kingdom.

Daishen was brought back to himself as he noticed a large creature growling at them from just outside the clearing.

"Ah.. that's a CoyoteJackal. They're vicious scavengers." Daishen spoke in a calm voice that didn't betray his pounding heart. He definately didn't want to reveal his waterbending, but CoyoteJackals killed travellers all the time.

Daishen backed into the hut, as the growling grew louder. The creature obviously wanted the hut for itself. Daishen turned to Shen and whispered softly, "Hey, seal this thing. I know your an Earth Bender. This hut wasn't here yesterday, and I doubt that thing can eat its way through."

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Shen sighed, "Well... fine."

Shen snapped his ankle to the side, and dropped to the ground while throwing his arms up. The little hut sealed off, throwing Kota into the hut and locking out Haru.

"Did you even realize that thing was stalking you?" Shen asked. He wasn't really afraid at this point. If anyone tried anything, they were inside three solid walls of Earth, he could crush them if he needed to.

Obviously, he didn't want to... killing meant running and running meant having no idea what to do.

Shen figured he could carve a chimney out with relative ease so he could at least have a place for the smoke to go when the wood dried.

It was already claustrophobic, but he was so cold a room full of smoke was worth the resulting warmth.

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The night had been, uncomfortable, to say the least.

It had involved Shen wanting to talk, but not being inclined to, and some frantic conversation involving the stone hut and the creature outside. Maybe it was the lack of oxygen, but it was hard to tell what was dream and what wasn't.

Waking up, Shen was in the hut, only it was open now, sunlight was flittering through the leaves above, and everything was absolutely bursting with life. The entire world seemed moist, dampened by one hell of a storm, but ah how nature could recover.

The creature, the shed, the third party, were gone away, and Daishen was resting against the stone wall. Shen figured it was noon by now. He knew why, the stone hut had turned horribly, entirely black, and it was impossible not to sleep in that total darkness, when finally the roots below them, bloated with water, got hold, the wall had fallen outward, and suddenly let the light in...

Shen was magnificently refreshed, something about that total blackness was always refreshing.

But nature was cruel, just as Shen stood, stretched his aching muscles and took in a breath, he realized just how hungry he was. Not a moment of peace, it seemed.

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Daishen startled himself awake as he heard movement outside. He looked around and realized Shen was up and about. After last night, he was suprised the kid could move so easily. He'd entered the hut with him, and something large had crashed by them. Daishen had encouraged Shen to seal the hut and he had. To Daishens immense suprise, Shen suddenly sunk into a pitiful sleep, and he was burning up with a fever. Most likely the change of climate from what he seemed to be used to.

Daishen had gathered cool water on his hands, and he'd placed it upon Shens forehead. He couldn't heal him, but the cool water had seemingly helped cut through the fever. Through the night Daishen had tended to Shen, and listened in on his ramblings about another person who was in the tent, only Daishen knew it was just the fever talking. After a while, Shen had sunk into a deeper sleep, his feaver nearly gone, and Daishen passed out, his back to the wall.

Daishen looked around at the light streaming in through the hut. It seemed to be late in the day, and he sighed softly. He was still exhausted from the night before. At some point the creature, and it'd scored the shelter with thick claws. Daishen could do nothing but wait it out.

A cool breeze swirled through the hut momentarily, and Daishen sucked in the fresh, crisp air. He loved the taste of life in the wind, and he felt a momentary sense of peace. It passed quickly and Daishen pushed himself off the dew filled grass, and he brushed himself off. He ducked under thelip of the ceiling as he stepped into the clearing. It was a sight to behold, dew coated everything, and the sun streamed softly through the foliage. A small smile lit up Daishens face, but it quickly dissolved into his usual face of indifference. He looked over at Shen, who seemed to be looking for food. "Friend, I appreciate the sanctity you offered me for the night." Daishen curled his fist, and tucked it in the palm of his left hand, which he held rigid and straight. He bowed low, keeping his hands extended in front of him. "I wish I had someway to pay you back for your hospitality, but I've no money or food. Should you desire anything else, please inform me. If not, I shall not impose any further upon your kindness. I have wish to see the ocean. To ah, paint it of course. I was commisioned by a noblemen of Ba Sing Sey to do so, and I wouldn't wish to dissapoint him." Daishen straightened his back and he let his arms fall to his side. He wanted to Bend himself a fish to eat.

(Ooc let me know if I should edit. I took a few liberties to explain away the others.)

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Shen turned a little confused, his reaction was always delayed, it took time for everything to slide into place.

"Are you sure you aren't hungry? There's a village nearby and I've been meaning to resupply." He looked around, a bit curious. "It wouldn't be any trouble, and I'm sure one of the village people could tell you where to find a nice cliff or something."

A painter? Is that what was left of the Earth Kingdom? They were spending money on a nice bright landscape on silk when they should have been gaining the trust of the crushed villages. It actually wasn't so shocking when Shen thought it through, but it still sounded an alarm in the back of his head.

At this point, he wasn't sure if he was afraid of being alone, if he was afraid of Daishen being left to his own devices, or if he was simply mad.

"I suppose I don't need this anymore." Shen said, and with a circular motion of his hands the ridges that made the hut shot back into the ground. The trees cast off some of their leaves which flickered ethereally in the light like falling daylight stars. To Shen, it was underwhelming and not the least bit poetic.

"But please, you should come, I'd not leave you to fish for your food, I haven't gotten a bite, water's hardly kind around here."

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Daishens heart leaped a little. Shen had seemingly bought his lie about being a painter, despite Daishen not having paint, brush, or canvas. He'd also awoken thoughts of companionship that Daishen longed for, but he knew he should distance himself. "Look Shen. I-" Daishen stopped talking abruptly, and he put his hands in his face. He brought them down sharply, and his face was indifferent again.

"Thank you, but I must decline. I've need to see the ocean. The beautiful, evil ocean that destroys and creates without thought or care. It is my lifes goal to see it, and I'm so close. But be warned friend. The villages nearby aren't kind to travellers, or even their neigherbors. I... I know this personally." Daishens voice caught.

He wasn't himself and he knew it. This kid had sheltered him, fed him, and was more kind in one night then anyone had ever been in years. It wasn't right. It didn't fit with what Daishen knew of people. Daishen composed himself. "Though I feel bad for leaving you without food Shen. Come with me please. I'll offer you a small service." A small twinkle filled Daishen's eyes. "I'll show you how a master fishes."

Daishen walked out of the clearing, heading for the small, rushing stream nearby.

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Shen felt rather helpless as Daishen's tone became almost, sinister... why such a longing for the ocean? Shen had lived on an ocean once, a great wide ocean, sunkissed and golden, and he could sail with his wise mentor across the maddening sands.

A smart man would have simply left, but Shen could somehow sympathize, and he felt his stomach lurch, as though actually striving towards Daishen. The times were dark, but Daishen had proven loyal or stupid enough not to kill Shen outright, and any difference of nationality had not been an issue, it was odd, really, necessity, a simple need for shelter, had set into motion something greater.

"So your a master fisherman now?" for all Shen's romanticized philosophy, the first lie had already set a sad precedent.

Yet he followed, he walked out of the clearing, unnatural and appearing so, rock where should be roots, dry where should be moist, dead where should be life.

Stepping back into nature gave Shen a sense of security. He couldn't drop his guard, but at least the tight woods delayed any overlying guile on Daishen's part.

And even now Shen felt at odds with himself, suspicion was human, and vital in times like these...

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A small smile crept across Daishen's face. It quickly vanished but his eyes still held it. Shen really was amusing. Oft times he seemed totally alien, not fitting in, but when he spoke, he just.. fit. It was so strange to Daishen, but he felt at ease with Shen at his back. Were it anyone else, Daishen would never expose such a vital spot, but Shen was making his head spin.

The two reached the swiftly flowing stream, and brief flashes of silver filled Daishen's vision. "Ahh, no wonder you couldn't catch anything." Daishen pointed at a small bend in the river a few yards away. "That twist rapidally increases the speed of the water, and the fish shoot by like an arrow. It seems they're passing through to mate. I'm guessing there's another river they swim up, to head back to their nesting grounds." Daishen removed his overlarge shirt, and he laid it delicately on a rock.

"Now friend. I will show you how the worlds greatest fisherman gathers his lunch." Daishens voice rose slightly as he held his hands, palm up, in front of him. He closed his eyes, breathing in and out softly, then he exploded into action. He spun into a crouch, and he sharply turned his back to the river, with his arms behind his back, palms down. The water trembled slightly, but Daishen suddenly thrust his arms forward. Two streams of water blasted out past him, one on each side, and they formed in front of him as a perfect ball of water.

Daishen quickly straightened up, holding his arms in front of him, keeping his palms straight as he concentrated on the water. Inside, two large salmon swum in a perfecty circle. Daishen quickly sliced his arms down, causing the water to freeze and crash to the ground. It shattered, and the two fish lay on a small ice table, dead.

"Well then." Daishen pulled his shirt back on, a slight smile on his face. His body was rigid, unsure whether Shen would attack. He truly hoped he didn't. This close to the water, Daishen would simply escape, but curiously he didn't want to. Under normal circumstances, Daishen wouldn't have ever showed anyone his WaterBending, but he just felt.. like it was right.

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Shen remembered watching the WaterBenders on the estate, he remembered his mentor explaining that to bend sand required the will of an EarthBender and the grace of a Waterbender.

Shen was always fascinated with the styles, movements, and hidden nuances of other bending arts, there was so much to be learned from other benders, but it simply wasn't the age for it, the opportunity was rare and exciting.

Words were escaping him, what did one say after a show of bending? At this point, the fish was an afterthought.

"Dead, chilled, and probably still twitching. So... what is a WaterBender doing here? Catching salmon with a stranger in the Earth Kingdoms?" Shen asked, gingerly picking up a fish, examining it with a certain mix of total hunger and respect.

He was beginning to realize the power of the man before him. It was intimidating, but Shen was feeling safer and safer.

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Daishen relaxed slightly. The question had caught him off-guard, but it was better then what he'd expected.

"I was born in the Earth Kingdom. I was raised, trained, and taught everything I know here. Its more my home then anywhere else, but my heart has pulled me to the ocean. My Master spoke of it with a reverance, and before he died, he made me promise I'd visit it." Daishen reached slowly spread his arms out, and he twirled them around, causing more water to fly from the stream. He abruptly shot both arms forward, sending a razor sharp slice of water through his ice block, and cleaving the heads from the fish.

"Now Shen, I'm not much of a fish eater, so I can't do more to clean these. If you like, I'll brew us some tea if you can clean them." Daishen quickly punched the ice block the fish rested on, and a large bowl of ice fell off. Daishen dipped it into the stream, filling it with cool water. He laid it down gently, and he reached into his pants pocket. A few tea leaves were added to the bowl, and Daishen held his hand inches from the surface. He closed his eyes and concentrated. The water began to boil slowly, picking up speed until it was at a roaring boil. Daishen flicked his left hand slightly, causing the ice bowl to stay solid.

A light film of sweat covered his forehead, but Daishen opened his eyes. "If you can find wood for a fire, I can make sure its dry. We can talk more after we eat. Truth be told, I haven't had much to eat over the last 3 days."

Daishens stomach pointedly rumbled.

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Shen was taken off guard at the "not much of a fish eater" perhaps always having fish in your grasp made it taste less sweet? Shen had always been a rampant omnivore, and felt that every food was infallible and wonderfully delicious beyond imagination, and that it was entirely up to the cook to make that perfection clear. Bad food was blamed on the cook, never the food.

He simply nodded and stayed quiet, amazed at Daishen's ability to hold boiling water and ice together, it was probably great for sore muscles, heating and cooling and relaxing it all away.

Shen opened one of the little sacks at his side, a thin stream of sand fell out, and was hanging in the air like spiderweb without a source. Holding up the fish, he made staccato movements of his fingers, occasionally dropping the fish and grabbing it again so as not to cut off his fingers. The sand whipped in thin strands against the fish, and as it bounced with his incessant dropping and catching, the undesirable parts fell to the ground. He tossed the now clean, bright fish up, letting it slice in two, and it fell away while its bones were held in the air. He placed them neatly on the ice block.

"Did I mention I'm a fish bender?" There wasn't a grain of sand on the perfectly trimmed fillets. Shen had learned that trick from the chore his mentor would give him, "Clean the fish with nothing but sand, and leave not a single grain within." It had taken him a while, but it made fish dinners easily had, even if he was a lousy fisherman.

He picked up the other headless fish, "So, you won't have any?" He always kept a large container of salt within, he could preserve it, maybe smoke it later, and keep it for a day when he needed it, but eating while Daishen looked on would only summon up guilt. "What would you have, then?"

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Daishen laughed at Shen's FishBending comment. "Friend, I'm so hungry I'd eat it raw. I'm simply horrid at cleaning fish." Daishen smiled briefly, his first genuine smile in years. "I'll gather a few sticks for kindling. I don't have any flint for a fire though.." Daishens voice trailed off. He realized how he sounded like a beggar.

He sighed softly, his mind trailing into the past for a second, but he stopped himself. He felt old emotions welling up, threatening to spill out. To keep his mind blank, Daishen cleared his face and set about gathering kindling. After just a minute he'd gathered enough, and he arranged it into a neat tent.

Daishen sunk to the ground, pulling his knees to his chest, and hugging them to his body. He rested his chin softly on his arms. "Shen." He spoke softly, unaware whether he could be heard or not. "Truly you are an enigma. Truly you have changed me, in simply a day. You're like the sun. So bright, so beautiful, but harsh and real. Almost blinding even." Daishen began to shake all over softly. "What is this. WHAT IS THIS." Daishens voice roared out, silencing the nearby forest, and a few leaves fell from the overhanging trees.

The silence was profound, for a moment even the bubbling stream seemed to vanish. Daishen imagined himself standing in an empty plain, nothing around but whiteness. Shen stood in that pure light, and Daishen reached a hand out towards him. He let out a cry of horror as he saw the hand was black as night. He felt a disembodied pressure, and suddenly he was staring at himself, reaching a hand towards Shen. His body, eyes, everything black as night, and Shen. Calmly holding a hand out towards him, all white as a cloud.

A tear slid down Daishens face as he abruptly snapped to attention. He was disguisted with his weakness, so he unfurled. When he stood at his full height, he spoke, his voice cracking. "Shen. I.. I can't." Suddenly he broke into a run, and he leapt into the river.

Water surged all around him as he was carried downstream, towards the ocean.

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The Avatar: Last Airbender Universe

The Avatar: Last Airbender Universe by Oran Tarlin

A world slowly recovering from near-total destruction, where a few young benders will try to make sense of it all. How can this generation bear the Weight of the Broken World?

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Character Portrait: Shen Baojia
Character Portrait: Daishen Ohmey
Character Portrait: Azron Kurik


Character Portrait: Azron Kurik
Azron Kurik

Brave fire bender and well known warrior among his people

Character Portrait: Daishen Ohmey
Daishen Ohmey

Calm, but perpetually lost in thought, a master Water Bender

Character Portrait: Shen Baojia
Shen Baojia

Sandbending Introvert and Ungrateful Brat


Character Portrait: Shen Baojia
Shen Baojia

Sandbending Introvert and Ungrateful Brat

Character Portrait: Daishen Ohmey
Daishen Ohmey

Calm, but perpetually lost in thought, a master Water Bender

Character Portrait: Azron Kurik
Azron Kurik

Brave fire bender and well known warrior among his people

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Daishen Ohmey
Daishen Ohmey

Calm, but perpetually lost in thought, a master Water Bender

Character Portrait: Shen Baojia
Shen Baojia

Sandbending Introvert and Ungrateful Brat

Character Portrait: Azron Kurik
Azron Kurik

Brave fire bender and well known warrior among his people

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The Avatar: Last Airbender Universe

The Avatar: Last Airbender Universe by Oran Tarlin

A world slowly recovering from near-total destruction, where a few young benders will try to make sense of it all. How can this generation bear the Weight of the Broken World?

The Avatar: Last Airbender Universe

A world slowly recovering from near-total destruction, where a few young benders will try to make sense of it all. How can this generation bear the Weight of the Broken World?

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Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

*sniff* Don't tell me it's dead... I don't take rejection well...

I mean... this roleplay even had a cool name (I thought)... Now I'll be in denial for a few weeks...

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

Ugh not sure how to continue.. I might wash up on the beach, but I'm having trouble thinking of where the plots going to go.

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

Ohhhhhhh I thought you were playing off my post about the creature crashing through the woods earlier. Oh wow -right over my head-

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

Lol, yea, it was supposed to be Shen's reaction to a creature he had never seen.

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

Oh was Haru the creature you noticed? I mighta misunderstood with my post lol.

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

Sorry for my slow reply. Because of this roleplay tab thing, I don't see new posts in my bookmarks... and I forget to check... silly me.

Wait... is it? Roku was male. Aang was male. Maybe there's some excess testosterone building up in the Avatar state? Eh, hardly matters.

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

um, doesn't the avatar need to be a girl this time around? Avatars switch gender every life. Just a comment, not an attack, just sayin....

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

Uhm, is anyone else gonna post?

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

Hahaha, well, some women do find tall men attractive.

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

Sounds good to me <3, I actually had mine all typed up but I didn't like it so I redid it. Took quite a while lol.

And yeah, I have a slouching problem.. its especially bad because my girlfriends just under 5ft3in, lol.

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

Heh, I always have an issue with height too, I'm 6'6" in a town of people who barely scratch 5'4". I have such bad posture, but... I just can't hear anything they're saying all the way down there... I have to slouch.

Great first posts by the way... now I was going to start this roleplay out with a storm anyway, but since people are conveniently starting to camp out, it will double as a way to keep people together. Aka. Party in the forest?

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

I must say I haven't.. I meant no offense and realize it could be a simple generalization, but I also have a minor bias.. as I'm 6'7" IRL, so everyones short to me

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

Aw, now that's just generalizing Destabilization. I'm pretty sure there has to be some exceptions. Why, have you seen the Chinese basketball team? O.O

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

Touched my profile up a bit.. and isn't the world of Avatar Asian? Meaning no offense, but Asians tend be kinda... short lol. I was going to make my character taller, to reflect my RL height, but I toned it down with that in mind.

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

Le Gasp! No Earthbender or Airbender!

Also, seven feet is a little too creepy for a thirteen-year old. She has to be six. Yeah, just wanted to say that.

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

Lovely you're both accepted. I particularly like that mark of the wise thing...

Forum_Stalker: 7 feet tall? That's a scary Fire Bender!

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

My antihero firebender lady is primed to go, Oran. :)

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

Huzzah <3, but tried to upload an avatar for it, but as I post with a cellphone, uploads are disabled ><

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

You're accepted. Actually, since a Water bending Avatar's first extra element would be Earth, I figured the group would ultimately be heading towards Ba Sing Se. I agree, I loved the change in scenery and I thought Ba Sing Se was the most interesting part of the series.

I'm still trying to figure out this roleplay tab. I think we'll just stick with one "place" because getting too many would just be convoluted and confusing.

Re: [OOC] Weight of the Broken World

Aight I posted my character. Please, please inform me of any changes needed, or questions about it. This is my first Roleplay on the site*, and I can always use more helpful criticism on my characters.

Also, I particularly hope that the storyline can incorporate some of the very rich culture of the Earth Kingdom city Ba Sing Se. I felt that the animated series didn't touch on it enough.