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Sienna Gancia

"I'm sorry, did you think you were talking to me?"

0 · 4,791 views · located in California

a character in “Welcome Back to Hollywood High”, as played by chanelindistress



{“Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.” }
-Mae West, Wit & Wisdom of Mae West


Sienna Primrose Vallarino Gancia

"Not many people get away with calling me anything other than Sienna. Devil Girls, they call me CC and Sia. Fans mostly call me by my name. They respect me for wanting that. Anyone else? Unless you want your tongue to get split, I'd advise that you just don't."
Sia or CC


|Birth Date|
July 31, 1997

|Zodiac Sign|

34% French| 40% Italian| 12% Swiss| 10% English| 4% Polish


|Relationship Status|
"It's senior year, I'm not looking to get tied down. I just want to have a little fun."
Single and not looking


|How old does she appear?|
Late teens to Early Twenties


120 lbs

Hourglass and curvy

|Face Shape|
Inverted Triangle

|Eye Color|
"Don't know if you noticed, but I've got gorgeous eyes."
Forest Green| A muted, soft-medium green with brown flecks in the irises.

|Glasses or Contacts|

|Skin Tone|
Pale and creamy, some think it's porcelain


|Distinguishing Marks|
"I've got a piercing in each ear. It would be too much drama if I got a tattoo, with cheerleading and everything. But I think that will be my next graduation and birthday present to myself."
Pierced ears

|Hair Color|
"I decided to go back to my more natural hair color. I've put in pink and light blue extensions in before, and then I dyed it blonde during junior year until more people started hopping on my jock. Now, it is at a very warm brown shade with darker lowlights and somewhat lighter highlights."
Warm brown

"Well, if you've seen me around school, you know that my hair is mostly down and in curls. I've done the half-up, half-down plenty of times in the past for it to be considered a trademark. But if you ever see me in cheerleading practice, you know it's gonna be up. However, catch me at a game and my hair might very well be down unless the girls decide to rock the ribbons."
Mostly down and curled; occasionally styled in a half-up, half-down style

|Physical Disabilities|

|Clothing Style|
"I'm definitely all about that edgy, somewhat rocker type thing. Some might even call it a hipster sort of vibe. At the same time, my granddad is the CEO of Louis Vuitton, so you never really catch me away from designer brands and such. The only difference is that I don't need to dress out every day. One minute, you might catch me in a pair of Guess sweats. On another, I might be rocking some Versace. What the girls joke as being my trademark is cleavage, which...well, it's the truth."
Edgy, chic and expensive {occasionally, casual}

|Favorite Outfit|
"It's a bit of a draw. Two of them are from Fashion Week and red carpet appearances with my granddad since he wanted to be present for something instead of being holed up back in France. But then the other is just something I really would show up to school in. Hell, it might be what I wear on the first day back."
One| Two| Three

|Jewelry or Accessories|
"Depends on how I feel. One day, I might say, fuck the bag cuz I don't feel like carrying it or I might leave the hat because it's too much. On another, my main accessory may be my cheerleading bag and I might only wear a bracelet. It really depends."

|Overall Attractiveness|
"Have you seen these horn dogs following me around? 10/10, all day every day!"


|Greatest Joys In Life|
~ Being a cheerleader and being with her girls because they are some of the greatest people in the world and she honestly does not see how she would have made it through HHS without them. ~ Singing; it's been a hobby and pastime of hers since she came out the womb and while Sienna won't say that she wants to be the greatest singer in the world (because she knows she's not), it's definitely something that makes her happy. ~ Milkshakes: Dude, give her a strawberry cheesecake milkshake and she'll be your best friend for life. Screw the calories, she loves the taste!

|Greatest Fears|
~ Drowning is probably her worst fears. Sienna can swim, yeah, but just the thought of being submerged under water without being able to come back up for air and feeling yourself die freaks her out. ~ Her jealousies costing her anyone she loves; she won't acknowledged that this has already happened, but Sienna is very much aware of the fact that she is a very jealous individual and really does like having attention, especially of friends and lovers. And she knows that her own insecurities could lead to them leaving her, so she keeps people as interested as possible. ~ Not making some kind of impact on the world ~

~ Get through the year without clawing at least one person's brains out ~ Graduate with her 3.67777 ~ Bring her girls a national trophy ~

|Life Philosophy|
"Do you and say, 'Fuck the rest of the world!'"
Someone else has probably said this in a much classier way, but Sienna would leave it like this.

|Good Personality Traits|
~ Outspoken ~ Seductive ~ Charitable ~ Fearless ~ Protective ~ Honest ~ Vivacious ~ Spontaneous ~ Sassy ~

|Bad Personality Traits|
~ Vindictive ~ Vain ~ Vicious ~ Sarcastic ~ Intimidating ~ Easily Jealous ~ Territorial ~ Demanding ~ Cruel


When you think of a born leader, you definitely think of a girl like Sienna Primrose Vallarino Gancia. If there is one other person to fear in Hollywood High School other than the head bitch in charge, it's this girl and that is especially relevant when considering how you act with her main crew, the Devil Girls. When you are afforded the luxury of calling Sienna your friend, know that she is loyal and ultimately has your back. Even if you were in the wrong, she would be there for you and only call you out once the issue has been resolved or you guys are alone. That's how down she is for a friend and no group of people are more sure about that than the Devil Girls. Hell, she has issues with the head cheerleader, but if they're at an away game and someone even remotely tries to fuck with the girl - one of Sienna's girls - there is no fury like the one she would reign down on someone. Sienna is the type that is not frightened by anyone and doesn't turn down a challenge. In fact, she welcomes a good challenge. No problem is never too hard, no task too difficult for her to try her hand at. She doesn't need to play dirty to get what she wants. With her ambitiousness and her drive to be the best that she can be, the result will more than likely be nothing short of perfection. Sienna hates losing and everyone knows that little fact. She is courageous, strong-willed, and a fighter until the end of time. And only the time anyone has to fear her wrath is if she feels crossed by you. And trust, that is not something just anyone wants to do.

Sienna has never been about that whole underlying cattiness. Sure, underhanded digs and sarcasm is just a trademark. She has a smart little mouth and damnit, if it comes out, it sucks to be you because if your feelings hurt, the only one who is going to care is you. Sienna doesn't believe in sugarcoating anything and she doesn't like pretending, especially if it means that she has to pretend to like you or that she's your friend. She only does that with a few people and that's only because once she's with her clique, she is with her clique. Outside bullshit don't mean a thing in that regard. However, know that she hates it and would rather just be really upfront about it. It's a black and white world for her. She either likes you or she really doesn't. She either really fucking loves you and thinks the world of you, or she absolutely hates you guts. That's it. That's the end of the story right there. And if she hates you, bless your soul because if you thought for a second that The Rejects were intimidating, you obviously have not looked Sienna Vallarino Gancia in the eye when she's mad. She can be a very vicious individual, especially if you push her buttons. She's not rude in the sense that she's going to remind you that she hates you every day, but if you don't talk, you guys seriously don't talk. And if you choose today to be the day that you decide you want to change that when you know that she hates your guts, expect cold and harsh retorts with threats that are not empty. Classy ladies don't fight, but if you push Sienna, you'll find out how quickly a lady can turn into a devil in three seconds. She's the most brazen of the Devil Girls and an enemy that not many can handle.

It's not to say, however, that Sienna is not a cool person to be around. In fact, ask anyone from her clique or anyone who has known her for a long time, and you'll find out that she's pretty fun and spontaneous. Oh, she can be the best friend that you never thought you needed. She is loyal and yes, territorial. No one infringes upon her territory (her clique) without at least getting one death stare until one of girls say that you are cool people. And then, if you are allowed to see her in her element or with those she likes, you'll find that Sienna really is the type to hang out. Sienna is the type to tease and mess with her friends, sometimes mocking but never in a mean way, just fun and easy. Besides, they do the same, especially since her being a 'freak in the sheets' is the running joke in their clique. She hosts brunches and week-end spa sessions at her house on weekends, hangs out and sings with celebrity friends, kicks back with some of the jocks watching sports and playing video games, or simply chilling out with snacks. She might even take you on one of her charity rounds at the Boys & Girls Club, who knows? The point is that, yes, she has her issues. She gets insanely jealous easily and probably jumps to conclusions more easily than she should. But when she's your friend, she's your friend. And when she's not, well, pray to Jesus and avoid her.


|Favorite Color|
"Dark colors are my staple, but shades of blue win me every time."
Shades of blue

|Least Favorite Color|
"Who the fuck thought mustard yellow was an attractive color?"
Mustard yellow and anything resembling it

"All music makes me happy. But I do love rap and R&B, and get me some alternative rock going any day."
All music

"I have a bit of a sweet tooth and my chef, Clarence, makes the most divine Strawberry Gateau that you will ever have the luxury of indulging in."
Strawberry Gateau

The Art of War by Sun Tzu

|Form of Entertainment|
~ Keeping up w/ social media ~ Singing ~ Hanging out ~ Traveling ~

|Most Prized Possession|
"Damn, this is such a hard question. But if I wanted to be honest, I'd say it would have to be my awards. Definitely my awards. Because these had nothing to do with who my mom's family is or my Dad's family. It has everything to do with me and what I did for myself."

|Most Valuable Possession|
"Because my granddad wanted to surprise me, he got me this diamond. It's one of the most expensive, about $14 million. It's beautiful and it's on a thin silver chain and I don't wear it often."
The Heart of the Kingdom Ruby by Garrard

"I don't know if you've noticed, but I probably post five Instagram pics per hour and that includes when I'm in class. If it's a selfie by myself or just a pic with me and one of my girls, a picture will be taken. And I post covers a lot. So, definitely social media. Also, cheerleading takes up a good portion of my time, so there's that. Ooh, and let's not forget just hanging out. And I do charity work every other weekend and sometimes, after school."
~ Social Media ~ Cheerleading ~ Hanging out w/ friends ~ Charity ~

|Does she play a musical instrument?|
"I've been singing since I was a kid and well, I play the acoustic guitar occasionally."
Vocals and acoustic guitar

|Does she play any sports?|
"Uh, how many times do I have to call myself a cheerleader?"

|How would she spend a rainy day?|
"Let's see, I'm not afraid of the rain, so I wouldn't hesitate in dancing in the rain, even if it sounds cliché. But, depending on everyone's moods, the girls would be over at my place and we'd probably watch movies, eat, and have a bit of a sleepover/dance session. Or, if it's really that time, the guys come over and we watch games, play video games and the like."
Hanging out w/ friends

|Spending Habits|
"Not bad, surprisingly."
If she wants it, she buys it. But not to the point of gluttony.

|Smokes? Any other drugs?|
"I don't really do drugs. I've smoked weed twice in my life, that shit is crazy. I've done hookah a few times, especially with the girls and the jocks. But other drugs? Not in to any of that and if you put a cigarette in my face, I will cut you."
Hookah and weed

"You've obviously not had a Mai Tai. My fave drink ever."
Yes, particularly at parties


|Drives and Motivations|
"I think the thing that drives me the most is the desire to be me. Yeah, my mom wants me to take over her position in the company later and work with my cousins to keep up our family name. Yeah, my label would like me to do another album, preferably a platinum one like the first. But at the end of the day, I don't want to just be another singer from Sony and Columbia, and I don't want to just be that chick whose family owns a lot of luxury goods. I want to say that I have made an impact and that I'm not just living the life of luxury, but giving back as well."
Being herself and making an impact on the world

|Immediate Goals|
"Definitely to keep up my grades and making sure my girls stay in line."
Keeping up her grades and keeping the Devil Girls in line

|Long Term Goals|
"I definitely see myself becoming the next Vice President of the LVMH group, I never said I didn't want that. I just didn't want it to define me. And again, it goes back to making an impact. If it means doing more charity, let's go. Another album, whatever. Either way, I want to do more."
Becoming a philanthropist and taking over the family company along w/ her cousins

|How does she plan to accomplish these goals?|
"I do a lot of volunteering and charity works, and I've probably been to more charity events than some of these other rich kids. I'm currently working on an R&B album, which is definitely something a lot of my fans are excited about since I first was in to alternative rock as my genre but I don't want to be confined by one particular genre. I want to branch out, so that's what we'll be doing starting next spring. I'm graduating in the spring and I've been doing a lot of appearances with my granddad and representatives for the company during fashion events and red carpet premiers."
~ Graduating ~ Keeping up her grades ~ Wokring on another album ~ Charity work


"Funny story, I ended my mom's cruise in the French Riviera short and had her get flown to the nearest hospital. It's hilarious every time she tells it cuz she's always got this stink eye and just throws massive shade at me for being three weeks earlier, but big deal. We moved to Cali and Cali has been home forever."
Los Angeles, CA

|What was your childhood like?|
"When I tell you that it was privileged, I am not exaggerating in the slightest. My granddad is the Chairman & CEO of the LVMH group, which is a French multinational luxury goods conglomerate. He's also the Chairman of the Christian Dior S.A. So, basically, we're really really rich. And when I say that my music career was because of a passion, not a need for a wealth, I sincerely mean that. I didn't need an album to get me money. My mother is the Executive Vice President and Director of LVMH, which is great to me because she didn't earn that because of familial ties. There were like, two other contestants for that role and she won only by hard work and because one of them dropped out of the race. So, my childhood definitely consisted of her being extremely busy, meeting a lot of models and a few choice celebrities, but also a few times where I am stuck with a caretaker because my mom didn't have the time. Not that she was neglectful, but hello, work is a huge deal.

So, to pass time since my brother wasn't born until two years ago, I did a lot of gymnastics and music training, particularly with the acoustic guitar and vocals. I'm a mezzo soprano and on a dare by my cousins, I posted a cover of myself singing Alicia Keys. Before I knew it, my mom and I were drawing up a contract with Columbia Records and Sony Entertainment and by the time I was thirteen, I had a platinum album out, not to mention a few featured songs. I spent a good portion of my childhood between cheering on an All-Star team, and being a singer. Flashing lights and Hollywood were like, my week days, and then week-ends were reserved for cheering. So, yeah, I had money and I was really really busy."

Busy and privileged

"I had a snake. His name was Tony, since I used to like Frosted Flakes a lot and I wasn't being really creative in the naming thing. Used to scare my mom stupid."

|Childhood Hero|
"If you didn't think that Black Widow was fine as hell and a badass, you suck."
Black Widow

|Dream Job|
"Tell anyone and I promise you that I will gauge out your eyes and feed them to you."
Fairy Barbie

The Buckley School

Extremely wealthy


|Currently living with?|
Her mother, step-father, baby brother, and herself

"I have a new baby! Her name is Angie!"

"At the end of the day, I'm a student first. To me, that's my number one job because I don't want to be one of those celebrities that went to school later in life. No, I'm serious about getting my high school diploma, especially my college degree. Also, I've been signed to Columbia Records since I was ten and also with Sony Entertainment since I was about thirteen. I don't do stuff as often as I did back then, especially since cheering takes up a lot of time and I want to keep active with that. But I do post covers still and you'll catch me appearing in videos."
Student & Singer

"Most people tend to forget that my last name is in fact, Gancia, and not Arnault. So yeah, my granddad is worth all of these billions and my mom has her billions going on as well. And yeah, I've got my nice $7.8 billion in the bag and an inheritance coming around next year. However, my biological father is the heir to the Gancia wine dynasty in Italy. And so, that's just a lot of money and a lot of me not having to ever worry about anything. So what if my parents are divorced? Even Xavier is rich, so again, I ain't got no worries."
Still extremely wealthy

"Beverly Hills is where it's at!"
Magnificent Mediterranean estate with classical French and Italian style near the Beverly Hills Hotel, at the heart of the Golden Triangle. Completed in 2010, the sophisticated home was designed leaving no expense spared – boasting over 25,000 square feet of living space, the attention to detail, amenities and materials throughout are exquisite. The entry is elegant, with soaring ceilings, a picturesque staircase and beautiful hand made stone and marble mosaic flooring from Italy. On the main floor, enjoy a large formal living room with stone fireplace and French doors opening out to the patio. Spacious family room with bar, fireplace and beautiful walnut floors flows to a stunning dining room with fireplace. Large chef’s kitchen with massive center island, stone walls and floors, curved red brick ceiling and a lovely breakfast area. Airy, open spaces, with heavy dark walnut woods blended with Italian handmade stone, red brick accents and large stone fireplaces – all connected by vaulted hallways and featuring large windows and French doors that frame the bright, lush outdoors. Enjoy grand scale and high ceilings throughout.

The grand space, with its magnificent custom-tiled pool and lush grounds, calls to mind a resort on the Italian Riviera. Upstairs, enjoy 13 bedrooms, including the spacious master suite boasting his and hers baths and closets (with coded entry). A tranquil sitting area with fireplace opens to private balcony overlooking the pool. Her master bath has huge custom soaking tub, lovely tile work and French doors also overlooking the pool. Direct elevator access to the master suite. Four more en-suite bedrooms sit off the vaulted hallway – 3 of them have their own stone fireplace and all 4 boast a private balcony. Downstairs completes the estate, with its majestic spa and sparkling indoor pool, full kitchen and bar with entertaining area, bowling alley, theatre with seating for 10, full gym with steam room, separate showers and bath, a sophisticated smokers/billiards room with private bar, and circular wine room framed in stone, complete with red brick vaulted ceilings and wrought-iron-and-glass-encased wine refrigerators. The home comes fully equipped with state-of-the-art technology and security, two elevators (one on each wing), and garage parking for 6-8 cars. A timeless masterpiece – the most prestigious lifestyle.


2015 Lexus GX



|Mother// Delphine Arnault|
"As you can see, I definitely have some of my grandmother's looks in me since mom is a straight up blonde, but what most people like to point out is that I have a fire just like hers and it's not easy to burn out. We can both be hotheads and we clash on ideals, especially considering she doesn't like how wild I can be. But I love her and she loves me, and she's one of the greatest women in the world in my eyes."
Butts heads, but are extremely close

|Birth Father// Alessandro Vallarino Gancia|
"What can I say? He's my dad. He's not the greatest or most attentive in the world. But he's my father and when we are together, he's pretty cool. He sends a check every month, which definitely helps on the we're-not-really-close thing, but I wish he visited more instead of it mostly being me visitng him. Even Grams thinks that needs to change."
Get along, but aren't as close as she would want

|Step-Father// Xavier Niel|
"I don't call him my father and he knows and accepts that. That already has my respect. But more than that, I can see that he really loves my mom, which is more than what I can say for Dad since his side of the family seem to think that she's a witch in disguise, but we're not going to go there. I wish we were closer, but it's not like he visits me other than during my breaks, so...there's that."
Get along very well

|Grandfather// Bernard Arnault|
"What can I say? Gramps was the main one who pushed my music career when mom was skeptical. I love him for that. He's always giving me an allowance, as if Mom doesn't already do that. He's great."
Really close

|Baby Brother// Tomas Niel|
"I know I said that Angie was my baby, but Tommy wins, hands down! He's so cute and he's a sassy little baby, always making faces and speaking baby jibberish when he's really mad. It's cute and he's my ultimate bae. I love him to death."
Extremely close


|How did she spend her summer?|
"Funny that you asked, not that I did anything particularly dynamic. I mean, what I find dynamic is different than what someone less fortunate than myself would call dynamic, but I digress. As soon as the school year was over, I flew to Italy to spend some time with my Dad and his side of the family. Got a lot of gifts, the family wine is still perfection in a bottle. I completely understand why they are considered a dynasty because good God, I nearly died drinking so many glasses with my Grandma. And let me tell you, that woman can drink. I didn't even know it was a competition until I was on my fourth glass and she was on her sixth. Then I flew to France to visit granddad and the rest of the Arnault family, which was great. I love them, especially my cousins, and naturally, we went a little crazy in the French nightlife scene. All of my Instagram and Twitter pics can tell you that. It's always bittersweet when we part, The only reason I left was because a few good friends of mine were in Monte Carlo and come on now, you know I had to see them. So, I did. I flew back with Chadwick and Shailene when they decided to leave since my mom and Xavier wanted some time to themselves. When I got back, I was either in the house with Tommy or out with my girls, which turned into a huge reunion filled with debauchery and fun. Just like always."
~ Traveling ~ Hanging Out ~ Being reckless ~

|Grade Level|
"About time!"

|Which clique is she a part of?|
"Screw what you might have heard, we are the best and the closest clique out there! We are perfect, all day every day!"
The Devil Girls

|Where is she on the social ladder?|
Close enough to the top

|Is she happy here?|
"I'm with my girls, some of the best and most fun friends out there. Of course, I'm happy. We have our bumps and our snags, but at the end of the day, we're family and there's less bitching and backstabbing here than people think."

|If she could switch to another clique, which and why?|
"The Animals are just ridiculously fun! I love partying with them and I have a good few friends with them. Yeah, I'm a Performer, but that doesn't mean I would want to necessarily be with them. They're cool though."

|Any clubs or sports?|
"Yep, I am the co-captain of the cheerleading squad."

|Best Subject|
"I'm a beast at math."

|Worst Subject|
"I spent my whole life going between French and English, so Spanish is a tad bit tricky only because I end up mixing the two."
Foreign Language

|Class Schedule|
Pd. 1 Dance II
Pd. 2 Marketing II
Pd. 3 Advanced Study - Vocals
Pd. 4 AP US Government and Politics
Pd. 5 Physics
Pd. 6 Accounting & Finance II
Pd. 7 Math of Personal Finance
Pd. 8 Spanish IV Honors
Pd. 9 Lunch

|Dialogue Color|

So begins...

Sienna Gancia's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catalina Perez Character Portrait: Stella Hudgens Character Portrait: Jasmine Villegas Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Shailene Lehman Character Portrait: Alessandra Ambrosia
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"See you tonight? I have a date but I'll try to hang out with you a little too." Aaliyah read Catalina's text to her aloud to herself with a laugh as she chucked the phone aside. Unlike Alessandra and Shailene, Catalina and Aaliyah hadn't just muttered out sorries and moved on. In fact, since that day at the recreation center they hadn't really spoken at all. Whether Catalina was expecting some form of an apology from the Queen Bee or something Aaliyah didn't know but what she did know was that if she was waiting on one she would never get it. Catalina had had the nerve to question Aaliyah and basically say that she knew Aaliyah and spies trailing her. Maybe had her accusations actually been right Aaliyah would have apologized but in this particular case she was free of fault. Catalina had accused of her something and Aaliyah had told her that she was wrong. Simple as that. It was Catalina who had gotten all dramatic and stormed off to join her new boo thang along with Aaliyah's both ex-best friend and ex-boyfriend. This week might have been an uneventful one but it had spoken volumes to Aaliyah and now she wasn't sure where Catalina stood with her.

But this weekend wouldn't be the time for her to figure it out as she and Alessandra were going to Australia. Aaliyah had been invited to the Fashion Exposed Autumn/Winter 2015 in Sydney and she had decided to go. When she told Alessandra about it she hadn't asked her to go and truth be told she would have been fine if the brunette had decided to stay but Allie said that she had wanted to go. So, the night before the two girls had slept over at Aaliyah's house so that she could pack up her luggage. During her lunch period Aaliyah had gone and collect her baggage and drove to the Ambrosia Estate where she now awaited Alessandra's arrival. Alessandra said had to pack up her own stuff before they could jet on over to Australia and Aaliyah had figured since Alessandra had helped her pick out her things she would do the same in return. As she looked at the clock in the top right corner of her laptop screen she say that 9th period was coming to an end which meant Alessandra would be on her way shortly.

"I wish you were coming." Jasmine said looking at Alessandra who was starting at the clock to hung by the door. "I know, but just because am not going it doesn't mean that you get to pull out." Alessandra spoke shifting her undivided attention to the honey-blonde who sat behind her. "It's not everyday that a Virtuosi gets invited to an invite-only A-Lister party. Granted, this is a Prep party that we're talking about here, but it still counts." Jasmine laughed rolling her chocolate brown eyes. Stella had been pressing her about this Neon Light party since they had had lunch at Centanni Trattoria. Over the last couple of days Jasmine had kept Stella on ice just telling her that she would think about it and let her know. Now it was day of the party and she had been stalling all day. She didn't really want to go to the party but Stella had invited her and this was her best friend who was making it really clear that she wanted Jasmine to attend. "Don't worry am going. Stella has been begging me all week and I would feel like a shitty person if I said no."

Thinking of her best friend got Jasmine wondering about Alessandra's. "Speaking of which? Did you tell Shay that you and Leah are jetting to Australia for the weekend?" The look that Alessandra made in response let Jasmine know that her sister had neglected to fill her bestie in on her weekend plans. "Really Allie?!" Alessandra just shrugged. "She'll be fine. Unlike me, Shay get's along great with Ricky's entourage so she'll be in great hands." The bell rung then and the two girls got up from their desks. "I've still got some packing to do so seeing as am going to be home anyway I could help you find something to wear for tonight." Jasmine smiled from ear to ear. "That would be so amazing. Thanks Allie." Alessandra nodded as the two girls left the classroom.

As the two sisters walked out into the hallway they parted ways going to their separate lockers. From out of nowhere as she was walking Jasmine felt arms wrapping around her waist and for a moment she thought it was Isaiah as he did that to her often. "Say you love me enough to come to the party tonight. Pretty pleeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaasssssseeee?" Jasmine smiled as she heard Stella's voice and she laughed when she saw the puppy dog eyed look she was giving her. "I love you enough to go to the party tonight." Jasmine said not even putting up a fight as she had already decided that she would go. "My sister is going to help me pick out something to wear so I've got to stop by my locker than head straight home. What time do want me there by?"

Alessandra was at her locker when she caught sight of Shailene walking over to her out of the corner of her eye. Closing the door to her locker as her bestie made it over to her Alessandra spoke up first before Shailene could utter a word. "Before you even mention the party I've got to tell you that am not going." Alessandra wasn't sure how Shailene would take the news but she wasn't expecting a crazy bad reaction. Shailene was one of the few people who had actually managed to find stable footing in both Aaliyah's inner circle and Ricky's entourage. She had Alessandra which put her in with Aaliyah and then Chadwick who kept her in good with Ricardo's friends. Even thought Alessandra wasn't going to be there tonight she knew Ricky's crew was which meant her best friend would be fine without her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Erik Jorgenson.
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The week hadn't really been an eventful one. Erik had pretty much used it to ruminate about what exactly a Neon Lights Party was, well, he had been ruminating about it until Wednesday when he suddenly remembered that the 21. century was full of technological wonders like Google. So for the last two days he and an artistically gifted guy named Alexander from Erik's speech and debate class, who claimed to understand fashion, had been doing some shopping to find clothes suitable for a black-lights. To be honest Erik hadn't really cared much for Alexander's advice and had just settled for a white T-shirt and a pair of normal jeans. For some weird reason he had also picked out a jeans-material vest, which surprisingly enough Alexander didn't protest about. Erik did buy a bottle of glow-in-the-dark paint so he could so something fancy with his bare arms at the party.

Physics had turned out to be so much harder than Erik had expected in his wildest dreams. It could be because it was set right after lunch and if that wasn't bad enough it was even set as each days very last class so students wasn't just drowsy after lunch, they were also tired after a long hard day. For Erik who wasn't used to school days as long as this it was especially hard with a though subject at the end of the day. " Excuse me mate, could send me your notes later? I think I might have slept a little" Erik had to ask his deskmate after he woke up to the sound of the best sound in the world, the last bell friday afternoon. In response Erik got a nod accompanied with a sigh.

As he was leaving class Erik felt his phone buzz in his pants. A small smile spread across Erik's face as he read the text from Sienna. Of course they hadn't talked much after the rec-center, Erik did obey the 'don't text or call her within the first week' rule. Except from when he didn't of course. Even though google had helped him a little Erik was still a bit unsure about what happened at a Neon Lights party, but unfortunately he couldn't ask Sienna about it, last time he tried she had seemed to enjoy playing a little with him and why ruin it for her.

To: Sienna
"Sounds great :) 823 S Hudson Avenue. Btw, need fashion tip: Shave or no shave?"

A quick stop at his locker later Erik was on his way back to the Smith Residence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Hudgens Character Portrait: Jasmine Villegas Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Isaiah Scott Character Portrait: Shailene Lehman Character Portrait: Alessandra Ambrosia
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"Why not? I thought it would be fun and you could finally wear that neon pink body-con dress I liked. What other plans could you possibly have that trump going to a party with your own best friend?" Shailene whined and pouted just as Jasmine had when Alessandra told her. "You remember how Ali said we would go if nothing better came along. Well...something better came along." Alessandra said leaning against her locker. "You know what? Fine, I won't be a bitch about it. But I want details and I should not be held responsible for whatever I end up doing tonight since someone wants to abandon people and crap," Alessandra laughed at Shailene for her dramatics. "Abandoned? Really?" Alessandra said with an amused smirk on her face. "Fine, I won't hold you responsible for your actions, but I will be holding your side-clan responsible for whatever dark, mischievous deeds you fine yourself in tonight." Alessandra said it jokingly but she was serious in her words.

At Izzy's party Shailene had gotten pretty wasted and in the end Alessandra had been there for her bestie and had taken her back to her place that night. This time god forbid Shailene had gotten that drunk again she would like to think that one of Shay's other so-called best friends would be there to do what Alessandra would be over 8,000 miles to far away to do. Yes, Chadwick would be there, but rumors had it he would be busy on his date with Honey, which probably meant he would be ending the night with her the same way he had on the night of Isaiah's party. Sure Ricardo and Sienna would be there, but, Ricky was Ricky and Sienna apparently was going to be boo'd up with some shady looking exchange student who nobody really knew. Alessandra made a mental note to ask her sister to look out for her bestie while she was away. Linking arms with Shay, Alessandra began walking towards the exit heading to the student parking lot. "I promise you will be given all the exclusive deets that everyone on social media will be begging for when I come back on Sunday." As they walked through the double doors that put them outside Alessandra stopped they're small walk. "I've gotta go home and pack. As well as help Jazzy pick out an outfit tonight. Have fun tonight!" Alessandra embraced her friend in a quick hug before running off to get in her car.

Back inside the school, Jasmine just starred at her bestie with a smile on her face as Stella was beyond excited and happy that Jasmine had agreed to go to the Neon Lights party. "Thank God! I don't know what I'd do if you weren't there to keep Sienna from trying to set me up with guys. This is going to be great!" Jasmine laughed as she began walking towards the nearest school exit with Stella in toe. "Doors open at around 9, so no real rush. All you gotta do is show your invite and you're in. Ok, go home. Get all pretty and such, and I will see you later. Tell Allie she's the best!" The two girls shared one last hug before Stella ran off. Jasmine was about to exit the school when she noticed Isaiah in the hallway talking to some guys who she could only assumed were jocks. Racing down the hallway Jasmine tackled her best friend engulfing him in a hug. "Damn Jasmine! When did you become a linebacker." Jasmine laughed taking Isaiah's words as a compliment as he said goodbye to his other friends.

"Sorry! Am just so excited for you! First date in-", Isaiah cut Jasmine off before she could finish her sentence, "Not-a-date. We're just hanging out." Jasmine gave him her 'yeah, okay' look as she nodded her head slowly as if she really believed him. "Whatever you say pretty boy." Jasmine said rolling her eyes as the two of them made there way for the exit. "Anyways, are you going to party tonight at BLOK?" Jasmine nodded again as she looked up at him. "Stella was begging and Allie reminded me that it's not everyday that a non-A-Lister gets invited to an A-Lister party. So, I couldn't really pass up the offer." Isaiah knew that if Jasmine was going to party she was doing it for Stella because Jasmine wasn't the kind of person who cared about popularity and social standings. If she did between Alessandra and Aaliyah she would have been an A-Lister just like he was. Most likely a higher ranking A-Lister. "Alright well I've got to get home and get ready. Have fun but not too much fun. I love you and I'll probably text you tonight. If not I'll call or see you tomorrow." The two hugged and Jasmine gave Isaiah a peck on the cheek, "Have fun on your date. Don't blow it Izzy!" Before he could deny that it was in fact a date for the second time Jasmine jogged off to her car.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catalina Perez Character Portrait: Jasmine Villegas Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Shailene Lehman Character Portrait: Alessandra Ambrosia Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú
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After parting ways with Alessandra, Shailene headed home with a pout on her face and just a bit of aggravation, the complete opposite of what she had shown Allie. While she had grinned and been elated for her bestie, on the inside she was simmering. They had seen ach other all week - ALL WEEK. Allie couldn't have told her she had plans back, maybe, Wednesday!? Shailene didn't want to feel some type of way, but she did and nothing seemed to please her when she returned home. Even her mom knew that she was in a bad mood, which was why she didn't say anything even though they were originally going to work on Shailene's modeling schedule for the school year. She had allowed the Royal to storm up to her room where she stayed through dinner; only Misa, one of the Japanese chefs whom Shailene had a soft spot for, came up to give her dinner. By that time, Shailene had decided that she really wasn't going to go out tonight and thought about texting Jasmine about her plans since she knew the Performer was going for the sake of her own bestie, but opted out of it.

It was around seven o'clock when Shay heard her ringtone for Sienna go off, but she ignored it. She didn't feel like dealing with people, she reasoned, and went back to her textbook. The tone originally had been a play on a time when Sienna had kidnapped both her and Chad, and dragged them to a rave that ended in this bimbo giving Chad a lap dance. A few moments later, her cell rang again and she shoved it under a pillow. Just as she thought the universe had finally understood that she was not in the mood, there was a knock on her door before it was opened and Shay sighed loudly, waiting for whoever it was to turn the corner. "Told you her ass was probably pouting." Shailene was confused when she saw Ric and Sienna rounding the corner. "What are you two doing here? I thought you were getting an artist to come to your house for you and the Devil Girls." Sienna shrugged and Ric, without asking, plopped himself on Shay's bed. She rolled her eyes at him and he politely settled his head on her lap. "Yeah, but then I called your place and your mom picked up, and I asked if she knew what you were wearing cuz you two share whatever mindset, and then she said you didn't wanna go - which, btw, you don't have a choice about anymore - and here we are." Shailene had to take a moment to process the fact that her mother actually had a conversation with Sienna since the singer was not high on her mother's list of 'friends of her daughter's that she actually liked.' However, she did hear the part about having to go to the party. "I'm kinda not in the mood and..I-I-I-I really have a lot of reading this weekend - " Ric stopped her from going any farther. "Either you go find something to wear or Sia raids your closet again. And you know I have no problem with taking your clothes off." Shailene glowered while Sienna put on a disgusted face. "Ew, Ric. That's like, incest." She said and headed to Shailene's large closet, all the while texting Erik back.

To: Erik
Definitely shave. Apparently, evry1 thinks u look shady D: Idk, just shave.

"Ok, ok - I'm up. Don't ruin my closet. We just organized everything, not to mention the fact the fact that Mom bought me more clothes." Shailene hurried to explain and jumped off of her bed. Ric had to get up to allow her to do so, but settled back on the mattress he had been very comfortable with at one point. Sienna only grinned before swinging the doors open and going through Shailene's things. Shay was actually surprised by the fact that they cared enough to make her go out. Sienna was supposed to be taking her new boytoy and Ric...well, she expected him to already have some random chick on his sleeve. "You look constipated. Stop with the face." Sienna said distractedly, browsing through Shailene's selection of crop tops before eyeing the somewhat shorter girl. "Do you have a really sexy bra?" Shailene simply gave her a look before walking over to her lingerie section. Back outside of the closet, Ric went through the bags he and Sienna brought to find his things. The girls would probably take ten years to get ready; he might as well get started so that he could aggravate Shailene's kitchen staff in favor of snacks.


Chad blushed just a bit at Honey's acknowledgement of his look for the evening. It definitely was a bit out of his realm and he might have actually text Shay to help him (he noted how unenthused she actually sounded over the phone, but chose to leave it alone until he saw her). He didn't want to look like he was trying too hard for the party, but he also didn't want to come off like he didn't care when Honey was...well, Honey. She was on a completely different level than him and as he recalled at the game, everyone looked...perturbed by the idea of a girl like her wanting someone like him. Yeah, Chad was rich and probably one of the richest in the school, but so were guys like Ric and Izzy. He was the cute guy of his circle and Honey was one of the hottest - if not, THE - hottest girls in the school. He needed to at least attempt to reach her level. Despite how unaffected he liked to seem, Chad did still have worries. Though, he tried to keep that off his face when he replied, "Well, I didn't want to be the only dumb ass not wearing something that glowed in the dark." They walked over to his car and after helping her get in, he quickly went to the other side of the car to climb in quickly. Already a bit nervous, he slightly tensed when Honey reached for his hand, but quickly told himself to chill the fuck out and her hand.

The drive to the restaurant wasn't long, but it definitely felt that way with the fact that Honey continued to stare at him and Chad licked his lower lip nervously. He didn't understand why he was feeling so...excited; they were just going out. He went out before. This was nothing new and yeah, it was his first actual date since Shay, but still. He spent too much time with Honey to suddenly feel like a thirteen year old. Luckily for him, she turned away and began talking, and he took a breath he hadn't even realized he was holding. "That's great," he said after clearing his throat, a bit more relaxed. "You were always more than your body, Honey. You're tough, beautiful, fun, and you deserve to be whoever you want to be, not what your label wants. And if they're being too hard on you, you have a lot of people who have your back, including me." He met her gaze at that last note before returning his attention to the road, a small smile on his face as he squeezed her hand reassuringly.

When they arrived, Honey tucked herself under his arm and Chad complied, rubbing her bare arm gently as they entered the establishment. He nodded at her request for a booth and knew the perfect one, following behind Brittney who led them to one of the more private areas of the restaurant. Honey made a face and he grinned, not really reacting to the flirtatious raven-haired woman. Brittney had been the waitress for him and his parents the last time they were at the restaurant; he was already used to her. He tapped her shoulder once they got to the booth, signaling that that was the one he wanted. It was in nestled in a nice little corner with the window on the left, and a stunning view of Los Angeles. It had always been his favorite. As they sat and Brittney practically purred at him, Chad chuckled smiling at Honey only. "As I told you last time, Brittney, I don't need or want anything you have to offer. Now, can we get the Taste of California, if that's alright?" He directed the last part of the question to Honey. "This was the tasting course I was talking about. They let you sample small servings of different things and it won't make you too stuffed. Unless you want something else?" He showed Honey the California tasting menu, but then gestured to the other one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catalina Perez Character Portrait: Stella Hudgens Character Portrait: Jasmine Villegas Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Shailene Lehman Character Portrait: Alessandra Ambrosia
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"And this is why I love your place!" Ric exclaimed when a few kitchen staff, including Misa, came in with trays for the three kids. Shailene was in the bathroom and Sienna was seated on her floor, allowing her nails to dry. On each tray sat a glass of coconut water and a bowl of homemade ramen with cut up chicken breast, poached egg, scallions, carrots, and cooked in a chicken broth. "It will help with dehydration," Misa had told Ric when she had decided to make that for them. It would be filling enough to line their stomachs to absorb alcohol content, and hydrating enough to prevent a headache. Not that Shailene felt like drinking particularly. She was in a better mood now that her own nails were done and she had showered. But she wasn't feeling her best. Sienna glanced at Ric. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Ric grinned at his best friend. "Your house sucks." Sienna rolled her eyes as she grabbed her chopsticks. "Says the guy who has a bedroom, private bathroom, and walk in closet at my house." She didn't pay attention to Ricky's very smug face. "Don't be so jealous." He said and she flicked a scallion from her bowl at him. "Fuck you." The two dug into their individual bowls as Shailene stepped out of the bathroom.

"Do not get anything on my bed. The covers and sheets were just changed," she told Ric with a warning look before approaching her own bowl, which was on the dresser. Instead of eating, she grasped the bottle and drank the cool liquid. Misa came in with extra napkins and seasonings and Shailene smiled appreciatively, offering a respectful bow that she had learned from Michael. "Arigatou-gozaimasu," Shailene exclaimed. She had practiced saying that for the last year and while Misa did speak English, Shailene still wanted to be respectful to the woman's culture. It was the same with all the staff. She had learned everyone's names and a bit of their background, not because anyone told her to, but because she wanted. Misa bowed back to her with a polite nod and left the room. "Didn't know you spoke Japanese." Shailene shook her head and moved her food to the floor with Sienna. "I don't, but she's my fave. Mostly everyone else speaks English or French, and maybe Spanish. So, she and only two other people speak Japanese and I like learning." Ric hummed after slurping his noodles. "I'm surprised Chad hasn't tried getting you to master the language or something. He loves Japanese." Stella too, but Ric's brain had only brought up his best friend. His other one perked up for a moment. "Where is Boy Wonder, anyway?" "On a date," said both Ric and Shailene and she looked at them peculiarly. "With Honey," Shailene added and twirled her chopsticks in the noodles. Apparently, Sienna had been way too focused on the sign-ups for clubs, classes, the party, and the meeting with her label yesterday because she surely had not known that.

"You're shitting me," she said and Shailene shook her head with a grin. "Obviously not since he's not here." Ric said on a very sour note and Shay tossed him a confused look that he ignored. Sienna glared at him. "Don't be a bitch. He's had a crush on her longer than you." Shay nearly spat her food out, gaping at Ric and Sienna in surprise. "You've got a thing for Honey!?" Sienna wrinkled her nose. "Gross, right?" Shailene paused to give her friend an admonishing look. "What? Come on, you know I was joking. Honey's hot. Chad's lucky. No, she's lucky. Chad's awesome." Shailene rolled her eyes before focusing on Ric. "I just wanna fuck her. Simple as that. I'm just surprised Ivy League actually had the balls to ask her out." Sienna picked up a few pieces of chicken before eyeing Ric. He didn't call Chad 'Ivy League.' The other jocks did, some teasingly and others because they were jealous assholes. Never Ric. This was his way of pretending that he was unaffected - by being a dick. And if he was already like this now, there was no telling what would happen before the night was over. He was too much of a friend to ruin Chad's night, especially in public. But that didn't mean he wouldn't do something...stupid. Great! Now I've gotta babysit, she thought.

"Since he's being a pissy little bitch and we just got you to stop," she began and both Shay and Ric scowled at her. "Hurry up and eat so we can get be out and about for the night. Gotta pick someone up anyway." Shailene rolled her eyes at the thought of having to pick up Sienna's boytoy, but complied to the Devil Girls' leader anyway. She was the only one not ready anyway. While the girls had been rifling through Shailene's large selection of clothing, Ric had already went to his room, showered, and then got dressed. He wore a simple yet fun tank, red shorts that would glow in the dark, and black and red sneakers. The red in his shoes would glow as well and the colorful outline on his top would too. He hadn't wanted any body art on him. Because it was a him and Sienna thing, he would get the glow stick necklace there and there was paint there if he ended up wanting anything.

Sienna had came dressed in her ensemble, which had consisted of a rivet-embellished neon green crop top, washed denim shorts over dark tights with minor and carefully placed tears, and Giuseppe Zanotti sneakers that would be easier to dance in for her than heels. Shailene had been in too many fashion shows and around too many artists not to be able to help her friend with her make-up and nails. Sienna had decided to wear one of her chokers, a 'Parental Advisory' bracelet, and a pair of silver hoops on to finish the look, and had her hair styled in a messy bun. Once Shailene finished eating, she went back into her closet to get dressed.

First, she applied Jergens Shimmer Lotion to her entire body to, firstly, hydrate her skin but also give her soft skin a subtle golden glow before slipping on her Victoria's Secret bra and panties set. Sienna had said they were trying it with the blue-green color, but after picking out her shoes, Shailene went for it. Besides, it was a bombshell bra. Who didn't like bombshell bras? Afterwards, she pulled on a pair of denim Abercrombie & Fitch shorts and her wedge sandals. The multi-colored shoes would glow in the dark and were manageable enough for Shay to move for the night in. She had been on too many runways and in too many photo shoots where she could never get off her feet in heels. At this point, she really wasn't concerned with a party that she would only be at for a few hours. Shailene had already had French tips, but now they were more fitting for the evening]. "Someone's going all out tonight," Sienna had commented and Shay had shrugged after deciding everything. Fuck it, if Allie could go across seas for the night, why the hell couldn't Shay look her damn best? Satisfied and not caring because Ric had seen her too many times without her bra for her to be worried about him seeing her in it now, she walked out of the closet and shut that light off, closing the door behind her. "Fix me. We only have so much time before we have to start heading to the club." Sienna smirked. "Bossy much?" She joked and Shay shrugged. "You want me at this party, don't you?" She retorted sassily and sat in front of her vanity, where the curlers were plugged up and Shailene's vast selection of makeup was out.

"I personally prefer Shay's bitchy side. Or maybe I like my girls with a bit of sass," Ric decided to comment from the bed, going over his Instagram. Apparently, everyone decided to post their pre-party pics and a lot of girls He couldn't help but consider them prey, even some of the girls he had already bagged. Shailene rolled her eyes. "I don't think I want to know what your preferences are." She commented as Sienna set to fixing her hair. Ric almost threw back that she was 'very' familiar with his preferences, but chose to be nice - he caught her eye in the mirror though. Sienna just thought the two needed to stop being so damn catty. It didn't take long for Sienna to finish with Shailene's hair. It was already thick, she just added soft curls, which made the junior's hair seem a bit more voluminous. A few minutes later and Shay's make-up was finished as well. Both of their eyeliners would glow in the dark, along with their lipsticks. Sienna had also found some faux lashes that were pink in regular lights, but glowed blue in the dark. Once that was finished, Shailene unplugged the curlers and then headed over to her bed where the last piece of her clothing was. She slipped on a neon pink crop top that had long sleeves. Ric whistled once he saw the entire ensemble in its full glory. "What kind of trouble are you trying to get in to?" He asked and Shay simply ran her hand through her lush curls, raising a teasing eyebrow at him instead of actual answering. Sienna grinned. "Well, let me get these pics in before some random dude messes up Mama's hard work." Shailene chuckled as her friend scrambled to get her phone to take pictures of them. She even hopped on the bed afterwards to make Ricky take a pic with her. While the two best friends were wrestling over which ones Sienna was allowed to post, Shailene grabbed her own phone to take a selfie and sent it to Allie. She also sent a text to Jas.

To: Allie
Out 4 da nite. Whatcha think?

To: Jas
C u soon?

Once that was done, Shay spritzed herself with some Velvet sugar body spray from Bath & Body Works, which Sienna had already helped herself too, and then grabbed her keys and wallet just in case anything else happened. Sienna was always prone to late night snacking. "Alright, let's get outta before I say 'screw it' and go to bed." Ric climbed out of her bed and Sienna nodded. They were spending the night with Shay before the three would head to Sienna's for the studio session, so they left their bags. Before they reached Shailene's blue Volvo, Sienna had sent two texts.

To: Stella
Headin out, boo. C u there :D

To: Erik
Omw. B there soon


There were several times in Chad's life where he had been embarrassed because he had been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to. There was the time his mom caught him and Clementine watching porn because they had seen their Dad's DVD collection and were curious why it was kept locked away. That was a lecture he wished he recorded. There was the time he and Ric were caught sneaking out by his original security team. Chad had somehow ended upside down during that little escape and his Superman boxers had been visible and to this day, Ric hasn't let him live that down. There were a handful of situations, but none of them had ever been getting caught making out with a girl whom you weren't even sure was your girlfriend in a restaurant filled with people. Luckily for them, he had chosen that corner because he was pretty sure he saw one of his mother's brunch companions with her husband and that was the last thing he needed the woman to gossip about to his mother. He was too flustered to respond to Brittney's obvious sneer, but he couldn't help but smile back at Honey sheepishly.

"Oh, uh, yeah, sorry about that," Chad said quietly, scratching the back of his head as Honey wiped away any traces of her lipstick and said that they needed to go. It had been an instinct, kissing her. Definitely out of the realms of what he normally did on his own, but he was actually a bit happier he had. He could still feel the places where she had kissed him on his neck and was pretty sure the markings would be visible to everyone. Luckily, the party would be mostly in the dark and no one would pay attention to that. He glanced at Brittney on their way out and said, "Just put it on my tab." She huffed and muttered something under her breath, but took their dishes away just as they left the booth. Chad definitely had to remind himself to talk to her employer. She had had a bit of an attitude the last time he rebuffed her advances and he didn't feel like doing this again.

"It's fine, really. Definitely not complaining about that turn of events," Chad replied honestly and blushed a bit about this being one of her top dates. "Should be starting soon, but anywhere else you want to go before we head to the club?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catalina Perez Character Portrait: Stella Hudgens Character Portrait: Jasmine Villegas Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Shailene Lehman Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú
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"Holy shit, everything looks awesome!" Stella yelled over the music. Because a line had formed back at around 8:30, they had decided to just let people in and already the party was extremely live and quickly trending. And yes, at a party Stella was checking social media and being on the internet. She couldn't help it; she was an Internet freak! Besides, it kept her posted on how everyone was feeling about the party and so far, it was a hit. Which a lot of people commented on being surprising considering who the hosts were. The most popular Prep girls, Stella included, were all standing by the bar with their drinks in hand. At least, Courtney's entourage had drinks. Stella had stayed away from them for the moment. "What can I say? You did great. Lets me know that you'll be able to run things next year." Courtney replied to which Stella gave her a curious look. "Whatcha talking about, Courtney?" The taller brunette, dressed in a Charlie's Angels-esque attire that glowed red, smirked. "Everyone knows that you're going to be the most talked about Prep during your senior year. And as far as I am concerned, you have what it takes to be the next student body president." Stella's hands shot up immediately. "Whoa, I never said - " Courtney interrupted her. "You were my campaign manager before I got elected and it was because of you that I got to be president for the last three years. As far as I'm concerned, you're the best candidate. Second to Chad, but he's graduating." It made sense, but Stella really hadn't thought about it. Obviously, Courtney wanted her to because she simply gave the shorter girl once-over, nodded to her group, and then waved at Stella while saying, "You look cute, by the way."

Once Stella had made it home, she had chucked her original idea back in the closet. It felt too...childish and well, if she was going to be known as the person who helped throw what anyone else would be considering a rave, she felt like she needed to be...just a bit risqué. So, she settled on a cut-out black crop top that she definitely stole from Vanessa's closet. It was only a bit tight, mostly because she had more chest than her big sister, which was why Stella found that she could definitely get away with not wearing a bra. As much as she wanted to critique her own body, the point of her growth this year was to accept herself and the fact that she had toned up over the summer, so she shouldn't freak out over exposing more of her belly. She also slipped on a pair of high-waisted Aztec-print shorts; she was playing on blues, purples, and pinks, and since this was custom-made, those colors would be the brightest ones in the dark. The green and white would be less showy. To be able to move around since she would probably break her neck trying to dance in heels, Stella slipped on a pair of sandals. Her straightened hair made her look just a bit older, just a bit sexier even though she would never actually hit that 'older than 18' category. And the shimmering tinsels just reflected off the light elegantly, especially since the light was ever changing. Like with Shay, she had a shimmering body lotion that let her already golden skin seem just a bit more golden. In true Stella fashion, her left hand was fashioned with rings and bracelets, with nail polish that glowed in the darkness. The gems in her jewelry did as well. Her make-up had been fixed up by Ashley Tisdale, her sister's best friend. It had been a last minute call and Ashley cracked up over how lost Stella looked with how her make-up was going to go for the evening. After the teasing, she proceeed to give the younger woman a nice and creative eye, following with Stella's color scheme for the night. Her lips were a very pale purple, close to pink, shade and glowed in the dark. They had debated over it, but at the end of the day, Stella had chosen to wear her headpiece, which was set in silver stone and matched her belly button ring, which was on display in her get-up. Judging from the amount of guys that had already pushed up on her and given her cat-calls, she definitely looked good for the night.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she whipped it out just to see a text from Honey. Her smooth brow furrowed somewhat at the text. It almost seemed frantic, so she hurried to reply.

To: Honey
Yeah. At the bar

Distracted with thoughts on what was happening with Honey, she turned around to the bartender and said, "Pink Fizzy, please." Stella didn't normally drink, but she was already at the party. One drink was not going to kill her and she liked the lemonade anyway.

Around the same time, Shailene had gotten the text from Honey and luckily for the passengers of the vehicle, Ricky had taken her keys. He needed something to occupy his brain with and she was going through her Instagram, smirking at the amount of comments and likes on her latest pictures with Sienna. As soon as she got the text from Honey, he had to squash down her squeals. If Ricky was upset about Chad and Honey before, he probably would be if he knew that Honey had already left hickeys on her best friend. She hurried to type up a response.

What have you done to my baby!? Lol, can't wait to see this. Btw, stop freaking out. You're Honey Perez. Who the fuck cares if you show up taken? Anyone has a problem with it then they can come see me. Plus, you guys are cute. Stella says so and even Sienna thinks so. Enjoy it, make a statement, kiss him for all I care. #Hatersgonnahate

Shay was one of the few people who actually put hashtags in her text messages, which was always fun. As she smirked at her own response, Sienna leaned up to peer over her shoulder. "Lovebirds at the party yet?" She asked with a knowing grin. "Almost." Sienna nodded. "And don't think for a second you're getting out of this night free, Missy. I've got just the distraction for you." Sienna said and went back to texting. They were close to Erik's place anyway.


Silent rides had obviously become their thing because like always, it was just the two of them - his car or her car, it didn't seem to matter - and there was that same comfortable silence. He never felt like he needed to feel some kind of space with Honey, didn't need to constantly entertain her. It was just...them and this was good. So, it genuinely surprised him when she started speaking. Chad nodded slowly at the thought of a game after the party. Ric would be on a high after winning or losing the game, and no doubt they would need some kind of energy boost if the latter occurred. Not that Chad thought it would. Their guys could be pretty fierce on the court and they were something to be reckoned with. But he was surprised when Honey started getting bent over her own words. However, finally, her intent became clear and although he was driving and she had looked away, Chad reached over and clasped her hands into his gently, entwining their fingers before saying, "I'm with you. Besides, I don't think I'd be ok with some random jock trying to push up on you. And I'm not just flirting with you, Honey." Chad cleared his throat for a moment before continuing, and chose to focus his gaze on the road while he continued to speak. "I think you and I both know that I don't just flirt. So, if this is us, then it's us. No games. I'm not saying to put a label or anything, if that's not what you're comfortable with, but...I'm just not the type to share." It really was as simple as that. As cool, calm and collected as Chad liked to be, he was still a kid and he was prone to his jealousies. He was just better at keeping that under wraps, much better than Ric or even Shay. He didn't know how Honey would respond to that, but he didn't let go of her hand either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Shailene Lehman Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú Character Portrait: Erik Jorgenson.
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0.00 INK


"Got any plans for the night?" mr.Smith asked Erik with a suspicious glare at the boy. It was almost like he was better than his wife at detecting when teenagers were up to no good. Unsurprisingly enough both the Smiths and Erik's parents had been furious when they discovered that he skipped most of his first schoolday, so ever since that mr.Smith had been keeping a closer eye on Erik's movements and such. "Well, a pall from school invited me over to his place so I'm gonna go over there to hang" The sound coming from mr.Smiths throat didn't make it sound very much like he believed Erik, but for some reason he didn't ask further questions. So Erik just finished his pizza as fast as possible and evacuated back to his room.

Usually Erik waited way too long before starting to get ready for stuff, and this time was no different. By the time Erik jumped in the shower he only had an hour until Sienna and her friends were supposed to pick him up. Of course he didn't spend much time under the warm water, he was in a hurry after all, but he had to shave and given that it was so long since the last time it took allot longer than usual. And Erik had even managed to forget to buy a brush for the glow-in-the-dark paint, so he had to ask the ever so happy Clara if he could borrow one of hers.

"I wanna paint too! The little girl happily exclaimed only a moment after the question had left Erik's lips. Since he didn't really have anyone else to ask he had to agree and they decided that Erik got to paint his own left arm and Clara could paint the right. That of course ended up being a disaster. Erik, who actually was a decent artist, created a relatively cool looking Celtic knot-ish on his left hand, while his right hand ended up looking more like a kids scrapbook, full of: Hearts, smiley faces and some stick figures Erik suspected was supposed to be ponies. Clara on the other hand was extremely pleased with the result and he couldn't be mean to the sweat kid so he just had to leave it there. For some reason she also insisted on drawing a mustache on Erik's now shaven face. It actually ended up looking surprisingly well. Five minutes later Erik was all Dressed up Which was perfect timing as he just then got a text from Sienna saying they were on their way.

To: Sienna
"perfect. I'll wait outside :D"

For the first time in America Erik actually decided to put on his Thor's hammer. He did make sure it was tucked behind his shirt so the mr.Smith couldn't see it as Erik rushed outside to wait for Sienna.

Out on the street the warm California night luckily removed the need for a jacket, which meant that Erik could quite happily stand leaning against a tree in his almost sleeveless outfit. It seemed his timing was just right because he hadn't even been outside for a minute before their car pulled up in front of him. "Wow.. you girls look ravishing" Erik said with a big smile as he jumped into the back of the car. Erik smiled and offered the guy driving a handshake. "I take it you're the infamous 'king of Hollywood high?" he said with a joking tone. Then he sort of noticed that neither Ricardo or Sienna was wearing any paint, he couldn't really tell what the girl in the passenger seat was wearing, but he suspected she might not have paint either. [color=brown]"Did I fuck up big time now?" Erik had to ask, putting on jokingly surprised face and looked down on his arms which were having a faint but noticeable glow in the dim light of the car. Maybe casting an extra sharp look at the right one with all the childish drawings.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catalina Perez Character Portrait: Stella Hudgens Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Linnaea Snow Character Portrait: Shailene Lehman Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú
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It wouldn't be Ricardo going to a party without him at least being ten minutes late, especially if it were at a club. So, when they pulled up to house which Erik stayed at, it really was nine on the dot. Shailene stared at Honey's text for a moment before putting her phone away, deciding to distract herself with music. Honey said not to say anything, which was baffling only because the two people who should know were his childhood friends. And they would, no doubt, be the main people Chad told upon their arrival. When they pulled up to the house, Sienna opened the car door and, surprisingly, Erik was already waiting and climbed in. She smirked at his compliment. "We try," she replied smartly to which Shailene giggled. The car was dark again when he closed the door behind him, so Sienna took in the markings on his arm and laughed when Erik addressed Ricky.

"Ignore him, he's being pissy again!" Shay exclaimed over Sienna's laughter since Ricardo hadn't responded yet. He looked up from his phone with an annoyed expression. "Damn, could I get mine for the night?" He said, showing her his phone which held a message exchange between himself and Adrienne. Shailene rolled his eyes. "Are you that deprived?" While the two in the front bickered for a minute, Sienna moved in closer to Eric, tracing the adorable child-like drawings on his right hand. "Don't worry about them. They do this all the time. Ric's the king or whatever, and Shay's a Royal." She said in a quiet register while still tracing the drawings. "Trust me, you're fine...Shay's gonna paint him once we get there, but I'm a little curious as to what happened here?" She glanced up at his face only to laugh at the cute mustache. Whoever did this obviously needed to be her new best friend. She also took in the fact Erik looked good with a shaven face. Definitely approve, she thought as Ric chose to drive off in the direction of the club.


Chad laughed at Honey's nickname for him, expelling a breath he hadn't even realized he was holding. He didn't know when they went from simply going on a date to actually being official, but he was glad. More than that, he was pleased to see that smile on her face. He was beginning to think that that smile wasn't Honey. Honey was a mixture of what she believed she needed to be and what her label wanted her to be with only a hint of the person she truly wanted to be. The smile on her face was pure, almost was Catalina, the girl, not Honey the artist. Like when Shailene wore her hair the way she wanted and not the way her mom preferred, this smile of Honey's was becoming his favorite. He chuckled at her exclamation about Shay with an, "I'm glad." To be completely honest, he was more than glad. If Shailene approved, that meant a lot to him. As questionable as it could be considering their past, Shailene was very much like his little sister. Her approving literally spoke volumes and maybe it had something to do with her being friends with Honey, he didn't care. It just made things easier and lifted a weight off his shoulder. So caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice when Honey had leaned over, but he was definitely interested when she pressed her lips to his. The heat rushed to his face immediately and when she pulled away explaining that they needed to go inside, Chad was really confused as to why until he realized that they were in fact in the parking lot of the club - a club where one of his friends was EXPECTING his presence. Could I be any more whipped? He thought to himself and climbed out of the car, more relaxed now when Honey pressed herself into his side.

To: Jazzy Jas
Where r u?

Stella had just sent a text to Jasmine. She didn't expect her to arrive at the party at 9:00 on the dot, but it was hitting the twenty-minute mark and she wanted to know if her best friend was still coming or not. She'd be a bit pissed if not, but still. She'd rather know now than get some excuse later. She must have been too preoccupied with her drink and phone (she had delegated herself to sitting at one of the bar stools instead of standing for an unforeseen amount of time) because she wasn't looking at the door when a collective gasp filled her ears. She glanced over to the small distance Courtney and her entourage had put between themselves and her to see their surprised faces before they turned back to one another, whispering amongst themselves. Perturbed, Stella followed their original line of vision only for her eyebrows to raise with interest as Honey Perez - queen of entering any establishment looking single and way too good for anyone else - and Chadwick Arsenault arrived in the club. Stella was half fixated on the cute and obviously new couple, and half-fixated on Honey's body art.

"I try, I try," she replied with a grin. "But you look phenomenal!" She exclaimed, eyeing Honey's masterpiece before a thought struck her. "I can't wait to see Shay. Her Instagram pics were crazy sexy and she said her lashes glow in the dark." Honey stepped closer to the bar and gave her order, giving Stella a moment to observe Chad who only stared right back at her. When Honey called to him, he perked up without a moment's hesitation. "Uh, yeah, sure. Why not? I'll take a Jack and Coke," he said, directing his order mostly to the bartender with a hint of an edge to his voice. The guy obviously eyed him back before conceding and Chad stared him down for a minute longer until he felt a gaze on him. He glanced at Stella who had a very...interesting expression on her face. Her lips formed into this little grin she was trying to hold in while sinking her teeth into her lower lip and she was trying so hard not to look like she was ready to explode. "What?" She shook her head. "Nothing...babe." The last line had her laughing and she bounced in her seat a bit, excited. "Ooooh, this is great! People are already talking about you two on Instagram and I can't wait to see bitches faces on Monday."

A few minutes later, back outside, Ric's group pulled up into a parking space. They all climbed out, Ric and Shay a bit distracted with their phones. Sienna glanced at them thoughtfully before deciding to pull Erik with her. "Idk what they're doing, but I'm ready to dance. And maybe can paint me so you won't have to feel so alone." She winked at him about the last part as they entered the club and quickly found the dance floor. Shailene took a curious glance at Ric's phone to see a similar text to hers from Linnaea. "If you don't want to talk to her, I can handle it. You should probably go find Adrienne and have a little fun." It took him a minute, but when he did finally look up, he was grinning. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders while saying, "Only if you do the same." She beamed up at him as Ricky walked her in the club. "Deal." It seemed they always were the ones walking into parties together and Shailene grinned at the amount of admiring stares they were getting, partly because she looked fine as hell and was being escorted by the King of Hollywood High. Ric leaned down to whisper into her ear, "And don't forget that you have to paint me after your girl time. You're the only one I trust to not set me up." She laughed. "You just want me to see you shirtless." Ricky only laughed back as she pulled away and exclaimed, "See, who said anything about being shirtless?" Shailene only rolled her eyes and flipped him the bird before going off the find Linnaea. Ric went over to lounge areas where Adrienne said she would be.

Drunk or not, a good number of people remembered her status as Royal and moved when she came into view, allowing her to catch a glimpse of her blonde friend who was in need. "Linn!" She yelled over the music before approaching her friend at the bar. It was on the other side, away from her other friends, but she would see them later. She embraced Linnaea fiercely. "Alright, love. What's up?" She inquired in her ear before taking a seat on one of the stools. This was what she needed, Shailene realized. To be needed - wanted - and that didn't have to involve a hook-up. Someone actually needed her in their presence, didn't find comfort or fun with others that will not be named. That was what she had been upset about earlier, so she focused all of her attention on Linnaea.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Shailene Lehman Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú Character Portrait: Erik Jorgenson.
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As they drove Erik was thinking about asking Sienna if some chick had Ric's ball in a twist or something, but he decided against it. No reason in making the driver's mood even worse. "What? this?" Erik asked with a little smile and pointed to the mustache Sienna had asked about. "An annoyingly cute little brat decided she missed my beard and replaced it with a fancy mustache" He said with a little laugh. He couldn't really decide on whenever he liked his lack of 'beard' but it probably wouldn't be a good idea to ask about it, but based on the look Sienna sent him as she studied his face Erik suspected he might be better of without it.

At the party Erik had to admit that he was a little surprised when Sienna pulled him away from the others, but he didn't mind it at all. Especially after she made that flirtatious comment about painting her later "I'm gonna hold you to your word on that" Erik said as they headed for the dancefloor which was already cramped with teenagers. The music playing sounded, to Erik at least, a little too rave-ish for something that wasn't called a rave, but to be honest he didn't really care about it. Dancing against Sienna made it pretty much amazing. And as it turned out, more or less all of the other teenagers on the dancefloor was painted. None of them had smiley-faces and hearts, but still, better than nothing. "Two questions" Erik said said into Sienna's ear so she could hear him over the loud music. "Is 'neon-lights' just a fancy word for rave? And have I seen the girl we drove here with somewhere else? Like, outside of school" While Erik couldn't remember the passanger-seat girls name, he couldn't help but feel like he had seen her somewhere before. For some weird reason he had a vague idea that his little sister, who as every other teenager was super into pop music, had something to do with it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catalina Perez Character Portrait: Stella Hudgens Character Portrait: Jasmine Villegas Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Linnaea Snow Character Portrait: Shailene Lehman
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Sienna had grinned when she heard Erik's response to her saying that she would allow him to paint her. That had actually been her intention from the beginning. While she was going to allow a body artist to work on her girls, Shailene's earlier temperament gave her an excuse to not do something just because her friends were. She would have felt compelled to get painted; the Devil Girls just had that kind of hold on her and she them. She was brought back from her thoughts to a dub-step rendition of her one of her favorite pick-me up songs and she allowed herself to be transported by the music, only feeling Erik's body against hers. For a moment, that was all she cared about - his warmth and the feeling of the music pulsing from beneath her feet. She almost missed Erik speaking but turned around to face him.

"Pretty much. I guess the only actual difference is the fact that some people actually care about the designs," she replied before tackling the second part of his question. "And yeah, Shay's a model. She's a Cover Girl and she's been in a lot of music videos." She still moved to the music, pulling Erik just a bit closer. She didn't want to have a conversation. She just wanted to dance.

Shailene was taken aback by the tight hold Linnaea had over her the second the blonde hugged her back, and rubbed her back comfortingly. She didn't know what could drive the poor thing up the wall so easily and pulled back to look at her in the face. For once, Shay didn't laugh or even chuckle about Linn's comment on Ricky. "Trust me, you're not the only having a bad night. I sent him off to...release some tension." Linn continued to talk and she cast a suspiciously dirty look in a specific direction and Shay followed her gaze to Honey, Chad and Stella. Which definitely perplexed Shailene. Since when did Linnaea have a problem with Honey? Granted, they weren't extremely close or anything, but there was never much tension between the two girls. So, instead of interjecting, Shailene listened, grasping the blonde's free hand.

To be completely honest, it surprised Shailene that Linnaea had...feelings for Chadwick. She would have never thought about it. Sure, Chad had told her that he was attracted to Linn as well as Honey, she also understood the complexity of having to tell anyone your feelings. At the end of the day, Honey had come to Chad first. In the last few days, the two had spent a good amount of time together. Granted, Linn had known him a bit longer, but that also spoke volumes for their relationship. Some friends did not transition well to the girlfriend-boyfriend territory, especially two people like Chad and Linn who didn't always admit their feelings. She allowed herself to be pulled into another hug, her lips set into a purse as she thought more on the situation amidst the pounding music. They both, in Shay's eyes, needed someone who was going to bring a bit of boldness out of them. Then again, everyone's feelings seemed to be all over the place and even Shailene wasn't as composed as she was presenting for the night. It took her a minute to process everything Linnaea had said and she hadn't even noticed until the girl was on her second cocktail.

"Well," she started, but chose to answer Linnaea's question before tackling the bigger problem. "Even though I've been talking about this party all week, Allie decided to tell me at the last minute that she was going off somewhere with Aaliyah." Not that Allie had even asked if Shailene would have been interested or anything, but it was whatever. "So, you know that I'm a bit pissed." That was as far as she was going to admit for the moment. Instead, she focused on Linn. "All I can say, sweetie, is that...things happen, even when we don't want them to. Above and beyond anything, I love you and I'm definitely not pissed about you having a thing for Chad. It's cool, I'm over it and whatever lie we both fed everyone. But at the end of the day, if they really are together, sitting in the corner and being upset about it isn't going to do anything but make it harder for you to look either of them in the eye. And let's be real, we've got classes with both of them." At the moment, she couldn't offer Linnaea sweeter and kinder words. They were in a club and she promised Sienna that she would have a bit of fun. "Right now, I can't be Mama Shay. I'll be that tomorrow and we can just have a girl day, just us. However, right now, I am your friend and your friend thinks that it is mandatory that you finish that drink up and come dance with me. Forget Chad, forget Honey, forget everything else - and just dance. We'll worry about the rest tomorrow." Shay smiled brightly at Linnaea and once the girl finished her drink, tugged her onto the dance floor to forget all of their problems. At least, for the next few songs.

Stella only rolled her eyes at how easily Honey had Chad blushing. The latter noted when Honey tensed up beside him and glanced at her suspiciously, but she was already speaking to Stella. He glanced around them then, trying to see what could have made her tense. Apparently, Sienna had arrived with that Erik dude Ricky had the guys telling him about yesterday, Ricky disappeared, and Shay had bypassed them entirely to go see Linnaea, who he hadn't even known was here. In fact, for the last few days since the party, Chad hadn't even thought much of the other blonde. Which was shocking.

His feelings for both Honey and Linnaea had been complicated from the start, seeing how he wasn't exactly the most outgoing or flirtatious of his friends. So, if asked about his feelings before, he wouldn't have been able to effectively explain himself. In fact, he still wasn't as sure. Chad wasn't, by any means, regretting his decision to get with Honey. He liked her a lot and she was different...a whole new kind of different when compared to his relationship with Shailene. And she was far more than the Honey everyone knew at school. But then there had been Linnaea, who was a friend and someone he really wished saw herself the way he did. Beautiful. Kind. Caring. They had more things in common than he and Honey, and yet...everyone could see who he was standing with. It was complicated and he didn't want to think about it. He wasn't even paying attention to the girls' conversation anymore.

"What can I say? We're all a bit stalker-ish," Stella commented dryly. It was the truth. As much as she loved and used the internet, she knew everyone abused it. It was common, especially Wannabes. But obviously Honey was not amused for Chad handed over his phone immediately, and without thought, to let her look through everything. "Don't let it get to you." For a second, she saw something appear on Honey's face, but the crooner made it go away because soon after, she was handing Chad's phone back to him and sitting beside Stella. An eyebrow rose suspiciously on both of the Preps faces and Stella gave him a look, but Chad honestly didn't know what that was about. Honey had put a distance between them and well, he honestly didn't know what to do about it. Stella couldn't even respond to Honey's commentary about her date; she was surprised by the shift in Chad's demeanor. But she also didn't want Honey to be upset about it, so she hurried to volunteer her services for the party Honey wanted to throw. "Definitely. Though you might wanna reign in the sexy. Don't want Chaddy getting jealous do we..." She trailed off when she saw a very familiar head of honey-blonde hair. "Jazzy!" She exclaimed and hopped off her stool to embrace her best friend.

Chad smiled at Jasmine for a minute before flicking his gaze over to where he saw one of his female best friends. Seeing Shailene go off with Linnaea, Chad didn't react to Honey's wink the way he normally would have. "Um, I'll be back. Gotta talk to Ricky." He said, kissed Honey on her cheek, nodded to the newcomers, and then disappeared into the crowd. Stella cleared her throat, nodding to the two new guys. "Uh, yeah. That's over by the lounge area. You guys new or something?" She asked, looking at the two guys expectantly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Erik Jorgenson.
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0.00 INK


Something in Sienna's voice told Erik that she might not be interested in talking, so Erik decided to keep his mouth shut. Besides she seemed to be completely lost in the music and Erik really didn't take her out of her trance again. It was just so mesmerizing to watch her body move to the beat. No point in denying that Sienna had a kick-ass body, and the way she moved it was quite simply hypnotizing. When she pulled him closer to herself Erik couldn't help but feel a little awkward. He wasn't used to chicks as pretty as Sienna showing him any signs of affection. Now if that was mostly because Norway had a lack of girls as pretty as Sienna, but still, it was an all new experience to him.

Erik couldn't really tell for how long they danced, but after a while he really started to feel like he could need something to drink. His original plan had to avoid alcohol here, the consequences if his overwatcher from the exchange-program found out he had been drinking would be severe and Erik didn't want to be put on the first flight home just yet. On the other hand he had slowly started to realize that if he were ever going to be brave enough to do anything with Sienna on his own initiative he would need alcohol in his system. So after a few more minutes Erik decided to ask if she wanted a drink, he could use a little brake from the dancing anyway, sweat and white clothes wasn't really the best combo. "I'm gonna go poison myself with some sort of beverage, wanna join?" Erik asked leaning closer in so she would hear him over the music. Looking down on her sensual lips Erik couldn't help but get a strong urge to kiss her, but he managed to restrain himself. No reason to show how much he liked her just yet, and besides, this wasn't really the time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catalina Perez Character Portrait: Stella Hudgens Character Portrait: Jasmine Villegas Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Linnaea Snow Character Portrait: Shailene Lehman
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Shailene was adamant that Linnaea was going to have fun for the night and forget about the potential drama of a love triangle. What she had not anticipated was when a hand touched hers for a moment. She turned around only to see Honey and from the expression on her face, Shay knew that this would not be good. "Honey..." She said with a warning in her voice and a plea in her eyes, but the singer either hadn't caught it over the music or didn't care because she practically tore into Linn. Perhaps Shay was being a bit dramatic today because what Honey said hadn't been as harsh as it could have been, but it was - in no means - necessary. Dirty looks were simple to deal with and she didn't think Linn was possible of dirty looks. Maybe the jealousy could be seen as such, but she hardly thought it was enough to make Honey this upset. Then again, she also understood one thing about her friend: just like the rest of them, she could get territorial. Not at all pleased by Honey's assertion and possession of Chad in the manner that she presented to Linnaea, Shailene could only offer a tight-lipped smile in Catalina's direction when the Royal addressed her.

Before Linnaea could even make a face, Shailene was quick to brush everything off. "Nope, no we are not dealing with this tonight. Just dancing." Though she wasn't really sure if Linn would be up for staying as long as Shailene had intended, she still couldn't let her friend either go approach Honey or run out of the place bawling. They were Royals and they had images to uphold, at the end of the day. And there were too many people here ready to spill the latest gossip in the hallways they made their runway. With that thought in mind, Shailene lead Linn to a deeper part of the club, away from most of their friends and associates to truly let go and have fun.

Sienna didn't know how long she and Erik had been dancing, but it must not have been that long because Honey was near her and the last she had seen her fellow singer, the girl had been at the bar with Stella. She peeked up at Erik's face for a moment before nodding. "Sure." Grasping his hand, she walked him in the direction of the bar, specifically where she had seen her friends. Meanwhile, Stella was trying not to think about the drama Honey seemed to have with her fellow Royals while still sipping on her first drink. She never presumed to know nor care about the issues of the elite of the school. She barely cared about the Preps. She did like the gossip occasionally, but she didn't want to be intricately involved, not like Shay might be if she wound up stuck in between Linnaea and Honey. She also didn't want to try to wrap her mind around why Honey would use Ricardo in her explanation of her attack on Linnaea; all of that was too complicated as she said jestingly to Jasmine and the new guys, "I don't like popular people problems." She was about to ask about the new guys some more when she saw a familiar face approach the bar.

"Sia!" She exclaimed and the Devil Girl winked at her, releasing Erik's hand to hug the Prep. The left corner of Sienna's mouth lifted just a little for Stella's sake and she nodded to Jasmine. "Hey, Jas. I'm having a studio session tomorrow and Stells is helping. We're probably gonna hit up the beach, you interested?" Sienna had always understood that Aaliyah and her had beef, she never thought it extended to her and Jasmine. So, she had asked. Plus, Stella had told her to earlier and, tough or not, Sienna couldn't resist when her little sister figure gave her puppy dog eyes. Remembering Erik, she gestured to him. "Also, this is Erik. Erik, meet Jasmine V and Stella Hudgens. You've probably heard of both of them too." If he had heard about Shailene, then there was no way in hell he hadn't heard about at least Jasmine. Stella too, considering how many paparazzi pics had captured her and Vanessa practically everywhere together. Sienna tapped on the bar to get the bartender's attention and after he leered, she rolled her eyes and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know my boobs were asking for a drink. Now can I please get a strawberry mojito and..." She turned to Erik. "What do you want?" She hadn't intended on drinking and this would probably be the only she got for the night considering her Saturday plans, but that didn't mean she had to suck the fun out of the evening for Erik.

Once Chad was away from the girls, he went over to the lounge area only to wind up shaking his head in amusement, hands shoved in his pocket as he waited for his best friend to acknowledge his presence. Presently, Ric had his tongue shoved down Adrienne's throat, who was draped over him very provocatively. They had somehow taken up the couch, though Ricardo was still sitting up, as no one wanted to get too close to anything they didn't want to see. Chad made a sound at the back of his throat, much louder than before, and Adrienne pulled away from Ricky slowly, allowing the King of Hollywood High to see his childhood friend. "Leave us." The order was quick and cut through the sexual haze that had blanketed the two prior to Chad's arrival, and for a second, the Prep felt like he had been intruding. However, Adrienne's obedience was instantaneous and didn't offer Chad a chance to approach his best friend later. Instead, and after Ric gave a few kids a sharp look when they looked like they wanted to sit down, Adrienne was gone and Chad was seated on the large couch beside his friend, the two in a relative silence. For a moment, Ricky didn't know what he wanted to say to Chad and vice versa. It just felt like they needed to be in each other's presence. After a while, though, Ricky noticed the perturbed expression on Chad's face and asked, "What's up?" Chad didn't miss a beat and handed Ricky his already unlocked phone. If there was anyone Chad came to about his more personal problems, it was his best friend. Regardless of whatever tension they may have had, they typically chose one another first. It was a doctrine that Sienna had lived by until she had fallen off with Aaliyah and it was the same one she pushed on them.

Ricardo didn't have to go far in Chad's texts to see the one from Linnaea. Without meaning to, he wound up chuckling a bit to which Chad rolled his eyes. "Thanks, you're so supportive." Ricky sobered up only a bit before shaking his head, handing Chad his phone. "No, seriously, what are you gonna do about it?" Chad sighed. "I don't even know. And then Honey sends this text about her dealing with a problem and I can read between the lines, Ric. I know she said something to Linnaea. I knew she was the second she handed my phone back." Ricardo sighed, propping himself forward to contemplate over the matter. To be honest, the club wasn't the best place to be squashing beef, dealing with issues, or even discussing them. It was a time to have fun and be stupid, not be worried over serious matters. However, Chad was just that kind of person and would mull it over for the rest of the night. "Well, if you and Honey are a thing, whatever this is with Linn has to stop. She's too sweet to be led on -" Chad was about to intercept, but Ricky held up a hand and continued, "And Honey's not the type to let shit slide. Before you know it, it'll be a fucking catfight and somehow, we'll all be drawn into it and picking sides. It's not worth it, man." Chad didn't like the conversation anymore and was regretting his decision to get Ricky's advice, but understood where his best friend was coming from. Regardless of whatever his feelings had been - or still were - for Linnaea and regardless of what his relationship was with Honey, it needed to be squashed before it became a big deal. And once his King told him to man up, it was very evident that this was no longer up to discussion. Chad needed to have a sit-down or something with both girls, either separately or collectively. He hated to admit it, but he probably wouldn't feel as conceding as he did if it were by anyone else other than Ricardo.

A moment of silence passed between the two guys and the group that was near the lounge area had changed into a group of girls who were scrumptiously eyeing Ricky, who surprisingly wasn't paying them any attention. He was still mulling over his own predicament; the pictures of Honey and Chad at the date that Brittney had provided, the feelings that had surged up within him for inexplicable reasons, the fact that he even had a reaction to begin with - it was all everything he didn't want to worry about. It was his fucking senior year and he shouldn't be doing anything but having crazy stupid fun. Chad noticed the consternation for he inquired, "Are we good?" Ricky didn't answer at first; just clasped his hands together and stared out into the throng of writing bodies and various colors. "Ricky." Still no answer, which led to Chad doing something he normally didn't do. "Ricardo," he said, his voice laced with an edge that not many knew he possessed and his accent was so dynamic that it struck something in Ric; only his two best friends could address him in such a way. Aaliyah had once had that power, but no longer. Begrdugingly, Ricky turned to face his best friend and the two best friends stared at each other for a moment longer than either would have normally done at a club before Chad reiterated his question, "Are. We. Good?" Ricky stared at him for a moment longer before the corners of his mouth lifted just enough to lighten up the shadows on his face, "Yeah, man." Chad obviously didn't believe him since the frown was still on his brown face and Ric rolled his eyes. "Dude, we're not having a chick flick moment, so get over it." Giving off a much lighter disposition, Ricky reached out and pulled gently at a redhead's wrist, causing her to plop onto his lap. She blushed and seemed about to get sassy with him, but he shot her a devilishly seductive grin and asked, "Get us a round of shots, darling?" Even if she wanted to protest, the girl was already heading for the bar at his request. Chad shook his head then.

"You're a mess." Rick only bumped his shoulder. "Wouldn't be bros if I wasn't," he replied. It wasn't long after that the girl returned with their drinks, shots of vodka straight and handed it to the guys. They clinked glasses while Ricky said, "Bros over hoes." Chad gave him a look, immediately ready to jump to Honey's defense, but Ricky cut him off. "Stop being a little bitch and drink." They both knocked the shots back with Chad, solemnly, thinking that they needed to stop cutting their more serious conversations off. He knew Ricky wasn't down for talks like the one they needed to have, but they couldn't keep brushing this off. For now, however, he was happy to just hang out with his best friend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catalina Perez Character Portrait: Stella Hudgens Character Portrait: Jasmine Villegas Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Linnaea Snow Character Portrait: Shailene Lehman
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0.00 INK


The music was almost deafeningly loud when Jas and the twins walked into the club. The twins followed walking closely behind her as she navigated through the crowd. "Hey, I guess we should thank you for helping us back there." One of the twins she couldn't be sure which one leaned in from behind her and said in her ear so that she could hear him over the music. "No problem! Glad to do it." She shouted back but wasn't sure if he had been able to hear hear over the loudness of the club.

When she got the bar Stella had hopped down off her bar stool and hugged her obviously happy that Jasmine had come like she said she would. As their hug broke Chadwick after giving her a small smile of acknowledgment excused himself saying, "Um, I'll be back. Gotta talk to Ricky." Jasmine just shrugged not finding anything to weird about Chad wanting to go talk to his best friend. "Uh, yeah. That's over by the lounge area. You guys new or something?" Jasmine looked over at the lounge area which Stella spoke of and it appeared to be a bit crowded at the moment so she was in rush to leave the bar. "Why, yes. As a matter of fact, we are. Hi, I am Tyler, pleasure to meet you." the slightly shorter of the two said with a smile as he waved his brother over. "And this is Taylor. He didn't want to come but I dragged him here anyway." Jasmine just smiled as she subtly checked the two brother out before she overheard Honey talking to Stella saying "I need to nip something in the bud like right now. I'll be right back."

Jasmine watched Honey leave and her eyes followed the blonde through the crowd until she came across Shailene and Linnaea. She hadn't even noticed that Shay and Naea were at the club until that very moment and she couldn't help but wonder what exactly Honey had to nip on the butt when it came to Shay and Naea. "I don't like popular people problems." Jasmine chuckled looking over at her bestie. "Says the Prep." Jasmine said with a smirk as Sienna and some mystery guy who seemed to be with her came to the bar. "Hey, Jas. I'm having a studio session tomorrow and Stells is helping. We're probably gonna hit up the beach, you interested?" Jasmine mused over the idea for a brief moment before deciding she had nothing else to do with Saturday. "Sounds like fun. Stells can text me the address and the time and I'll be there."

"Also, this is Erik. Erik, meet Jasmine V and Stella Hudgens. You've probably heard of both of them too." Jasmine gave a polite smile in the guy's direction as Tyler asked a question that drew her attention to him. "What are your guys names?" Jasmine had totally spaced on introductions and just as she was about to run down everyone's names to the guys Honey rejoined the group and gave them her name. Well her nickname. "Excuse me, but did you say your name was Honey?" Jasmine couldn't help but laugh at Taylor's reaction. "It's her nickname. Her real name is Catalina but everyone calls her Honey. This is my girl Stella. That's Sienna and her friend Erik and I'm Jasmine." Jasmine said going through everyones names for the twins. She looked over to the lounge area and saw that it had gotten relatively empty. "We should go get you guys painted while there's no line. Stells order me something good I'll be right back. You two come with me." She said leading the twins for a second time as she walked over to lounge area.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catalina Perez Character Portrait: Stella Hudgens Character Portrait: Jasmine Villegas Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Shailene Lehman Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú
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0.00 INK


Stella only grinned sheepishly when Jas called her out for her popularity. She only shrugged and took a dainty sip of her drink, forgetting all about her own manners in favor of getting more of the alcoholic lemonade in her system, nodding congenially to the new guys, a surprisingly cute pair of twins. Surprisingly enough, as she scanned the club, the party really was a hit. And who said the Preps couldn't throw one hell of a party? She beamed at the thought of Jasmine and Sienna actually being in Sienna's studio together. Eventually, her plans of seeing them actually do a cover or even a duet together would be fulfilled, especially since this was Sienna's first venture in the R&B world. "Done and done," she told Jasmine in regards to getting her the address. Sienna ordered Erik a Jagermeister before leaning against the bar beside her friend, running her eyes over the strangers before catching Stella eyeing them too.

"Really now?" She whispered to which the Prep sent her a look. "Shush." Soon after, Jasmine was heading off to get the guys painted, leaving Stella alone with Sienna and Erik. The two brunettes settled to whispering to each other while the male drank up to get enough energy to keep up with Sienna. When it came to dancing, Sienna could last for hours - this much, she was aware. Not many could say they could stay with her, especially once she lost herself in the music, which was she always prone to do. "Who's that?" Sienna asked in Stella's ear and the latter hummed inquisitively, following the senior Devil Girl's gaze until they fell on a familiar face. "Uhh, Edgar something? I think he's a Drifter." Stella thought about it for a moment before adding, "You should know him. He hangs around the jocks a lot. Like, a lot a lot. I think he's friends with...Angelina." Stella recalled the former Prep from back in the day. Despite Angel having been a year ahead of her, when Stella came to Hollywood High, she knew that there was always a party if Angelina was involved. She had liked her energy, though they had never been close. So, when the girl had her 'fall from grace,' it didn't really surprise her that Angel went with the Animals. She fit there better anyway. Edgar, she wasn't so familiar with. She glanced back at Sienna's contemplative face. "Why'd you ask?" Sienna shrugged before sipping her own drink. "No real reason...he was staring. I don't like people staring at me." She said nonchalantly and Stella chuckled. "Pleeeeaaasseee, you love the attention." She said jokingly and Sienna punched her shoulder lightly as Stella felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She pulled it out to see two texts from Honey and frowned just a bit. She would have rather had her friend come and tell her she was leaving. It would have let Stella see what the issue was. However, it was obviously too late for that. So, she sent out a quick text to Honey before turning back to the bartender and ordering a Bahama Mama for Jasmine. It had a fun Island feel that she liked.

To: Honey
Sure thing, lovely. I'll try to swing by after the next hour or so if you're still up. Also, Jas & I are doing a studio session with Sienna tomorrow and then we're hitting up the beach. You down? Chad's gonna be there :D

Chad and Ricky laughed aloud at the very horrible dancing this one drunk guy was doing. It was hilarious only because of how put out his partner was. She tried to move to the upbeat and fast tempo of the music, but when the guy practically kneed her in the stomach, it was over. Any chances of him getting laid were done and over, and Chad sympathized, but Ricky was having too much fun with the spectacle of it to even feel an inch of the aforementioned emotion. "That was so horrible." Chad finally said and Ricky shook his head, wiping the actual tears from his eyes. "Awww, lighten up, dude! That was gold! Stella should've been here to tape that!" Chad shook his head just as his gaze fell on Jasmine and these two guys he had never seen before. "Should we go say hi?" He felt a little bad about suddenly leaving Jasmine without really talking to her, since it was rare when they actually did any catching up. But Ricky shook his head. "Nah, they're not important. We can talk to Jas later." He just wasn't in the mood to meet new people. At the same time, their phones buzzed and they pulled them out, both solemnly glancing at the screens. Rick was the first to put his away. Chad stared at it a bit longer before sending a response to Honey.

To: Honey
It's fine. We should still talk though. Maybe tomorrow?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Hudgens Character Portrait: Jasmine Villegas Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Taylor & Tyler Cunningham Character Portrait: Erik Jorgenson.
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0.00 INK


Taylor and Tyler? whoever their parents was they had to be evil. Who named their pair of copy-paste twins names that was so alike? Luckily Jasmine dragged them away to the painting boot before Erik could make a fool of himself by calling them by the wrong name. While Erik had been trying to think of some way to tell the twins apart Sienna had ordered him a Jagermeister which were a pretty good call as the German liquor was one of his favorites. Unfortunately the glass it came in didn't really contain allot of it, so while Sienna talked to Stella, who Erik couldn't help but feel like was a pretty important person, he ordered another two shots of the licorice tasting beverage which he then quickly gulped down before turning towards the ladies again.

Now with three shots of confidence in him, Erik actually felt pretty good about himself. Not that he had been especially insecure before, but alcohol defiantly helped with taking the edge of his well-hidden shyness. "Thank you very much for the drink fair lady" Erik said with a joking smile and planted a ridiculously over-played kiss on Sienna's cheek. While he would have loved to slip his arm around her waist, he restrained himself and instead stood in front of the two girls leaning against the bar. "Now, excuse me if I'm mistaken, but you wouldn't happen to be related to the Vanessa Hudgens?" Erik asked while looking at Stella. His sister was an extreme high school musical fan and Erik was pretty sure he'd been shown at least 20 pictures of Vanessa Hudgens with a girl that looked allot like this one.

"Oh, and also while I remember it. Could you girls help me find people in the school that fits two of my three criteria?" Erik asked before Stella could give her answer, the alcohol was starting to affect his manners a little. "One: Rich or wealthy. Two: Relatively dumb or naive. Three: slightly gambling addicted"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Hudgens Character Portrait: Jasmine Villegas Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Linnaea Snow Character Portrait: Shailene Lehman Character Portrait: Erik Jorgenson.
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0.00 INK


Despite being at a party, Stella had somehow gotten Sienna chilled enough to simply talk. At most events like these, Sienna would be the main one on the dance floor if she wasn't by Ricky's side or with the Devil Girls wreaking havoc somewhere. But with the junior Prep, the co-captain of the Devil Girls was very much relaxed and her usual guard was down. So, she was actually a bit shocked when Erik got out of whatever winded mood he was in and kissed her cheek, which was definitely a little surprise. One of Stella's eyebrows rose as she sipped the last of her drink to which Sienna only smirked lightly. "No problem," she told the transfer student. After that, Erik's attention was on the second female and Stella giggled.

"Um, yeah. She's my big sister," Stella answered easily. She was used to this question. Wherever she went, if the person didn't already know her she was answering their inquiries about how similar her features were to her sister's. Granted, there had not always been incredibly nice comparisons and she near cringed at the memory, but smiled anyway for the guy. She was too busy being surprised that Sienna was still talking to the guy. He didn't confident as Sienna's playthings usually were - as sharp. He was undoubtedly attractive, especially now when he actually did look much longer and wasn't covered in thick scruff, but still. It was a question she'd have to ask her friend later. Both girls were equally amused and confused by Erik's next inquiries.

"Well, if you were looking for wealthy, you pretty much are talking to two of those people now," Stella decided to say, not really sure what Erik needed with anyone that was dumb or naïve. Or even addicted to gambling, which she was not a fan of unless she was making bets with friends. And even then, she and the others usually only bet up to fifty dollars. Sienna stepped in on the last part. "And dumb or naïve usually would revolve around the Wannabes, though not every single one of them are rich." Stella shot her a look but Sienna didn't seem to care. "And gambling is a...I don't know, Ricky might know better?" Stella glanced at Sienna inquiringly and Sienna shrugged in response. As much as she spent time with her best friend, she didn't really care about every little thing he did. In fact, he had Royal friends that Sienna honestly could give two fucks about. Stella, while Sienna was pondering, decided to ask the burning question while simultaneously wondering when her bestie would return so that she could drag the singer on the dance floor. "Why do you ask?"

Deeper in the club, Shailene wouldn't be able to tell anyone how many songs had played while she had danced with Linnaea. There had been a brief moment where a guy had grabbed her by the waist and upon seeing how attractive he was, she danced with him anyway. But she had mostly stuck by her friend's side, making sure to keep Linn moving as much as possible. Now, her brown skin had a nice sheen and her shirt was clinging to her skin. She leaned close to the blonde. "Hey, I think I need a break. Wanna go grab some air?" She could have simply gone to get a drink, but she didn't want Linn drinking anything else. Besides, eventually the party would wind down. It was reaching midnight and they would probably be shutting the party down soon enough. It would be an excuse to avoid the crowd when they tried to disperse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Hudgens Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú Character Portrait: Erik Jorgenson.
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0.00 INK


But you two are way to adorable to, figuratively speaking, rob" Erik said jokingly as Stella said that they were both rich. Of course Erik had already figured out that they didn't exactly lack anything money could buy. To be honest he had been hoping for some exact names and such, but he at least he was a little closer to finding someone who'd be into poker. When they mentioned that The King might be into gambling a sly grin spread across Erik's face, but before he could say anything Stella asked him the question of why he wanted that kind of people.

It was a little surprising that none of them had guessed it. It was sort of obvious that he wanted to do something gambling related, but then again there is quite allot of stuff that is related to gambling so maybe Erik couldn't blame them for it after all. "Well, I'm starting to get short on money and I'm sort of a god in poker" Erik laughed a little before changing his mind "Okay, I'll admit 'god' might be a little too cocky. Lets just say I'm really good at it" He did have some skill in the game, but to be honest most of his 'skill' was strongly related to his much better skill at cheating. "Really good at any sort of ting with cards. A sly grin spread across Erik's face "And please tell me our bellowed king plays poker, because the ace of spades" Erik said pointing his thumbs at himself "Would love to lighten the King of Hearts' wallet" Then he burst out in laughter as he realized how dumb that sounded. "And please pretend like I didn't just say that m'kay?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catalina Perez Character Portrait: Stella Hudgens Character Portrait: Jasmine Villegas Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Linnaea Snow Character Portrait: Shailene Lehman
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0.00 INK


There was an obvious tick in Chad's jaw when he read the latest text message from Honey and Ric, at first, only raised an eyebrow when the Prep downed a shot without even making a face. After a few minutes, Chad was typing a text himself before rising. "You ok?" Chad didn't answer for a minute and shoved his phone into his pocket before turning to his best friend, "Heading home. I'll see you at Sia's studio." He didn't give Ricky a chance to say anything more as he was heading through the crowd and the King of HHS had a very perturbed expression on his face, deciding to send his own message out to someone who could help the situation.

To: Honey
Fine. I'll just see you tomorrow. Goodnight.

To: Shay
Idk what da fuck just happened, but ur boy is pissed.

Shailene smiled gratefully when Linn conceded and led her blonde friend out of the cloud, coolness flowing through her the second the night air hit her slick skin. She ran her fingers through her loose curls, feeling her phone buzz in her back pocket. A bit more relaxed now that she wasn't in the humid and crowded place, she truly pondered Linn's inquiries before remembering one small problem with that plan. "I'd love to, but apparently, Ric and Sienna are staying over. Their stuff is already in my room. You're more than welcome to spend the night though and we can head over to your place in the morning?" She didn't know what Linnaea would want to do in the situation considering the fact that she wasn't particularly close with either the Devil Girl or the King of HHS, but at least she knew the latter. And she could always come sleep in Shailene's room or any of the other rooms, it didn't matter. With that suggestion in the air, she pulled out her phone to see Ricky's text and her brow knitted curiously. As if on cue, Chadwick came out of the club and Shay glanced at Linnaea only fleetingly before running over to catch up to the Prep.

"Hey, love! What's wrong?" She asked and placed a hand on Chad's arm as they walked, seeing how he wasn't stopping any time soon. "I'm fine, Shay." Chad was so engrossed in just getting home and allowing the day to end that he didn't even pay attention to who else was around him. And Shailene wasn't buying his little brushing off either. "Obviously, if you were fine, you would actually stop and talk to me." That last word was said with a small push, which halted Chad's movements just as they reached his vehicle. He gave Shailene a very exasperated look before letting out a large amount of breath. He didn't want to have this conversation with Shay, not here. He also didn't want to text Honey about whatever the hell had happened earlier or just shove it in the recesses of his mind like she apparently wanted him to do. But yet and still, Chad was being himself and actually letting it slide, leading to him feeling frustrated and in no mood for people. He felt swimming, or kicking something. Hell, punching something almost sounded like a plan. "I'm sorry," was what he ended up saying in a tone that was too flat for Shay to believe that he was really genuine about the apology. She searched his face for a sign of anything else, but all he offered was a blank wall that she knew she wasn't going to be able to get through, not with Linnaea here - not right now. So, she conceded, releasing his arm. "Call me when you get home then." Chad nodded slowly before finally seeing Linnaea. "Sure, and hey, Linn." With a hard swallow because of words he didn't actually know how to form, Chad simply leaned down and hugged Shay before climbing into his car and driving off. Shailene sighed and turned to her friend, running a tired hand through her hair. "I guess we're all not the only ones having a rough night."

Back inside, Sienna was a bit too amused by Erik's explanation of wanting to find gamblers. The most she had ever gambled away happened in maybe a few games with Ricky or some of the other jocks, just really for fun. She was a competitive individual, of course she had wanted to try it. But it wasn't really her thing. However, to amuse Erik, she smirked. "Hmm...I'd love to see this 'poker-God' in action one of these days," she said with a purr, running a hand over his slowly before her phone buzzed. "I'll be right back." Winking at him, she bumped Stella on her way into the crowd, to which the junior Prep rolled her eyes and turned the guy beside her. "Well, good luck with the whole 'lightening Ricky's pocket' thing. Nine times out of ten, you would never be able to lighten his pocket. There's only one person in this entire school that's richer than him and Chad's not exactly the gambling type." She said dryly just as Jasmine returned with the guys and began slurping on her drink. Stella could tell that, in her heart, it was getting close to the time to leave. Granted, if any of her friends wanted to stay, she could easily chill with them. However, as a person who wasn't a partier, she could feel her body being ready to go. It wasn't as if she was tired or anything; she just felt like moving and moving didn't really include to another section of the club. But when Jas stood up and was ready to dance, Stella was all for it. However, when Taylor (she hoped she got that one right) hopped up to take Jasmine's bait, Stella couldn't find it in herself to be a cock-block. Apparently, Tyler had run off too, leaving just Stella and Erik. Smirking to herself, she turned to the guy with a small grin and said, "And then there were two." She wasn't always keen on people she didn't know, not unless there was a friend to buffer her. But knowing Sienna, she was probably out looking for Ricky and Stella would have to keep her little friend company until the Devil Girl returned. "So, what are your intentions with my girl?" Might as well keep him on edge, right?

Ricky stared down at the text from Honey for a moment and honestly wanted to simply ignore it; just shove his phone back in his pocket and flirt with the ginger from earlier. He could find Adrienne and distract himself from thoughts of the sexy singer. The singer who happened to also be his best friend's girl. Which was the only reason why Ricky didn't flirt in the text nor tease. A part of him didn't understand why she even turned to him at the moment. She had Chad who was the quintessential good guy. Surely, her boyfriend - and he found himself thinking the word with an edge that didn't belong - could come to her rescue, as she put it.

To: Honey
Helping out with Sia at the studio tomorrow. We can talk then or meet up later, you decide.

He had just been putting his phone away when Sienna came plopping herself down on the couch. "You're pouting." Ricky made a face at her words. "And you still have clothes on. I'm surprised you haven't fucked that loser yet." Sienna scowled at her bestie and punched his arm. "Not as much of a slut as you." Ricky sneered, "Still a slut." There relationship was definitely - or, at least sounded - very dysfunctional at times. They could both be extremely abrasive, particularly with one another. However, that was just how they worked and after a beat, Sienna looked around them. "Where's Boy Wonder?" Ricky shrugged with a carefree expression. "Went home. Trouble in paradise." Sienna's eyebrows rose and she perceptively noted the tick in Ricky's jaw. "Does this trouble have anything to do with you?" If looks could kill, Sienna would probably be on the floor at the moment with a bullet wound in her head. She flippantly ran a hand through her hair. "Don't bitch-face me. You're the one who wants to fuck his best friend's girlfriend." Ricky literally could kill his bestie sometimes. Loved her to death most of the times. Other times, she really didn't seem to care. "I haven't touched her, have I?" Sienna didn't say anything for a moment and when she did, there was no hint of an edge or even sarcasm. It was just straight-up honesty mixed with something a bit softer. "The point is that you fucked up with Leah and that cost you whatever friendship and relationship you guys had. And I'll say it as many times as everyone needs to hear it, Honey's hot. But no bitch is worth one night of satisfying your thirst. So, whatever it is that's got your panties in a bunch, drop it now. I'm not dealing with it tomorrow and neither should you." Rising, Sienna pulled him up right along with her. She knew he hated whenever she brought up Aaliyah, but it was what it was. He had fucked up and yeah, he could apologize and sure, Sienna knew his reasons for being as fucked up as he was. But at the end of the day, she wasn't going to leave him in some corner to fuck the bitterness out of himself. They would be leaving sooner or later. Ricky didn't need to be moping on the couch. Chad shouldn't either, but he was already too far gone for her to be concerned about.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Hudgens Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú Character Portrait: Taylor & Tyler Cunningham Character Portrait: Erik Jorgenson. Character Portrait: Edgar Beauchamp
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Clearly Erik was doing something right. Sienna was defiantly flirting with him, she was even starting to get a little physical. It wasn't more than a simple stroke on his hand but still, it was something. The thought of grabbing her hand managed to surface in Erik's head just a moment too late before Sienna seemed to have some sort of new bestfriend duties. "Get some shots in his system him"" Erik said to Sienna's back as she walked away, watching her lovely ass as it walked towards His Highness. "How the hell does she manage to look sexy walking away from me? Erik asked jokingly, not really wanting an answer.

He had to laugh at Stella's comment about how hard it would be to lighten Ricardo's wallet "Well, a 10 percent chance is better than nothing" he replied, turning his attention from Sienna's back to Stella's face. As Jasmine and twin number 1 (taylor) and 2 (tyler) which Erik was going to call them from now on Erik tried to figure out some kind of good topic of debate, but just as soon as they had appear they were gone again. Number 1 heading for the dancefloor with Jasmine and number 2 heading towards a very tall guy whom Erik couldn't help but get a rather gay vibe from, not that it mattered much. "And then there were two" Erik repeated and raised an imaginary glass in an imaginary toast towards Stella.

It couldn't be argued that Stella's next question was a hard one and Erik had a feeling his answer would inflict his chances with Sienna greatly, so to buy some time he made a quick joke. "Well, no point in lying is there? I'm gonna marry her for her money, divorce her and take half of her stuff, and then run home to mama" he said with a teasing smile as he came up with a pretty damn honest answer "But to be serious. I'm a straight male teenager. What my intentions with a girl as beautiful as Sienna shouldn't be that hard to guess" Erik said and shrugged before ordering a glass of Guinness from the bartender. "After that I'm actually not sure. Guess it depends on if she wants me or not" He said in a -for everyone that knew him well- surprisingly honest tone. It was actually completely true, if he was lucky enough to get the chance to hit the hay with Sienna everything had worked out quite allot better than Erik had ever expected, so if she decided to dump him afterwards it wouldn't really matter that much. "But don't think for a second that I wouldn't love something more long-lasting than just sex with her" He finished with a little wink and took sip of the bitter beer. "Tell me, should I fear anything from His Highness? Didn't really seam like he liked me that much in the car." Erik asked in a nonchalant tone. This was something he really wanted to know, but no point in showing it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catalina Perez Character Portrait: Sienna Gancia Character Portrait: Chadwick Arsenault
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Chad had ignored his phone the first time it buzzed. He figured it was Shailene not wanting to really drop the subject. It very well could have been Rick and he didn't feel like dealing with whatever tantrum-ridden commentary Ricardo wanted to throw his way. Chad didn't want to care about what was going on in his best friend's head. He didn't want to have a chit chat with Shailene about his feelings. He honestly, at this point, wanted to be back in his home where there was silence. However, after the third time of his phone buzzing, he pulled off on the side of the road and glanced at it to see a missed call from Sienna and two texts from the same person.

To: Chad
Be a dick. Idc. Not my fault u n bae got issues.

To: Chad
Btw, if ur pissed cuz she's texting Ric to meet up, get over it. She chose u.

At first, Chad simply rolled his eyes at Sienna's usual display of caring-but-not-trying-to-seem-like-she's-caring. To be honest, the act was getting old to him. She cared a lot more than she wanted to admit and it was okay. It was about time she started acknowledging that she wasn't some heartless bitch. It would probably do her wonders on the Aaliyah front, but Chad knew she wouldn't hear it. What really drew his attention, however, was the second text. Why he felt a surge of...possessiveness, he didn't know. Chad wasn't the possessive type. However, knowing that Honey was texting Ricky - someone she wasn't even particularly close with - explained a lot. Her being concerned about him the other day, Ricky's attitude since finding out about their date...

He needed to talk to Honey.

Never mind the fact that he was halfway home, Chad turned the car his car around at the next light, the U-turn sharper than he would have admitted. A sort of anxiety filled him at the thought that there was already something going on between the girl he liked and his best friend. Granted, he wasn't jumping to conclusions. However, he did know Ricky and Rick's attitude meant that he felt something. And if Honey and Rick were making plans to meet up, Sienna felt the need to remind him that he had been Honey's choice, why hadn't he known that Ricky was an option? He didn't need to be stepping on anyone's toes and as he had told Honey earlier in the night, there would be no games between them. If there was something going on, he wanted to at least objectively understand and accept it. He was allowed that right, right?

It possibly was a twenty minute ride to Honey's complex and for a second, he needed to sit in his car and cool down. Chad was too excited. He didn't want to seem frazzled or jealous in front of her. This needed to be a serious conversation. Besides, she could still be upset about Linnaea, he hypothesized. It wouldn't do anyone any good if he just stormed up to her place and making accusations. Breathing slowly, Chad ran a hand over his face, parked, and then headed inside, pressing the buzzer linked to Honey's penthouse to alert her that someone was trying to get on the elevator. He also decided to send her a text.

To: Honey
We need to talk now. I'm downstairs.

Honey frowned when her phone buzzed. She had retired from the viewing room to her bedroom. The screen had lit up as she was was watching re runs of Law and Order SVU. Almost as quickly as they'd shown up her family had settled into their own respective rooms and she silently thanked god the label had put her up in such a spacious pent house. It was like a mansion in the sky which usually annoyed her but came in handy today.

Chad's name flashed on the screen as well as a bubble that had a picture of them cuddling that she actually really loved, even though it was taken by some weirdo watching them on a date. She jumped up and faced her mirror. She pulled her bun out, ditching it for a ponytail. It was way too late now to ditch her jammies. Her actual jammies, not the Tommy Hilfiger sports bra and low rise sweatpants that cost more than her designer jeans, but the short shorts with a cartoon junk food pattern, crop cami that said eat me in big red letters, and giant pikachu slippers. She glanced at her dresser, specifically at the contacts, but shook her head. He'd see Catalina one of these days. Might as well be today.

She didn't answer, instead buzzing him in and sending a text to the Doorman to usher him to the private old school elevator that lead directly into her penthouse. The elevator shaft was supposed to be renovated and moved but she convinced them to keep it. Nothing wrong with a little vintage touch. She opened the steel panels separating her from the elevator with the push of a button and waited in front of it.

She was getting exceedingly worried. Chad wasn't spontaneous. He was sweet and dependable, he didn't show up unannounced places. It was so unlike him and she wad to wonder if he was coming to end it. She bit her lip as she heard the elevator make it's way up. Slowly creeping little bit by little bit. Maybe it wasn't slow, she didn't know, she couldn't tell.

Chad could feel the anxiety eating at him the closer and closer the elevator approached Honey's penthouse. Somehow the bravado that had egged him on when he decided to come settle things with her had vanished and in its place was the typical Chadwick - the one who was more than ready to scurry away with his tail between his legs. He wasn't bold like Sienna or Ricky. He knew that and yet, running away now seemed pointless. He wanted to work things out with Honey. He really really liked Honey. And clearing the air now seemed a bit more logical than throwing everything under the bus tomorrow. Besides, as the elevator doors opened to reveal his favorite singer, any chance of escape seemed futile.

Uh, hi," was his pathetic attempt at words and inwardly, Chad shook his head at his own nervousness. He was the one who had decided to come over. Surely, he could have said something like that. Chad tugged idly at his jean pockets before adding, "I know it's late...I j-just..." He cleared his throat. "I just really needed to see you." There it was out there and when Honey let him in, he gladly stepped into the spacious apartment, eyes taking in small details before he turned back around to her.

Honey was really pretty outside of school, he realized. Chad had noticed that before, had noticed a few times but it always struck him stupid. To him, she never needed make-up or anything to look good. That simply came natural and right now, she never looked more beautiful. Everything seemed natural. He found himself chuckling at her slippers affectionately before meeting her gaze. "I...I get that earlier with might have seemed awkward. And there's nothing going on, I swear. I can talk to her. I just...I didn't want you to be upset about that." Chad felt out of place and confused about where he was even going with this. Maybe she was right. Maybe they should have just left this alone and they would have seen each other tomorrow and pretended like none of this even happened. He shook his head and continued, "I think...I think the real reason I'm here, I guess, because I..." He paused. "I just don't wanna step on any toes if we...are really doing this. Do you, uh, have a thing for him?"

There. It was out. It still didn't shake the anxiety away.

As soon as he finished Honey crossed the space separating them until she was right in front of him. She hadn't even thought about Chad getting jealous she was so focused on herself and Linn. She wanted to kiss him and make him comfortable again. He looked so nervous and torn and she felt terrible knowing that she caused that. She reached for his hand then tugged him to her bedroom and closed the door.

"Chaddy I only have a thing for you." She said as soon as they were in the safety of her room and she didn't have to worry about her family butting in. She had tugged his hand, directing him to the small couch though she didn't sit down herself. It wasn't the most neutral place to have a conversation, what with the giant bed behind them, but it would have to do. She stood in front of him, taking him in. She had to admit she liked seeing him in her space. "I texted Ricky because my brothers baby mama, who's living with me because my family doesn't want anything to do with her and neither does hers, has been extorting my family. My siblings are all here and I just didn't want to give you even more of an opportunity to realize that we're from different worlds. Linnaea is from your world. She's smart, poised, and cute. She'll fit in with your family and crowd. I bet you two are even looking at the same ivy league schools."

She looked down at her slippers. They were her favorite slippers. Any little piece of Catalina that she got to keep was her favorite. She took a deep breath and continued. "You probably feel the same way about me and Ricky. You're right he probably would make more sense for me. But I don't want him. I want you." She slowly, cautiously, sat in his lap, straddling him. "I want our quite car rides, I want you to play with my hair when you're bored, I want you to indulge in my constant need to touch you. Not Ricky or any other guy you " She leaned her forehead against his. "Chad I've been invested in this for a while. I just never thought that you'd actually go for me." She smiled at him, "But you did."

She felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulder. The fact that he got jealous and came over here, which was completely out of character, had her feeling all warm and gooey all over. "That being said I really hope we're done with this conversation because the fact that you came here unexpected and jealous is super hot and I was trying really hard to be good while we talked but I think we're done talking." She stood up tugging his hand again until they were lying on her bed. She nestled in the crook of his arm. " I want to be with you, just you and I'll tell Ricky that if you want. Hell, I'll but a custom made jacket with property of Big Daddy Chaddy sewed onto the back. You don't need to talk to Linn. She has a crush on you and I know that if you were dating her I'd be miserable enough without you telling me I need to back off. So if we're done...." She said wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.
She pulled back and stroked his bottom lip "Will you stay the night? We can drive to the beach together tomorrow. Maybe you could meet my family in the morning. I make amazing pancakes with lots of fun stuff. You know like iHop?"