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Welcome to Karneval!

Welcome to Karneval!


Welcome to Circus Airship 3. The responsibility of protection has been passed on to this crew. Good Luck!

1,952 readers have visited Welcome to Karneval! since Kiri711 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


This is a message for AirShip 3

Good Evening, AirShip 3
Unfortunately due to unseen circumstances we require your assistance, in the protection of Nai and Garkei.

Photo of Subjects.

We took them in after an incident involving Kafka. However things have begun to take a turn for the worst and now both AirShip 1 and Airship 2 are required to take down Kafka, we have promised Nai to save a "Family Member" Karoku, We believe he is actually Nai's creator. We are unsure of his whereabouts however. If he has been taken by Kafka, we will rescue him. However we wish to keep Nai safe.....Also we can't have him on the ship incase some one from Government comes aboard. Therefore we would greatly appreciate you assistant.

AirShip 2 Captain

Welcome to Airship 3, We are the members now tasked with protecting Nai.

For now Nai and Gareki will be NPC However if someone really insist on playing one of them, I will reconsider.

Character Sheet


Age: (No Younger than 15)


Performance Job: (When you actually perform what is your performance, Acrobat, Fire Eater, Etc)

Position on Ship:

Weapon of Choice:



Character Position

Captain: {Taken} Xue Amaranth

Lieutenant: {Taken} Asimov

Doctor: {Taken} Petunia Muerte

Fighter 1: {Taken} Katsumi Sato

Fighter 2: *Open*

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asimov Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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#, as written by Kiri711
(OOC: Everyone has been added to this post to let you know we are beginning)

"Bark, Wake up, Bark"

Petunia rolled over and gave the little fox her best death glare. She had pulled a late nighter, finishing a research paper on Possessors. She grabbed her clock to look at the time. She felt her eye twitch.

"I went to bed less than an hour and a half ago." Seeing the clock only read 4:16 in the bloody morning. If this was her Captain's idea of a sick joke it wouldn't stay funny for long. She dragged her blanket over her head once more. "Whatever it is, tell him it can wait till tomorrow."

"Bark, Wake Up, Your presences has been requested. Bark" The little fox pulled at her blanket until it lay sprawled out on the floor. Grumbling she turn to look at him. She thought herself a very kind person to most younger then her she care for them as if they were her own. Of course that was a different story on so little sleep.

"Fine, fine I get it! If i get up for nothing though, that Captain is going to get a stern talking to." She mumbled to herself as she pulled on her high heels and her lab coat to hide her night gown. She was a mere year older than her Captain, but she felt responsible to let him know when he did something stupid. Of course she respected him as her Captain. She knew what it was like to be looked down on because of being younger then most.

"Stupid, razzle frazzle..." She grumbled as she found herself sitting down in her spot at the meeting table. This had better be important.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asimov Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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4am was much too early an hour for Katsumi to be awake. She'd been sound asleep when the fox had entered her room, not even noticing its presence until it began to poke her. She groaned, pulling the covers over her head and and grumbling something about five more minutes. However, the fox was horribly stubborn and admirably persistent. "Bark, you must get up now, bark." it said, continuing to prod at her and pull the covers away. She, only for a moment, toyed with the idea of breaking the blasted thing before becoming offended by the fact that she'd even thought of doing such a thing.

"I'm up, I'm up," she said, weakly, as she pulled herself from her bed. After rubbing at her eyes and letting out a yawn, she glanced over at the alarm clock beside her bed. What on earth were the foxes thinking, waking them up at such an unholy hour? She let out a loud sigh, shooing the fox from her room so that she could get ready. She noticed its shadow still under the door after she'd closed it, probably attempting to make sure that she didn't crawl back in bed. "This must be really important," she whispered to herself, "if they're getting us up so early. I wonder what's going on...?" Tossing her pajamas onto her bed, she pulled on her usual black top and pink skirt. In her tiredness, she put the top on inside out and had to go back and fix it.

Once she was finally finished getting ready, she tossed open the door, forgetting all about the fox standing there and knocking the poor thing over. "Oh crap, so sorry!" she cried as she helped the little guy up. Despite being tired, she skipped off to the meeting room once she was sure that it was alright.

"Pettunie-chan!" she called as she walked in, waving rapidly at the doctor who had already taken a seat. As she'd forgotten her assigned seat, she decided it'd be okay if she plopped down next to Petunia. "I'm not too late, am I?" she asked, aware of just how untimely she could be. But it seemed she'd made it on schedule, as not many people seemed to be there yet. "Hmm," she said. "I wonder where Asimov and Captain Xue are? And what this big meeting's about. Do you know?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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#, as written by Skykoko

An alarm shrieked in his ear, and with the slightest of odd yelp/snarls, Xue leapt sideways out of bed, snatching his sword in case he needed to defend himself, as he could instinctively tell it was most certainly not time to get up yet. And if anyone said he had accidentally tripped when the blankets got wrapped around his feet, faceplanted, and almost cut himself in half while he was at it, the claim would be denied, and the person in question forever silenced. Someone was going to die, of that he was certain, wether it be the person waking him at an ungodly hour after staying up until the AM hours doing paperwork or anyone who might be around to have seen him- wake up. Yeah. Wake up, because he most certainly did not faceplant. Ridiculous! People should know better than to wake him up, he thought as he swung the sword down, cleanly severing his alarm clock. And the nightstand underneath it. And part of his mattress, which was in the way. And the lamp that had been on top of the nightstand. And the reference textbook Doctor Petunia had lent him along with it.

Only, the shrieking sound didn't stop.

And then he realized it was just his cell phone.

He picked the device up carefully, trying not to crush it by accident, which was a very real possibility at this point. He flipped it open, and pressed talk, then began speaking in a low, dangerous voice before the person at the other end could get a single word in.

"One of two things have happened. Either the world is ending or you're sending hookers and vintage wine to my cabin, at no cost from me. If anything except one of those two things is happening, then whoever you are, I will find you, I will cut you open, and then I will string your guts up on the Great Wall of China."

"... Bad day sweetie?" The voice on the other end said at last.

Xue cursed him out in every single language he knew.

"Soooo... yes?"

"Hirato... the next time I'm on your ship... make sure you, personally, keep an eye on me. Because I swear by God, that if I am left alone with a subordinate, I will kill them, and if simply left alone, I'll either leave explosives where you won't find them, or cut your damn ship in half. And you know I can do it."


Hirato immediately launched into explaining the situation, knowing better than to pick a fight. Xue kept his promises, as an unbroken rule.

"Fine." Xue growled when he finished. "How'd you get this number, anyway?"

"Sources. Sources that are not within the confines of your ship or territory, so no need to execute anyone for treachery."

Xue hung up, and then walked out onto his balcony, and threw the phone overboard, watching it fall into the ocean, far, far below. It was useless to him anyway, now that it had been hacked. After it completely disappeared from sight, he turned away and sent a message through the com ordering all current occupants to the meeting room for briefing. If he had to suffer no sleep, then they could suffer right along with them, he figured as he walked to the room and took up residence on a ceiling beam. They were a team after all.

Petunia entered to room first. He instantly decided from the look on her face that he shouldn't tell her what happened to the reference book. "Stupid, razzle frazzle..." She was muttering.

Xue blinked, honestly wondering if he should be offended by her calling him... he didn't even know what it meant, but it most certainly wasn't swear words, so he wasn't sure if it was even meant to be be offensive, though she seemed to be attempting to use it that way. Xue lay down flat on the ceiling beam, crossing his arms in front of him so he could lay down more comfortably on the cold steel.

Katsumi suddenly threw open the door, and Xue narrowed his eyes as she began chattering. She sat down in his seat, and immediately started asking questions too fast to be answered. Xue looked around, but spotting nothing to throw at her, decided to remain silent until Asimov arrived rather than risk her turning all that attention on himself.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asimov Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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#, as written by Slybop

"Bark. Awaken, Your presence has been requested in the meeting hall. Bark." alerted the Fox.

Before the fox has said awaken, out of the darkness of the large room, two golden eyes shot into existence. In the blackness of the room, the only thing visible were those eyes, they almost seem to glow. They sat up in one large fluid motion, making nary a sound. The figure with the golden eyes reached out and placed a hand on the Fox's head. "Thank you for waking me, Threefer. You may return to your duties." The figure then stood to its rather intimidating full height, and began to walk over to the far wall. The fox simply chirped. "You are welcome." before trotting out of the room.

In the darkness, Asimov, Lieutenant of Airship 3, began to dress himself in the Circus regulation uniform. It generally looked like a stage magician's outfit complete with a tall top hat. Most of the crew wore their own personalized outfit, which Asimov believed was their right, but he rather enjoyed the uniform. He believed someone in command should wear it, Lord knows Xue won't. To be expected though, Airship 3 was.....unique, to say the least. The entire time he was dressing, the lights were off. Asimov had never needed them, as he could see in the dark. After he had finished he walked over to his bed side table and grabbed his face. He hooked it onto his face with small *hiss* of air and he was good to go.

Asimov strode out of his room, only now realizing that it was just a little after 4 a.m., must be something interesting happening. "Hmm."

Asimov reached the meeting hall and walked in with his perfect posture and his hands behind his back. He noticed Katsumi and Petunia were sitting down at the table. Despite the hour, Katsumi was her peppy self, Asimov admired her for that. Petunia looked none too pleased, which was to be expected. He walked over to his seat and gave them both a nod. out of the corner of his eye, he noticed movement int he shadows of the rafters, the Captain seemed to be resting up there. Most likely avoiding Dr. Muerte's wrath for as long as possible. Say what you will about the Captain of Airship 3, but a fool he is not.

"Good morning Katsumi. Good morning Petunia. How are you both faring this morning? The hour may be early, but Xue always has his reasons. it must have been something that could not wait." Asimov took his seat. He thne looked over at Katsumi. "How are you settling in, Katsumi? You've been with us awhile now and I was wondering if you enjoyed being assigned here. Your last mission went alright?" Asimov always took the time to talk to his crewmates when he could to make sure they were alright. He always found himself either out on high risk solo missions or working in his workshop, either on toys for children, 'Toys' for combat, the Foxes or sometimes even the ship. He was a busy man, so he spent a lot of his downtime talking to members of the ship.

Mostly, he was just killing time until the Captain decided to come down.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asimov Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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#, as written by Kiri711
Petunia Murete

She grumbled, requesting a cup of coffee from one of the foxes in the room. She found herself dozing off when the doors were slammed open. She felt herself jump at the sound of her voice.

"Pettunie-chan!!!" Great, why was she such a morning person.

"Good Morning, Katsumi. I'm not sure how your such a morning person." She looked over to the fox who had handed her cup of coffee. She put in her odd mixture of 1 cream, 2 milk, and 2 sugar. She listened as Katsumi rambled off her questions. She let them draw to a close before answering them all in the order they were given to her in.

"No, to my understanding the meeting has yet to begin. I would assume, Asimov will be here shortly, as for Captain Xue, I have one of three guesses, One, He has yet to wake up (Least Likely), Two, He's avoiding coming in as of yet for whatever reason (Possible but not too likely) or finally Three, He's already somewhere in this room and just know I wanna kick his ass for the wake up call. (Mostly Likely). I have no idea why would we be woken at such an ungodly hour..." Taking a sip of her coffee. "..I honestly haven't the faintest idea what this meeting is about."

Petunia's attention was turn to the doorway, as it opened revealing the Lieutenant of AirShip 3, dressed properly with his mask always hiding his face. It was then she noticed she had been the only one not to fully dress, she had merely thrown her lab coat. Thought it was likely no one would notice.

"Good Morning Katsumi, Good Morning Petunia. How are you both faring this morning?" She felt her eye twitch at the question. He couldn't be serious, could he? "The hour may be early, but Xue always has his reasons. It must have been something that could not wait." She watched as he sat down and continued to converse with Katsumi. Petunia admired Asimov's attempts to calm her irritation, so she wouldn't strangle their Captain. Even though her irritation of being woken up faded, she couldn't help but still have a slight feeling her Captain had done something stupid.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asimov Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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#, as written by Skykoko

Xue leapt down from the high beam once Asimov had taken his place, landing on a chair with on foot on the back so that the force from landing was dispelled by the chair tipping over, Xue continuing on until he stood in front of the group waiting for information.

"Hirato is dumping off a side project here to free up his own personnel. There's a kid, Nai, who in actuality was magically transformed into a human. His true form is a rare little squeaker from a special forest. The kid is apparently a total wimp and a crybaby, but with him will be his boyfriend Gareki, who you can trust to defend Nai and himself to some extent. We're supposed to treat them delicately, with politeness, indulge them, and die for them. So basically, start their training immediately once they get here, whip them into shape so we can trust them to live. There was also something about rescuing the kid's ex, who also happens to be the one who turned him from a squeaker to one of us. They'll be here in less than an hour. Questions, comments, babysitter volunteers?" Xue explained at length, studying them carefully to make sure they understood.

He decided against voicing his own mental inquiry to doctor Petunia as to wether it was still beastiality if the squeaker had a human form, if his true self was the squeaker.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asimov Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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Katsumi listened to Petunia as she, one by one, answered all of her questions. She even found herself giggling a bit at Petunia's threatening comments when discussing where the Captain may have been. However, even the doctor didn't seem to know what this whole situation was about, which left Katsumi baffled. "Weird," she mused. She hoped everything was okay. They surely could have been woken up due to some catastrophe that had happened, but she figured that, were that the case, the atmosphere would be much less calm.

Stifling a yawn, Katsumi leaned back in her chair and tossed her feet up onto the table. Absentmindedly, she began to toy with her braids. She gave them a few tugs, not hard enough to pull them out, and began to curl them around her finger. She only stopped when she heard the door open, her head shooting up to find no other than Lieutenant Asimov entering. She'd always quite liked Asimov, though she had, at first, found him to be quite intimidating. She'd quickly learned that, behind his slightly creepy mask, he was really all fluff. He greeted the two of them, and she happily waved back, pulling her feet from the tabletop. Just as he asked about how the two of them were holding up, she yawned once again, which she figured answered the question well enough. "How are you settling in, Katsumi?" he asked. "You've been with us awhile now and I was wondering if you enjoyed being assigned here. Your last mission went alright?"

She hung on each and every word before nodding furiously. "It's been great so far! My missions have all been pretty easy so far, and all of 'em fairly successful," she explained, leaning forward onto the table. Asimov always seemed to be checking up on people, which she appreciated. She figured it wouldn't hurt if she asked how he was doing in return, but before she could do so, Captain Xue came crashing down onto a nearby chair from the middle of nowhere.

The sudden entrance had startled Katsumi. She'd nearly shrieked, but had slapped a hand over her mouth before it could escape her lips. Her eyes were trained on the Captain, who immediately began to explain the situation regarding their guests. He spoke of boyfriends and exes, but Katsumi had learned quickly enough that Xue's statements were often littered with sarcastic remarks that she had trouble picking up on. She was as straightforward as one could get, so she sometimes found him a bit hard to follow.

However, she got the gist. They'd be getting two new members aboard, and such a prospect excited her greatly. She truly enjoyed the company of her shipmates, but having some new faces around never hurt. However, one thing Xue had said worried her a bit. Die for them? She frowned, slightly, wondering what was so dangerous about these two kids that they might put themselves in a position in which death was a possibility. However, she didn't stay focused on that for too long, her smile returning after a brief moment. She pulled herself forward in her seat, looking up at the Captain. "How long are they staying?" she asked.

((OOC: I forgot to mention that she's wearing shorts under her skirt. I just now realized that I probably should specify that, seeing as she had her legs up on the table. :P ))


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asimov Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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#, as written by Slybop

Asimov nodded calmly to all of Katsumi's responses. He enjoyed her energy and always knew he could rely on her to be cheerful. "That's good to hear Katsumi. I'm sure your skill will be further tested in upcoming missions." He stated with cheer in his voice. He nodded to her. It seemed like she wanted to ask him something, but it seemed their Captain decided to take this moment to reveal himself. He landed with a thud on one of the chairs.

"My, Captain. You surprised me." Asimov stated, acting shocked.

Asimov returned to silence as Xue began to, in his own way, explain the situation. It seemed interesting to say the least. The two must really be trouble if Hirato is passing them off. Asimov knew him from the academy, he could sometimes be lazy and even mischievous, but often did not lightly pass off a burden. It sounded like these two would be trouble. Especially if we are to help locate someone. A man who could change an animal into a human. He sounds like a genius. Another problem was that Hirato requested this, not Command. Meaning this was more a personal favor that a mission. yes, Asimov could see trouble coming. Asimov would have liked to question Xue at his taking of this mission, but he did not want to do so in front of the crew.

"I suppose I could over see the training of this, Gaireki. If he is to be one of us, I would like to see he is an asset rather a reliability. I don't believe I would have the ample free time to show them about or babysit them though."

Asimov then looked directly at Xue. "Also, how much trouble to predict this will cause us, Captain?


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asimov Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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#, as written by Kiri711
Petunia Murete

Petunia sighed as she listen to Xue's explanation. Of course he loved to mess with the actual explanation. Poor Katsumi, when Xue had started mentioning Boyfriends and ex she looked completely lost a moment. Petunia had learned the first time they met how straightforward Katsumi was. Thought the girl seem to get the jist of what was being said.

Petunia looked once more at her Captain and could see by his face he really wanted ask something inappropriate but was smart enough to decide against asking it.

"Dr.Akari actually video chatted me about a week or two ago. He wanted my opinion on Nai and his condition. He's actually quite fascinating. While I agree with Gareki being trained. Dr.Akari is being very strict about Nai. I myself agree with him. While I do agree Nai should learn some self defense, he is not to be put through the same level of training as Gareki." She pulled out a screen and began to look over the schematics, Dr.Akari had sent her the week prior. It included, his brainwave readings, x-rays and a few shots of his internal system.

"I'm more then willing to play babysitter. Nai seems to be suffering from sort of condition. It seems this, Karoku? I think his name was. It seems Karoku is communicating with Nai telepathically. Though through this form of communication it's causing serious injury to Nai's mental states. Thanks to this, I personally think we should keep Nai from doing anything too strenuous." She looked around the crew to make sure she hadn't lost any of them.

When Asimov volunteered to train Gareki, she couldn't think of anyone more perfect for training while he looked extremely intimidating. She, herself had nearly fainted upon meeting him, he turned out to be a great big softy. Though if you were his enemy, his appearance would have only been the tip of the ice berg. She gave him a nod.

"Gareki apparently is very long distinct with bombs and guns meaning you'll have to work extremely hard on his hand to hand combat. Also Asimov if your gonna to train him. Please be careful, while I have been working on speeding up the process of healing right now fractures are the only thing I can heal in hours." She turned her attention her attention to Katsumi.

"While I'm not huge of the idea of Nai training maybe trying to make him a little more flexible would be wise. Which would be your area of expertise, correct?" She looked down at her forgotten coffee that had long since gone cold, she gave a sigh. They would there in less then an hour. Finally she turned to their Captain giving him a glare.

"I hope you already told the foxes to prepare a room for them. Also do you have the reference text I loaned you?


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asimov Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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#, as written by Skykoko

Xue could tell by the way Petunia was eyeing him that she knew she should be pissed off at his thoughts, and smirked at her in a way that said 'you don't wanna know'. A glance at Katsumi assured him that she had understood. She immediately piped up with a question.

"How long are they staying?"

Xue shrugged in answer. "Hirato didn't say, but it sounded like a while. That's why I want to get them trained. Risking my Team's life for a couple weaklings... I seriously am going to bomb him... maybe that Gareki will help..." Xue explained, his voice dropping to a murmur as he contemplated. He was brought back to reality by Asimov.

"I suppose I could over see the training of this, Gaireki. If he is to be one of us, I would like to see he is an asset rather a reliability. I don't believe I would have the ample free time to show them about or babysit them though. Also, how much trouble to predict this will cause us, Captain?"

Xue nodded once at him with an appreciative smile. "Thanks for volunteering, Doll. I myself only have enough time to keep an eye on them for about half the day. Still though, half a day will me? Poor brats. As for trouble, that all depends on how well we train them. Strike the fear of God into that Gareki, Asimov - from what I hear, those two a just a couple of rebels. They don't listen to commands unless they want to."

Petunia launched into an explanation about the records she had seen of Nai, pulling out some medical things from her briefcase. Xue only had vague knowledge of what each was, due to the fact that he had been chatting with doctors here in Karneval for so long - he had picked up a bit. He wasn't sure if Katsumi would be absolutely clueless or not as to what she was looking at though, as she was the newest of the group.

"Very well then. I'll take the squeaker's lessons then, Asimov takes Gareki's, and Miss Doc will be their overseer. Katsumi, you'll be the fallback then. If myself and Doc are both busy, it'll be your job to watch them, and you'll also be in charge of giving them a twice weekly outing to free up more of the Doc's time for her work. Savvy all?" Xue summarized their actions moving forward, conveniently skipping over Petunia's final question out of necessity.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asimov Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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Katsumi listened as Xue explained his uncertainty of exactly how long they'd be there. He, once again, mentioned risking lives, which only greatened Katsumi's unease. She opened her mouth to ask another question, but Petunia got there first. She began to speak of her conversations with Dr. Akari and explaining Nai's condition a bit. Petunia pulled out a tablet full of data, and Katsumi found herself peering over the woman's shoulder. Her jaw dropped open a bit as she attempted to read the page's contents. She understood absolutely none of it.

Everyone had seemed to be settling into a role. Asimov would be training this Gareki kid, which Katsumi figured would be rather amusing to watch. If he was as rebellious as the Captain made him out to me, Asimov might just put the kid in his place. Petunia suggested Katsumi teach Nai some tricks, but before Katsumi could heartily agree to do so, Xue came out with the finalized version of everyone's roles.

The fallback? Katsumi frowned, unappreciative of the small role she was getting. However, the twice a week outing raised her hopes. Ah! She wasn't getting cut out, she was just getting to do all of the fun stuff. She already began to plan what they might do on such an outing. Whatever they did, she'd make sure it was awesome.

"Sounds good to me, Captain," she said, throwing up a thumbs up. She leaned back in her chair, tossing her feet up onto the table once again. She figured that, if she ended up having a lot of free time, she could always see if any of her crew mates needed a hand in watching over their new guests. She, personally, was curious to see what all they'd be doing to get them prepared for whatever was in store.


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Character Portrait: Asimov Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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#, as written by Kiri711
Hey guys i just wanted to post and make sure everyone still wanted to play and to answer your question Slybop you can post next and we can round back to Skykoko


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asimov Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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#, as written by Kiri711
Hey guys head count who is still on board for this Roleplay?


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#, as written by Kiri711


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asimov Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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#, as written by Kiri711
Petunia Murete

Petunia was happy to hear, Xue wasn't going to keep Katsumi out of the loop. She was a cheerful girl with an odd fear but still none the less sweet.

"You have told the foxes to expect more guest, correct?"


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Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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#, as written by Skykoko

"Of course." Xue responded, standing from his chair to start towards the hall, casually putting one hand in his pocket as he walked, the other hefting his sword to his shoulder. "Hey, what's the squeaker do in terms of sleeping? He stay with his little boyfriend, or like to be outside where I can accidentally push him off the railing? Does a mutated magic bunny even need sleep? Do I have to lock him in?" Xue questioned the Doctor as he swung the door open, holding for her as he passed through and headed towards the main hall.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asimov Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte Character Portrait: Xue Amaranth
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#, as written by Kiri711
Petunia Murete

Petunia gave a sigh it was not worth arguing with him.

"He does sleep, like almost every animal in the animal kingdom including ourselves, yes he sleeps. I think Dr.Akari said he was sharing with Gareki last time he ask." She quickly noticed the grin on her Captain's face. "They share a room not a bed. I think it would be a good idea to keep it that way for now however I would like to slowly try and separate the two, Nai has a dependency on Gareki, it isn't a bad thing since it is likely an animal instinct, but if he relies on him too much and something were to happen to Gareki the likeliness is Nai would become impossible. It sounds like Gareki likes being depended on so we also have to get him to understand that it's ok to think of himself too." Petunia continued to look at the screen, while she was impressed the two had such a strong connection in so small amount of time.

She didn't want to do anything to damage it but Nai need to build up some sort of backbone. Gareki wasn't purposely smothering it but with all his attempts to keep him safe as well as the others on Airship two. Giving another sigh, she looked to one of the Foxes in the hall.
"I need you to prepare a room, with two beds preferably for now make it at bunkbed however make sure the room is big enough that when I say you have to seperate beds."

"Bark, yes ma'am." He quickly turned away and hurried off. She gave a stretch. Of course all this had to happen when she was running on less than 2 hours of sleep. Giving a quick look at her attire.

"I'm gonna assume we have at least an hour before they get here, so I am going to take a shower. Maybe have a bite to eat. You might wanna do the same boss." As she was about to enter her room she looked back to him and grinned. "Oh and get some ice on that, if your nose swells any worse from what I can only assume is you falling out of bed this morning, you might not be able to breath." Before he could protest, she closed her door.

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AirShip 3

AirShip 3 by Kiri711


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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte
Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato
Character Portrait: Asimov


Character Portrait: Asimov

"Dance, Puppet, Dance!"

Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato
Katsumi Sato

"Oooh, this'll be a blast!"

Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte
Petunia Muerte

So we're babysitting...*smiles* Alright.


Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato
Katsumi Sato

"Oooh, this'll be a blast!"

Character Portrait: Asimov

"Dance, Puppet, Dance!"

Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte
Petunia Muerte

So we're babysitting...*smiles* Alright.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Asimov

"Dance, Puppet, Dance!"

Character Portrait: Katsumi Sato
Katsumi Sato

"Oooh, this'll be a blast!"

Character Portrait: Petunia Muerte
Petunia Muerte

So we're babysitting...*smiles* Alright.

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Re: Welcome to Karneval!

Naw, last comment was Slybop, and then me before that. There really wasn't any material for my character to respond to, so just restart with your character speaking to mine or something? That, or should we give up on the others returning and continue on to greeting the characters?

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

I believe it is your turn Skykoko

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

Lol, of course then! ^.^

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

Skykoko thank god your back we should try to continue!!!

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

... Wow... I finally get internet back, and four months later, no one has posted? /:-o

But anyway.

I'M FREAKING BACK!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

(Never get ATT guys)

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

NP Skykoko how it gets resolved and Slybop u can take your turn if ud like

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

Lawl... day after that post, my internet got shut off. Something about a bill of 40 dollars. Which is bull, because my bill is only 30 and I already paid it. So, I rode my bike to the library, got a computer to use there. And you people better appreciate it, its so freaking hot out, and that's an hour long ride, one way! But, my connection thing at home should be solved soon. I'll be spotty until then tho. >.<

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

Oh crap are we waiting on me? My bad I thought it was Sky's turn. I will post right now. Sorry everybody.

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

Sounds like a plan! I'll do my best to post at a good pace, as to not hold everyone back. I'm just a bit not used to posting on a daily basis. I like doing so, but just forgive me if I'm a bit sluggish here and there. :3

My post today was so tiny... so small... ;-; But I figured it was better than nothin'!

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

Alrightie then, but I might now always be able to do that. I would probably forget a lot. However, I check up on my RPs at least every other day, so there will be no month of silence from me. If the RP suddenly dies, I wait a few weeks before stopping the regular check up. If theres nothing for me to say, I also won't respond. But I don't abandon, so even if I forget to let you know my next course before posting, you can be assured that I still exist.

Also, you're right. It really is nice to have it like this. :)

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

In my next post, Petunia will definitely volunteer to babysit. She's also going to mention she knows a little about Nai and Gareki because Akari sent her an email a few weeks back about the two. And to get her input on the whole Nai is a Niji.

Also just wanted to mention how nice it is to have this size of group and everyone can take turns in an order.

I think we should make a deal if there is something you really wanna say you have to check with the person who is supposed to go next. and if for some reason you don't want to respond your time around let the person who's supposed to go after you know so they can make a post. That way we don't have like a week/ month of silence waiting on someone. Is everyone ok with that?

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

Sounds good to me. :)
I'll have the foxes escort them in then, after we play out the meeting, and Xue, as Captain, will introduce everyone, and start a tour?

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

I kind wanna start before Nai and Gareki arrive, i was think a meeting of the crew to discuss plans since they will have two additional members

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

OMG All your guy's characters are awesome!! I would love to start tonight if you guys wanna

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

Asimov is done!!!

Hope you enjoy your Masked Lieutenant!

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

My character's done.

There were So. Many. Awesome. Pictures. of my FC, so I ended up going overboard because I couldn't choose which ones I wanted. So its a little... much... but still. Fin! :)

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

OTTERS. Just kidding, they wouldn't quite make sense in context, I just really adore otters.

Oooh, foxes seem super cool! Makes the ship seem all sly and mysterious to me. Cats would be super-duper cute as well~ my character's afraid of cats, so I can see myself having way too much fun with that.

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

YES, kitties!

Or wait...since Nai has been given directly to the 3rd, maybe thats because it specializes in combat, rather than tech and policing like the others do? If thats the case, I would say foxes. Not, wolves, because they're too large, so foxes would be good. :)

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

I totally vote Cats!!! Cats would be adorable. They would do the whole Meow thing like the sheep do the Ba replacing words.

Re: Welcome to Karneval!

Hey guys i meant to ask what kind of animal should be on our ship. Like AirShip 1 has the Rabbits AirShip 2 has the Sheep what should our animal be?