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So I was a criminal,huh?

0 · 210 views · located in Planet earth, year 3084

a character in “Welcome to the BLACK”, as played by VermillionAlexis


Nick is 17 and he is the kind of guy that wears all dark clothing, so you will never see him in bright vibrant clothing. He has medium dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He doesn't have any facial expressions most of the time... Nick is the kind of guy that doesn't like being told no. He is the opposite of a softy most people say. He isn't polite to anyone unless you're someone special to him. Whenever Nick is told no, he wants to escape the situation and camouflages for a few seconds depending on his anger. Nick doesn't remember any background. He only knows that he has done bad in the past......

So begins...

Nick's Story

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Character Portrait: Nick Character Portrait: Errihae
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Pros of disappearing into the woods: nobody follows you and you find other people, such as the girl that told me about the rabbit. Cons of disappearing into the woods: Its rather dark and there are trees that things can jump out at you from. But any day, I take disappearing into the woods over hanging around Major Psycho Mood Swings and Blondie. So disappearing into the woods happens and now I'm lost and wearing the cat as a scarf. The knife is hanging on my belt and the bag is slung over my shoulder, and trying to find signs of other humans is much easier than expected, mostly because I trip over somebody and they start cursing. The tripping hazard is a guy of about 17 with dark brown hair and an extensive vocabulary, at least as far as cursing is concerned. He glares at me and says "Do you try to walk into people?" He stands up, and he is obviously a few inches taller than me. He looks like someone that you wouldn't want to mess with, but as far as I'm concerned, that means that I'm all that more likely to be messing with him. "I don't walk into people unless they are lying down in the middle of a dark forest and I can't see them." I retort. I don't like this person. Anyone that can curse that well clearly has problems. I decide that possibly, avoiding people has its merits. I mean its not like I'm not used to it... Wait. How do I know that? They wiped my memory. I shouldn't know that. The guy I tripped over has left, and I can't say I'm sorry. That gives me a chance to try to figure out whats going on without an ongoing stream of cursing. I was obviously a criminal, probably a murderer, and it has something to do with fire, judging by the burns on my arms. I also fought with a knife, judging by the reaction in my arms when I pulled it out. Guess they can't wipe muscle memory. I discover that's a very good thing, because I would have been sliced open if I hadn't jumped out of the way. I turn around, pulling out the knife, and it seems to be a lion. A big lion. Mountain lion, but still very big and very sharp, mostly on the claws and teeth. I scream involuntarily, clamp my mouth shut, and decide that running makes oh, so much more sense than being ripped to shreds and probably eaten. Forget "experiment", this is a killing zone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Onida Character Portrait: Melina Character Portrait: Nick
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I wake up to a girl tripping over me. What an idiot! My natural reaction is to swear, but she replies rudely to this. I already seem to hate her. I leave immediately. I notice this black bag sitting next to me, so I grab and open it. I seem to find a cheap hunting knife, a blanket, and camping-type food. I start to think to myself, and I notice that I dont seem to remember my past. At the corner of my eye, I notice a beautiful girl. she looks at me and giggles. I walk up to her and stutter
"Hi I'm Melina, what's your name? She replies.
"Um...I'm Nick..."
"Nice name! I don't know what to do, so what do you propose we do? We have to survive here somehow..."
"How about we team up or something?"
"Sure. Well it's getting kinda dark out here, do you have any food?" she asks.
"Yes I have some weird powdery food that just needs water and a fire."
We prepare the food and awkwardly eat with another girl whom's name I didn't catch. She says it's Onida.
"Ni-nice to meet you Onida.. I'm Nick by the way...." I announce.
We all lie under a tree with blankets and we all doze off to sleep.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Onida Character Portrait: Melina Character Portrait: Nick
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0.00 INK

((I'm going to write in first person from now on :D))
I wake up and notice Nick speaking in his sleep. He's mumbling nonsense. His silky, dark brown hair is messy from his waking up. Strange, he's so...antisocial. I look through my bag once more, it contains a bow with 5 arrows, a bit of dried food, some very expensive makeup supplies, and a shiny knife. I inspect the knife closer, it has real gold and jewels as well as some expensive metal that it is made of. There's no reason to have such an insanely expensive and fancy knife here. There's no point for these people to get me such a fancy knife when all of them work almost the same.
I start talking to Nick. "Hey Babe... I mean Melina! I seriously didn't mean to say that, I swear!"
I listen to him a little bit, but my attention is mostly captured by a strange pile of leaves. i walk over to it and Nick seems hurt that I didn't reply to him. I begin digging through the leaves and I find a black box. It looks almost identical to the one Onida found, but colored black. It says:

He had met her that very night. She had no idea what she was getting into, she was intoxicated. He began to play with her hair. He seemed to be flirting a lot. She fell for it quite easily. He began to kiss her in a rough manner and she continued to fall for it. What seemed to be a strange romantic moment changed for the worse. He suddenly began beating her and she couldn't fight back for this was completely planned out by him, eventually she died. He looked over her corpse
"Filthy creature" he breathed.

This is extremely dark and terrible. Why were these people showing us these kinds of things?
"I-I'm sorry, Nick. I don't know what got over me, but I found this creepy note. Can you figure it out?" I beg of him.