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Levi Charles Samson

"All this vanity... it's a pain in the neck..."

0 · 305 views · located in Beverly Hills, California

a character in “Welcome To The Hills”, originally authored by ZacharyTC, as played by RolePlayGateway


Levi Charles Samson




September 13

Relationship Status


Levi is not one who really cares about labels that much, and is not afraid to express his indifference of them. This can leave him a notch zealous, sometimes. He can be seen sitting with people at random, trying to talk to them and waiting for the perfect opportunity to share the Gospel. His biggest weakness, though, is that when people egg him on while he tries to have a civilized conversation, he gets ticked off after continual remarks and other things he deems unintelligent. That tends to leave him with a cold exterier, but inwardly, he is a softie. There will be times when he helps somebody with something. Levi does not even care about popularity because, "How can I serve God if I am all about gaining a crowd?" Again, this sometimes leaves him a bit zealous if someone is mean to him, so don't take it personally.

Sexual Orientation




Reading (especially his Bible), music, athletics, animals, modesty, politeness, talking about what he knows of the Bible

Perversion, people saying that certain heretics are Christians when they clearly are not, politics, the popularity contest going on (no surprise there)

(Picture) Levi's chocolate brown hair is often a little bit messy, but that is because it is kind of long. It reaches down most of his neck. He has brown eyes that sparkle in the moonlight. The tan on his skin is from spending time in the sun. Because Levi exercises daily, he has a bit of a muscular build, but not by much.

As far as attire goes, Levi will usually where a shirt with stripes, his favorite colors being blue, green, and white. He prefers to button up his shirt while having a T-shirt underneath. Due to being near-sighted, Levi wears a pair of glasses which have hook-like pieces so they do not fall off.

Extra Curricular Activities?
Choir, Theatre

His mother works in a greenhouse, while his father is a network administrator for a corporation that nmanufactures tires. Levi's younger sister is still in middle school, but will be a freshman once this year ends.

Any Nicknames For Them?
"Ghandi" (Can you guess why that's a nickname of his?), "Yankie Shakespeare"

Brief History
[size=90]Unlike most people at the high school, Levi grew up in a family which did not have much to begin with. Both parents ended up working tirelessly just to get by. However, this did not stop him from going to church saturdays and sundays, in addition to Bible studies on wednsdays. With how the neighborhood is with its popularity contest, he never had an easy time making friends or sharing the Gospel. That is probably why he sometimes comes across as cold: he is always ridiculed for not giving a darn about how he is perceived by his peers when he is trying to show them a less destructive path.

Aside from that, Levi played baseball for a time before ending up in high school. He had quite a reputation as a pitcher for striking out batters the majority of the time. This landed him on a fanbase, but Levi never took pride in it, he just loved playing baseball. Currently, Levi is involved in theatre and choir, preparing for a possible future in performing arts.

Plans For After High School
His plan is to one day become a singer, due to his love for music. Either that, or Levi plans on being a writer.

Anything Else You Would Like To Mention?
To be revealed.

So begins...

Levi Charles Samson's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clairelise Huffington Character Portrait: Levi Charles Samson
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Five-thirty in the morning, the clock read as the alarm went off. Levi woke up immediately and turned the alarm off. He took a moment to get out of bed before he reorganized it. "Well, today is the day..." Heading into the shower, the lightly-tanned boy wondered what this year would be like. Of course, there were the usual snobs and such, but maybe he could find his summer friend, Claire, before the day is over. It has been a few days since he last saw her. He did not really have any romantic feelings for anyone, or did he? It was hard to tell and he did not want to dwell on it.

Once out of the shower and dried, Levi picked out his outfit: a blue and white striped button-up shirt with short sleeves, a plain white T-shirt underneath, a pair of khakis, a borwn leather belt, and black sneakers. He went downstairs for breakfast after getting dressed, placing two waffles in the toaster. His house was no mansion, but he and his parents were content with it. Levi pulled out a chocolate protein shake (from Bolthouse Farms), shaking the bottle thoroughly as he walked back to the toaster to retrieve the waffles which were now ready to place on a plate. Once he had everthing ready and at the table, the brown-haired boy prayed to God with praise and a request for guidance as the day goes by. "In Jesus' name. Amen."

Levi elected to ride his bike on over to school, since it was close enough. He immediately chain-locked his 21-gear bike when he arrived. That car is familiar. I wonder if... it is. It was Claire he saw coming out of the car.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clairelise Huffington Character Portrait: Levi Charles Samson
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0.00 INK

As the town car slowly decreased it speed, the driver maneuvered it towards the school entrance when her phone beeped. She quickly pulled it out of Michael Kors' bag that matched her outfit and read the message. It was from Anon, the girl who operates a mysterious blog that often involves the students in West Beverly High. She tossed her phone back into her bag and shook her head, she was not sure why people find these kind of things amusing and entertaining.

It has talked about her (or she figured it was her) a few times, mainly about her love hate relationship with other students, especially those who are around her "clique".
"Ms. Claire, we have arrived," The chauffeur spoke, looking from the rear view mirror and exiting the car. She waited for him to open the door for her and she stepped right out. Some people were looking at her, probably gossiping, while some just passed by.

Claire was about to go to her usual hang out when she saw a familiar built, one that she'd been dreading to see. Oh no! Please don't come towards me. Please no. She wasn't sure if there was fear or panic in her eyes so she did her best to act nonchalant looked over Levi and continued to enter the school as if they never knew each other.

Whew that was close, Claire gave off a sigh of relief once she was able to walk away. She flipped her phone and started punching in a text message and at the same time strutted the halls of WBH. Students started moving out of her way as she furiously punched in her cellphone.

"Umm... I need to talk to you. AFTER school.
But NOT in school. I'll just give you a call.
Ummm just don't approach me yet..."

She sent the message towards Levi, hoping he'd get a clue about what it was. She dumped her phone back into her bag just in time to see one of her friends in their favorite place to hang out, a table by an oak tree that provided a good shade and good view of most of the school. A table reserved for the "it" people.

"OMG! You look thin Claire! Have you been working out?" A shrill voice from one of the cheerleaders almost pierced her ears but Claire just gave her a fake smile and sat on top of the table.

"Nope not really." She gave her an icy answer and ignored her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clairelise Huffington Character Portrait: Levi Charles Samson
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0.00 INK

Levi saw Claire walk past him like she never knew him. That's odd. I wonder if she is worried about popularity or something? Well, if she does not want to talk to me, right now, why should I waste any effort? It was then he heard a beep which told him he had message. When he read it, he knew who it was from. "Okay, if you say so..." He muttered softly. Well, this is a surprise, not. I totally expected something like this to happen, sooner or later. What would Beverly Hills be without the drama?

As he walked away from his bike, Levi noticed a baseball buddy of his, who shouted, "Hey, Levi! What's up? Your throwing arm still good?"

"I've been practicing, and I happened to make a few friends over the summer."

"But no girlfriend?"

"Nope, no girlfriend. There is a friend that's a girl, but she's not my girlfriend."

The man slapped Levi on the back of his shoulder. "Man, you seriously need to get laid! How 'bout I call a few ladies and tell 'em to meet you after school?"

Levi laughed awkwardly. "I'll pass. Besides, I'm already expecting to meet a friend of mine after the school day is finished." He continued walking towards the building, but he did not see Claire anywhere. Okay, so far, so good, I guess. What's troubling her, though?