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White Guard, Red Devil, Black Banner

The Milky Way Galaxy, 15th Millennium


a part of White Guard, Red Devil, Black Banner, by ImperatorBellum.


ImperatorBellum holds sovereignty over The Milky Way Galaxy, 15th Millennium, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The Milky Way Galaxy, 15th Millennium is a part of White Guard, Red Devil, Black Banner.

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Johann Bellum [1] "The Reds shall be purged, from the smallest house in Terra, to the fortresses in Elvina."
Nicholas Markov III [0] "Long have the people suffered under the Bolshevik rule. It is time for a new leadership."
Gustaf Gladium [0] "The people shall be liberated, and we, Humans, shall resume our rightful position as masters of the galaxy."

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Character Portrait: Johann Bellum
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Bellum stood inside his bunker, down by Pluto. He stood by the doorway towards the radio room, where the radio operator began to find the right frequencies. His ear was pushed up against the headphone, listening in. The man looked at Bellum after a moment then nodded. "Tell all my officers the following;" began Johann, "Today, we stand at the crossroads of fate. Today, the chance for a new beginning, a new hope for the people, looms right in front of us. The Bolsheviks, in the guise of the union of peoples, stands against the people. For twelve millennia our people have suffered under this false regime. If you wish to free our people, respond, and kneel before the White Guard. Bring me Colonel Styles and his cronies, dead or alive. He who brings him to me shall receive an apt reward." Every word Bellum said, the operator typed down. "That is all." The radio operator nodded, knowing that it was the end of his service.

Bellum returned to his quarters. It was empty, save for the bed, the table, and the wardrobe. His things were packed in a single backpack that was definitely heavy. The young general took his coat and wore it over his uniform that was air-tight; he took the backpack and slung it across his back, the heavy weight pushing down on him. The replicated Terran gravity made sure of that. Bellum put on thick wool gloves, and secured his fully-loaded pistol before grabbing his schnapps-filled canteen. He took a large swig. As he walked down the hallway towards the suits, he heard heavy footsteps behind him. "General!" called the man, "General!" "What is it?" asked Bellum. "Four of your six officers have accepted your offer." "What of the other two?" asked the general. "The other two have branded us traitors to the cause, and have declared war on us." Bellum scoffed. "I have the entire White Army behind my back, along with the compliment of two hundred thousand former Bolsheviks." "The problem is, sir," the radio operator said, "they have the support of four hundred thousand other Bolsheviks. Look!" The operator handed out a brown folder to Johann, who opened it and read the report. "Then we must act swiftly against them," said Bellum, "I don't want to spend another week in this hellhole. Tell my officers to prepare their soldiers to storm these two traitors." The operator saluted. "Yes sir!" he said, running back to the radio room.

Bellum eventually reached his personal armoury, which contained his suit of armour and his heavier weapons. He inputted the passwords in to get through the vault-like door, and when he stepped inside, his body was warmed. He quickly packed up. The massive suit stood two metres tall, and had a container for his stuff. Johann opened the compartment and threw his bag in before closing the compartment. He jumped up into the machine and closed it, encasing him in several centimetres of composite metals. He allowed the room to depressurise before he exited out into the empty and cold landscapes of Pluto, prepared to once again lead his men to victory.

The gravity in Pluto was barely a fraction of Terra's, but the weight of the machine made it seem like Bellum was still in Terran conditions. A few moments later, however, his officers arrived for the briefing. The plan Bellum gave was simple. All two hundred thousand soldiers formed up by Colonel Styles' fort. By now, the bastard could have easily declared himself a general, considering the fact that they had the support of four hundred thousand of the original one million sent to Pluto. Luckily, Bellum had the White Guardsmen to back him up. It would just take longer, as they were far away, and were scattered. The former Bolsheviks, however, were packed tightly, and were already prepared.

"We shall storm the positions of Colonel Styles' army," began Bellum. "It is on an elevated position, though a hill overlooking their fort shall be our first objective before we attempt any further attacks." "What?" one of his officers asked. "No disrespect, sir," said his adjutant, "but any officer with half a brain would know that attacking a fort on a hill is not a good idea, especially since the enemy has a relief force two hundred thousand strong." "We have a chance," said Bellum, "The engineer corps has thousands of spare Belgian gates and hedgehogs to stop any advance. We shall build two impenetrable walls of hedgehogs, gates, and guns across the perimeter of the hill, one facing outward to defend ourselves from the relief force, one facing inward to defend and attack Colonel Styles and his traitors. We must have a heavily-armoured unit to defend the exterior wall against the invasion force. We move out in two days, and we have a week to build our fortifications around the hill."

The army encircled the traitors on the hill, and at 21:00 the following week, the siege began, and Bellum waited by the interior wall. He stood mightily by his troops. His mere presence with the golden lion painted on his shoulder plates lifted his men's morale. Throughout the course of a few weeks, thousands of suits were painted white. The recent additions had their hammers and sickles painted over with white paint and replaced by the gold lion. Beside Bellum stood an artillerist. He wore thin armour, and carried only an artillery pistol with him. He carried a tablet in his hands, and calculated. "Sixty degrees," he shouted through the wind, "Two hundred kilometres per hour winds westward!" The massive artillery guns began to adjust. "Sir, we're prepared to fire!" the artillerist shouted, saluting the young general. Bellum nodded. "Fire!" he gave the command. The artillerist turned around. "Fire!" he relayed the command. The guns roared, the bright orange flames illuminating the area as shells flew upwards and fell on the hill above. The explosions could be visible from down below, through the fog and icy mist. In the first few minutes, there was nothing. A few moments later, however, the men felt the rumbling of the ground. Using infrared sensors, Johann detected the Bolsheviks advancing down the hill. "Fire!" Bellum commanded to his men in the trenches. The heavy machine guns opened fire, the bright muzzle flashes creating a show through the darkness of Pluto. The tracer bullets flew across the icy weather, the heavy bullets penetrating through the thick armour.

Bellum himself grabbed his assault rifle and put its massive stock against his shoulder. He opened fire, the infrared sensor blinding him with every muzzle flash. They fired and fired. The field guns penetrated through the armour of the enemy tanks. The enemy tanks were massive, standing at over three metres in height, carrying massive guns, and yet, they still couldn't break through the hedgehogs and the Belgian gates. Those that survived the initial volley of anti-tank shells were stuck and ripe for the destruction by the second volley. The anti-tank guns adjusted and fired the second volley of high-velocity shells. The tanks were all immobilised by the gates, and taken out by the shells. Bellum fired his assault rifle, and the men fired their heavy machine guns.

[WIP post]