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Witching Wars Chapter two

WH base


a part of Witching Wars Chapter two, by SoulCandy.

Base of operations

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over WH base, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Main WH base
The largest base it is located at the dead center of the four countries. Everything in WH is controlled from there. It is heavily guarded and protected with a powerful protection spell cast by the former Lady south, although a few centuries old it still powerful.
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WH base

Base of operations


WH base is a part of Witching Wars Chapter two.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Lapin
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Vincent strolled own one of the main hallways of WH eyes fixed on the clipboard in front of him. Every now and then he would sign something before filliping to the next form. Despite his divided attention he still skilfully managed to weave in around the other hunters offering short greeting to them as he went. Vincent had always been a multitasker that combined with his skills and social attitude had qualified to be the second in command witch hunter. Now with Zachery gone he was in charge and although so far he had managed to do his job without any problems he had to admit the stress of it was getting to him a little bit.

He worried that he would not be strong enough to ensure victory, especially with the WH;’s latest loss of hunters and loyalty. Giving a sigh Vincent signed the last papers before tucking the clipboard under his arm and heading towards the department they were for. He could of course have gotten someone else to deliver them however he had spent the day so far cooped up in his office and a quick walk would do him same good. Arriving at the department he entered and walked up to the nearest D-class that of course was a woman.

“Hello there~”

The D-class glanced up to look at her superior, and then glanced at the papers in his hand.“Ah that wasn’t necessary Vincent sir; we could have had someone pick them up.” Vincent waved his hand cutting her off. “I wanted to dear; I’ve been stuck in the office to much lately.” Vincent smiled reassuringly. The D-class nodded.” Of course, thank you very much than.” Vincent nodded offering a polite good evening he exited the room and made his way towards the courtyard, still not quite ready to enter his office again. Upon reaching the court he took a seat at on bench his thoughts turning to what and followed his promotion to the head of WH.

Immediately afterwards he had weeded out most of the corrupt WH who had lead the rebellion. Although they were good men he couldn’t afford to have hunters that would so easily doubt their cause and intentions. He had also sent out search teams to find the Zachery but they had come up empty, most likely he was dead or being held hostage for information. He had named his second in command a younger hunter by the name of Raith kaleheister. Many had doubted this decision giving her young men’s outward personality; however Vincent could not be deterred. He had confidence that that this young hunter given enough time and training could improve to appoint where he could became quite reliable. You could call it Vincent’s intuition and it hadn’t lead him astray yet. His other decision was to try and convince onyx to reinstate herself, it had failed however and she had escaped custody soon after.

Vincent smiled glancing at same of the hunter wandering around. They had lost numbers but luckily they had gained same allies as well, a strange witch-less contract being one of them. Vincent hope it would be enough if the witches decided to take advantage of the WH recent losses. He also hoped he would be a good enough to leader to withstand if they decided to take advantage of it. Vincent chuckled to himself. “My at this rate I’ll became a burdened old man.” He chuckled.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Name: Raith Kaleheister Character Portrait: Vincent Lapin
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Soon enough, Raith and Bozu had wondered off to the D-class division of the main base. "Hey you! Tell me where Vincent is!" Raith walked over to a random D-class, and grabbed her uniform collar.
"I-I'm sorry, but I don't know where the chief is. Please believe me Mr. Kaleheister." The young lady mumbled timidly, as she averted her eyes. She appeared to be several years older than Raith. "Hey...Whats your name?" Raith asked her intimidatingly.

"M-My name is Lisa, sir. Ranked #17 in the Main Base D-class division." Lisa slowly began looking in Raith's direction, only to find him giving her a death glare. "I don't believe you! If you don't look me in the eye from the start it means you're lying, now where is Vincent?!" Raith already knew that Lisa was telling the truth, but he wanted to freak her out a little. "I already told you! I don't know where he is!" Lisa exclaimed, on the brink of tears.

"Quit being an asshole, Raith!" Bozu exclaimed, giving Raith a hard smack on the back of his head. "If you want to find Vincent so badly, then picking on lower ranks will only waste time. I'm very sorry for his behavior. Please just forget this happened." She lectured him, then apologized, while dragging Raith away from Lisa. She looked like she was about to pass out when they left.

"Hey! That hurt, you bitch! And what happened to calling me master?" Raith protested, smacking her hand away from his arm.
"Well you were asking for it, you idiot. Always harrassing our members isn't going to help keep them around. Ever since the rebellion, we need as many members as we can get. We even had to pull some agents from the other bases here! I bet by the end of this week most of the reasons why they quit will be because of you. And I won't call you master, when you're acting like a little bully."
"If they can't handle a few little death threats or violence, then they'll die in no time flat. I'm teaching them that this job isn't something to fuck around about."
"More like, you're having fun off of their expense."

"Hold on! The chief is in here!" A male D-class who overheard Raith's little interrogation called out to them. Raith made his way back into the D-rank division, pushing the man out of his way. The man didn't say anything purely, because of Raith's position and power. He searched the entire area for Vincent, only to catch a glimpse of his albino hair passing through another exit. He powerwalked through the room, bumping several people on the way, which Bozu had to apologize for. By the time he had caught up with him, Vincent was in the base courtyard. "Vincent! I want to know why I've been stuck with training the noobies. I didn't become 2nd in command for this. Make some of the lower-ranked B-class agents do it." He walked over to the man angrily, making sure not to curse in Vincent's presense, seeing as he is more powerful than him.
"Hey Boss! How are you doing today?" Bozu came out from behind Raith and stood next to him to greet their superior.