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Without Absolution

Aiatse, The Capital


a part of Without Absolution, by UnderINK.

You are within the walls of the capital city.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over Aiatse, The Capital, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

421 readers have been here.


Aiatse is the capital of Kethadria. It is the powerhouse of finance and weaponry; it is the harbor from which the majority of the eastern based Navy sets sail and the port which receives the most imports for trade.

Aiatse is a bustling city and is the epicenter of the religious movement, Syntana. You will find in the center of the city (ringed with water-ways) a royal palace, privileged estates and suites, the "Cathedral" that houses the High Priestess and acolytes of Syntana.

There are many festivals that take place here; very Pagan in practice, including the act of running with and jumping over the backs of large bulls for sport and worship, as bulls are viewed as tightly connected to the deities of their religion.

The ethnic mixture in Aiatse is highly diverse and includes Egyptians, Persians and Indians, far eastern traders, and other descended bloods of curious nature.
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Aiatse, The Capital

You are within the walls of the capital city.


Aiatse, The Capital is a part of Kethadria.

3 Places in Aiatse, The Capital:

4 Characters Here

The Watcher [1] Only Gifted hath laid eyes upon She who Dwells with Beast, suspected Lover of Him, though truth not known for None speak Her and Darkness she Dwelleth in.
Annipe Mahrat [0] The hideous half-breed. An old Egyptian woman with much dark pondering and wealth.
Noorani Yar Jung [0] A traveling mystic from the Hindu Kush, traveled West to seek guidance in spirituality, and perhaps, followers.
Kelius Denai [0] Keli is a first generation Kethadrian, the son of two laborers of Mesopotamian origin. His citizenry was acquired through his apprenticeship to one of the inventor's workshops in Natalan.

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#, as written by Guest
The Watcher moved with grace through the busied streets of Aiatse, The Capital of Kethadria. None were the wiser as to whom this lithe figure was, even if they did step around her and parted for the female to pass them. Maybe it was from how she held herself, as if royalty, or perhaps it was the strange aura's that seemed to flow from her body like silk pouring off marble. Though, those that did come close enough to The Watcher, would gasp and stumble backwards in horror. She had come from the Darkness of the Labyrinth and was walking among them.

Through the sheer gossamer of her shroud, the horned female continued through the disbelieved crowd of people, not minding their stares and whispers... nor their screams of horror. She was like a ghost to her people; a princess forgotten and never seen until now since her childhood, now walking in the streets. Her destination would be the Palace and perhaps a visit to her parents; King Minos and Queen Pasiphae. If there were underlying intentions to this impulsive act, none would ever know as The Watcher never revealed her true intent unless it was to Him; her brother and suspected lover.

Reaching the Palace gates, there The Watcher would be stopped by the guards. They too would merely peek through the thin veil, take note of the horns upon her head and the fragile lace that covered her eyes, and realize who it was that beckon them to allow her entrance. More out of fear than obeying silent orders, the men opened the way for her to enter and thus she did...

The Watcher had said not a word, but caused more chaos than most would with her presence in the city. The female, after all, never traveled outside her Labyrinth. What could she possibly want outside of it, and how did she manage to leave when The Watcher was bound to it?

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"So, here we are," Rain said with a smile to her new housemate as she opened the door of the small two story cottage that had been Morrin's and was now hers. "It's not much I know, but the room that you'll be staying in is furnished. Just leave anything that's in your way in the hall, and I'll take care of it." She entered the living area, and suddenly she became more than a little flustered by the worn nature of the furnishing that her home boasted. A faded, stained carpet, over stuffed sofa and chairs with the fabric beginning to wear through in some spots. It was all clean, she made sure of that, but she doubted it was all that clearly visible with how battered it all was. She'd meant to reupholster it all, she really had, it had just become a matter of not having enough time, or money. "Please, make yourself at home. I'll have food ready soon."

She made her way into the small, immaculate kitchen, mind playing back over their trip to the market. She needed a good pay day tomorrow, or she would be hard pressed to be eating even so little as she already was very soon. She was very seriously beginning to wonder how Morrin had managed this so very well. She wasn't doing so great. A tear started to trickle down her cheek at her own incompetence, but she ignored it, busying herself instead with the making of dinner. She'd promised a home cooked meal, and a good one it would be.

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Phaistos glanced around the cottage as Rain led him inside. It was It felt lived in, a place where pleasant memories had been formed. Rain showed the hunter to an already furnished room. As she made her way to the kitchen to prepare a meal he began to examine his new residence. The bed was a simple kline on which he could rest. A small table stood next to it while a chair and desk stood opposite. Phaistos placed his armor on the bed and his bow and quiver against the wall. An open window lay above the kline where the voices of passing citizens could be heard. As Phaistos listened to the passersby, Nixta went about exploring the rest of the house.

"The smoke is still coming from the temple!" exclaimed an excited sounding citizen.

"Well last I heard," interrupted another. "The city guard had it under control. It was supposedly some wild gifted child, possessed by some evil spirit. She called down some sort of hell beast to destroy us all! I'm telling you we should round up those little monsters and exterminate them all!"

Phaistos cringed as the strangers' words made their way through the window. The topic of gifted had always been a divided topic with the citizenry. Many saw them as gifts from the gods, chosen ones saved from the doom of the labyrinth. But just as many saw them as harbingers of evil, bringers of some great catastrophe. Phaistos's own experience had more often been with the latter. His own family had rejected him because of it, forcing him to live out his days in the wilds of the mountains. But to dwell on such memories was the gateway to madness. So Phaistos stood up, somewhat awkward in nothing but his tunic and trousers. The familiar weight of the armor was something he had grown used to, but to wear such things in the young womans house would surely be...rude? The idea of manners and proper society had been something Phaistos had always had little experience in.

He made his way to the kitchen where a divine smell made its way to his nose, ridding him of all his dark thoughts. Yet something about the scene was not right. Was that a tear on the young woman's cheek? How should he respond?

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Rain froze as she heard a soft footstep in the entrance to the kitchen. She hadn't intended for him to see her this way. What could she do? Wiping her cheeks would be too obvious. So, she simply kept her position, hoping that he would see nothing incriminating, and kept up her work at the small stove.

You like the room I hope?" She called softly, it was always best to fall back on courtesy when one was at a loss for what to do, at least then you weren't likely to offend anyone. "It's all a bit worn I know, I've meant to reupholster it all for awhile now. I just can't seem to find the time. Dinner will be ready shortly."

If he's to be living here, how do you hope to hide that your heart bleeds, just as surely as any others would? The thought was so random, and startling, that she dropped the wooden spatula she was using into the pan. Was she truly trying to hide that she was the same as any other? Distancing herself from those around her? If so, why? She craved company, so why would she push people away? For that she could find no answer.

"I'm not usually so very clumsy," She apologized, turning for another utensil to fish out the spatula.

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Phaistos walked behind the girl and reached for the spatula, quickly snatching it out of the hot pan. He handed to the girl, an expression of concern upon his face.

"Something troubles you?" he queried. "Was it what those people outside are talking about? Is there any way I can help?"

For the life of him he could not decide on the best course of action. His experience with other people was limited, mostly to transactions and death dealing. He had never found the need to comfort anyone but himself. Aside from Nixta, the creatures of the mountains acted differently than the humans of the city. They rarely needed the comfort of a stranger to help them along. But they had treated Phaistos as one of their own. Should he not show the same kindness to this generous young woman?

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"Thank you," Rain murmured softly as Phiastos handed her the spatula. His concerned expression stopped her from launching into a lecture. His query as to her state of mind c aught her up sort.

"I'm fine, it's just the smoke in the air," Was what she'd intended to say. What came out was very different indeed.

"I'm sorry, I never meant for anyone to see me like this. I'll be alright really, it's just-" She cut herself off there with a shake of her head. This was no way to start off life with a housemate. Being all mopey and teary. She brushed at her cheeks, and forced a smile. "Sometimes the smallest things will remind me of him," She finished by way of explanation.

She turned back to the stove then, and the food on it, tending to it with more enthusiasm than even remotely necessary. It was done after all, much longer and it would burn. She took the pan from the heat, and and placed it on the hot pad on the small table in the kitchen. It wasn't anything particularly fancy, a seasoned mixture of beef and complementing vegetables was all. Cheese, bread, and a small crock of honey soon took their places on the tale as well.

"Choose a seat," Rain offered. Just a alittle longer. Just a little longer and she could retreat to her room. Just a little longer and she could let herself feel this pain that she was experiencing with this scene not so very different from how things used to be. I really need to get over this.

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Phaistos decided against inquiring further. Something was obviously upsetting the girl and his prodding would certainly make matters worse. So instead he merely nodded his head and took a step back. Rain mentioned someone then. Things were reminding her of him. He filed the bit of information in the back of his mind, like he often did when shadowing a target. At her insistence he took a seat at the little table. She placed dishes of modest but vastly appetizing design on the table. In the background he could hear the little footsteps of Nixta as she rushed towards the kitchen.

The marten jumped from Phaistos's lap on to the table and waited as the food was served. As soon as the food graced his plate Phaistos dove straight into the meal, inhaling it with animal like desire. The taste of the well prepared beef and vegetables were close to bringing tears to his eyes. He couldn't remember the last time he'd tasted something with so much flavor. Nixta made sure to pick pieces of beef from his plate and devour them with a similar gusto. As soon as he finished his plate he began on the bread and cheese, slathering the bread in sweet honey and devouring it in one to two bites.

Too late he realized his absolute lack of manners and looked up at his host, shame upon his face.

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The obvious glee that her companion showed in the food in front of him brought a bemused smile to his face. After a moment of watching to make sure that he wasn't about to choke from improper chewing, she started on her own meal. It really had been quite some time since she had last eaten. Phiastos finished eating long before she did, and she giggled at his look of shame.

"I take it that it has been some time since you last ate?" She commented, cocking her head to the side. "I'm glad you both liked it. I've not been cooking for anyone but myself for the past three months. This was Morrin's favorite."

The reminder made her smile falter for a moment or two, but given the circumstances, she couldn't stay sad for long. There was nothing like an extremely cute animal scampering around on your table to lighten the mood a hundred fold. "He was the only father I ever knew. I was eight when he adopted me. He disappeared three months ago without so much as a single trace or sign of where or why he could have gone."

There, it was off her chest, and it really did feel better. She smiled, a genuine smile, "I'm sure you must have been curious."

Now perhaps he'll be too preoccupied to feel shamed for a far from shameful act. That's when she noticed that he'd taken off the armor pieces that he'd been wearing before. "I'm glad that you feel safe enough here to go unarmored. I'll take that as a compliment."

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"Yes," answered Phaistos. "This house is truly comforting, I feel quite relaxed. Its not a feeling I get to experience often. I truly appreciate it. I'm sorry about your loss. But might I ask if you've attempted any means of searching for your companion? I believe that I can be of some help to you."

He picked up a cloth napkin and wiped the food from his face. His look had become quite serious, determined. If this Morrin had indeed disappeared, than Phasitos would be able to find him. He knew such a task would not only repay this generous young woman, but allow Phaistos to do what he enjoyed most. He had become sick of his wet work, the thrill replaced by nagging guilt.

"I am the best tracker in the city," he said. "I'm not exaggerating either. I was trained by the very animals of the mountains. One of the only true benefits I received from these."

Phaistos pointed to the golden eyes he had been cursed with.

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Did I try to find him? For some reason Rain couldn't help but feel slightly offended by the question. Did he take her for the brainless sort that would wake up one morning see him not there and just assume he'd vanished? "Of course I tried to find him!" She couldn't keep the heat from her voice, or the tears from her eyes. "I spent the first three days tracking down everyone he knew, bribing, threatening. When that got me nowhere I hired others to do it for me. The search for him is where the vast majority of the funds that were left to me went. It was only recently that I had to cease to look so very hard. Eating is essential to life, I had to get the coin to do so somewhere, and that took up much time."

She ducked her head, anger spent, replaced by a soul deep sadness that she'd not even admitted to herself before this point. It was spelled out before her with her failures laid out so cleanly. She had done everything that she could possibly have done, and still nothing. He was gone, and there was nothing she could do about it. It was all just a waste of time. The calm voice that answered her tirade drew her eyes back up to meet his. Why must it always come back to the color of one's eyes?

"Because their eyes shared a color with yours they taught you their secrets? You observed them and saw how they lived?" She questioned trying to decipher what he meant, what he wasn't saying. "You seem to expect me to understand, but I can not," She rose on a sigh, and leaned in close as she reached for the dishes in front of him. "If you think that you can do what others couldn't, find some clue that we've all over looked, I won't stop you. Just please know that I have nothing left to give. I'm not at all sure how I will be able to repay you." She looked into his eyes then, searched them for some clue as to what he was hoping to achieve. So close it was hard to miss the lines of strain. The sadness, the guilt that lurked around the edges. A feeling deep in her heart sent a sad smile to her face as she realized that maybe he needed this just as much as she had needed company.

"Thank you," she whispered reaching to give his hand a soft squeeze. "Whatever assistance you can give would be most heartily appreciated."