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Worse Than Death

Worse Than Death


If Father told you to jump off of a bridge, would you do it? (Will accept more experiments!!! For Forever!!!)

8,595 readers have visited Worse Than Death since phooka created it.


What am I?


You wake up one morning in a room so white that it's almost blinding. Everything, white. The beds, the sheets, the floors, the walls. The place reeks of preservatives and something else...something strange that makes your blood curdle and the hair on your arms stand on end, though you don't exactly know what it is.
You feel strange, though you can't pinpoint why, you just feel different. Slowly, you stand up and walk over to the only thing in the room that isn't white, and large, fancy mirror. Your eyes strain to see your face in the glass over the blinding white of the room, and when you finally see it, you scream. It's strange, you can hear an echo of screams around you, but in different voices, male and female, and different ages, too, though at the moment, that doesn't exactly matter.
The face staring back at you was once yours, but it has changed, though you don't know how, you don't know where the scream came from, shock? Or something else? Perhaps it is an omen of things to come?
You run out the door of your room and run into a person in a lab coat. They smile at you with a strange, twisted smile. "You're awake, good. It's time for you to meet your father."
Scared and confused, you follow the person through a series of doors, more than you can count, and then, you reach a room. It's too dark in the room to see, but you know someone is there, a man, for his shadow is large and broad. You are ordered to sit down, so you do.
"Hello my chid." The man says.
You sit there, shivering, though not from the cold, and manage to ask, "who are you?"
The man chuckles, "Don't you remember who I am?" He asks, "no, I don't suppose you remember anything do you."
"Of course I do!" You retort.
You hear him sit back in his chair, "Oh? Then what is your name?" He challenges.
You strain to remember, but it is as if your mind is a blank sheet of paper. You suddenly become terrified, and try to remember other things, anything, but there is nothing. You begin to panic and stand up out of the chair, only to be pushed down by two large pairs of hands.
"What is your name?" He repeats, he sounds amused by this.
Your eyes dart around the room, frantically. "I...I don't know." You answer.
"Don't worry, you'll get a new name soon enough." He sits forward, and a large hand emerges from the darkness, you reluctantly take it and the two of you shake hands, "you can call me Father."

* * *

It's been a week living at the mansion at the beach, all alone, only having the people in the lab coats to talk to. They've been doing tests on you and giving you daily check ups. You haven't seen Father since the day you woke up.
You were approached by a man in a lab coat and he instructs you to follow him. You walk with him back to the dark room and sit down, but something is different. This time, it's not just you and father, but you can hear others sitting in the room as well, some moving about nervously, white some sat still, the only proof that they were there was the fact that you could hear them breathing.
"Hello my children." Father spoke, "I'd like to let you in on something."
You sit and wait for him to continue.
"You are my creations. I pulled you out of your old lives, because you have done something terrible. I saved you from a life of guilt, trauma, jail, and for some of you, I saved you from being executed. I have taken you and molded you into my weapons. You each have a power, and you each must use your powers for me. You are my super weapons."
You hear gasps from some people in the room, and you hear one guy stand up. He resists the people in lab coats like they are nothing, "I will not do anyone's dirty work!" He shouts, more people in lab coats go after him, and you can hear a struggle, and then silence.
More gasps and panicked whispers.
"I apologize for that." Father continues, you can hear the boy's body being dragged out of the room, "but that is what happens when you disobey me. That boy was broken. And broken beings don't deserve life."
He stands up and you hear him pacing, "you will each be partnered up with someone and be sent to the training rooms upstairs. There are others like you, you know, earlier experiments who were successful as well, they are the ones who have accepted their fate, like you soon will. They will be your instructors." He stopped, "Your lessons that will teach you to control your powers begin tomorrow morning. You may explore the building for the time being, make friends, etcetera etcetera. You are allowed anywhere in the mansion, except for the top floor. That is my lab. You will continue with your daily checkups and tests, only they will be after your lessons. Your partner will be assigned tomorrow, and when they are assigned, you must stay with them at all times, your instructor will also be assigned tomorrow. Don't worry about eating or sleeping, you don't have to, though, if it brings you comfort, go ahead and sleep. You are dismissed." You stand up, and turn to walk out the door, and you hear the others do so as well.
"Also," Father added, "don't try to resist me, it's a lot easier for all of us to just do as I say."

Other Things You May Want To Know

-You may play as an Experiment or an Instructor. The Instructors are, for the most part, emotionless, they have been drained of all emotion after their lives in Father's Mansion. Some Instructors are entirely devoted to Father, while others have been plotting against him since their Rebirth.-
-No one has ever seen Father's face, though, there are some who believe that he is Satan himself-
-You and your assigned partner must stay together at all times, your rooms are even connected by a glass door in the middle.-
-You can try to escape, but it won't work.-
-You have all been genetically enhanced so that you each have a special ability, though they have not been activated yet, they will be activated once you begin lessons. This includes the instructors, they have a power as well, though they can use it freely, they also have the ability to unlock others powers.-
-You have done something incredibly terrible in your past life, that thing that you did is the only thing that you remember. This goes for Instructors as well.-
-You don't remember anything, not even your own name, the people in lab coats give you number code names, this number is tattooed on the back of your neck. Though, you make up a nickname that the Experiments and Instructors call you. This goes for Instructors as well.-
-Father will give you your first mission after a few days of training, you must do it, or else he will deem you to be a broken experiment, and Will exterminate you. Instructors must supervise, but cannot intervene under ANY circumstances.-
-By the way, did I mention that your partner is also your soulmate? You two were built for each other, whether you like them or not!-
(I may add more)


Role: Female Experiment
Age: 17
Power is: Giving others pain with the power of her mind.
Played by MirrorMirror1498
Status: Alive
Number Code: 9037100

Role: Male Experiment
Age: 18
Power is: Control over fire.
Played by badboyej
Status: Alive
Number Code: 5738900

Role: Female Experiment
Age: 15
Power is: Able to turn invisible.
Played by Reianna
Status: Dead
Number Code: 1615400

Role: Male Experiment
Age: 17
Power is: Ability to create illusions of others worst nightmare with the power of his mind.
Played by Spectrum
Status: Dead
Number Code: 2524500

Role: Female Experiment
Age: 14
Power is: Able to animate inanimate objects and make them work for her (such as dolls and other things)
Played by Ceur'Caelesetos
Status: Dead
Number Code: 6791250

Role: Male Experiment
Age: 15
Power is: Shadow manipulation to the point of allowing shadows to possess people.
Played by lilwolfygurl
Number Code: 3795900

Role: New Female Experiment
Age: 17
Power is: Ability to cause things to explode with the power of her mind.
Played by bananaramma
Status: Alive
Number Code: 1928300

Role: New Male Experiment
Age: 18
Power is: The power to gain skills, knowledge, and abilities of others.
Played by RoxUrSox
Status: Awaiting Arrival
Number Code: 1675300

Role: New Female Experiment
Age: 19
Power is: She has taken Gunslinger's ability to animate things.
Played by emotionless
Status: Awaiting Arrival
Number Code: 1234500

Role: New Male Experiment
Age: 17
Power is: Taken Gore's ability to give people illusions.
Played by ChildofNone
Status: Awaiting Arrival
Number Code: 1425900

Role: Female Instructor 1
Age: 16
Power is: Shapeshifter
Played by Slightly Insane
Status: Alive
Number Code: 2575700.

Role: Male Instructor 1
Age: 19
Power is: Being able to paralyze someone with the power of his mind.
Played by Lovely Spade
Status: Alive
Number Code: 3506000

Role: Female Instructor 2
Age: 15
Power is: Ability to phase through objects.
Played by RainWish
Status: Alive
Number Code: 1928300

Role: Male Soulmate 1
Age: 17
Power is: Ability to make him look like someone else.
Played by JokerofSpades
Status: Escaped/ Alive
Number Code:

Role: Female Soulmate 2
Age: 18
Power is: She can numb someone else's senses.
Played by ChildOfNone
Status: Escaped/ Alive
Number Code:

Role: Male Soulmate 3
Age: 16
Power is: Ability to transport.
Played by X-Striker
Status: Escaped/ Alive
Number Code:

Mission #1- Guess. Supervised by Haze.

"We've lost too many Experiments, and I am not happy. Olive has gotten broken, and there are two who are scheduled for extermination. I am so disappointed, did you not understand my word is law, I do not go easy on my children, and with the return of the escaped broken experiments I'll be stricter than ever. My first Mission for you, my children goes to Guess. I do not want to leave Hunger with no love, so, I promise to build him a new one, but first, we need the test subject, yes? Guess, I need you to go out and collect a girl for me. Haze will watch your every move and make sure you don't do anything stupid. You will leave after your body tests tonight. I do wish you good luck, attached is the girl's records:

Mission #2- Hunger. Supervised by Ghost and Mara.
"My children have been disappointing me. The only two Experiments left are Hunger and Guess, now how has that happened? Haven't I made myself clear enough? We need to keep our family large if we are to make a difference in this world! For this reason, I must have Hunger, Ghost, and Mara go out and collect more for those we've lost. Gore. Olive. Puppet. Attached are the three newbies. Be careful, I do not want to lose more of my children.

Today's Experiment's Schedule

Freetime You may wander the mansion at this time, or sleep, though you don't need sleep anymore. You may also go out to the beach or the garden at this time. If you leave the mansion, beware of Father's dogs, they don't get fed until 6. Stay away from the top floor and the training room.
Break/ Free time

Check Ups/ Free time When you are not in getting your check ups, you may have free time. Meet in the 3rd floor infirmary. Following are the check up schedules. You are expected to arrive at least 15 minutes before and wait in the waiting room provided.

1~ Haze
2~ Guess
3~ Hunger
4~ Ghost
5~ Mara
6~ Supernova
7~ Prodigy
8~ Jinx
9~ Wake

Body Tests/Free Time To save time, these are with your partner. You may sleep or wander when you are not at Tests. These are also held at the infirmary. Here are the test schedules. You are expected to arrive at least 15 minutes before and wait in the waiting room provided.
1~ Haze
2~ Guess and Jinx
3~ Mara
4~ Nova and Hunger
5~ Ghost
6~ Wake and Prodigy

*Instructors are required to, during any free time, keep an eye on their assigned Pairs.

NPC Scientists

Kenji Hegawa
20 years old. Rude, mean, and not easily amused. Main Doctor for Body Tests.

Ryoko Makoto
19 years old. Perverted, cocky, and annoying. Very "touchy feely" with ladies. Main doctor for Check ups.

Sakura Usaki
30 years old. Sweet and kind towards the experiments. She's the girl who tests the blood and things from the Tests.

Suki Miyata
28 years old. Strict and severe with the kids. Her job is to observe the experiments during training.

Sango Tachibana
34 years old. Smart and quiet. She watches the experiments from a distance during free time.

Rory Wanner
19 years old. Kind, but with a dark side, can be snide at times, he sort of wanders around the mansion, but he's very good at fixing things.

Character Skeleton
Code: Select all
[right][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=200]Nickname Here. (Be creative,  don’t give yourself a real name, something like, Pickles or Kitty or Trash can or Star or something like that)[/color][/size]
            [img]DIRECT IMAGE URL HERE. ANIME ONLY[/img][/right]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Age[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put your age here.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Role[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put your role here.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Gender[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put gender here[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Number Code[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]What is the number tattooed on your neck? I will give this to you once you submit your character][/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Partner[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Who is your soulmate? Edit when told.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Instructor[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Who is your instructor? Edit when told.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Personality[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put personality here. At least 5 sentences. And I mean big kid sentences,  not kindergarten ones.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Crush/Relationship Status[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put crush here. Edit accordingly.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Are You Broken?[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Are you with Father or against him? Or both?[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Power[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put the power that Father has given you here. You may put other skills here, also.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Weakness[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put some issues with your power. And also Phobias. [/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Appearance Description[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put down appearances that aren't shown in the picture here.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Crime[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]What is the big bad thing that you did before you were reborn. Make it juicy, and not something lame.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Other[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Anything Else?[/size]

            [size=150][url=LINK TO SONG]Theme Song[/url][/size]
            [size=90]Lyrics here[/size]

Posting Skeleton
Code: Select all
[center][font=Chiller][size=200]Nickname OF CHARACTER[/size][/font][/center]
[size=90][font=footlight mt light]POST HERE[/font][/size]

1- No freaking one liners!!! Gosh! Haha. I'm not asking for 50,000,000 words, but give me at least a paragraph
2- I am law!!! Listen to me!!!
3- Make good characters
4- If you're not going to post DON'T JOIN!! I want ACTIVE ROLEPLAYERS
5- Post frequently, AT LEAST 1 post PER DAY
6- Let's keep this PG-13, hey, you can always take it to PM if ya know what I mean ;) JK JK!!!
7- Please don't swear like a sailor, that's not attractive!
8- I am only accepting good characters, so I have the right to not accept your character. Bad characters are one of my pet peeves. For that reason, I am allowing more than one person to reserve a character, then I can choose the best one. If someone reserves, then makes the character, and no one has reserved it in the meantime, and I like it, I will accept the character, and no one else can make that character, then.
9- Only I play Father
10- All reservations go in the OOC
11- Please check the Info page often, I'll be adding things such as missions, partner pairings, the Experiments/Instructors schedules for the day, etc. as the roleplay progresses.
12- If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to ask me.
13- I am a very easy going person, so, don't be afraid of me, haha.
14- This is character driven, so don't ask me about every little thing, you are old enough to make your own decisions. Although, if you are planning something huge, please discuss it in the OOC.
15- Follow the Character and Posting skeletons.
17- Write the rule number that I skipped in your character sheet so I know you read these.
18- Don't start OOC wars.
19- If I ask you to change something, just change it, it's for the good of the roleplay.
Okay, now that you all know how needy I am, lets have some fun! :D

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 22 Settings to roleplay in

Inside Fathers Mansion

Inside Fathers Mansion by phooka

Look inside! (I've put the Floor Plan in here)

Door Exit To Beach

Door Exit To Beach by RolePlayGateway

The exit that leads to the beach.


Garden/Beach by RolePlayGateway

Garden or Beach

Girl's Bathing Room

Girl's Bathing Room by RolePlayGateway

Bath time, anyone?

Men's Bathing Room

Men's Bathing Room by RolePlayGateway

Bath Time, Anyone?


Elevator by RolePlayGateway

Going up?

Second Floor

Second Floor by RolePlayGateway

Second Floor

Music Room

Music Room by RolePlayGateway

Ah the sound of Music!


Bedroom by RolePlayGateway

Any Bedroom

Third Floor

Third Floor by RolePlayGateway

Third Floor- Infirmary

Check Up Room

Check Up Room by RolePlayGateway

Did you get an ouchie?

Test Room

Test Room by RolePlayGateway

Where they check you from your head to your toes.

Fourth Floor- Group Training/ Meeting Room

Fourth Floor- Group Training/ Meeting Room by RolePlayGateway

Um, yeah..

Fifth Floor- Haze's Domain

Fifth Floor- Haze's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Haze's Training Room

Fifth Floor- Ghost's Domain

Fifth Floor- Ghost's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Ghost's Training Room

Sixth Floor- Mara's Domain

Sixth Floor- Mara's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Mara's Training Room

Seventh Floor- Strategy Room

Seventh Floor- Strategy Room by RolePlayGateway

Planning Room for Missions

First Floor

First Floor by RolePlayGateway

First Floor of Mansion

Living Room

Living Room by RolePlayGateway

Living Room

Dining/Sitting Room

Dining/Sitting Room by RolePlayGateway

More of a hang out area, but designed to look like a normal old dining room.

Door Exit To Garden

Door Exit To Garden by RolePlayGateway

The exit that leads out into the garden. In dining room.

Fathers Sitting Room

Fathers Sitting Room by RolePlayGateway


The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 15 authors

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"What did the elevator do to anger you?" Hunger flinched, then turned to look at Ghost. Her head tilted back like it was about to fall off due to the nect not being able to handle the weight. He was unsure weither to answer the question or not, so he just kept quiet while glaring at Ghost unusually.

"It cannot be good to battle with inanimate objects, they cannot fight back..." She contined. God, does everybody think that i'm stupid? He sighed lifelessly and simply nodded. "Oh. Like i totally didn't notice that?" He pushed the button, making the elevator doors slide open. "We need, ordered, to find Mara." Ghost hesitated before adding, "And then out mission can begin. Father said it so." To Hunger, Ghost's voice was now becoming annoying. He simply wasn't in the mood for anybody to talk to him, since apparently he was too 'stupid' to be taken seriously.

"We? I wasn't told to waste my time on searching for Mara. Neither would i want to." He paused, giving him the chance to press the button which would send him to the first floor. "I'll be waiting outside... Good luck finding her. Wouldn't suprise me if she ends up being broken." A faint tone of a bell rang, leaving the doors to slide close. "Stupid bitch" Hunger whispered to himself.

Soon enough, Hunger found himself outside. A fresh relaxing breath of wind pulsed upon his face. Clicking his finger, a life of a blazing small flame was made upon his index finger. Soon Hunger... Soon... His thoughts moaned, while the flame faded to its death. Something was bothering him, like he was ment to remember the reason why he was in this damn place. Whenever he created a flame, flashes of the past rushed around in his thoughts... But why? Was Father trying to tell him something?

To prevent getting annoyed at his own questions, Hunger waited under a tree. Hopefully Ghost and Mara were ready to go, cause he really wasn't in the mood for waiting around.

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Ghost blinked, taken back by Hunger's sharp words. Had she upset him? She looked down to the files in her hands as if they held the answer. They did not. She pulled herself together and recalled the elevator, reciting Hunger's words mentally. "Wouldn't surprise me if she ends up being broken." Was it that obvious? Did Mara truly break and need to be fixed? What if she couldn't be fixed? Of course, that would mean Ghost would need to exterminate her, but how, where, when?

Ghost released a sigh. Confused on how to proceeded, as she did not want to harm Mara if she was still loyal to Father, she decided to watch the purple Instructor until Ghost could gather enough evidence to prove Mara's guilt... It did not take long before Ghost stumbled upon Mara near Father's sitting room, holding the head of Gore. "He broke..." Ghost said softly. "That is happening a lot lately. You must be careful when deciding who to trust," she mumbled, shifting the files in her hands, her slate eyes never leaving Mara. Was she trying to warn Mara about her possible betrayal to Father? Not likely. It was just another fact inside Ghost's mind. "Come, Father has a mission for us to recruit two new experiments. We will supervise Hunger as he follows Father's first direct order."

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"He broke.." Mara flinched and nearly jumped through the ceiling. She'd been so focused on taking Gore's head to Father, she hadn't even noticed her lovely pal Ghost. While trying to force her heart out of her throat and back into her chest, Mara considered what she'd been told. Trust was a delicate matter, especially here. Trust and faith, my, it was like religion, except maybe not. Father probably thought he was a god anyways. She almost chuckled at the thought.

"A mission? Gee, thanks for informing me. And I honestly don't trust Hunger a bit on his own. He'll probably get himself killed." Shrugging, she proceeded to Father's sitting room. She held up Gore's head so that she could examine it. Her poor baby psycho... Without a word, she dropped the head on the floor, then left. She looked at Ghost and frowned. "You seem deader than usual. Now where's the idiot boy?"

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Flaw stayed quiet as she talked. He felt like speaking out as she criticized him for not knowing, that she was all 'I can think you know' on his ass. Then, she said to him a line that either he would never forget, or wouldn't care to remember: If you don't have anything to say, then don't come back Flaw watched as she left the room in silence. Then, without another word, he nodded to where Mara had been and cracked his neck. He had actually been sleeping for most of her speech, behind his sunglasses. And because of that extra sleep, he was now enough rested to do more than just one transformation. He smiled, hoping he could retrieve his cello in time.

But then his thoughts turned back to Mara, and his smile turned into one of a schemer. For his eyes weren't the right colour: He wasn't Flaw at the moment, he was Mars. Flaw had changed into his 'alter ego' or so to speak, about halfway through his own speech. When he had started talking about whether or not Mara knew he who he was, he had changed. It was all part of the plan. Mars was a more defiant, angry, vengeful person than Flaw was, who didn't really give a shit about that kinda stuff. He was actually doing it to see Mara's reaction. And the gamble paid off, as it always did.

He could tell by her words, her expressions, comparing it to her past self - the Mara he used to know - and put the pieces together: Mara was having doubts about Father. It was painfully obvious, especially when she said she could think. With Father, you didn't think. You did what he told you to do. Thinking usually got somebody killed. Also, he was surprised at Mara's analogy with a chess game. That wasn't supposed to be a clue for him, but it worked nonetheless. All he needed to do was get out of there. And maybe grabbed his cello while he did, cause he was going to have some fun stirring things up later.

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Ghost watched Mara carefully, thoughts attempting to bounce off her hollow mind. Nothing clicked. Mara's insult entered one ear and then filtered out the other. Ghost did not mind whatever Mara threw at her, she had faced worse in the past. "Past?" Ghost blinked. Without much mental thought processes, Ghost tended to utter titbits of whatever she was thinking of. Even so, she did not like the thought of a past. There was only the present and the future. Both with Father as her humble savoir. Even if "savoir" and "humble" were anything but to describe Father with, Ghost thought these traits fit him perfectly.

"Now where's the idiot boy?" Ghost returned to the world, more importantly to Mara. Yes, the mission. She had almost forgotten. "Hunger is waiting outside. He did not wish to assist in finding you." Ghost handed Mara the files to look through. "Hunger is to retrieve these experiments and we will supervise. It is Father's wish." Once finishing her ramble, Ghost turned to find Hunger. It did not take long to find Hunger beneath the tree. However, Ghost felt torn. She must carefully supervise both Hunger and Mara to report on their performances on the mission. Her reports could cause either life or death... for any of the three. "Hunger, it is time now." She inspected her charge carefully. His rage earlier in the elevator worried her. With both Mara and Hunger together, Ghost know she had her hands full even without the addition of the more experiments. Even so, it was time for business. "We will be collecting the humans for Father's new experimentations."

The setting changes from Inside Fathers Mansion to Garden/Beach


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Fire...Past...Why are they connected in some way? Hunger wondered. If he was feeling okay, well he would've been in a deep daydream filled with apples by now. But he wasn't, infact he hadn't daydreamed in a long while now... Which (for him) was a big deal.

Another gust of wind blew by, as Ghost and Mara came towards him. He made no attempt to look at either of them, instead he faced the water fountain which was near the tree. "Hunger, it is time now." Ghost called out. He replied with a slight nod, and nothing more. His hands were behind his head while he glared at the sky, sighing towards it. "We will be collecting the humans for Father's new experimentations." She continued, giving a extra topic for Hunger to wonder about. Does Father even care about us? Are we just some toy that he wants to throw around untill we get broken? Hunger was now becoming stressed, as he was becoming more and more worried about what could happen to him if he were to step out of line. The mere fact that his past was trying to bite him back in the ass just made everything worse.

He turned to them both, looking like a helpless child. "Yea.. lets go then.." He sighed.

The setting changes from Garden/Beach to Inside Fathers Mansion

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Ghost seemed in a trance like state, which worried her just a bit. Free thinking? Somebody alert Father! "He did not wish to assist in finding you." Mara laughed a bit. Of course he wouldn't want to help find her. He'd rather just have her dead. She listened to what else her fellow Instructor had to say, though she was focused more on the files. It appeared that more experiments than usual had been exterminated. It wasn't a good sign on Father's behalf.

She followed behind Ghost as they went on a mini-hunt for dear little Hunger. Under a freaking tree. The kid had serious nature issues, which she'd have to address sometime. He seemed so... calm and peaceful, which worried her a bit. He shouldn't feel so down, shouldn't be so... emotionless and indifferent. The last thing any of them needed was another Ghost or Ink. Good grief, Mara might just die if that happened.

She looked back at the files, then at Ghost, unsure of which of them should take the lead. "They seem promising. Humans though. Think you can handle that?" She sighed, not really caring about these newbies. The boy who would be #1675300, he seemed interesting enough she guessed. A gang member or something of that sort, yes? That would mean he should be good with fighting and know a little something about life. Well, they could hope anyways.

Mara handed Ghost back the files. "If we're going with him, I need some extra clothes." Quickly, she changed into a bluebird and flew into her room through her open window. She changed back and shook her head a bit, grabbing a black back pack off the ground and stuffing it with multiple shirts, jeans, bras, and underwear. She never worried about shoes. Tossing the bag out the window, she jumped down and landed on it, then rolled a bit so as not to hurt herself. Walking back over to Hunger and Ghost, she smirked. "Who wants to carry my clothes around?" she asked.

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Ink sighed as she stuffed her pan-flute back into her pouch. Feeling better and having a bit more energy than before she smiled and skipped over to the door. Flaw and Torrent were either still inside or they had left her behind. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. Really, when am I gonna meet a guy thats not the same as the rest? She laughed at that thought. Yeah right, that'll be the day hell freezes over and Father becomes a good guy. Ha! She smirked. Really Ink, thats just wishful thinking.

Stepping outside she streched out the kinks in her shoulders and back. "Whoo! I need to exercise more." she said aloud to herself. She looked around with a smile and almost missed Mara, Ghost and Hunger a few feet away off to the side. She blinked and shook her head. Nope, not right now Ink. She walked forward, down the sidewalk and off into the road. She looked both ways before crossing the street and submerging herself into the small tree line ahead.

Hidden in the depths of tree trunks, leaves and branches she let herself run then. Feeling air whoosh across her face and the pumping of her blood rush through her veins. It exilarated her. The run, the chase and the wildness of the outside world. Like a small little girl she giggled and ran faster. Finally stopping she bent over to catch her breath. Spurts of laughs flowed freely from her lips now and she plopped down on the ground. "This is life! Outside, in the fresh air where you can be yourself." She sighed and let herself fall down on her back. She stared up at the sky through beautiful orange, yellow and green leaves. Sadly she whispered, "I wish I could show you this guys..."

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Haze glanced over the profile of the girl he was supposed to help Guess retrieve. More like watch Guess do all of the work and he just supervises her. Good thing she wasn't going to be his mentee. After reading over her profile and what she looks like he closed it then folded it to place in his cote pocket. He knew he was getting new subordinates and he was curious to see who they would send his way this time. He doesn't want anyone like Mara or Hunger seeing they can't control their tempers. He wouldn't mind someone like Guess, that is if they didn't talk as much as her.

Hopefully one of them will be like him so it will be less of a hassle for him. Pulling out a cigarette he took a drag then looked out at the ocean. It was quite peaceful looking scenery. He hoped by the time he got back Ink would have left. He didn't feel like seeing her here anymore. He was probably more disturb by the thought of her betraying Father more so then himself. He automatically hated anyone who betrays Father in any way shape or form. Ink was the only person he wouldn't try and kill though. Why? He wasn't sure and there was no way he was going to think more about it. He would just classify it as unknown in his mind and leave it that way. Sometimes if he didn't want to know the answer he would just leave it alone. Sighing he glanced over his shoulder to see Guess standing there. after listening to why she was late he just shook his head. "You shouldn't be late for missions. You should have just told him to f-." Haze cut himself off not wanting her to go around repeating what he said. Guess talked a lot so surely it would make it's way back to Father.

"Never mind let's get going. Here take this and look it over. I hope you know we are getting a new recruit for Father." He pulled out the profile he had on the girl then handed it over to Guess as he started walking. He slid on his regular glasses seeing he couldn't see to well right now. "You better be concise on this mission. It will prove to Father your loyalty depending on how you do." Haze could remember his first mission clearly. It went pretty well if he did say so himself.

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Caroline watched as the police surrounded the area right in front of the apartment building. "I have to go some where so they can't find me if they do they'll put me in jail for sure. But the bastard deserved it", she said in the dark alley she was hiding in. The police had come up on a horrible scene, a man in his mid to late forties was spattered on the pavement. Brain matter, bones and blood were surrounding the area, where he laid, they had been called by a manager at the front desk that watched as the body hit the ground with extreme velocity. He explained to them that Mr Harris, his wife, and daughter both lived in the apartment. Caroline had been smart and snuck out the back entrance, so as far as the desk manager knew she was still up there.

He handed the police the extra key and they made their way upstairs to the crime scene, where it seemed to be even more gruesome. Blood splattered on the walls and Mrs. Harris lying on the floor,with multiple stab wounds, and in a pool of her own blood. The detectives on duty started to search for clues. A knife laid next to the womans body, obviously it was used against her and that was how she died; but Mr Harris.. thought the lead detective. He went over to the patio door of the seventh story apartment, the door was demolished, and there was several feet difference from the door to the railing outside so obviously he didn't jump from the railing, "He was pushed" said the detective; but by who and he's no little guy for someone to do this they had to have allot of strength behind them. Another detective came in, "Sir the only signs we found of the daughter was what looked like some school things that were dropped at the front door and everything in the girls room", said the other detective. The lead detective looked at his colleague "Was there anything that suggested she packed and left in a hurry?", he asked. "No sir", said the detective.

Caroline decided it was time to get further away from the crime scene they would be checking the outlying are soon. So she made her way out of the dark alley in the opposite direction of the life she had just left behind. Not that she gave a damn about her father, but her mother her sweet innocent mother, Caroline felt tears start to well up in her eyes "Mama", she cried. She started to run and eventually made her way into the dark woods behind the complex. It was cold and she shivered as she walked; Caroline's head was killing her, it always did right after using her powers like that, and pushing her father was not easy task he was a big man. "That bastard all she ever did was love him and took all the crap he dished out till the very end, why?", she cried as she stumbled along in the dark. Her foot caught a root of a tree and she hit forest floor with a resounding thud. "Ow!", she cried her knee had hit the root on the way down and Caroline could feel the trickle of warmth running down her leg. All she could do was start to cry how she longed for her mother to come and put her arms around her and tell her everything was going to be okay. But she couldn't do that anymore her asshole of a father slaughtered her like a pig on their living room floor.

Caroline had come in just as the finishing blow came down and stabbed her in the neck, blood spurting from her jugular vein all on her father who's eyes were red with a drunken rage. Caroline felt like she was running in slow motion, as she dropped her her school bag in the door and ran to her mothers side, after what seemed like an eternity she was next her mother; but her eyes were dead and she had no pulse. Which told Caroline that she had already been dead and he was still stabbing her. "YOU LITTLE BITCH YOUR NO BETTER THAN HER, DIDN'T WANT TO GIVE HER FUCKING MONEY. I SHOWED HER WHO'S IN CHARGE", her father screamed down at her. Caroline felt her blood begin to boil, "You... Bastard...", she said under her breath barely audible. "WHAT I DIDN'T HERE YOU, YOU LITTLE CUNT. LOOKS LIKE I'M GONNA HAVE TO SHOW YOU JUST LIKE I SHOWED YOUR BITCH OF A MOTHER", he screamed at picked up the knife again and started to come towards Caroline. Thats when she snapped, static filled the area around Caroline stopping her father in his tracks, as Caroline stood up her mother lifeless body slumped back to the floor with a thud. Her hair was swirling around her head, and all Mr. Harris could see wear evil gold eyes staring at him "Go back to hell where you belong you son of bitch", said Caroline in a cold evil tone that he had never heard uttered form his daughter. The look of fear in his eyes as he felt himself lift off the floor and fly backwards; he felt the glass of the patio doors crash against his back and all he could do was scream in fear. The last thing he remembered seeing was those evil eyes staring down at him from the patio, and then nothing.

Caroline sat there and cried cradling her knees in her arms, "What am I going to do I killed someone"

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Dallas woke with a start, her deep green eyes bright in the moonlight shining through the window of the bedroom. All around her where sleeping forms of the girls that had invited her to stay over, a first for her. She felt a sudden sweep of joy about the fact that they where finally accepting her. She sighed happily closing her eyes and shifting to her side. Something tickled her shoulders and she felt a strange breeze on the back of her neck. She froze and for a second before bringing her long tan slender fingers up to her hair. It was all but gone. Dallas quickly and quietly snuck to the bathroom, hoping it was a dream. She spotted her reflection and pressed a hand to her mouth and almost screamed. She felt something snap inside her and ice creep up her insides. She examined the damage with cold detachment before returning to the room and staring down at the latent figures. She absently noted that she was shaking as she turned on her heel and headed to the kitchen.

What had she done to deserve this? All her life she had done her best to fit in and be a good girl. She hadn’t done anything wrong. Ever. Yet every day these girls tormented her and made her life hell because they felt the need to push her down to feel better. Was she really that bad? Did she make a good target? Dallas glanced up at the ceiling as if praying to some god for guidance, but she knew she would get no answer….she never had…and never would. Well to hell with them, and god and any other SOB who wanted to push her around. She grabbed a black handled meat cutting blade from the knife holder on the counter. It flashed menacingly in the silver moonlight. She caught her reflection in the blade and didn’t recognize herself. The plain look on her face had never been there before; the empty quality in her eyes almost scared her….almost.

Dallas thought back to all the times, from kindergarten to today, that these girls had caused her nothing but anguish.

~She walked into Mrs. Martins kindergarten class, dressed in a new spring dress, her eyes wide with excitement. As soon as recess came around she ran outside to play with all the other girls and boys. The girls where jumping rope.

β€˜Can I join?’ a young Dallas asked, hope shining in her big blue-gray eyes. The girls all shared a look that Wake missed then the leader of the group, a pretty blond girl with blue eyes gave her a smile and nodded.

β€˜Im Laura, sure you can play. Just jump in!’ she said and the rest of the girls snickered. Wake being young and naive smiled and jumped into the skipping rope. She made it the first few skips before they quickened the beat without warning and tripped her. She landed face forward, her teeth and nose connecting with the concrete. She had gone to the hospital with a broken nose and 2 chipped teeth…~

Before she knew it Dallas was in front of Laura, blade to her throat. She whispered the girls name gently, and just as her eyes opened she slid the blade across her throat, slicing it. The only sound she made was a whispering gurgle sound, then nothing. Her mind skipped back to her memories.

~Dallas returned to school a week later with a purple and yellow face and a teeth brace. Everyone stared as she entered the class room, whispering and laughing under their breath. She ignored them the best she could but she still remembered the pain she felt as no one sat with her during art. Marie Laura’s best friend, a pretty red head with pale gray eyes walked over and smiled at her. Dallas smiled back feeling relief that someone didn’t think she had the plague. Marie sat with her for a few moments, making conversation by asking if her face hurt, then as soon as the teachers back was turned, she poured red paint all over her head. Dallas reacted without thought, and shoved herself away from the girl, causing Marie to fall. Dallas was suspended for a month~

Incidents such as those continued to happen daily. Silently, Dallas snuck up to Marie, without bothering to wake her; she slid the knife smoothly across her neck. She observed coldly as the blood spilled from the neat red line.

~It was 8th grade and her birthday. She had worn her best outfit to school, hoping to look and feel good for once. After P.E., in the girl’s locker room, undressed quickly as she was required to shower after physical education. Dallas hated it because she hated being around them and giving them reasons to hate on her all the more. Everything went fine throughout the shower, no one talked to her, a usual thing. When she got out she found her clothes where shredded and soaked. Jennet, Marie’s sister walked up and sneered at her.
β€˜Oops those weren’t yours where they? I thought they where shit rags so I cleaned the toilet with them. My bad’ she said and walked away, leaving Dallas shivering, teary eyed and alone on the locker room floor.~

As Dallas moved to stand over Jennet, her eyes snapped open. Seeing the knife she let out a scream, but it was cut off quickly by Dallas stabbing the knife down her throat. She felt cold satisfaction as she stared down at the dying girl. To her left, the last girl in the room stirred. Margret. She stared wide eyed at Dallas, only small whimpers coming out of her gaping mouth. Dallas stared back, a soft smile creeping onto her face.

~Freshman year, about halfway through school Dallas had developed a crush on a Jock boy named Josh. A real cutie too. Tall, blond and handsome, everything every girl in the school wanted. She hadn’t realized how obvious her crush was until one day Laura called her out on it, in front of everyone at lunch, asking if Josh wanted to take a β€˜mutant freak’ like her to the spring fling. To Dallas’s (and everyone else’s) surprise he said yes. A few days later, still floating on cloud nine, Margret pulled her aside.

β€˜Look I know you don’t want to hear this but Josh is using you. Laura told me they plan on humiliating you at the spring formal. I just thought you should know’ she said to Dallas, then walked away.

Dallas couldn’t believe it. Margret had saved her from humiliation, and Josh had been using her. Actually the second part wasn’t to hard to believe….she ended up skipping the formal and spending the night alone at home~

Dallas stepped forward towards Margret who tried to scoot back away from her, but her back was already to the wall.

β€œYou once saved me….im repaying the kindness. Keep your mouth shut or ill cut your tongue out and feed it to you as you watch” Dallas whispered. She was surprised at how calm and detached her voice sounded….it was like how she felt. She turned her back to clean up some of the mess when Margret let out a scream. Dallas shook her head sadly and stabbed her in the heart.

β€œIm so sorry…” she murmured meaning it. She felt a niggle of guilt but it was quashed under the thousand pounds of pain she had suppressed over the years. Her eyes burned suddenly and she realized she was crying. The last time she had cried was when she realized her 5 year old sister had cancer….Strange.

She ran her fingers through her hair and realized they had blood on them…matter of fact she had blood everywhere. How was she going to explain this? Simple, she wouldn’t. She began the job of cleaning slowly, realizing it would take a wile to get done. She pondered her feelings as she mopped the blood up and washed the blankets and sheets. She felt….nothing really. She wondered for a moment if she was broken…on the inside. It was completely possible. She had just brutally murdered 4 girls and still felt no remorse….only a feeling like satisfaction but less…she felt like she had did the world a favor by ridding it of the repulsive stains called Laura, Marie, and Jennet. Margret was simply a casualty.

Once done cleaning and removing the bodies she sighed and rested on Laura’s bed, her eyes closed only for a second, because the sun was peaking over the mountains. With a feeling of relief she wrote a note saying the girls took a spontaneous road trip and wouldn’t be back for several days and signed it with Laura’s name before exiting the house and heading home. She, after all had to go to work in a few minutes.

After a quick shower in her apartment she dressed and headed to the book store for work, going on with her normal routine.

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#, as written by phooka

"Never mind let's get going. Here take this and look it over. I hope you know we are getting a new recruit for Father." Guess nodded, smiled, and quietly took the files from Haze. She knew that Haze was the business type, work now, talk never, so she was going to do her best and stay quiet until her body tests when she'd be able to let it all out to Kenji. He didn't appreciate her questions one bit, and usually ended up stabbing her with a needle and putting her to sleep for the rest of the test, but Sakura always found it funny.

She looked over the papers and then tucked them neatly away in the folder so she could scramble up to Haze who had gotten ahead of her when she wasn't looking. She felt the temptation to talk weighing on her, but bit her lip closed. She was determined to do this right and she was determined to let Haze do all of the talking.


They were able to hitch hike a man's mustang. If you could even call it hitch hiking. Haze had pointed out the car and Guess had used her powers on the driver. Luckily, he slammed on the breaks as soon as he began feeling the pain, so the car didn't get totaled. She walked over to the window and tapped on it, smiling a bright, cheery smile. The man, with a terrified look on his face, and a hand clutching his heart, rolled down the window and asked what she wanted.

She grinned wider and motioned with her hand over her mouth as if she was zipping it closed, then pointed to Haze, waiting by the side of the road, "I can't talk," she whispered, "Haze finds me annoying." The man looked utterly confused, but also scared. She leaned into the car window more, and with her voice even quieter asked, "why is it that old people always have the good cars?" His eyes widened and he coughed up blood as Guess pulled the knife out of his back.

She stood up straight and mimicked shining a flashlight into the man's car, like a police officer. "Sir, I have to ask you to exit the car." She ordered, sticking her arm in the window and unlocking the door, then pulling it open from the outside. The man's body tumbled out of the car. She shook her head, "Tsk tsk tsk, overage driving and driving without a seatbelt. I'm afraid I'm going to have to confiscate this lovely car from you." Guess leaned down and grabbed the man under his armpits, then dragged him to the side of the road. She leaned him against the rail and he sat up straight for a second and then slumped down again. "Bad posture isn't cute." She said disapprovingly, "how are you going to get a girlfriend if you sit like that?"

She ran around and jumped into the front seat of the car, then unlocked the passenger seat for Haze. "Come on, Haze." She said cheerily, "we've got ourselves a ride!"


After they drove for a while, Guess turned on the radio, to ease the awkward, quietness in the car. The radio was on some news station, she rolled her eyes, "Old people and their talk shows and news stations." Guess was about to change the channel when something caught her attention. "-found dead. Daughter, Caroline, is still missing. Police believe her to be the cause of their deaths."

She turned to Haze, "Think that's our Caroline?" She asked, it was rhetorical, however. She quick turned a corner that would take them to the area that the report said the murders happened.

A flash of black hair in the woods by the road caught Guess's eye and she stomped on the brakes and jumped out. As soon as she got a good look at her, she knew she was the girl.

"Caroline." She said gently, walking to the sad looking girl. She wrapped her arms around the girl. "Don't worry, I'm a friend. You'll be okay soon enough." To make sure the girl didn't run, she pulled out a syringe. It contained the same stuff that Kenji used to put her asleep when he had enough of her questions. "Father will make sure that you're forever happy, just wait." And before the girl could register what was going on, the needle had gone into her neck and she was lost in sleep.

Guess, stronger than she looked, picked up the small girl's body and carried her to the car, where the back door was opened and ready. She sat the girl down and looked at her sleeping body. She was pretty. Guess wanted to be friends with her.

"Haze, can you drive us home?" She asked, handing the syringe to him and then sitting beside the girl in the back seat and closing the door. She buckled herself and Caroline in, and laid the girl's head on her lap. "Daddy will make you happy, Caroline, just you wait." She whispered to her new friend.

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Haze never thought he would be at peace with Guess around. He had to hand it to her she didn't talk as much as he thought she would have. He glanced back to see her looking at the folder then tucking it away to catch up to him. Good she should keep this whole not talking thing up around him. He could care less what she had to say unless it had to deal with anything involving Father or his other experiments. Once they got to the rode he stopped walking to see what Guess was going to do. He stayed pretty well hidden in the trees. Seeing she used her powers to harm an elderly man riding in a mustang made him give her an extra point.

That's right no matter what age, if you get in Father's way you shall be killed. Haze meant every word he was thinking too. It could be a young child he would still kill them, or it could be a pregnant woman, yep no special treatment he would still kill them. He had no boundaries as to who could be killed. To him if Father ordered it he would surely do it. He watched Guess of course ask the man a question before finally killing him. He nonchalantly walked across the rode and entered the car. Was letting Guess drive a good idea? Well he was about to find out.

Haze had no idea how long they had been driving but it seemed like forever. When Guess turned the radio on and it was talking about a girl named Caroline he knew that had to be their girl. He just looked at Guess when she asked him if it was Caroline then back at the rode. She knew it was the girl so there was no need to for him to answer. It would just be registered in his mind as another foolish question from Guess and leave it at that. When Guess slammed on brakes he knew he saw a shadow in the woods and was relieved she found it as well. He knew he wasn't to help her out, so it was good she picked it out on her own.

He slid out of the car when Guess went to get the girl and bring her back. Where did she get a syringe from? Oh well it worked. Now the girl couldn't fight them. Haze nodded at Guess when she asked him to drive then hopped into the drivers seat. He didn't know if she buckled herself up and honestly didn't care. He just drove off headed back towards the house. Once he arrived by the same woods they left from he stopped the car and got out. Looking at Guess and Nova in the back he figured he didn't have to do anything from here. "Get back to the house now. I'm sure father will be pleased by your success." Coming from Haze that was a real big complement.

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Ghost waited in silence with Hunger as Mara decided to rush off and gather a few new outfits. Not wanted to start another confrontation between Mara and Hunger that could jeopardize Father's mission, Ghost took the backpack and slid it over her shoulders without complaint. This only added to her ridicules outfit that made her appear to be cosplaying as a Japanese school girl in the well-known sailor suit attire. The backpack, purple and black, contrasted greatly from the pigment less doll as it hung limply over her frame.

Without another word, Ghost began forward on the journey to find their first experiment. Father included instructions to the bookstore that she worked at and, unable to think of a better place to begin, lead the trio there. There were people. And a lot of them. Ghost did not care crowds and found herself drifting closer to Hunger along the way. Mara would only laugh at her, but maybe Hunger would show some sympathy to the frightened doll. The chatter among the crowd only served to confuse Ghost as laughter and expression was present.

At last Ghost paused across the street and gazed into a book store with her blank slate eyes. Having drifted right beside Hunger at this point, she only needed to reach up slightly in order to tug on his sleeve. Once gaining his attention, Ghost pointed towards the store. "Dallas," she said simply.

The setting changes from Inside Fathers Mansion to Garden/Beach


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Lucien Prince

”...In recent news police officer and local hero, Sgt McEnroe has passed away. Mr McEnroe was working on a case which involved two local gangs, The Enforcers and the infamous Incubus led by the β€œLecher Prince”. Local police officers were working together with The Enforcers to gain knowledge of Incubus members, so that they could arrest and detain all of its members. This plan however did not succeed as the Incubus had, on the day before the operation began, declared an β€œIssue of Annihilation” on The Enforcers. Incubus had then killed all members of The Enforcers. Police officers had already infiltrated the ranks of The Enforcers, including Sgt Daniel McEnroe. All officers who had infiltrated The Enforcers ranks had also been killed. Twelve members of the local police force had been murdered that day by Incubus gang members. Since that day local and national police forces have been cooperating together to gain knowledge of the Incubus's members identities, especially their leader, the β€œLecher Prince”. The investigation has been fruitful and for the past three weeks all but one of the gangs members have been located, all but their leader. The β€œLecher Prince” has been identified as current honor student Lucien Prince. Lucien has now been living his life on the run from the police. Here is a picture of the alleged gang leader” A picture of a young man was now shown on the screen. The young man was quite handsome, one would not believe that he was a criminal. His dark flowing hair and trusting hazel eyes were as beautiful as they were deceptive. The picture of the young man was then changed to show an anchor woman and a map with four cities marked on it. β€œIt is believed that Lucien Prince is in one of the four cities. We warn you that he is a most wanted man and for you not to contact him as he is believed to be dangerous. You should instead call your local police and inform them of your suspicions. For the sake of the lives of the police officers who died, please assist us in anyway you can.” The broadcast had seemed to have ended but the camera was still going. The anchorwoman then commented saying, β€œI can't believe someone so handsome as this man could have done such things... I mean... What do you mean we're still on the air?... Cut it! Cut the feed now!...”

The broadcast had then abruptly ended and had been replaced with a restaurant chain commercial. The bar then began to fill with the noise of people talking, most likely about the special broadcast that had been shown on the television. All of them seemed to be quite interested in the story, all save one young man who was sitting at the bar. His dark hair shone in the dim bar's light as he grasped a cold drink in hand. Many people stared at him, as if he were a beautiful sculpture crafted by a god. He drank the cold bottles contents until he was undoubtedly satisfied. The young man was then approached by the female bartender. Her long flowing red hair moving as if it had a life of its own, she was almost as beautiful as the sky during a sunset. She leaned over the bar and said to the young man flirtatiously, β€œAnything I can get for you sugar? It doesn't even have to be on the menu...” She leaned in towards his ear as she softly whispered, β€œ...Even β€œme” perhaps?” The bartender then blew softly into the young man's ear as she leaned back and poured a fresh drink for the young man. β€œYou know I know everyone in this city at not once have I ever seen you. You from out of town? My name is Amber by the way. What's your name love?” She smiled flirtatiously at him, staring at him, as if she was trying to inspect his very soul.

Smilingly slightly the young man grasped the new drink, drinking it all in one go. After finishing his drink the young man began to write on a piece of paper, placing it on the bar and sliding it towards the bartender. β€œI prefer to keep formalities such as names away from the bedroom, Amber... If you're alright with that meet me in that room in the next fifteenth minutes.” Walking away from the bar the young man began to walk up a flight of stairs. Turning around towards the bartender he called out to her saying, β€œ...I will be waiting.” The young man now sat on a leather chair, watching a television in a small motel room. Changing from channel to channel the man looked towards the television with a blank stare, as if he was unconcerned about anything he saw. A few minutes latter there was a knock on his door. As he began to open the door he noticed that it was the bartender who he had met downstairs. ”I knew you would come... Couldn't resist me now could you?” Before she could answer the young man had began embracing her, locking his lips to hers as he began to kiss her. She then began to undo the man's shirt as he continued to embrace her in the hallway. Releasing her he then walked inside his room, gesturing towards the bedroom he said, ”Shall we, Amber?... The bartender then walked into the young man's room, closing the door behind her...

An hour had passed as the young man then began to walk down the flight of stairs. Hair unnaturally messy, skin sweating, clothes put on as if rushed, and he was slightly out of breath. Not a second latter the Amber had walked down the same flight of stares, almost in if not in a worst shape as the young man before her. She had blown a kiss towards the man as she began to work again. The young man then started to walk towards a jukebox, which then began to play the song β€œLecher B*tch” by Genitorturers. At that moment two police officers had entered the building. The officers walked towards a table where they began to have a conversation with those who were already sitting at the table. The young man then walked towards the exit of the bar. Just before he could exit the building one of the police officers had grabbed him by his shoulder. β€œYou are suspected of the murder of twelve police officers and being Lucien Prince, gang leader of Incubus. Can you provide us with identification which can prove otherwise?”

The young man then looked back towards the two officers. ”My name is not Lucien Prince... I am the Lecher Prince... And your information is slightly incorrect, you see I didn't kill twelve police men...” Lucien then struck the officer, who had grabbed his shoulder, in his ribs. The officer fell to the ground and on his knees as Lucien then grabbed the officers head and forced it into his knee, knocking the man unconscious. The other officer began to unholster his sidearm but was cut short when Lucien had stuck his throat, causing him to bend over in pain. Lucien then took the officers sidearm, shooting the officer in the back of his head while he was bent over in pain. He then shot the other officer in the back of the head making sure that both of them were dead. β€œ...I killed fourteen.”

The bar was now filled with an eerie silence as all those within stared in disbelief at what the had just seen. Lucien then walked towards the bar as blood seeped from the officers bodies onto the floor. Once he had reached the bar he ordered another drink. Drinking it as soon as he received it Lucien then walked towards the exit of the bar. Looking back towards everyone else in the bar he said, ”My name is Lucien Prince and yes I am the Lecher Prince of Incubus. I am responsible of the death of, now, fourteen police officers... and I do regret that. Will I turn myself in? No. Will I be caught? Eventually, but as for now I am free... You are free to call the police if you haven't already. I will not hold it against you, you're only doing what you believe is right. I will not hold it against you so do not hold it against me that I look after my own skin by killing those who pursue me... Goodbye now.” Turning towards the exit he then continued saying, ”Amber... call me if you wish... I enjoyed our time together.”

After leaving the bar Lucien had walked a few blocks. He was thinking, The life of a drifter... it's not that bad. The life of a fugitive? That's what kills. Out of nowhere a group of police cars had swarmed the road which Lucien was on, surrounding him. Police officers began to get out of their cars and aim their guns towards him. Sirens blasting and lights flashing, the police officers readied themselves to capture him. Calming himself Lucien began to breathe deeply, he had begun to meditate. One officer had then started to speak on a megaphone, ”Lucien Prince, surrender now and we will not be forced to open fire on you... Do not test our patience! Refocusing himself Lucien looked towards the police officers and smiled.

”Catch me if you can!” Lucien then aimed the two sidearms he acquired from the police officers earlier, shooting and killing four officers. He then ran into an alley where he ran towards a wall, running along it as he jumped over a chain linked fence. Looking over his shoulder he saw as the rest of the officers began to pursue him. Let the chase begin, he thought.

The setting changes from Garden/Beach to Inside Fathers Mansion

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"Who wants to carry my clothes around?" Mara asked needlessly. Seriously, what was the point of bringing extra clothes to the damn mission anyways? She's certainly not going to impress anybody looking the way she is now. Who in the right mind would? Still looking like a child in need, Hunger turned to Ghost, who had taken Mara's backpack for no reason at all. Why Ghost... Why? He questioned himself, feeling sympathetic for poor little Ghost. Is she always treated like a slave? Before i was here? Slowly, Hunger grew more and more concerned and worried for some strange reason.

Suddenly, little Ghosty began to take off on the journey. There was no way that Hunger was going to tag along next to Mara. He wasn't in the mood for her nagging and bitching. With a soft jog, Hunger caught up with Ghost, keeping to her side almost like he was looking out for her, yet silent like a bodyguard. The Mansion soon faded away from their sights, as the outskirts of a city came closer and closer. Hmm... The world sure is a big place...

Huge waves of people, started to forme as they got deeper and deeper. All of them, looked happy... Their lives seemed so simple and carefree...Was Hunger's life ever like that? Was he truely happy? He sighed deeply, bearly dodging and waving in and out of people who got within his way. Ghost found herself feeling rather out of place... Well to Hunger it seemed like it. A frail girl like Ghost wouldn't cope well with a mass amount of people carelessly barging through. He reached out to grab her hand, tightly. "We'll be alright Ghost.." He said quietly. After the crowds of people had cleared, Ghost tugged on Hunger's hand, signaling him to cross the road, which they did. Soon enough they had stopped outside some kind of book store...

Hunger was still admiring the huge city, the different range of colours and cars zooming by. The joy on the faces of random people. Why couldn't he feel like that once in a while? Does Father prefer miserable people? A gentle tugg of his sleeve, dragged Hunger out of his thoughts. He turned to Ghost. "mhmm?"
She pointed towards the shop then replied. "Dallas."
Hunger blinked blankly, then let go of her hand, he sighed deeply then nodded slowly. "Alright.. I guess i'll check it out." He said firmly, hiding his true emotions. He had something to prove.. Not only to Mara, but also Ghost, Father and everybody back at the mansion. He wasn't a big kid, fuck no. He was sick and tired of being called stupid constantly, or being thought as a weirdo who had a spoilt child temper. He bulked up, slowly walking towards the entrance of the shop. He pushed against the door, making the little bell ring as it swung open. "Anbody here?" He said calmly.

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At the first signs of Ghost being uncomfortable, Mara cackled a bit. The doll child couldn't deal with the real world, nor could Hunger. So far out of their lives, it was, it was. She looked around at all the people, oblivious to what was about to happen. She kept a straight face and ignored the people around her, focusing only on her two fellow experiments. Hunger seemed distracted, while Ghost looked like she wanted to curl up in a corner and cry herself to sleep. Mara would do neither, she'd rather just find the nearest McDonald's and eat some good ole fast food.

She stepped away from the others as she spotted the book store where their first target worked at. She grinned a bit, hoping that maybe she could get some books as well. She looked around for any signs of humans before shifting into a pigeon, which fit the city well. She flew back out, watching as Hunger entered the store. She swooped down and landed on Ghost's shoulder, curious as to whether or not she would go in the store as well or merely watch from outside. Either way, Mara wanted some new stories to bring home. And she was really hoping nobody would try to kill her in her bird form.

She looked at Ghost, smirking as much as a bird can. A pigeon on her shoulder might be a bit obvious and odd, no? Oh well, she could be one of those crazy people who kept wild animals until they got rabies. Or until the animal is taken away from them. It was then that she heard police sirens, gunshots, and yelling. Oooh, action! She looked at Hunger, wondering what was taking him so freaking long.

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Mara did not bother Ghost as she leanded on her shoulder. Instead, Ghost focused her atention on Hunger and watched as he entered the bookstore. He could be fine, she had confidence in him. Ghost watched as they interacted through the window. The new experiments... That meant she would be getting a new one also, a partner for Hunger. Ghost blinked and wondered what her new charge would be like, but more importantly if she would be Broken. It didn't bother Ghost that she had killed Gunslinger, after all it had been an order from Father. What bothered her was the chance that Ghost had failed Father. There must have been something Ghost could have done to keep Gunslinger on track. Something to make Father proud of her...


"Gunslinger?" Ghost questioned audibly at the shots in the distance. Did she fail in executing her charge? Did Ghost fail Father and somehow allowed a Broken One to enter public life? No.. never... But what else?

Forgetting about her second mission to watch Mara and her first mission all together, Ghost turned sharply left the bookstore and drifted toward the sounds of the bullets, even going so far as to brush Mara off her shoulder to increase her speed. Ghost did not care what Mara would say when they meet again. Thoughts bounced off her empty head in chaos. Gunslinger. . . Alive. . . Failed Father. . . Ghost. . . Broken. . . . This was her fault, all her fault! Gunslinger was alive and---

"Not Gunslinger," Ghost murmured upon arriving to the scene. It was a boy. A foolish Human playing with dangerous toys. She watched as the cops fled past her. Being so small and frail, one of them overlooked and managed to bump into Ghost, sending her flying to her knees. "Hey missy! This is no place for you," the cop shouted angrily and he placed Ghost back on her feet. He was amazed by how light and... lifeless she was. Actually he was rather creeped out. "That man is dangerous and armed. Leave before you get hurt. Don't you know who he is? Lucien Prince, for god sake!"

Ghost tilted her head to the side and took a slow blink as her mind tried to sort through the information it had just received. "Lucien... Prince?" she parroted. That name.

The cop looked at Ghost in concern. "Yeah, now go home kid."

Ghost blinked again as the cop returned to following the other. Lucien Prince. Father wanted him. Father would get him.

Turning her head to see where the cops were headed, Ghost took a short cut-- Though an abandoned office building. She came out the other side and spotted the boy running. He was fast. So wasn't Ghost. Her lithe frame had surprising speed as she caught up to him, not fearing for her life. All she cared about was this Lucien Prince, yet another doll Father could add to his collect. Against the protests of the shocked cops to see a girl approaching the villain, Ghost grabbed Lucien's hands and stopped him from running. There were more shouts from the cops. They warned that they were going to fire. Ghost ignored them and looked at Lucien. Yes, he would do.

"Girl! Get away or we will shoot!" Still, Ghost paid them no heed. "One the count of three men! One... two...Three!"

Ghost blinked but did not allow Lucien to flee, her grip surprisingly strong. The bullets flew by, one of them struck Ghost's head. Except, it simply passed through as if she wasn't there. She had used her powers to make both herself and Lucien translucent, the bullets simply phasing through them like air. "Lucien Prince, Father wants you," she said, her voice soft and emotionless as she turned to have him follow, still keeping contact with his hand. "You will not be harmed. Father said it so."

The setting changes from Inside Fathers Mansion to Garden/Beach


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Lucien Prince

Police sirens wailed while policemen began chasing The Lecher Prince. Lucien however was not someone who was easily caught, being physically superior to most people he had a hard time running through the back alleys of the city. After running for a few minutes however Lucien came to a dead end, with a wall which even he could not scale over in time. It was at that moment that Lucien knew that he would get caught. If I am going to get caught... I might as well go out in style, he thought. Turning around Lucien braced his body against the wall as he aimed his sidearms down the alley. Whenever a policeman was in sight he would fire, killing or injuring all who came near him. Lucien was soon out of ammunition, and now without hope of success. Smiling he dropped his sidearms and waited for the barrage of gunfire which would end his life. "Well... I guess this is the end for The Lecher Prince... I regret nothing..."

Then something unexpected happened, a young girl with long white hair and blue eyes had appeared from a building. The young girl approached and grabbed Lucien's hand. The policemen readied themselves to fire. Lucien called out to them saying, "Stop! A girl is now in the line of fire!" But before he could warn them the policemen began to fire. Continuing to shout towards them Lucien began desperately to shelter the young girl from the gun fire. He then stood in front of her as to keep her from being hit.

But then something strange began to happen, the bullets instead of connected and harming Lucien they instead went through his body. Lucien could not believe what was happening. What was even stranger was that the bullets which went through his body also went through the girls body. Confused Lucien stood there silently as he watched the bullets phased through him and the girl. The young teenage girl then began to speak, saying "Lucien Prince, Father wants you... You will not be harmed. Father said so. Lucien now even more confused then before began to wonder, What kind of riddles is she speaking? Father wants me? Who is this girl? He then looked back towards the policemen who still continued to fire their guns, even though they were ineffective. Smiling Lucien grabbed the girls hand tighter and said. "I don't know who you are little girl or what you did. But whatever it was is keeping us alive... If we make it out of this alive maybe I could repay you with something... "special"... I'm not usually into younger girls but for something like this I will make an exception."

Lucien had then regained his confidence as The Lecher Prince. Looking back towards the police he called out to them saying, "You see this? Not even gun fire can kill The Lecher Prince... This demon shall continue to roam free and there is nothing you can do to stop this... Goodbye, and let yourselves remember this day as the day you let The Lecher Prince escape." Lucien then grabbed the young girl, carrying her in his arms as he ran through the wall which was a dead end. Coming out from behind the wall Lucien looked down at the young girl and said, "I don't know who you are... but thanks... Let's get out of here before I get spotted again. Shall we?" He then began to run through a building as ran up the building's stairs until he reached the rooftop access which he then opened.

Now on top off the roof Lucien put down the girl as he then tried to walk away from her. The young girl's grip however was incredibly strong. He then turned and looked at her saying, "Who are you, how did you do that, and who is this Father that you were talking about? What does he want me for exactly?" Many questions had filled his mind, but he was just happy that he was still a free man.

The setting changes from Garden/Beach to Inside Fathers Mansion

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Ghost was surprised when Lucien went to protect her from bullets that could not harm either of them. She remained stiff during the process, focusing on her ability to protect the boy. He would be no use to Father dead. Even so, his futile talk only served to confuse Ghost. Something special? Younger girls? Ghost couldn't even remember her own age. She decided whatever the special thing could be, she would just give it to Hunger. Yes, that sounded like a good plan.

She ignored most of his rant. If she lost an ounce of concentration, her power would only be able to protect herself. That would not be good. Her eyes were glossy at this point, her body unmoving as Lucien lifted her doll-like body into his arms for their escape. When he attempted to put her down and leave once on the rooftop, Ghost persisted and did not let go. Even so, she did allow her power to retract as they both became tangible without imminent danger near. Once again, the boy began with his questions. Who are you, how did you do that, and who is this Father that you were talking about? What does he want me for exactly?" He would probably like Guess. She blinked and looked him over, curious as to what ability Father would give him. More importantly, what name?

Ghost blinked again, slow, long, and drawn out to collect her thoughts. She was tired from the excessive use of her powers and hence the lack of oxygen that reached her brain. Much longer, and she would have passed out. That also would not have been good. Father would not have been pleased if she lost the new experiment . "I am Ghost," she said blankly. "And Father is... Father. There is only one Father, so he is all that matters." Ghost paused to allow him to take this in. Her voice never changed in tone or expressed emotion. Slowly she continued. "It was his gift that allows me to phase through objects. It has chosen you for the honor of joining out family." Ghost hesitated. Family? Yes, she liked the way that sounded. Every Father needed a family, and they were his children. "You too will be gifted with an ability of his choosing. If it were not for him, you would be dead. This is an honor, so please come peacefully. You wouldn't want to see Mara upset." Ghost blinked again and relaxed her grip on his hand, this time her hold limp and weak from the over-use of her power. "Come now, Father will be pleased to meet you." How she was going to get him off of here... She hadn't thought that through yet. Her eyes scanned for Mara and Hunger, hoping they were nearby.

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Oh, she was going to kill Ghost whenever she got her claws on her! Mara shifted back, not caring that she was naked in a city. "Hunger!" she hollered, running into the book store. She didn't care what he did as long as he got the girl back to the mansion. "Get the girl, I'll go fetch the traitor," she growled, then shifted into a peregrine falcon. She took off over the city, leaving Hunger to do his own bidding with the girl.

She soared over the city, spotting Ghost and the boy on a rooftop. She dove down, just missing the boy's head as she passed, before shifting back and skidding to a stop on the roof. Mara looked at Ghost, pathetically trying to explain who Father was, what he wanted them to do. "Ghost, why the heck would you even talk to this guy? You know what we have to do." She walked over to the guy and smacked him across the face. Before he could do anything funny, she grabbed the backpack from off of Ghost and rummaged through her clothes, putting on a bra, shirt, and underwear. The pants could wait.

"Trust me Lucien, you really don't wanna see me upset," Mara growled at the boy. Knowing that Ghost would keep a good grip on him, she went through a list of options on how to knock him out. She could only hope that Hunger was smart enough to do the same with Dallas. These kids were criminals, it was all they knew. Armed and dangerous, the worst case for humans, but the best for Father and his experiments.

"You know, you're in for a fun ride. Ghost here is great at being a killjoy." She glanced at her fellow instructor, who's face was just as emotionless as ever. Gah, why was she so creepy? Mara would die without the rage burning inside her- it was what kept her going. "No offense Ghosty." Looking back at Lucien, then down at the pathetic police officers, she grinned a bit. "By the way, I'm really sorry about all this. But you screwed up, so welcome to the family." With that being said, she grabbed a syringe out of her backpack. "Hold still so I can give you a shot." She approached him, a fire of excitement clearly dancing in her eyes. One shot, and he'd be sedated, easily controlled, easily fetched. Easily brainwashed and killed.

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Blood splattered every where, dripping off the bed and soaking into the carpet. On Her hands, in her hair. The scream of Margret, and the gurgle of the last of her life escaping her delicate grasp….

"Anybody here?" a solitary male voice rang out in the otherwise silent store waking Dallas from her sadistic day dream. She felt a pang of pity for Margret but knew the girl had been Christian and with any luck would go to heaven….or whatever the place was that you went when you where good….

Dallas had been good hadn’t she? Did one mistake mean she couldn’t go to a good place when she died? Was she lost forever? Why didn’t that scare her?….maybe because she thought a place where nothing bad ever happened would probably be boring. She smiled.

β€œBack here” She called from behind the book shelf farthest from the door where she had been sitting reading Tim β€˜O Brian’s β€˜The Things They Carried” She waited in silence for a moment but didn’t hear any other sounds. They must have realized it was a books store. The thought made her almost snicker.


The noise didn’t even make her jump. It was to far away for it to actually matter. Somewhere else someone was probably dying or dead….but it didn’t matter because it didn’t affect her.

Her eyes fell back to the book in her hands.

When I'm out there at night, I feel close to my own body, I can feel my blood moving, my skin and my fingernails, everything, it's like I'm full of electricity and I'm glowing in the dark--I'm on fire almost--I'm burning away to nothing--but it doesn't matter because I know exactly where I am.
It said. She wished, if only for a moment she could feel that way. Feel completely alive…even if it was just once. She traced those lines with her fingers hoping for something that would never be.

She listened and found everything outside had gone silent again. Her eyes followed the lines but didn’t absorb the words….she had read the book over and over, there was no need to read the words.

You're a shadow. You slip out of your own skin, like molting, shedding your own history and your own future, leaving behind everything you ever were or wanted or believed in. Chapter 20, pg. 211 she thought to herself. Was it sad that she had memorized a war book? Was it sad she had that much time because she had no friends? Of course it was…. She felt a sense of resignation fall over her as she laid her head back against the book shelf she was leaning on. The silence was defening….

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Lucien Prince

The young girl stood there holding Lucien's hand with a cold expression on her face. Her expression blank, lifeless, and never changing was quite unsettling for Lucien. He was able to hide his emotions and intentions but he had never seen such a blank expression in his entire life. She then began to speak saying, "I am Ghost... And Father is... Father. There is only one Father, so he is all that matters." Lucien found the girl's name quite fitting. A girl who has a constant lifeless expression who is able to phase through solid objects... Very fitting. She continued saying, "It was his gift that allows me to phase through objects. It has chosen you for the honor of joining out family... You too will be gifted with an ability of his choosing. If it were not for him, you would be dead. This is an honor, so please come peacefully. You wouldn't want to see Mara upset." Her words filled Lucien's mind. He began thinking, So... This "Father" is able to grant to those he chooses supernatural powers? And he chose me to join his family? Interesting... But who is this "Mara"?

Ghost had then relaxed her grip on his hand, this time her hold was weaker, Lucien could tell. Ghost then began to say, "Come now, Father will be pleased to meet you." Slightly confused at his current situation Lucien decided that it would be best to go with this girl. Even though he did not wish to he believed that it would be much safer then to stay in the city with the police after him. Gripping Ghost's hand tighter Lucien began to walk towards the edge of the roof. Listening to the sirens he looked down to the streets below where the police were searching for him. Smiling he looked back at Ghost, whose expression hadn't changed.

"You know, I don't usually visit a girl's parents before the first date... especially their Fathers. But I guess I could make an exception this one time." Laughing he bent down and hugged the small young girl, lifting her up as he did. "You might be strong but you're still as light as a feather... You remind me of..." Before Lucien could finish his sentence he heard something approaching them, something fast. Ducking his head Lucien dodged what he now realized was a falcon which had dove down towards them. Lucien never knew that there were falcons near this city, or at least he didn't believe there were. But just as the falcon landed on the rooftop it began to change, or shift into something else... A girl.

The girl began to speak to Ghost, saying, "Ghost, why the heck would you even talk to this guy? You know what we have to do." She then walked towards the two of them and smacked Lucien across the face. Feisty... I like that, he thought. Lucien began inspecting the girl's naked body, noticing various burn scars over her body. She also had two tattoos which he could see, one on her hip and another on the back of her neck. The girl began to clothe herself with clothes which she acquired from the contents of Ghost's backpack. After clothing herself the girl continued saying, "Trust me Lucien, you really don't wanna see me upset," she then growled, something which Lucien found quite amusing.

"You know, you're in for a fun ride. Ghost here is great at being a killjoy... No offense Ghosty." She then looked towards Lucien and then down to the streets below. Continuing she said, "By the way, I'm really sorry about all this. But you screwed up, so welcome to the family." Lucien found this whole Family business to be quite annoying. Seriously am I dealing with a crackpot cult or something?, Lucien wondered. The girl then acquired a syringe from the same backpack she had gained her clothes. "Hold still so I can give you a shot." She then began to approach Lucien, armed with the syringe in hand.

When she was within Lucien's range, with his free arm he grabbed hold of the girls arm, pulling her towards him. He then broke the syringe with his heel as he kicked upwards. Lucien continued pulling her closer until she was against his body. Placing his free arm around her Lucien began to speak, saying, "Now now... I won't be letting you have all the fun. You gave me a good smack early, I thought I would return the favor by breaking that syringe of yours. You do know that such tactics are boring, and in our situation entirely unnecessary... I have already agreed to accompany you to see this so called "Father" of yours." Walking with both girls in his grasp he continued saying, "Now can we all just get along... Us three could even have some "Fun" together before we go off to your place. What do you say? ...Don't deny yourself what you know you want..." Smiling Lucien began to laugh. "I'm just messing with you girls, but if you really want to then I will be all for "it"... But enough of the bedroom talk lets get going to "Fathers" house... Just no trying to drug me up, kay? I don't need to be drugged up to go with you two."

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"Ouch it's so bright", said.... "Wait what's my name", all she knew is that her head hurt like hell. After her eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room, she sat up in bed. Nothing looked familiar but then again she couldn't even remember her name so recognizing anything wasn't going to happen.

"Where am I?", she questioned in the room, her mouth felt so dry; "I'm so thirsty", she thought to herself. As she stood up she felt a little light headed like she had been drugged or something. Looking around she saw that she wasn't alone in the room there was a girl that looked to be around her age, and the a guy who was a bit older.

She started to stagger towards them, "Please help me I don't know where I am", as she was walking her legs buckled under her and she stumbled to the floor. Soon tears began pour from her eyes, "Please I'm so confused", she cried, she had this feeling like she was terribly missing someone but she couldn't remember who they were. And the more she thought of it the more her heart ached over it. "I...I... please help", she cried.

Eventually she just crawled over to the pair and cried in front of them "Who are you?, Who am I?, Where am I?", she said sniffling and crying between each question.

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What kind of place is this? He glanced around the room, casually picking up one of the many books that were scattered around the store. How to poop? What the heck? He threw the book to the side, wishing that he had never picked that up. "Strange place..."

β€œBack here” A soft voice replied back to his question, making Hunger remember that he was still on a mission. He glared towards the back of the store, notcing that it got darker and darker the further he looked. Not that Hunger didn't like the dark...He just prefered the light. His breathing became calm and relaxed, as he strolled down the path towards the back of the store. The silence was horrifying...intimidating...Unnatural.. As if the whole world was blocked off due to this small book store. "Hunger!" A painfully annoying voice called out from the front of the store, which broke the silence. Oh god... "Get the girl, I'll go fetch the traitor," she growled on, like she was the boss of the whole mission. Soon enough she had turned into a rather deformed falcon, and flew off like a rat with wings. Hunger sighed. "Why me..."

Although it was pretty dark, Hunger was still able to see the female that was reading a book, like any normal human would waste their time on doing. Not wanting to bother her, he stand next to her, and peeked over at the book, trying to read a few lines that he could see. When I'm out there at night, I feel close to my own body, I can feel my blood moving, my skin and my fingernails, everything, it's like I'm full of electricity and I'm glowing in the dark--I'm on fire almost--I'm burning away to nothing--but it doesn't matter because I know exactly where I am. Hunger turned away from the book, and returned to his thoughts... What on earth does that mean? He looked towards his hands. It's like...i understand it...Yet it makes no sense at all. He sighed once more, turning towards the girl before poking her in the cheek.

Staring at her like a confused child, his thoughts proceeded to judging the female at the first glance. ...A very hard one indeed...Apart from her calm and relaxed features, i fear that this one has something to hide... He blinked blankly, still trying to guess weither he should go with his thoughts or not. "Hello." He said softly. "I am Hunger, i'm here to bring you to Father. He sees that you have talent to become one of his children." He paused, not knowing what to say. Knowing that he was slowing the group down left him feeling week and worse than he had felt before. But then again, why the rush? Knowing Ghost and Mara, they would've been messing around doing some other kind of shit anyways. He grasped the females' hand firmly. "We must be leaving know...You can bring a book with you if you wish." He smiled hopelessly, hoping that things would go easy for him. "Just don't freak out or anything...I'm one of the nice ones..."

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Game Master Controls

Welcome home, Promethean. Here, you can manage your universe.


Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

Add Quest » Quests

You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 22 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Inside Fathers Mansion

Inside Fathers Mansion by phooka

Look inside! (I've put the Floor Plan in here)

Door Exit To Beach

Door Exit To Beach by RolePlayGateway

The exit that leads to the beach.


Garden/Beach by RolePlayGateway

Garden or Beach

Girl's Bathing Room

Girl's Bathing Room by RolePlayGateway

Bath time, anyone?

Men's Bathing Room

Men's Bathing Room by RolePlayGateway

Bath Time, Anyone?


Elevator by RolePlayGateway

Going up?

Second Floor

Second Floor by RolePlayGateway

Second Floor

Music Room

Music Room by RolePlayGateway

Ah the sound of Music!


Bedroom by RolePlayGateway

Any Bedroom

Third Floor

Third Floor by RolePlayGateway

Third Floor- Infirmary

Check Up Room

Check Up Room by RolePlayGateway

Did you get an ouchie?

Test Room

Test Room by RolePlayGateway

Where they check you from your head to your toes.

Fourth Floor- Group Training/ Meeting Room

Fourth Floor- Group Training/ Meeting Room by RolePlayGateway

Um, yeah..

Fifth Floor- Haze's Domain

Fifth Floor- Haze's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Haze's Training Room

Fifth Floor- Ghost's Domain

Fifth Floor- Ghost's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Ghost's Training Room

Sixth Floor- Mara's Domain

Sixth Floor- Mara's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Mara's Training Room

Seventh Floor- Strategy Room

Seventh Floor- Strategy Room by RolePlayGateway

Planning Room for Missions

First Floor

First Floor by RolePlayGateway

First Floor of Mansion

Living Room

Living Room by RolePlayGateway

Living Room

Dining/Sitting Room

Dining/Sitting Room by RolePlayGateway

More of a hang out area, but designed to look like a normal old dining room.

Door Exit To Garden

Door Exit To Garden by RolePlayGateway

The exit that leads out into the garden. In dining room.

Fathers Sitting Room

Fathers Sitting Room by RolePlayGateway


Add Group » 0 Factions to align with

There are no groups in this roleplay!


By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


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By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Guess
0 sightings Guess played by phooka
"I heard somewhere that if you fold a thousand paper cranes, you'll get a wish. I do wonder if such a thing is true.'"

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Worse Than Death. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

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Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 18 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Hunger
Character Portrait: Mara
Character Portrait: The Ghost
Character Portrait: Ink
Character Portrait: Flaw
Character Portrait: Prodigy
Character Portrait: Supernova
Character Portrait: Jinx


Character Portrait: Jinx

"OH. MY. GOD... Is that candy!? Is it for me!? Is it, is it, is it!?"

Character Portrait: Supernova

"I'm gonna go lay down I've got a headache"

Character Portrait: Prodigy

"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you..."

Character Portrait: Flaw

How do you know if your you, when I look just like you?

Character Portrait: Ink

"Um, sure... whatever..."

Character Portrait: The Ghost
The Ghost

"........." *Blank stare*

Character Portrait: Mara

"Think of me as your personal demon."

Character Portrait: Hunger

Touch my apple.. Go on, i dare 'ya...


Character Portrait: Supernova

"I'm gonna go lay down I've got a headache"

Character Portrait: Ink

"Um, sure... whatever..."

Character Portrait: Mara

"Think of me as your personal demon."

Character Portrait: Flaw

How do you know if your you, when I look just like you?

Character Portrait: Prodigy

"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you..."

Character Portrait: Hunger

Touch my apple.. Go on, i dare 'ya...

Character Portrait: Jinx

"OH. MY. GOD... Is that candy!? Is it for me!? Is it, is it, is it!?"

Character Portrait: The Ghost
The Ghost

"........." *Blank stare*

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jinx

"OH. MY. GOD... Is that candy!? Is it for me!? Is it, is it, is it!?"

Character Portrait: Mara

"Think of me as your personal demon."

Character Portrait: The Ghost
The Ghost

"........." *Blank stare*

Character Portrait: Prodigy

"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you..."

Character Portrait: Supernova

"I'm gonna go lay down I've got a headache"

Character Portrait: Hunger

Touch my apple.. Go on, i dare 'ya...

Character Portrait: Ink

"Um, sure... whatever..."

Character Portrait: Flaw

How do you know if your you, when I look just like you?

View All » Places

Inside Fathers Mansion

Inside Fathers Mansion by phooka

Look inside! (I've put the Floor Plan in here)

Door Exit To Beach

Door Exit To Beach by RolePlayGateway

The exit that leads to the beach.


Garden/Beach by RolePlayGateway

Garden or Beach

Girl's Bathing Room

Girl's Bathing Room by RolePlayGateway

Bath time, anyone?

Men's Bathing Room

Men's Bathing Room by RolePlayGateway

Bath Time, Anyone?


Elevator by RolePlayGateway

Going up?

Second Floor

Second Floor by RolePlayGateway

Second Floor

Music Room

Music Room by RolePlayGateway

Ah the sound of Music!


Bedroom by RolePlayGateway

Any Bedroom

Third Floor

Third Floor by RolePlayGateway

Third Floor- Infirmary

Check Up Room

Check Up Room by RolePlayGateway

Did you get an ouchie?

Test Room

Test Room by RolePlayGateway

Where they check you from your head to your toes.

Fourth Floor- Group Training/ Meeting Room

Fourth Floor- Group Training/ Meeting Room by RolePlayGateway

Um, yeah..

Fifth Floor- Haze's Domain

Fifth Floor- Haze's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Haze's Training Room

Fifth Floor- Ghost's Domain

Fifth Floor- Ghost's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Ghost's Training Room

Sixth Floor- Mara's Domain

Sixth Floor- Mara's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Mara's Training Room

Seventh Floor- Strategy Room

Seventh Floor- Strategy Room by RolePlayGateway

Planning Room for Missions

First Floor

First Floor by RolePlayGateway

First Floor of Mansion

Living Room

Living Room by RolePlayGateway

Living Room

Dining/Sitting Room

Dining/Sitting Room by RolePlayGateway

More of a hang out area, but designed to look like a normal old dining room.

Door Exit To Garden

Door Exit To Garden by RolePlayGateway

The exit that leads out into the garden. In dining room.

Fathers Sitting Room

Fathers Sitting Room by RolePlayGateway


Inside Fathers Mansion

Look inside! (I've put the Floor Plan in here)

Door Exit To Garden

The exit that leads out into the garden. In dining room.

Test Room

Third Floor Test Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

Where they check you from your head to your toes.

Check Up Room

Third Floor Check Up Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

Did you get an ouchie?

Dining/Sitting Room

First Floor Dining/Sitting Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

More of a hang out area, but designed to look like a normal old dining room.

Door Exit To Beach

The exit that leads to the beach.

Music Room

Second Floor Music Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

Ah the sound of Music!

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