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Worse Than Death

Worse Than Death


If Father told you to jump off of a bridge, would you do it? (Will accept more experiments!!! For Forever!!!)

8,593 readers have visited Worse Than Death since phooka created it.


What am I?


You wake up one morning in a room so white that it's almost blinding. Everything, white. The beds, the sheets, the floors, the walls. The place reeks of preservatives and something else...something strange that makes your blood curdle and the hair on your arms stand on end, though you don't exactly know what it is.
You feel strange, though you can't pinpoint why, you just feel different. Slowly, you stand up and walk over to the only thing in the room that isn't white, and large, fancy mirror. Your eyes strain to see your face in the glass over the blinding white of the room, and when you finally see it, you scream. It's strange, you can hear an echo of screams around you, but in different voices, male and female, and different ages, too, though at the moment, that doesn't exactly matter.
The face staring back at you was once yours, but it has changed, though you don't know how, you don't know where the scream came from, shock? Or something else? Perhaps it is an omen of things to come?
You run out the door of your room and run into a person in a lab coat. They smile at you with a strange, twisted smile. "You're awake, good. It's time for you to meet your father."
Scared and confused, you follow the person through a series of doors, more than you can count, and then, you reach a room. It's too dark in the room to see, but you know someone is there, a man, for his shadow is large and broad. You are ordered to sit down, so you do.
"Hello my chid." The man says.
You sit there, shivering, though not from the cold, and manage to ask, "who are you?"
The man chuckles, "Don't you remember who I am?" He asks, "no, I don't suppose you remember anything do you."
"Of course I do!" You retort.
You hear him sit back in his chair, "Oh? Then what is your name?" He challenges.
You strain to remember, but it is as if your mind is a blank sheet of paper. You suddenly become terrified, and try to remember other things, anything, but there is nothing. You begin to panic and stand up out of the chair, only to be pushed down by two large pairs of hands.
"What is your name?" He repeats, he sounds amused by this.
Your eyes dart around the room, frantically. "I...I don't know." You answer.
"Don't worry, you'll get a new name soon enough." He sits forward, and a large hand emerges from the darkness, you reluctantly take it and the two of you shake hands, "you can call me Father."

* * *

It's been a week living at the mansion at the beach, all alone, only having the people in the lab coats to talk to. They've been doing tests on you and giving you daily check ups. You haven't seen Father since the day you woke up.
You were approached by a man in a lab coat and he instructs you to follow him. You walk with him back to the dark room and sit down, but something is different. This time, it's not just you and father, but you can hear others sitting in the room as well, some moving about nervously, white some sat still, the only proof that they were there was the fact that you could hear them breathing.
"Hello my children." Father spoke, "I'd like to let you in on something."
You sit and wait for him to continue.
"You are my creations. I pulled you out of your old lives, because you have done something terrible. I saved you from a life of guilt, trauma, jail, and for some of you, I saved you from being executed. I have taken you and molded you into my weapons. You each have a power, and you each must use your powers for me. You are my super weapons."
You hear gasps from some people in the room, and you hear one guy stand up. He resists the people in lab coats like they are nothing, "I will not do anyone's dirty work!" He shouts, more people in lab coats go after him, and you can hear a struggle, and then silence.
More gasps and panicked whispers.
"I apologize for that." Father continues, you can hear the boy's body being dragged out of the room, "but that is what happens when you disobey me. That boy was broken. And broken beings don't deserve life."
He stands up and you hear him pacing, "you will each be partnered up with someone and be sent to the training rooms upstairs. There are others like you, you know, earlier experiments who were successful as well, they are the ones who have accepted their fate, like you soon will. They will be your instructors." He stopped, "Your lessons that will teach you to control your powers begin tomorrow morning. You may explore the building for the time being, make friends, etcetera etcetera. You are allowed anywhere in the mansion, except for the top floor. That is my lab. You will continue with your daily checkups and tests, only they will be after your lessons. Your partner will be assigned tomorrow, and when they are assigned, you must stay with them at all times, your instructor will also be assigned tomorrow. Don't worry about eating or sleeping, you don't have to, though, if it brings you comfort, go ahead and sleep. You are dismissed." You stand up, and turn to walk out the door, and you hear the others do so as well.
"Also," Father added, "don't try to resist me, it's a lot easier for all of us to just do as I say."

Other Things You May Want To Know

-You may play as an Experiment or an Instructor. The Instructors are, for the most part, emotionless, they have been drained of all emotion after their lives in Father's Mansion. Some Instructors are entirely devoted to Father, while others have been plotting against him since their Rebirth.-
-No one has ever seen Father's face, though, there are some who believe that he is Satan himself-
-You and your assigned partner must stay together at all times, your rooms are even connected by a glass door in the middle.-
-You can try to escape, but it won't work.-
-You have all been genetically enhanced so that you each have a special ability, though they have not been activated yet, they will be activated once you begin lessons. This includes the instructors, they have a power as well, though they can use it freely, they also have the ability to unlock others powers.-
-You have done something incredibly terrible in your past life, that thing that you did is the only thing that you remember. This goes for Instructors as well.-
-You don't remember anything, not even your own name, the people in lab coats give you number code names, this number is tattooed on the back of your neck. Though, you make up a nickname that the Experiments and Instructors call you. This goes for Instructors as well.-
-Father will give you your first mission after a few days of training, you must do it, or else he will deem you to be a broken experiment, and Will exterminate you. Instructors must supervise, but cannot intervene under ANY circumstances.-
-By the way, did I mention that your partner is also your soulmate? You two were built for each other, whether you like them or not!-
(I may add more)


Role: Female Experiment
Age: 17
Power is: Giving others pain with the power of her mind.
Played by MirrorMirror1498
Status: Alive
Number Code: 9037100

Role: Male Experiment
Age: 18
Power is: Control over fire.
Played by badboyej
Status: Alive
Number Code: 5738900

Role: Female Experiment
Age: 15
Power is: Able to turn invisible.
Played by Reianna
Status: Dead
Number Code: 1615400

Role: Male Experiment
Age: 17
Power is: Ability to create illusions of others worst nightmare with the power of his mind.
Played by Spectrum
Status: Dead
Number Code: 2524500

Role: Female Experiment
Age: 14
Power is: Able to animate inanimate objects and make them work for her (such as dolls and other things)
Played by Ceur'Caelesetos
Status: Dead
Number Code: 6791250

Role: Male Experiment
Age: 15
Power is: Shadow manipulation to the point of allowing shadows to possess people.
Played by lilwolfygurl
Number Code: 3795900

Role: New Female Experiment
Age: 17
Power is: Ability to cause things to explode with the power of her mind.
Played by bananaramma
Status: Alive
Number Code: 1928300

Role: New Male Experiment
Age: 18
Power is: The power to gain skills, knowledge, and abilities of others.
Played by RoxUrSox
Status: Awaiting Arrival
Number Code: 1675300

Role: New Female Experiment
Age: 19
Power is: She has taken Gunslinger's ability to animate things.
Played by emotionless
Status: Awaiting Arrival
Number Code: 1234500

Role: New Male Experiment
Age: 17
Power is: Taken Gore's ability to give people illusions.
Played by ChildofNone
Status: Awaiting Arrival
Number Code: 1425900

Role: Female Instructor 1
Age: 16
Power is: Shapeshifter
Played by Slightly Insane
Status: Alive
Number Code: 2575700.

Role: Male Instructor 1
Age: 19
Power is: Being able to paralyze someone with the power of his mind.
Played by Lovely Spade
Status: Alive
Number Code: 3506000

Role: Female Instructor 2
Age: 15
Power is: Ability to phase through objects.
Played by RainWish
Status: Alive
Number Code: 1928300

Role: Male Soulmate 1
Age: 17
Power is: Ability to make him look like someone else.
Played by JokerofSpades
Status: Escaped/ Alive
Number Code:

Role: Female Soulmate 2
Age: 18
Power is: She can numb someone else's senses.
Played by ChildOfNone
Status: Escaped/ Alive
Number Code:

Role: Male Soulmate 3
Age: 16
Power is: Ability to transport.
Played by X-Striker
Status: Escaped/ Alive
Number Code:

Mission #1- Guess. Supervised by Haze.

"We've lost too many Experiments, and I am not happy. Olive has gotten broken, and there are two who are scheduled for extermination. I am so disappointed, did you not understand my word is law, I do not go easy on my children, and with the return of the escaped broken experiments I'll be stricter than ever. My first Mission for you, my children goes to Guess. I do not want to leave Hunger with no love, so, I promise to build him a new one, but first, we need the test subject, yes? Guess, I need you to go out and collect a girl for me. Haze will watch your every move and make sure you don't do anything stupid. You will leave after your body tests tonight. I do wish you good luck, attached is the girl's records:

Mission #2- Hunger. Supervised by Ghost and Mara.
"My children have been disappointing me. The only two Experiments left are Hunger and Guess, now how has that happened? Haven't I made myself clear enough? We need to keep our family large if we are to make a difference in this world! For this reason, I must have Hunger, Ghost, and Mara go out and collect more for those we've lost. Gore. Olive. Puppet. Attached are the three newbies. Be careful, I do not want to lose more of my children.

Today's Experiment's Schedule

Freetime You may wander the mansion at this time, or sleep, though you don't need sleep anymore. You may also go out to the beach or the garden at this time. If you leave the mansion, beware of Father's dogs, they don't get fed until 6. Stay away from the top floor and the training room.
Break/ Free time

Check Ups/ Free time When you are not in getting your check ups, you may have free time. Meet in the 3rd floor infirmary. Following are the check up schedules. You are expected to arrive at least 15 minutes before and wait in the waiting room provided.

1~ Haze
2~ Guess
3~ Hunger
4~ Ghost
5~ Mara
6~ Supernova
7~ Prodigy
8~ Jinx
9~ Wake

Body Tests/Free Time To save time, these are with your partner. You may sleep or wander when you are not at Tests. These are also held at the infirmary. Here are the test schedules. You are expected to arrive at least 15 minutes before and wait in the waiting room provided.
1~ Haze
2~ Guess and Jinx
3~ Mara
4~ Nova and Hunger
5~ Ghost
6~ Wake and Prodigy

*Instructors are required to, during any free time, keep an eye on their assigned Pairs.

NPC Scientists

Kenji Hegawa
20 years old. Rude, mean, and not easily amused. Main Doctor for Body Tests.

Ryoko Makoto
19 years old. Perverted, cocky, and annoying. Very "touchy feely" with ladies. Main doctor for Check ups.

Sakura Usaki
30 years old. Sweet and kind towards the experiments. She's the girl who tests the blood and things from the Tests.

Suki Miyata
28 years old. Strict and severe with the kids. Her job is to observe the experiments during training.

Sango Tachibana
34 years old. Smart and quiet. She watches the experiments from a distance during free time.

Rory Wanner
19 years old. Kind, but with a dark side, can be snide at times, he sort of wanders around the mansion, but he's very good at fixing things.

Character Skeleton
Code: Select all
[right][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=200]Nickname Here. (Be creative,  don’t give yourself a real name, something like, Pickles or Kitty or Trash can or Star or something like that)[/color][/size]
            [img]DIRECT IMAGE URL HERE. ANIME ONLY[/img][/right]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Age[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put your age here.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Role[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put your role here.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Gender[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put gender here[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Number Code[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]What is the number tattooed on your neck? I will give this to you once you submit your character][/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Partner[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Who is your soulmate? Edit when told.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Instructor[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Who is your instructor? Edit when told.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Personality[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put personality here. At least 5 sentences. And I mean big kid sentences,  not kindergarten ones.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Crush/Relationship Status[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put crush here. Edit accordingly.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Are You Broken?[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Are you with Father or against him? Or both?[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Power[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put the power that Father has given you here. You may put other skills here, also.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Weakness[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put some issues with your power. And also Phobias. [/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Appearance Description[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Put down appearances that aren't shown in the picture here.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Crime[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]What is the big bad thing that you did before you were reborn. Make it juicy, and not something lame.[/size]

            [size=150][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b]Other[/b][/color][/size]
            [size=90]Anything Else?[/size]

            [size=150][url=LINK TO SONG]Theme Song[/url][/size]
            [size=90]Lyrics here[/size]

Posting Skeleton
Code: Select all
[center][font=Chiller][size=200]Nickname OF CHARACTER[/size][/font][/center]
[size=90][font=footlight mt light]POST HERE[/font][/size]

1- No freaking one liners!!! Gosh! Haha. I'm not asking for 50,000,000 words, but give me at least a paragraph
2- I am law!!! Listen to me!!!
3- Make good characters
4- If you're not going to post DON'T JOIN!! I want ACTIVE ROLEPLAYERS
5- Post frequently, AT LEAST 1 post PER DAY
6- Let's keep this PG-13, hey, you can always take it to PM if ya know what I mean ;) JK JK!!!
7- Please don't swear like a sailor, that's not attractive!
8- I am only accepting good characters, so I have the right to not accept your character. Bad characters are one of my pet peeves. For that reason, I am allowing more than one person to reserve a character, then I can choose the best one. If someone reserves, then makes the character, and no one has reserved it in the meantime, and I like it, I will accept the character, and no one else can make that character, then.
9- Only I play Father
10- All reservations go in the OOC
11- Please check the Info page often, I'll be adding things such as missions, partner pairings, the Experiments/Instructors schedules for the day, etc. as the roleplay progresses.
12- If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to ask me.
13- I am a very easy going person, so, don't be afraid of me, haha.
14- This is character driven, so don't ask me about every little thing, you are old enough to make your own decisions. Although, if you are planning something huge, please discuss it in the OOC.
15- Follow the Character and Posting skeletons.
17- Write the rule number that I skipped in your character sheet so I know you read these.
18- Don't start OOC wars.
19- If I ask you to change something, just change it, it's for the good of the roleplay.
Okay, now that you all know how needy I am, lets have some fun! :D

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 22 Settings to roleplay in

Inside Fathers Mansion

Inside Fathers Mansion by phooka

Look inside! (I've put the Floor Plan in here)

Door Exit To Beach

Door Exit To Beach by RolePlayGateway

The exit that leads to the beach.


Garden/Beach by RolePlayGateway

Garden or Beach

Girl's Bathing Room

Girl's Bathing Room by RolePlayGateway

Bath time, anyone?

Men's Bathing Room

Men's Bathing Room by RolePlayGateway

Bath Time, Anyone?


Elevator by RolePlayGateway

Going up?

Second Floor

Second Floor by RolePlayGateway

Second Floor

Music Room

Music Room by RolePlayGateway

Ah the sound of Music!


Bedroom by RolePlayGateway

Any Bedroom

Third Floor

Third Floor by RolePlayGateway

Third Floor- Infirmary

Check Up Room

Check Up Room by RolePlayGateway

Did you get an ouchie?

Test Room

Test Room by RolePlayGateway

Where they check you from your head to your toes.

Fourth Floor- Group Training/ Meeting Room

Fourth Floor- Group Training/ Meeting Room by RolePlayGateway

Um, yeah..

Fifth Floor- Haze's Domain

Fifth Floor- Haze's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Haze's Training Room

Fifth Floor- Ghost's Domain

Fifth Floor- Ghost's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Ghost's Training Room

Sixth Floor- Mara's Domain

Sixth Floor- Mara's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Mara's Training Room

Seventh Floor- Strategy Room

Seventh Floor- Strategy Room by RolePlayGateway

Planning Room for Missions

First Floor

First Floor by RolePlayGateway

First Floor of Mansion

Living Room

Living Room by RolePlayGateway

Living Room

Dining/Sitting Room

Dining/Sitting Room by RolePlayGateway

More of a hang out area, but designed to look like a normal old dining room.

Door Exit To Garden

Door Exit To Garden by RolePlayGateway

The exit that leads out into the garden. In dining room.

Fathers Sitting Room

Fathers Sitting Room by RolePlayGateway


The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 15 authors

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"Hello." The word resonated around the silent, empty room.

Dallas jumped when the man spoke. She hadn’t even heard him come over to her. Was she surprised? No. She was to lost. Lost in her own world. A torrent of feelings and thoughts meshed together to form a place where she could be at peace…or some semblance of peace. Would she ever really be at peace again? Was she ever truly at peace in the first place?

She thought about it for a second and decided: No. She never had real peace in her life. It was always a constant struggle to stay out of the way of those who hated her for nothing. They were dead now, so shouldn’t she be at peace? She couldn’t be, she realized, because they haunted her now, from beyond the grave. They haunted her and would never leave her alone as long as she was in this life. She looked up at him, her big green eyes filling quickly with tears she didn’t understand.

"I am Hunger, I’m here to bring you to Father. He sees that you have talent to become one of his children. We must be leaving know...You can bring a book with you if you wish…Just don't freak out or anything...I'm one of the nice ones..." He said. She thought hard about refusing but that feeling of resignation was back worse than ever and she knew eventually she would have to go with him. She realized he was showing her a kindness; letting her bring her book to wherever he was going to take her. She stood slowly, the book pressed to her heart.
β€œWill I ever get a chance to have peace?” she murmured her eyes locked with his, only one tear escaping her. The rest she locked away, not allowing a weakness even now.
β€œI don’t deserve it I know….but I can hope right? Is that against the rules? To hope..?” she asked then fell silent, her eyes skipping back to the floor. All she ever wanted was peace…

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She should have expected this, but at least this guy hadn't flipped her onto her back. Because she really didn't want her spine to break. That would hurt and Ghost and Hunger would likely leave her there. "Now now... I won't be letting you have all the fun. You gave me a good smack early, I thought I would return the favor by breaking that syringe of yours." Mara scoffed. He deserved the smack, he should know that. Well, he would know that anyway after she knocked him out good and dragged him back to the mansion. She really couldn't wait to go home right now, because his grip was tight. She looked up at him, finding a new enemy. But she guessed she'd have to wait and see until he was reborn.

"I have already agreed to accompany you to see this so called "Father" of yours." He tugged her and Ghost along, with Mara growling like a demented wolf the whole time. She wished she would have packed shoes now, or put pants on so her legs wouldn't get all scraped up if she tried to sit down. She didn't like being dragged along, she liked being in control.

"Now can we all just get along... Us three could even have some "Fun" together before we go off to your place. What do you say? ...Don't deny yourself what you know you want..." Mara didn't even want to know what he meant by that. It's been too long since her last trip here. Who know would kids thought and did these days? He was probably a junkie anyways. "I'm just messing with you girls, but if you really want to then I will be all for "it"... But enough of the bedroom talk lets get going to "Fathers" house... Just no trying to drug me up, kay? I don't need to be drugged up to go with you two." What in the world was 'bedroom' talk? Yeah, the kid really was on drugs, wasn't he. And she was gonna let him know it.

"Where do you think you're going, stupid boy? You need us to lead the way to Father's mansion. Not a house, a house doesn't have seven floors and enough rooms for all us lovely experiments. Stupid kid." Mara laughed a bit, glancing at Ghost to see how she was reacting to all of this. "No promises with the drugs, considering I'm pretty sure you're already on some. Sane people don't act like you. But we aren't looking for sane goodie goodies, we're looking for crazy addicts like you. Stupid junkies... Anyways, stop yanking on my wrist. I'll turn into a rabid dog and bite your sorry butt." She grinned a bit, but knew Father would literally kill her if she got him sick.

"We're headed to a book store a few blocks away to meet up with some... friends. Think you can drag us there Newbie?" Mara looked at Ghost, who was probably freaking out in her mind right now. She herself wasn't too thrilled about this guy. He was more idiotic than Hunger! Who knew that was even possible?

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(Timothy Anderson)

"Timothy..." his social worker said, worry underlining her words. She looked over her shoulder at him then quickly looked forward at the road. "Its alright. We'll find you a home soon enough dear. The Drews just weren't right for you okay?" Hearing no answer Mrs. Caldwell bit her lower lip before trying again in a more cheerful tone. "You'll see, another family will surely take you in and keep you. You're just too great to be passed up. There will be plenty of new and great opportunities for you to meet a wonderful family to be-" she cut herself off as she heard hiccups from the backseat. She sighed and looked ahead sadly. "Let it all out Timmy... let it all out..." she said quietly.

As soon as the words left her mouth the boys hiccups increased but this time a painful sobbing accompanied them. Tears streamed down Timothy's cheeks and he buried his face into his favorite fuzzy teddy bear. Why? Why did no one want him!? Was he that detestable? Was he no good? He didn't know. He just didn't know. Every time it was the same thing. "Im sorry dear, I guess we just aren't ready for a child yet"- "Now get out and stay out!"- "We're very sorry..." Timothy was sick of all the excuses and rejection. Another sob ripped from his throat, this one more painful to hear than the rest; by then even Mrs. Caldwell was silently crying.

The car ride lasted up to around 30 minutes. 30 painful wretched minutes. By the time they parked in front of the orphanage Timothy had stopped crying. Only the puffy redness of his eyes and nose and the small spaced hiccups were left as evidence of his earlier breakdown. He moved sluggishly. As if his whole energy had been drained out and he had conceded to defeat. It was almost painful to watch this young boy go from unstoppably cheerful to a mass of deflated nothing. His social worker watched him worriedly as he slowly ambled up to the orphanage doors. She gingerly took his suitcase from his hand and gave him a tentative smile. He just stared back at her blankly. Giving up, she went off to talk to the head of the place. Left alone in the middle of the doorway Timothy's lip started to quiver but he reigned in the tears that threatened to spill once again. No way was he gonna give the other kids the satisfaction of seeing him crying because of yet another rejection. He quickly made his way to his regular room. Seeing that no one new occupied it he settled in his stiff and scratchy bed and dozed off into a world where rejection and sadness didn't exist; into a world where he could be forever happy.

Timothy woke up to snickering and mocking voices. His eyes snapped open and he sat up quickly. In his doorway stood a few boys and girls near his age. The smug looks and curled lips they gave Timothy made his stomach twist painfully.

"Look at what we've got here guys! If it isn't Throw-Away Tim." said Mark, the "leader" of the little army in his rooms doorway. Everyone laughed. All except Timothy which had only squeezed his teddy harder and stiffened. Mark sauntered into the room like he owned the place and leaned right in Tim's face. "Rejected again?" he snickered and grinned smugly at him. Timothy's lip quivered but he stayed silent. "Aw, is the poor reject gonna cry? Do you want your mommy? Oh! Thats right! You don't have one. She didn't want you and neither does anyone else." Mark all but yelled the words at him. Timothy's body shook from the unshed tears, the rage, the humiliation and the vaulted desire to shove Marks word down the very throat they came from, to choke him with them until he begged for air and forgiveness. But Tim didn't.

Mark and his friends laughed at him as they exited the room. Their words receding as they walked away. And yet they ringed in Timothy's ears loudly. We're all orphans! he shouted in his mind, Nobody wants any of you guys either! It didn't help. He jumped up, took two strides to the door and slammed it shut. He knew the walls were thin but at the moment he didn't give a damn. He screamed; his throat burning as air rushed out. He snapped around, grabbed the lamp next to his desk and smashed it to the wall. He watched as it broke into a million pieces before turning around and destroying the rest of his already crappy and dull room. Paper was shredded, glass and wood were broken and smashed, clothes were thrown in the air and pillow feathers had been taken out. By the end of it all only the bed stood where it initially was. Timothy snatched up his teddy bear and was about to pull it apart but he suddenly stopped.

Lowering the fuzzy toy he stared at it silently. His breath came out in ragged gasps and his hands and feet burned with cuts. A tear slipped out, then another and another until they cascaded like an endless waterfall. Tim hugged the small bear to his chest and let himself fall to the ground in a heap of sorrow and fear.


The caretakers scolded him. They went on and on about how they knew how dissapointed he felt but that that was no reason to trash his room. He didn't tell them about Mark and his gang. Why should he? They wouldn't believe him anyway. In their eyes Mark was an "outstanding child that would one day make some family proud". So, he clamped up and made like he was listening. They let him off this time with a warning and pushed him into the recreational room. This is where they spent their "recess". It was either here or outside in the small weed infested yard. He walked silently to the other end of the room and leaned against the brick wall. His eyes remained solely on his teddy bear.

Of course, whatever small amount of peace that had settled in him was shattered as two scruffy looking boots came into his line of vision. He didn't have to look up to know who it was. Mark, hissed a small voice in his mind. Timothy didn't dare lift his head up and instead just hugged his teddy bear to him.

"Came out to play did ya'?" came Marks snide question. "Didn't think you'd be brave enough to crawl out of your hole." Suddenly a hand gripped his chin and Tim was forced to look at Marks dark brown eyes. "Im talking to you reject. You should be honored. After all, no one else would want to talk to you. You should be grateful." Mark grinned at Timothy. He noticed then that Marks gaggle of followers were right behind him. All of them watching and laughing at the scene before them. Timothy pursed his lips and snapped away his chin from Marks hand angrily. "Leave me alone." came his strained reply.

Mark laughed along with the rest of them. He took a step forward and like the followers that they were they pressed forward and around Timothy. "What? You gonna go tell on me? Go ahead you piece of shit. See who cares." Mark threw a look at his friends then directed his attention back to Tim. "No one does. Thats who. Nobody will ever give a damn about you. You'll just keep getting rejected and thrown away. Like the trash you are."

"Shut up." Tim said. By then he was shaking again. This time the trembles that went through him weren't of sadness but of hot rage. He seethed silently as Mark continued on with his little speech. "Am I right guys?" Mark directed the question towards his friends. A bunch of 'yeas' and a few insults were uttered. Mark turned back to Timothy with a smug grin. "See. You're nothing around here and nothing out there. So why don't you do the world a favor and just kill yourself? Huh? Nobody would even notice. Life will go on without you and it'll be great." Timothy mumbled for them to stop, told them to go away but they didn't. Mark kept on going. "I mean, really, your mother should have just aborted you to begin with. If she didn't want ya' what made her think anybody else would? She must of been really stupid to give birth to the likes of you."

"SHUT.UP!" he yelled and before even he knew it he had grabbed the back of Marks neck and pulled it forward. Timothy watched in fascination as Marks head connected to the brick wall. Reveled in the sound of his cranium breaking and caving into his brain. Blood splattered the wall and his face. His hand slowly let go of Marks head and he watched as his body fell to the ground. Dead. Around him the other stared in shock, frozen in place by the sight of their dead friend. Timothy needed more. He longed for it, even ached for the spilling of their warm blood. Without a second thought he whirled around. His hand went into his jeans pocket where a switch blade laid comfortable. Grasping the cold metal he took it out and slashed at the next nearest person. The sharp blade cut down the face of a teenage girl, blood seeped out and as Tim retracted his knife her eyeball came with it. He snapped it out and watched as the girl fell to her knees screaming loudly. her screaming seemed to snap the others out of their shock and soon more screams joined hers. The scrambled around, trying their hardest to get away from him. Timothy chuckled darkly and looked at the girls eyes that now laid in his hand. Squeezing it, he full out laughed. The sound crazy and hysterical.

"Aw guys, I was just getting to the good part. Don't ya' wanna play?"

Then the chase ensued. Timothy's vision was a blur of red warm blood and dead bodies. Their cries of pain filled him with a sense of power, their blood soaked him from head to toe giving him a warmth like no other and the fear etched on their faces as he took away their life gave him a joyous satisfaction. Mercy was not given. Had they given him mercy? No! Had they given him a chance? No! So he spared no one.

By the end of it all the floor and walls were covered in blood; fresh and dried. Bodies littered the hallways and rooms. Timothy stepped over them slowly, eyes wide like that of a child's when it stared at something in awe and wonder. Suddenly crying pierced the eery silence. Timothy cocked his head to the side and followed the wailing cries. They led him down a hall and into what was a nursery room. The orphanage hardly had any babies around on account that they were adopted more often than any older kids. So it surprised Timothy to see a small bundled babe in a down turned cradle. Someone must have knocked it down..., he thought as he edged closer to the crying baby. He leaned his upper body forward and peered down at the squealing child. Its pinched face was red from all his high pitched screaming. Timothy's hands came forward and lifted the child up. He stared at the baby for moment before his manic features turned soft and loving. No longer did his eyes shine with the huger and craze they held only minutes ago. He cradled the babe in his arms with such care and gentleness that no one would have guessed he'd killed everyone in the house if it wasn't for the blood that drenched him. He cooed at the baby and rocked him slowly as he walked around the room. "Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep and carry you down into sleep." he sung softly to the child. The babes cries began to quiet down slowly and his wide eyes blinked at Timothy. He smiled and kept going. "Child, the darkness will rise from the deep and carry you down into sleep. Guileless son, I'll shape your belief, and you'll always know that your fathers a thief. And you wont understand the cause of your grief , but you'll always follow the voices beneath." A sweet yawn passed the baby's plump lips and his eyes fluttered closed.

Timothy felt something warm spread inside him at the sight of this small human being. He sat down on a rocking chair in the corner of the room and hummed out the rest of the lullaby. Rocking back and forth he stayed content in watching the babe in his arms sleep peacefully. He vaguely heard the neighbors panicked voices just outside the orphanage but he ignored them and kept his eyes locked on the small buddle in his bloody arms.

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Hunger watched carefully, as the female began to stand up. Her fresh green eyes, started to fill up with tears of emotion. Pain and sorrow could be easily read from the look on her face. When was the last time Hunger cried? Could he even cry, now that he was working for Father? Could he ever...feel such emotions as she did? Still keeping a tight grip on her hand, Hunger trailed off into thought. Crying... Is it a sign of weakness? A attempt for help? Why can't i cry...Surely i'm feeling the same way right about now... Constantly bullied for no reason..And for what? To please a purple haired girl and a group of other people? What did i do to get wrapped up in all this? Why can't i friken remember? He paused, notcing that he was turning into a male Guess.

β€œWill I ever get a chance to have peace?” She questioned him, glancing into his eyes like a lost child. A tear slowly crawled its way down her cheek. Hunger smiled slightly, then wiped the tear away with his finger. "Everything happens for a reason. Father had chose you for a reason. That reason could be anything. But, whatever you have caused here, will soon be forgotten once you come back with me. There will be no reason to cry anymore, no reason to regret what yo have done. After all...Whats' in the past.. Is in the past, there is nothing we can do to change it." His voice remained calm and relaxed, making sure that she felt comfortable. β€œI don’t deserve it I know….but I can hope right? Is that against the rules? To hope..?” She continued, only this time she looked towards the floor, which saddened him alittle.

He looked towards the door, admiring the sunlight that blazed through the gaps. "Everybody deserves the right to have peace. No matter what you have done. Hoping is a way of bringing us closer to that dream of peace... And as far as i know, dreaming isn't against the rules, so why would hoping be?" He laughed slightly, trying to lighten the mood. "Take me for example. I'm still new to all this, i'm confused...And sometimes i wonder... 'Is this the peace i've been hoping for.' At first, it may seem like peace is simply avoiding you. But it will come..No matter how late it may seem." He tugged on her sleeve slightly, hoping to catch her attention. "Now..we can either stay here untill you get caught for what ever you did. Or, we can go on to Father...And continue our chase for peace?" Hunger was slightly suprised at himself. Never had he spoke to anyone like that before...Infact, he couldn't understand where his words came from. He let out a hopeless laugh and headed for the door, hopefully the female trusted him enough to follow. "Who knows... Maybe we could be friends?" He finished calmly, as the door swung open.

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"Everything happens for a reason. Father had chosen you for a reason. That reason could be anything. But, whatever you have caused here, will soon be forgotten once you come back with me. There will be no reason to cry anymore, no reason to regret what you have done. After all...What’s' in the past.. Is in the past, there is nothing we can do to change it." His voice remained calm.

Dallas felt stillness fall over her. Almost as if he had given her some emotional tranquilizer….it was good not to feel….

"Everybody deserves the right to have peace. No matter what you have done. Hoping is a way of bringing us closer to that dream of peace... And as far as i know, dreaming isn't against the rules, so why would hoping be? Take me for example. I'm still new to all this, i'm confused...And sometimes i wonder... 'Is this the peace i've been hoping for.' At first, it may seem like peace is simply avoiding you. But it will come...No matter how late it may seem." He said then tugged on her sleeve lightly.

Dallas smiled, her first real smile since….well it had been to long to truly remember.

β€œThank you” she said with a smile.

"Now…we can either stay here until you get caught for what ever you did. Or, we can go on to Father...And continue our chase for peace?" He asked. Dallas thought for a second as he started towards the door.

β€œYes, I would like to continue our chase for peace….” She whispered not knowing if he could hear her.

"Who knows... Maybe we could be friends?" He asked and Dallas felt something completely new. She felt okay.

β€œYes, friends….I would like that a lot….Its nice to have a new friend Hunger…” she said with a smile as she followed him.

β€œThank you….for everything.” She said then fell silent, into her own thoughts again.

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Ghost remained silent as Lucien picked her up. It was her second hug of the day, the first from Hunger. Still, she had no understanding of what provoked the actions. This boy must have been excited at the thought of seeing Father. Yes, that made sense. Who wouldn't be excited to see Father?

At Mara's arrival, Ghost did little to assist her fellow instructor in capturing the boy and clothing herself for two reasons. A: Ghost was trapped inside Lucien's grip and was too weak to struggle away. B: Mara never asked (ordered) Ghost too. It never crossed the doll's mind that assistance could even be needed. Instead, Ghost blankly watched as the purple girl bickered with the newest arrival into Father's family. Her position near the boy did not phase Ghost in the slightest. Her expression never changed except for an occasional blink. "We're headed to a book store a few blocks away to meet up with some... friends. Think you can drag us there Newbie?"

Ghost remained silent through the exchange. It would not have been surprising if the other two people even forgot she was there. In the distance, young cries of fear pierced the air. Ghost tilted her head, gazing off into the distance where the sound originated. "Timothy," Ghost murmured softly, recalling the last person from file they had not found yet. If Hunger had completed his mission (which Ghost could not see any other option to since it was an order from Father, so it simply must be done without exception) then Timothy Anderson was the last experiment they needed to collect. It would be surprising if the cries of horror did not originate from one of Father's new prizes. She looked to Mara and then Lucien before turning her head once again in the direction of the chaos. "We need to get Timothy for Father. Father said so."

The setting changes from Inside Fathers Mansion to Garden/Beach


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Lucien Prince

The girl then began to speak to Lucien, saying, "Where do you think you're going, stupid boy? You need us to lead the way to Father's mansion. Not a house, a house doesn't have seven floors and enough rooms for all us lovely experiments. Stupid kid." She laughed after she had said this, something which Lucien found most irritating. He didn't like anyone who called him stupid, especially when he was highly intelligent. But there was no need to argue with her, No need to start a fight with someone who could probably turn into a Lion and kick my ass, now is there?, he thought. The girl continued and said, "No promises with the drugs, considering I'm pretty sure you're already on some. Sane people don't act like you. But we aren't looking for sane goodie goodies, we're looking for crazy addicts like you. Stupid junkies... Anyways, stop yanking on my wrist. I'll turn into a rabid dog and bite your sorry butt." What she said was very insulting to Lucien. Lucien never had and never will take any drugs that are unnecessary, especially recreational mind altering drugs. "We're headed to a book store a few blocks away to meet up with some... friends. Think you can drag us there Newbie?"

Lucien began to laugh, finding her last request quite hilarious. "You're talking to the Lecher Prince, I escaped the eyes of the police for over a month now... of course I can get you to a bookstore a few blocks from here... You know you might be able to shapeshift into, whatever it was you threatened me as, but I will tell you this... One, I do not take drugs, they are unnecessary and limit my calculative abilities... Two, you are right I am not sane, I suffer from an Antisocial disorder and I am known as a Sociopath... And three, even with your powers you will not harm me because of your "Father". If you wished me dead then the little miss here would've let me get shot... Now that we have that sorted..."

Ghost then began to speak saying, "Timothy... We need to get Timothy for Father. Father said so." Lucien looked at Ghost with a unconcerned look, Why should I care about who your Father wants? I'm just on the ride to get out of this place... too much heat to stay here. If they actually think I want to join their screwed up family they've got to be delusional. Lucien then said to Ghost, "Well I'm heat bait right now I don't think my assistance would really help... It would only cause the attraction of the police which wouldn't be good for me or your mission. So if you don't mind..." Lucien let go of his grip off the two girls. He then ran to the other side of the rooftop, jumping from the roof to the next building. He called out to them saying, "...I'm going to be headed to the bookstore you talked about earlier. Safest and quickest route will be over the rooftops, since I still got heat on me down there. Follow or continue your own mission, I'm sure you'll decide which is best for you..."

Lucien then began to travel from rooftop to rooftop, continuing until he found himself on top of a bookstore. He looked around to see if any of the girls had followed him and down to the ground if anyone had left the bookstore.

The setting changes from Garden/Beach to Inside Fathers Mansion

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She found it annoying, having to deal with these two. it would be ten times better when they met up with Dallas and Hunger. She could only pray Dallas was sane. Oh wait, the drug addict was saying something... "You're talking to the Lecher Prince, I escaped the eyes of the police for over a month now... of course I can get you to a bookstore a few blocks from here..." Mara looked at him questioningly, but let him continue on. It was just what the mansion needed- another know it all. She could only hope he'd be less obnoxious when he woke up. "One, I do not take drugs, they are unnecessary and limit my calculative abilities... Two, you are right I am not sane, I suffer from an Antisocial disorder and I am known as a Sociopath... And three, even with your powers you will not harm me because of your "Father". If you wished me dead then the little miss here would've let me get shot... Now that we have that sorted..."

Mara laughed again. "Little miss right there has a name you know. Not a real one of course, but that'll come later." She looked at Ghost. "And the amnesia, thank goodness," she whispered. "Father is a being, not an actual dad. We don't have parents. They probably blew up years ago." Or I killed them... she thought, feeling regretful as she always had. "Call him Father, respect him, fear him, and listen to him. If you end up broken, it'll be a wonderland ending for you too."

She looked over at Ghost and gave her a quick nod before Lucien spoke again. She'd nearly forgotten their friend Timothy, who would be replacing her poor baby psycho. She frowned, missing Gore already. Mara scoffed a bit at Lucien's claim in not being able to help. "You aren't walking dead yet, so you can help. Act like yourself- it's gotten you this far in life hasn't it? We can handle the police. They see us around every now and then, abducting their most wanted teen-" Of course, right in th emiddle of an important speech and he decides to run away. "I really hate that kid," she mumbled to Ghost.

Sighing, she wondered who should be the one to get Timothy. Lucien was supposed to be fetched by Hunger, not the instructors. But it looks like he got a break for today. Mara shifted quickly into another falcon and took off, keeping an eye on their new prisoner. She and Ghost both knew that he would never remember their first meeting, that he would only know his crimes. But they would know a portion of his life that he'd lost. Was it the same for whoever had found them? She wished she knew how she'd managed to be taken away from her old life and forced into the new.

Mara landed on Lucien's shoulder as he stood over the bookstore, hoping he wouldn't brush her off as Ghost had done earlier. If he tried to run, she could always dig her talons into his shoulder. It would heal... eventually.

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#, as written by phooka

"Who are you?, Who am I?, Where am I?" The girl, Caroline, came over, panic was written all over her face. Guess tried to keep her face free of emotion, but found it harder and harder to keep calm with the poor girl crying in front of her. She put her hands on the girl's shoulders and smiled, sliding off of the chair and onto the floor.

She tucked a strand of the girl's black hair out of her face and behind her ear, gently. Father's surgery had been a success, even the small puncture wound from the needle she had put in Caroline's neck was gone, leaving the girl with smooth, flawless skin. Father's surgery does wonders for the skin, Guess hadn't had a blemish on her since she was reborn.

"It's okay, shhh." Guess cooed, "You are now whoever you want to be, this is your new life. You're starting over. My name is Guess and this is Haze. We're friends, okay?" She smiled, then wiped the tears off of the girl's cheek, "First off, tell us, what do you want to be called? We all make up our own names, because none of us remember our real ones, our real names just tether us to our old lives, but..." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "but our old lives were too painful, so Father saved us." She grinned, again, "but another cool thing is that we all get powers! Isn't that cool? Now, Haze is going to describe the rules, okay, don't get scared, it's going to be fun! I promise!" She hugged Caroline, and sat down next to her, keeping a comforting arm around her.

They had planned it out, Guess had said she'd say the comfort things, and Haze would explain the rules and consequences, then, it'd be all over. Once they exited this room for their body tests, Caroline, no, not Caroline, she'd never be Caroline again, Experiment 1928300, would be a new girl.

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Ghost watched silently as Mara and Lucien fled the rooftop. She was alone. All... Alone. Ghost remained where she was for a few minutes, her empty mind trying to figure out what her next course of action would be. Ghost come up with... Nothing. She felt lost. Unlike Mara and Lucien, she did not have the agility to flee over the rooftops, nor did she have the mental processing capacity to even decide her own action. Find Experiment #1425900. Guide Hunger. Watch Mara. Those were Father's words, his commands to the doll. But where to begin? Find the Experiment and abandon Hunger and Mara? Or find her charge and friend and abandon the Experiment?

The choices overwhelmed the marionette. Without her puppeteer, she was nothing. A body without a true soul able to enjoy the fire of emotions. She had no connection to the past and no pull towards the future. There was only the present, and no one was around to direct (order) her where to go. It was a sad situation.

The doll migrated to the fire escape and climbed to the street level. Inside the crowd and inside her own mental confusion, Ghost found herself lost. Unable to choose between forward and back, she remained still. Standing on the street side, she waited for someone to come that could tell (order) her how to react. She appeared even younger than her true age. Standing alone with her blank stare, she appeared to be a lost child without anywhere to go.

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Dallas hesitated before stepping out of the door to the store. She wondered for a moment if she was making the right decision. Leaving all she had ever known for a chance of a new life…one she wouldn’t have to run. Was that too good to be true? She sighed and realized it didn’t matter if she went or not. One way or another her life here was over. She shook her head and grabbed the keys to the library and locked it on the way out. A futile attempt to feel the normalcy of her miserable life before she murdered the 4 girls. The brilliant light blinded her for a moment, almost making her feel as though she where stepping into heaven. Into peace, love, and light. She felt better for some reason.

β€œI guess there’s nothing left…” she murmured and dropped the book on the front step.

β€œI don’t want anything that could remind me….of the mistake that is this life” She said knowing it was her favorite book, all her personal notes, all her thoughts where in the cover of that book. She also took off the silver chain locket and dropped it next to the book.

β€œI’m readyβ€”β€œshe murmured then looked up as she heard the sound of footsteps and wings. She looked up, her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the blinding blue sky. When they did she saw a man on the room of the store with a bird on his shoulder. He was handsome, and if she had the nerve to say it, she would have said drop dead sexy. He looked like the type who was used to such compliments and would just brush it off so she just smiled up at him, said: β€œHello” then looked back towards Hunger, awaiting his instructions.

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Lucien Prince

As he stood above the bookstore looking down at it's entrance Lucien couldn't help but think of the events that had just happened. His life of crime caught up to him, he would be dead if it wasn't for the young girl who saved him. Ghost... was she really such a lifeless person? Did she save me just because of her orders or did she actually want to save me? Maybe I should ask her. Lucien turned around to look and see if Ghost was around. She was not. Maybe she's still traveling to get here... or maybe she fell and hurt herself... What if she's injured?, these thoughts filled his mind, he was worried. Lucien couldn't help but worry about her, because of her fragile appearance he wondered if she was okay. Then again the other girl still isn't here... maybe I will need to go back to get both of them...

At that moment Lucien felt a familiar feeling of something swooping down towards him. He thought that it was probably the shapeshifting girl from earlier, his guess was correct. A falcon landed on his shoulders not a second later, her talons almost digging into his skin. Lucien looked at the now perched falcon on his shoulders and said, "You know you might look like a falcon at the moment... but I know that there is a naked girl sitting on my shoulders, and that suits me just fine." Grinning Lucien then turned his attention back towards the bookstore's entrance. "You didn't see Ghost coming our way here did you?... I know she has powers like you but I can't help but worry for that girl, she seems... Like a doll... Once we get everything sorted here lets get back to her as soon as possible."

Watching the street below he noticed the door to the bookstore open. He then noticed that two people exited the building, a man and a girl. I guess these were the people the girls were talking about earlier... They don't look too special, but then again one of them isn't... I wonder which one it is? The girl then looked up towards the sky and noticed Lucien and the falcon on the rooftop. She then looked towards Lucien and said, "Hello." Lucien looked down at her with a quizzical look wondering, Hello? Is that the common response to seeing a man with a falcon on top of a rooftop looking down at you?... If it were me I would say "WTF?" but... to each his or her own. Finding this quite amusing Lucien looked down and saw that there were no policemen in sight, Probably starting a perimeter around the cities exits... they did that last time they almost caught me. Will just have to use unorthodox methods of travel... well me at least.

Noticing that there were no policemen Lucien believed it would be safe for him to travel the streets, at least for the moment. He then looked towards the falcon and said, "You're a bird at the moment so... If you get scared you can just fly." With a devilish grin on his face Lucien jumped off from the rooftop. Anchoring his body to the wall with his left hand and feet he slid across the building wall until he saw an metal awning which was located on the next building. Pushing himself from the wall he launched towards that awning, grabbing it with his right hand. Now swinging from it he shifted his weight, turning his body around and placing his left hand on the awning's rail. He then swung forward launching off from it and landing safely on the ground, crouching next to the two who had just exited the bookstore. Standing up he then looked towards the girl saying, "Hello to you too", with a smile on his face.

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"You know you might look like a falcon at the moment... but I know that there is a naked girl sitting on my shoulders, and that suits me just fine." Mara would have rolled her eyes, but she wasn't sure that was possible in her current form. Oh, if only she could talk or read minds! Or both! More powers would be great at this moment. Cough, cough...

She watched as Dallas walked out, tilting her head a bit as the girl peered up at them. Hunger stood beside her, making her mentally frown. Lucien spoke again, but by the time the anger Mara realized it, it was too late. She was dragged along with Lucien until he was almost on the ground, at which point she'd jumped off and landed... Before nearly being crushed by the newbie boy again. Really? Was this kid trying to make her hate him? She shifted back, glaring at him. "Really? You could have given me a better warning before jumping off the roof like a crazy person!" she yelled at him, wondering where Ghost was. Because until she got back, Mara was stuck walking around naked. Unless anybody wanted to lend her a jacket or something, but the prince didn't seem overly generous.

Mara sighed and looked at Dallas as she tried to figure out how to clothe herself before you know, people started freaking out and stuff. "Sup? You won't remember me in a few hours, but my name is Mara. Pleasure to meet you and hope Hunger hasn't threatened to burn you alive. Excuse my nudity, but this is what happens when we're in the real world. And not at Father's lovely mansion. I know you'll love it." Sarcasm was evident in her voice as she looked at the others awkwardly. "Anybody got something to cover me before I get arrested?"

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Did i react like this when i was called upon to work for Father? Heck, where the hell do i used to live... What was life like for me before... He sighed slightenly to himself, as the door behind him became locked. Blazing down upon him, the sunrays' brightened his mood. The simply touch of warmth brought a smaile on his face. "God i love the sun..." He turned around to see how the new girl was doing. Which was...pretty depressing.

She had dropped her book, for whatever reason that maybe...Then proceeded to whispering something to herself. Hunger had raised his eyebrow, looking at her rather confused. i could really kill for a apple...Mhmm apples... β€œI don’t want anything that could remind me….of the mistake that is this life” She said emotionally. Which was fair enough since nobody would want to remember such a horrible crime that they should be sent into hell for. But why was Hunger desperate to remember his own crime? Was he becoming broken? No...He couldn't be..."You will remember nothing once Father is done with you. No harmful memories of the pain that you have suffered over the last couple of years. Nothing..." Why does that seem like a bad thing all of a sudden? Dear lord.. I'm talking to myself...Urrghh! "I'm ready-" She finished.

Almost at the same time, both Hunger and the new girl turned to look above them. A man.. who looked around the same age as Hunger...and fairly confident in himself. Strangely, a weirdass bird was on his shoulder. And weird animals could only be one person...Mara. Oh great. Just freaken great.. he turned away, not wanting to interact with Mara or this new guy. Come to think about it...all he wanted was a apple pie..But where was Ghost? Afterall, she did promise him a pie afterwords. "You guys' left Ghost alone didn't you? What a smart thing to do." He could only imagine the fear that Ghost was suffering. Frankly enough, she didn't do too well on her own. And the rush of the city would just pile on to that fear. "Jesus, its' like i'm being looked after by some fucked up child." He sighed again.

"Sup? You won't remember me in a few hours, but my name is Mara. Pleasure to meet you and hope Hunger hasn't threatened to burn you alive. Excuse my nudity, but this is what happens when we're in the real world. And not at Father's lovely mansion. I know you'll love it." She said blankly, clearly attempting to ignore Hunger. "Anybody got something to cover me before I get arrested?"
Hunger shrugged in disgust. No way was he going to turn around now, hell no. "You know whats' funny. You're the one standing there naked, making yourself seem like a crazy whore, yet i get called a idiot. Yes that makes perfect sense doesn't it? And i guess leaving Ghost all alone in this big ass fucking city was a great idea too, because Ghost will do perfect on her own. Yes? God, you're so fucking retarded." He paused, then began to walk off to find Ghost. He didn't care if he was going the wrong way or not. It was better than standing next to a nudist. "New girl. Stay with the naked one and the new guy. Or whatever." Ghost...Please be alright.. You owe me a pie damn it!

The setting changes from Inside Fathers Mansion to Garden/Beach


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Lucien Prince

Looking down at the ground Lucien noticed that the falcon girl was now situated on the ground next to him. Almost crushing her it was no surprise that she was less than amused. She had then shifted back into her human form, which was nude. Glaring at Lucien she said, "Really? You could have given me a better warning before jumping off the roof like a crazy person!" Grinning Lucien looked at her and said, "Cmon now... if you really didn't want to jump with me you should have flown off. When you did you conveniently placed yourself next to where I was going to land... If I didn't know better it would seem that you wanted that to happen... Secretly doing that to give you reason to talk to me, changing into your now nude form to do so... It is almost as if you want me to stare at your body..."

The shapeshifting girl then said to the other girl, "Sup? You won't remember me in a few hours, but my name is Mara. Pleasure to meet you and hope Hunger hasn't threatened to burn you alive. Excuse my nudity, but this is what happens when we're in the real world. And not at Father's lovely mansion. I know you'll love it." Lucien was slightly annoyed that Mara had not introduced herself when they had met each other, Well at least I know it now, he thought. Mara then said, "Anybody got something to cover me before I get arrested?" Lucien then began to take off his hoodie and long sleeved shirt, exposing his bare torso. Placing those items on Mara's shoulders he said, "Now we wouldn't want anyone to be put in jail for indecent exposure... even if it means not having a naked girl next to me... Those should be enough to cover you since you are quite petite... and decently endowed." Smiling to himself Lucien then noticed the male of the two who left the bookstore saying, "You know whats' funny. You're the one standing there naked, making yourself seem like a crazy whore, yet i get called a idiot. Yes that makes perfect sense doesn't it? And i guess leaving Ghost all alone in this big ass fucking city was a great idea too, because Ghost will do perfect on her own. Yes? God, you're so fucking retarded."

The man had then started to walk in the direction where Lucien, Mara, and Ghost were before. Looking at Mara Lucien said, "...Looks like someone needs his hourly chill pill. I thought Ghost would've been alright on her own for a while, I mean she isn't physically disabled or anything..." Drawing his attention back towards the other girl Lucien began to speak to her saying, "So... I guess you're another one who is going to end up in the messed up family... Well at least there will be some good looking girls in that mansion, maybe we might end up being room mates, huh?" Grinning Lucien then looked around to see if any policemen were still around. Seeing none Lucien decided that he was safe there, at least for a while. He then noticed a book which was neatly placed next to the bookstore's entrance. Picking it up he glossed over it's summary. He then placed the book inside his pants, sticking out from the back. "No point in leaving a good book just lying around... Guess I'll just take it with me." Looking at Mara he smiled and said, "Now are you going to put on the clothes or did you wish to be nude?

The setting changes from Garden/Beach to Inside Fathers Mansion

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Was he listening to Guess talk to Caroline, or whatever her new name was going to be, nope he just leaned against the wall. Honestly he just wanted to get his new subordinates and get on with other missions. Seeing his last two were a major disappointment he was going to have to be more strict with the new ones. He will push them in their training to the point of near death. He better have their full attention or else...well it will just be a repeat of last time. Haze doesn't hesitate kill anyone. If Father ordered him to kill himself he would do it. If Father told him it was for a reason right? Keeping a straight face he looked up when Guess pointed to him.

"Rules?" He asked with a slight scoff. "The rules are pretty simple, don't try and run away, don't get on Father's bad side or mine, and stay loyal to Father no matter what. You don't want to become a Broken because I will take it as you not only disrespecting Father but me as well, seeing as I'm telling the rules right now." If there was one thing he hated, if he could, it would be when people don't listen to him. If you have his attention then you better give him the same respect. Pushing off of the wall he looked at Guess then Caroline. "I have a body check and I need to leave. Guess you can tell her the rest if you can think of any." He waved his hand up then walked out of the door.

Good thing Caroline wasn't his new mentee she was too loud for him and too panicky. Turning the corner he headed towards his check ups again. Knocking on the door he saw Kenji waiting for him. They both didn't say anything to each other seeing they would only get on the others nerves. Sitting on a table he let the doctor do his thing. He waited patiently until he got the okay he could leave. Just like he thought. His body was fine it was his unruly eyes. Haze headed to the elevator and got on to head to his room. He had a room to himself for now seeing the person he was sharing died. Haze slid his glasses back on then got off going into his room. He climbed out the window and on to the roof where he rested his arms behind his head and closed his eyes as if he could sleep.

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Her left eye started to twitch as Lucien started speaking to her. She had been out of this world for awhile, but he really didn't have to try and act like she was some kind of fame junkie by walking around nude. She preferred being in one piece, thank you very much! She was thankful though, that he let her use his sweatshirt and shirt for the time being. Except if she changed into an animal again, he wouldn't be getting those back. Mara wasn't really sure of what happened to her clothes when she shifted in the city, all she knew was that she came back naked.

She must deal with baby Hunger, who decided now would be the perfect time to blame her for his problems and start cussing up a storm. "You know what Hunger? You are an idiot. We're all lovely idiots looking for a purpose in life!" She looked dramatically at the sky, before turning back to him. "Ghost should learn how to think for herself! Ever think of that? Probably not, because you never think. You just do whatever Ghosty tells you to do, which means you're doing Father's bidding while being indirectly told so. Remember that guy that I was talking to a bit before I tried to kill this morning? Yeah, well, he didn't listen to Father and he seems to be doing pretty dang well, as are Ink and Torrent.

"Tick tock, tick tock, the clock is going to explode one day. When you got nobody bossing you around, what will you be then? Answer me that." It was then that she realized Hunger was actually walking away from her during her little rant. "Ahhhhh! You're going the wrong way! Get some super sonar powers why don't ya?" Mara frowned a bit, realizing she was still naked. See what Hunger did to her? Got her distracted!

She put on the shirt when Lucien spoke again. "Trust me, Hunger is even more of a killjoy than Ghost is. Don't be a doll. I know you won't remember that soon, but don't be a doll. Try being a bomb like I am. It's quite fun."

"So... I guess you're another one who is going to end up in the messed up family... Well at least there will be some good looking girls in that mansion, maybe we might end up being room mates, huh?" Note to self- don't talk to him after this is over with. "Boys and girls don't room together. But the rooms are attached. With cameras, lots and lots of cameras!" she smirked at Lucien, then put on the hoodie.

HOLY POPTARTS! Mara bit her lip to keep from her mouth dropping open. Was he always this attractive when he wasn't making perverted comments or trying to get her killed? New note to self- stop making mental notes. "Er, uh, let's go find Hunger and Ghost. And we have to go get another kid." Her eye started twitching again. Ok, she was all for switching up Lucien and Timothy's files 'accidentally'. Curse her teenage girl brain.

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Dallas had conveniently tuned out everything until Hunger spoke angrily.

"You know whats' funny. You're the one standing there naked, making yourself seem like a crazy whore, yet i get called a idiot. Yes that makes perfect sense doesn't it? And i guess leaving Ghost all alone in this big ass fucking city was a great idea too, because Ghost will do perfect on her own. Yes? God, you're so fucking retarded." He paused, then began to walk off presumably to find this Ghost.

"New girl. Stay with the naked one and the new guy. Or whatever." he called over his shoulder abandoning her at the mercy of the lecherous boy and the angry bird girl. She almost refused, but she didnt want to anger her only 'friend' and as much as she hated to admit it, she wanted to find out more about the boy next to her...Dallas snuck a almost lingering peek at the handsome new comer.

"Now we wouldn't want anyone to be put in jail for indecent exposure... even if it means not having a naked girl next to me... Those should be enough to cover you since you are quite petite... and decently endowed....Looks like someone needs his hourly chill pill. I thought Ghost would've been alright on her own for a while, I mean she isn't physically disabled or anything...So... I guess you're another one who is going to end up in the messed up family... Well at least there will be some good looking girls in that mansion; maybe we might end up being room mates, huh?" He said making heat flood Dallas’s cheeks as she had never gotten any good attention from boys despite how shapely and pretty she really was.

Dallas couldn’t help but grin at the new comers comment, but she hid it by looking away. He seemed to be getting on the Mara girl’s nerves and enjoying the hell out of it.

"Boys and girls don't room together. But the rooms are attached. With cameras, lots and lots of cameras! Er, uh, let's go find Hunger and Ghost. And we have to go get another kid." The angry girl, Mara said. Dallas shook her head. Mara was just like the girls at her school. Angry, jealous, spiteful, and if any attention fell anywhere but them, the world would end, so they had to ruin it. She felt a twinge of dislike for Mara and guilt for being so judgmental.

β€œToo bad huh? I can think of a few games we could have played to keep ourselves entertained” She heard herself say without a thought as to their reactions. Before they could reply she was following Hunger slowly.

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When Guess comforted her it made her feel allot better, she wiped the tears from her eyes, "That sounds... nice", a name she could come up with one, she didn't have to remember the old one and the way she felt she didn't want to.

As Haze nonchalantly gave her some semblance of rules she sat there quietly nodding with each added rule. She didn't really understand what they meant by broken, but she would try her best to do as she was told, for father... the father that had saved her.

She couldn't remember what she had been saved from but she knew that she didn't like it. "I'm a little thirsty can I have a drink please?", she asked in almost a whisper. She really didn't want to talk but if she didn't she might not ever get a drink, and her throat was dry and scratchy.

As her eyes adjusted to the room a little more, she stood up and began to wander around. "Do you like it here Guess?", she asked softly.

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Lucien Prince

"Boys and girls don't room together. But the rooms are attached. With cameras, lots and lots of cameras! Er, uh, let's go find Hunger and Ghost. And we have to go get another kid." Mara said towards Lucien. Grinning Lucien looked back at her and put his arm around her shoulder saying, "You say that like it's a bad thing... What's wrong with a little bit of cameras? ...Having an audience sometimes can make "it" that much better..." The new girl then added, "Too bad huh? I can think of a few games we could have played to keep ourselves entertained” Lucien was quite shocked when he heard her say this. From her mannerisms she didn't seem to be the type who flirted a lot, Yeah... seems that way. Lucien then said to Mara, "See, now that is how you flirt back to someone who is flirting with you... Don't talk about rules or worry about "Fathers", just have some fun. I mean you did say that you are a "bomb", maybe you should blow up sometimes, break some rules... Once you're that kind of bomb come to my room. Smiling Lucien was having the greatest time he has had since he became a fugitive. Maybe I should have kept my nose cleaner... Oh well, I'm having fun now.

With his arm around Mara he walked towards the new girl who was now walking in the direction Hunger was walking, placing his free arm around her. Looking at her Lucien said, "You know you've surprised me... I never thought that you would say something like that. Maybe I'm not able to read people as well as I use to. Maybe are rooms will be next to each other then we will be able to do some of those games you were talking about... I do get bored easily." Lucien couldn't help but have a great time with these two girls, he didn't know why but he just felt happier then before. "Maybe you should take your shirt off new girl... I mean both me and Mara are half naked, why don't we make it an even three for three?... By the way I don't believe I caught your name, what is it?" He then waited to hear her reply.

After she had said her name Lucien found that the three of them were now behind that "Hunger" they had seen earlier. Calling out to him Lucien said, "Hello Mr. Hungry, have you found Ghost yet or are you lost?... Don't worry we remember where we left her and if she is like how you say she is she won't be far from there. Why don't you join us instead of just going off by yourself huh? You don't even have to take your shirt off... unless you want to. Lucien with both his arms around Mara and Dallas continued to walk in the direction of Ghost. Hopefully she will be able to spot us, I mean it shouldn't be too hard since most of us are half naked.

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Mara remained silent as Dallas and Lucien talked a bit, the answered Lucien's question. "An audience of one. So when you try to rape each other you shall have an audience of one. Then the minions shall come and take you away. Off with your heads." She paused for a second, thinking about what he had said next. Such an ignorant child.... Cute, but ignorant. She continued, though her voice mimicked that of Ghost's- emotionless, like a computer speaking. "There is one Father. Not multiple ones or they would kill each other in a bid for power. I can have fun. I have fun cutting off people's heads who don't follow rules. Break a rule and you break forever. You'll learn eventually. I'll let you talk to my... partner Flaw if he's still at the mansion." Something told her he would have left by now.

As much as she disliked having anybody touching her, Mara allowed it for now and was somewhat led along by Lucien. He continued with his suggestive talk to Dallas, which did not amuse her. Maybe he'd wouldn't be so perverted after his 'death'. At the mention of having Dallas strip down, Mara instinctively jabbed him in the stomach. "No rape," she said simply, really wishing she had some more drugs to knock them out with.

"...You don't even have to take your shirt off... unless you want to" She sighed and looked at Hunger, waiting for his reaction. Well, she waited about a millisecond before jabbing Lucien in the stomach again. "There is more to life than sex Lucien. Get your head out of your butt and unlearn yourself, before you have nothing to remember. You won't know your own name after this, so I suggest you stop acting of this society.

"Hunger, go ahead and fetch Ghost. Tell her to help you find Timothy. We'll continue around the city and then retreat back to the mansion. They'll receive their check ups and powers, before meeting Haze and relearning themselves, or what they think they are." She looked over at Dallas, then up at Lucien. "Placebo runs high in our 'family'. As do perverted and lifeless dolls containing what used to be of a never been-if you get what I'm saying my dear UnBrokens." Mara turned her attention to Hunger to see if he'd listened to her or not. She was aware of Lucien's warm skin around her small shoulders, making her anxious.

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#, as written by phooka

Guess watched Haze leave and turned back to Caroline, "sorry about Haze, he doesn't really like me. Well, actually, I don't know of anyone he likes." She gave her a pleasant smile and shrugged. It was nice that she seemed to have calmed down a bunch, she wasn't crying and panicky anymore. Guess didn't really like it when people cried, it was too sad, plus, it was something she didn't seem to be able to do anymore. It was strange, it was almost like Father kept them from feeling weak emotions like sadness, but let them keep certain ones. Like she had happiness and curiosity while Mara had anger and ferocity. Ghost had... well Ghost didn't really have anything. Loyalty! Ghost had loyalty!

"I'm a little thirsty can I have a drink please?"

"Eh?" To tell the truth, Guess hadn't really been paying any attention to the girl, and her small, scratchy voice. "Oh, that? Sorry sweetie, the dry mouth is probably a side effect to the tranquilizer I gave you. It'll wear off eventually." She smiled and stood up, offering Caroline her hand to help her up. "I'll take you to the kitchen and we'll get you some water, kay?"

She led her to the elevator and when they were on their way to the kitchen, she heard Caroline speak. "Do you like it here Guess?"

Guess didn't answer right away. She didn't appreciate it when people didn't answer her right away, but when it came to others questions' as long as she answered them eventually, wasn't that enough? She'd answer the girl when she felt like it. They reached the kitchen and Guess released her hand to go to the refrigerator. It was fully stocked, mostly for the scientists since the experiments didn't need to eat. She wondered if Father ate, and if so, what? Maybe he ate worms! Or brains like a zombie! What if he was a health nut or a vegetarian? Maybe he ate raw meat! The possibilities were endless!

She pulled a water bottle out and handed it to Caroline. "So, what are you going to call yourself?" She asked. "Oi! And since my new partner isn't here yet, we have our body test together, okay!"

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"I'll take you to the kitchen and we'll get you some water, kay?"

She quietly followed Guess, she didn't even really make eye contact with the other girl all she knew was that if it was easy to make father mad that she wasn't going to do anything to make him mad.

"So, what are you going to call yourself?"
She opened the bottle, and took a drink; "I don't know, I'm not really special", she said as she continued to drink. When Guess said they had to get a checkup she nodded and followed.

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Ghost blinked slowly, her eyes blankly gazing into the street as cars passed by. So much life was present inside the city's walls. So much... "Are you lost?" Ghost blinked and turned her head toward the sound of the distraction. A woman, her hair as snowy as Ghost's. She was older, her hair grey from age rather than genes. Her brown eyes looked down to Ghost in concern, her wrinkled face tight. "How old are you? Are your parents around, dear?"

Ghost tilted her head to the women. "Parents? No parents. Just Father," she responded, her voice dull.

The women frowned. "Oh, you poor dear. Did your mother pass on? How about I help you find your father?" Ghost simply looked up at her, her steal gaze chilling and blank. The woman shivered, suddenly unsure about the strange child she stumbled upon. "Or, there is a nice orphanage on the corner. How about I take you there for now? Come on, dear. This way," the women explained, taking Ghost's hand and leading her forward. Obediently, Ghost followed. It had been an order, something solid that Ghost could follow. She did not need to decide as the decision, in Ghost's mind, had been already made.

Ghost paused as the woman turned onto another street, her eyes drifting to a crowd of three people. "Hunger, go ahead and fetch Ghost. Tell her to help you find Timothy. We'll continue around the city and then retreat back to the mansion. They'll receive their check ups and powers, before meeting Haze and relearning themselves, or what they think they are." Ghost blinked, her mind only registering the first part of the speech. Fetch Ghost. Tell her to help you find Timothy.

An order. Something solid that Ghost could follow. Her hand slipped from the woman's grasp as she began to walk toward the oddly dressed group. The woman hesitated, feeling Ghost's disappearance, and looked to where the doll child had walked to. "Do you know them?" the women questioned sharply, grabbing Ghost by the shoulder and scrutinizing the group. In response, Ghost simply nodded. The woman's brows knitted together as she sighed. Marching Ghost toward the group, she scolded loudly, "You children should be ashamed of yourself for dressing like that. This is a respectable city and not a place for vigilantes to be flaunting around like they belong in a brothel. Is this child yours?" she asked, clearly disgusted by the scene as she looked first to Lucien and then Mara. "I suggest you take better care of the poor dear. She was scared mute!"

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β€œSee, now that is how you flirt back to someone who is flirting with you... Don't talk about rules or worry about "Fathers", just have some fun. I mean you did say that you are a "bomb", maybe you should blow up sometimes, break some rules... Once you're that kind of bomb come to my room. You know you've surprised me... I never thought that you would say something like that. Maybe I'm not able to read people as well as I use to. Maybe are rooms will be next to each other then we will be able to do some of those games you were talking about... I do get bored easily."

As Dallas listened to the two bicker, and Lucians reply, she couldn’t help but smile.

β€œLooks like we have a lot in common….so do I” She said not bothering to look at him.

"Maybe you should take your shirt off new girl... I mean both me and Mara are half naked, why don't we make it an even three for three?..." Lucien offered

She actually considered taking her shirt of…if only for a moment…but shoved that thought away.

β€œBut then who would explain to the cops why there are 2 naked people? Someone has to play the part of your keeper” Dallas said

β€œBy the way I don't believe I caught your name, what is it?" he said as if he actually cared.

β€œDallas” She stated simply, not expecting him to remember it. Why would he? He was already moving on to a new subject, no doubt thinking about the Mara girls extremely attractive body. Dallas shrugged Lucien off with that thought, not wanting to continue being second best. She had killed all the people in her life that had caused her to be second best, and she wasn’t going to keep playing that part.

"Hello Mr. Hungry, have you found Ghost yet or are you lost?... Don't worry we remember where we left her and if she is like how you say she is she won't be far from there. Why don't you join us instead of just going off by yourself huh? You don't even have to take your shirt off... unless you want to.” Lucien called to hunger. Dallas shook her head.

"There is more to life than sex Lucien. Get your head out of your butt and unlearn yourself, before you have nothing to remember. You won't know your own name after this, so I suggest you stop acting of this society. Hunger, go ahead and fetch Ghost. Tell her to help you find Timothy. We'll continue around the city and then retreat back to the mansion. They'll receive their check ups and powers, before meeting Haze and relearning themselves, or what they think they are. Hunger, go ahead and fetch. Placebo runs high in our 'family'. As do perverted and lifeless dolls containing what used to be of a never been-if you get what I'm saying my dear UnBrokens."

Dallas looked at Hunger for a second then sighed and waited for Mara to take them where ever.

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While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Inside Fathers Mansion

Inside Fathers Mansion by phooka

Look inside! (I've put the Floor Plan in here)

Door Exit To Beach

Door Exit To Beach by RolePlayGateway

The exit that leads to the beach.


Garden/Beach by RolePlayGateway

Garden or Beach

Girl's Bathing Room

Girl's Bathing Room by RolePlayGateway

Bath time, anyone?

Men's Bathing Room

Men's Bathing Room by RolePlayGateway

Bath Time, Anyone?


Elevator by RolePlayGateway

Going up?

Second Floor

Second Floor by RolePlayGateway

Second Floor

Music Room

Music Room by RolePlayGateway

Ah the sound of Music!


Bedroom by RolePlayGateway

Any Bedroom

Third Floor

Third Floor by RolePlayGateway

Third Floor- Infirmary

Check Up Room

Check Up Room by RolePlayGateway

Did you get an ouchie?

Test Room

Test Room by RolePlayGateway

Where they check you from your head to your toes.

Fourth Floor- Group Training/ Meeting Room

Fourth Floor- Group Training/ Meeting Room by RolePlayGateway

Um, yeah..

Fifth Floor- Haze's Domain

Fifth Floor- Haze's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Haze's Training Room

Fifth Floor- Ghost's Domain

Fifth Floor- Ghost's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Ghost's Training Room

Sixth Floor- Mara's Domain

Sixth Floor- Mara's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Mara's Training Room

Seventh Floor- Strategy Room

Seventh Floor- Strategy Room by RolePlayGateway

Planning Room for Missions

First Floor

First Floor by RolePlayGateway

First Floor of Mansion

Living Room

Living Room by RolePlayGateway

Living Room

Dining/Sitting Room

Dining/Sitting Room by RolePlayGateway

More of a hang out area, but designed to look like a normal old dining room.

Door Exit To Garden

Door Exit To Garden by RolePlayGateway

The exit that leads out into the garden. In dining room.

Fathers Sitting Room

Fathers Sitting Room by RolePlayGateway


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Character Portrait: Guess
0 sightings Guess played by phooka
"I heard somewhere that if you fold a thousand paper cranes, you'll get a wish. I do wonder if such a thing is true.'"

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Character Portrait: Hunger
Character Portrait: Mara
Character Portrait: The Ghost
Character Portrait: Ink
Character Portrait: Flaw
Character Portrait: Prodigy
Character Portrait: Supernova
Character Portrait: Jinx


Character Portrait: Jinx

"OH. MY. GOD... Is that candy!? Is it for me!? Is it, is it, is it!?"

Character Portrait: Supernova

"I'm gonna go lay down I've got a headache"

Character Portrait: Prodigy

"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you..."

Character Portrait: Flaw

How do you know if your you, when I look just like you?

Character Portrait: Ink

"Um, sure... whatever..."

Character Portrait: The Ghost
The Ghost

"........." *Blank stare*

Character Portrait: Mara

"Think of me as your personal demon."

Character Portrait: Hunger

Touch my apple.. Go on, i dare 'ya...


Character Portrait: Jinx

"OH. MY. GOD... Is that candy!? Is it for me!? Is it, is it, is it!?"

Character Portrait: Supernova

"I'm gonna go lay down I've got a headache"

Character Portrait: Hunger

Touch my apple.. Go on, i dare 'ya...

Character Portrait: Flaw

How do you know if your you, when I look just like you?

Character Portrait: Mara

"Think of me as your personal demon."

Character Portrait: Ink

"Um, sure... whatever..."

Character Portrait: Prodigy

"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you..."

Character Portrait: The Ghost
The Ghost

"........." *Blank stare*

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Flaw

How do you know if your you, when I look just like you?

Character Portrait: Hunger

Touch my apple.. Go on, i dare 'ya...

Character Portrait: Supernova

"I'm gonna go lay down I've got a headache"

Character Portrait: The Ghost
The Ghost

"........." *Blank stare*

Character Portrait: Mara

"Think of me as your personal demon."

Character Portrait: Jinx

"OH. MY. GOD... Is that candy!? Is it for me!? Is it, is it, is it!?"

Character Portrait: Ink

"Um, sure... whatever..."

Character Portrait: Prodigy

"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you..."

View All » Places

Inside Fathers Mansion

Inside Fathers Mansion by phooka

Look inside! (I've put the Floor Plan in here)

Door Exit To Beach

Door Exit To Beach by RolePlayGateway

The exit that leads to the beach.


Garden/Beach by RolePlayGateway

Garden or Beach

Girl's Bathing Room

Girl's Bathing Room by RolePlayGateway

Bath time, anyone?

Men's Bathing Room

Men's Bathing Room by RolePlayGateway

Bath Time, Anyone?


Elevator by RolePlayGateway

Going up?

Second Floor

Second Floor by RolePlayGateway

Second Floor

Music Room

Music Room by RolePlayGateway

Ah the sound of Music!


Bedroom by RolePlayGateway

Any Bedroom

Third Floor

Third Floor by RolePlayGateway

Third Floor- Infirmary

Check Up Room

Check Up Room by RolePlayGateway

Did you get an ouchie?

Test Room

Test Room by RolePlayGateway

Where they check you from your head to your toes.

Fourth Floor- Group Training/ Meeting Room

Fourth Floor- Group Training/ Meeting Room by RolePlayGateway

Um, yeah..

Fifth Floor- Haze's Domain

Fifth Floor- Haze's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Haze's Training Room

Fifth Floor- Ghost's Domain

Fifth Floor- Ghost's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Ghost's Training Room

Sixth Floor- Mara's Domain

Sixth Floor- Mara's Domain by RolePlayGateway

Mara's Training Room

Seventh Floor- Strategy Room

Seventh Floor- Strategy Room by RolePlayGateway

Planning Room for Missions

First Floor

First Floor by RolePlayGateway

First Floor of Mansion

Living Room

Living Room by RolePlayGateway

Living Room

Dining/Sitting Room

Dining/Sitting Room by RolePlayGateway

More of a hang out area, but designed to look like a normal old dining room.

Door Exit To Garden

Door Exit To Garden by RolePlayGateway

The exit that leads out into the garden. In dining room.

Fathers Sitting Room

Fathers Sitting Room by RolePlayGateway


Inside Fathers Mansion

Look inside! (I've put the Floor Plan in here)

Door Exit To Garden

The exit that leads out into the garden. In dining room.

Test Room

Third Floor Test Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

Where they check you from your head to your toes.

Check Up Room

Third Floor Check Up Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

Did you get an ouchie?

Dining/Sitting Room

First Floor Dining/Sitting Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

More of a hang out area, but designed to look like a normal old dining room.

Door Exit To Beach

The exit that leads to the beach.

Music Room

Second Floor Music Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

Ah the sound of Music!

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