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Fenake Yukiama

"Less than normal; less than sane. More than intelligent; more than average."

0 · 354 views · located in Nevada Desert

a character in “X Gene: Fractured”, as played by kall485_killjoy



"Fenake Yukiama is our given name."
"H-hello. They call me Nake, but Fenake is completely fine. I am not picky."
"I am Yukia. Nothing less, nothing more. And if you mock my name, you shall feel a pain unknown to many."
"Age is but a number, of course, we all age." Fenake Yukiama purses her lips slightly. "Of course, there are some who do not. We, unfortunately, are one of those who age. Twenty-two years we have walked this earth, and we hope that we shall wander for many more to come."
"This I am highly sure of. I am on Romeo's side. He has done everything possible to keep us safe, and, I, in fact, would prefer to stay that way. I do not wish to die anytime soon for some people's foolish choices."
"You are the foolish one Fenake! All you wish to do is hide here and do nothing with your life! Well, I, for one, would be pleased to get out of this place. I am sick of hiding! I care not of what the humans will think." Yukia laughs mockingly. "Humans are nothing but weak fools. We could easily take over. Think of it, a world run by we undefeatable mutants!"
Physical Description:
[color=gray]"This is very simple."

Fenake has long white hair that falls past her hips. It is straight and never seems to curl or frizz. Her eyes are a dark gold, almost a caramel hue of sorts. Her skin is very light, equating to the shade of freshly fallen snow. Neither being able to claim the titles of 'tall' or 'short', Nake stands five-foot-six-inches exactly. This woman is slim, not an ounce of fat on her. If she was to be weighed, she wouldn't weigh more than a hundred pounds.

The physical appearance is slightly different for Yukia. Her hair is as dark as a raven's wing, though just as long. Her skin is that of a normal person who receives just the right amount of sunlight. As for her eyes, they are an ice blue, nearing almost a blinding shade of blue. She is not physically stronger or taller than her Opposite, she is actually to harness the power and strength of the body the two unfortunately share. Though her slim appearance gives her the look of a weak, delicate lady, she is the exact opposite. She is what you could call lithe. She is deceptively strong and quick for her outward appearance. And you know that it is said to never judge a book by its cover.

Always one for ease of movement, relaxed fit, and dark colors, Yukia prefers to wear her own spin-off of a Ninja's outfit crossed with a Samurai's kimono. It has a flare around the edges of the arms and legs, and it is synched around the waist with a cloth belt. She wears a pair of soft leather boots that allow her to move silently. Around her wrists can be found a pair of leather bracers. Sadly, Fenake does not have much say in the wardrobe choice. She simply hates dark colors and complains often about the choice of clothing. Though, she has added a simple braided leather choker to the ensemble.
Yukia is the one who has most of the useful things, as to say, they are mostly hers. The lover of weapons and all things sharp, Yukia has loaded down she and Fenake's body with many of these. The main one you will notice is the dual fighting katanas that were lovingly named Justice and Vengeance. It is almost completely impossible to tell one from the other, except for their names on the blade, they are completely the same. In each of her boots, Yukia carries a simple throwing dagger. Back up in case she needs it, of course. No names adorn these two weapons, they just are. Several other weapons are hidden about her person, but you shan't know that just by looking at her! Around her waist is a satchel. It is always filled with provisions of dried food and others things like that. The one thing that does belong to Fenake herself on the body they share is a shard of amethyst. This helps Fenake channel her healing gift. It is held in the little satchel.
Fenake is the weaker of the two halves - the weaker Opposite. Only having one mutation all Fenake can do is heal. It is a simple thing, but, for some reason, Fenake has the hardest time healing the smallest things. She uses a piece of amethyst as a focus stone because of it's healing properties. It seems, though, no matter what she tries, the smallest healing leaves both Opposites drained.
Yukia is the stronger Opposite, no doubt at all. She has several mutations which work quite well for her. First of all, Yukia is a Erebokinitic, which means she can summon and control shadows and darkness. It is the easiest one of them for her, and it is the first mutation she developed. Secondly, Yukia is a very strong Telepath. She can share memories, feelings, and even thoughts. Of course, she can take them as well and leave you with no recollection of them at all, leaving you with a feeling that something very dear to you has gone missing. Often, Yukia switches between using telepathy to speak and talking with her actual mouth. As for her third mutation, she has a type of chameleon camouflage. She takes the light and pulls it around her, using it , she reflects a perfect image of whatever she is in front of. As with anything, though, there is a price. The telepathy and erebokinetics do not take hardly anything from her, but the camouflage takes quite a bit out of her. Because of this, she uses it rarely and sparingly. Of course, she still practices, and every time she does, the time she can stay 'invisible' grows slightly longer. Now, she can hide up to three people.

Fenake Yukiama was one of thirteen children, numbering the 3rd of them all. Her family lived in such a squalor that she often went hungry because she gave her food often to her younger siblings. Though quite skinny and bony, she was more healthy than most of her family. With long brown hair and hazel eyes, she could even be labeled as cute, but not beautiful. It was not long, though, before her parents could not support the family. Her father had lost his job, the only source of income in the family. To make matters worse, Fenake's mother was diagnosed with stage 5 Lymphoma, but what they did not know was that this was from the Chemical Rain all those years ago. Fenake's mother knew all to well why she now had this horrible disease, and shey prayed that her daughter would not develop any mutations from her foolishness. Rapidly dwindling in life, the mother began to fade away. Fenake and her mother were very close and seeing her mother's quick downward spiral tore Fenake apart. She resolved to get a job.

And she did just that; all that she earned did not go to pay for her mother's treatment. Her father spent it on booze and gambling money. Soon, her siblings began to drop dead, and Fenake found herself burying them in the backyard. Two months and only four siblings, herself, and her father were left. One day, the rains came. She had heard rumors of the mutations that had happened because of the rain, but she knew of them only as suspicions. Little did she realize that the rain would change her life. Fenake stepped outside, fully ready to go to work, then it was only moments before she was on the ground, crying out in pain from the rain as it hit her skin. It was triggering the munetic gene that she had received from her mother. When the pain she felt from...whatever it was disappeared, Fenake breathed a sigh of relief. But the sigh of relief was turned into a howl of pain. The pain from the rain triggering the mutations was pale compared to this. That pain was nothing. She soon felt like she was being ripped in two...


So begins...

Fenake Yukiama's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Kimura Character Portrait: Fran Sansana Character Portrait: Romeo Margrave Character Portrait: Felix Clause Character Portrait: Cecil Brundowski Character Portrait: Jamison Brook
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Fran would see a figure starting to close in as she walked forward too, with each step she took, the other took back, her snake eyes looked at the figure and she grinned as first, she always liked fighting males then confusion surfaced as she looked at his arms, spikes decorating them like hooks on a fishing line.

She would stop waving her hand down at her feet, the scorpions disbursed away from her as she commanded and she tilted her head, she was now distracted, curious even and so she unsheathed her lance, spinning it above her head lit it up with flames.

She'd then sprint towards Romeo, fire left behind her like a hellish flaming road, her hair flowing in the humid air but she broke no sweat she'd then leap into the air and slam her lance against his spiked arms with great strength that is possible made him stumble. Her exterior was still in flames, her eyes red as well as the birth mark on her left upper arm, snake eyes looking into Romeo's.

A grin played on her bluish lips, she made quite an appearance..

''Mother didn't tell me about you, tell me....what are you? And who are those behind you?'' She'd demand but her voice was seductive no matter harsh her words, she would also put more force into her blow with her lance. ''Mother doesn't want you here.''


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Kimura Character Portrait: Fran Sansana Character Portrait: Felix Clause Character Portrait: Fredrick James Simmons Character Portrait: Cecil Brundowski Character Portrait: Jamison Brook
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Fran would watch as Romeo talked to the others. She would feel herself stiffening from the cold and she slumped over to the floor, blackish blue lips lightening from the cold she was so sensitive too. She'd look at Franky though, and despite her weakened state she grinned.

''I don't need to eat anything but consume blood...but I like to eat my victims flesh, do you want to test that theory?'' She'd tease sadistically licking the top of her lips with a small shivered laugh then her snake eyes go to Christina and her grin goes and she frowns at her. ''You look like someone I know..'' She'd say being vague as ever.

She'd then see Romeo start to come to her and in her weakened state she only could growl and that was what she did unless he got close enough for her to inject her poison but then again, she would not be able to escape without help so she would not act on this desire and only growl at him like he were entering her territory.


Wrath would sit out on the balcony, in a chair with a cloak over him, his features hidden in shade, he wore all white with a lab coat. He'd be sipping on some water with a refreshed sigh from his mouth. He'd smile to himself before putting the glass on the metal table.

He would then take away his cloak revealing himself. He was blond, short choppy hair and middle aged but with a youthful feel to him that was unnatural. He'd be tanned and of Asian descent but with a slight tan making his ethnicity mixed. His exterior would be bandaged, a bandage on his left eyes, hiding it as well as his arms, neck and chest but his right eye would be visible and it was a dark blue colour. He would take another sip of his water, a medical officer near him assessing his health at a constant from a far.

His left hand would be claws and spikes would be on his knuckles, the bones would be black. The skin on this hand and arm black tinted, his lips would be blueish black tint also. He'd use his right hand for things like putting his glass down back on the table while the other was for combat.

He'd then look up at a tall figure that rested against the bars of the balcony, with a smile on his face, holding a glass of what seemed like alcohol in his hand, he'd take a sip of it, his shoulder length brown hair blowing in the short breeze of the Nevada desert. From behind he was shrouded in shade as the position of the sun was in front of him, giving his front a whited out effect, making his features vague to be described.

Wrath would tilt look away down at the table still with a smile on his face. ''Is it time Hadrian?'' He'd ask with assertiveness and a playful tune to it also.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Kimura Character Portrait: Fran Sansana Character Portrait: Romeo Margrave Character Portrait: Felix Clause Character Portrait: Cecil Brundowski Character Portrait: Nathan Hunter
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After leaving the secure area of the Compound Romeo makes his way back to ground level and to the garage. It was a fairly large area, housing some fifty vehicles. Everything from simple everyday cars that some of the mutants had driven out to the Compound on their first day visiting and never bothered to take back to wherever they came from, to a few stolen military vehicles left over from the last big fight between the military and the mutants. More than a few of them had been modified for running the the desert, like Franky's beloved Clementine. Romeo's vehicle of choice was a humvee that, well basically the gun was gone from the top and it had been given a coat of paint the same color as the desert sands. Aside from that it was the standard military model. Not that he needed it to do much more than get him from one place to the other.

Climbing inside he slides the key into the ignition and it growls into life. A normal one would roar, but Romeo had gotten Franky to work on the engine. It was just as powerful as before, but quieter. After checking to make sure he had plenty of gas and none of the warning lights were on he pulls out of the garage, the door opening and closing on its own thanks to the trigger device Franky had put in it.

Soon the heat of the mid-day desert was all around him. He had spent longer leaving than he had meant to, which meant that the others would reach Belhart a good hour or so before him. This wasn't a military style community, so no one would be forced to wait on him to arrive before they could get down to business though. He would have everyone regroup before they left though, make sure they had gotten all the supplies and extras they needed to last for another month.

Romeo was just wondering how Christine was doing when the ground before him just sort of exploded. He didn't know what was going on, and before he could figure it out the humvee flipped sideways and rolled three or four times before coming to a stop upside down between two large sand dunes. Out of instinct he had created metal spikes that created a sort of roll cage around him, so aside from being dizzy he was relatively fine. At least he was until the spikes began to bend, and then snap away. The humvee then began to shake violently before crumpling in on itself, as if a giant had reached up out of the sand and shook it before crushing it. Despite his healing factor the crushing injuries had him incapacitated, and he wouldn't be able to move or do anything until he got loose.

This is what the two mutants responsible for the ambush were counting on. The sand around the crumpled metal begins to shake once more, then it and the two mutants descend into the ground, into one of the hidden, rarely used tunnels.


"Honestly, I don't care who you are." Hunter says, stepping into the room so that the door would close behind him. Reaching out with his left hand, the one covered in red bandages. Small specks of purple light, like will'o'wisps begin appearing around his arm, gathering, until a short sword seemingly blinks into existence. His fingers wrap around the blade and the purple specks die out, leaving now trace of themselves behind. "My name is Nathan Hunter and I'm the one who really runs his Compound. Romeo just thinks he is in charge."

Raising the sword and pointing it at Fran, Hunter takes a few steps closer, closing the distance between them, the tip of the sword now just a foot or so away from her neck.

"I've got some big plans in the works and you nearly ruined them with that little stunt you pulled this morning. I should just cut your head off then make it so cold in here that you'll freeze, but I'm not in the mood for death just yet today." There is another flash of light and the sword is gone without a trace. "You're free to go as far as I'm concerned, just stay out of my way."

Turning around once more Hunter walks back to the door and, on his way out, hits a switch that deactivates the devices binding Fran's wrists together. When he walks out, the door doesn't shut behind him.