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a part of X-Gene, by Soul_Alchemist.

MTD safe house

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Where the MTD base is located in Los Angeles, and where the mutants will be stored
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MTD safe house


SafeHouse is a part of Los Angeles.


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" Look she can take my power and heal herself she has done it before" Dustin said a he noticed that he lied to the guy on the phone. He had already healed himself on the way here and he could still run for his life after she was done."I don't know what it is but I know you care about her and you know that they won't let her go they will test on her for the rest of her life. Just let her go with me she will be safe. We are running out of time Westlyn we have to go now ". He reached out his hand for her to take.


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Out of full instinct Westlyn pulled away from Hunter and took Dustin's outstretched hand. When she touched it she pulled out a little of his power. The limp in her step disappeared and her complexion seemed to glow again. 'Thanks' her amber eyes seemed to say as the flickered to him before returning to Hunter. Part of her was torn. She almost wanted to stay, oddly enough. Why did she have that pull? Her hand clenched and loosened multiple times. Had she messed something up when stealing his power? Her gaze was torn as she gazed at the agent but she forced it to the ground.


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" can't take her without getting past me, right?" Hunter says, looking from Westlyn to Dustin, lowering his sword to his side, lowering his other arm away from Westlyn. "Then go on, hit me, scratch me, something to make it look good. If I just let you walk out of here I'll be fired..." He then took a step towards Dustin, and said in a voice low enough so only he could hear, "Listen, if she ends up hurt after she leaves here, I'll cut your head off, got it?"

Just then there was a ding as the elevator reached ther floor. Raising his left hand he used his powers to foce the doors to malfunction. It would by the two of them time to get to the stairs, or out the window, or whatever plan Dustin may have had in mind, but he had to add, "Look, if you run into Cole, don't hurt him too badly, he's hurt too much aready..."


"I see. It sounds as if you have a very good time indeed." Lycan says to Psycho with a grin. "I have something I thought you might like to know. The boy's father, the leader of the MTD, will be flying over our heads in about an hour, on his way to meet his boy."

With that said he gave Psycho a devilish grin, knowing that through whatever process his twisted mind went though, he would be able to realize how much pain losing the remaining parent would be for Romeo. And in turn, Lycan also knew that Romeo's rage would be fueled even more by this, and he would most certainly either kill Psycho when they fought, or wound him enough so that he himself would be able to finish the job. And with the threat of the wildcard Psycho out of the way, his Resistance could grow even more powerful.


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Dustin looked at Hunter, he didn't want to hurt him but he was right it would look weird if he didn't have any damage done to him and they were gone." I won't let anything happen to her okay" he whispered to Hunter. Looking at Westlyn he remembered there friend Natasha." I don't want to hurt him and I do the least amount of damage that I can." Truth is it would be up to Cole how much damage he would do he hoped he wouldn't be up for a fight." Is there anyway that we could get Natasha because her door is locked and I knew that I couldn't open it. If we can't save her then can you at least look out for her, don't let them kill her." Going up to Hunter he let his claws out." I'm sorry about this " he said before he scratched him in the back and on the front. They weren't deep cuts just a little flesh wounds but they looked good. The finishing touch he scratched him slightly in the face making sure that there was no speculation about him. Dustin knew now people would brand him as a viscous mutant but he didn't care as long as his friends were safe." Come Westlyn we have got to go" he said to her going toward the door.


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"There has to be some button that will unlock the door, or a key at least," Westlyn murmured, her eyes flickering from one boy to the other. The model avoided watching as Dustin clawed Hunter. She kept her gaze on the floor, too afraid to look up and see him covered in cuts and blood. With reluctance in her step she followed Dustin to the door. Her face was pale and her eyes grim, though she was fighting to stay strong. She stopped and looked back at Hunter but at the sight of the blood she quickly looked away. "Let's just go," she said quietly. "If we run into Cole I'll deal with him."


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To make it look a little better Hunter staggered, letting blood fall around him, and fell back on the bed. He then wondered how long it would take for Westlyn to realize that he had slipped his key card into her pocket when he lowered his arm. For one more touch he let his sword float up and smash through the window and fall out onto the ground.

"Go get em Taz," he says loud enough for Dustin to hear him. "Those elevator doors won't hold much longer, hurry up!"


Golem was right behind Lycan, and when he felt someting move beneath the ground he punched the old mutant, sending him out of the way as the propane tank rose up and exploded as he reached out and grabbed a hold of it. Because of his mutation there was minimal damage, but he was still knocked back and away from the hole and scorch marks.

"So, you didn't like my advice I take it?" Lycan asks, changing into his werewolf form and turning to face Psycho.

(sorry for the short post, no sleep in a while...)


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Dustin nodded at Hunter and he an Westlyn ran out the door." Follow me okay" he said as running to a different way then he had came. He ran to an emergency hatch making sure to slice the chords so the emergency alarm wouldn't sound. The hatch was an opening to a ladder that would get them to any level they needed to go. Letting Westlyn go first he later got in and closed the hatch. They climbed down the ladder, not sure where to go. Either they could leave or try to go get Natasha somehow. Stopping he looked down at Westlyn he asked her" What should we do should we go try to get Natasha or Leave go get the others and come back for her". He was hoping she would say something soon because if he knew right Cole had sent every available guard to the medical floor so the mutant floor was unguarded.


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Westlyn followed, torn between staying and leaving. "Let's go get Natasha," she said quietly and hurried to climb. At the top she looked around, slightly familiar with the layout of the building. In what had to be the right direction she raced off. There were almost no guards. The only ones who were there were completely unfortunate and were soon on the floor groaning. She passed Natasha's cell momentarily before skidding backwards and hurrying infront of it. While trying to figure out how to open the door she came across a key card in her pocket. Her amber gaze flashed with appreciation to Hunter as she swiped it and the door unlocked, then opened when she twisted the handles. "Common!" she exclaimed, pushing the girl from the cell. She started towards the exit, then stopped and gazed at all the other mutants. "Damn," she muttered as she hurried to the first cell so she could open it.


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When Hunter could no longer feel Westlyn's pressence, he released his hold on the elevator doors and allowed the men to enter the medical bay. They spread out, one of them helping him up off the bed.

"They must have gone out the window, any other way and they would have triggered the alarm, right sir?" One of the men asks, looking at Hunter, who simply nods, acting as if his powers had been drained too badly for him to be of any use. "Come on, let's go! They can't have gone far!"

Once the men were gone Hunter sighed and relaxed on the bed, smiling a little as Myra came into the room, shaking her head. "You are a young fool Hunter, what will happen when they find out your lies and deciect?" none the less she walked over and began to heal his wounds, a simple task since they were so shallow. "I must say though, the boy seemed to have a kind heart. He could easily hve killed you just then."

"he could have, but he didn't." Hunter says with a smile.

All the mutants in the cell were actually rather calm until Dustin and Westlyn came down, then they began asking to be let lose as well. When Westlyn gave in the first mutant out smiled and placed a hand on her head. He was very tall, and thing, with bright blonde hair that stuck up everywhere. "You kids get outta here, I can handle this. We may not all escape, but it's gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight boys!" the mutant says with a cheer, raising his hands an sending out a bolt of lightning that dances from cell door to cell door, unlocking them all, before flowing up into a light in the ceiling and causing a massive power outage.


"And to think, I was going to keep the MTD off your back so you could have more fun with the boy...too bad really." Lycan says with a snarl as Golem approaches, grabbing up a large, sharpened iron rod in each hand and jabbing them at him. At the same time projectiles come at him from seemingly all directions. Sighing he grows his large 'angel of death' wings and soars straight up into the sky, far out of Golem's reach, though he fully believes Psycho can never really be taken out of range. He then turns his good left arm into a huge taloned hand covered in what looks like armadillo hide, and begins knocking the projectiles around.


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Westlyn was caught in the bustling crowd of yelling mutants. She was pushed to the back in her exhaustion but eventually gave in trying and let them all pass her. "Don't go down the stairs!" she cried as a few younger, helpless looking children hastily raced around as they tried to escape. The model raced forward and jumped down half the flight of stairs before seeing them. They were slowly backing away from a group of guards.

Without thinking she grabbed the oldest looking boy's hand and sucked out some of his abilities. He looked at her and nodded as the younger children cowered behind them. "Take them and get away," Westlyn murmured. "By the way, what's your power?"
He tapped at his tinted glasses. "Lazers." At that he steered the other mutants away.
"Good lord," she sighed and turned to the guards. "I'll give you one chance to run away."

They stepped towards her after a moments hesitation. Westlyn sighed once more as her eyes began to glow bright green. Then suddenly two streaks of light shot from them and crashed into a few of the men. Taking their shock to her advantage she ran forward and kicked the last standing man. He flew across the ground and hit the wall with a sickening thud. She stepped towards him, then heard footsteps. "Damn," she cursed, knowing it had to be Cole. With one look over her shoulder she turned and began to race back towards the exit. She saw him by the cells, but wasn't sure if he noticed her.


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"About bloody time, wha-" Natasha began with a grin, never getting to complete her sentence as Westlyn dragged her outside and into the hall. The girl was overjoyed to be free and that her friends were alive and well, it may have been a wast of time to release the other mutants but she had no problem with it. As Nat lent on a wall she felt all the brutality and bigotry that had passed through this place and shuddered, quickly retracting. Suddenly her brain chemistry started to misfire as the electricity danced around the room, she gripped her head and had to use the wall for support for a moment as her body returned to what it thought was 'normal'. Mimic saw the other mutants leave with the exception of her two friends, they were going the fastest way out which was good and the sheer number of mutants could probably take out any guards in the way however Cole had appeared nearby. "D-Damn, b-bi-goted bastard..." She muttered and began pushing the others towards escape, standing between them and the MTD mutant. She dug her hand into her trench coat pocket and found some steel, absorbing it and letting it flow over her skin. "Y-you guys ge-get going, I'll ffffollow you. The wwalls don't l-lie, heh. I-I-I jjust want t-to tickle h-him up a llittle..." She said, her paranoia screaming for her to toss the others aside and run to the hills but Cole made her furious, how he could let his own kind be subjected to such horrors? This place deserved to be burned. Natasha sprinted at the man and leapt into him, tackling him to the ground footy style.


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Once they got to the floor and rescued Natasha. Westlyn ran to the nearest cell and released this powerful mutant, he then released all the other mutants. They flooded the floor and soon all of them were crowded around. Getting the other mutants away from him he looked for Natasha and Westlyn. He spotted them both, Westlyn was running toward the hatch him and her came from. She had come from out of the door that led to the stairway. Natasha was right behind her when he notice a smell that he knew that wasn't theirs. Cole then came from the stairs. They were all at the hatch about to go when he got close they had to do something but he remembered that he promised Hunter he wouldn't hurt him. Natasha then told them to go and she would handle it as she use her power to turn into steel." We can't let her do this she might hurt him and we promised Hunter that we wouldn't" he whispered to Westlyn. " Natasha no you can't do this we got to get out of here we can find someway to keep him up here but we can't hurt him". Then he remembered what Hunter had done with the elevator." Hey Westlyn you think you can use Hunter's power some how to hold him back long enough for us to get down the ladder?"


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"No, I can't. I never took Hunter's power after I got here." Westlyn moved quickly and put herself between Natasha and Cole. "Common, Nat, we have to go. You can beat him up some other time." She put out her arms in a defensive manner and her eyes began to glow as if about to beam the younger girl. "Right now he isn't of use to us." She hoped that Cole wouldn't hold this over her head, but then again he was on the opposite side. The model frowned at Natasha and began shoo'ing her away with her hands.

[ooc: sorry, short post]


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"D-Do you haave any idea what they've done? What he's done?" Natasha gritted her teeth, not looking at Westlyn but simply staring at Cole with her dark eyes smoldering like hot coals. "I'm not going beat him up... I'm going to kill him! This place needs to come crashing to the ground!" The girl raged, punching a nearby wall in frustration, leaving a sizable dent and then spasming a little. "My head..." She groaned, her fears taking over she ran to the nearest leading to the exit door and kicked it open, running through it still covered in steel.


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"Stop!" Westlyn yelled. She grabbed Cole by the back of his shirt and pulled him away from Natasha. "Don't hurt her," she added in the same forceful voice. From her pocket she produced a switchknife. She placed it at his neck, hoping it would stop him. "I don't want to kill you, but if you don't turn around and leave I will!" Her eyes glowed as if she was going to shoot a beam of lazers at him but they never came. Westlyn gritted her teeth and released him, then hurried over to Nat and pulled her to her feet. "Go," she hissed and pushed her out the door after the other mutants. Then she turned to face Cole once more. "Leave us alone. Please. Just stop." Her voice was pleading, this time not fake.


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Natasha's head reeled from the force of the impact, the room spinning as she screamed largely because he still had hold of her hair but she managed to break free with a quick maneuver. She stood before him a little unsteadily with blood streaming down her forehead and into her eyes, wiping it away quickly and ignoring Westlyn, "I'm more of the Vegemite type, actually..." She grinned, her mind may have been normal at the moment but she had always been up for a fight. "See, guys?" She turned her head slightly in her friends' direction, keeping her eyes on Cole, "The beating isn't entirely going to be one way, now move it or lose it!" She urged, adopting a versatile fighting stance and raising her guard, "Come on Yankie Doodle Dandy... Let's dance!"


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He felt the blade at his neck.
"I don't want to kill you, but if you don't turn around and leave I will!"
"You'd better do it," he replied. "It's the only way to stop me coming after you and ripping your lungs out of your throat." There were tears rolling down his cheeks, his world was falling apart. Betrayed by his friend, the MTD crumbling around him and her standing there with a knife to his neck looking so God damn much like his daughter. "I swear to God, I'll kill you all for this. Not just you, but every single one of your mutant friends. You're all dead, do you hear me? DEAD!" He span to look at her pleading face.
"Leave us alone. Please. Just stop."
He tipped his head to the side and sighed, his bottom lip trembling a little. He looked at her, a look of utter confusion as if what she had said was an impossible task.


It had happened on the day of the incident, Cole was already working for the government then, helping mutants who couldn't control their dangerous abilities that was all. She had argued with him. She told him she hated him for being such a hypocrite, a mutant helping the government to kill his own kind. She called him Hitler and Stalin and the names of a handful of mass murderers and he had sat there and let her speak, because, damn it, she had the right to feel however she wanted. When he tried to explain it to her, she spat in his face, her own father's face. Then she had tried to fly away. But, God if she'd only done it sooner.
It had felt like a pulse of energy, that was the only way to describe it, like a voice calling out across the planet and jolting awake latent parts of his X-Gene. Suddenly, his power was active, not just taking out abilities, but any energy source for a city block... and she was in range of him. He watched helplessly as she plummeted from the sky, her wings becoming useless appendages, always only being just for show, the real power being something else entirely. She hit the ground with a sickening crunch. He ran to her and held her in his arms as she died. She cried, but she was immune to the healing effect of her own tears. She could save anyone but herself.
"I love you, Daddy. I-I'm sor..." He didn't move until the neighbours found him, still crying over her body, the next day.
Of course, that had been the day that the world had changed. The day that the new mutants began to appear.

No consequences.


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Westlyn watched, face impassive. She stared down at him as Natasha's anger grew. "Common, Dustin. Let him die as a pathetic old man." She turned and looked down at the cages. Her eyes glowed and two beams shot out, destroying each cage as she turned around the whole room. "Go ahead, Natasha. He diserves it. He's a killer of children." She blankly looked at him before adding, "A killer of daughters." She didn't know exactly why she said it, but she knew it would hurt and that was the point. Westlyn walked to the door and stood outside, waiting for her friends to join her.


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Dustin had to do something he gave his word and couldn't let this happen he promised Hunter. He noticed that Westlyn had something up her sleeve so thinking quickly he ran up to Cole and grabbed him. Carrying him he slammed him against the wall not hard enough to hurt him too bad but enough to where he wasn't getting up to fast. He ran back and picked up Natasha throwing her over his shoulder. He ran to where Westlyn was with her on his shoulder" Let's go" he said to Westlyn as they headed outside to the wooded area near by.


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"Kill him?" Natasha said with a confused look at Westlyn, she didn't remember that when she made that threat she had meant it but right now, with her sanity restored, even that angry she would never actually kill someone. She didn't believe in an afterlife or a god, for her this existence was it and did not want to shorten it for anyone even if it meant letting Cole live. This, however, would not stop her from beating him to within an inch of his life though her resolve seemed to be faltering, she looked worried. What am I doing? Mimic thought, shuddering slightly and not moving from the spot until Dustin literally dragged her off, "Hey!" The girl protested, "I can walk, you know? As far as I can tell he didn't destroy any motor neurons... not many, anyway." She added with a slight smirk, trying to get him to let go before her mind would return to anarchy.


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Cole was about to throw himself, self-destructively, head first into battle with Natasha. He even contemplated giving her back her powers to give her an edge. However, before any of that could happen, he was blind-sided by Dustin for the second time that day. As he was flung against the wall, feeling the air driven from his chest, he was still crying. He was losing his mind. It had been a long time coming.
He looked up from the floor at the escaping teens and with his last ounce of consciousness, he said, "I'll kill you all." He passed out and hit his head on the floor opening a nasty gash above his eye.


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By the time Romeo and Alex reached the SafeHouse it was in pure chaos. Mutants and MTD were running about everywhere, some fighitng, others just tyring to get out of the way. Suddenly he noticed a few familiar looking faces dashing towards the nearby woods. With a sigh he put the SUV in reverse, backed up, then made his way around the stone outcropping he was about to hide behind and over to the woods, as near as he could get. Once there he honked his horn and yelled out the window.

"Come you guys, vacation's over!" Romeo yells out into the coming dawn, towards his friends. "Get your asses outta the woods and into this car right now, or so help me God I'll pull this thing over!" Of course this early in the morning, with his mind already teetering on the edge, such a crummy joke came to mind. He shook his head as he hit the auto-unlock button and there were several clicks. There were three seats in the back and room enough for two to lay down behind thoughs closely, so there should be enough froom for everybody without Alex having to move.

Hunter had made his way after Cole as soon as he could, Myra following closely behind. Using his powers he was able to create a protective bubble around both of them, which repelled the other mutants and agents away from them as they searched for Cole.

Finally they found him, bloody, banged up, and unconcious on the floor. At once Hunter helped Myra flip him over and she began to heal him. As she did this Hunter kept up the shield. He knew the others had done this, but he couldn't blame them, as he could feel how hurt Cole's mind had become over the years now.


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The hard stare from Westlyn died at Hunter's appearence. She watched him and you could physically tell that her misery level was rising. "Go ahead," she murmured to Dustin. With hesitation she walked back into the building and closed him and Natasha outside. Her gaze flickered to Cole's unconscious body. It remained there, softening as it did. Then it moved over to look at Hunter. "I'm not who you think I am," she said sadly, the new cut on her cheek bleeding as she spoke. "So please, don't waste your career for me. You'll only get hurt." Westlyn put her hand out and dropped her knife, then turned to exit the building. "Because I'll kill him next time I meet him," she called over her shoulder.


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Reluctantly he went to the woods leaving Westlyn behind. As they got to woods he put Natasha down" I know you can walk I'm just trying to stop you from hurting him horribly". Just then he saw Romeo in his car on the main road. He didn't know how they found the safe house but at that point he didn't care. After he notice Romeo Westlyn had caught up with them and he showed her and Natasha what he had seen. They ran over to Romeo's he was happy to see him so they could leave this place and he could get in a shower and change into some fresh clothes." Man am I happy to see you come on let's get out of here" he said to Romeo looking back at the mess they had made of the MTD safe house.


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((EDIT: Well, now that SA edited his post it looks like I have to do something similar... :P))
"Thank you..." Natasha said to Dustin as he put her down, actually thanking him for not letting her hurt Cole further more than stopping carrying her. Her eyes went wide with paranoia, she started twitching once more and scratched at her arms for a while before wiping more blood from her head. Mimic saw Romeo in the SUV and approached him cautiously, still not trusting him or many of the others (with the exception of Westlyn and Dustin whom had saved her from the MTD) fully. She was nonetheless glad to see him there, smiling a little to him and then quickly looking around for any more danger. There were MTD agents everywhere armed to the teeth and they would not hesitate to kill mutants like them for second... If they did kill them, she knew there were far worse things they could do to them, "D-Dustin's right, it w-wo-won't be llong before they g-get another of t-tthose suppressors online." She stammered, senses alert for anyone else approaching them as she opened the door and sat in the back seat.