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Barry Kazuto

"Come on guys, keep up!"

0 · 672 views · located in Marvel Universe

a character in “X-Men: Dynasty .:Remake:.”, as played by Bromander Shepard


{Barry Kazuto}

{C O D E N A M E} Flash

{N I C K N A M E} Speedy, Lightning Lad (usually by members of Beta), Sparky, Quicker Silver, Minute Man

{A G E} 19

{G E N D E R} Male

{S E X U A L I T Y} Heterosexual

{R O L E} Alpha Second in Command

{Don't blink.}

{H A I R C O L O R} Light Brown

{E Y E C O L O R} Blue

{H E I G H T} 6'2"

{W E I G H T} 185 lbs

{A P P E A R A N C E} Barry doesn't think of himself as a handsome guy but an awkward, skinny guy. He has a runners lean body, he figures he's too skinny feeling small around some of the burlier members of the different teams. Normally he wears jeans and converse sneakers with a tee shirt or whatever he happened to throw on. He's not a guy who worries much about his wardrobe. He actually feels more comfortable in his uniform which is tinted with red and yellow streaks.

{I'm not just a guy who was struck by lightning.}

{P E R S O N A L I T Y} Barry Kazuto has been said to suffer from a hero complex. The need to help people and right wrongs. If you were to ask Barry himself? He'd probably say that doing those things doesn't make him a hero, its just what anybody would do. The key defining trait of Barry is just that, his incurable hopefulness. He sees the best in people, even when they don't see it in themselves. Some may see such thinking as naive, even foolish but to Barry he can't just write people off or give up on them no matter how bad they seem.

Barry actually does deal with a significant amount of amnesia centering around the development of his power. The point in time that is lost to him is anything before the age of eleven which includes his biological family. Barry grew up as an adoptive son and while he had a loving family welcome him into their lives, a part of him always wonders about his biological parents. Why they gave him up is a question that always plagues him. If it were not for his adoptive mother, father and sister Barry could have grown up bitter and haunted but they were a lightning rod to the young man growing up. Teaching him to never give up, never stop moving and never forget the people you pass in life because you never know how you can change their lives, good or bad. The Kazuto's nurtured Barry's innate sense of right and wrong and his dedication to justice.

Barry Kazuto, as Flash or himself is a guy who is never far from a smile or a lighthearted joke. He is a good guys, good guy who idolizes his mentor Cyclops. He sees Cyclops as the peak of what a hero should be and strives to be like him. He is always willing to help a friend and posseses a surprising level of leadership abilities despite his fun loving, sometimes immature antics. Barry, while driven to push himself to faster and faster speeds has one thing that stops him in his tracks and that is any women who slightly looks his way. Around an attractive woman Barry is clumsy, well clumsier than normal, awkward and hopeless.


{I want to be the best. To do that I have to go faster, I'm going to get faster.}

{P O W E R S} To say Barry merely has super speed would be to seriously oversimplify the very base of Barry's ability. Barry doesn't simply have super speed, he IS speed in a sense. His mutation allows him to be a conduit for speed in a sense, as if he is an avatar for a sort of Speed Force. The energy that Barry possesses within him is nearly limitless and is often seen as arcs of electricity that sparks off his body when he engages his speed. The energy allows Barry to run upwards and beyond the speed of light to a near infinite measure of speed. The energy, his speed force, allows Barry to manifest his speed in a number of unique and creative ways.


+ Accelerated Metabolism- An accelerated metabolism, rendering Barry resistant to weight gain, illness, injury, and accelerating their healing speed.
+ Accelerated Perception- Barry's mind and senses process information at such speeds that time appears to have slowed down, allowing him to perceive what would normally be moving too fast to see and respond accordingly.
+ Accelerated Thought Process- Barry can process information at incredible speeds, allowing him to analyze and come to conclusions at an unprecedented rate.
+ Enhanced Durability- Given the tremendous forces on his body under the stress of his speed Barry's physical durability (ability to endure/resist damage) is extremely high, allowing him to take numerous blows of internal or external assaults before succumbing to the effects.
+ Enhanced Stamina/Endurance- Barry can run and remain mobile for lengths of time that would seem impossible for a human being as long as he has enough fuel (food) to power him through these feats.
+ Enhanced Reflexes- Barry has drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing him to dodge bullets, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to.
+ G-Force Adaptation- Barry is immune to stress and strains caused by g-force: the acceleration felt as weight, this acceleration experienced by an object is due to the vector sum of non-gravitational forces acting on an object's freedom to move.
+ Acceleration- Barry is able to accelerate himself to unfathomably high speeds, often transforming himself into destructive projectiles in the process.
+ Cyclone Spinning [LOCKED]- Though never attempted Barry can in theory spin or run in tight circles fast enough to generate a tornado like whirlwind.
+ Flash Step- Barry can perform a bursts of speed that allows him to move so fast it appears as if he has teleported. In most cases Barry is able to maneuver at the high speeds accurately and does not cause any shock or disturbance to the surface they stop on as long as he is only moving short distances.
+ Molecular Oscillation [LOCKED]- Barry hass never attempted or even considered the possibility but he is able to vibrate his molecules at such a high frequency that it would allow him to pass through the molecules of other matter and make himself intangible to evade physical attacks or escape conventional imprisonment.
+ Time Travel [LOCKED]- If Barry were to exert enough energy and build up enough speed he could theoretically break through the space time continuum allowing him to move forward or backward in time.

{W E A K N E S S E S} Despite his speed Barry's body still technically functions as normal, just at a higher capacity. He needs to eat a tremendous amount of calories every day just to remain functional. Loss of too many calories without eating could cause a drastic blood sugar drop that would render him unconscious. Barry's powers also offer no protection against any mind based attacks or suggestion. Despite his enhanced resistance to blunt force trauma Barry is by no means indestructible and is susceptible to burns, lacerations, powerful toxins (though his body would eventually burn toxins and poisons off) but most of all extreme cold since it slows his molecules thusly inhibiting his abilities.

{S K I L L S}
Barry considered himself a tech geek but in truth he is actually a quite skilled engineer and machinist. He's taken Cyclops motorcycle apart on more than one occasion just to see how it worked. He also speaks fluent Japanese.

While not necessarily related to his abilities Barry has an incredibly keen eye for detail. Usually he uses it when tinkering with his gadgets but it has helped his team on more than one occasion trying to solve a mystery.

Barry is actually a quite capable leader though at current he is much more comfortable following Alpha Leader's direction.[/center]

{Is anybody else hungry or is it just me? Just me? Ok, just checking.}

{L I K E S} Coffee, nachos, cheeseburgers, sushi, pizza, donuts, jenga, his friends at the mansion, his speed, helping people, dogs, video games, comic books, movies, gadgets, finding out how things work.

{D I S L I K E S} Bullies, selfish people, frozen food, winter, those dolls whose eyes kinda look like they're following you

{F E A R S} Failing someone who needs his help, being too slow, cats (they hate him)

{ H O P E S/ D R E A M S} Being a hero, finding out what happened to his biological parents

{Going forward is easy, going back is the hard part.}

{H I S T O R Y} Barry Kazuto was actually born Barry Garrick, son of Jay and Iris Garrick though if you asked Barry he wouldn't be able to tell you any of that. When Barry was eleven years old his family was on the way home from a movie when a terrible storm blew in. Lighting crackled in the skies and thunder boomed over their heads. Their car, like a lot of others that rainy night, got stuck on a bridge crossing a river on their way home. When a bolt of lightning struck the bridge it buckled and began to collapse. Barry's father Jay pulled his son to saftey before getting himself and his wife out. The moment Barry was out of the car a second bolt of lighting streaked out from the sky and struck Barry square in the chest. He still remembers his mothers scream to this day in his dreams. He was sent flying back away from the car and his parents. Miraculoulsy Barry was able to get to his feet. His partents, calling to him as the bridge fell in on itself he tried to run to them but in the blink of an eye he was in the next township. Barry pased out, his body failing him after his first burst of speed. It wasn't until he woke up in the hospital that he first dealt with the time loss, he had no memory of anything before waking up in the hospital.

Barry only retained his name becuase of a backpack he was wearing when he was found that had a patch with his name on it. Barry found out he had spent nine months in the hospital in a coma and now that he was awake was due to be transported to an orphanage. Barry spent two years in the orphanage before the first day he met the little girl that would later become his sister. The orphan boy with no memory was not something most families were willing to adopt but a wide eyed little girl named Kazuto Suguha met him when she was visiting with her parents who were looking to adopt. She instantly fell in love with him and brought her parents over to meet him, calling him brother from that very day. The people who would later become Barry's mother and father were Kazuto Kirito and Kazuto Asuna. Much like their daughter they had an instant connection with Barry and got the paper work started. It was a long, stressful process but in the end Barry found a family who took him in, loved him and treated them as one of their own.

The oddity was not lost on Barry growing up, that a traditional Japanese immigrant family moved to America and adopted an orphan white child but they never seemed to care and after a while Barry forgot all about it. The only reminder that he wasn't their son was that his first name always came before their family name, unlike his sisters and parents who followed the traditional Japanese practice of the family name preceding the first name. Barry was raised along side Suguha and had a normal life though as his powers began to manifest more rapidly he quickly found himself once again alienated. His sister struggled with this the most since she was always so close with Barry that once he started pulling away she blamed herself. Once Barry began using his speed to help people it wasn't long before the MRD got wind of a mutant in the area and sent in a unit. Unable to find him they eventually hosted a rally, hoping to convince whoever was harboring the dangerous mutant to give him up, not knowing Kirito and Asuna would have rather died than give up their son. During the rally some protesters showed up and a brawl ensued. A lot of people got hurt or were arrested. That's when the Brotherhood showed up.

Led by Magneto and a few of his men the Brotherhood attacked the MRD. The chaos that ensued was horrifying, and in it all Barry lost track of his sister. He tried to find her, but with the mass of bodies all trying to run in this direction or that it was next to impossible. That was until he heard her scream. He turned to see a beast like man with sharp claws and teeth holding his sister by the throat. The sick grin on his face sickens Barry to this day. He tried to get to her but was unable due to the crowds. He thought he was going to lose her, that his sister was going to die because he was too slow. Then out of nowhere a flash of red light and the beast man was half way across the street and Suguha was safe in the arms of the arms of the leader of the X-Men, Cyclops. Barry had never seen someone so heroic, so in control and on top of things. He would have given anything to be like Cyclops in that moment. When Barry had finally reached his sister he sped her out of there but the image of Cyclops standing tall, the hero, was never far from his mind.

Barrys mind up his mind not long after. He wanted to enroll at Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters. He revealed his mutant abilities to his parents and to his surprise they already knew, stating that they knew for some time. His sister was the only member of the family that didn't know. When he told her she was actually relieved, saying she thought he hated her but was still sad to see him go off to school so far away. Eventually Barry not only made it to the Institute but was lucky enough to catch the eye of his hero and was hand picked for Alpha teams second in command.

{F A M I L Y}
Adoptive Father - Kazuto Kirito
Adoptive Mother - Kazuto Asuna
Adoptive Sister - Kazuto Suguha
Biological Father - Jay Garrick [DECEASED]
Biological Mother - Iris Garrick [DECEASED]

{"Life is locomotion. If you're not moving you're not living. But there comes a time when you've got to stop running away from things and you've got to start running towards something. You've got to forge ahead. Keep moving. Even if your path isn't lit trust that you'll find your way."}

{C O L O R}

{F C} Grant Gustin

{P R O T R A Y E D B Y}
(Bromander Shepard)

So begins...

Barry Kazuto's Story