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You Know You Love Me. XXX.

Langdon's Correctional Education Facility


a part of You Know You Love Me. XXX., by RoseAmedori.


RoseAmedori holds sovereignty over Langdon's Correctional Education Facility, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Langdon's Correctional Education Facility is a part of You Know You Love Me. XXX..

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Greyson Alexander Reid [60] "When my mom suggested Langdon, I jumped at the opportunity. I'll admit, it's not ideal...but it's safer for me here."
Lissa Marshall [60] "Nobody except the faculty at my old school know the full story...And I'd like to keep it that way."
Aislin Sinclair [59] "People think I'm crazy. I'm not. They're just scared of what they don't understand."
Zachary James Milburn [59] "If I'm as nuts as they say I am...why aren't I locked up in some padded cell on a deserted island with all the rest of the crazies?"
Emma Nichole Scott [45] "I came here quietly. I didn't see the point in fighting to get out. I mean, hell...I'm out of control anyway...this school isn't going to change that."
Jay Springs [32] Oh hey, Samson, why have you got a cucumber?
Logan Ritter [30] "Look at this face. Could I really nearly kill a man....Oh? Well I suppose looks can be deceiving..."
Conall Harrison [20] Stay on my good side. Trust me, you don't want to be on the shit list.
Jamie Daily [19] "Perhaps it's best you walk away while you still can."
Lewis Deacon [18] "These were the people I loved, I wasn't just gonna stand back and let this asshole run his mouth off."

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Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid
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Lissa nodded: just a quick little jerk of her head, with her eyes never leaving the floor. The girl probably was just fine right now, maybe sheā€™d even rejoined the service. Or maybeā€¦No. She wouldnā€™t think of the alternative. She refused to think of the alternative. Desperate for something to take her mind off the subject, she looked up at Greyson, managing to force out a small, strained smile.
ā€œSo, ahā€¦ā€ she murmured quietly. She needed a change of topic, a distraction from her own mind, but anyone who knew her knew that talking wasnā€™t her strong suit - at least, not anymore - and any conversation she has would have to be lead by another person, or they would simply never get anywhere.

Aislin turned her head to cast a quick glance over at Emma, looking her up and down discretely this time, not in the overly-obvious way she had done with Logan.
ā€œOhā€¦Well in that case, maybe I should have a go at her, then,ā€ she said in response to Zac, turning her head back and looking up at him with a wide grin, waggling her eyebrows slightly.

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Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid Character Portrait: Jamie Daily
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"...It's be upset about Abbigael, I mean..." Greyson said quietly after a few moments pause, looking over at Lissa and smiling weakly. "It's look like you're trying really hard to keep it together, when...that's probably the worst thing you can do...I mean, even I'm a little upset about it...and I hardly knew her at all..." He shifted nervously on his feet, pulling his jacket sleeves down slightly. "I guess I just want you to know that I'll be here for you, if you ever want to talk about anything..." He chewed the inside of his cheek. He didn't want it to come across as though he thought she was some kind of emotional wreck...he didn't think that, at all. And he hoped she knew that.

Zac glanced back over at Emma, then looked over his shoulder at Jamie, huffing quietly. "I'm sticking with the fact she likes chicks. She's too prissy when it comes to guys...and I am not up my own ass, thankyou very much." He pouted slightly, and then pulled a face at Aislin, his eyes narrowing slightly.
"Oh ha ha, very funny..." He muttered, crossing his arms. "Bitch."

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Jamie laughed. "Okay sure whatever." She said putting up her hands defensively. Her smile faded as at Aislinn's comment about Emma. She didn't like that at all, granted no one knew Jamie was bi-sexual or that she was attracted to Emma so she kept her face impassive. Her eyebrows popped to her forehead when Zach called Aislinn a bitch. "I thought you were over her?" She said with a grin.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid Character Portrait: Jamie Daily
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Lissa looked up at Greyson, then redirected her gaze back down to the floor. There it wasā€¦That affection againā€¦But this time, along with the slight blush, was the threat of tears. She had no idea why feeling cared for made her well up so easily. Maybe it was caused by overwhelming happiness at someone treating her like she actually mattered, or maybe it was because that - deep down - she knew that there was no way sheā€™d ever really trust anyone enough to fully open up to them, so really, she was just a wasted effort.
ā€œJesus, you make me sound like some sort of trainwreckā€¦ā€ she tried for a joke, even managing to get out a quiet, strangled laugh, but she wasnā€™t entirely sure how it came across.

ā€œThe thing is, thoughā€¦Iā€˜m not actually joking,ā€ Aislin said with a straight face, glancing over her shoulder again with her eyes landing directly on Emma. ā€œI would do unspeakable things to that girl. Sick, twisted, indescribable, degrading, pulling-the-gravel-from-your-knees thingsā€¦ā€ she uttered the last part with the light, teasing tone returning to her voice and one corner of her mouth curving up into a smirk. That smirk only intensified when Jamie had finished speaking, and she looked up at Zac. "Yeah...I thought you were over her..."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid Character Portrait: Jamie Daily
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Greyson blinked and gulped quietly, his eyes widening.
"O-oh...I-I...Lissa, I...I didn't mean to upset you...I'm so sorry..." He stuttered, feeling himself start to panic. "I didn't mean it like're not a trainweck, honest..." He bit his lip, taking a few small steps closer to her. "Please don't cry..."

Zac looked at Aislin, then over at Emma, and back again, his lips parting slightly as he did so and letting out a small whining sound of his own as he bit down on his lower lip.
"...And the horrible thing is...I can't decide whether I'd rather be doing those things to her myself, or watching you do them..." He murmured quietly, his brow furrowed, and then looked between Jamilyn and Aislin. "And I am over her..." He began to protest again. "But that doesn't mean I don't still like the idea of potentially waking up next to that in the morning..."

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Jamie arched an eyebrow at Aislinn. "I thought you were gonna drink Logan Ritter?" She said keeping the bite from her voice. She looked to Emma and then to Zach and Aislinn. "I'm tired of this conversation. When is this stupid memorial service over. Pretty soon they're gonna need one for me. I'm dying of boredom." She said with a huff.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid Character Portrait: Logan Ritter Character Portrait: Jamie Daily
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ā€œHey, heyā€¦I know, I was jokingā€¦I sometimesā€¦sometimes make jokesā€¦Though I should probably justā€¦notā€¦ā€ Lissa said, looking back up at Greyson with a small, weak smile. Her eyes were still a little red around the edges, but she had done well to force back to floods of tears that were so dangerously close to spilling. ā€œAnd Iā€˜m not cryingā€¦See?ā€

Aislin smirked darkly at Zacā€™s reaction, crossing her arms and leaning against the back of the bench.
ā€œNowā€¦Do try not to get a boner with those images in your headā€¦ā€ she teased, giving her friend a wink. ā€œButā€¦Youā€˜re clearly not over her if youā€˜re not, wellā€¦over her. In both the emotional and the physical sense...Actually, no...Waitā€¦Do you even have emotions?ā€ she asked, tilting her head to the side in the same way a confused puppy would do, her brows furrowing and her lips parting in a sign of puzzlement.
Then she glanced over at Jamie and shrugged. She had no intention of doing anything with Logan today, and probably not in the near future either. She loved teasing him way too much, and if she gave up the fight now, she'd lose that pleasure.
"Not today."

((OOC: Sorry Malice, I didn't see your post. ^^))

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid Character Portrait: Jamie Daily
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Greyson sighed quietly with relief when he heard Lissa, his small smile returning.
" had me worried for a second there..." He said with a slight laugh, some of the calmness returning to his voice and stance. "And, was funny, honestly...I just have a really bad sense of you know..." He smiled.

"Oh, come on..." Zac whimpered quietly, looking down at Aislin and gesturing over to Emma with one hand. "What kind of straight man doesn't enjoy girl-on-girl action? I'll give you a clue...none. And it's your fault I'm having those mental images in the first place...I haven't had any kind of action in like, a week. Sex is my food. I'm dying here." He said, then huffed quietly, looking back over at Emma. "And, for the last fucking time...I am over her. But, newsflash, guys think with their dicks, and that part of me still wants said girl."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Jay Springs Character Portrait: Abbigael Parnell Character Portrait: Jamie Daily
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Jay noticed Emma winking at him, but he ignored it, his cheeks turning a bright red and his hood going up to hide his face so she would notice, if she did he might have died of embarrassment. "Go on, go over and talk to her." Samson urged him, but Jay ignored him, he watched Emma from the corner of his eyes, he watched her walk over to Zac, Aislin and Jamilyn. "Oh there goes your chance." Samson laughed. "She's with people, if you go over there you'll only crap yourself." Jay's eye twitched and then he stood up and walked away, leaving the memorial. "Fuck it, I barely knew the bitch anyway." Jay said aloud as he walked off, ignoring anything the headmistress shouted at him and pushing past the people in his way.

The silhouette smiled as she watched Jamie delete her from her contacts, she looked at the phone, she was flicking through her apps. "That was just rude." She sighed, then she noticed movement from the crowd and one person, Jay, leave. So she did the same.

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Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid
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ā€œYeahā€¦ā€ Lissa responded quietly, her own smile becoming less forced when she saw the one that Greyson was now giving her. But even just looking at him now, so genuine, so happy in her company, she felt that stinging teary feeling return. Whatever happiness he felt was just temporary, being friend with her would just be like that. ā€˜Wasted effortā€¦ā€™ she thought to herself. Her mind was in that dark place again, and it took a lot to break her out of it. But, despite the fact that she knew the next words to come out of her mouth would only take those feelings and double them, it was something that really had to be said. ā€œā€¦Thanks, Greyā€¦ā€ she hoped heā€™d understand her meaning, because if she had to explain it, that threat of tears would become far too strong.

ā€œDoesnā€˜t feel so nice, does it?ā€ Aislin said with a smirk, thinking back to the earlier moments of the service where Zachary had denied her blood, and then had the nerve to taste his own right in front of her. But, heyā€¦at least she wasnā€˜t going right over there and giving him a demonstration. ā€œYou tease me with blood, I tease you with kinky imaginary lesbian sex. Just how I roll, my friend,ā€ she winked. ā€œButā€¦basically what youā€˜re saying is that you are over her, but your dick isnā€˜t?ā€

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Jamie laughed out loud then. "Wow, Male Perspective, Ladies and Gentlemen." She said and then arched an eyebrow. "Maybe you just need something else for your dick to think about?" She said, flirting not-so subtly. Granted she always was curious about Zach. He was always going on about himself and his dick but she never had any personal experience with either.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid Character Portrait: Jay Springs
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After looking at Lissa for a few moments, Greyson's smile broke into one which was both brighter and felt more real to him. He was beginning to slip back into his comfort zone, and as he managed to tell she wasn't forcing her own as much, it pushed him over the edge.
"You're very welcome..." He replied cheerfully, lightly draping his arm across her shoulders and pulling her into another half hug, this time more of a casual friendly embrace than the one earlier, which had been to show her he was there for her if she needed him. He was still going to be there now, of course, but...he figured this kind of attitude would boost her mood a little. And even the smallest smile from Lissa, as long as it was genuine, had the power to brighten his whole day.

Emma caught movement out of the corner of her eye and glanced over to see what the drama was, then blinked as she saw Jay pushing his way towards the exit of the Quad. She knew he'd seen her winking at him this morning, but...he hadn't responded back with the same enthusiasm. He'd just pulled his hood up and looked away. And she couldn't help but wonder if that meant he wasn't interested.
But...c'mon...who wasn't into her? Not many people...and the ones that applied to, she didn't bother with. That was just how she liked to do things. But there was no way he was one of those few. Or, at least, he wouldn't be...not once she was finished with him.
Standing back up as she watched Jay exit, smoothing down her skirt and lightly fluffing her hair, she sauntered after him with a small smirk on her face, pulling the same red lipstick and reapplying it yet again before putting it back into the pocket of her coat.
"Hey! Hey, you! Hood guy!" She called once she'd followed him into one of the empty hallways, picking up the pace of her walking to close the distance between them.

Zac at first rolled his eyes, annoyed at having his own tricks thrown back at him, then grinned slightly and leered down at Aislin. "Well...I think it's only fair that if I gave you that'd have to keep your end of the bargain, too..." He winked. "And, basically...I'm saying that I am over her, but I'd still fuck the shit out of her if I ever get the chance."
He looked over at Jamie and laughed softly, smirking. "Why? You offering?" He teased, before giving another soft laugh and directing his attention back to the floor, leaning back against the wall.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid Character Portrait: Jamie Daily
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In spite of those dark feelings, Lissa found herself smile - really smile, when she felt her friendā€™s arm wrap around her. It was a shy kind of smile, but one still wide enough to show teeth, which was accompanied by a quiet, breathy kind of laugh. Her first completely natural smile of the day, that she hadnā€™t even realized had appeared until it had been at her lips for a few moments. With downcast eyes, she leaned into Greysonā€™s hug, resting her head against his shoulder.

ā€œHey, I would take both, absolutely no problemsā€¦ā€ Aislin said with a soft laugh and a smirk, holding her palms out in front of her. The smirk dimmed ever so slightly at Jamieā€™s too-obvious attempts at flirting. Sure, some people may class how she and Zac acted around each other as some twisted kind of flirting, but it was more like teasing than anything else. With how Jamie flirts, she might as well just strap a ā€˜Take Meā€™ sign to her forehead and spread her legs. In all honesty, it sickened Aislin a little. Especially when it was Zac that Jamieā€™s advances were aimed at.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Jay Springs Character Portrait: Abbigael Parnell
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Jay stopped and turned around, looking to see Emma following after him. He sighed and waited for her to catch up. "I... I have a name." He told her, crossing his arms, trying to get her to go away by being ruder than usual. "I think she's planning on sneaking to a street corner later." He heard Samson giggle, but ignored it. "Can I help you anyway?" He asked her, his head tilted slightly. He heard heavy footsteps above him, but he ignored them, thinking it was just his imagination or Samson...

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid Character Portrait: Jay Springs
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Greyson looked down at Lissa, smiling warmly as she did, his mood continuing to pick up and feeling more and more energetic and happy every moment.
When she rested her head on his shoulder, he laughed softly, glancing around them into the empty hallway.
"Woah, woah, woah...are you sure you want to be doing that? Someone might see and get the wrong idea...think we're dating, or something...and I have a cool dude reputation to uphold..." He teased, giving a small wink down at her and mimicking the action of pulling sunglasses from his eyes with the arm that wasn't wrapped around her, grinning like a mischevious child.

"...Wow...well aren't you just a little nympho..." Zac smirked at Aislin, reaching down and lightly ruffling her hair as he mocked, then glanced around, putting his hand back into his pocket again. "I mean...I guess I could offer you a long as this wager, or...something just as valuable to me as what that would have been...will stay standing..." He gave a subtle nod toward his now open palm which he had just pulled back out, the open penknife resting, blade open, in the middle of it. "But...I hope you know I'm only doing this because I love you. You're a psychotic bitch with major mental health issues, but...aren't we all, deep down?" He laughed softly, looking back around at the rest of the people in the Quad.

Emma smiled brightly as she reached Jay, taking a final few small steps until she stood directly in front of him.
"I know...Jay, right? Sorry...I'm bad with names..." She replied with a small girlish giggle, her voice raising in pitch slightly, and lightly rested her hand on his arm for a second, before taking it away again and fiddling with her coat collar. "I remember faces, though...bodies..." Her eyes travelled down the length of him, head to foot and then back again, smiling as seductively as she could manage and fluttering her eyelashes slightly as they made eye contact.
"Well...the ones that are worth remembering, anyway..."

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Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid
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Lissaā€™s cheeks flushed a slightly brighter shade than before, her eyes still on the ground and her smile returning to that small, demure upward curve of her lips. She hadnā€™t wanted to give off that impression at all, and certainly hadnā€™t wanted Greyson to pick up on it. She just wanted the comfort of closeness, the warmth of his arm wrapped around her and the protection it offeredā€¦But she lifted her head from his shoulder to look up at him, and tried for another joke to mask her embarrassment.
ā€œSo youā€˜re saying Iā€˜m not good enough for your reputation?ā€

Aislinā€™s smirk widened into a bright smile and she let out a quiet, excited squeal as she looked at Zacā€™s knife, quickly snatching it out of his palm.
ā€œThank you! I will seriously love you forever, Zachary Milburn,ā€ she squeaked, redirecting her wide smile up at his face, then back down at the knife in her hand. ā€œAnd I will even overlook your mockery and the fact you messed up my hair, because you make me happy, bitch.ā€

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Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Jay Springs
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Jay's face lightened up when she smiled, his cheeks turning slightly red when she touched his arm, giggled and fluttered her eyelashes, everything made him nervous around her. "Are you flirting with me?" He asked. "I mean, flirting at a memorial services is kinda low." He felt he had to get rid of her before he really embarrassed himself and scared her off. "You're not wearing that outfit for the memorial are you?" He asked, his eyes scanning her outfit.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid Character Portrait: Jay Springs
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Grey laughed softly, smiling down at Lissa.
"Shut know I'm kidding..." He lightly bumped her arm with his fist, not strongly enough to move her, but just letting it brush against her. "And I know you didn't mean for it to be like that...I'm just messing around. If anything, you're way too good for any of us here." He smiled, shrugging slightly. "You'll do great things, Lissa Marshall. Trust me on that." He said with another wink.

"Yeah, yeah...whatever..." Zac rolled his eyes, laughing softly and drawing more shapes on the ground with his foot as he leant upright on the wall. "Just don't make what you're doing too obvious...especially if you're gonna make me stand here while you do it. Any other place around this school is a little less risky, but...yeah, regardless of where, just be a little more subtle than usual. Because I know how unsubtle about shit you are."

"Well, hey...let's not get ahead of ourselves, now..." Emma gave a small laugh, quieter this time, still smiling sweetly at Jay. "I wouldn't say flirting, as such...just engaging in conversation...breaking the ice...and, I'm sorry, if that's offended you...that really wasn't my intention. I just kind of thought that, Abbigael wouldn't really want us to be sad today...she'd probably just want us to cause extra trouble on her behalf, God bless her soul...and I'm just trying my best to keep my mood up and trying to make everyone else see that, too...and when I saw you leave the service just then, I thought you seemed upset, and I...well, I just wanted to help..." She said quietly, her smile retreating back to being barely there, although inside, she was beaming from ear to ear. She'd even amazed herself at how easily she'd found it to think up that little speech on the spot like filled her with a new sense of pride that she knew couldn't be taken away from her. And the fact that she'd said all of that while watching the blush rising in the cheeks of the boy she was currently facing, she was on a whole new high. One she wouldn't come down from any time soon.
Upon hearing his comment about her choice of clothing, she looked down and gently smoothed down her coat, debating whether to pull her skirt down afterwards, but abandoning the idea and instead feigning a shyer, humble smile.
"Oh, and...well, I don't really have a lot of black clothing at home, but...I just felt like it was the right colour to wear, y'know? But I still wanted my outfit to look nice, was just an added benefit that it doesn't look too bad on least, I hope it doesn't..."

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Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Jay Springs
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Jay nodded. "No, I'm fine. Just got a bit bored, you know?" He let out a little laugh. "Oh no! I didn't mean that!" He apologised. "It's just ah... uhm." He shook his head and rubbed the back of it. "The one thing you didn't want to do." He heard Samson laugh. "Yeah, I'm just gonna leave before I embarrass myself or yourself any further." He spun on his heel and started down the hall, away from Emma. "Smooth." He heard Samson giggling.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid
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ā€œYouā€˜re way too good for any of us hereā€¦Youā€˜ll do great things, Lissa Marshall.ā€
She didnā€™t agree with this, and just hearing anyone say it caused her heart to sink. She had no idea what would happen to her once she left this place, but she knew for a fact that it wouldnā€™t be great. She had no idea if sheā€™d even make it to the end of this school year, with the thoughts of Abbigael rushing back into her mind.
She still managed to keep her smile, somehow, and looked down to the floor so as not to let her eyes betray what was happening in her mind.
ā€œYeahā€¦Rightā€¦ā€ Sheā€™d meant to sound joking, but some of that sadness still made its way into her voice.

ā€œWhen am I ever unsubtle?ā€ Aislin asked, looking up at Zac and pushing her lower lip out slightly into a pout, holding onto his knife and absentmindedly twisting it her hand with the tip of the blade resting on her finger. She really just wanted to get to work using this knife, but she restrained herself, keeping up the conversation. The longer she waited, the more the anticipation caused her insides to flip and flutter, and the sweeter the end result will be. She could already feel her taste buds start to tingle and her mouth starting to salivate just thinking about itā€¦

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid Character Portrait: Jay Springs
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"Hey...I get it..." Emma said, smiling warmly at Jay and laughing slightly with him. "Humans are programmed for being able to do things...y'know, to have constant stimulation from the things around them...both mentally, and physically...and, standing around in a crowded place with at least 30 other people, listening to someone talking for hours on end doesn't really satisfy either of those...especially when you never really had a close personal relationship with whoever the topic of conversation was, so you kind of struggle to engage in what's being said...but then you feel like a douche if you express that that's the way you feel, and so you don't, and...well, it's a vicious cycle..." She huffed, her smile beginning to fade as Jay began to stutter, and then disappearing completely as he turned and started to walk away.
"...Jay...?" She called after him half-heartedly, her expression showing clearly her confusion as she watched him. She hoped he'd acknowledge she'd spoken, and wouldn't just pretend not to hear her...maybe even turn around and come back over to her, although she didn't hold her breath on the latter. She could see that he wanted to get away from her, for whatever reason...and although it could be taken as flattering, due to the fact that she may make him still pulled her own self-esteem down a little. But still...maybe he'd pleasantly surprise her.

"...I mean it..." Greyson said quietly, smiling. "And someday, when we're all grown up and off doing our own things, you're gonna pick up the phone when it rings and I'll be on the other end saying 'I told you so'...but if you ever become filthy rich in the future, I expect you to be the one calling me." He added with a laugh, then let go of Lissa and took a few steps down the corridor in front of them. "But...oh my God, I wish that day would come already. I can't wait to get out of this hellhole..." He lightly banged his fists on the door of one of the lockers, still giving her that charming smile.

Zac raised an eyebrow slightly, laughing softly and giving a quick glance down towards his knife. "Y'know...I've never really fully gotten the whole 'drinking blood', what's so good about it..." He said, casually stratching at the small cut on his index finger that was beginning to heal. "You'll have to explain it to me sometime...I mean, I know the whole teenage population of the world are going gaga over all this Twilight, Edward Cullen, please-suck-my-blood-because-you're-fucking-hot-and-I'm-a-needy-fangbanger kind of shit,'d kind of be interesting to hear what all this vampirism's like in real life..."

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Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Jay Springs
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Jay stopped and looked over his shoulder, "Yeah?" He asked, he wanted to stay, he really did, but he was just a big ball of embarrassment and stupidity around her, she made him so confused about everything. "It's not you." He smiled to her. "It's me." He said it in a jokey way and wait for a response before making the decision to leave or stay a bit longer.

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Jamie simply smiled when Zach asked if she was offfering but said nothing. She watched Aislinn bitch about blood again and Zac ever so willing to give it up. She decided she'd wait til later to go into detail about her offer. "It's probably Anemia or some shit." She commented when Zach asked about why Aislinn was into that blood drinking shit.

Logan decided she was playing him. Eh, not the first time. He thought and got in the car. He sighed and pulled back the seat. He spun his pocket knife in his hand and thumbed through the photo viewer in his phone again. He stopped on a picture Abby took of her self. She was trying to be sexy. He chuckled at that. She was hot, there was no denying that but this picture it was just cute.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid Character Portrait: Jamie Daily
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Lissa listened to her friend with that same small smile on her face. No matter how many time heā€™d say it, or how many ways heā€™d say it, she just didnā€™t believe it. She wasnā€™t capable of being rich, or famous, or even getting herself a decent life after her final years up here. This, right now, would probably be the best itā€™s ever going to get for her, and that was a saddening thought.
So when Greyson said he couldnā€™t wait to leave, a little part of her felt like she was being left behind. He wanted to leave as soon as possible, she never wanted to have to leave.
ā€œI think everyone else here feels exactly the sameā€¦ā€ Except her.

Aislin opened her mouth to answer Zac but stopped when Jamie spoke up. Her comment wiped the smile right off of Aislinā€™s face and caused her jaw to set tightly in irritation. She glanced over her shoulder at her ā€˜friendā€™, a slow smirk spreading across her lips.
ā€œOrā€¦Itā€˜s probably just the crazy bitch with a knife who likes the taste of blood,ā€ her smirk widened to a feral grin which was more about flashing fang than smiling. ā€œOr some shit.ā€

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Jamie grinned. "Uh-huh, I suppose we all have our proclivities. Like mine, for example, My penance for violence." She said, vemon in her words. Yes,That was a threat. a very subtle blink and you miss it threat. She and Aislinn very came to blows but threats were not uncommon. It probably would have been strange if they didn't threaten to kill each other.
