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Isaac Romano

"Accept who you are. Unless you're a serial killer."

0 · 629 views · located in San Francisco, California

a character in “You Light Up My World”, originally authored by peace_of_mind7, as played by RolePlayGateway



❝I don't hate you.. I just don't like that you exist❞
― Gena Showalter, Seduce the Darkness



Full Name

Isaac Alec Romano


Zack Zacky








Chef College Student


Hair Colour

Dark Chocolate Brown

Eye Colour


Height & Weight

6' 2" 185 lbs.

Distinctive Markings

He has an abundance of moles on his cheeks and neck.

Clothing Style




Courteous Sometimes

Risk-Taking Generally

Ambitious Usually

Curious Always

Self-Controlled Sometimes

Nurturing Often

Trusting Often

Honest Sometimes

Loyal Typically

Affectionate Often

Romantic Often

Flirty Often

Sympathetic Often

Altruistic Sometimes

Optimistic Always

Observant Generally

Logical Never

Social Fairly Outgoing

Emotions Very stable



Newports Brandy Loud Music Bistros Dark Colors Women Black Coffee Mark Twain Sherlock BBC Supernatural Cars Grand Parties Leather Jackets Pulling Pranks Cooking Dirty Dancing Romantic Comedies J.R.R Tolken Star Wars Tattoos Piercing Red Lipstick {on women, of course} Interracial Couples Same-Sex Couples Boxer Briefs


Nagging Rude Customers Winter Obnoxious People This Generation Seeing in Grey Pink Uptight People Waking up early


He Plays The Drums He's Honest He's Charming Beer Pong Smooth Talking Sarcasm Satirical Humor Cooking He Can Sing Fixing Cars




Isaac's life has had it's ups and downs. His mother died during childbirth and his father was left to take care of him with only the help of his brother. Fatherhood doesn't come with a handbook, so it was a little touch and go for a while before he got the hang of it. All in all, he did a pretty decent job. Isaac was raised in the Romano Italian Restaurant where he learned the tricks of the trade in Italian culinary arts. He started out taking orders when he was ten, worked his way up to busing table when he hit twelve, and started working in the kitchen as soon as he turned sixteen. With every year, Isaac honed his skills and has been putting his own twists to the food.

Now that he's going to school and majoring in business, Isaac has big plans for the Romano empire. However, things are taking a turn for the worse because his father has been recently had a stroke and therefore in need of his help. It's putting a strain on his education because he's running the restaurant while he's going through physical therapy. He's trying his best and with the help of his uncle, he's hoping his best is enough.


Joseph Romano Father 55 Living
Tony Romano Uncle 48 Living
Elena Romano Mother 49 Deceased



Dialogue Colour #6F4E37

FC Portrayed By Dylan O'Brien

Character Portrayed By peace_of_mind7

So begins...

Isaac Romano's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jezebel Kingstaff Character Portrait: Zane Byrne Character Portrait: Aurora Queen Character Portrait: Isaac Romano Character Portrait: Frankie Malts Character Portrait: Allison Flynn
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Rain had begun falling in the city of San Francisco, California not long ago. At the beginning it seemed to be only a drizzle, but it had soon turned into a complete downpour. Though it may only be 5 in the evening, the dark clouds have blocked the bright sun. What a dreary Monday.
One could always tell whether someone had met their soul mate or not. Maybe it was something in a person's eyes. Or was it the skip in their step? Katelyn could never tell. She hadn't met her soul mate, no, her world was still grey scale. Everything was like a black and white picture. She didn't know what colors were what - only that they contrasted one another. The day had gone by slowly for the dark haired girl. Always finishing work at the bistro at 2, she had plenty of time to study for the upcoming exam. Her Mother always laughed at the girls ambitions, saying she was practically studying unemployment. Though Katelyn laughed with her Mother's jest, she couldn't help but feel discouraged at the statement. The girl wanted to be the J.K Rowling of her time. The Tolken of the modern word. A poetic savant like Shakespeare. Katelyn wanted to create a master piece with ink. To make a world pop up from paper to help the reader escape the dullness of reality.

Reading had always been an escape for Katelyn. Whenever the tides were tough, she picked up a book and got lost in the pages. People made fun of her for this her entire high school career, but she ignored them. She knew she wanted to be an author, despite the world telling her to pick a more "practical" career.

Outside the thunder lit up the dreary sky, but inside her apartment the candles on her table and the book light connected to her hardcover version of Vince Flynn's American Assassin novel were the only sources of light. Action novels weren't her typical genre of choice, but she had gotten this book to try to branch out her knowledge. A good author must get an understanding of all they can, right? The only thing Katelyn couldn't get a hands on knowledge of, was the world of love and color. Katelyn had never been in love, sure she had had boyfriends in the past - but it was never anything serious. Boyfriends meant nothing to her. Her soul mate was the thing she searched for.

Writing a novel and trying to describe what the sky was supposed to look like was a hard thing to do when one didn't really know themselves. Was it a light shade of blue, green, red, or even purple? She didn't know. Without those details she wouldn't be able to make a story come to life, and she only relied on what she read and what she had learned from others to fill in those missing pieces.

Katelyn coughed in the dimly lit room, her nose filled with the scent of the raspberry candles. Raspberries were her favorite thing. They tasted tart yet sweet. It was a contrast she enjoyed. Looking down at the pages and realizing her was half way done with the book she sighed. What a productive day she thought to herself. On a usual day Katelyn wouldn't be one to eat out unless required to. Upon looking at her empty fridge however - her mind was quickly changed. The difficulties of being an adult, you had to stock your own food. Katelyn hated shopping, only going when she knew what she really needed. Though she could shop all day for books. Katelyn didn't consider that shopping however, she considered it browsing. There was one good place in town she felt relatively comfortable going to eat, and that was the lazy dinner joint about a half a block from her apartment. It always had some person playing live music, and the food there was always home made. It had a laid back feel about it that she greatly enjoyed.

Grabbing her umbrella and a black jacket she headed out of her apartment to face the rain, and to hopefully get herself something to sate her grumbling stomach.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Romano
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It’s the nurse’s voice in his ear, it’s knowing that he wasn’t there when it happened, it’s realizing that he could have just lost one of the most important people in his; it’s everything about his situation that has Isaac Romano on his feet and in the pouring rain within the minute.

"Isaac!" Tyler calls from the front door, his eyes wide with panic. He’s never seen Isaac like this before and the desperate look in his eyes has left him concerned. "Isaac! What’s wrong?"

No answer comes because Isaac is already in his car, rain water sliding down his sharp cheekbones and making his sun-kissed flesh freeze. He doesn’t take the time to turn on the heat before he’s off and racing down the road. The world is a blur of monotonous grey and foreboding black as he ventures towards the hospital with no heed to the speed limit. It’s a miracle that he doesn’t get in an accident, much less pulled over with the speed he’s going. He’s never felt so cold and it’s not because he’s soaked to the bone. In his veins ice water flows freely, extinguishing any warmth he had prior to the call.

It only take one call to make his entire world seem so much darker. It’s as if the blackness is devouring what little light he can see. The city is a labyrinth laden with twists and turns. He feels like he’s running out of time with every damn car in his path; so many obstacles standing in between him and his destination In a fit of rage, Isaac smacks his palms against the steering wheel and honks his horn in the midst of the traffic. It doesn’t last long, but to Isaac it feels like an eternity. It’s only when he’s parking his car in the hospital’s parking lot that he’s finally able to breathe again.

He doesn’t remember opening the door, but before he knows it, he’s running towards the entrance. He’s at the desk in seconds, looking upon the tired middle aged receptionist in sheer panic. “Joseph Romano,” he pants, leaning against the desk as water drips from his face onto the surface.

"Sir, have a seat." The woman says, lamely. She doesn’t even look at him. Isaac’s desperation hardens into pure unadulterated anger.

“You don’t understand. I need to see him. At least, look at the fucking clipboard before you write me off like that,” he snaps. “His name is Joseph Samuel Romano, okay. I’m his son-…just let me see him.”

That’s when she looks at him and the disdain in her gaze is enough to amp Isaac up on ‘pissed off’ meter. "Sit. Down. Sir." She hisses, curtly. Isaac is on the verge of yelling in her pig face when a hand clasps his shoulder. He turns around, spying his uncle Tony right at his side.

"It’s okay, Zacky," the older man soothes him, leading him away from the desk and into the waiting room. "I’ve spoken to the doctor already."

Isaac leans into the touch, sighing and using the pressure of his uncle’s hand to keep himself grounded. He doesn’t protest to being led away, in fact, it’s for the best. He would have made a scene in there. “What did the doctor say?”

"He had a stroke," Tony sighs, taking a seat just as Isaac does. "Said he’s lucky to be alive, but the stroke fucked him up pretty badly. He’s paralyzed, Zack…they say he might be able to walk again someday, but now-…now it’s touch and go. No guarantees.”"

Isaac holds back his tears, shivering in his seat. He hadn’t realized that he didn’t bring a jacket, but he doesn’t care. He welcomes the chill down his spine because it keeps him alert. “Why can’t I see him?”

"Because they are still working on him, kid. We can’t get in their way. Give it time, alright?" As calm as Tony may sound, Isaac and tell by the flush in his cheeks and the glisten of his dark eyes that he’s been crying. "All we can do is wait…"



Gazing out of the window, watching fat droplets slide down the glass, Isaac remembers the horror of that night. The sky is as colorless as the rest of the world and the oppressive shade of charcoal paints the heavens ominously. It was on a day just like this that Isaac felt his universe collapse around him. Slowly, he lifts his coffee cup to his lips, allowing the searing liquid to burn his tongue. It hurts, but he handles it without complaint. It’s in this coffee shop that the fresh scent of ground beans envelope him. He likes it here mainly because he can people watch and be alone in his corner with his laptop and mug. Taking another sip as he browses the web, Isaac feels his cellphone vibrate in his pocket. He places his drink on the table and pulls the device out. His eyes train of the familiar phone number and he grins because of it.

“Giving you hell yet?” He asks in greeting, his tone light as he idly scrolls through his emails.

A deep chuckle sounds on the other end and he can just faintly hear the complaints of a man in the background. "Doesn’t he always? I swear he likes you better."

“I’m kind of the fruit of his loins, so that’s to be expected. What’s going on there, Uncle Tony? I can hear him bitching from here.”

"He doesn’t want to go to physical therapy tomorrow. Something about them being pompous fucktards…?"

Isaac laughs, raising his brows in amusement. “Look at Pops expanding his vocabulary,” he muses, sip his drink again. “Fucktards is a new one for him. It’s usually shitheads and douchebaskets.” There is more noise in the background and Isaac can hear his father spewing profanities at an alarming rate. “Tell him that this therapist is supposed to be different than the last one. She’s highly recommended.”

"You don’t think I’ve tried that, kid? After that last one, he’s pinned them all as assholes. I’m not sure if I can take him tomorrow. I’ve babysat long enough."

“Come on, Uncle Tony. I’ve got to run the restaurant tomorrow, you know that. We’re already short staff as it is.”

"I can always take over while you drive your father to his session. Besides, he’s already made it clear that he’s getting tired of me."

“I bet you’re exaggerating.” Isaac smirks into his mug. He knows his father can be a piece of work with his brash words and blunt nature. Despite that, Isaac adores him nonetheless. That grumpy man is the reason he is who he is today and he’s forever grateful for that.

"He said he was going to punch me in the face because he’s sick of looking at it, Zacky." Tony says, deadpan. The young chef can’t help but let out a hardy laugh because of it.

“Sounds like him,” he chuckles, putting his mug back on the table and hunching over his laptop with amusement written all over his face. “Fine, I’ll take him off your hands tomorrow while you watch the restaurant.”

"Thank you," Tony sighs. "I’ll talk to you at dinner."

“See you at dinner,” and just like that conversation ends and Isaac is left in peace. His eyes drift to the window once more, watching the clouds water the earth. Although his world came crashing down on a night like this, Isaac’s pretty sure he can fix it when it’s all said and done.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Romano Character Portrait: Frankie Malts
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"I don't want any of that. Ain't you got you a man yet? I hate to see a pretty young lass like you workin' all day." He coughed, scratching his bald head, with his arthritic fingers. "I guess it's the bed again. No, Alan, I don't 'have a man' as you ask me every session. " Frankie chuckled, wheeling the old man to a platform above the ground, and helped him walk over to it, and sit, handing him two 1 pound weights, for each arm, then putting them in the crook of his ankles, and raising each leg.

After Alan's session, which also included of the yoga ball, and then playing games on the chalkboard, Frankie walked, or wheeled, him back to his room on the 6th floor. It was then about 6 p.m. when she reached his room.

"Alright, Al. I'll see you bright and early at 3 tomorrow. A whole hour earlier than today, as per your request." She smiled, chuckling, and standing in front of the wheel chair, letting him lean on her as he weakly climbed into his bed. He sat on the end, and threw his legs in, and Frankie tucked him in. "Good night Al." She waved, parking the wheelchair out of the way. "Night, Miss Frankie." He coughed, and leaned back, switching the channel from a baseball game, to a talk show, on the tv propped up on the wall in the corner of the room.

Walking out, Frankie was stopped by a nurse, who was known to be a complete jerk to her patients. "Hey, Frank!" She then handed her a manilla folder, that read "Romano" across the top, in quickly-written handwriting. Frankie raised her brow, as the woman continued, her breath a little fast, implementing she was out of shape. "I need you to take this patient for me. They requested someone new, and I didn't think about it until just now. Mr. Romano had a stroke, and he was mine, but said I was a.." She lowered her voice. "fucktard." She raised it, only after looking around. "But, anyway, thanks!" She quickly walked off, not looking back.

Frankie sighed, shaking her head. "Of course she got cussed out by a patient. She's just that type of nurse." She rolled her eyes, pressing the button for floor 1, her floor. As she walked the hall, she took the papers out of the manilla folder, and studied it. A stroke victim, that could possibly be paralyzed, if not taken care of properly. Perfect. Frankie seemed to be getting all the stroke victims lately, as her jerky co-worker has gotten all the 4 star athletes, and taken out on dates multiple times a week. She honestly didn't see what those men saw in such a woman, but she didn't understand men anyway.

She'd dreamt about seeing a life of love, but then it always crumbled, as she remembered her father and mother's love. How it just died so harshly, and how the other was left, to grieve, and possibly die in guilt, and emotions for the rest of their life. On one hand, she wanted to experience it just to see if her father did the right thing by leaving Frankie, or if it's a whole new world, and perspective, and her father was just a dramatic.

Frankie stopped outside her office door, browsing through the papers. There was a picture of a middle-aged man, who was the stroke victim. Under his emergency contacts, were his son, Isaac Romano, and brother, another Romano. "I wonder if they're the Romano's who own the restaurant somewhere around here." She shrugged at the thought, and slipped the papers in order, back into the manilla folder, and unlocked her office door, and set up for her new patient..

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jezebel Kingstaff Character Portrait: Zane Byrne Character Portrait: Isaac Romano Character Portrait: Allison Flynn Character Portrait: Katelyn Ukalla
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There wasn't much to do in the coffee shop while she waited for her coffee. Katelyn was wondering what was taking her best friend so long. Turning over her shoulder she saw a dazed blonde woman, and a smiling Allison. It didn't surprise her that her friend was making more friends. She was the social one after all. She was the funny, sweet, lovable friend everyone really wanted. It was hard for a person to not like Allison. Katelyn however, saw herself in a much different light. Katelyn was the quiet, analytical, sarcastic one. People didn't really seem to gravitate towards her like they did Allison, and honestly she didn't mind. She only needed her one friend.

She sat in the booth reading Lone Survivor patiently while Allison was doing well...Allison things. Though it may have looked like the girl was reading, her mind had wandered off as it normally did. She often stumped herself with ideas of the universe and existence. What damned god made it so one could only see in grey scale? These sorts of thoughts weren't uncommon to the girl. When alone or with her friend often she discussed the ideas in her head, mostly to see how it sounded aloud.

It was only in her nature to be a daydreamer. Her Mother was a dreamer as well. Though her Mother, being the chemist she was, dreamnt of much different things.

Then and there she began getting ideas for the story she was beginning to create. So far she had been creating characters and a world, but when an idea hits one cannot simply let it go away without writing it down. Shifting through her messenger bag she found the small notebook and began scribbling her idea down before it would fade away.

Around him he watched as people came and go. A man had ordered a few things, and now a brunette and blonde were doing well...something at the counter. Honestly he couldn't really tell what was going on. Now off the phone with his uncle, he went back to his previous activity, scrolling through the internet. His browsing was mostly through reddit. He enjoyed the funny things that people had done or sad, or the obscene memes. Those were the best. He wondered if the memes had color, or if it was grey - just like his dull vision that he wished would change. Though he liked the life of being a single bachelor, wooing ladies left and right - it meant nothing if you couldn't see the true color of something.

He continued drinking the steaming black coffee, taking in the bitter aroma with each short sip. It burnt the back of his throat when he swallowed, but he continued doing so without the slightest flinch.

With no new (interesting) post on reddit he only had one idea in his head of what to do. And that was to rewatch a Sherlock episode in the cafe. Sherlock was one of his favorite shows. He enjoyed the snarky emotionless comments of Sherlock and his companion John always trying to cover up for him.

Isaac had time to waste until dinner, so for now - this was what he was going to do with his time. It was a damn good use of his time if you were to ask him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Romano Character Portrait: Frankie Malts
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After double-checking to see that everything was in the right place, Frankie shut her office door, and decided to go and get an early supper. The papers for her newest patient, Mr. Romano, were sitting on her desk neatly, awaiting the appointment.

Choosing a place to eat was always hard for the young girl. Did she want take-out or sit-in? Chinese? Mexican? Italian? Burgers? Sandwich & Coffee? The last option often appealed to her as she was an "on-the-go" person, and constantly didn't have time to herself with her job. There was a cafe not too far away that seemed to be all the hype lately. Frankie told herself she'd go to see exactly why it was so popular, and why not now? After a short walk, she arrived, going through the doors to the cafe. Going in line, she wore her green scrubs required by the clinic, with her hair down, and loose in all it's naturalness.

When she was young, Frankie had heard all the 'true love at first sight' stories and such from her grandmother, but she'd never believe them. How could something that was supposed to be so good for you, completely destroy her father? Apparently you never really saw a true world in it's true colors until you've met this person who was supposed to shower you with love when they came into your life somehow. How was that even possible? Even Frankie got on her own nerves sometimes. Sure, she'd been on dates, but they never went past the first date, or second if they were cute. It was obvious Frankie had never felt these 'feelings' everyone seems to get excited about just thinking of them, and she didn't really care to either.

After it was finally her turn, she ordered a simple order. "Hi, um, I'd like an iced coffee, and BLT." She said softly to the cashier, and handed her a $20 dollar bill. After getting her receipt, and food, she scanned the tables for somewhere to sit. There was a young man on his computer, watching an episode of Sherlock. She shrugged, never really liking the show herself. Then, there was a table with about 3 young women, talking. Frankie shook her head, and decided to sit alone by the window. Setting her things down, she took a bite out the sandwich. Immediately, she could tell why the cafe was so popular. The BLT's were to die for, as well as the coffee, almost instantly waking her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jezebel Kingstaff Character Portrait: Zane Byrne Character Portrait: Aurora Queen Character Portrait: Gabriel Larson Character Portrait: Isaac Romano Character Portrait: Frankie Malts
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"Stop brooding," Jennifer exclaimed, hand reaching up to smooth the slight furrow in Gabriel's brow. His own hand shot out and closed over her; it was an automatic reaction to the sight of another's presence, his survival instincts quite sharp. Jennifer didn't react like she had three years ago. Instead, she sighed and tilted he head to the side, a rather bored expression on her pretty face.

"I'm not brooding, Jen."

"Yeah, and I was born yesterday" she teased as they entered the café. Gabriel finally lowered his left arm, which he used to hold up their umbrella.

As he closed the device, Gabriel's eyes took in the vicinity. The small campus café was not his choice, but Jenny's. Truthfully, leaving the house today was not his plan. He awoke this morning and went on his daily four mile run. Afterwards, he completed a daily work-out session that would probably leave a few of the people he saw now exhausted after the first round. A cup of coffee and a quick shower later, he was working on one of the houses he was selling to a family that would be moving in in the next month. He would have still been there had Jennifer not called him some time after the raining had begun. They hadn't spent as much time together as either would have liked and Gabe did in fact miss his baby sister. She was so busy with trying to graduate this year that they didn't see each other often.

But when she called, he had been outside with his new dog, Lola. The old girl had been left at the pound nearly a year ago and since he got her, she would run off and not come back for hours. She had run outside for some reason, in the pouring rain, glanced back at him, and then ran off. He wasn't afraid that she would not return then, just lightly concerned by the weather. Combined with a level of concern he had for the house's leaky ceiling, then yes, he probably was brooding currently.

"Stop brooding and find us a seat. I think everyone came here to get out of the rain." Jennifer said, taking off her wet coat. She asked for his order and left to head towards the counter. Gabriel then turned to the rest of the people, taking off his own leather jacket to reveal the dark long-sleeved shirt he wore beneath. Scanning the tiny place, he found a small table with only one chair. Beside it, in the corner, was another table with three chairs, a rather pretty brunette seated in one. He could not see her face, only the back of her head which was covered by short brown hair. Sighing, Gabriel made his way over to her and placed his hand on one of the empty chairs.

"Pardon me, Miss. But is anyone occupying this seat?" He called to her gently, hoping that he was not interrupting her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jezebel Kingstaff Character Portrait: Zane Byrne Character Portrait: Aurora Queen Character Portrait: Gabriel Larson Character Portrait: Isaac Romano Character Portrait: Allison Flynn
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Usually Katelyn would scrap her ideas after writing them. She's had rather good ideas, and other very bad ones. As normal with most people. Though even the good ones she would scrap, never finding inspiration to continue with the idea. This one however, seemed much more promising. Katelyn was a huge fan of murder mysteries, or mysteries in general. This idea had a bit of a sci-fi flare to it as well. Sci-fi wasn't her normal genre of choice, but at the moment it felt promising.

It wasn't long after she jotted her fading idea down onto paper when she heard a male voice from the side of her. Finishing the sentence in the journal she looked up at him.
"Pardon me, Miss. But is anyone occupying this seat?" the good looking man said. She blinked at him for a few seconds before actually speaking.
"Uhm, I don't believe so" she said quietly, unaware that her friend was bringing another. Katelyn was wondering what was taking her friend so long. It had to have been at least 7 minutes - was the coffee shop backed up? Normally it wasn't.

Looking behind her to see a strange happy expression on her best friends face, and a woman coming out from behind the corner looking rather bubbly - Katelyn sighed. She knew her friend enjoyed the company of others (regardless of gender), but she didn't really plan on her friend doing that now. All she wanted was her damn coffee and banana bread.

"Actually I think it may be taken as of soon. I apologize, I would of had you taken it otherwise" she stammered before putting a hand to her face. Allison knew Katelyn wasn't particularly good with new people. Even with Allison she could remain her quiet self. People always seemed to find it strange that Allison wasn't very talkative. Others often found it a sign of being anti-social. That wasn't really the case however. She just didn't feel the need to talk all the time. Her Mother had always said that it makes your words more powerful that way. Though now with another person at the table she would just feel...awkward.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jezebel Kingstaff Character Portrait: Zane Byrne Character Portrait: Aurora Queen Character Portrait: Gabriel Larson Character Portrait: Isaac Romano Character Portrait: Allison Flynn
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#, as written by Lorawr

A small, wry smile had twisted it's way onto Isaac's lips as he slowly allowed himself to become enraptured by the humorously impertinent comments of Cumberbatch as Sherlock. Sure, it was an episode that he'd seen before, but that didn't make the various witticisms any less witty, and it allowed his mind to wander. The irony of him taking enjoyment in an ocular pastime such as TV wasn't wasted on him. The monochrome shapes, though stark and clear, and though they also played host to an ample selection of shades in grey-scale, the images always seemed flat. Sometimes it made just as much sense to close his eyes, and just listen to whatever he was trying to watch. That way, he could at least attempt to imagine the colours that were still hidden from him.

Isaac snorted at himself derisively. He wasn't well known for thinking such abstract thoughts, and he was sardonically amused by the path his thoughts had taken to him while John Watson managed to amuse Sherlock with some absurd lack of insight. His lips parted, the smile that had just a moment ago twisted his mouth and his expression into one of mild amusement fading as he sighed and bowed his head. Isaac's eyes closed, and he pressed the palms of his hands against them, rubbing until pale grey blobs flitted across his vision. It was a sign of his frustration; an emotion that he very rarely allowed to be externalised. But then again, he had just remembered the growing pile of school work that was waiting for him, and he probably shouldn't be wasting time on pleasant things like Sherlock. He chuckled softly and shook his head, pulling one hand from his face to grope blindly for his coffee. Yes, he had work. But he knew he'd much rather be slacking off and watching Sherlock.

Silently chiding himself for his somewhat sentimental train of thought, Isaac brought the coffee to his lips. He opened his eyes as he tilted the cup, continuing his viewing of his favourite show as he tipped a little coffee into his mouth. At that same moment, he laughed softly at a forgotten joke from the show, and simultaneously attempted to swallow his drink. In retrospect, it occurred to
Isaac that these were two actions that are not the easiest to complete concurrently, and he promptly inhaled a little of that which was not designed to be inhaled. He coughed, eyes opening as he attempted, rather noisily, to catch his breath, spluttering into his cup which he placed carefully with a solid thump onto the table beside his laptop. Isaac attempted to calm his breathing, and as he rose a hand to brush the tears from his watering eyes, knocked the cup with his elbow.


The coffee spilled, puddling on the table and trickling towards his laptop. Isaac leaned forwards with an agility that he had been unaware he possessed to scoop his previous tech away from the encroaching brown puddle, muttering an articulate mantra of,"Crap, crap, crap..." The traitorous drink then dripped from the table itself, near to boiling hot and steaming, onto his lap. He swore blindly, pushing back his chair with his laptop held rather comically above his head. He grimaced, cussing blindly under his breath as he attempted to pull his jeans away from his legs to avoid scalding himself further, ignoring the inevitable glances from other occupants of the coffee shop at the sudden commotion he'd caused. What an epic fail... He sighed, and for a moment, just stood there, mind blank as the coffee continued to drip to his now vacant chair.

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Character Portrait: Isaac Romano Character Portrait: Frankie Malts
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Frankie had just finished a delicious BLT sandwich, which she finished down with her iced coffee, when she heard a man nearby exclaim a curse word, rather loudly. She sighed, and wiped off her mouth, and looked herself over, making sure she was presentable. Frankie was about to leave, until she smelt a strong aroma of coffee nearby, a little too close, as the coffee machines were behind the counters at the front of the small restaurant.

The man who had been watching an episode of Sherlock when she came in, apparently had an accident. He had his computer in the air, and was muttering "crap" repeatedly, as the coffee spill seemed to grow.

Frankie, in a quick action, slipped her phone in her pocket, and threw away her trash in the trash bin next to the door, which was so conveniently beside her window seat. Grabbing a fistful of napkins, she placed them hurriedly from the side of the table she could get to, without injuring herself by helping. She covered his table in napkins almost, and smiled, as she saw an employee walk out from behind the counter. The worker had a mop and bucket in one hand, and a "Floor Is Wet" sign, in his other.

"Thanks." She muttered to the employee, and looked at the man with a certain light in her eyes. The worker only nodded as they mopped. "Are you going to be alright, sir? I can take that." She looked at his cup, and reached for it, then threw it away, as it was empty anyway. What good would it do him?