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Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Duel Academy

Duel Academy


a part of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Duel Academy, by organizedchaos.


organizedchaos holds sovereignty over Duel Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Duel Academy is a part of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Duel Academy.

4 Places in Duel Academy:

9 Characters Here

David Anderson [0] Duelist of the Spellcasters
Emily Jenson [0] The Yellow Kaiser
McCade Fletcher [0] A cool guy who has control of the fabled cards. Very quiet and a bit shy.
Aoi Johnson [0] I'm up for any.....what's that thing floating behind you???
Dannie Wilson [0] A very enthusiastic and eletrical guy.
Tyler Kight [0] you thought you should be scared of harpies when Mai used them well Im ten times more dangerous
Dannie Parker Wilson [0] A very enthusiastic guy!
Michaline Walker [0] "I have no need of simple-minded people as my me you can duel, and then we'll talk."
Kamon Akinari [0] Duelist of the Six Samurai

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"All right, I draw! Hmmm........ I set one monster in face down defence position and place 3 cards face down. Your move."


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(dude there is now a 90 word minimum for posts) Tyler drew his sixth card and looked at his hand "I'll start by playing heavy storm to take out you're face downs"Tyler said no sooner had he played it than a large gust of wind appeared blew the cards away.( 5 cards) "Now I summon Sasuke samurai #1(500,1000) and it attacks you're face down and according to it's effect then it's instantly destroyed." Tyler watched as the little samurai leaped into the air doing a summersault and began slicing the hologram to little pieces. "now I set 2 cards face down and end my turn." Tyler said as two holograms appeared on the field of his face down cards. (2 cards in hand


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#, as written by Kestral
{Sorry I ignored you McCade, I was playing Call of duty with a friend.}

Sloan looked at David. "My name is Sloan, Why? You got a problem?"


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"Wow nice whiped out my whole field. OK lets draw! (3 cards) I play my Heavy Storm to destroy your face down cards. Now with them out of the way i will special summon the Fabled Chawa(Tuner/Level 1/ATK:200/DEF:100) by discarding 1 card from my hand. Now i summon the Fabled Kokkator (ATK:1700DEF:1500). Now i tune for The Fabled Ragin (ATK:2300/DEF:1800) and his ability allows me to draw 2 cards. Now Fabled Ragin attack His Sasuke Samurai #1 (4000-2200). I place 2 cards face down and i end my turn. (0 cards).


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Tyler flinched as his life points went down he drew a card (3 cards) I summon Cyber harpie in attack mode and activate rising air current increasing her attack points by 500. The area around the had turned light blue with light breezes going by every now and then. Then I activate the magic card Mage power Increasing her attack points by 500 for every spell card on the field making her attack points 3300. (0 cards) "and that ends my turn"Tyler said


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(Sorry i have to leave bye)


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When Emily finally made her way to the common she was hoping to find some peace and relaxation. But of course the universe didn't work that way. The instant she did so the boy from earlier, Kamon, walked up to her rather stiffly and introduced himself just as awkwardly.

Emily put a hand to her mouth and chuckled lightly. "Hehe. Do you always act like such a dork when first talking to someone." She joked as she made her way to one of the couches and sat down at the edge, leaning her body against the soft arms of it.

She patted the seat beside her. "C'mon. Don't be such a stiff, sit down." She said, the soft yellow atmosphere of the dorm calming her down after her slight outburst at the atrium. Yellow always relaxed her.

Waiting as the boy finally sat nearby she gave a small wink his way. "Who do you think won?" She said, holding up her fingers in a 'V' sign for victory.


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Tyler was shocked when he saw McCade surrender the duel because he had homework to do Tyler stepped down from the platform and walked back to Slifer dorm to go study for the exam that may or may not happen. He walked in and grabbed his text book and flopped down in the chair and began reading up on Trap cards magic cards and monster effects he continued reading for about three hours when he finally turned the Light off rolled over and fell asleep.


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"I got it!" Dannie shouted as he ran out of the Duel Atrium with lightning quick speed. The whole time Dannie was running through the seemingly endless halls he kept shouting, "I got it!"

"Finally the duel strategy I've been looking for!", was the only other thing Dannie said while he zipped past the Slifer Red dorms. It was not long after that he made it into the Ra Yellow territory.

"Man I really need to get a map of this place!", Dannie said flustered as tried to figure out where his dorm was. Dannie ran past the bathrooms, through the commons where he saw Emily and Kamon and wondered what they were up to the whole time shouting things about a new duel strategy.

"Finally", was the only thing Dannie could mutter out over his heavy breathing when he entered his dorm. Dannie then procceded to take out his labtop and type down a duel strategy and saved it under a bunch of fire walls. "I would just like to see someone try and open that file", Dannie said to himself mostly because there was no one else in the dorm.


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Tyler heard shouting and woke up rolling out of bed "ahhh" Then he continued to walk towards the Ra dorms and finally reached Dannie's dorm and knocked on the door. The yelling he had heard sounded like Dannie he yawned and continued to knock knowing that Dannie was inside. he thought about it and thought he should ask Dannie if he would help him study for his exam to get into Ra dorms


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(I'm redoing my last post to make it more logical) Tyler had woken up when he heard the yelling and rolled out of his bed on the top bunk and landed on the floor with a crash "ow I gotta stop doin that" Tyler said to himself he rubbed his eyes and walked over to the sink and splashed cold water on his face waking himself up. "I wonder what I should do now I know I'll go to the Ra Dorms and see if I can find Dannie's room" Tyler thought he stepped outside only to be hit by a blast of cold wind and he continued to walk towards the giant building that housed the Ra Yellow dorms. He walked inside and it turned into a maze "aww man what did I get myself into he continued walking until he found the Common area where Kamon and Emily where talking and walked over to them "hey Kamon any Idea where Dannie's room is and if not where's the exit this buildings like a freaking maze" tyler said


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Emily just looked at Kamon quizzically as she rose her legs to the air. "These?" She reaffirmed. "They're part of my uniform..." She stated simply as she placed her feet back onto the ground. She chuckled slightly at she looked over the boy in amusement. No matter how strong of a duelist he may have been, he definitely didn't as well with the ladies.

"C'mon." she started, "Just relax okay? I don't bite." The American said as she crossed her arms over ther chest. "You may have your way around the cards, but you may wanna learn to have your way with women." Emily said as she laughed.

She would have continued this light conversation had Tyler not suddenly entered and addressed Kamon; apparently he was searching for Dannie.


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As McCade walked in he said "Oh hey guys, I heard screaming and I'm wondering what the heck it was!"


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Tyler smacked himself in the face and walked to wards Dannie's room and knocked "he hoped Dannie was there" Tyler heard rustling so he knew that Dannie was there. Then Tyler's PDA beeped he had recieved an Email from Chancellor Sheppard. mr.Kight I would be happy to tell you that you're teacher thinks you can handle Ra Yellow I would agree on one condition you must defeat the first person you dueled when you arrived here in front of the entire school I will talk to Kamon and see if he agrees best of luck in your schooling sincerely yours Principal Shepered Tyler sighed and knocked again.


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As David walked to the dorm, Totally exhausted no thanks to his teacher. Apperenently, sleeping through the class means you have to make up the work during detention. "Haaaaa," He sighed, then he caught sight of Tyler walking away from the dorm. "Where's he going? Aw what do I care, I just want to go to sleep." But, he couldn't let it go, he sighed again then called, "Hey, Red go follow Tyler and if anything bad happens come get me." Just as he finished his sentence Red appeared and did as he was asked, David then went into his room and laid down and fell asleep, all the while thinking why he had the feeling something bad was gonna happen.


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Dannie was admiring his work on the firewalls and even tried hacking it himself and was impressed the the results.

The first wall is a simple game of Pong with the opponent's level boosted to 9.

The second wall was a series of questions about himself and his childhood, Dannie thought this one was a doozy.

The third wall was just in case anybody could have possibly beat his second wall. The third wall was fairly easy because all you had to do was list Dannie's deck and his favorite card which was Batteryman Charger.

The fourth and final wall was a puzzle duel that was one of the most difficult he could find on the web. There was only one way of solving it and it required many activations to solve it.

Dannie then heard a knock on the door and proceeded to open it.


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"hey Dannie what's up I just got an E-mail from Chancellor Sheppard and found out what my test is to get into Ra dorm is and believe me it's a freaking test I have to beat Kamon in a duel can you believe that there's no way I can beat him. I guess I just got lucky in that duel against the professor" Tyler said as he stepped inside and sat down on the yellow comfy chair. "dang this is a nice room are all the rooms in Ra Dorm this nice" Tyler asked


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"Wait, you have to try and defeat Kamon again? Dang that's gonna take some effort and you should be a little better considering you now have Jinzo and Amplifier.", Dannie said as he followed Tyler into the room.

Dannie sat down beside Tyler,"Actually I don't know, but this might be the only one", Dannie said pleased that the dorm he lives in might be fancier than others.

"Also I never saw you defeat the professor, so i don't know how bad you beat him so I don't know how to help you improve your duel skills", Dannie said diaspointed that he was not able to show his knowledge.

Dannie then realized his open labtop, so he ran over to hit to shut it down before Tyler noticed anything.


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"well I might as well tell you exactly what happened when I dueled the proffessor"Tyler said launching into tremendous detail about the duel he had with the proffessor. The whole time his mind running across different strategies he could use to take down Kamon but it all seemed useless ever since he had been here he had only won 2 duels, but Kamon won almost every match he played against so in his mind he was continually doubting himself and his abilities.


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From a short distance away, a boat could be seen just off the coast of the Duel Academy island. It didn't appear to be getting any closer to the shore, but that didn't mean that its occupants were coming near. In fact, they walked forward dramatically, appearing to be walking on the water itself. But that wasn't exactly true; Alice was creating a bridge of ice that began at the boat and went forward towards the island. By morning, the water would have washed away the evidence of their arrival. But the Duel Academy would know of their coming long before then.

They reached the shore after a few minutes, plodding inexorably forward toward their destination. After a few more minutes of walking, they reached the fortress-like dueling school.

"You want I should announce our presence?" Watt asked, smiling and moving his hands as if feeling the surface of a sphere. The air felt charged, a smell of ozone appearing. Closing his eyes, then opening them again, one would notice that the iris of his eyes had changed to a vibrant yellow color. Letting loose a battle cry, he threw the air that he had been rolling at the Ra Yellow Dormitory. All of a sudden, lightning struck the dorm's roof. A huge explosion followed, alerting the administrators and students that something catastrophic had happened.

"That should be enough." Alice told him, staring him down with her icy blue eyes. "Shall we introduce ourselves?" she asked, striding through the large doors that led to the main hall of the Duel Academy.


The roof practically collapsed once the lightning hit, and Kamon barely had time to pull Emily down onto the ground with him. Debris fell on top of them, though not enough to crush or seriously injure them.

"Are you okay?" he asked Emily, brushing her brown hair from her face.

What the hell happened? he thought, pushing the debris from atop them. Looking up, he saw that the Ra Yellow Dormitory's roof was ablaze. Had they just been struck by lightning? How the hell had that happened? Had it even been storming earlier?


The Trio stood in the hall, staring down the corridors that led to the classrooms and the dorms. Alice pointed down the rightmost corridor.

"Watt, you go that way. You will find the Ra Yellow Dormitory that way. Destroy anyone that stands in your way."

"Blaze," she said, looking at the flamboyantly dressed man, "Go back out the doors and head down the path to your left. You will find the Slifer Red Dormitory. Defeat the children there and capture them."

Turning to the left, she began the walk down the hall to the Obelisk Blue Dormitory. It was there that she would make her stand. If all went her way, she would rule from there, as well.


Kamon rushed to find Dannie and Tyler, forgetting Emily for the moment; she was safe; he had made sure of that.

"Everyone!" He yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth, "Everyone, listen to me! The Ra dorm is on fire, I need everyone out!"

Bursting through Dannie's door, he grabbed the two boys in the room by their jacket collars.

"Time to go, guys, the dorm's been struck by lightning."


Watt had to put a couple kids down with little bursts of electricity before he could enter the dormitory. They weren't dead, not yet, but they were unconscious, which was good enough. Looking around, he noticed that there was still a couple of people in the dorm. Three boys and a girl. Smiling, he prepared another electrical attack that would put these brats down for the count.


Blaze reached the Slifer Red Dormitory, smiling as he approached the ramshackle shack. Outstretching his hands, he took a deep breath. Upon exhaling, jets of flames shot from his palms, engulfing the shack and whoever was inside.


Alice reached the Obelisk Blue Dormitory and looked around. It was just ostentatious and extravagant enough for her taste. But it wasn't long until that extravagance was ruined by the appearance of nearly fifty students. They all had duel disks ready, decks inserted into the deck slots. Frowning, Alice closed her eyes, raised her hands, stood upon the points of her toes like a ballerina, began to pirouette and released a frigid blast of ice that froze the students in their places. Stopping her rotations, she smiled prettily and made her way up the stairs to her new ice fortress.


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Tyler ran down the hallway after a crowd of paniced Ra's he then somehow he was left alone and he continued to wander the maze of corridors. The more he wandered the more he got lost until he came across a man stunning other students with electricty then he noticed that the man also had a duel disk. "Hey sparky why don't you pick on someone you're own size"Tyler said activating his duel disk. "let's settle this with a duel if I win you leave" Tyler shouted


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The smell of smoke made David slip into concusseness. "Whaaa...," He said sleeply then he noticed the flames and started screaming,
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!?!" David quickly rolled out of bed and grabbed his Duel Disk and deck and was starting towards the door when it caught fire. "Crraappppp, this is gonna hurt." He took a few steps back then charged shoulder first through the door, which spilt in two with a deafing 'CRACK'. David found out that he had put too much force as he tumbled over the railing outside and landed head first on the floor. "Crud that hurt." He said rubbing his head, He helped himself up and watch the inhabitains of Silfer Red pour out of their dorms. "Looks like everyones alright." He turned around thinking he should go tell Tyler what happened here when he noticed the man in some sort of goofy outfit, looking at the dorm with a suspicuicus smile on his face. "I've never seen you around before." He said to the man, "Did you do this?" As he asked this question he placed his Duel Disk on his arm and slid his deck into place. "Because if you did, you have some nerve waking me up dude."
Red had just adrived at the Ra Dorm when the Lightning struck it, caving in the roof. Running as fast as he could Red ran back to the Silfer Dorm to wake David and tell him the news. When he got there he saw the dorms were ablaze and David was in front of it with a man he had not seen before.
Red then instantly appeared beheind David and wisphered the news of what happened.


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(know i should post this in the OOC but what every on to see this; Got to go to sleep now and won't get back to computer till 3:00 pm tomorrow so don't post on the duel between me and Blaze but focus on the other duels plz and thx you)


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#, as written by Kestral
When Sloan heard a commotion downstairs, he quickly jumped out of bed and put on a pair of pants. Shirtless, he ran downstairs, and noticed the frozen students. He then realized how cold it was, an decided that he really should have put a shirt on. He noticed a girl walking up the opposite staircase. "Hey! What the hell is goin on?! Did...did you do this?!" He pulled his deck out of his pants pocket. She seemed to be ignoring him. He Pryed a dueldisk off of one of the students, he wasn't I. Any position to use it. He slid his deck in the deck slot, and ran over to her. "Leave, before I freeze you too!" She commanded. "So you did this, eh?" When she didn't answered he yelled, "Fine let's duel! If I win, you give me some Damn answers!"

{Sorry if that was a little god-modish}


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Emily shrieked as a lightning bolt struck the Ra Dorm. In almost no time at all however, Kamon had held her down and moved her to safety. She didn't know what was going on and was incredibly fearful for her life. As Emily knew lightning usually didn't strike twice in the same place she went off to search for the students. The entire dorm was charged with electricity that shocked Emily whenever she even got near something metallic so she didn't even dare to touch anything. Finding a few students unconscious Emily took it upon herself to venture out and tell the professors.

However the moment Emily left the Ra Yellow dorm she immediately bumped into a blond haired lad who seemed to cackle with electricity. "Night night little lady." The boy said as a bolt of lightning raced towards Emily and before she knew it, she was knocked out cold.


Blaze just grinned as a boy walked up to him and asked him if he was responsible. Blaze just laughed as he snapped, adding to the blaze as it ignited and got larger within that single moment. "Who do ya think is responsible?" He said as he laughed maniacally as he revealed his duel disk; the disk was fully bathed in red and orange as the duel disk tapered wavily at the end. From afar it looked as if his arm was a fireball itself.

"Heh." Blaze chuckled as he snapped; the snap almost seemed to ignite the area around David and the area around himself, a wall of flames encircling each individual that prevented either boy's escape. "Fine, I'll do ya. But on a little condition. Do ya see the flames around you? Currently they're only surroundin your legs, but the lower your lifepoints the higher the flames. Once it gets to your head... Well I'll just say you'll be lucky if you're only lightly roasted." With a feral grin Blaze drew his five cards from his deck as he shouted, "Duel!"

"Since your challengin me, I'll go first." The hot headed duelist stated as he initiated his draw phase. [6cards]

"I'll start off by playing the spell Double Summon! Now, I get to summon two monsters this turn and I'll put em both in face down defense mode! To finish off my turn I'll throw down one face down!" He yelled as three holograms appeared on the field. [2cards]

"Your move." Blaze said as he grinned maniacally. "If you think you can handle the heat."