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All I Needed Was You(IC) (Closed)

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All I Needed Was You(IC) (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hayleymaee on Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:37 am

This Roleplay is for Alka and I. You can feel free to read but DO NOT POST.

Thank you, kindly. ^^

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Re: All I Needed Was You(IC) (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hayleymaee on Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:31 am

"So I'll see you next week, same time as today. And if anything happens, then you--"

"Yeah, I know... call you immediately."

"Alright, Charlie. Keep at it, you're doing great at this, You're improving a lot from when I first started seeing you."

"Thanks doc. I'll see you next week."

Charlie sighed as he closed the door to his psychologist's office. He had been seeing her for the past month and a half after trying to go sober for the fourth time. The last time he had gone into rehab, it went well until they finally let him out, thinking he was going to be okay. But of course, he wasn't.

After getting a call from the hospital he had left his father at just before going into the rehabilitation center, he had found out that his father was in terrible shape. And then things only seemed to get worse. Not only was his father in bad shape, but because of all the drinking he had done in the past twelve years, most of his vital organs were failing. Of course, the doctors had told Charlie they were going to do everything they could, but Charlie knew better. Even if his dad got a liver replacement he'd waste the new one away with alcohol, of course. He'd never stop. Three weeks later, he got the terrible, but obvious news... his father had died.

So once again for the next few months, Charlie spiraled back out of control, back to drinking excessively. And of course, just like the last time, his friends, the few he had left, staged an intervention for him. begging him to get and stay sober. It took some time, but Charlie finally obliged. But rather than going to rehab once more, he decided to just instead go see a therapist and talk out his problems, and keep up with once of his sober friends for support. So far, it was working. He felt like he finally had control over his addiction, more control than he ever had before. All because he decided to talk out his problems, and find out the real cause of his addiction.

After walking out of the building, Charlie headed down the street to the local coffee shop to grab a quick cup of coffee, then go home, get some rest before going back to work tomorrow.

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Re: All I Needed Was You(IC) (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aika on Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:40 am

Katelyn sighed as her mom grabbed her up in a bear hug once more. "Mom... I... can't... breath." Kate said through short gasps. Her mom loosened her grip. "I'm sorry, dear. I'm just going to miss you so much." Her mom said, crying. "You have to stay and take care of Nana and Pa." Kate said and her mom nodded. "I'll come back and visit, and I'll write and call." She said, and once again her mom nodded. "I love you, baby." Her mom said. "I love you too, mom." Kate said, smiling. She checked her watch, then looked at her mom. "I have to go. Love you." Kate said, giving her mother another hug. She kissed her grandparents on the cheek before putting her last bag in the backseat of her Honda Civic. She got into the drivers' seat and buckled up, rolling the window down to the passenger side. "Be good!" She said, blowing a kiss to the only family she had left. She grinned as they waved back and she switched into drive and pulled out, going back to her hometown.

What seemed like hours and hours later, Kate was pulling into Oakview Apartments, where her best friend, Gina, lived. Kate and her talked it all out, and if it wasn't for Gina, she wouldn't have been able to come back. So she was thankful to that. Gina was already outside, jumping up and down waving at Kate. She couldn't help but laugh at her crazy friend as she parked. Kate got out of her car and the two old friends embraced. "Wow, Katie, you look so... different!" Gina said, gently pushing her friend back to examine her. Kate smiled. "Good different, or bad?" She asked, eyeing her friend. "Good, really good!" Gina said. "Now, let's get your bags and head up. I'm starved." Kate nodded in agreement as they grabbed a couple bags each and went upstairs, Kate made sure to lock her doors first.

Gina set down one of the bags to unlock the door to her apartment and they went in, closing the door behind them. "Wow, it's great." Kate said, grinning as Gina showed her bedroom. It was actually pretty nice, and it reminded her of the bedroom back at her grandparents house she stayed in. "I love it." Kate said as they set down the bags. "Oh, crap!" Gina said, slapping her forehead with her friends. "What?" Kate asked, looking at her friend. "Bread! I'm out." Gina said, annoyed. "I'll go to town and get some, I don't mind at all." Kate said and Gina grinned. "Really, okay. Here's ten dollars, can you get a gallon of milk, too?" Kate nodded as she took her purse, promising her friend she'd be back. She then got into her car and headed to town.

After purchasing the milk and bread, she walked by the old coffee shop she would always get breakfast at. And where she use to work. Smiling, she walked inside, recognizing the cashier. "Katie!" Came her old friend, Hannah's voice. "Hey." Kate said, hugging her friend. The two were talking, catching up real quick, when Kate glanced over, looking at a guy that looked very familiar. Then she recognized him. Charlie, her old school bully.
Kill Them With Kindness :D

I got the great news... I'm having a little GIRL!

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Re: All I Needed Was You(IC) (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hayleymaee on Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:36 am

Charlie looked past Hannah and Kate hugging each other, walking to the counter towards the side his friend Craig was on. "Hey, Charlie, what's up?" Craig said, grinning at his friend, and started to fill a cup of coffee for him. "Eh not much... just got done with Wagner... same shit again." He said, then sighed. "Cheer up, bro, you'll figure it out, you'll get over it. Then you won't need to see her anymore, right?" Craig said, handing Charlie the cup of black coffee as Charlie paid him, then moved to the register to put the money in the drawer.

"It's not that simple. I''m sure she's gonna want me to keep going for a few more weeks, to make sure I don't relapse or whatever. She even told me at the beginning that there was no guarantee that seeing her for my problems would fix this shit." Charlie said, then took a sip of his coffee, "Ugh, cheer up man, goddamn. Negative Norman isn't allowed in this place, remember? Well then again, neither is Way Too Positive Patrick, but still. Stop acting so depressed, dude."

"Hey, I'm trying, man. By the way, we still on for practice tonight?" Charlie said to his friend, who frowned at the mention of their band practice. "Sorry dude, Ty texted me again this morning saying he was still out with his girl in Maine. Apparently instead of going up to her family for the weekend, she kidnapped him and now they're camping for the week." Craig said, rolling his eyes.

Charlie sighed. "Great... Who the hell goes camping up in Maine? Whatever. Anyways, I gotta head back to the apartment. I'll talk to you later tonight, alright?

"No prob, bro. Catch you later."

Charlie walked away from the counter, then paused for a second after seeing Kate. God, she looks so familiar... do I know her from somewhere? He thought to himself, then walked out of the coffee shop, heading back towards his apartment.

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Re: All I Needed Was You(IC) (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aika on Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:55 pm

Kate nodded, listening to Hannah gossiping about everything she had missed the past several years since she left her hometown. Her eyes watched Charlie's back as he left the coffee shop. Hm, didn't regonize me, or he was ignoring me. Kate was pretty sure it was ther first option, she had changed quite a bit since she was last here. "Hannah, I gotta run. I'll keep in touch, though." She said, smiling as she waved to her friend while leaving the shop. She adjusted the bags of groceries she got, along with her bag of doughnuts and headed to her parked car.

Reaching the driver's door, she put her hand in her pocket to get the keys, then groaned as the plastic straps to the bag of milk tore, sending the milk to the ground, splattering everywhere, including her car and her. "Great!" Kate said, throwing her ars in the air, slammming them down by her side. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she opened her car and reached in, grabbing a box of wipes. Grumbling under her breath, she wiped the milk of her car and herself. Slamming her door closed, she leaned against the car door and set the other bags down.

Kate looked in her wallet to check for any extra money to get a extra carton of milk, but she was five dollars short. "What else could happen..." She silently muttered, shaking her head.

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Re: All I Needed Was You(IC) (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hayleymaee on Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:50 pm

Charlie was nearby when he heard Kate drop her milk then yell in frustration. Turning around, he saw what had happened, then frowned as he saw her obvious frustration with what had just happened to her. Damn, she handled that way better than I would've... then again, I could never handle any mishaps without screaming out my days frustrations...

"I guess I'll go help her..." He said quietly to himself, tossing his now empty cup from the coffee shop into a nearby trash can, then proceeded to walk towards where Kate was. "Looks like you had a little spill there with your groceries... need any help?" He asked her as he got closer.

I know that I know her from somewhere... but where? He thought to himself as he looked at her at a closer distance. Old friend? Ex? Nah, I'd get some kind of big reaction, especially a really rude one if she was an ex... He thought for a minute, hoping that he'd figure it out with ease quickly.

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