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PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

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PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seijun13 on Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:24 pm

Name: Kurenai

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: Demon

Appearance: Human: ... -115607749
Demon: Image

Personality: Kurenai is very fierce and easily angered. He may be friendly on the inside but he's sealed that little bit of kindness behind thee rock walls, two metal ones, and hidden them deep within a volcano (figuratively speaking). He can't stand anyone talking down to him or calling him weak. He fights a lot, most of his fights being started by himself.

Bio: There isn't much that he can remember, having forcefully forgotten most of it. What he does remember, however, is how he was always picked on by the other demons. As if being a runt weren't bad enough, the great leader considered him to be 'not good enough' and cast him aside like an unwanted toy. He currently seeks to redeem himself and prove that he can be just as good as all the rest.

Other: When human, his hair is black and his eyes are blue. I draw in pencil so I prefer not to color in my pictures. Also, his favorite food is chocolate!

((That should be okay.))
FRIENDS: Will look at you like you're crazy when you tell them you're an alien from outerspace.
BEST FRIENDS: Will break you out of the loony bin and drive you to New Mexico to meet up with the mothership.

There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved through a suitable application of high explosives.
Who was the first person to say "See that chicken over there... I'm gonna eat the first thing that comes out of its butt"?

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ryu-Nagadan on Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:05 pm

The night was quiet in the little village, not a sound was interrrupting the serene peace and still beauty... well, except for one thing.

Most people were asleep at this time, but some of the rowdier crowd were at a little structure, used as a tavern. Still, it was not a wild group that stayed up later then everyone, but that did not count the visitors.
And that was to been seen as fact as one of the few, drunken bums was forcefully ejected.... Out a window.

And now we come to Ryu Nagadan.

Ryu hit the ground with a thump and rolled, glass crinkling under his body weight.

"Get out and stay out, you hooligan! AND don't let me catch you spying on my wife agian!!"
Ryu stumbled to his feet, his eyes slightly crossed by the liqour, and stumbled around a bit, pointing his finger towards a tree he spoke to.

"Don't you.... Tell me what to do! You're... not my mo- mo-, ahh. Mother! I'll show you!"
Ryu lashed out, his foot connecting with the tree, causing him to fall over holding his foot in pain, his head also hit the ground, knocking the last bit of sense he had out and putting him into sleepy-land.
And so, the six-foot, emerald eyed, black haired goofball starts yet another adventure....
"Nagadan! I thought I had Gyun watching you."
"He's a little tied up at the moment."
"What the hell kind of pun is that? You cut his bleeding head off!"
Lyle Bright/Ryu Nagadan - Haven: English bloodsport. (Current Novel)

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seijun13 on Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:30 pm

Light blue eyes watched in amusement from within the recently kicked tree. They belonged to a half-clothed, messy, black haired teen who looked as though he had better things to do than sit in a tree. Currently, however, he seemed to enjoy watching the drunken man yell about how a tree wasn't his mother.

Waiting for a few moment more to make sure the man was truly unconscious, the teen jumped out of the tree and landed almost silently on the ground. "Well," he said more to himself than anyone, "You've made a righteous fool out of yourself. What should I do with you now?" Loose, black pants was held up only by a royal blue, gold rimmed, sash. The ends of the sash hung limply against his right thigh, the tips barely reaching halfway down to his knee.

He appeared to be human except for some minor details. One being the fact that he had wings. Large, leathery, dragon-like (or bat-like, they're both the same) wings which were blacker than the night itself. They were currently folded back tightly against his back and he made sure to stand under the tree in a position where they would look like odd shadows cast upon him.

The other, smaller details which one would have to be closer to properly see were his claws, teeth, and horns. His claws, if they could really be called that, were merely lengthened mails which were curved and sharp, almost like a cat's. His horns were small enough that they were easily hidden beneath his hair and his teeth... They, too, were like those of a cat. They were long and sharp, slightly curved for better grip, and his canines were so long that the tips could be seen above his bottom lip.

His eyes couldn't be human, many had said. They were cold, almost cruel, and they appeared as though they would enjoy watching someone be torn apart. But such was normal for this teen. After all, he wasn't human. he was an outcast demon. Unwanted and cast aside like old toy.

This was Kurenai.

Kurenai gently kicked the man onto his side and watched with a frown. "You won't help me get what I need. You might serve to release a bit of stress but any more than that and you're useless," he grunted. Looking up, he noticed several people watching and sighed.

Leaning forward, Kurenai pulled the man up from the ground and left. He didn't want to be around so many people. Not yet, anyways. Carrying the drunk man on his back, he deposited his bundle roughly onto the ground once he had come to a graveyard. "This is where we have our bit of fun," he stated, turning to face Ryu. Lashing out suddenly, he swiftly kicked at Ryu with his right foot.

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ryu-Nagadan on Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:55 pm

The kick jarred Ryu, among other things such as lifting his body off the ground. It also woke him up. Pain had a way of sobering him. His eyes shot open and he clutched his side, rolling about amost comically.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow! Damn it! What was THAT for?"

Ryu laid his eyes on the boy standing in front of him.

"Did I really just get ambushed by a teenager? I need to stop getting drunk."

A smile came about Ryu's face, not a taunting smile, nor a mocking smile. It was just a happy smile. He stood up and streched paying little attention to the other, and acting as if he had not just suffered a super-natrual kick to the side.

When he was finally done, he turned to look at the other, looking him up and down.

"So.... What's the deal with kicking me?"

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seijun13 on Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:04 pm

"You were drunk, I was stressed," came the simply reply. There was a moments hesitation before Kurenai shook his head as though deciding not to say anything more. "Besides, you were drawing a crowd. I wasn't ready to get a crowd of people around me. Not yet, at least."

Placing a hand on his chin, Kurenai watched in amusement as Ryu acted as though nothing had happened. "You're a funny human, aren't you?" he asked suddenly. Out of all the people he had met, Ryu actually held his attention. But, then again, the man would probably be tossed aside like an old, boring toy, soon to be forgotten by the demon.

A sudden, slowly growing pain gripped his wings and he realized that he had been holding them so close to his body for so long that they had started cramping. "Am man, not again," he grunted. He couldn't unfold them now, a human was watching. But if he didn't do anything soon the pain would reach a point where it would become absolutely unbearable... And he'd be forced to bear with it.

((It's like getting a foot cramp. Once it starts all you can do is hold your foot until the cramp goes away. I get those a lot. >.>))

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ryu-Nagadan on Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:23 pm

Ryu laughed and waved his hand as if to dismiss something.

"Unfold your wings, please. It's not as if I don't already know what you are. I can feel you people miles away. Even the weaker ones...."

Ryu was still smiling, but the last comment was an obvious jab, and a rather hard look had frosted over his eyes. It was clear that he did not like demons. Be they runts or full fledged hell-scum. Ryu turned around and began to walk away. He had no interest in demons. And as this one had done nothing he could prove, it would not be right to attack him or to kill him.

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seijun13 on Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:33 pm

"I swear," Kurenai growled in a low tone, his wings unfolding on either side of him until they were nearly twice as long as he was, "I will kill you for that statement." His wings, almost twice as long as he was, looked as though they could swallow up the entire world and the empty, black void still wouldn't have been filled.

No one calls me weak and gets away with it! There was no more need for him to hold back. Lunging forward, he pulled his right hand back to swipe at his target. His claws, now proving to be a danger, would easily rip through cloth and flesh. They had done so before and they would do so again. After his first few steps, his shoes were quickly cast aside and the claws on his feet dug into the ground to help him gain speed. Mouth open in an angered roar, Kurenai lashed forward in an attempt to slash his claws into Ryu and leave several deep scars.

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ryu-Nagadan on Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:49 pm

It happened almost too fast to see. Ryu ducked down, spinning around and under the claws of his attacker. Coming up on the other side of his arms, Ryu smiled and lashed his arm forwards, the demon was right in front of him, flying forwards with no means of moving quickly enough to stop it. His palm opened and struck the attacker right in the chest, blowing him backwards. It was mostly moving air pressure, Ryu doubted it would even leave a red mark.

He just loved doing that.

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seijun13 on Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:16 pm

Kurenai was thrown back by the sudden strike against his chest. Hitting the ground, he quickly flipped himself over and remained crouched like a cat for no more than a minute. Now was better than later for him to assume his demon form. Any later and he just might get his tail handed to him. Quite literally.

Almost as though time had been sped up, black scales rapidly began covering his entire body as his face began to change from human to that of a dragon. There was a loud ripping sound as the base of his pants was torn and the skeleton for his tail appeared, whipping back and forth. It took but a moment more and the muscle followed by the soft flesh covered the bone to form his tail. Soon the same black scales covered it as his ears changed from a human's to resemble a cat's ears, though much larger. His size even changed, growing from 5' 6" to 7' 9", almost 8' tall.

The claws on his hands and feet extended rapidly to become much longer, sharper, and much more formidable. His teeth lengthened, having much of the same effect, while his canines grew to barely below the edge of his chin. His hair remained, however, though becoming much wilder than before. Even his basic body structure had been retained. His horns grew slightly, though only enough so the tips could be seen just above his hair. The last change to overcome his was his eyes. Like pouring ink into a clear jar, they changed from a cold, light blue to an even colder, blood red.

A low growl emitted from deep within his throat before he lunged forward with a loud roar. He was determined not to lose this fight. Not after a human had dared to call him weak. So what if I'm an outcast now? His eyes flared dangerously. I'll get back my position among the demons and I'll make a name for myself. I will win!

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ryu-Nagadan on Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:31 pm

Ryu laughed calmly. His eyes opened wide in recognition of a fight. He flipped the tail of the red ribbon that was tied around his head, almost like a war band, strange though it may be for a man to have a woman's accessory around his head, out of his face. He waited, and as the demon lunged forward, so he lept over the demon.

Landing on the other side and backing up a little, a laughed a little louder to call attention to himself.

"Nice change. But, I've got a pretty little trick like that too."

The atmosphere around Ryu seemed to distort and waver. A green glow appeared around his body. He laughed madly as power began flowing from him freely. The baggy clothing he wore, looking like a traditional ninja garb, tightend, or more likely shrunk as Ryu grew. His muscle tone stood out a lot more now, the fabric streched as far as it could go over him, each line showing like a sore thumb.

His blazing emerald eyes were washed with an inferno of green light, flowing from his eye sockets and overtaking his pupils. His eyes could not be seen through the wash of intense emerald that flowed from his sockets. He spoke, his voice much deeper then before.

"I'll show you a true dragon!"

He opened his mouth and screamed, the sound made it feel like the earth was shaking under his fearsome presence. It was then it was noticed his teeth were growing. They were not fangs like the demon across from him had, but they were fangs none the less. He smiled, the longer, pointed razor ends of them flashing in the moonlight.

"Ryu No Hakage. Dance of the burning dragon. Do not mistake me for a ninja, or a demon. I am darkness that shines forth in the dark, a light that burns shadows, and a shadow myself. I am known as Ryu Nagadan, the dragon of Tensaiki!"

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seijun13 on Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:20 pm

Kurenai paled slightly at the loud roar which filled the area. Quickly regaining his composure, he replied, "Interesting. But I still refuse to give up without a fight!" Stupid, many had called him. Stupid but deadly. He'd fight to his death just to try and win and he rarely gave up a fight without a good reason. He would simply have to try a different tactic. If the first strategy didn't work, he would have to change it slightly so that it did.

Narrowing his eyes, he pushed against the ground and attacked. This time, however, he stayed near the ground. If Ryu tried to jump upwards, he would easily be able to change his direction to follow his opponent. After all, if attacking the same way twice didn't work, you may as well try a different way.

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ryu-Nagadan on Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:09 pm

"You should stop before you force me to HURT YOU!"

His hand flashed around his back, grabbing the hilt of a stunted little katana, a katana so short it was laughable.
He pulled it up, off his back, the lightly wound lash that held it there coming undone as he pulled up, the only way to undo the knot. Curving his arm to bring it down in a graceful arc, the air distorted agian as a half-moon creasant shaped burst of energy boomed into existance.

The wave flew forwards towards the charging menance, cutting anything it touched, an obliterating minor objects such as a rock. Ryu followed by twisting his arm around and coming back up with it, then swinging it around in another arc, he slashed sideways, each ending arc in the attacks letting forth the emerald waves of destruction.

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seijun13 on Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:56 am

Kurenai watched as the air distorted and rocks were completely obliterated. Deep gouges were also cut into the ground which alerted him of where the attacks were. Not that he needed to look at the ground to know, of course. The air itself told him clearly where everything was.

He was moving too fast to come to a complete stop or to be able to doge completely and so he did the next best thing. Launching himself into the air, he unfolded his wings completely and took to the air. What sense was there in staying on the ground if he couldn't land a blow?

"You humans are amazing," he stated loudly. "To have recovered that fast from being dead drunk, you've recovered the fastest out of everyone I've seen." The constant beating of his wings was enough to keep him in the air in an upright position which he found much more comfortable.

This wasn't getting him anywhere and he knew it. No matter what he seemed to do, Ryu could always dodge and attack. But he was never one to give up until he was sure there was absolutely no hope for him. Landing quickly, he took off running in an arc around Ryu in hopes of getting behind his opponent. From there he would have the perfect opening for an attack.

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ryu-Nagadan on Sat Mar 14, 2009 2:41 pm

Ryu smiled to himself. There was absolutly no reason to kill this demon. He hated them, he hated what they stood for and their ruthless killing of innocent people. But he would not stoop to their level. He would continue to play with this one as long as the demon wanted to keep going, however.

He extended his arms out away from his body, straight out in fact. Turning the sword sideways, he covered part of the blade with his other hand. He heard the angle from which the demon was coming, and grinned, opening his mouth slightly to say the words that clearly carried to anyone withen listening range.

"Crash into the earth."

A loud explosion was to be heard was waves of intensely magnifyed air pressure spewed out from his body in a circle, sweeping up all in it's path and blowing it violently backwards. Normally this attack would cause an actual explosion, a vaccum protecting him in the middle. It was not his intention to obliterate his opponent, however.

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seijun13 on Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:19 pm

The waves of air caught him, flinging him back roughly. Kurenai rammed head first into a tree and collapsed onto the ground beneath him. Pushing himself up on unstable arms, he wasted no time in reverting to his more human form. At least then he could blend in easily, get away, become invisible.

But his legs refused to cooperate. Grabbing the tree, he pulled himself upright only to have his legs collapse beneath him. The expression he wore showed he didn't want to give up, run away, or even stop fighting. That would involve him admitting he was weaker than a human, but at the moment it looked as though he would have to if he didn't want to fight to death.

Kurenai growled, finally standing up. He was balanced precariously against the tree, sheer will power being the only thing keeping him standing. "You think... I'm gonna give up? To a runt li-like you?" he snapped. The tree was abandoned as he charged forward. At first his running was rather slow as he tripped over himself several times but soon he was running at full speed, no longer tripping or falling but running easily has his balance returned.

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ryu-Nagadan on Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:32 pm

Ryu grinned, and pushed off from the ground. His feet thundered across the plain as he charged striaght back at the demon. He roared as if he was dragon, driving into the Demon and blowing him backwards. He kept with him, hitting and rolling on the ground and came up on top of him, his little stub of a blade pointed at the other's neck.

The burning light eminating from his eye sockets illuminated the demon's young, teenage human face. Ryu grinned and asked, "Do you still want to keep going?"

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Re: PRP (Ryu-Nagadan and Seijun13)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seijun13 on Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:47 pm

His face illuminated in the darkness, Kurenai's expression was that of utter defeat and hopelessness. He had lost and now it seemed hopeless that he would be anything more than a demon outcast which was looked down upon and rubbed into the dirt.

"Get off me," he growled, averting his eyes to anywhere that wasn't looking at the winner of the fight. "You win. Happy?" His last sentence was low, barely above a whisper and barely audible. To say he was not happy in the least was only beginning to describe how he felt.

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