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(inthebeginning) Ouat (therewereseven)

a topic in Fantasy Roleplay, a part of the RPG forum.

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(inthebeginning) Ouat (therewereseven)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wiggbat on Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:33 pm


You're looking 'Ouat', a fantasy roleplay of epic proportions that promises to break every rule regarding cliched prophecy and adventure. And I'm wiggbat, thread mistress! We have an OOC board here, and currently need more 'players!

If you're interested, check it out and either private message me a character sheet, found on the OOC page!

The post below this one will contain all the character sheets. Have fun!


i. Literacy is key. Quality over quantity always, but try for substance.
ii. Respect each other at all times.
iii. Use the OOC board for OOC chat. Simple, no? :3
iv. Don't post if you have not been accepted.
v. Private message all character sheets to me please! Thanks.
Last edited by wiggbat on Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Be who you are", said the Duchess to Alice, "or, if you would like it put more simply, never try to be what you might have been or could have been other than what you should have been."

- Lewis Carroll

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Re: (inthebeginning) Ouat (therewereseven)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wiggbat on Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:02 pm

Character Sheets

Under the Light

I am; The Halfling
Name; Aislin
Age; Looks to be about 16, is about 80.
Gender; Female
Race; Half Sidhe, half human.
Personality; Aislin is not quite ‘right’. She views herself in fragments, and she is indeed not quite whole- attempting to look at an overall picture of who the girl is likens to staring into a fractured mirror. While childlike in her curiosity and naïvette of the world, she is not childish and has her moments of maturity. While she has the capacity for happiness and mischief, dark and fearful moods overtake her, yet changing back again as fast as they come.
Speaking in sometimes disjointed and cryptic, sometimes eloquent speech, and with a broken psyche that betrays her heart, she struggles with madness that she cannot remember a beginning to, and she knows not why she forgot.
Appearance; Aislin stands at just under five feet tall and in a state of frail thinness. She is pale, the skin around her temple, neck and wrists nearly translucent. Her gray eyes, slightly slanted and deep set, are perpetually shadowed from lack of sleep. Her chin is small and pointy, her lips heart shaped, her nose small and slightly upturned, all giving her the young, mischievous look of a fae-child. Her hair, a red-blonde copper tangle of snarls and curls, she considers a nuisance and does nothing with it except hack it off in jagged chunks just below her chin.
Magical abilities/powers; Because of her faerie blood, she has a natural aptitude for magics of the elemental and illusionary schools, but because of her lack of training, these powers are weak or manifest in unexpected ways. One thing is good at is healing- a tiny bit of magic combined with her poultices or tinctures makes for a potent and effective remedy.
Skills/abilities; Her extensive knowledge of medicinal and magical herbs, along with her capacity for learning new things quickly, often comes in handy.
Equipment; Aislin’s prize possession is a soft leather messenger-style bag. Inside the bag are some eating utensils, a couple changes of clothes, a cloak, about 3 days of provisions, and a basic herbalist’s kit that she adds to and takes from often. The kit includes a few dark glass bottles and vials, a couple basic measuring and pouring instruments, and base ingredients along with fresh and dried herbs.
Weaponry; None
Other; The Sidhe in full form are wild, elemental beings of the earth and stars, but they do have a weakness- iron. Because of this, Aislin is highly allergic to the stuff- it burns her skin and cancels out her magics, and the tiniest bit in her food or drink would poison her.
Played by; wiggbat

I am; The Sorcerrer
Name; Chip
Age; 79
Gender; Male
Race; Human
Personality; Chip is a greying old sorcerrer. He learnt from the mighty Merlin, then froze himself for thousands of years. Technically, he is over 12000 years old, but he was frozen at 79, so thats what he calls himself. He adores anything to do with growing anything, is highly powered in elemental magic, and highly weakened in any physical contact, making him a long distance fighter.
Appearance; 6'4", Blue and purple robe, fluro purple hair, and an electric blue skintone from the freezing spell.
Magical abilities/powers; Elemental magic, mainly fire.
Skills/abilities; MEGA green thumb. (Huge on growing things). Can grow most kinds of plants whenever and wherever except over water, and can set them aflame in an instance.
Equipment; Herbalist Pods (Super quick growing plant seeds), Book of Flame, water, earth, shadow, light and thunder (spellbooks).
Weaponry; Spellbook in the left hand, Staff of Elements in the right.
Played by;

I am; The werewolf. Grr!!
Name; Tavorian (Tavor- to some, Tav-to few, Tavi-to a very select group)
Age; Mid or early twenties.
Gender; male
Race; Werewolfie.
Personality; Tavorian is regularly laid back. He doesn’t take anything very seriously. He doesn’t come off as vicious or cold. His personality in fact is much like one of a happy go lucky dog, quick to seek friendship, hurt when betrayed and viciously loyal. He’s humorous and has a tendency to get on some peoples nerves because he can be very sarcastic. When he gets a bad vibe from someone he gets snippy. In general however, he is a generally good-natured creature, but unpredictable in nature and, much like a wild animal, can turn fierce in an instant.
Appearance; When ‘human’ Tavor is fairly tall, he’s lean but with obvious strength to him. He has somewhat sharp features, generally handsome in appearance with somewhat shaggy chestnut hair and gold-amber eyes. His outfit switches continually (he has a tendency to steal and discard regularly) and consists of nothing special besides a sapphire pendant on an engraved chain around his neck.
When ‘wolf’ He is just that. His form is not that for a wolf/human. He is all animal. He cannot speak in any human form but has a perfect ability to understand. Much larger then the average wolf his fur is dark chestnut, same as his hair, its shorter then a normal wolves fur may be, not shaggy at all but rather sleek instead. He has the same animalistic amber eyes, and the chain around his neck.
Magical abilities/powers; He can change whenever he pleases, at times even when he doesn’t wish to. When overcome with emotion, usually fear or aggression, it happens almost automatically.
Skills/abilities; He is extremely well equipped in both animal and human forml. With a great sense of smell, sight and hearing he is obviously very able as a hunter or tracker. He is speedy and quite agile, he enjoys running and his fluid movements give him the advantage on many different types of terrain. He’s very skilled with spears.
Equipment; He often carries a few changes of clothes, because often they don’t survive a sudden transformation (Wolfie can’t exactly wear clothes) He doesn’t carry food with him. He hunts. But he brings along a small tattered book, bound in leather and tied to keep its pages from falling out.
Weaponry; In most fights he will use his teeth and claws, his natural weapons serve him well and also cause a lot of damage with a heck of a lot of force behind them. When range in needed, he is very skilled with his hand made spear that he named Oa.
Other; Tavor doesn’t like to be inside. He doesn’t like the smell of most metals and other unnatural things or being enclosed within a house or building. He can deal just fine for awhile, but after long periods of times tends to get fidgety and snappy, like a caged animal.

I am; The Gypsy
Name; Jacklyn (Jackie) Anshall
Age; 16
Gender; female
Race; human
Personality; Doesn't trust others easily, kind to those she knows well, not intimidated easily, lies a lot, suspiscious of everyone, good common sense, her first impressions of others are usually correct, not book smart.
Appearance; Slightly curly hair that reaches two inches past her shoulders, lighter than tan skin, slightly shorter than average, striking orange eyes. (look below for more physical). Knee-length tunic, white tights, gloves that a bird handler would wear.
Magical abilities/powers; Can change face, hair color, but not eye color, which gives herself away to both friends and those who know her powers. Usually keeps on a plain jane face so that she blends in more easily. Also can go for months without sleeping.
Skills/abilities; Amazing at lying, can be completely quiet even when running and jumping, speedy, great at pick-pocketing, athletic, doesn't get hungry easily. However, her power in general isn't strong, but she is great in defense.
Equipment; Rough gloves, not much else.
Weaponry; A short dagger that she carries.
Other; None


None yet.

Under the Dark

None yet.
Last edited by wiggbat on Thu May 01, 2008 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: (inthebeginning) Ouat (therewereseven)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wiggbat on Wed Apr 30, 2008 3:48 pm

Aislin woke to a myriad of metaphors of new promise and a new day, and all of them far too overused. Dawn breaking over the mountains to the east, rocky and rugged mountains that cradled the sea, the mid spring sky alighting from a hazy pre-dawn to a pale gold. Clouds were few and far between today, just a few pale wisps hanging over the east, the dry air sweet on Aislin's tongue. As she grabbed her bag, slung over a small branch above her, she murmured a plot synopsis of the night's dreams to no one. With the kind of cautious exploration of a kitten attempting stairs she climbed down from the tree she had slept in, stumbling over to a small pool.

The pool was cradled in the roots of a massive oak tree, one of the few old trees left, and the effect crated a clear and shining mirror. Her face pale, she looked as tired as ever, like a little girl with nightmares behind her eyes. She didn't like it.

Methodically, she pulled off the pieces of her travel-dirtied clothes, placing them carefully in her bag. Kneeling before the pool and chilled in the early morning air, and washed her face, then her body, drying and then dressing. A soft, undied wool vest over a once-violet-now-more-gray sleeveless dress. The hem of the dress came just past her knees, and the shoulders were too tight, but it had fewer patches in it than anything else she had scavenged. A pair of poorly mended stockings and short leather boots, too big for her and with strange copper buckles in the place of iron was slipped onto her feet.

In all her worn-out second hand wear, she may have passed for a peasant girl, but was still too light, too strange and shadowed. That was no concern of hers, though. Today she had other business. She shouldered her bag and double-checked the site, pulling wild berries off bushes as the walked down a well-worn path. The trees thinned, the air became weighted with the smell of woodfire, iron and people. Turning a corner, she came out of the edge of the woods, stopping at the peak of Briar Hill.

Briar Hill was what the early inhabitants of Isaera has called the gentle slope of green, and the woods to her back had once been Trine Woods. That was when Isaera was nothing more than a few farmsteads, when the woods were still a true forest not depleted and dotted with half hacked stumps. Aislin did not recall this but she still knew. Now, Isaera was a large and prosperous town, a stopping place for every traveler, caravan and merchant on their way to the large port city to the east. Valtara, only a few days march through the mountain pass, she'd heard, was full of the exotic and wondrous.

Not that it mattered. Nothing really did. Not even the happy chaos awakening below her, stirring the younger inhabitants of Isaera awake, the older inhabitants to breathe a sigh of restful thanks. The ribbons, bright and gay, hanging from the windows of houses, the flower wreathes everywhere, the multicolored caravans and performing folk setting up in the town square, the presence of a May Pole- all were testament to what day it was.

May Day came but one day a year, and festivities lasted for three. All the youngest girls would wear flower crowns and sell flowers to the visiting folk and walk around smelling like flowers. The older ones would dance around the May Pole, and the boys would dance with them. Adults took the days off, enjoying light drink and the undeniable defeat of winter. As busy and crowded and loud as this whole affair promised to be, there was also the promise of many merchants, and thus, a chance at finding what she needed. Staring down at the town she thought about this, one hand on the strap of her bag, she worked on formulating a battle plan.
Last edited by wiggbat on Wed Apr 30, 2008 8:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: (inthebeginning) Ouat (therewereseven)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lorki on Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:39 pm

“No no, here put both hands on it, boy. Yes, like that” Tavor had risen early with the pack of children that been howling and tussling outside his window. Now, with the morning sun on his back he leaned down and fixed a young boys grip on a wooden sword. He stood back up and motioned at the other boys that had gathered around. Viciously they went after each other, laughing, falling and running head first into each other a few times.

He stood back and grinned, he pushed his hair out of his face as he watched the little boys go at it. Quite suddenly two of them rushed him, chopping with the wooden ‘blades’ at his legs and thighs. “Ack!” he dropped down to pick up one of the mini play weapons to try to fend them off. As they rounded and fought about the grassy garden area a few mothers looked over, slightly disapprovingly. The village had been haven for Tavorian for about two months. He had planned on leaving soon, but decided to stay throughout the festival and enjoy a rare moment of joy around him. He lived in the spare room of a small hut style house, with only about enough room for his bed mat and his bag, good enough for him, the house smelled like dirt so it didn’t bother him much, and it had been a long while sense he had taken the time to live in a society.

So he enjoyed being social. He tussled, as was his nature, with the children and talked with many people. He was guilty of sneaking out at night, stealing a few cloaks from the market place and burying a silver chain that belonged to the family he was staying with. The smell had been to horrible, but he carefully reminded himself everyday to make sure it was put back in place before he made his leave. Perhaps it was odd behavior for a werewolf, unsociable, lonely creatures, often casting themselves out from any civilization. Not Tavorian. Seeking companionship and love he allowed himself the odd few months to live the life he wanted, but his secret was not particularly easy to contain, and his hunger was not easy to satisfy. He felt guilty killing so many of the game animals around villages he sometimes took up residence in, and the constant threat of possibly losing control of himself always loomed. To calm his conscious he lived deep in forests for about half of the year, hunting and living on his own. It allowed him to feel less uncomfortable in human form for a few days, after spending months sometimes as a wolf.

But for now, none of that was on his mind, he simply dodged and leapt about the yard with small boys, all whacking violently at him. He rolled on the ground, agilely bounced back up and lead the children on a chaise around a few of the hovels and buildings.

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Re: (inthebeginning) Ouat (therewereseven)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Reedwind on Thu May 01, 2008 2:06 am

"Right then. Let's see..." Chip muttered to himself, flipping through his Book of Shadows. "Aha! This will do finely, yes. So, it's 'Darkness Fire Bird Dragon Tiger Horse Element Tiger Dog Boar Shadow'. Right! I will succeed!" Proclaimed Chip.

Chip slowly started going through the signs stated above, each time around getting faster until his hands were nothing but a blur. After 40 long minutes, Chip was finally prepared to cast the spell. "Darkness Fire Bird Dragon Tiger Horse Element Tiger Dog Boar Shadow!Black Blade!" screamed Chip at the top of his 12000 year old lungs. And as usual, it worked. An immense length of shadow swept across the land, just as Chip had intended.

"Now THAT is effecient weed whacking." Chip smiled to himself. I still got it... he thought to himself.

"CHIP!" scremed his ever aggitated but ever lovely wife, Sharona. "Did I NOT tell you no more spell shortcuts for your chores? For God's sakes I'm TRYING to live in a NORMAL neighbourhood! What would our neighbour, Chereese think if she knew you were a sorcerrer?" Sharona belted from her lungs, with a most intetional note of malice towards her husband.

"Sorry darling..." Chip said, looking sorrowful. Inside he honestly didn't care though. He loved to bug his wife.

Just as Chip was about to get a make-up kiss however, he saw something astonoshing. A jet of Black Light shot into the sky and formed a star which would not float with the wind.

"Oh my." Chip said. "I haven't seen that in 12000 years, but by the looks of it, Merlin's back. And he isn't happy..."
Here, you eat the cows. *puffs cigar* But in RUSSIA! The cows, eat, YOU!

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Re: (inthebeginning) Ouat (therewereseven)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wiggbat on Thu May 01, 2008 3:11 am

Everyone knew that if you dreamed of teeth falling out you were foretelling death. So, with an inside sigh, the Halfling gritted her teeth and made her way down the hill, not in any kind of hurry, kicking up clods of soil and rolling stones off the path as she came across them.

Entering the town Aislin found herself following the common dirt and, becoming more common, cobblestone roads, along the outer edge of the town. Mostly residential houses here, unremarkable in her eyes, nothing but a bunch of rather rectangular shapes. What was with humans and their fascinations with geometric shapes? Passing gardens full of chickens clucking and side stepping a few of the young children scratching the outlines of jump-games into the dirt, Aislin carefully avoided the eyes of any parents, unknowingly twitching her face away from the presence of adults as she walked.

Originally intending to walk to the trades district, get what she came for and get out, her plans changed drastically when she felt the familiar and yet strange prickle on the back of her neck, felt a sudden pins-and-needles feeling all over- magic. Thoughts immediately started buzzing around her skull, frantic and confused. She reached both hands up to her head, grabbing a handful of tangled hair in each as she turned in place, trying to determine what just happened. When her eyes locked on to an elderly couple, the universe decided to send the poor girl for another loop with the appearance of what could only be described as a flash of black light shooting into the sky.

The rush that went through her bones then was almost too much and she stumbled back, tripping over a watering can with a loud metallic clang! and sending a wave of cold water over her feet, which then startled her into falling back and over a fence. With a small yelp she landed unceremoniously in the yard across from Chip's house. As she fell, her brain barely registered a 'snap', and as she pulled a broken wood play sword out from under her, it took her a moment of staring to register that's what had broken and not any of her bones.

Having caused quite a commotion, Aislin merely sat, a piece of the sword in her hand and an entirely confused look on her face. If she had bothered to look back she would have seen a group of small boys halting their play to stare openly at the girl that had just, literally, crashed their game.

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Re: (inthebeginning) Ouat (therewereseven)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lorki on Thu May 01, 2008 10:56 pm

Tavor was taken aback by the girl tipping into the center of them. He would in any normal circumstance been able to respond much quicker, but he controlled himself, his abilities watered down in the human town. He moved forward quickly through, handing off his own wooden sword to the boy whose had been crushed. "Go play in the garden." he told them, a sudden sternness in his voice. This girl was not a human, he could smell it. "There's more room there, so you won't be tripping up any young ladies, right?" Indignantly they nodded and shuffled away, once they took a few steps one took a sharp strike at another and they broke into a vicious run.

Tavorian looked back at the girl before him, he stood before her with a look of almost suspicion in his face, he broke it, however, with a smile. He reached out a hand to help her up. "I apologize for getting in your way." he paused. "Ms...?"

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Re: (inthebeginning) Ouat (therewereseven)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wiggbat on Fri May 02, 2008 2:39 am

Any creature with a keen sense of smell would be able to blow Aislin's cover- she was too clean smelling to be entirely human. She shared the same basic warm smell of living things but smelled rather like wind and lilacs and something woody and green, like the herbs she worked with. And any creature with a keen sense of intuition would be able to tell the young man before her not entirely human himself, so in this way Aislin knew his secret.

But that was not the reason that, instead of taking Tavor's offer of help she placed the broken sword pieces in his open hand and climbed to her feet on her own. No, that would be like prejudice against oneself, for Aislin knew what it was like to be chased away from the edges of towns. No, none of those thoughts, like torches, now. She shook her head, still feeling the presence of some force greater than she, emanating from the strange star in the sky. A dark diamond in the sky. She did not directly face him, either, but looked to the left and right, clasping her hands to keep them from roaming out to feel his skin and see if mayhaps she could feel wolf pelt there.

"We're all in secrecy, dodging stones, and that-" she pointed at the sword, then brought her hands together in front of her again, "is merely an object. Aislin." She finally supplied, and in a moment of clarity disrupting her thus far halting speech, she told him, "We are under a dark star and there's a wizard near by and you're rather friendly for something that may well eat me, if stories are true. What is your name?" Her voice, when not strained with mad thoughts, was sweet and slightly lilting, not unpleasant.

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Re: (inthebeginning) Ouat (therewereseven)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheVeryScaryTeaparty on Fri May 02, 2008 5:13 pm

Jackie walked through the buildings of Isaera in a dandelion colored dress. She usually didn't wear clothes like this, but she had saved up her coins for something decent to wear on special occasions. She was also wearing a brand new face, the prettiest one she could imagine, with classic beauty and dark curls, though she often wore plain ones so that she blended in with her naturally plain gypsy group which had somehow vanished and never returned, leaving their cart behind, hidden away in a bald spot in the forest. She was just sixteen. She relied on "borrowing" some food other than getting a real job, because for that to happen you had to live in an official home and probably be older, and she was neither. But today was May Day, a holiday, a special occasion where people were looser on security and away from the food stands, and, in more local areas, even free confections. If there was any, this was the time to get a surplus that could last her for all of her unsuccesful nights for a couple months. Jackie needed this.

She was nearing a fruit stand, one near the festival. Assuming it was free, she slid most of the apples and peaches into large pockets she had sewn onto her dress, though they were irregular looking, and grinned, showing magically aligned teeth. She then looked closer at the cluster of activities, suddenly feeling a strange presence in the air. In the sky was a black star. That..wasn't natural.
Last edited by TheVeryScaryTeaparty on Fri May 02, 2008 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: (inthebeginning) Ouat (therewereseven)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lorki on Fri May 02, 2008 5:55 pm

He took the toy sword. She confirmed his suspicions of her, she could tell he wasn't quite what he seemed to be, and now he knew she wasn't as well. feeling slightly bond to her, for they each knew the other could very well be persecuted if found out, the fact that she'd figured him out did not bother him. Rather he nodded and glanced upwards that the dark in the sky, the small hairs on the back of his neck raised. He looked back at her, "A pleasure to meet you, Aislin. My name is Tavorian, Tavor."
Her movements confused him, being more wolf in behavior at times then human he took behavior to mean a great deal. He gave up interpreting her movements, reminding himself that she was certainly more human then she was wolf, and therefore hardly any of her movements could have a true meaning to him, he still took note of her behaviors however, Tavor kept his tabs carefully.

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