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Allaran's Grimoire

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Allaran's Grimoire

Tips: 0.25 INK Postby Allaran_Darkbane on Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:02 am


By Allaran Darkbane
Grand Majister of the Temple of Darkbane
Ordo Templi Tenebanus

"I serve in the darkness, to protect the light."
-- Allaran the Sorcerer


What you are about to read comes from the minds of actual magicians, not from professional writers. This material was eye-witnessed and recorded by scribes from an actual magical temple, not by historians or by professional actors in a screenplay. The techniques described herein are authentic and very effective. Readers are strongly shunned from casual experimentation with this material. Mind-altering substances should never ever be used during this practice. Only true magicians in good mental and physical health should even attempt to undergo these practices. This system should be approached with the same respect one might accord to mixed martial arts. Viewer discretion is advised.


What is magic? It is the ability, or practice, of influencing and altering the course of events by mysterious means or supernatural forces. This can be divided into two methods; illusionary magic, performed by illusionists who can manipulate the senses to inspire a false understanding or perception; and comprehensive magic, performed by actual magicians who use a mysterious means to manipulate reality without using deception. Both methods go hand and hand, and indeed many comprehensive magicians are also illusionists, a talent that does not work both ways.

Magic that specifically aims at manipulating the senses and perception for the purpose of influencing the course of events is called Thelema, or true sensory magic. Illusionary magic is included in Thelema, but so are many other practices which aren't really meant to deceive. Maleficium is another term for selfish harmful magic or dark magic, whereas Beneficium is another term for selfless healing magic or light magic. These terms are interchangeable with black magic and white magic. They are also referred to as the dark arts, and light arts, when mentioning the broader scope of magical practices.

Sometimes these terms are confused with wizardry and sorcery. That is a novice misunderstanding, however, which needs to be clarified. Wizardry or witchcraft, performed by witches and wizards, is the practice of magic as a learned discipline or an acquired skillset. Sorcery, performed by sorcerers and sorceresses, is the natural gift or ability to practice magic from the moment of birth. Wizardry is something that is learned, whereas sorcery is the natural born talent or ability to perform magic without being taught. Both disciplines require training to master. There are also white wizards and dark wizards, and white sorcerers or dark sorcerers, or even grey wizards and grey sorcerers depending on the practice. Sorcery is usually taught one on one, while wizardry is generally taught in schools.

A gathering of witches or wizards is known as a coven, while a dark wizard is also sometimes known as a warlock. The various schools of witchcraft and wizardry are known as sacred temples, and each temple can differ greatly depending on the curriculum and various magical studies they offer. Some schools take a lighter approach to magic, focusing mainly on the healing arts and beneficium, whereas other schools take a darker approach and focus more on maleficium or black magic. These magical temples offer esoteric teachings and studies involving the occult, and can offer a wide range of classes. Often this will include the study of incantations, evocations, divinations, enchantments, alchemy, kinetics or psionics and other magical fields or sciences, many of which go hand and hand.
I serve in the darkness to protect the light.

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Re: Allaran's Grimoire

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Allaran_Darkbane on Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:30 pm


Beneficium is another term for white magic, sometimes broadly referred to as the light arts or Luxio Ars Magicka, the art of light magic. This field involves the practice of magic for the purposes of creation, preservation, healing and protection. Luxio Ars Magicka covers many courses or scientific studies including botany, herbalogy, alchemy, angelology, divination, medicine, acupuncture, massage therapy, invocation, psychotherapy, incantations, chrysopoeia, enchantments, dowsing, human anatomy, exorcisms, henosis, psionics, theurgy, astrology, thaumavory, thaumaturgy and other workings of witchcraft and wizardry that can be used to heal or protect. Subclades of this school include Wicca, green magic, Solomon's magic, Reiki, herbal magic, Omnio Ars Magicka, atropiac magic, elemental magic, and other methods.


Maleficium is another term for black magic, sometimes broadly referred to as the dark arts or Tenebrio Ars Magicka, the art of dark magic. This field involves the practice of magic for the purposes of destruction, combat, causing harm or damage. Tenebrio Ars Magicka covers many courses or scientific studies including botany, herbalogy, alchemy, demonology, divination, poison, pressure points, evocation, incantations, chrysopoeia, enchantments, human anatomy, conjuring, psionics, theurgy, astrology, thaumavory, vampyrcraeft, thaumaturgy and other workings of witchcraft and wizardry that can be used to harm others or drain their energy for one's own selfish gain. Subclades of this school include Thelema, arcane gnosticism, Satanism, hoodoo, Goetia, anathemic magic, ceremonial magic, nengraphy and blood magic.


It's important to note that magic itself is neither inherently good nor inherently evil. The same rituals and practices that can be performed for the purposes of doing good, can also be performed for the purposes of doing evil. The old saying that "There is no such thing as bad magic, only bad magicians" seems to apply here. There is no such thing as This magic and That magic. There is only Magic, and so many of the different schools of Ars Magicka tend to go hand and hand. There is no rule strictly forbidding a white witch from practicing black magic, or preventing a black witch from practicing white magic. As such, many magicians often study a wide variety of different magical arts in order to gain a better understanding and mastery of their own practices. Just like a doctor or science professor trying to find a cure for a particular virus or disease, they first have to understand the disease and study the virus before they can find a cure. Magic works much the same way, and so a truly great magician is someone who has mastered both light magic and dark magic alike, yet has chosen their own path.

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Re: Allaran's Grimoire

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Allaran_Darkbane on Thu Mar 19, 2020 3:30 am


Captromancy mirror
Astromancy stars
Lithomancy stones/crystals/meteors
Capnomancy smoke
Arithomancy numbers
Skiomancy shadow
Fosromancy light
Mavromancy darkness
Acultomancy needles
Alomancy salt
Alphitomancy barley
Alveromancy sound
Anthomancy flowers
Apatomancy whatever object is at hand
Austromancy wind
Axinomancy axes
Belomancy arrows
Brontomancy thunder
Kronomancy time
Cleidomancy keys
Cleromancy dice
Dactylomancy rings
Daphnomancy laurel/wreath
Hematomancy blood
Idolomancy idols
Logomancy spoken words
Macromancy large objects
Libanomancy incense
Odontomancy teeth
Onychomancy finger nails
Osteomancy bones
Phyllomancy leaves/tea
Psychomancy spirits
Psionomancy mind/dreams/thoughts
Rabdomancy rod/stick/wand
Selenomancy moon
Ornithomancy birds
Ophiomancy snakes
Rhapsodomancy poetry/songs
Sciomancy ghosts
Sortilege drawing lots
Stichomancy book verses
Sycomancy fig leaves
Topomancy landscapes
Xylomancy wood
Thumomancy one's own soul
Uranomancy skies/heavens
Austromancy wind
Hydromancy water
Pyromancy fire
Geomancy earth
Metallomancy metal
Xylomancy wood
Keranomancy electricity
Lithomancy crystals
Aeromancy weather

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Re: Allaran's Grimoire

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Allaran_Darkbane on Thu Mar 19, 2020 4:14 am


Aciukinesis sharpness
Acoustokinesis sound
Animatokinesis objects
Aerokinesis air
Aestatekinesis summer
Agrokinesis fields
Albopyrokinesis white fire
Alcokinesis alcohol
Amarikinesis greed
Amokinesis love
Anemokinesis air
Anthropokinesis humans
Anthokinesis flowers
Arthrokinesis tendons/joints
Asterokinesis stellar energy
Astronkinesis stardust
Atokinesis atoms
Atmokinesis weather
Atmoskinesis base elements
Audiokinesis sound
Aurakinesis auras
Autochromokinesis colours
Autometabokinesis metabolism
Autumnuskinesis autumn
Azurpyrokinesis blue fire
Bibliokinesis books
Bionikinesis bionics
Biokinesis bodies
Botanokinesis plants
Caelumkinesis sky
Captukinesis size
Celerakinesis speed
Chelokinesis fingernails
Cryokinesis ice
Chronokinesis time
Clauditikinesis locks
Cosmokinesis cosmic energy
Crystallokinesis minerals/crystals
Cthonikinesis nether
Cytokinesis cells
Dendrokinesis wood
Dermakinesis skin
Dynamokinesis existing energy
Echokinesis echoes
Electrokinesis electricity
Elementumkinesis elements
Electromagnetokinesis electromagnetism
Entokinesis insects
Erebokinesis darkness
Ergokinesis energy
Essekinesis reality
Fabrikinesis fabric
Ferrokinesis metal
Floraergokinesis flora energy
Flyrosokinesis force fields
Frigokinesis snow
Fungokinesis fungi
Gelidkinesis turn liquid into jelly
Geokinesis earth
Geothermakinesis lava/magma/volcanoes
Gerontokinesis aging process
Gravitokinesis gravity
Haemokinesis blood
Halokinesis salt
Heliokinesis solar energy
Hyalokinesis glass
Hydrokinesis water
Hydrocryokinesis freezing liquids
Hydrothermokinesis boiling liquids
Hygrokinesis vapor
Hylokinesis wood
Hypokinesis possess martial arts
Hypnokinesis induce sleep
Ionikinesis ions
Iasmakinesis plasma
Kinetikinesis kinetic energy
Konikinesis dust
Lumnikinesis light
Lunarkinesis lunar energy
Magnetokinesis magnetic energy
Melanokinesis ink
Metallokinesis metals
Mnemokinesis memories
Molekinesis molecules
Myokinesis muscles
Mystokinesis magic
Necrokinesis the dead
Negikinesis negativity
Neurokinesis thoughts
Nihilikinesis nothingness
Nitrokinesis explosions
Nixukinesis pressure
Nosokinesis disease
Naturakinesis nature
Odorakinesis fragrances
Omnikinesis omniverse
Oneirokinesis dreams
Osteokinesis bones
Papyrokinesis paper
Pathokinesis emotions
Pherokinesis pheromones
Photokinesis light
Psammokinesis sand
Psychokinesis psionic powers
Pulsakinesis pulses
Pyrokinesis fire
Quintekinesis life force
Quantumkinesis quantum energy
Radiokinesis radiation
Regokinesis vectors
Seismokinesis seismic blasts
Solarkinesis sun
Stoichokinesis probability
Sunakinesis sand
Serqekinesis acid
Technokinesis technology
Tectokinesis tectonic plates
Telekinesis moving objects
Tephrakinesis ash
Terrakinesis land/earth
Thanatokinesis induce death
Thermokinesis temperature
Toxikinesis poison
Typhokinesis smoke
Vibrokinesis vibrations
Vitakinesis health
Vitreokinesis glass
Zelidokinesis absorb matter

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Re: Allaran's Grimoire

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Allaran_Darkbane on Thu Mar 19, 2020 4:27 am


Mancy = divination
Scopy = study, science
Kinesis = motion, movement
Evocation = summon, conjure
Invocation = summon, prayer
Incantation = spoken/written spell
Divination = prophecy
Arcane = esoteric, occult
Acupuncture = qi, meridians, chakras
Alchemy = black magic, potions and forging, transmutation
Chrysopoeia = alchemy, base metals into noble metals
Panacea = alchemy, elixir, healing potion, remedy
Alkahest = alchemy solvant, acid, dissolve anything
Aether = medium force, gravity, electromagnetism
Adept = gifted
Amulet = charm, talisman
Athame = magic dagger, black knife, circle drawer
Aura = energy field, vibrations
Ward = force field, barrier
Boline = magic dagger, white knife, herb cutter
Chalice = cup
Clairaudience = ability to hear spirits
Clairvoyance = ability to see spirits
Conjuration = summoning, using incantations
Coven = covent of priests or priestesses
Dowsing rod = divination, used to locate water
Ology = study of
Draecology = study of dragons
Demonology = study of demons
Vampyrcraeft = blood magic
Witchcraeft = herbal magic
Ectoplasm = ghost energy, form, emission from mediums
Ectenic force = ectoplasm
Enchantment = spell, charm, bewitch, curse, incantation
Exorcism = possession, banishing demons
Goetia = summon demons, conjuring
Grimoire = magic spellbook
Curse = hex, vex, bewitchery
Anathema = a cursed person or object
Invocation = conjure, prayer, summon
Thelema = true magic, manipulation of perception
Maleficium = sorcery, harmful magic
Nagual = shapeshifter
Necromancer = communication with dead spirits, summoner
Obeah = healing spell or wand ritual
Oanga = healing spell or sword ritual
Oracle = prophet, fortune teller, divination, omens
Moppit = voodoo doll
Psionics = brain waves, electric, telepathy, telekinesis, psychic
Psychonaut = astral traveler, out of body experience
Theurgy = ritual magic
Henosis = ascendancy, union with the divine, oneness
Runecasting = divination by runes
Scrying = divination, ink blotch, scribble, reflections, gazing
Oneiromancy = scrying, divination, interpret dreams
Servitor = psychopomp, imaginery being, thought up
Sigil = magical symbol, rune, geometrical shape
Thaumaturgy = wizard's wonderwork, priest's miracles, ability
Counterspell = anti magic, nullifier
Techbane = unintentional ability to destroy technology
Omni magic = anti magic proof, thaumaturgy
Thaumavory = ability to absorb magic, anti magic skill
Teleportation = psionic, mind travel
Levitation = transvection, psionic
Psychoscopy = psychometry, gain insight via touch
Nengraphy = burn image on surface with mind, psionic
Gondul = wand wielder, witch, wizard
Distaff = wool spinner, wand, weaving tool in fate magic
Erular = runecaster, master of rune magic
Blood magic = inherent, sorcery, predates wizardry

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Re: Allaran's Grimoire

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Allaran_Darkbane on Thu Mar 19, 2020 4:48 pm


It is a novice mistake to think of Necromancy, Necroscopy and Necrokinesis as being interchangeable terms which all mean the same thing. This is simply not the case. Necroscopy is the magical science of death, the field of practices which center around the study of death, or that which is dead, in terms of magic. Necroscopy is also called Necro Ars Magicka, or the Art of Death Magic, and it includes both necromancy and necrokinesis in its teachings. Necro Magic is a very dangerous practice which belongs in a subclade of Black Magic, and should never be attempted or casually experimented with by untrained magicians. Improper use of necro-magic can result in very serious injury or fatality for the one who practices it. Side effects may include hyper-accelerated aging, heart failure, brain aneurysms, chronic nose bleeds, depression, anxiety, severe headaches, vertigo or dizziness, vomiting, internal bleeding, possession and even death.

Necrokinesis is the ability to summon dead bodies using psionic powers, or the electrical brain-waves of the mind. Necrokinesis is the art and practice of raising the dead. This process can also involve other kinetic energies such as Qi or Chi, transvection or ectenic force. Necrokinesis does not involve resurrection in the glorified, lifegiving or healing sense. Necrokinesis is simply the animation of skeletons, bones or dead bodies with the ability to manipulate them or control their actions using mental processes. Necrokinesis is a form of manipulation or telekinesis which requires deep focus and mental concentration. For beginners, it may be necessary to establish visual eye contact with the intended corpse or skeleton in question. If the visual focus and mental concentration is lost or interrupted, the bones will simply fall apart or drop to the floor. Truly great wizards and sorcerers will eventually be able to re-animate multiple lifeless corpses or dead skeletons using their minds alone, without the need for establishing any visual eye contact with the corpses. In a sense, the magician literally possesses the corpse with their own spirit. The corpse is not actually alive, but is simply a conduit.

This sometimes gets confused with another term in Necroscopy, which is necromancy. Necrokinesis does not at all involve the summoning of spirits, or communication with the dead. For that we must delve into a different practice, which is the popular art, but also greatly misunderstood art of necromancy. Wizards and sorcerers who study this practice are sometimes referred to as necromancers. This field deals exclusively with dead spirits, and other spirits such as angels or demons. Necromancy usually involves the study of angelology and demonology for the purpose of helping the necromancers to know who or what they are summoning. Necromancy is a form of divination, which involves communication with the dead for the purposes of gaining knowledge or insight into the occult. Necromancy is not the ability to control otherworldly spirits, contrary to popular belief. Although it is possible to summon spirits, it is extremely important to understand that such spirits still retain their own freewill, and could cause harm to others if the appropriate steps are not taken beforehand to protect oneself.

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Re: Allaran's Grimoire

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Allaran_Darkbane on Tue Mar 24, 2020 9:30 am


The following excerpt is an example of ceremonial magic. Also known as ritual magic, the magician will perform sacred rites and undergo certain preparations first before going any further. The following ritual involves the ringing of bells, and the drawing of a magical protective circle using an elaborate ceremonial black knife called an athame. Here we see the magician accurately performing a very dangerous summoning ritual.

"By the power invested in me, given by Aldafar the Creator and Pandora the Eternal to his and her blessed servant Allaran Darkbane, grand majister of the Ordo Templi Tenebanus, let all spirits come forth now giving dominion unto me, and make thyself known. Appear to me now, undeceiving and true, without stench or decay, in a form that is pleasant and recognizable unto me. Appear at once, in a manner submissive to me by the power of the Archangels, and answer truthfully the questions that I ask, in a language that is comprehensible to me. I command you to obey me, and bind thee before me to the magical prison which I have made. Come now, Azmodyus and all his demons, and every unclean spirit cast forth from the earth. Come clean and whole, in a form acceptable to me. Come and carry out my will, and fulfill my every need and desire as I command thee. Come now. Come all as I command, by this ceremonial magic and ancient ritual, I summon thee."
---- Allaran the Wizard

At this moment, the magician rings a tiny bell. Ritual magic practices like the example shown above will always involve a physical object or vessel to act as a screen through which spirits can reveal themselves. This could be a crystal ball, a silver dish, a bowl of water, a black mirror, or some other reflective surface into which the demon or spirit can manifest his or her image. The magician will stand or sit inside the protective circle, as an extra precaution. The magical circle in this particular case resembles the ancient Seal of Solomon, which is basically a hexagram drawn inside a ring. Certain specific words, atropiacs and sigils are used as devices to protect the summoner during any sort of encounter with evil spirits or otherworldly entities from another dimension.

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Re: Allaran's Grimoire

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Allaran_Darkbane on Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:29 am


speculum - black mirror
hexagram - six point star, star of david
pentagram - five point star, star of solomon
pentacle - five point star within a ring, seal of solomon
triangulum - prism, plane, prison, cage, realm
tetragrammaton - name of god YHVH yud'he'vav'he
archangels - cardinal points Michael, Gabriel, Auriel, Raphael
demotic - wizardic language, slang, memo cursive writing
altar - podium with four horns/candle shields
mávri mageía - black magic
farmakoia - medicine, healing arts
agapoceia - love magic, sex magic, forbidden magic
baphomet - inverted pentagram, goat demon Azazel
templari crux - star of ishtar, eight point cross
lucerna - magic candle
abracadabra - formula for summoning demon Abracax
Lamashtu - female demon, lilitu, lamia, Lilith, lucifer, venus
Pazuzu - wind demon, storm, protection from lamashtu
Beelzebub - demonized Baal, demon wishmaster, lord of flies
Asteroth - demonized Ishtar, oracle, revealer of secrets
Samael - angel of death
caduceus - twin serpent staff of Hermes, medicine
asmodeus - demon of lust, prince of demons
Asherah - goddess Ishtar, consort of Yahweh
holy of holies - shrine room, divine seat within temple
grimoire - spellbook, how to guidebook, wizard manual
Book of Shadows - personal notebook, log book, notes
luxuria / Lust - Asmodeus
gula / Gluttony - Belphagor
avaritia / Greed - Mammon
acedia / Sloth - Abaddon
ira / Wrath - Sataniel
invidia / Envy - Beelzebub
superbia / Pride - Lucifer
diligence - Gabriel - anti sloth
charity - Michael - anti greed, patron of soldiers
temperance - Cassiel - anti gluttony
patience - Azrael - anti wrath
kindness - Remiel - anti envy
chastity - Uriel - anti lust
humility - Raphael - anti pride, patron of doctors
amulet - enchanted object for general protection or power
talisman - sigil amulet for warding off specific spirits
Arcana - either of 2 groups of cards in a deck
Elixir - healing potion, drink of immortals, soma
Charm - enchanted, bewitched, good luck item
Fetish - object of worship, idol
Mandrake - magic plant, induces sleep
Humunculus - alchemy, tiny fully formed human or daimon
Golem - alchemy, creature made from inanimate clay
omen - a sign used for divination
oracle - fortune teller, seeress, fate reader, prophet
Philosopher's Stone - turns any metal into gold
Philtre - magical drink or potion
runagaldr - rune magic, carved symbols in wood or stone
Tarot - divination cards used in Egyptian magic
Alchemy - al'Khemet, black magic
Conjuring - to make something appear from nothing
hocus pocus - hoc est corpus, this is the body, to transform
Abramelin oil - sweet scented oil used in magic rituals
Biosophy - wisdom of life, living with virtues
Cone of Power - energy field around a magic circle
Gastromancy - crystal gazing, divination
orbuculum - crystal ball
Damballa - voodoo creator god, loa, demon
Enochian - occult language, angelic language
Ssylvidian - draconic language, dragon tongue
Gematria - code language, assigning #'s to Hebrew letters
gnosis - divine knowledge, secret wisdom, awareness

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Re: Allaran's Grimoire

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Allaran_Darkbane on Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:42 am

"It was common knowledge to thé leamed individuals of ancient times that existence consisted of three levels, or states, of being: thé Physical World—thé material realm of flesh and substance; thé Mental Realm—thé plane in which thoughts, ideas, and knowledge were stored, processed, and received from; and thé Spiritual, or Astral, Domain—where émotions, self-will, intuition,faith, and thé vital force of life resided. A person is thé composite of ail three of those states, and each form is anchored to thé others by a séries of links that serve to keep one whole. The brain links thé Physical plane to thé Mental plane as a transceiver and translater of raw thought energy. The subconscious links thé Mental plane with thé Spiritual one, creating a gâte through which adreamer could catch fleeting glimpses ofthe Astral realm during deep sleep. Finally, thé Spirit is linked to thé Physical through blood. The blood is thé Life."
-- Dante the Occultist on Vampyrcraeft

"That which is above is like unto that which is below, and that which is within is like that which is without, from the furthest corners of the great cosmos, to the tiniest universes within the deepest darkest imaginations of the mind."
-- Allaran Darkbane on Occultic Wizardry

"It will entice your soul.
It will make you toss and make you roll.
It sometimes makes you black as coal,
but most times it plays a different role.
It is an ancient magic called love.
It is what makes the sun shine.
It is what makes God divine.
It is what makes an angel fly.
It is what opens up somebody shy.
It is an ancient magic called love."
-- Casey Jarrell on Love Magic

"Earth is my body. Wind is my breath. Water is my blood. Lightning is my spirit, and Fire my soul."
-- Allaran the Wizard

"Think that for you too nothing is impossible; deem that you too are immortal, and that you are able to grasp all things in your thought, to know every craft and science; find your home in the haunts of every living creature; make yourself higher than all heights and lower than all depths; bring together in yourself all opposites of quality, heat and cold, dryness and fluidity; think that you are everywhere at once, on land, at sea, in heaven; think that you are not yet begotten, that you are in the womb, that you are young, that you are old, that you have died, that you are in the world beyond the grave; grasp in your thought all of this at once, all times and places, all substances and qualities and magnitudes together; then you can apprehend God."
-- Hermes Trismegistus as the Egyptian god Thoth

"The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and wilfully to reject truth, to fear knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices."
-- Aleister Crowley the Great Beast

"All knowledge is ultimately self knowledge. We are guided to the light by mentors with candles, but all heirophants point the same direction to the truth. It is by our own decisions and stepping forward that we begin to understand all things by gaining knowledge."
-- Allaran the Sorcerer on Knowledge

"Every word spoken is a spell. With every proper word, crossing every T and dotting every 'i' a magician has the power to make their friends hate them, and their enemies love them. Magic is extremely powerful yet very subtle and subjective. Knowing how to use magic can be the difference between Man and God."
-- Allaran Darkbane on Spellcasting

"Unless you know the daimons by name, you should not meddle with them. For who knows what you will summon, or who you will be talking to, once Pandora's Box has opened? Be very aware when dealing with spirits. For best results try hypnosis, or self induced trance. But know thy enemy well, and do not tally in conversation with demons, or answer any questions. Know their names. Give them commands. Demand answers, but do not conversate or debate with angry spirits, especially when they have no interest in your affairs."
-- Allaran the Wizard on Demonology

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Re: Allaran's Grimoire

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Allaran_Darkbane on Sun Mar 29, 2020 2:37 am

"Every word spoken is a spell."
-- Ancient Wisdom

"There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:

2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace."

-- Solomon the Magician

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Re: Allaran's Grimoire

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Allaran_Darkbane on Mon Mar 30, 2020 3:54 am


- The Orphan's Story
- The Book of Abrammelin
- The 7 Grimoires of Irene
- The Books of Enoch
- The Black Pullet
- The Epic of Gilgamesh
- Arbatel De Magia Veterum
- The Bardo Thodol
- The Book of Ecclesiastes
- The Complete Picatrix
- The Lemegaton
- The Galdrabok
- The Kybalion of Hermes
- The Book of Honorius
- The Ars Almadel
- The Necronomicon
- Vampires The Occult Truth
- The Ars Goetia
- Ars Theurgia Goetia
- The Ars Paulina
- The Catcher in the Rye
- The Elder Scrolls
- The Book of Agrippa
- Dracula Prince of Many Faces
- The Book of Forbidden Knowledge
- Fahrenheit 451
- The Book of Myrddin Sylvestris
- The Voynich Manuscript
- The Ars Notoria
- The Codex Gigas
- The Book of Soyga
- Prophecies of Nostradamus
- The Pentateuch
- The Great Omar
- Tomino's Hell
- The DaVinci Code
- Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
- Man Myth & Magic
- The Havamal
- Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook
- The Grand Grimoire
- Allaran's Grimoire
- The Ophites Papyri
- The Greek Magical Papyri
- The Sethian Scrolls
- The Life of Rasputin
- The Machiavellian Philosophy
- The Papyrus of Ani
- Egyptian Book of the Dead

"There are many evil and truly miserable people who just want to watch the world burn. So it's good to learn their strategies and tactics, teachings and methodologies, as it will help to keep you protected and prepared. Light can not enter darkness, for the shadow will always hide from light. To defeat the darkness, one must become the shadow, and carry the light within."
-- Faedkynn Hyllorra

"The mind is the most powerful weapon in the universe."
-- Allaran Darkbane the Grand Majister

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Re: Allaran's Grimoire

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Allaran_Darkbane on Mon Mar 30, 2020 5:37 am


Flower of death - vinca
Tongue of a goose - lemon balm
Dust from a graveyard - mullein
Heart of a hawk - wormwood
Tears of Juno - vervain
Foot of a lion - lady mantle
Man's bile - turnip sap
Nosebleed - yarrow
Old man's flannel - mullein
Head of a ram - valerian
Scale of a dragon - terragon
Semen of Hermes - dill
Eyebrows of Beli - barley
Tears of Beyla - honey
Tongue of a snake - violet
Tree of doom - elderberry bark
Horn of a unicorn - boneset root
Wool of a bat - moss
Eye of a newt - mustard seed
Toe of a frog - buttercup

Blood - sap
Hair - stringly substances
Wing - leaf or branch
Head - bud or blossom
Tail - stalk or stem
Toe - root
Eye - seed
Tongue - petal or leaf
Toad - sage
Cat - catmint
Dog - couchgrass
Frog - cinquefoil
Eagle - garlic
Bluejay - laurel
Hawk - hawkweed
Lamb - lettace
Nightengale - hops
Rat - vermilion
Weasel - rue
Woodpecker - peony

"Herbology is one of the greater studies. Chamomile, echinacea, feverfew, garlic, ginger, gingko, ginseng, goldenseal, milk thistle, these every witch should have in her arsenal. St. John's wort, saw palmetto, valerian, turmeric, evening primrose, flax seed, teatree oil, grapeseed, lavender, fennel, aminita muscaria, peppermint, licorice, saffron, maca root, eleuthero, rosemary, hawthorne, onion, carrot, cabbage, crab apple, sea salt, black pepper, alfalfa, potato, silverweed, shepherd's purse, aloe vera, coconut hair, dandelion, tobacco, salvia, cannibis sativa, cinquefoil, cinnamon, nutmeg, cucumber, mandrake, turnip, mistletoe and holly, all of these items hold the sacred wisdom of our grandmothers. We guard our ancient remedies using Demotic slang passed down for centuries."
-- Arianna the Green Witch

"Ginseng for strength. Saffron for stamina. Lavender for migraines. Licorice for ulcers. Fennel for stomach aches. Silverweed to stop the bleeding. Mugwort, attorlade, mayweed, lambs cress, plantain, nettle, crab apple, thyme and fennel, these are the sacred herbs that all witches and wizards, doctors, healers and shamans are aware of."
-- Allaran Darkbane the Sorcerer

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Re: Allaran's Grimoire

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Allaran_Darkbane on Sat Apr 04, 2020 4:43 pm


An is the sky father of heaven. Ki is the earth mother of primordial dust. Together they form energy and matter, earth and heaven, body and spirit. An and Ki had three children. Ea is the divine personification of water. El is the god of wind and the personification of air. Gi is the divine personification of fire and flame. Together this pentuarch of deities became the basis of ancient Sumerian magic.

An - spirit
Ki - earth
Ea - water
El - wind
Gi - fire

Zisurru is a magic circle drawn with flour. Inside the Zisurru, a pentagram is drawn to form a pentacle, and small clay idols or figurines of An, Ki, Ea, El and Gi are placed at the five points along the edge of the circle. Together these beings are known collectively as the Dingir or deities. When referring only to the children of An and Ki specifically, they are known as the Anunnaki or those who descended from heaven and earth. The priest is known as the Gala, the physician or doctor as the Asu, the diviner as the Baru, the medicine man or shaman as the Asipu, the chanter or enchanter as the Luhhushu, the magician or seer as the Uzu, the dream interpreter as the Sailtu, and the high king as the Lugal, as mentioned in ancient Sumerian tablets. A magical tool is called a Qulmu, and the burning ritual of fire is called Surpu, but there are many other types of magic. Sumerians practiced divination, exorcisms, spells, curses, charms, amulets, talismans, oracles, necromancy, hepatoscopy, horoscopy, extispicy, physiognomics, evocations, invocations and astrology. Watchers or lesser angelic spirits are known as the Nergala in some texts.

A prophet or seer could also be called a Nabu, while a group of seers is referred to as the Mudi or Mudai, depending on the source. A serpent is known as an Azag, a cloud or nimbus as Milam, lightning as Ba or Baraqu, wood as Su or Isu, metal as Za or Zag, dragons are known as Tammu, bats as Sutinnu, and the list goes on. The primordial cosmos or mother of An and Ki was referred to as Nammu, the sun as Utu, and the moon as Nanna, and any given star is called an Adar in ancient texts. The divine powers or cosmic forces were known as the Mes plural, or Me singular, and was contained within a stone in heaven known as the Tablet of Destiny, for whoever possessed this tablet was said to hold the keys to the secrets of the cosmos and was considered the most powerful being in the universe.

Sumerian magicians would evoke or exorcise demons by invoking other demons. There were 7 demons called Urugu who were considered to be quite evil, and magic was used to expel them.

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