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Yin and Yang

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Yin and Yang

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Moonspirit22 on Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:15 pm


Vada walked along a small path, cutting overgrowth that blocked her way with a small whip made out of water. She had ran away from her village about a week ago and ran out of food two days before. And now, starving and tired, she was lost. Where can I find something to eat? Is there a village nearby? Vada thought, asking her spirit. There is a small berry bush down the path, you can find something to eat there. However, I don't know if there is a village up ahead or not. a voice replied to her thought. Vada sighed and continued until she found the bush.To her disappointment, there were few berries, but it would have to do.

She sat down near a creek, and began to eat what she managed to pick. Was it a good idea to leave? I left behind my entire life... should I have done that? You did not leave your life behind. Life will be with you as long as you live, until the day you die. That was not what I meant. I left behind my family and friends to pursue what I believe is my destiny, my calling... am I making a fool of myself? Did I make the right choice by running away to stop destruction? Who am I kidding... I'm not even a master. I can't do anything to save the world, I'm just expanding my ego, thats all. Vada sighed and slumped down onto the ground. Just keep practicing. Her spirit suddenly said, making her jump. Next time, please warn me before you say something out of the blue like that. She thought and stood up, beginning to move around the water in the creek and change it from water to ice and back again.

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Re: Yin and Yang

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Moblin Killer on Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:57 pm

Xitra walked through the foliage that lay south of his village, making a scythe of flame to cut down the foliage, making sure to put out the fire before moving on. His spirit companion, whom he called Groger, moved among the foliage like a real cat, instead of a spirit of fire. A small bug landed onto a tree limb and stayed there. Then the large frame of Groger sprang out of some bushes and pounced onto it. The bug stayed pinned until Groger let it go, wait a few seconds, then chase after it.

Your really enjoying yourself, aren't you?

Yes, yes I am.

Well, be careful, I don't need someone to pounce us when they see us, thinking me to be a Master and have money, when I don't.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

Xitra finnally made it throught the foliage, exiting to a river. A river with ice floating down it.

What the, what caused that?

Water bender, up the river. Non-Master. But close.

I still think that whole knows all thing is creepy.

It has come in handy, mister has to stick his hand in holes.

Hey, thay scorpion shouldn't have been there.

And I shouldn't have had to tell you, seeing as there was already a large red sign saying "Beware of scorpions".

Okay, I get it, bad Xitra, don't do that again.


Xitra traveled up the river, hoping that the bender wasn't a fighter.
If anyone knows of any good wilderness survival roleplays, I would be exuberated to hear about them or get an invite.

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Re: Yin and Yang

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby cheif on Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:01 pm

Connor forced his way through the brush when a voice said, "Use your fire, its practice." It was his internal spirit guiding him. After stepping back he surrounded his fingers in a orange flame. He pushed though the brush and briers into a clearing. "I'm so hungery," Connor said to himself and spirit. In the middle of the clearing ran a small stream.

He waded out into the middle of the knee deep water and cupped his hand and drinking and splashing his face. After refreshing him self he walked down the stream. "Follow the stream. Berrys will grow from the water, water gives you a sorce of drink and good things come from rivers." "I thought good things came from valcanos." Connor's stuborn side was showing. His spirit didn't respond.

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Re: Yin and Yang

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Moonspirit22 on Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:53 pm

Vada continued on her practice until she saw a man and a puma approach her. What the... Who are... A Fire master, with an external spirit. Um, thanks. Are they good or evil? I can only tell you things about nature, the energy, spirits, and relating subjects. I do not know about his alliance Her spirit said and then quieted down. Vada decided to approach the stranger.

"Hello there. I noticed you along the river and I was wondering..." Vada stopped to think about something to ask him. What should I say, what should I say? she thought. What do you feel like saying? Her spirit said, more like a statement then a question. "... If you would like to help me stop several people from destroying the balance?" She said quickly, in one breath. Now that she said it, she hoped that she had not stumbled upon someone who was fighting for the very reason she was against.

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Re: Yin and Yang

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Moblin Killer on Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:11 am

"Uh, sure?" Xitra watched the girl look very relieved at his answer.

"Er, I'm Xitra. This is my spirit, Groger." Xitra made a gesture torwards the trasparant puma beside him. A noise permeated the air, like the sharp snap of a twig. Xitra crouched in alarm and told Vada to do the same.

Groger, what was that?

Another human, non-master. Carrying a weapon. A bow.

Anything else?


"Right," Xitra stood, drawing two throwing stars from his thighs and heating then up, ready to throw, "Show yourself!"
Last edited by Moblin Killer on Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yin and Yang

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby cheif on Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:50 am

Connor walked along nearly drained of his energy. He ate a few berries here and there. He almost caught a rabbit once. He stopped for another drink and a small rest. His spirit warned him of possible danger up ahead, but most likely it was friendly. Connor was about to approach the people quietly when a rabbit caught his view. Shot a small fire ball at it singed the hair's tail he chased after it unaware he was chasing to the danger.

He followed the rabbit into the bushes, as his spirit pleaded him to stop. He stopped just before the clearing the people were in. He stayed in the bushes brought out his bow and knocked an arrow.
"Show yourself!"

"Yes I'm going to step into the open were you can cut me down." Connor replied sarcastically. "Put you're throwing stars and I’ll unknock my arrow." Connor stubborn side was showing. He wasn't looking to make enemies or friends; he just wanted to save the world of a great evil.

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Re: Yin and Yang

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Moblin Killer on Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:02 pm

"Sure, and let you kill me with your bow? How about something else?"

Couldn't you vaporize it before it came close?

Yes, but he dosen't know that, and I'm a bit rusty. Best not take chances.

"Look, you put the bow away while we can't see you, and aparantly, you can see me, so I'll put my shuriken away, and we can all live, got it?"

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Re: Yin and Yang

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Moonspirit22 on Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:38 pm

As soon as a snap was heard, Vada prepared herself by placing her body into an offensive position. Water from the river swirled around her, she had it under her control. Someone is out there, right? Yes. A fire controller. Not yet a master. He has a bow. Has a bow, eh? with that, she formed a small whip around her arm, and crouched down like Xitra suggested. There was water around her, she had a source.

"Show yourself!" She heard Xitra yell, and the other person give a sarcastic response. Should I attack? Thats for you to decide.her spirit said, and then quieted down as Vada watched what would unfold.

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Re: Yin and Yang

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Moblin Killer on Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:52 am

All was quiet. None of the three made any movements, only the river flowing and the birds chirping made any noise. A few leaves fell from the trees and fell into the water and floated away, some being disturbed by Vada's control of the water. Xitra kept his shuriken heated, now glowing red as a cherry, keeping his arms and legs completely still. But what couldn't be seen was what he was doing with his feet.

Come on, just a bit more.

Using his toes instead of his fingers, he silently directed a small vein of lava behind the bush that he heard the voice from. Making it move like Vada did to the water from the river, he made it move to the bush, slowly, so as not to disturb the earth above it. Then he sprung his trap. Slowly pushing the lava out of the ground, torward the bush, where the unknown person hid.

"Vada, when he pops out, hit him," Xitra whispered.

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Re: Yin and Yang

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Moonspirit22 on Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:26 am

"Are you sure that is a good idea?" She said. "He could be a potential ally. Best to freeze him, but not hurt." She said, waiting for a reply. Underneath the water, she could see what looked like a vein of lava, creeping towards the bush. He was going to get the intruder out of the bush by use of lava, but she did not worry, since the other one behind the bush could also manipulate fire.


Smert was sitting in a bar far from where the group was, drinking shots of beer and casting cold and menacing glances at anyone near him. He was waiting for someone important, and had no time to waste. As the door creaked open, he saw on of his followers, a scrawny earth manipulator, like himself, approach him. "S-sir...," He stuttered, unable to even say a single word because he knew that the news he has to bring to the leader will not make him happy. "Sir, w-we have s-s-s-searched for o-one of the g-gems..." He paused, unable to continue. "And?" Smert roared, his healthy eye glaring at the man in front of him.

"We h-have been u-u-unable to find a g-gem." He concluded. "WHAT?" Smert roared, even louder then before, "Do you think I let you join me just so you can run around and tell me stuff that you know I don't want to here?" He yelled, picking up the man and throwing him into the wall while people scrambled away. "Go find a gem, and don't let me see your face again unless you found one. And if you did..." He said, approaching the man until they were face to face. "Don't you dare touch it. UNDERSTAND?" He said with such a menacing tone that several people ran out of the bar just to not be around him. When the man nodded yes, he threw him out the door and returned to the bartender and ordered more shots. "What are you looking at?" He yelled at random people who walked by him.

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Re: Yin and Yang

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby cheif on Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:35 pm

Connor unknocked his bow just as he smelt something burning. He looked down and saw a leaf getting burned up. control your temper young one day it will be your death.
"Hey you fire guy is there a reason the leaf below me is getting singed and smoky." He said angrily and short as he jump to the left behind the tree were he tossed out his bow into the open. "Don't touch the bow he said as soon as the bow hit the dirt." He flanked quietly around them.

He stepped out into the open with two arrows in his hand. He lit them on fire as he called them, "What’s the big idea you evil power hungry daemons. If you wish to kill me do so." He prepared for an attack; he wasn't going down without a fight.
Connor they can't be evil one has an external spirit, which if he was evil and corrupted it would have left him.

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Re: Yin and Yang

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Moblin Killer on Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:04 am

Xitra heard the voice from behind the bush, and kept the lava right below him, ready to pounce. Then the person did something he didn't expect. He put his bow in open view.

"Don't touch the bow."

Xitra put away the shuriken he was holding, placing them first in the river to cool them off, making steam. Keeping the lava where it was. Then behind him, he heard the same voice.

"What’s the big idea you evil power hungry daemons. If you wish to kill me do so."

He slowly turned to see behind him, and could see who the voice came from. A young boy, no older than 16, holding two flaming arrows. Cursing himself for his stupidity, he tried to think of a way out of the situation, but could not. Hoping that Vada could think of something, he waited for a chance to move.

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Re: Yin and Yang

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Moonspirit22 on Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:10 am

Vada made water form around the flames and extinguished them. "We are not evil." She said. "We are here to stop the evil ones. If you are also against them, then please put away your bow." she told him calmly. The water continued to swirl around her, and if necessary, she will use it for defense. He really does think I'm evil, right? Seems so. However, he may become an ally if you chose the right words her spirit said, and became silent.

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Re: Yin and Yang

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby cheif on Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:11 am

Calm down Connor they said they aren't evil, If you weren't so stubborn. Connor pulled back as the water came forwards him extinguishing his flames. "Hey!" He flared up stepping forward "Back off" Connor cool it or your dead.
Now his spirit was getting sterner Connor started to listen. Connor threw one of the arrows in front of the girl’s feet. "Drop the water" The flame on the arrow he threw slowly raised up the shaft. The flame on the arrow in his hand diminished into nothing leaving the end scorched.

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Re: Yin and Yang

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Moblin Killer on Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:15 pm

What the?

Xitra, he stopped attacking.

Really, I hadn't noticed.

Xitra didn't stop his stance, ready to move if anything happened.

Warn me if you feel a build up of energy form him or that flame on the arrow.


"Vada, be careful." He gave a nod at her and then addressed the stranger.

"You called us evil. While I have certain descripancies between the terms 'good' and 'evil', you should know that we are not going to try and hurt anybody. I'm sure that you have noticed that my spirit is manifested outside my body, not gaurding a field somewhere, so I am definetly not evil. While I cannot say the same for the two of you, I'm trying to stop people from destroying this world. if you would like to kill us, there may be no stopping you, but be warned, I have been trained by the best, and if you miss, you won't be getting back up."

Wow, dramatic.

Thank you, now just do what I told you and you may stilll have an existence.

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