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Dark Paradise Rp (imported from a friend)

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Dark Paradise Rp (imported from a friend)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Isaiah on Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:24 pm

(( This roleplay was imported from forums, from a friend of mine whom owns it, biographies DON'T need approved, but simple rules apply, such as god modding ))

I know there's been a few RPs like this but still join anyway, it'll be worth it...

In a world called Albion full of magical creatures and powers beyond the comprehension of humans, every new millinium, when the lines that separate different worlds from another thins, the gate of power will appear in the centre of Albion. Whiether it is the will of the heavens or hell, or both is not known. However, who ever reaches the gate and enters it first will achieve ultimate power and if good will bring the world to a great peace. However, if evil obtains the power first then the world will be covered in shadows.

In the south of Albion there is a floating castle called Heaven's Sanctuary. In this floating castle there live the ones called Sanctuary's Guardians. All but a few of these Sanctuary Guardians will be chosen by the Avatars of light to stop the forces of evil obtaining the power of the gate.

In the north, however, the queen who rules the north has been planning to obtain the Gate's ultimate power for herself and cover the world in darkness. For this she has recruited warriors of her own, which she calls the chaos warriors, to seek out and obtain the power of the Gate. Whether these warriors have their own agenda or simply wish to cover the world in darkness is not important to her.

You can choose to be any side you want, although it'll be good if it is all equal. Each team should preferably have a leader. Each team will have to travel across Albion to the centre where the Gate is, but because of the power of the Gate, strange phenomenons start to happen across the world and dangerous creatures are drawn to the gate so the closer you get the more dangerous the creatures may be. And if the two parties meet at the end they will have to battle each other to gain access to the Gate.

Character Template:

Sanctuary Guardian(good)/ Chaos Warrior(evil)





Weapons: (Can be magical weapons but no new age weapons)

Magic: *Elemental magic; for SGs- Earth, Water, Air & fire; for CW-Ice , Lightning & metal
*Light Magic (good); healing, ray of light, purification
*Dark magic (evil); Life draining curse, orb of darkness

Skills: (If any)

Breif History: (don't have tio give background on character but good , if you want to)


My Character

Sanctuary: Chaos Warrior // Leader

Name: Leikyr

Age: Twenty-One

Gender: Male


Wepons:Cursed Blade (prolonged pain upon cutting or stabbing)
Poison bow and arrow(drains the life of the infected- can only be cured by curative magic or andedote),
Shadow cape(resistant against light magic)

Magic: Dark elemental magic: Lightning and some metal

White Lightning: Highly concentrated lightning, used to penetrate one point on opponents body, dangerous but avoidable

Simple Lightning Strike: Much less avoidable but also much less dangerous

Multiple Lighting: Multiple lightning strikes from one hand or finger(s), less dangerous but creates much more wide spread damage

Skill: Speed and swiftness greatly above normal. Proficiant and vey fast with bow and sword.

History: Grey left a normal life until one day he found out that his parentshad been killed. The gaurds who were there at the time said that they were killed by a Sanctuary Gaurdian. It was not found if it was true or not, or the reason behind his parents murder but it led to him wanting vengence and him becoming more of rage everyday, until it got to the point where he would lash out at anybody and everybody for no reason and had been thrown in jail several times. Until one day, when the queen of the north came to him and said "i can make you powerful. I can get you your revenge". And with that it all started. Grey was taught by the queen how to harness the power of the darkness in his heart and how to use dark magic, until the point where darkness had completly taken over his soul and the only emotions that were left in him were rage and murderous thoughts. He was in the queen's words "perfect to become a chaos warrior

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Re: Dark Paradise Rp (imported from a friend)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kargoth on Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:16 pm

Character Template:
Chaos Warrior(evil)/Elite Warrior/Necromancer

Name: Troker

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Appearance: standing 6'0, and 210 lbs, Troker has shoulder length black hair and dull red eyes-his black armor covers his shoulders,chest,forearms, and shins-with chain armor on his stomach and upper thighs.

Weapons: Bastardsword that ignores armor-also has life draining properties "Mortis"
Gauntlet that can melt through flesh,stone,and metal "Agony"
Helmet that causes mindnumbing fear(paralisis) and renders him immune to such attacks "GrimSkull"

Magic:Dark & Fire
Hellfire-overcomes fire resistance, and does'nt heal naturally
Raise dead-up to 12 ghoulish warriors
Curse-strikes target with severe plauge

Skills: Master Tactician & Swordsman, Skilled mage, durable, and strong willed

Breif History: Troker is an enigma to the other Chaos warriors, however, it's belived that he's the survivor of a terrotorial battle several years ago, that killed most of the towns people-save those who fled with Troker into the woods, and now are his most trusted liutenants. He's made a name for himself as a brutal, yet surgical Chaos Warrior, and as the time for the gateways draws near, he may attack larger, more civilized cities in hopes of making them implode, thus spreading more panic, death, and general chaos.

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Re: Dark Paradise Rp (imported from a friend)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Paladyn on Mon Mar 03, 2008 9:04 pm

Sanctuary Guardian(good)/ Chaos Warrior(evil): Sancutary Guardian.

Name: Anthelai Thaligne

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Appearance: The foremost Thaligne family protector, Anthelai, is of average build, slightly taller than normal. Anthelai has short, blonde hair and emerald eyes. He perfers to travel light, wearing simple, black pants and a gray tunic with a hempen belt. Normally, he wears a silver breastplate and silver shoulder guards, attached with a dark red cape, lined with gold trim. His boots and gloves are leather, and as far as anyone is aware, house no special abilities.

Weapons: Two twin black-steel medium-length swords attached to either hip, and a small band of four throwing knives attached to his belt. He also has various daggers hidden up pant legs, under his tunic sleeves, or behind his back. These are all extremely well hidden, and cannot be seen by the naked eye. His swords have the uncanny ability to illuminate surrounding areas, serving as a type of never-ending torch for his party. His daggers are also all soaked in various herbs, causing temporary (usually an hour or less) paralysis to any limb that is cut by them.

Magic: Some air magic, mostly gusts of air from that simply knock foes off balance or trip them. He also has minor healing abilities, but nothing that could bring someone back from the brink of death. Anthelai is rumored to be able to possess more powerful magical training, but none have been able to confirm or deny this. Mainly, Anthelai prefers combat to magic, so his abilities are yet untested.

Skills: High level of combat skill. Non-magical and magical first-aid skills. Large amounts of tactical training. Minor scouting and assassination abilities. Also, his training has allowed him to take slightly more damage than the average soldier, but still nothing too dramatic.

Brief History: Not too much has been released concerning the highest warrior of the Thaligne clan. He is known to have undergone rigorous training specific to the most esteemed fighters of Thaligne, yet the level of skill he acquired is still unknown to many. Anthelai specializes in numerous battle oriented skills, such as single and dual sword combat, medicine, basic magic spells, scouting, assassination, horseback riding, tracking, and marksmanship. Little else is known about his past, as he spent much of his time under the Thaligne wing, training since he was five.

When he was 24, Anthelai broke from the Thaligne clan, swearing to seek further training and protect them until he died. On his 26th birthday, he was admitted into the Sanctuary, and he has been training there for five years, patiently waiting for the day he may return home to his beloved Thaligne and serve them as their guardian.

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Re: Dark Paradise Rp (imported from a friend)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mai on Mon Mar 03, 2008 9:19 pm

Chaos Warrior

Name: Nightstorm

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Female

Appearance: Midnight black hair with purple highlights. She has coal black eyes but they can change to crmson red of sunset purple. She has unatrual pale skin, and many flashing tatoos covering her body. She has swirl tatoos covering her arms, hands, back, legs, and face. She stands five-two, and she has black angle wings on her back. She wears a black and purple outfit, one that clings tightly to her body.

Weapons: She has a sword that only she can sommon, the dark blade. She also has short ink knives, that she can through witg persition aim.

Magic: She has Elemental Magic, she has control over storm and fire. She also has the power of Drak Magic she can sommon demons, cover the sky in darkness, and can summon a sword, the drak blade.

Skills: She has the skills to control other people that she can put under her spell. She is a very dark and mysterious creature.

Breif History: She was born in the depths of heel, where the worse demons dwell. She is one of the few female Chaos Warriors, and one of the best. She shows no remorse for whi she kills, she takes pleasure in what she does. She does not know where she has come from, all she knows is that she isisnt supposed to exsist. Her kind was wiped out long ago, she is the only one that survied.

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Re: Dark Paradise Rp (imported from a friend)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Isaiah on Tue Mar 04, 2008 4:05 pm

(( I'd like to tell you all, they DON'T need approved.. go ahead and start roleplaying, i'll be a while, I need to adjust some things on the character, and work out a small plot ))

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Re: Dark Paradise Rp (imported from a friend)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Tetrino on Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:42 am

I actually have a character in that roleplay. :P By the way, this is my first female character.

Sanctuary Guardian

Name: Celestine of the Cleansing Flame

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Picture her without the gun and a bigger mace.

The Purifier-A large battlemace that can be set alight with a simple spell. Normally used to deal the finishing blow.
The Cleansing Flame-The fire burning from the brazier on her back. The main source of her fire magic, and it cannot be extinguished.
Two longswords-A set of razor sharp blades that can also be immolated. Main combat weapons.

Magic: Specialist in fire magic

Burning Scars-Causes a wound she inflicted on an opponent to catch fire.
Meteor Strike-Launches a portion of the Cleansing Flame into the sky, which explodes at its peak and showers the area in flames.
Purge Darkness-Causes the Cleansing Flame to burn with a blinding white for a short moment, weakening or dispelling any dark magic nearby.

Brief History: When Catherine was but a young child, her family perished when the house caught fire. Her father was able to bring her outside to safety, but never returned when he ran back for her younger sister. For some reason, none of her relatives were willing to accept custody of her, and thus was inducted into the Sisterhood of the Cleansing Flame, whose cathedral was located in the south of Albion, near Heaven's Sanctuary.

As Catherine grew older, she learned that her mother actually slept with another man, and the result was her younger sister. With the Sisterhood's belief that the purpose of fire's existence is to burn and punish the wicked, Catherine became adamant that her family consisted of heretics, and deserved their deaths; in shame, she shed her surname. In the coming years, Catherine would rise through the Sisterhood to take command of the Cleansing Flame, and become a Sanctuary Guardian.
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