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[[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lady Ananas on Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:55 pm

The way she was looking at him brought forth an internal sigh. Dana was staring at him as if he weren't human, as if he were something otherworldly. If she knew, he thought with a subliminal shake of his head. She just had no idea. "And you're a brave woman for saying so." he admonished in her direction, taking a slow sip of the ale from the thick, glass mug. "You of course realize that this does require a certain level of commitment...not to me, of course, but to your "role", so to speak. I'd like to clear up any indiscretions before we undertake this little charade."

He had a feeling she was nervous, there was a specific scent coming off of her. A scent that his species recognized as anxiety, or fear. That scent rolled off of her in imposing waves, along with the other scent she carried, something sweet and floral. Benedict's slate eyes found her again and he adjusted in his seat, straightening to sit at his full height.

"If you have any concerns, feel free to make them heard. I am at your full attention."
"This is either a forgery or a damn clever original." -Frank Sullivan

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:11 pm

Dana nodded gently, pushing her hair back behind her ears and smiling yet again. Her hazel eyes locked onto his and she tried to push back the feel of nervousness, a little more successful once he asked her to state any concerns. When he straightened up, so did she, unable to match his height by a good six or so inches, and took a deep breath.

"I am fine, and able to commit to my role as best as to my abilities... I am without concern."

Danabella looked up at the bar and smiled at Jessica, who was staring curiously at not just Benedict, but Dana as well. Of course Jess would stare. Benedict looked amazingly brilliant tonight. The light colors against his darker nature. Those silvery eyes like thin sheets of ice over a deep dark lake. A thin cover of cold masking.

That same nervousness seemed to scratch at her again, but she took a deep breath and muffled it back, the smell of honeysuckle perfume gently rolling from her neck and wrists as she smiled and waited.
One who knows nothing, can understand nothing.

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lady Ananas on Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:23 pm

The scent of honeysuckle assaulted him, and his eyes glittered for it, an otherworldly sort of silver sheen taking over them. That scent suited her, it was sweet, floral, woodsy. He nodded once when she said she was not concerned for anything, and seemed relieved. He was not quite sure how he'd have dealt with these concerns, had their been any. He glanced over his shoulder, caught Jessica's eye, and held it for a brief moment before retuning his attention to Dana.

"Good." he said, his voice cool and calm, not a tremor to be found to suggest the previous day's anguish. "Then this is the plan, as it stands. In three days time, we will begin making our way to my father's estate, it is is Bath. We will receive our next instructions at that point." he told her quietly.

"I have no doubts that you will be excellent for this part. My father will be off of my back, and you will be able to spend your time entertaining yourself any way you well please."

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:39 pm

As he spoke, Dana felt something other than nervousness jitter into her body. Excitement. They were traveling? To an estate? So he really did have some kind of financial blessing awaiting him if he married. This was interesting after all- although ahead of time, Dana was promising herself to never touch upon this man's wealth. Her entertainment would be of her own accord, and of her own cost.

If she could help it, she would not infringe upon his life unless she had no other option.

"All right then." Dana nodded gently, reaching a long faintly muscled olive arm across the table. She wrapped her long slender fingers around the glass of Benedict's and retrieved it to her lips. She drank a bit of the ale from his glass and sat the glass back down and smiled, feeling the ale wiping away any nervous breaks and lashes. Instead, she felt herself calm a lot, and her eyes reached back to his with a grin.

"May I ask one thing?" She whispered. Dana cleared her throat and looked around. "Is this a temporary marriage? Are you to let me go when you're wealth is secured, or will your name be my own, forever?" It was the last thing that still rose to the surface. The last bit of nervousness lay there. In the fact that this may be it. Her only chance at marriage. Her life. She was going to be so generous, as to give away the rest of her life to this stranger. Based on what?

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lady Ananas on Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:45 pm

Benedict watched her as she took a sip of the ale, his eyes lingering on the glass for a brief moment before his gray eyes returned to her face, where they stayed. "That will be up to you." he told her quietly. "You will remain my wife until the day that you see fit to leave, be it for the sake of another man, or simply for your own freedom. You are not my prisoner, Dana, you will be my wife, and free will is still yours to command."

He glanced haphazardly at his un-gloved hands, yet another British fashion faut pas. "You are, after all, offering your hand out simple generosity, and it would be barbaric...putting it lightly...for me to shear you of your own agenda, when you yourself are giving me this privilege out of kindness to a stranger." He did not expect that she would infringe, Benedict got the distinct impression that he had managed to come across the woman simply perfect for this job.

She was independent, would look stunning on his arm, and would be of the perfectly intelligent temperament to shut his old man up for good, at least until the old man died, and he was to take care of the estate. That time was quick in coming, his father was getting up there in age.

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:58 pm

Dana watched his lips as they moved, and the longer that time passed, she felt more and more at ease. Be it the alcohol, or his voice itself. Because both made a lovely combination. Benedict was quite appealing, and Dana couldn't deny just how wonderful it would be to tell Elizabeth that the unnamed stranger was her husband-to-be. That would actually be quite enjoyable.

"Thank you Benedict. You are truly giving me a chance to experience something... unique... I guess I'd enjoy getting away from the Vino Rosso. This is where I've grown up, and it's about time I escaped for a while."

She grinned her usual welcome smile, and looked past the others in the tavern to the door. Then, her eyes swept over the rest of the interior. How long would she be gone? What would it all be like? What if Benedict turned out to be someone else, and not who she thinks he may be? What if he tries to hurt her, or force her into marriage?

No, he said he wouldn't. And now, she had nothing more than his word. And honestly, that was all she needed.
His word.

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lady Ananas on Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:07 pm

Benedict gave his word and that was all that most needed. He finished the pint alongside of her, and then rose slowly, making his way gracefully across the space between them, lifting her hand above his own and brushing a kiss to her knuckles. "I will see you in three days, Dana." he said gingerly, releasing her hand as he trekked from Vino Rosso.

As the thought of those two dim girls from the other day. The way they'd been ogling him, when Dana told them he was going to marry her, they would lose their damn minds. He very nearly laughed. That right there would be worth seeing. But for now, he'd have to let Dana tell him about it later, as he had preparations to make for now. In three days they had to be on their way to Bath, which was a two day ride. With any luck, less, if weather cooperated and left the roads dry.

William seemed enthralled by the news, and Benedict simply popped him on the top of the head with a large fist, enough to sting, but not actually hurt the man. If he had wanted to hurt him, he'd have known that right off the bat. "No thanks to you, you little twit." he growled. "You're just lucky the woman is an angel. If this had gone any other way, you'd be a dead man, you hear?"

"Y-Yes, sir..."

[OOC: This is just like a romance novel I read recently. xD Fantastic! There will just be some Benedict related twists.]

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:21 pm

[OOC-- lol cool :) Twists are always fun]]]

Dana was happy to stand when he did, and was a bit surprised at his touch. His feel alone was different. Not leathery and so dusted and callous like all the other patrons here. She knew that when he released her hand, her hand would not be stained with dust and grime. Instead, it would be clean. And his touch- ah, it was like feeling the most expensive cloth against one's skin. It was a luxury, just as his lips were. Strange. Foreign.

Dana had dared to leave men out of her diet for knowledge of what had become of Beth and others because of such diets. She had only to take care of her family and her employees. And that was all that mattered. Taking care of the ones she needed in her life. And taking care of the Vino Rosso. And now, it was time to help take care of the stranger. Benedict.

She blushed just slightly at the feel of his lips grazing her knuckles just lightly enough to be felt. It was like feeling the sun. Though it was almost impossible to fathom the sun touching you, the heat is there when you hold your hand to it.

Dana then let the night carry her away. And then the next night, and the next night.
She had taken the last night off, readying her things. A case of necessities and three outfits. And of course, enough money to purchase more things once they found a place to buy such things... And it was always cheaper for her, because she never purchased dresses. No, Dana made her own clothes, using the fashion and ways her mother had taught her- hence why her style was always that of Italian origin. Because it was the only thing she knew how to make. Though with enough due effort, she could surely put into play something of a different fashion.
She just never felt much up to it.

That last night, her stomach was being vacated by all those emotions. Anxiety. Anticipation. Nervousness. Fear. Excitement. Happiness. Generosity. Good heart and home twining inside of her. She was helping this stranger, and never had it felt better.
But still something was there, a tiny and minuscule warning in her gut, slowly rising...

The evening came and she was racing into the Vino Rosso, sporting a simple creamy peacock-green dress, the fabric Egyptian by looks, but the style still her own.

She looked up to the tavern-keep assistant, Jessica, and nodded gently.
Yes, it was almost six now.

Instead of even daring to go to the table, Dana instead stood by the door, case in hand as she smiled, staring into the window to make sure her hair was still pinned graciously atop her head- and not spurting in God-only-knows what directions...

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lady Ananas on Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:05 am

Tactful and prompt as always, Benedict found her without a problem, and his gaze flicked approvingly over her before he approached fully. "Impressive, as always." he noted, smoothing a hand over his own dark waves, pushing them haphazardly aside. He was not alone today, as in his hand were the reins of an impressive looking horse, blood bay in color, its nose splashed in black, with a spot of white in the center.

"Carriages are damnably slow." he told Dana, patting the creature's broad neck. The horse snorted and glanced at Dana, lowering his head against Benedict's hand as the man massaged one of its ears. "I thought we'd take the quicker path...if you didn't mind." he told her. "The old boy's strong enough for both of us and then two more, we'll be in Bath without too much of a hitch."

Benedict had down graded his dress today, and had ditched the coat altogether, wearing only a black dress shirt, the cuffs rolled up to expose his forearms, and bare hands. This kind of exhibition in the formal streets of London might as well have been public nudity. The black pants he was wearing were tucked into his usual boots, and overall streamlined his physique.

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:30 am

Dana turned her head quickly yet not impetuously at the sound of his voice. Impressive? She grinned softly, stepping towards Benedict and the horse- somewhat astounded by the horse alone and the now under-dressed man. She could not help but find her eyes admiring the small bits of barren skin availed to her eyes, and the outline of his body itself. He looked to be strong. Surely if she angered him there would be no fight, just defeat. Would she even fight him?

Hell no.

But he didn't seem like the type to get angry with a woman.

"I will follow you on whatever path you take bello." Dana purred gently, smiling crookedly as she walked closer. The dress draped her figure and shaped out the gorgeous curves of her upper body, slowly sloping out the angle of her hips before falling in an earth-bound slump.

She took a look at the horse and rubbed the back of her hand against the muzzle of the creature. With a grin, she turned to Benedict and looked back at the horse.

"After you Benedict."

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lady Ananas on Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:00 am

He laughed at her then, that ringing sound bouncing off of the trees on the edge of the town where they had currently met, where the Vino Rosso stood. "That's hardly fair." he told her buoyantly, padding across the short distance between them, leading the horse. With a quick, effortless motion, he hoisted Dana onto the animal's broad, sturdy back, and then was on him behind her before she had time to gather what had just happened. "William will be taking charge of your things." he informed her lithely.

"Rest assured, madam, he will guard them with his life." His gray eyes snapped to William, who stood with the luggage. His ruddy face reddened further. "Won't you William." he stated, rather than asked, the tone of his voice implying there would be a physical consequence should anything of Dana's be missing or damaged when they arrived.

When the short, round man nodded quickly, Benedict looked satisfied. He turned his head again, and shifted against Dana's back until they would both be comfortable. The man gave one more warning look in William's direction, and then urged the horse forward with just a light squeeze of his legs.

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:12 am

Dana listened to the sound of his laughing and watched him step forward, ready for something to happen. Hardly fair?

"Oh!" Dana pressed her lips firmly together after the surprised sound escaped her lips as he lifted her with ease onto the horse then made room for himself there behind her. She was glad she was in front of him, and could successfully blush without being seen. It took her a minute to adjust to the feel of a man so close and helping her. Indeed he was a stranger, and one she was putting trust into, but she was still a single woman, a woman who had been long without the help of a man.

She cleared her throat once the blush was gone, and turned just slightly so that her gorgeously angled features were raised to look down at William in a polite manner.

"Thank you as well sir." Danabella smiled, noting then that the horse was moving. The feel of riding a horse was very strange. Dana was use to walking. If it was a long distance and time was of the essence, she'd have a carriage, but most of the time her travel was by foot. So a horse- just plain and without carriage- was strange. It oddly reminded her of her childhood. And Benedict, at this moment, almost reminded her of her father. It was a strange connection to draw, since her father was dead and her memories of him few, but it was a connection that she still made.
It made her feel just a bit more comforted to be on the horse with him when she thought of things like such.

"So... how long shall this ride take us, sir Benedict?" Dana smiled, turning her head slightly to flash a bright hazel-eyed glance at him.

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lady Ananas on Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:52 am

Benedict could pretend all he liked that he was unaware of the way she felt there against him, though he specifically pushed that idea from his mind. It was only natural, he was male, after all... Benedict got the horse to a healthy, smooth pace, for all three of their sakes, and then mulled over her question.

"By carriage, it would have taken close to a week. If we do it this way, we avoid a lot of the traffic laden paths, and we move faster overall. By horse, we should be in Bath within three days, less if we are diligent about it. I'm concerned for the the time because of weather. I am hoping the roads are not made into muddy death pits by rain, which the skies are currently predicting." Benedict told her through what sounded like a sigh.

"Bath is, ah...out in the middle of nowhere." he told her. "I hope you don't mind a little country atmosphere."

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:02 am

Dana chuckled, nodding her head as he continued to speak of the weather. As if by instinct, or just female curiosity, she turned her head up, and looked high into the evening sky. It was beautiful out, but he was right. There was a set of traveling gray clouds that toiled through the sky foretelling a rain, or worse. Perhaps even a storm.
She could only hope not.

But at least she wouldn't be alone.

"I don't mind the country at all. When I was born, my parents had just moved here from Sicily... So before we moved to London, I lived with my father and mother in a wide stretch of country-scape on the edge of England." She closed her eyes, smiling at the feel of light winds flitting through her hair and over her face, carrying back the scent of honeysuckles to fall over Benedict in gentle cool waves.

Some time passed before Dana was able to win the battle in her mind. She had wanted to ask him something. She only had one question, kind of, and an answer would be quite nice to have.

Turning her head slightly, her soft hazel gaze befell Benedict just barely. At first, there was silence, as if looking at him might answer her question. As if she could see his flaw, or his weakness. But she couldn't. She couldn't spot so easily what kept him away from society.

"If I may bello, but why do you speak so little? Not now, of course. But in the Vino Rosso. Always alone. Always quiet. Why so?"

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lady Ananas on Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:37 pm

There was that scent again. The man's pupils dilated with the intensity of it, and then restricted again, back to normal within the deep silvery pools. "Then you shall enjoy Bath very much, love." he told her smoothly. Her question was one that he had partially been expecting, though had yet to come up with a plausible explanation to.

He was silent for a moment, and then shook his head slowly. "Lass, that story is a long one." he told her quietly. "A long and very unusual one. I may yet tell you one day. For now, I hope that you will be content that I speak freely to you." Benedict internally grimaced. He only hoped she would never need to know such a story. If she knew what a monster he was, she'd never have agreed. Not in a million years.

He urged the horse on for a few more hours, until it had gotten late, and he stopped at a roadside inn, a quaint, well kept place that he seemed to be recognized at, for the round woman at the desk lit up when he entered. "Aye, Mr. Schindler!" she exclaimed. "Long time, dear!" His smile was patronizing. "Mrs. Winchester. We need to accommodate for the night, if you wouldn't mind. A stableman has already seen to the horse."

"Aye, aye, a' course." she said, bustling down from the stool, which took a good foot off of her height.

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:16 am

Dana nodded to the simplicity of his story. A postponement of the real answer. Was he shy? No. No one word could explain it. A man like Benedict had no reason to be shy. Shy people were merely children who sat out while the rest of the kids played games and socialized. People with a social deficiency. But thus far, Benedict seemed... well... without fault. Without flaws; flawless.

He was kind. Polite. Gentle. Amusing. Interesting. Handsome. Intelligent. Mysterious.


Soon the day went on into the latest hour, until Danabella's lids slowly began to fall heavy over those bright and interesting hazel hues. She was tired, and the only thing keeping her awake was the flitting feeling of wonder about Benedict. Curiosity, and perhaps some other emotions and interests in the man. None being more than what any stranger would feel. Perhaps a tiny pinch of fear, a handful of inquiry, and a sprinkle of awe.

As they arrived at a small inn, Dana felt relief. She listened half-attentively as the woman spoke with Benedict, still a bit dazed by getting off the horse. It had the affect on her of what a modern day treadmill would have if one were to walk and walk then suddenly stop and walk on real land again. She almost felt like the world were still moving past her regardless.

Dana stepped closer to Benedict, and followed him precisely as the woman led them to a room. She found herself following like a zombie though, eyes hazily stuck to Benedict, and her mind still lazily puzzling away at the man.

Benedict Schindler.

Neat name. Origin? Unknown maybe. Dana never heard of 'Schindler's' before.

Soon they were lead around and into a room. Dana- in her sleepy state- was unable to truly understand they were in their room until the woman left and Benedict was all to be seen.

"Is this it for the night m'lord?" She whispered softly, a smile cracking onto her lips as she rubbed her eyes.

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lady Ananas on Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:41 pm

"It is." he told her with a simplistic nod. The man raked a large hand through his impossibly dark hair, letting it sit back on his almost bare neck. "You will have the bed for your own, my dear, I have a small room just adjacent. The inn keeper understood that they were not yet married and that having them to share a bed was more than just a little trying on their reputations.

Benedict bid her a polite good night and then took his leave, making sure that her room was secure and that no one she did not want was going to be permitted to enter the room. He stripped free of the constricting cotton of his black shirt, looking out at the sky outside, the moonlight casting the eerie silver patterns across his somewhat rough skin.

Benedict forced a sigh at that and pushed his window closed. No more of that. Not tonight. Satisfied that he felt Dana would be alright for the night, he dropped onto the bed, though sleep would elude him like it often did. It was just the feeling he got.

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:29 pm

Dana watched soon as Benedict took his leave, letting her have her own room. Strangely, she felt the urge to stop him. To ask him why he would truly need this all. How did marriage halt him from financial security? Was there some underlying truth to it all that escaped her?

But she didn't think on it all too much. Instead, Dana slipped out of her clothes and into a simple satiny slip-like gown. She took the pins from her hair and let it fall, brushing through it with her fingers.

Yet she was unable to sleep. Her eyes wandered the room time and time again. With steady yet sleepy strides, she made her way to the window, opening the smooth dainty white curtain, letting the smooth light of the moon's casting fall inside. Instead of being able to see the moon, she was able to see the light it cast across the landscape around the inn.

Taking a breath, she turned to her bed once more, slinking closer and closer. But she needed something to do. She needed something that she did whenever she left home.

Her fingers slid over the smooth cherry wood stand next to the bed, falling over the edge and opening a square drawer. Inside, she found her solace, her relief.
Lifting a pad and feathered pen to her reserve, she began to write. The paper was sleek and thin, and held together by ties of woven cotton strings.

Searching the drawer once more, she found a tiny vial of ink, and opened it- beginning to write...

Today is the Second day of the Eighth month.

I have met, in the passing few days, a man. His name- that I know of- is Benedict Schindler. To this man, I am to be wed. For why? Kindness. Generosity is the plausibility for which I offer my hand to this stranger.

Thus far, we have come upon the night of the first day of travel. I feel tired, but it seems that curiosity shall hinder me for the night's passing. I wonder of this man. Wonder of his secrets. Of course, I shall not intrude upon the sanctity of his privacy. I know so much better than to be a shrew of invasion. But I wonder...

A rose is not a rose because it is red and blooming. It is a rose because of the nature and depth of it.
So is a man not a man because he is quiet and quizzical?

~Danabella R. Burucci~

Quickly closing the small paper pad, she slid it under her pillow. Dana closed the ink and pen and wrapped them in a square of cloth for shoe-shining. And she stuck that, as well, under her pillow.
Laying down, she gave one last faint smile, letting it fade as the nervousness became not just a flutter in her stomach, but a static in her mind.

Goodnight world...

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lady Ananas on Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:59 pm

As he expected, sleep eluded him. When early morning light finally came through the cracks of the window he had closed, Benedict flicked his gray eyes up at the shutters. The minuscule light of sunrise cast one more ghostly shadow in silver across his skin, and the man moved to sit up. He was still bare to the waist, but the eerie silver shapes and patterns had vanished from his skin, leaving him in a believable state again.

Benedict got a bath before he left the room, and stood there by the window, now open, for awhile, his trousers still undone, but on, his torso damp from the bath. As he ran a towel over his dark hair, the thought crossed his mind of how he could handle this if, or when Dana ever found out what was beneath this humanoid exterior. He flinched. No. That was why he simply would not tell her.

He dried off, finger combed his black-brown waves into submission, and let them sit against his collar, now a white shirt in the same fashion as yesterday. No waist coat, no powder, just Benedict, a rolled up dress shirt, his trousers, and faithful riding boots. Benedict looked himself over briefly before nodding his own internal approval and heading to collect Dana. He smelled like the soap he'd been using now, no particular scent, but something closely related to pine, something natural, musky, masculine. His gray eyes flicked up as Mrs. Winchester approached him on the subject of breakfast.

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Re: [[To Trust a Stranger]] ...Eternity and Lady Ananas...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:08 pm

Dana's eyes cracked open, the small parts of hazel being blinded by the incoming rays of dawn. As soon as she could, she bound up in a hazy slump and shut the curtain. Moving further in her dazed state of maybe-still-sleep, she carried herself to the bathing room. Danabella cleaned up as quick as she could, picking from the small selection of soaps one that smelled of lilac and gardenias. The scents were a little too natural in smell, and she could easily look out of the window and see that the scents were out here as well. Outside of the inn.

It made Dana wonder just how much the lady did, because apparently she made the soap... or just had a great selective sense of matching. But that was silly.

Instead, Dana finished up her bath and dressed herself once more- into a yesterday's rich peacock green dress. Sadly, she had not seen of William and her bag. Instead, she knew of only her on-person items. But she cared little. Actually, Dana had taken a sack lying around the room- more of a loose cloth purse- and used it to hold her notebook, pen, and ink. This way, she could record her journey with this man; with Benedict.

Combing back her rich black hair until the wet strands were waved along her back, she decided herself to be ready. She stepped out of the bedroom with a quiet yet insightful step. Hearing instantly the footsteps along the other side of her, she turned sharp to spot Benedict and the woman some short distance behind her.

Dana threw on a quick smile, her restful appearance quite softened by sleep and odd dreaming.

"Good morning Benedict." She smiled, turning her head to see the other woman. "And good morning to you too." Danabella said softly, being polite as possible.

Her eyes then rose back to the man whom was to be her husband. Though the concept was so near and impossible to turn back on, it was still a hard concept to grasp. But Dana wanted this, in a way.

"So bello, where to now?"

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