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Love's Curse ((Closed))

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Re: Love's Curse ((Closed))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Leila Aarons on Thu Dec 24, 2009 12:08 pm

Annette knew his life must be very different from hers, but she didn't mind that. It wasn't like he could help it. You didn't choose what you were born into, and it wasn't his fault he ended up as the prince while she was just a peasant. She wasn't sure if she would even like to be royal--somehow, it didn't seem like the best place in the world to be. Sure, it would be lavish and not as hard to do just didn't seem right for her.

"The castle?" She seemed shocked he would even ask that. "No...I have never been there. I have never been anywhere near it, actually. I've only looked at it from afar..." She paused, remembering what else he had said, that he felt like he had seen you before. "It is strange, however, because I also feel that I met you before. But I know that I have not, I couldn't have."

((OOC; I was thinking that maybe, at some point, Armand could somehow sneak her into the castle for one of their parties or something. And maybe his future wife ends up coming there or something like that--something to make Annette upset. She doesn't have to die at that point yet, though, I feel we could stretch this one out more, if you don't mind.))

Lauren is amazing

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Re: Love's Curse ((Closed))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby St.Jimmy on Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:32 am

ooc;; I like that idea! It would move things on a bit and yeah, I like the idea of keeping this one going for longer. I like the characters; Annette is amazing =D .

- - - -

"You've never been to the palace?" Armand asked, frowning slightly. He had never left it whilst he was young, and unless the memory was merely that he had seen her from afar during one of his escapades outside the confines of his home as he got older, he couldn't think where else they might have met. It felt like more than a vague sense of having seen her once before, though; it felt like they had been very good friends, once upon a time, and it was a nagging sense of familiarity that he just could not place. Nevertheless, he tried to push it aside, and turned the conversation to other things.

Returning to the palace a few hours later, he was surprised to find his mother waiting for him. "Where have you been, Armand?" Her tone was tense and he glanced up at her; it was odd that she should show such concern as to his whereabouts.

"Just out and about, mother. Is something wrong?"

His mother's expression tightened. "The representatives from Spain arrived this morning, Armand, as planned, with the King and Queen and a select handful of their royalty. The Princess Maria Ana of Naples is among them."

Armand stared at her. "Who?"

"The Princess Maria Ana! Your future wife, Armand; your future wife. And how does it look when you are gallivanting amongst the peasant folk and acting like you are little older than six?" But Armand was no longer listening; his heart felt like it had sank into the region of his shoes. He had hoped that this moment would be years away yet; but no, it seemed that he was doomed to have this wedding much sooner than he had expected.

His thoughts turned to Annette.

+ + +

"Parlez-vous français?"

"Non, monsieur. Seulement quelquefois. Parlez-vous l'espagnol?" The young girl giggled and hid behind the lace doll clutched in her hand, and Armand smiled. This was Grace, the cousin of Maria Ana, and he already liked her. Her accent had been perfect; no, sir: only sometimes. She was fluent, he was sure, and the way she had let some of the words slip slightly was quite deliberate. Grace was only six, but Armand would much rather be sitting here and talking to her than spending any time with Maria, who irritated him in some way that he could not put his finger on. She was pretty, fluent in French, English and Italian, and he felt perfectly confident that she could also sing like a nightingale and dance like a ballerina, probably all at the same time whilst reading a book in one hand and painting a portrait with the other. There was just some air of self-righteousness about her; some impression that he got that she was better than everyone else, and she knew it. Oh God, he already couldn't stand the girl.

Grace was different, though. She was adorable, with her wavy blonde hair and big blue eyes, and she already had a sense of humour. He leaned closer to her, as if to speak in confidence. "Non, mademoiselle. Je ne parle pas l'espagnol, parce que l'espagnol est stupide." He was only pretending to not be fluent, just as she was, and sure enough she looked up at him with an expression of amused surprise. He had been sure she would see the funny side of the insult, and sure enough, she was already laughing; he would have liked a little sister like this, but his own was far too uptight. At that moment, however, before Grace could respond, the curtain flew back and his mother was standing there.

"Armand. Don't you think you should rejoin the company?"

"I'm talking to Grace. She doesn't speak a word of French, mother; I think she must be very stupid." He turned to grin at her again, knowing she would have understood every word - sure enough, she was smiling. Before she could say anything, though, his mother had given him the sternest look she could muster, and was indicating he rejoin the table in the hall. He got to his feet, reaching down to help Grace up. One of her hands was still clutching the little lace doll.

+ + +

There was to be a ball that night; a masked ball. Armand took the opportunity of his mother's distraction to escape from the palace in the early evening. It had been a week since the arrival of the Spanish company, and he was already very tired of Maria Ana. Although they had never been allowed to be alone together, her company already frustrated him; it was the fact that she was so perfect, and she knew it. She knew it, and that was the worst part of all.

He had saddled his horse now and was making his way through the streets to Annette's shop; he longed for the company of somebody ordinary, somebody who didn't think that the world revolved around them. Reaching the shop just as dusk began to fill the sky, he slid down and made his way through the door, listening to the bell ringing above him. Annette was behind the counter, as always, and the shop was empty. He held up the mask in his hand.

"Bonjour, mademoiselle. How would you like to visit the palace with me? Right now?"

- - - -

ooc;; o.o I'm sorry this turned out to be so ridiculously long. Got a little bit carried away XD .
my girlies;;
laurenn ;; larii ;; laurie ;; charlie ;; becky ;; beth ;; illy ;; sessi ;; rachael ;; kiers

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may i waste your time too?

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Re: Love's Curse ((Closed))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Leila Aarons on Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:01 am

((OOC; Don't worry about it, I really enjoyed reading it. I should try and get carried away more often, but I don't. XD And for the record, Armand is amazing as well.))

Annette went on normally for that week, not knowing that the Spanish representatives were here. Of course, there were some rumors around town, but she had never paid a lot of attention to that. The only ones she did pay attention to were the ones that were practically thrown in everyone's face--the ones that had everybody angry. There was something she had heard, however, that was slightly disappointing to her. That Armand was meeting his future wife.

She did her best not to think about it too much, because she knew that it would just eat away at her if she did. That night, when she heard the little bell, her heart lifted some. And this time, it did so rightfully, as she soon saw Armand. She had been about to greet him happily, but her mouth froze in mid-motion, hanging open slightly after what he said. She closed it again after a stunned moment.

"What?" Surely she had heard that wrong--it was a figment of her imagination. To go to the palace with him, right was something that could only happen in a dream. A far off and impossible dream. But as she continued to look at him, she knew she wasn't dreaming. No, this was all quite real--unbelievable, but real all the same.

"Go to the palace? With you? Right now?" She repeated, feeling foolish, but it was just something so bazarre that she couldn't bring herself to accept that it was true and right in front of her. The prince was inviting her to the palace. "Well...of course, I would love to but...why would you want to take me there? I don't belong at the palace, Armand, and if someone finds out...I don't want to get you into any trouble." Or herself, but she was moreso worried about him for some odd reason.

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Re: Love's Curse ((Closed))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby St.Jimmy on Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:11 am

Armand shook his head. "You won't get me into any trouble - it's a masked ball, Annette. No one is going to know who you are. And I want you to come to the palace with me because I like your company," he added, surprised that she needed to ask. "We'll have to move quickly if you're coming, though, or they'll work out I'm gone. My mother has been insufferable this week, because Ma- -- because we have guests." He avoided her eye, for some reason not wanting to talk about Maria in front of her. "Come on, Annette. I want your company tonight." He walked around the side of the counter and grabbed hold of her hand. "Let's go, Annette."

Once he had her outside, he lifted her up onto the horse and climbed on behind her. Dusk was turning to night and the route through town was rapidly darkening, but the horse didn't falter. Armand followed the line of the river up towards the palace, and once outside he checked the horse to a halt and observed the lines of carriages pulling in through the gates.

"We'll go round the back," he said at last, and moved the horse in through the familiar route that he would often use to escape from the palace. Once they were in the stables, he slid down and helped Annette after him. "You'll need to put on this mask," he told her.

- - - -

ooc;; your posts are always amazing anyway, Rachael!

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Re: Love's Curse ((Closed))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Leila Aarons on Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:15 pm

Annette was still a bit uncertain, but he really didn't give her too much of a choice as he took her hand. She couldn't say no to him, and she really did want to go to the palace. So she went outside with him, getting up onto the horse and allowing him to take her to the palace. She was quiet for the ride, just nodding when he spoke, and as the palace came more into view she was amazed. It was even more beautiful than she had thought it would be.

And she was going inside? It still seemed unreal, and she could feel her heart beating against her chest as if to try and get out. When at the stables, she took the mask. "Will this really be enough? I clothes aren't really noble status...Will they really not notice?" She was just worried, not wanting either of them to get into any trouble. Her clothes were old--they still looked okay, but definitely not like those of the noble class, and certainly not fit for a masked ball.

Would they really be able to pull this off? She wasn't so sure. But she supposed it was worth a try. This was the chance of a lifetime, after all, and the prince himself said that he wanted her company tonight. She had to oblige, naturally, and it wasn't like it would be a chore. She liked his company as well.

ooc;; Thanks! ^^

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Re: Love's Curse ((Closed))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby St.Jimmy on Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:20 am

"No one will look at you twice," Armand said dismissively; as long as his mask meant that no one would work out he was the prince, then she was safe, he was sure; they would blend into the background, just two more anonymous guests. Perhaps, though, she was right about the dress being a little out of place. He considered for a moment, and then smiled, a sudden idea lighting up behind his eyes. "Put your mask on and come with me."

The palace corridors were quiet and empty, the servants focussed on making sure the ball was running smoothly. Armand led Annette up to his twin sister's room and, after looking around them, slipped inside and closed the doors. He strode across to the vast wardrobe and pulled it open.

"Choose a dress. My sister has so many clothes, she won't even notice."

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Re: Love's Curse ((Closed))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Leila Aarons on Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:37 pm

Annette knew he was probably right that no one would look at her that much--there was no doubt a very large number of guests there, and she would just be one of many. She followed him without question, though she was honestly a bit curious about that sparkle in his eyes--clearly, he had an idea, and she wasn't sure if she was going to like where it was going. But still, she needed some way to blend in better.

When they reached his sister's room, she was surprised at his suggestion, and she looked over at him with a shocked expression. "W...Are you...I mean...really?" She stammered, not able to believe she was even seeing the princess' room, let alone being offered to wear one of her dresses.

"Alright...thank you." She went to the wardrobe, but had no idea which one to choose. What was fit for a ball? She didn't know. All of them looked so fancy... She just picked one out--it was a beautiful gown, but not one of the most elaborate in the wardrobe. When she was sure Armand wasn't looking, she quickly changed into the dress. She felt a little out of place in it, but she had to say she loved being in such a beautiful gown.

"I can't believe I'm actually wearing a dress like this...I never thought I would get this chance. Thank you so much, Armand." She couldn't help but smile, feeling wonderful, and even with the mask on you could tell how happy she was just by the look in her eyes.

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Re: Love's Curse ((Closed))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby St.Jimmy on Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:01 am

Recognizing Annette's need for privacy, Armand had looked away as she changed, and didn't look back until she spoke. When he saw her in the dress, it almost took his breath away at how different she looked. He had never noticed before that she had the potential to actually beautiful; he had seen her as pretty, but the pale complexion that clung to her skin and how thin she was had always made her look sickly. The dress, however, disguised her weight and somehow distracted the eye from her complexion, and he could honestly say that he thought she was beautiful.

Taking her arm, he ensured his own mask was in place and then left her outside his own room whilst he changed into clothes more suitable for the ball. Once he was done, he led her down into the hall, where things were just beginning. People were dancing together, and he thought that was Maria over there, dancing with one of her brothers for the first dance. No doubt he would be expected to dance with her later on; after all, they were the main purpose of the ball. Seizing Annette's hand, he dragged her as far away from Maria as he could and then nodded towards where couples were dancing.

"Shall we join in?"

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Re: Love's Curse ((Closed))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Leila Aarons on Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:34 pm

Annette felt a bit awkward in the dress, but beind the mask it was at least harder to see. She followed Armand from the room and to his own, waiting outside while he was in there changing and looking around a bit. The castle was even more extravagent on the inside, and she couldn't believe she was actually seeing it. She didn't have to way long, though, and soon enough she found herself going to the ballroom with him. There were so many people in here, all in beautiful clothing, and everyone looked so noble. Annette wasn't used to that, but she did her best to blend in.

She wasn't sure why he had dragged her away like that, but honestly she hadn't even noticed him dragging her away at all. She was so enthralled by all of this that he probably could have thrown her into the crowd and she wouldn't have noticed. She focused on Armand when he mentioned joining in, though, her face turning a shade of red.

"Join in?" She repeated, seeming to think about it, and she seemed nervous. "I mean, I...well, I would love to, but uh...I have never danced before, Armand. I do not know how well I would do. Are you sure we should?"

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Re: Love's Curse ((Closed))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby St.Jimmy on Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:16 pm

Armand smiled at her hesitance; growing up in a world where balls were held every few months, he was used to dancing and couldn't see why the prospect of it would make her nervous. Besides, he knew that standing at the side would draw more attention to them than if they were in amongst the dancing couples, and for that reason amongst others he held out his hand for hers.

"Of course I'm sure. There's no point coming to a ball if you're not going to dance, Annette. Come on; it doesn't matter if you've never done it before. I'll help you. All you have to do is follow my lead. And if you really dislike it, we'll stop after the first dance."

Making sure they were firmly away from Maria, he began to lead her out onto where the couples were dancing together.

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Re: Love's Curse ((Closed))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Leila Aarons on Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:52 pm

Annette was glad that he didn't think she was completely silly or something, and she took his hand. She was still nervous and unsure, but she trusted him, and she knew that he wouldn't let her do anything too stupid while dancing with him. Besides, she also knew that it would be less suspicious if they were among the other dancing groups rather than on the sidelines.

"Alright, I trust you. I'll just follow your lead--just make sure you don't lead me into doing anything too hard, okay?" She smiled at him nervously, and when they were in the group, she began to dance with him. At first she was slow, trying to see what he was doing before she moved. Eventually, though, she got into it, and started to have a good time doing it. Her eyes had that glow again, a smile on her face.

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Re: Love's Curse ((Closed))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby St.Jimmy on Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:29 am

Armand didn't think that he had ever seen Annette looking quite so happy. Despite the mask, he could see that her expression was glowing and she was smiling. She was quick to learn, too, following his turns and moves around the ballroom as if she had been doing this her whole life - or maybe he just didn't see her imperfections because he was so convinced that she was flawless. He'd lived so long in the company of people who knew they were perfect that he found it easier to find perfection where it didn't exist. Or maybe Annette was perfect simply because she didn't think she was.

He wasn't sure how long they danced for; all he knew was that he completely lost track of the fact that he was supposed to be avoiding Maria and the next thing he knew they had practically danced right into her.

"Armand?" she asked, reaching out to take his arm, (the moment of near-collision unluckily coincided with an end to the current dance). "We'll dance this one together?"

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Re: Love's Curse ((Closed))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Leila Aarons on Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:02 pm

Annette had been looking at her feet for part of the dance, wanting to get it right, but eventually she had looked up to Armand's face, just staring in his eyes as they were moving around the ballroom. Their situations of their feelings for each other were actually fairly similar in a way--each of them found the other perfect simply because they had been brought up in opposite places. Annette thought Armand was perfect in that he was regal, and carefree--ignorant, almost. Sometimes it was bad, but othertimes it made her like him even more.

However, looking into his eyes, she forgot about all of the differences in their lives. For a moment, they were just two people dancing together--simply Armand and Annette. But then it was all broken. Annette looked over at Maria, seeming a bit...confused, scared maybe, and perhaps even a little down. She didn't know who Maria was, but just being broken up from Armand...she didn't like it. Still, she didn't want to stand out, and so she said nothing in protest.

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Re: Love's Curse ((Closed))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby St.Jimmy on Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:25 pm

Armand saw the expression on Annette's face as Maria grabbed his arm, and felt crestfallen himself. The whole point of this night was supposed to have been to spend time with Annette, but now that was all broken and he knew he couldn't protest or he'd make the both of them stand out. He shot Annette a look, trying to tell her without words to wait for him and not do anything that could make her appear different from the crowd, because if anyone realized who she was, both of them were in very serious trouble.

He danced with Maria, but he had no heart in it. All he could think of was getting back to Annette, which disturbed him slightly - why did he feel such a strong connection to a girl he'd known for such a short period of time? But he couldn't help it, and dancing with Maria was just making him realize how much he preferred Annette.

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Re: Love's Curse ((Closed))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Leila Aarons on Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:14 pm

Annette did wait for Armand, doing as best she could to blend it. It was hard, though, because she didn't want to dance with anyone else. So she went over to the refreshment table instead, making it seem like she needed a break. Despite trying to keep her gaze away from Armand and Maria, she couldn't help looking at them now and then. For some reason, it made her sick seeing them together, and she just wanted him to come back to her. She was just as confused as Armand was, not sure why she felt so strongly for him, but she did, and she couldn't deny the feeling.

She sat down in a chair for awhile, drinking some water and fanning herself a little bit. She was a little bit warm, but she mainly just wanted to keep the other men away from her. She wasn't sure why Armand felt he had to dance with Maria, but she tried not to fret over it too much.

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