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~Luck for the Lonely~ [Canzoni/Eternity]

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~Luck for the Lonely~ [Canzoni/Eternity]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:56 pm

Luck for the Lonely


Sometimes I think about everything that has happened, and other times I just forget. Some people say that I'm too kind, others say that I'm a harlot for the weak. But it doesn't matter what they say. I don't care. And I won't remember.


Work was over. The night had stormed into play like sudden credits after the cinema of day. The streets were slightly wet from an early rain, and the people lingering upon it were the grime and grit that made this place so known for its harsh nature. The streets of Los Angeles. It was Hell, if there was such a thing. A lot of people didn't even have enough faith to believe in God, but she did.

Xhana believed.

Leaned against the musty brick wall of the Kat's Kradle, she withdrew a cherry-flavored Cherokee cigarette, holding the small cigar-like stick to her full lips. With a drag, the flavor and resolve flooded her lungs, and soon her body. Just a light wave of relief and relaxation. As the object left her lips, the memories of the night itself played like a broken film in her mind. She knew enough to the point where she knew what happened. Just minute-long chunks seemed to be missing.

It were like a collage of images.

Dancing. Men watching. It was a horrible existence that Xhana would wish upon no one, but she did it well. And conservatively well. She danced until the pockets of her watchers were empty. But she never took more clothes off beyond what lay underneath her outfits. She never flashed a man, never let herself to that low. But even still, she was known as a whore for being a 'stripper'. It didn't afflict her though. The ones calling her 'whore' weren't doing any better. To her, a dancer was much better than a drug dealer, a pimp or prostitute, or a fighter. Here on these streets, everyone had to make their living. Why not this way? She was keeping her values intact...

But still, her life was empty. Something was missing. A hole. A chunk of her that was gone and she couldn't remember where it had gone too.
She was lonely. Missing someone. But who?

In her trials of trying to find someone, trying to find a companion or friend, she began letting people in. And not just into her personality and character. Into her home.

Xhana, or Ink as she was known to the streets, let them in. And by them, I mean the homeless. The runaways. From small children to grown men and women. People with addictions and pains and problems- she helped them when she could, and helped them find a life or dream to pursue. Then, she set them free- like birds that had once before been caged. But never could she find someone to keep there, or keep up with. No one to truly fill that piece of her that was missing.

Xhana almost lost hope. But she kept searching. Kept bringing in the homeless...

Snuffing the cigarette, she leaned away from the wall and began the walk to her apartment in Southside. With the many looks she got- mostly for being so marred by colorful images- she never once looked back. Her eyes- such a rich and electric shade of blue- never left her path. And this was the way she went. Up the stairs, and into her apartment.
From there, it was to the bedroom- ignoring the somewhat sad nature of her apartment. The paint- a deep gray- peeling off to show black-painted wall panels. Black floorboards, all of which were somewhat ancient. The furniture was a deep cedar color, and scarce. The sofa and chair was a plush beige with two or three cigarette burns, and the tv itself was a nicer thing- for the early millennium at least.

Crawling into the bed, Xhana rubbed at her lower lip- feeling the itch from inside her mouth. A secret that she carried with her everywhere. Her other hand befell her chest. And her eyes closed.


And yet her phone buzzed from the nightstand.

I found someone
One who knows nothing, can understand nothing.

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Re: ~Luck for the Lonely~ [Canzoni/Eternity]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mackenzie on Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:38 am


Jarno Rodriguez

The signature of the young man scripted on the piece of paper that was handed out to him by an almost chubby-like lady with glasses. She smiled as she pulled the paper back towards her and gave a friendly nod of approval. Without another exchange of words, Jarno nodded slowly and made his way down the almost narrow hallways. The hallways- familiar to Jarno, like heā€™s been here before. The people on the other hand werenā€™t as familiar to Jarno at all. The shelter was invaded by new people from the streets but Jarno was just another regular.

When people look at him, they instantly think of him as another high-school heartthrob. A young man, growing up with dreams and ambitions. But instantly they rethink their criticism when he asks for some spare change or for anything at least to feed his hunger. Ah yes, just another drop-out homeless kid.

Jarno has run the streets for almost a year. At first it was all fun and games to him, rebelling against his parentā€™s rules and stirring up trouble with other teenage hoodlums but that all started to change when Jarnoā€™s parentā€™s told him to never return home. Itā€™s like kicking out a dog for doing itā€™s bad on the expensive rug, Jarno was their dog. Jarno wasnā€™t sure what he was able to do, being a new-comer to the streets were harsh for him. Finding a place to sleep for the first time was hard for Jarno, and so was feeding himself. Jarno was young and naive back then; but slowly he was able to find his way to shelter himself and feed himself. He couldnā€™t do it himself obviously ā€“ Jarno had the help of local homeless shelters of course.

He knew that the shelters werenā€™t going to be there for him in the near future. Jarno was all too familiar with that, the thoughts of every shelter being shut down always ran through his mind as he slept on the army cots- given by the co-workers in the homeless shelters.

Jarno needed someone to help him and knew for certain that he needed someone real badly. He hated always coming back to this homeless shelter and the fact that some other homeless strangers give him an icy glare, like they want something from him but Jarno was too afraid to even think of such things.

That was until Jarno was ease dropping with a conversation that was going on by two other homeless people. One person, said something about someone allowing people like them into her home- someone like Jarno perhaps? He listened more. From the information he collected there was a person allowing some people to stay at her place, a person called ā€œInkā€. Jarno wondered who this Ink person was, and wondered if she was willing to help him out. The more Jarno thought about it, the more he wanted to see for himself. Wanting to get off the streets and out of the shelters so badly, Jarno needed to find this ā€˜Inkā€™ person and soon. He couldnā€™t take sleeping in another packed room anymore.

Getting up Jarno spotted the plumped woman still sitting at her desk. Lucky enough, she didnā€™t get up and leave just yet meaning this was a good chance for him to ask who this mysterious but generous person was. As Jarno walked over to the lady the more he thought that maybe just maybe, he can get hope this timeā€¦ hope that someone out there will help him.

The lady looked up at Jarno with a smile and asked if he needed any assistance. Yes, Jarno thought to himself. He needed assistance real bad but had a hard time stumbling out his question.

ā€œInkā€¦ I need Inkā€™s helpā€ Jarno said quietly as his hazel brown eyes fixed onto her deep green eyes.

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Re: ~Luck for the Lonely~ [Canzoni/Eternity]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:54 am

The woman looked over Jarno again. So he figured out a place, right? Yes. The woman had Ink's number- and though she wasn't supposed to give it out, or even contact the strange and mysterious woman, she would. This boy had come and gone and come yet again, over and over and over.

"All right... Just sit tight." The woman finally said in a hushed voice. Putting her phone in her lap, she sent one singular text message.

I found someone

Xhana turned a little bit, her blue eyes parting gently as she stared at the soft white light her phone gave off. A text? She rarely got messages. It was either about a homeless person, or a problem with one of the girls at the Kradle. But she shook it off. No, not the Kradle. It was still early. She did her shift first tonight, so she was off the stage by 7, home by 8, and in bed by 8:30.

Reaching over, she let her lengthy limber fingers part the phone open and her eyes fell over the message. A text from a shelter.

Found someone?

Xhana had almost lost hope, like stated before. And this, well, it gave her no hope. But she knew she had a job to do. A reputation she didn't want to give up. She remembered wanting a home when she was on the streets. The rule for her was that a person had to find out about her themselves, or be offered her home by another homeless who had moved out.

It didn't take her long to get up and dress into a slim wife beater, long jeans, and a dark green jacket. Ink pulled her hair out from the jacket and let the silky black and copper mess fall over her shoulders and down her back. Taking a long slowly drawn breath, she walked outside, and towards the shelter...

The walk, like the last one, had been one where she never let her eyes waver to those who looked. Instead, she kept her eyes straight along her path. And when the lights of the shelters were near, she was looking at those. And soon, she was within a better approach.

Her long elegant legs carried her quickly, and she was able to enter without being halted or questioned. Most of the time a homeless person would either call her out, or stop her.

'Have any money?'
'Can you help me please?'

No. Not unless he/she was able to find her first. Just knowing the street name 'Ink' meant you had an idea of what or who she was.

But that's all anyone ever had of her. An idea. The truth... It was much deeper. Much more winding and twisted and deep. A hole that led to a life long past- one with strings that still attached themselves to the foreign woman.

She had slid through the crowd until she had made it to the desk. Compared to others, she had a smooth caramel skin tone, and her tattoos were mostly covered- except for a few peeking out from her chest. Her hair was dark and silky, with bright contrasting copper tones that drew out the sharp blue of her eyes. Her lips were full and plush, shapen to keep an almost emotionless expression. Her face itself was full of gorgeous exotic angles, keeping up that look of mystery. It were like she were from another world.
But she wasn't. Same Earth. Same Los Angeles.

The boy was seen, and the woman at the counter tilted her head towards him with a sigh. Xhana gave her a simple nod, before looking over the boy and stopping before him. It almost seemed like the place was quiet once her footsteps were no longer creating some grand disturbance.

"You are homeless, no?" She said, her accent beautiful yet terrorizing upon her speech. In time, he would get use to her form of talking.
Xhana placed a hand upon her hip and shook her head.

"You look like troublemaker. But I am wrong before. My name is Ink, and I am to take you in." Okay, her speech was beautiful, but very weird. Her 'b' sounded more like a 'v', and she had the essence like she didn't speak often.

Ink reached out and used the back of her hand to gently graze Jarno's cheek. She withdrew her hand just as quickly, smiling just barely.

"You have a name. Tell me."

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Re: ~Luck for the Lonely~ [Canzoni/Eternity]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mackenzie on Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:48 pm

Jarno waited patiently for the arrival of this Ink person. He would watch the woman behind the table skim through papers and jot down notes in her black leathered book. Jarno wondered if this lady would do well with being a secretary, she seemed to have the skills for it anyways. Maybe thatā€™s what she was, a secretary for this shelter- as odd as it seems, Jarno never heard of a shelter secretary. That brought a slight chuckle out of Jarno.

He sat there and wondered who think Ink person was and what she was about. Jarno wondered if this person was just another cruel person, looking down on a homeless kid like himself only giving pity instead of help. Shaking his head, Jarno slumped on the chair but then soon straightened up when he noticed someone walking forward to his direction.

So this must be Ink. Jarno pictured someone slightly different and never expected this at all.

He looked up at this beautiful woman, her skin oh so smooth and from the looks of it, Jarno could spot some tattoos peeking out from her clothing. That was something he didnā€™t expect to find on someone who helped with the homeless. Her hair, black as charcoal with creamy caramel highlights mixed in her hair, definitely someone Jarno didnā€™t expect at all. He was expecting Nanny McPhee of some sort, but Jarno didnā€™t mind this, actually he found it relaxing to know that she was nothing he would expect.

Nodding slightly, Jarno stammered to find the right words to say. ā€œYes,ā€ He said quietly. Jarno couldnā€™t exactly make out what she was saying, but managed to make out just the slightest bit. Her accent fitted her image very well, maybe just too well.

ā€œJarno,ā€ He said again as he looked up at the beauty. ā€œIā€™m Jarno Rodriguez.ā€

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