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Portals to the Other Side (Profiles)

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Portals to the Other Side (Profiles)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SilentBladesinger on Wed May 06, 2009 8:31 pm


Often frowned upon in modern society, it is still practiced by millions of people around the world. From the most innocent of rituals performed at teenage sleep-overs to rites used to heal the deathly ill, or kill the unsuspecting, magic is a taboo part of almost every culture on the planet. And, until now, it had been practiced with little consequence...but no longer.

In early 2007, in a remote village in Germany, a book by the name of Portals to the Other Side was published by a renowned mystic, who claimed to have ties to the spirit world. The book was picked up by a small-time publisher, and only sixty thousand copies were ever printed. This mystic, Dr. Van Jacobs, later went missing from his cottage, and was never heard from again. Because the community was small, and the man was considered crazy by most, few thought anything of it, and after a few days, the search for him was abandoned.

The book was only ever printed in three languages - French, and English, as well as the original German. It was distributed to retail stores both in Europe, and over-seas. The nature of the book was largely unknown, as it went without any thorough rating or review, and once all the copies were sold, it was widely forgotten. A copy never made it to any national library; it was lost to history, and to the hands of the sixty thousand who now owned the fruits of Doctor Van Jacobsā€™ research.

Because distribution was so thin, and the book was an instant rarity, those who had it were few and far between, residing mostly in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe. Several weeks after the book hit stores, a reporter in a small English town gave a news report about a teenaged boy having gone missing. The young man, it was later disclosed, was an avid reader Occult literature - the authorities were leaning towards a kidnapping, or a suicide, tied to these practices.

Unknown to the rest of the world, several similar cases began to spring up - several young people went missing in New York, Los Angeles, and every state in between, all within a few weeks of each other. But, because the book was so unheard of, so rare, and those who owned it owned so may other pieces of literature, no one ever thought to put two and two together.

Magic - real magic - was not something to be toyed with.

When a certain trigger spell was read aloud by the owner of one of the Books, they were passed by magical means through a rip in the veil between the worlds. Some with weak constitutions died on the journey, while others arrived unharmed to find themselves in a world that seemingly still thrived under a Feudal system of laws.

However, there were several major differences; people were not always people, neither were they all without their dangers.

How will these young people adapt? What kind of world have they been flung into? And, who is it that inhabits this alternate plane already?


- I would like to see a good bit of writing skill. Iā€™m sure that some, having read my little description, will think that I am either too wordy, or not advanced enough. Think what you will - but, thatā€™s what I expect from those participating. I donā€™t claim to be perfect, but I do think I have a pretty good understanding of how to string sentences together.

- I would like everyone who joins to play at least two characters, preferably on different sides, or in different places, as this will make it easier to interact, and easier to flesh out a plot.

- I would like to see a good understanding of general rules, and would like everyone to use respectful language, both with me and everyone else.

Character Options:

Races: (Select one, or a mixture of two, only when the two races can reasonably have offspring together.)

Human: The race with the greater numbers, humans exhibit a great flexibility in their abilities, with natural limits on their potential to master any magical skill. While a human may be good at many kinds of magic, both light and dark, they cannot master it nearly as easily as an elf or a demon would.

Demon: Created from the spawn of the underworld, demons have a strong tie to dark magic, and the ability to use it with little or no training. A warrior race of hellish monsters and creatures, demons fall into three catagoies:
-First Blood: Those with the strongest blood, and the highest concentration of immortality and magical ability, First Blood most resemble humans, with slight alterations.
-Anthropomorphic: With the ability to go from an appearance similar to that of a first-blood, to that of an animal or beast, Anthro Demons have very little magic of their own, save for their ability to change shape.
-Lower: A Lower demon is closest to the things crawling out of the underworld - grotesque, with very little real intelligence behind their keen instincts, they often do not survive long, and are easy to kill, or dominate.

Elf: Elves are creatures created from a long ago mixing of Human and Faerie blood. While earthbound, and less in tune with the environment, Elves have retained the Humanā€™s flexibility, and the Faeā€™s raw power, and use it to master the arcane arts and the unnaturally long lives of their more magical ancestors. Because they strive for order and light, they have been adopted by the greater Gods in the heavens as the bearers of such wisdom.

Faerie: Faeries are a widely ranging mixture of magical beings, having existed from a time before there was time. Seen in small forms, rushing about a living forest, to the fully grown, sentinel beings that speak and have cities, Faeries are the embodiment of magic in its purest form from nature. A faerie has never been known to die of natural causes, though some seem to simply disappear after a time - their lifespan is infinite, so long as they can stand the burden of living.

Other: As stated above, you can make a mixture of any two races, save the Fae and the Lower Demons (as they are too concerned with themselves to breed outside of their own race). You might also consider some of the more popular perversions of life - Vampires, Werewolves, Trolls, etc., if not something totally random and new that Iā€™ve never heard of. If this is more in your range, please request what youā€™d like, and give me a good description of what youā€™re planning on doing with that character (for obvious reasons, I donā€™t want to see a Soap Monster running around, terrorizing the general populous by getting soap in their eyes.) If I agree, Iā€™ll be more than happy to include you and your character.

Positions: (Ranking officers will be needed in each major race in the Other World. Some have already been filled, but if youā€™d like to have one of the others, please state that clearly on your application, and Iā€™ll review it. Iā€™ll make my decision once Iā€™ve seen all the apps, so that I can be sure to pick the best people before we start. Oh! Andā€¦if you want to be a ruler, you get to describe the land you want to create. : ) Saves me time, and shares the creative flow)

Sovereign/General: Saxton Silvermaid

Pharaoh: Hezubah Crynor

Queen: Raven Bladesinger ( SilentBladesinger)


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Re: Portals to the Other Side (Profiles)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby grimcarebear on Wed May 06, 2009 8:52 pm

Heeeey baby ^^ I'll post Hezubah's profile ASAP...but Im too sick to think right now...T.T
"Excellent!" I cried. "Elementary." Said he.

"How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? "-Sherlock Holmes

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