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Jodia Academy for the Misunderstood

Jodia Academy for the Misunderstood


Hidden away on an island in the Caribbean is a school for children who are simply 'Misunderstood' (NEW FACE CLAIMS ADDED!)

4,317 readers have visited Jodia Academy for the Misunderstood since MaliceInWonderland created it.

almostinsane, and Echo_Rose are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.


Do you know why you are here?
Do you know what it is you are?
Dangerous? Violent? A Monster?
No, You are simply misunderstood.
You discovered that you are special, that you posses extraordinary power but because the world is ignorant you have been deemed dangerous.
Sure you didn't mean to do the things you did. I know that, You know that but The world doesn't.
So, They've ordered me to kill you.
Don't worry, They already think you're dead.
I know it seems a bit rash but as I've said, the world is ignorant so out of sight out of mind.
-Headmaster Nanji

Worry not, dear children. You will not stay here forever.
You will learn to control your ability and reenter society.

You will have only 3 teachers besides myself.
Theses skilled professionals will help you and make sure you will become the best you can be.

Headmaster Nanji, Professor of Ability Mastery|Power/Abilities: Unknown|FC: Djimon Hounsou| Taken by MaliceInWonderland

Daphne Davenport, Professor of Etiquette|Powers/Abilities:Pyrokinesis,Healing |FC:Liv Tyler|Taken

Johnathan Blackwood, Professor of Psychology |Powers/Abilities:Enhanced Memory,Enhanced Regeneration,Intuitive Empathy,Lie Detection |FC:Wentworth Miller| Taken by Fabricator

Zephania Jilani, Professor of Combat |Powers/Abilities:Hyperperception, Ironsides|FC: Denzel Washington|Taken by shmband



Ethan Holler|Powers/Abilites: Grape-growing, Alcohol Conjuring,Madness|FC: Avan Jogia |Taken by almostinsane

Name |Powers/Abilites: |FC: Leon Thomas III|OPEN

Milo Delaney|Powers/Abilites: Telepathy,Hyper Observance,Teleportation,Metal and Lightning Manipulation,Super Speed, Photographic Memory|FC: Thomas Dekker|Taken by MaliceInWonderland

Eric Miller|Powers/Abilites: Dream Manipulation, Duplication, Tempakensis |FC: Leo Howard|Taken by Purpl3_Flam3s

Andrew Silas|Powers/Abilites: Persuasion, Regeneration |FC: Bo Bo Steward|Taken by Miss_Dreamer

Name|Powers/Abilities: |FC:Jaden Smith|OPEN

Name|Powers/Abilities: |FC:Keegan Allen|OPEN

Name|Powers/Abilites:|FC: Cameron Mitchell|OPEN


Evangeline Fowl|Powers/Abilities: Technokensis, Telepathy, Inanimation |FC: Zoe Kravtiz|Taken by Miss_Dreamer

Tristan Knight|Powers/Abilities: Precognition,Remote Viewing, Astral Projection,Second Sight|FC:Cymphonique Miller|Taken by MaliceInWonderland

Attia Viola|Powers/Abilities:Water Breathing; Freeze Vision; Innate Capability |FC:Alexandria Daddario |Taken

Ezra Henry|Powers/Abilities:Heat vision, Animation, Medusa's Gaze |FC:Selena Gomez |Taken by Purpl3_Flam3s

Arianna Andrews| Powers/Abilities: Divided Mind,Empathy, Dollification, Hemokensis|FC: Lulu Antariksa|Taken by Echo_Rose

Gwendolyn Young|Powers/Abilities:Reality Manipulation, Astral Vision. |FC: Becky G|TAKEN Mars_The_Alien

Alejandra Rivera|Powers/Abilities:Precognition/Retrocognition;Photo manipulation; Illusions |FC: Zendaya|Taken by PyschicBastard

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Toggle Rules

1.Be Creative – I'd like to see your creativity in your character. I wanna see something different
2.Be Respectful- If you have a disagreement with one of the Big Three (Myself, AlmostInsane and EchoRose) or the players that's fine but be respectful and mindful of you're words.
3.When reserving a character, put “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” in the OOC thread
4.This is for Mature Players,- RPG rules apply
5.Be Committed- If you're gonna bail, Let me know. I won't bite...much xD
6.Drama, Romance, Violence is encouraged
7.This is a semi-literate RP, I'm not so great with grammar myself but still, No Text Talk
8.Have Fun- Please, Don't take things to seriously. It's a real drag...
9. You must reserve your character!-you're character will not be accepted if you sumbit without an reservation
10. Reservations last 48 hrs Some FC's are particularly popular, so I can't wait forever.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Milo Delaney Character Portrait: Jonathan Blackwood
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"What's your power?" Milo asked, which caused Jonathan he look down at the boy for a long moment before half smiling and chuckling.

"In the three years that you've been here you've never asked about that you know?" He slides down the wall next to Milo and sits just outside the classroom for a moment before continuing. "I can't forget. Anything. Ever. I was born with enhanced memory as I crawled out of the warm darkness... Like I said I can't forget. Its somewhat of a burden at times but its also useful and I don't know what I'd do without it." He then lifted his hands to either side of his torso and slowed his breathing. His fingers began to spark softly, the charge of power growing till a small orb of electricity hovered just above the palm of his hands.

"I can see how everyones power interacts with the world around them, and how they 'tick' so to speak. I try not to but I can recreate others powers eventually. I used to use it to help talk students through difficulties years ago but after awhile it didn't seem worth it so I kept things to classroom and my powers hidden."

He let the orbs fade slightly before they burst, ripping the skin from his fingers slightly. The flesh melted and charred for a moment as a trickle of blood fell to the floor. "I was never good with the diffusion aspect of electricity manipulation." His skin slowly re-knitted back together and healed up as if nothing had happened.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Milo Delaney Character Portrait: Jonathan Blackwood Character Portrait: Attia Serene Viola
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His answer seemed to satisfy her, and although Attia had many more questions, she could tell that the subject pained him to speak of, or even think about, no matter how hard he attempted to hide the pain or to convince himself it don't hurt. He had loved that woman and, despite their age difference, her heart reached out to the man.

It was then that Milo reacted. He shot up from the desk, completely enraged at the mere suggestion - although she found no suggestion linking the two topics other then the word love - that his parents had, indeed, loved him. When he stormed from the room, she rose, as if to follow him, but sat back down as soon as he was gone, the professor trailing behind him.

Attia sat there for some time, waiting, thinking, going insane from both, until she could stand it no longer. She rose, grabbed her bag and soccer ball, and made her way from the room.

When she saw the two of them sitting on the floor, against the wall, looking like two lost puppies, she couldn't help herself. She burst into laughter, the ball slipping from her grip and bouncing to the floor.

"You two are the sorriest lookin' pair that I've seen in a long time. Look at you two! Worse lookin' then a turkey on Thanksgivin' morn'!" She exclaimed, her accent thick due to her laughter.

Once her laughter had died down enough to speak, she crouched before them, her hands on her knees. She drew one away to wipe at a fake tear in her eye. "Alrighty, you too. Y'all need a cheering up. I think everyone here needs to cheer up. It's way too gloomy of an atmosphere for anyone to make any step towards getting better and gaining better control over their powers. I suggest that we all - everyone, even the girl locked in her room - do something together. A game day, a feast, a dance, whatever. So long as it's fun and everyone joins in. I can guarantee things will get a lot better 'round these parts if people start enjoyin' themselves more," she nodded. She rose and held out a hand to both of them. "Come on, both of you. Let's go and talk to the Headmaster about it. Besides, no offense to you Professor, but this was a sorry turnout for a class," she grinned.


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Character Portrait: Tristan Knight Character Portrait: Ethan Holler
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"Nanji will put you back. I know he will," Ethan told Tristan firmly. He wouldn't accept Tristan being separated from her body like this. He couldn't. He had grown close to her since he came here and he'd be damned if he'd let her stay like this.


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Milo Delaney

Milo watched as the Professor sat beside him. Milo snickered some at his comment. "I really didn't care until now." He said matter of factly. Then the professor explain his powers. Milo's eyebrows hit the top of his head. He can't forget...He thought. Bummer
Milo mused over that then he realized, though he couldn't remember everything, he'd remembered enough. He remember vividly walking up on a bed with his parents and their collegues about to cut him open. He remembered what it felt like to take the lives of those people. How he felt both liberated and guilty at the same time. He wished he could forget that. He felt for Blackwood then.
It was then the professor explained the other part of his power. Milo snickered. Innate Cability. He can use other people's powers to a certain degree. That was cool. Milo could only mimick a person's physical ability. Parkour, Martial Arts, things like that but the actual power, that was impossible. So much so he had a hard time wrapping his mind around it. "Cool." He said with a half grin as the Professor healed.

It was then Attia came out, mocking the both of them. Milo arched an eyebrow as she suggested a party. It was like suggesting he throw himself from a cliff. "You have fun with that." He said. "I don't do parties." He said simply. "Besides. I got to worked up. I might up and kill somebody." He said and he realized then that he'd just opened up to someone. To most people what Milo said wouldn't resigter as 'opening up' but for someone like Milo. It was a break through. He looked at the Professor. "You have fun with 'Don't mess wit Texas', I gotta get rid of some of this energy before I implode." He said and stood up, sparking some.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Milo Delaney Character Portrait: Jonathan Blackwood Character Portrait: Attia Serene Viola
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Attia's eye twitched a bit and she cast him a glare. "Excuse me? 'Don't mess with Texas'? You're-You're-You're," she stammered, unable to think of a word that fit what she was thinking about him. She lifted her hand and wagged her finger angrily in his face, her own face turning a bright red. "You're-You're-You're ... Incorrigible! Positively, absolutely obnoxious! How dare you insult my home?" she demanded, glaring daggers at him. "You know, I thought you were better then the people I knew back in Texas. I thought you wouldn't discriminate against others because of their heritage, or something they couldn't control, or ... or ... Just grow up, Milo Delaney!" she snapped.

With that said, she whirled away from the two and began away, ice appearing with each footstep. This was what she got in return for actually trying to get to know someone. That was the last time she would actually try to go out and speak to someone, or attempt to befriend them.

It was then that she realized she had forgotten her bag and soccer ball in the classroom.

Well, she wasn't about to go back for it and see Milo again. What a jerk ...

She turned a corner and looked down, ice slowly creeping up from the bottoms of her shoes, and over her ankles. Panic swelled in her and she shook out her feet, the ice shattering and falling away from her body.

She still couldn't rid that man's face from her mind.

The man who she'd stolen the power of Ice from.

The man that had died in her arms, despite her effort to save him.

The man who's death that she had caused.

She squeezed her eyes shut tightly and lifted her fists to the sides of her head, pressing them against her temples. "Get out of my head ..." she whispered, leaning against the wall beside her. "Get ... Out ..."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Milo Delaney Character Portrait: Attia Serene Viola
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Milo jerked back as Attia called him incorrigible. She went proceeded to accuse him of being discriminating. "Holy Hell..." He said. He was only joking. He looked at the professor as she stormed off. "What the fuck was that?" He asked rhetorically. He was gonna let her go off until two things happened he didn't expect. One the tempature dropped dramatically and two but more importantly, he felt bad.
Then another realization. He actually liked her. He was comfortable enough to joke with her.
A Mistake on his part.
What was worse was now she was pissed off. He sighed.
He followed the dropping temperature.
He heard her say get out. Looked around. They weren't anywhere for him to get out of.
"Seriously. I was just joking." He said with a sigh. He never apologized...for anything so this was new and awkward for him.
He looked her over and frowned. "You okay, you look a" He said, uncomfortably.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Milo Delaney Character Portrait: Attia Serene Viola
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0.00 INK

Attia went rigid when she heard Milo's footsteps behind her. She straightened from the wall and lowered her fists, her shoulders back and her back straight. She shook back her hair and allowed it to cascade down her back, fixing her glittering eyes ahead of her.

A single tear froze on her cheek.

She flicked it away with the tip of her finger, and it shattered against a nearby wall.

"I'm fine," she said quietly, a bit icily, her cold powers matching the coldness in her voice. "It isn't like you care, and I don't need you to anyway. I can take care of myself and my own problems. I always have, and that's how it will always be," she added, yanking away from him, despite him not attempting to touch her in anyway.

"Don't make fun of my home state. It's the only thing I've ever had to call a home, and it might be the hick-state of the United States, but it's home," she murmured, her eyes once more squeezing shut. "I would not expect you to understand, but at the very least respect where I come from.

She finally turned to face him, but only enough so that her face was partially seen through her long, thick wavy hair. Her eyes were an intense white-blue, and shimmered slightly with tears. "Don't pretend that you care, when you don't. Just ... Don't," she said softly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Milo Delaney Character Portrait: Attia Serene Viola
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0.00 INK

Milo took a deep breath. He felt his mood shift in a violent direction, usually he didn't bother hold back but he did now.

He cut his eyes at her dangerously. "Do you think I'm really that pretentious that I'd only act like I care?" He said and laughed harshly. "Please, I don't do a damn thing for anyone's opinion." He said curtly. "And what for? Approval? Recognition? Hardly. " He said, shaking his head. He saw the tears in her eyes but he didn't bother with that. Here he was trying to apologize for pissing her off only for her to snap at him, and accuse him of not caring.
Most -more sociable- people would have reacted in a calmer fashion. Explaining how they do in fact care and didn't mean to hurt her however Milo was not most people and anti-social would be an understatement.

"That would mean I'd have to care what you or anyone thought. Frankly, I don't."

That was a lie and he knew it however, it would only occur to him later that had he not cared about her opinion or feelings he wouldn't have care about how she took his joke. or even try-in his own special Milo way- to apologize. Something it's almost impossible for him to do.

"I wasn't serious. It was a joke. I don't give a rat's ass about where you come from. You don't need expect anything from me. " He said and gestured to himself. "What you see is what you get, If you can't handle that then that's just too damn bad now isn't it?" He said and turned away.

"I 'pretend' for no one." He said and walked away.

It was then the normal quiet, harsh and unpredictably violent Milo was back. He was rather talkative today. He'd even had a mini break through with the Psych Professor but now with the only friend he actually tried to make jumping down his throat for something he didn't do. That...hurt.

He'd probably never open up again.

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View All » Add Character » 18 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Arianna Andrews
Character Portrait: Jonathan Blackwood
Character Portrait: Ethan Holler
Character Portrait: Zephania Jilani
Character Portrait: Raelee Myers
Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Young
Character Portrait: Alejandra Lyenne Rivera


Character Portrait: Alejandra Lyenne Rivera
Alejandra Lyenne Rivera

You know, you'd be surprised how hard it is to be me some days.

Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Young
Gwendolyn Young

"Reality isn't as solid as everyone thinks."

Character Portrait: Raelee Myers
Raelee Myers

"Is this freedom or just another place they can lock me up?"

Character Portrait: Ethan Holler
Ethan Holler

"Party on!"

Character Portrait: Jonathan Blackwood
Jonathan Blackwood

Professor of Psychology - We are all masters of deception in our own way, but the true question is not how we are perceived by the world; but rather how we perceive the world.

Character Portrait: Arianna Andrews
Arianna Andrews

I don't even know who I am


Character Portrait: Alejandra Lyenne Rivera
Alejandra Lyenne Rivera

You know, you'd be surprised how hard it is to be me some days.

Character Portrait: Ethan Holler
Ethan Holler

"Party on!"

Character Portrait: Arianna Andrews
Arianna Andrews

I don't even know who I am

Character Portrait: Jonathan Blackwood
Jonathan Blackwood

Professor of Psychology - We are all masters of deception in our own way, but the true question is not how we are perceived by the world; but rather how we perceive the world.

Character Portrait: Raelee Myers
Raelee Myers

"Is this freedom or just another place they can lock me up?"

Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Young
Gwendolyn Young

"Reality isn't as solid as everyone thinks."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Raelee Myers
Raelee Myers

"Is this freedom or just another place they can lock me up?"

Character Portrait: Arianna Andrews
Arianna Andrews

I don't even know who I am

Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Young
Gwendolyn Young

"Reality isn't as solid as everyone thinks."

Character Portrait: Alejandra Lyenne Rivera
Alejandra Lyenne Rivera

You know, you'd be surprised how hard it is to be me some days.

Character Portrait: Ethan Holler
Ethan Holler

"Party on!"

Character Portrait: Jonathan Blackwood
Jonathan Blackwood

Professor of Psychology - We are all masters of deception in our own way, but the true question is not how we are perceived by the world; but rather how we perceive the world.

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