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Pirates: Battle for the Seven Seas

Pirates: Battle for the Seven Seas


Piracy has become frequent throughout the British Empire. Create a ship or join a crew and set sail for adventure.

2,369 readers have visited Pirates: Battle for the Seven Seas since skyrunner created it.


Piracy is becoming more popular. More fleets are starting to pop up and you have finally decided to join piracy.

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3. Mods have the final say
4. Keep it period realistic (1650s to 1730s)

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Ffyliaid Heulwen

Ffyliaid Heulwen by RolePlayGateway

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British Empire

British Empire by RolePlayGateway

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Port Royal

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The Seas

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Lady Spite

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The Harbringer

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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Jack Mercer walked into King George's Throne room.
'Piracy is increasing' The King told him.
'So I have heard' Jack replied.
'You must stop them at once' The King ordered
'I will try, your magesty' Jack replied walking out of the room.

The setting changes from London to Earth, 19th century

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Character Portrait: Amora Jailbait Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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Not that Amora was innocent, no she was far from that, but hanging her publicly, no way! She looked around as she walked up to platform with a rope hanging down and a large loop that seemed a bit too large. There was a large man, ready to hang her and a large crowd. Amora looked at the crowd and waved with her two hands tied together and a bright smile. And then, at once, she turned around and ducked under the large man as the other man who had been escorting Amora grabbed his sword and swung it at her, but rather hitting the large man. Amora grinned slightly and ran, along the way cutting her roped and freeing her hands. Now the only thing she needed was a boat, or a ship, or something like that. Unless Jack Mercer would find her.

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Robyn Sheva stood at the helm of her ship, Salty Air blowing her long wavy black hair behind her as she steered her ship; The Harbinger. The one of the terrifying ships on the Seas and she was one of the most terrifying piratess. She was almost legendary.
Today she was about to make sure that her legendary status proves true. "Captian, The noble's ship's ahead." Called one of her crew men. "Aye, Loot be upon us, Men. No Mercy!" She called to her men and they cheered. She loved being in control of them. How they answered to her beckoning call.

Soon they approached the ship from behind. Her men stood at the ready. Some with swords on the deck, a few held on to ropes to swing across at her word. She waited patiently, until her cannons were set. Standing in her black longcoat with red stitches, a black corset that showed off her curvy figure, a crimson silk shirt , her black high boots and her black tri-cornered hat with red stitches. Her brown skin glistening with sweat from anticipation.
The Crimson Lady, she was.
Finally, the time has come. She smiled wickedly. "Attack!" She shouted thrusting her sword forward and her men swung from the mass and on to the noble ship. "Take it all!" She shouted as she made her way calmly down the stairs. Cannons fired, and guns went off while swords clashed. Robyn loved the sound of the chaos, she created.
It was a dark symphony that she composed and she revelled in it. She swung over on a rope, like a dark angel. She landed gracefully and began attacking, slicing her sword with precision and finesse, cutting down her enemies.

After the massacre, she left one pitifully crying woman alive to tell the tale, she sailed the woman away on a small boat as the ship she was one sunk to the bottom of the sea.
Another successful raid. She walked into her quarters, divided half of the loot for her crewmen and kept half to herself. She sat with her legs on crossed on her desk counting her loot until she heard. "Land Ho!" She stood and changing into appropriate women's clothing. Her crewmen knew not to look at her like she was a normal woman. One tried and she slit his throat on the spot. Since everyone wanted to live that keep whatever thoughts they were having to themselves.

It was annoying but it kept the authorities off her back, thought a Caribbean woman was hardly common in England but they would think her merely a slave woman. They made mistake before.
She walked down the streets hiding in plain sight. She turned down the cobblestone street and made her way toward a bar when she saw a woman running away. It was then she noticed her wrists were red. She frowned. She then noticed a gallow not far from here and guards looking around. The girl was to be excuted. "Girl, Come wit' me." She told her, nodding for her follow along.

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As if on que, God had mercy on her, someone called for her. Amore stopped for a second and looked at the woman. She thought, but as she heard the guards yelling, she made her way over to the woman. She eyed the woman again, pirates, or at least she, never trusted anyone at all. Amora sighed softly and looked around. Then at the woman, ready to get away from this godforsaken place.

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Character Portrait: Jacob Marac
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A man walked up to them.
'I am Captain Jacob Marac of the dagger' He announced then turned to Robyn 'Captain Robyn Sheva, I have the privilage of meeting you at last. If I were you Captain then I would leave as soon as possible, Mecer has sent an order for you to be captured, If you wish then I will accompany your ship in the Dagger'

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Robyn stood in front of the girl. her hand resting over a small dagger hidden in her skirts. She listened closely. "I am wanted in 12 different countries. Mercer don' frighten me." She said with a dark grin. She's alluded Mercer's grasp for years. It was a fun game to play, even if it was her life she was playing with. She was taken aback by the Captian's word.s. "Why should I trust you, Captain?" She asked him with a scrutious eye.

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Character Portrait: Captain Colten Grey
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Captain Colten Grey would walk the ship, silently, his head held high with dignity. The boards, would creak quietly beneath him as he paced. His coat would furl and bend around him, deep gray in color the frock coat was torn and mangled, not befitting the elegant if not wicked ship the Captain called his own, the ship that went by the Lady Spite, feared among British, French, and Spanish sailors. It didn't even seem to fit the attitude of the man wearing it, who seemed keen and regal in his mannerisms, while the nonchalance spoke of someone free of royalty.

He would stop and look back at a briskly approaching man, "Captain, there is a ship off the starboard bow." Unlike many other pirates, Colten had been careful, always careful, to recruit the most capable men, not those subject to rum and barbarian-like ways. His thinking in the matter, being. How could someone without the mind to listen, be expected to run and maintain a ship. Be it as it may, these men were loyal, a collection of personalities and poised skills. He felt the utmost camaraderie for them all.

He would change his pace, pulling a telescope from a hidden pocket within the coat, with practiced grace pulling it to it's extent and raising it to his eye. "Hmm." Was all he managed to say, viewing the average and stale ship. It was insignificant, and brandished a privateering ship by the sails it wore. Though it was extremely large, and it would seem the cannons were being prepared.

"Let us have them sinking, then." He would give a charming smile to the man who would nod in understanding leaving his side to issue the orders.

In mere moments cannon fire was thick in the air, the privateering ship receiving the worst of it, the Lady Spite true to it's reputation closed distance quickly. Colten would swing from the nets along with his men, securing a plank. His men would flood the ship, overwhelming the enemy. He would swat away a wild stab of a rapier with a slight swing of his own, as he repelled it away he would extend his own stab into the man's chest. "Gragh.." He would pull himself away, falling back into the pole of the mast.

The Captain would pull his flintlock from his belt turning, and with one second's aim, smoke would erupt as flint was struck, an iron ball burying itself in the neck of an unfortunate sailor.

The battle took less than an hour, the large ship surprised. Be it short as it was, they had taken casualties in the fighting. Only recovering weapons, and personal goods, and treasure.

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Jacob replied 'Why should you trust me? You don't have to, just trying to help. I have bribed officers in Mercer's army. The only thing I need is soldiers, thats why i wanted to help you?'

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Robyn nodded. "What makes you t'ink I need your help?" She asked him with and arched eyebrow. "What do I get out of t'is?"

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Amora looked at the man she didn't know, then the woman, and waited. She looked up at the sky, thinking about her stuff she would never get back. Well, that was a lie. Amora had already gotten them back, she was just trying to remember where she had placed them to hide from the guards or whoever else held her stuff. And then she knew.

"Excuse me. Need to get a few things."

Amora turned, and ran as if her life depended on it. She needed her stuff, and she would get them. She stopped, walked into an elly and got her stuff. Then ran back again.

Amora stopped and looked at the two, eager to go.

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Jacob laughed then told the Captain 'no, no, no. Its not that I think you need my help its that I need yours, and I could be of use to you'

The setting changes from Earth, 19th century to London


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This was no use either. She could wait and wait, hear them talking but it was no use. And then again, becoming a free pirate wasn't really... She would get caught again and again, and Amora hated to get caught again and again but what other options did she have? And then she knew. She had heard of pirates joining the British Empire and still being pirates... but under the command of the British. That was just perfect! Amora turned around, and even without speaking a word walked away from the two unknown people. And with a soft sigh in the hope it would work, she handed herself in again to the guards, this time telling she wanted to offer her services.

It didn't take long to get in London, and once there, she was brought, hands tied so she wouldn't dare hurting the King, to the King. Forced to bow and kneel, she did as told. ''King of England,'' she started, already being able to imagine Mercer's face, ''I would like to offer my services and loyalty.''

The setting changes from London to Earth, 19th century

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Robyn shook her head. "You still haven' answer t'a question. What do I get from helpin' you?" She said and noticed the girl had gone, come back only to leave again. T'is her own funeral. She thought and kept her attention in the Captian.

The setting changes from Earth, 19th century to London


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King George looked at her.
'Greetings, what is your name?' he asked her.

The setting changes from London to Earth, 19th century

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'I have bribed offecers in Mercers army. Together we could blow him out of the waters' the man replied.

The setting changes from Earth, 19th century to London


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Amora eyed the King carefully to make sure she hadn't just planned her own funeral for the so much time again. "My name is Amora Jailbat King, and I have been a pirate since I was just a little kid," she introduced herself with proud and smiled at the King before her. "I have come to serve you."

The setting changes from London to Earth, 19th century

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Robyn huffed. "Fine," She walked up to him, her hidden dagger unsheathed and tucked under his chin in a blink. "But understand t'is, I will kill ye, If I get a single whiff of munity. If I so much as t'ink you be tryin' anyt'ing, I will slit ye t'roat." She said watching his expression, searching for a signal that he was lying. It was something she was skilled at. She wouldn't be a very good pirate if she weren't

(btw, Robyn has obviously a thick Caribbean accent so alot of her words like this, throat and the has all the 'H's dropped. She sounds like Tia Dalma from Pirates of the Caribbean)

The setting changes from Earth, 19th century to London


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'Amora, I would accept your services right now if it was not for one thing. We need to check your background. Stare here in London - I will let you roam freely but remember two things, Do not leave London and abide by the laws.'.

The setting changes from London to Earth, 19th century

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Amora looked at the king. Her background, damn that has been so long. Sure, she lived like a royal when she was young until she was about a year of 7, when her father took her with him on pirating adventures and after he died Amora just did what she had been told, and even though she had broken her promise and lost everything, she still remembered her father telling her to be careful. Would it help if she were from royal family? And her mother, she hadn't seen her mother since she was seven and her father took her, she missed her mother.

Amora rose and nodded. ''Thank you sir,'' she said and bowed towards the king, then turned around and left the building.

The setting changes from Earth, 19th century to London


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Guards walked up to Amora and told her that 'The king is ready'.


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Amora looked at the Guards and nodded. "Very well," she said and followed after them back. She knelt before the King. This could mean her death, or life.


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'Amora Jalibut' he said, looking at her, 'I have looked through your history and have decided to accept you as a privateer, yes you have attacked ships among many other crimes but I have decided to pardon you. If you betray us or my trust then you will be hanged and any of your friends banished.'

The setting changes from London to Earth, 19th century

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Amora looked at the King and nodded. "Thank you sire," she said and stood up. Amora was glad, though still a bit unsure but she would do her best to follow the King's orders. And she wondered about Jack Mercer, if she would have to work with him too. Probably. Amora was looking forward to that.

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Character Portrait: Captain Madison Taylor
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β€œDunk him again!” Ordered Euraidd Madison Taylor.

β€œNo pleas-” Begged the scarlet clad plump officer right before he was dropped head first into the cold unforgiving sea.

β€œPull him out!” She commanded again after a few seconds, a smile creasing the corners of her full pink lips β€œWell, Mr Straton,” Captain Madison said calmly as she leaned one hand against the main mast of her ship Ffyliaid Heulwen and watched the Solider strung up by his booted feet dripping out over the grey sea β€œare ye ready to cooperate? . . Or would you like another cool dip in our pleasant British waters?”

β€œNo, please.” The round man sputtered trying to catch his breathe. β€œWhatever,” He wheezed β€œYou. Want . . . To know.”

β€œI'm so glad we could come to this arrangement.” Madison said sweetly as she pushed away from the mast and moved forward, spinning the dangling man around. β€œBut I do wish we wouldn't have to go through this charade every time.”

β€œOh God! Please stop me!” Straton begged as he twirled on the rope.

Madison's crew cheered and chortled at the man's distress.

β€œSpin 'im faster!” One jeered.

Madison sighed and stopped the spinning form to face her, who looked severely close to throwing up. Poor Straton. Poor, dull old reliable Straton, mused Madison. It didn't take much to extract information from Officer Straton but he was a greedy man who tried to get as much as he could for the information he divulged. But he should know by now that he would get none from her.

Yet what a source of information the red cheeked, overweight man was. He was probably over the age of retirement but his loyal – and she used the word loosely – service to the Empire meant they kept him on in service out of gratitude as he requested.

Well, what did that matter to Madison? All she needed was the information the fifty two year old man was privy to . . . and he happened to be privy to a lot.

β€œI've been hearing rumours Straton.” Madison said, hands behind her back as she circled the upside down round swaying figure. β€œSomething . . . British . . . Something French . . . And something Spanish. Tell me Straton . . . Do my ears deceive me?”

β€œI-I don't know what you're talking about.” Straton sputtered unconvincingly.

Liar! She knew what she had heard was as true as day, as she had heard – be that as it may overheard something she shouldn't have - from the horses mouth itself. All she needed from Straton were the all important details and then she, Captain Madison Taylor would go down as an absolute legend in all of history hereafter . . . before she had to give up her Captaincy.

Madison felt sick at the sudden realisation and pushed the depressing thought out of her mind as she swished the blade out from the back of her breeches and pressed it firmly against Straton's thick throat.

β€œCome now Straton, I'll have no use for you if you don't know what I'm talking about.” Madison said softly menacingly. β€œAnd my men won't be too happy either if they have to clean your guts off of my immaculate ship . . . and who knows what a bunch of angry seaman would do to such a healthy body as yours before you were completely dead.” She finished prodding his heavy body with a finger to the gut; cold brown eyes trained on the ruddy man as she pressed the knife a little closer to the skin to prove her point.

Pure panic shone in the balding man's eyes as he gasped and squealed in undiluted fright before he conceded for his life β€œOkay! Okay! . . Alright! I'll tell you everything!”

Madison grinned as she pulled away and replaced the blade back in her breeches.

As easy as taking loot from the Empire.

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Ffyliaid Heulwen

Ffyliaid Heulwen by RolePlayGateway

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British Empire

British Empire by RolePlayGateway

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London by RolePlayGateway

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Tortuga by RolePlayGateway

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Tortuga Tavern by RolePlayGateway

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Port Royal

Port Royal by RolePlayGateway

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The Seas

The Seas by RolePlayGateway

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Lady Spite

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The Harbringer

The Harbringer by RolePlayGateway

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
Character Portrait: Captain Colten Grey
Character Portrait: Amora Jailbait
Character Portrait: Captain Madison Taylor
Character Portrait: Jacob Marac


Character Portrait: Jacob Marac
Jacob Marac

'I am the captain of the dagger, Give me what I wnt if you value your life'

Character Portrait: Captain Madison Taylor
Captain Madison Taylor

I live by the Book and the Sword, only fools see a difference . . .

Character Portrait: Amora Jailbait
Amora Jailbait

''Stay off me and I'll stay off you. Touch me and your head will be peacefully hanging above my bed.''

Character Portrait: Captain Colten Grey
Captain Colten Grey

"I will neither claim it nor it claim me, and so I've no idea why they call me by the sea's maiden name."

Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
Jack Mercer

The head of the British Empire Army


Character Portrait: Jacob Marac
Jacob Marac

'I am the captain of the dagger, Give me what I wnt if you value your life'

Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
Jack Mercer

The head of the British Empire Army

Character Portrait: Captain Madison Taylor
Captain Madison Taylor

I live by the Book and the Sword, only fools see a difference . . .

Character Portrait: Amora Jailbait
Amora Jailbait

''Stay off me and I'll stay off you. Touch me and your head will be peacefully hanging above my bed.''

Character Portrait: Captain Colten Grey
Captain Colten Grey

"I will neither claim it nor it claim me, and so I've no idea why they call me by the sea's maiden name."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
Jack Mercer

The head of the British Empire Army

Character Portrait: Amora Jailbait
Amora Jailbait

''Stay off me and I'll stay off you. Touch me and your head will be peacefully hanging above my bed.''

Character Portrait: Captain Madison Taylor
Captain Madison Taylor

I live by the Book and the Sword, only fools see a difference . . .

Character Portrait: Jacob Marac
Jacob Marac

'I am the captain of the dagger, Give me what I wnt if you value your life'

Character Portrait: Captain Colten Grey
Captain Colten Grey

"I will neither claim it nor it claim me, and so I've no idea why they call me by the sea's maiden name."

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Ffyliaid Heulwen

Ffyliaid Heulwen by RolePlayGateway

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British Empire

British Empire by RolePlayGateway

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Free Ports

Free Ports by RolePlayGateway

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London by RolePlayGateway

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Tortuga by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to Tortuga, The hub for pirates.

Tortuga Tavern

Tortuga Tavern by RolePlayGateway

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Port Royal

Port Royal by RolePlayGateway

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The Seas

The Seas by RolePlayGateway

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Lady Spite

Lady Spite by RolePlayGateway

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The Harbringer

The Harbringer by RolePlayGateway

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British Empire London Owner: RolePlayGateway

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The Seas

The Seas Owner: RolePlayGateway

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Tortuga Tavern

Tortuga Tortuga Tavern Owner: RolePlayGateway

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British Empire

British Empire Owner: RolePlayGateway

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Free Ports Owner: RolePlayGateway

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Free Ports Tortuga Owner: RolePlayGateway

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British Empire Port Royal Owner: RolePlayGateway

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