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Running for freedom....

Running for freedom....


You are on the run. THe government want to use you and people like you as slaves. You must run. You must hide. And it seems like the only way to end this forever, is to expose the corruption in the Government....

774 readers have visited Running for freedom.... since Mr. Baneling Squishy created it.


It started on that one day. The day after the presidents inauguration. The senate corrupted. The Representatives taking bribes. The Supreme Court's families being threatened. The president had complete control over the Government. However, no one ever noticed. The reason is that he found a way to mask the blame. He found just the right people to enslave to do it. he called them Terrorists to be, delinquents, and psychopaths. These people even included little kids.

However, most these people never seemed to do anything wrong. Some even have gone without incident at all. Many of them were Doctors or nurses as well. Yet, the government forges evidence that incriminates them and plants it. The government plans to use these people as slaves. A whole secret organization, called S.P.E.A.R., was created to get the people they planned to use as slaves. These people are forced to work in secret government installations for the rest of their lives, working with little breaks, food, water, comfort, and sunlight.

However, why are these people so special? What about them makes them so special? Why simple, they are not normal people. In fact, they are supernatural people, such as Vampires, werewolves, witches, and demons. They are gifted with unique skills and traits. The werewolves normally are forced to work in werewolf form, but they are forced to be human when not working. They are the main muscles, as werewolves have increased strength. Vampires, on the other hand, work much faster, and require to drink blood once a week at least to survive. Werewolves can actually help with this, and Vampires do not harm them as much as humans and can not turn werewolves. Witches are usually running the machinery, as they are smarter usually then most vampires and werewolves. Demons usually work everywhere, as they have a balance of all 3 enhancements.

S.P.E.A.R. stands for Supernatural Persons Enslavers And Recoverers. They locate, kidnap, and enslave supernatural beings. Their HQ is in an unknown location, but they are very mobile, very quick reacting, and very dangerous. Their only limit is that they can not become public. They usually mask behind some false C.I.A. IDs, or F.B.I..

Your awaken inside some sort of truck, not remembering how you get there or who took you. You look around, and you can only see 3 others besides you. You notice that there are two people tied up, just like you, and one person chained to the wall farthest from you. And that is where the RP will start from....


The Demon: Taken

The Werewolf: Taken

The Witch: reserved

The Vampire: Taken

Vampire Rules:
You must feed at least once a week
5 days after your last feeding, the sun will begin to burn you
Failure to feed once a week will cause you to slowly weaken and die
You do not have to drink the blood from a person
You are passively faster then the other supernaturals.
You can not turn werewolves, Witches, or Demons.

Werewolf Rules:
You can transform any time you wish, but you HAVE to on a full moon night
You will have trouble keeping control in Werewolf form, especially on a full moon
In werewolf form you are stronger, especially on a full moon
You only regenerate quicker in human form. Werewolf form regeneration takes longer.
You are weakened around a rock element called "Wolfstone".
You are also passively stronger, even in human form.

Witch Rules:
You can only cast spells in Greek (no one is quite sure why) (You can use a translation software if that helps, just simply Google translator)
There are Boy witches
Spells require energy, the more trained you are, the less energy it takes, the older you are, the more energy you have.
Metal like iron, copper, and nickle is resistant to spells. Steel, Bronze, and the other metals are immune to spells.
Your spells are less effective against werewolves, vampires, and demons, however they are also extremely less effective against werewolves in their werewolf form.
You are passively smarter then the rest

Demon Rules:
You can only posses one person at a time.
While in your Human form, you must have one demon feature (Ex: Demonic wings, horns, tail, claws)
The person you posses will have red eyes (Not fully red, but their iris's will be red)
You can only posses someone for about one or two hours.
You can not posses a witch, werewolf, or Vampire.
You are minorly passively enhanced in intelligence, strength, and speed.

Alright, thats about it, so please, come in, be reasonable (as in don't God mod, power play, or randomly kill people), and have fun! And try to get along :3

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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Maie blinked into consciousness, head pounding. The first thing she remembered was being taken. She wasn't sure who had done it, but she did remember the searing pain that had knocked her into unconsciousness. As she remembered it, a throbbing pain on the back of her head came to her attention. Observing her surroundings, she was startled to see three others in there with her- two tied up and one chained. It seemed they were in a moving vehicle, and as she opened her mouth to say something, she felt a throbbing pain in her gums and the dryness of her throat and immediately remembered that it had been several days since her last feeding. Of course, as she thought that, a sliver of sunlight came shooting in through an unseen hole, searing her abdomen where it touched. Crying out in pain, she shifted as far over as possible so that she was barely out of the light.
Had it really been that long since she had fed? Maie couldn't remember. All she knew was that she needed blood and the other three people in here with her were out of her reach unless they came closer to her. She bit back a whimper as she glanced down at her skin, which was bright red and almost blistered looking.

"I don't think any of you have a rabbit or something stashed over there that you wouldn't mind sharing?" her voice was quiet and sarcastic. "Or a vein, for that matter. No takers? That's what I thought." Maie held back a pleading tone, keeping it as unnoticeable as possible.

As she observed how she was bound, a dim realization came over her that in order to untie her, she would need to be back in the beam of sunlight.


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Damion felt a hard lump on his head, after waking up. Unfortunately, it became clear to him that there was a problem. First, he saw 3 other people. From what he could smell, one demon, one vampire, and one human (as witches are still basically human's just with magic). He tried to stand up and move towards them, only then noticing, as he was still groggy, that they were tied up, and his leg was chained to the farthest wall from them. He tried to remember exactly what happened. Last thing he remember is that he had just gotten home. It was raining and he had accidentally slipped into a puddle, so he had taken his shoes and socks off. He then had gone to the fridge to get a snack, when someone hit him in the back of the head with something. Hence the lump. As the vampire then asked about rabbits and veins, he noted "Werewolf, you do not want my blood running through your system".

"So.....i can smell one of you is a vampire and one of you is a demon, so im just going to go with a guess here and say that the human here is actually a witch....." he noted, and then looking at him, added "Wait, i thought all witches were girls?". He then looked around and noted "Does anyone know who the hell these people are? And why we are here?". He then tried to break out of the chains, however, he soon noticed that on the ceiling was a Wolfstone. "Well thats great. Anyone have any ideas of how to get out of here, because i doubt they are taking us to Disney world....".

He looked around the inside of the dark truck. No windows, naturally. However, from that unseen hole that was their only source of light, he could hear the sounds of cars speeding by, and smell various gases. All he needed now was something that could tell us where they were. "So, i guess since we might be here awhile, my names Damion".


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#, as written by Sky Ash
Sora leaned back against the side of the truck, watching the other three bodies lying unconscious on the floor. He'd waken up a short while ago, and quickly came to the conclusion that these guys had been kidnapped, just like him. They seemed to be around his age. One was a vampire, another was a werewolf, and the last one was a Demon.

The vampire girl woke up first. She looked hungry. Sora wondered if it would insult her if he offered to give her some blood; the blood trickling down the back of his neck didn't seem to be stopping.

The werewolf woke up next. He didn't seem surprised. Maybe it was a werewolf kind of thing; he'd have to look it up sometime. Sora didn't pay attention to what he was saying, but as soon as the words "I thought all witches were girls" came out, he swore. No one took notice of him. Sora gritted his teeth out of annoyance at Damion's statement but decided to let it go, for now.

"I'm Sora," he introduced himself, straining against the rope. Whoever captured us must've known what we were, he realized. Where else can you find a demon, a vampire, a werewolf and a...witch all in one place? How the heck did they find us? He didn't share his thoughts with the others, but he guessed they were thinking the same thing.

"I'm getting out of here," Sora muttered. "dialýontai." Nothing happened.

He realized he was using the wrong spell, but he didn't want to admit it, and he couldn't remember the right one anyway. Sora's shoulders were aching. The loss of blood along with hunger was making him feel dizzy. He had no idea what time it was or how long they'd been in here.


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#, as written by zody
Quinn awoke to the smells of gas and blood, which made him slightly hungrier. He tried to move his arms, but couldn't, and that's when he noticed he was tied up. His lip curled slightly. "Are they seriously trying this again, pfft... they should seriously give up...". He opened his eyes and noticed that there were three other people in the room with him. Great. Quinn shuffled about and eventually moved towards the group, and he resented the fact that he was slithering along like a Caterpillar, which gave him to notion that he was helpless. Especially if a bird were to snatch him up. He scrambled to a sitting positiion, and looked around. The was a girl, who looked hungrier that he felt, and two boys, one who was chained up to the back wall and the other looked fairly normal, but Quinn wasn't decieved, he'd always been good at solving puzzles. "So, here we have a Vamp, a Werewolf, a Witch, and little ol' me. Now,anyone know why we're here?" Quinn felt like revealing his tail, but he didn't know if they knew he had one yet,so he kept it hidden.


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(posting at school, XD)

Damion looked at Sora, still able to hear him. Hit that was beside the point. He had another thought on his mind however. "So, anyone else wondering what the hell is going on? And why we are here? Or perhaps, how we can escape? Or better yet, when can we get some food?" Damion asked. It was clear to him it had at least been 2 days since he ate. However, the truck soon did a sharp turn, causing him to hit the side of the truck. Soon after, a slot in the door opened, apparently only able to open from the outside, but then quickly closed.

Damion was slowly beginning to realize more and more about the surroundings. When the slot opened, it was dark, so they are in a dark building. If they are stopping, but we are not being taken out, this is ether a meeting point or a stop, meaning ether way it will probably be night out. And the fact they are not giving us food probably means they don't care or hate us, or supernatural people in general. "So......wait, since your a vampire, can't you use your fangs to break your rope? And Sora, don't you have a spell to unlock these chains?" he asked.


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Maie winced as she pulled herself up into something that could be called a sitting position. Inhaling through her nose had been a mistake, as she quickly found out that one of them, the one that seemed to be a Witch, was bleeding. Breathing heavily, she tried to block out the tantalizing scent and pull herself up to bite at the ropes that held her arms captive, as the Werewolf suggested.

"Maie. Call me Mei or some variation. If you call me some corny half-assed joke like 'Fangs', I swear on the tantalizing scent of your blood I will end you." As she finished speaking, she bit into the rope, but discovered she didn't have the strength to bite through it immediately.

It would take her at least a couple tries to make it through and her arms were hardly going to hold her up that long.

Sliding back to the floor, she coughed. "Well, unless someone's gonna tap a vein, I don't think I'm going anywhere soon. Pretty soon I'll be lucky to be talkin'." a thump resounded as her head fell back against the wall in defeat, a wince crossing her face as pain erupted in her stomach, reminding her just how long it had been since she had fed.
After a moment's thought, she looked up at the unidentified boy in the cell. "Oi, Demon boy, can't you possess the guard or something? Make him come in here and untie slash unlock us and maybe donate some blood?" her brain was mostly centered on one thing, as had probably become obvious.

She was breathing hard, trying not to lose control completely and go into some sort of murdering frenzy. Normally she had better control than this, but she was 'just so thirsty'.


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#, as written by zody
Quinn closed his mouth as he heard the girl talk. He pulled himself up and blew the hair out of his face. Revealing his red eyes. He crossed his legs, and closed his eyes.

Winston was enjoying a nice bottle of Coke and the fresh air, because we all know that being stuck inside that truck, especially with the nauseating fact that those things in the back could break free whenever they really wanted, especially the kid with the tail with the blade-like part. He wondered if the boy even rememered who he was, I mean. Winston had injected him with a drug that would cause amnesia. Winston finished the Coke, and went to get back into the Truck, when he felt it pass through him. Winston felt it tug at his will, which quickly dissolved as he realised that he was moving towards the back end of the truck, he resisted, but the force pulled harder and he eventually gave in. He walked to the back of the truck and wrenched open the door.

Quinn smirked at the man as he came inside the back of the Truck, obviously against his will. He looked like he'd recently been drinking something. The man walked over to the Vampire and cut the ropes that bound her, thenhe cut the Witch's ropes, and then he unbound the Werewolf from his chains. Quinn stood, having cut his own ropes with his tail. "I guess I could've done that earlier". Quinn looked at the guard, who was busy tieing himself up tightly, and Quinn kicked him towards Maie, and released him from the Demonic Possession.

"Eat up, and by the way. My name's Quinn."


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"well, guess we wait now. Unless someone else has a plan. Or better, something to eat?" Damion noted. He wasn't sure how long he was out, but the wound on his head was only a bump, so it had at least been a day, maybe two. His stomach then growled loudly. However, soon the guard came in, clearly possessed, and freed them all. From the look of it, night had fallen. "So, I'm going to see if they have food. Who wants to come with?" he noted, getting out of the truck. Now that he was a good distance from the Wolfstone, he felt much better.

However, he quickly looked down surprised. Of course then he remembered he had gotten home and taken his shoes off, so now he had stepped in mud, which annoyed him. He looked back at the guard, and took the guards shoes, putting them on. They were obviously a little, okay like 2-3 sizes big, but still. He walked to the truck and found 4 cans of unopened coke, and 2 boxes of pizza. "Found food!" he yelled, quickly snagging a slice of pepperoni and sausage pizza, and happily eating it.

He then asked "So, anyone know where we are, and please tell me one of you can drive?"


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Maie grinned, sharp fangs glinting in the dim light, as she saw the back of the truck open and a guy come in, eyes revealing that he was possessed, and cut her ropes. Bringing her arms to her sides, she pulled off the last bit of rope and rubbed her wrists where they had been bound. As the man fell in front of her, tied up, she almost made a growling noise as she slid, impossibly fast, toward him. One hand covered his mouth, another went to the back of his head, tilting his chin up and out of her way as she darted in like a snake, biting his neck roughly and drinking the red substance within. Within seconds the man was drained of blood and Maie was standing up and stretching, wiping a thin trail of blood from her face.

"I can drive," she grinned, "but you may not like it."


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#, as written by Sky Ash
Sora stared at the ceiling. His stomach lurched as the truck suddenly jerked sideways. Good grief, he thought, squeezing his eyes shut and bending double. He was sitting in the front seat, next to Maie. He felt feverish and his skin was cold and clammy. His face had a greenish tinge to it and the goosebumps on his arms wouldn't go away.

"Look, Maie, it'll be better if we let someone-" Sora paused in mid-sentence, clamping one hand over his mouth while trying to keep down the bile from rising in his throat. He shouldn't have eaten all that pizza and coke in one go. Plus, the combination of Maie's driving and the surface of the road made every rock and bump a huge one. It was like being on a rodeo.

"Narko̱ménos," he muttered, and instantly the feverishness and the nausea lessened. He'd been so focused on praying for his life that he hadn't thought of using that spell earlier.

"Where are we going?" Sora asked. "And how come there were so few guards?"

They'd managed to collect all of us and they've managed to keep their identity secret from us. Who are they? They probably knew who we were. Where were they going to take us? And where are we?!


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(For explenation as to what will happen later, i bring you Martin, the OTHER guard on the truck XD)

Martin came back, after having gone to the bathroom and such, only to find the truck....and winston....gone, and a bunch of rope on the ground. "Crap, better call this in...." he noted, taking out his radio and reporting that they managed to break free. (XD)

(Il post with my own charrie soon)


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As they drove on, it didn't take long for Damion to notice the 4 of them at the front was a little too crowded. He was stuffed in so tightly, it was begining to get hard to breath. At first he thought he could handle it. But pretty soon, he realized this wasn't going to work. Not with all 4 of them in front, 3 could fit, but 4 couldn't. He took the wheel for a moment and had them pull over, then opening a window. "Okay, that was way too crampt.....someone is going to have to ride on top of the truck or run and follow us......" he noted, or really more like gasped, to them.

"I mean, i could probably keep up with a truck as a werewolf, and Mai seems to be the only one of us that is able to drive so she cant run. So unless someone wants to ride on top, i should probably just follow you as a werewolf. Because i can NOT sit in there with 3 other people inside......." he told them, panting. "So, any other ideas? Or are we going with mine?" he asked them.


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#, as written by Sky Ash
"I know a shrinking spell," Sora replied, and without waiting for an answer, he shrank himself. "ti̱ meío̱si̱ to̱n."

When he opened his eyes, he found himself standing on a hot, rough surface. At first he was confused, but then he realized it was just the dashboard. He turned around and saw Maie, Damion and Quinn. They looked... huge. He could see every blemish, spot and hair on their face. He'd shrunk himself to about the size of a bobble head, which was small.

"What's so funny?" he snapped as he noticed the other guys staring at him weirdly. He turned back to the windscreen and sat down, staring outside.


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#, as written by zody
Quinn looked at Sora, and nearly laughed. He stomped on the brakes which caused the Truck to stop. "I'll go up on the roof and watch out for us, just in case someone notices that their truck was stolen". He kicked the side door open and grabbed the outisde, hoisting himself up and over the railing that lined the top of the truck. He closed the door annd slapped the side of the truck to signal for Maie to start driving again. He stood, taking in the fresh air, and surveyed the plains around the truck. It was barren, with only a few trees about, and Quinn wondered if they were alive or not. He squinted down the road and saw something racing toward them. Quinn squinted even harder, and realised what it was.


Quinn pulled open the door on Maie's side and calmly looked her in the eye. "We've got company, need me to do anything?".


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Damion had stopped paying attention awhile ago, focusing on some noises he could hear far away. And pretty soon, they came into view. 4 vans, 2 helicopters, and a jeep with a mounted chaingun of some sort. To make things worse, a roadblock was up ahead. "These guys work fast!" he noted. He looked for anything that could help. 2 DVDs, a combat knife, some IDs, an EZ pass, a radio, another coke, some water bottles, 3 AA batteries, and a plastic spork. Oh, and a laptop under the seat. That's all he found.

So these are the options he saw. Get captured, attempt to run the road block, fight impossible odds, or run/drive into the forrest. He noted the options, and then followed up with "So what do you guys think?".


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Maie grinned at Sora's carsickness, but did nothing about it. She remained silent as the others made minor adjustments, such as slamming on the breaks, which she did not appreciate in the least bit, but did not do anything about. As she saw the roadblock up ahead, she ignored Quinn pulling open her door, braced her feet on the floor, called out for everyone to hold on and swerved into the forest, narrowly avoiding a nasty collision with a tree. Slamming on the breaks, she looked at the others, eyes narrowed.

"This may just be my line of thinking, but I don't want to be hunted down like an animal. I'm gonna fight and I'm gonna win, even if it kills me. You all, however, are gonna get as far the hell away as you possibly can, with or without the truck. Got it? Good." At that, she hopped out of her open car door swiftly, having never buckled her seat belt throughout the ordeal, and slammed the aluminum frame behind her.

Within seconds she was sprinting back at the blockade, attacking the soldiers that were advancing toward the car and tearing out their jugulars with her teeth. However, as she finished off the last one, which was taking her slightly longer to kill, since he was faster than the others, she heard the first explosion of a sound from the mounted gun. A bullet hit her square in her right shoulder, fracturing and probably dislocating it, as well as tearing up muscle. Although she was slightly less effective with only one arm, she easily took down several more guards, but was having trouble getting at a good angle to attack the one using the mounted gun. Growling, she circled the vehicle, popping her shoulder back into place as she went with hardly a grimace. She was used to this sort of thing, since some people got it into their heads that Vampires sparkled in sunlight and should be hunted down and shot. After a minute she realized she was in trouble. About a dozen guards from one of the vans were circling her, all wielding machine guns and what appeared to be machetes. Instantly it clicked. These people didn't care if she lived or not. They were just here to dispose of the evidence. And then and there she realized she was on the losing side of the battle. No way was she getting away from machetes and guns, she had already run out most of her energy and was panting at this point.

"Sorry, Kayl, looks like I've failed as your little sister." the words were a breath, barely audible as hope drained from the Vampire girl, but her teasing tone remained in her next couple sentences.
"Gonna kill the dead girl? That's kind of redundant, don't you think? Couldn't you just, I don't know, tie me up and toss me in the truck again? Hell, keep me for a couple weeks, watch me suffer and die. Don't that sound more appealing to y'all?" she talked loudly to the guards, hoping vainly that one of the others was still close enough to hear what she believed would be her last words.

"Actually, we were thinking about that suffering thing, but you won't be alone if this works." a guard had stepped silently up behind Maie and was now sliding his machete against her neck, the barely-there pressure reminding her of when she'd been bitten and changed, so many years ago.

Next came a blinding pain and all Maie could see was black. She couldn't control her body anymore and she wasn't sure if she was dead or if they had just knocked her out.


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#, as written by Sky Ash
"Ah, crap..." Sora sighed, jumping off the dashboard and turning back to his original size. "Maie!"

He swung himself out the window of the truck and crashed into one of the soldiers, somehow managing to land on his feet. "Damion, Quinn, a little help here? And why, why does it always have to be me?!" He moaned, kicking another guard down. "Gló̱ssas syndéetai!" He waved his hand and about three of the soldiers collapsed, choking on their own tongues which had suddenly tied themselves into a knot and forced themselves down their owner's throats.

Sora didn't know what had happened to the other boys; all he could hear was gunfire and the blood roaring in his ears as he leapt and dodged. He'd just reached Maie's body when he suddenly crumpled, writhing in pain. Someone had somehow managed to shoot him. Steel bullet, probably. Another burst of pain shot up his leg and he yelled. It felt like he was being stabbed with a white hot poker. He would have been able to heal himself if the bullets weren't made of metal. He struggled to his hands and knees, bending over Maie to prevent the bullets from hitting her.

"Damn it, get up!" he shouted. The last thing he remembered was something huge flying towards his face and then, nothing.


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Damion attempted to get the truck going. Which didn't end well, since it was stuck in mud. Damion sighed, and opened the door. Even for his werewolf strength, the truck was too heavy. On another note, he didn't feel right leaving her. He looked at them and was going to say something, except the 2 helicopters then came into view, having come for them instead. They fired a little, causing some trees to fall and separate him from them. "You guys go, il catch up!" he noted. He sighed, and looked at the helicopters, taking off his shirt and shoes, and beginning to run straight for them, transforming into a werewolf in the process.

He jumped up onto a tree, and noticed the helicopters were dropping off armed men, notably with tranquilizer guns. They also had machine guns and machetes. He jumped onto a helicopter, fighting the men inside still. The 2 helicopters began moving back towards the road for help, but Damion took out the first pilot, then jumped over to the second one, with a few trees in-between.

There were a few more people on this helicopter. As he fought them off and knocked them out, one managed to get 2 good slashes to his back. He survived easily, but it still hurt there, and it might hinder him a little. He knocked the guy off the helicopter quickly before the third slash. He then took out the pilot, and realized the helicopter was going to crash right into a bunch of troops....and Maie. He couldn't let Maie die, and he noticed they knocked her unconscious. He quickly jumped off, dropping about 2 stories height, which hurt a little more then usual due to the slashes. He ran on all 4, but he really wished he had vampire speed. He quickly picked up Maie, and ran in the direction of the smell of the others.


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#, as written by zody
Quinn laughed as he soldiers surrounded him. He leaped off of the truck and landed in a crouched position. His eyes went red and one of the soldiers suddenly lurched, but then they seemed to step backwards, and they fired the rounds into the other soldiers, just before Quinn regained control, and snapped his neck. Quinn looked around, noticing Maie on the ground and Sora standing over her, whilst Damion was messing around in the chopper. Quinn heard something bhind him, and turned, narrowly dodging a silver bullet. "Dude, I'm not a Werewolf, I'm a Demon". Quinn booted the shooter in the gut, sending him toppling into his partner. Quinn turned around to see Damion leap onto Sora and Maie, and move them out of the way. Quinn dashed to the location where they were. He jumped and landed onto the shoulders off a soldier, and leaped from the man onto a crashed chopper.

An extremely loud bang resounded in the winds, and Quinn jumped and flipped out of the way, landing directly in front of the Machine-Gun mounted Jeep. It fired again, and once again Quinn move away. He wished he had Maie's speed, cuz she'd probably already be there. He dashed even faster, vaulted a soldier and jumped onto the Jeep, throwing the driver a few meters. Quinn booted the other guys head in, but he shot Quinn in the leg, which stung like hell. Quinn hopped onto the Machine Gunner and snapped his neck. Screw possessing this guy, Quinn'd let himelf have a little fun. Quinn sat down and pulled the trigger, sending bullets raining upon the soldiers that threatened him. He grinned, he'd never had this much fun in.... well, wait.

I" can't remember. Anything at all. I can only remember my name and what I really am...."

Quinn stood, and ran towards the crashed chopper, surveying the wreckage to see if the others were alive or not.

"Guys, you still with me?".


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Maie floated back into consciousness, opening her eyes and then bringing them into slits to make the light not so bright. After a moment she realized that she was being held by something and she immediately struggled to get free. When she did, she realized that it had been a wolf, which she guessed was Damion, holding her. Nodding her thanks, she sprinted back into the fray, ignoring the throbbing pain in the back of her head. After a moment, she realized that all that was remaining to take down was the second helicopter. Sprinting toward one of the cars, she leaped onto the hood of the car and landed with her knees bent, only down for a second before she sprung into the air again, letting her momentum carry her toward the helicopter. Grabbing the landing gear on the bottom and crawling up into the main body. She took down all but the pilot in under a minute, draining them of blood before she set to work on the last living human on the aircraft.
Draining the pilot, she watched as his hands went slack on the console and the helicopter went out of control. Dropping the limp body she had been drinking from, Maie flung herself out of the aircraft as soon as it was close to the ground and turned so that she hit on her side. Rolling, she brought her arms up to shield her face, just like she had so many years ago when she did artistic roller skating. Immediately climbing to her feet, she brushed dirt from her face and clothes and ran her fingers through her hair. Next, she rubbed away the line of blood that made it obvious that she had been feeding on someone. She stood up like she had just done a jump on her skates and landed it perfectly, standing straight and tall with her chin level and her shoulders and hips back. Of course, that was how she had always stood since she was a child.
Heading back to the boys, she did a quick glance-over on each of them, making sure they were safe and alive before she headed back to the truck and stood for a moment, frowning at the fact that it was now stuck.


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#, as written by Sky Ash
Somewhere in the back of Sora's mind, three boys were having an argument. One of them kept yelling that he shouldn't have tried to save Maie and wanted him to wake up so he could scream at Maie before he went back to sleep. The other one said that he should just stay where he was and continue sleeping, since he'd been injured. The last one wanted him to get up and start moving before he got squished by soldiers or cars or werewolves. The argument was finally settled when Sora woke up, forcing himself to stand up. He was just in time to see Maie take down a helicopter. He was totally confused. The werewolf and the demon had apparently decided to help them out, he guessed, judging from the number of people carpeting the ground and the wrecked cars. At least the truck was okay.

"Well... what do we do now? Should we walk on or try to find out who these creepy gay stalkers are?" he said as he clawed out the bullet from his leg. It felt kind of like being poked with a pair of blunt scissors. The river of blood had stopped flowing. His magic had already begun to work as soon as the bullet had been removed. Sora couldn't reach the one in his shoulder though. "Uh... a little help here, anybody?" He twisted around, trying to get to it.


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Damion looked at all 3 of the others. He took a step forward, then collapsed. All the movement he did, combined with fighting off SPEAR soldiers/agents, had caused the wound to get worse. He collapsed onto the ground, his wounds hurting like hell. The thing is, he heals faster in human mode, and is highly resistant to magic in werewolf mode. Of course, his wound makes it impossible to maintain werewolf form as well. The thing is he would be sort of embarrassed if he transformed in front of them, people he just met.

He was in severe pain now however, and he really can't maintain it for much longer. Granted it's no longer getting worse, but it's not getting much better while he is in werewolf form. And the best for speech in werewolf form is a growl, which can only be understood truely by other werewolves. He was losing strength quickly. Soon, he just didn't have enough energy to maintain. His wolf body retracted in size and strength, and he was human once more. He looked around at the others and was slightly embarrassed, and slightly shocked. But that wasn't all, he could hear another helicopter coming. He quickly gathered his stuff and hid behind a tree, although the wound made it difficult to move. Actually, the quickly moving behind a tree made it worse, every movement and word did. He sighed, and hoped Sora could heal him soon.


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#, as written by Sky Ash
Sora finally managed to get the bullet out somehow. He dropped it and stood up, brushing the dirt off his pants and letting out a sigh. He noticed Damion retreating behind a tree. He seemed to be a little hurt. Looking around to make sure the others weren't too badly beat up he strolled over to Damion and knelt down.

"Huh. A little shy, are we?" he said in a vague way, examining the wound and prodding the area around it. "Meh. It's not too bad, I guess, though it'd help if I'd had painkillers. Sorry 'bout that. Katharízoun."

Immediately any foreign particles or bacteria dissolved. There was a strange smell, not very unlike saltwater. "Epoulo̱thoún." The wound closed up and the bleeding stopped. Only a faint pinkish line could be seen. Sora sat down, staring at the sky. He was feeling a little bit empty, as though he hadn't eaten. Or was it nausea? He'd never had to use that much magic in just one day. Well, at least it would regenerate fast enough.


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Damion sighed as his wounds hurt like hell. However Sora arrived, and used a good healing spell. As he healed thanks to Sora, he could still hear another helicopter. He then looked down, realizing he was still naked. It was the one thing he found annoying about being a werewolf. Although he had gotten use to changing in front of his old friends and family, he had only just met Sora and the others. However, he also wondered now what happened to his friends and family. Were they taken too?

He sighed, and decided to think about it later. Then noting to Sora "Thanks again, but we better get moving now. Il transform back and keep an eye out for trouble. Il stay close bye and yell if there's trouble coming. If we go deeper into the forest, their vehicles can't follow us. Tell the others this....." he noted, then adding "and if it's not too much trouble, could you carry my stuff". Damion sighed, and transformed. He began to look around for any more signs of trouble.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Damion Gray
Character Portrait: Quinn
Character Portrait: Sky Ash


Character Portrait: Sky Ash
Sky Ash

Yes, I'm a guy and I'm a witch. What's so wrong about that?!

Character Portrait: Quinn

"You really like me?.... Well uh... thank you?...."

Character Portrait: Damion Gray
Damion Gray

A over curious but nice, kind, and sweet werewolf....


Character Portrait: Sky Ash
Sky Ash

Yes, I'm a guy and I'm a witch. What's so wrong about that?!

Character Portrait: Damion Gray
Damion Gray

A over curious but nice, kind, and sweet werewolf....

Character Portrait: Quinn

"You really like me?.... Well uh... thank you?...."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sky Ash
Sky Ash

Yes, I'm a guy and I'm a witch. What's so wrong about that?!

Character Portrait: Quinn

"You really like me?.... Well uh... thank you?...."

Character Portrait: Damion Gray
Damion Gray

A over curious but nice, kind, and sweet werewolf....

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Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

Oh, and for those of you that are confused/annoyed/perplexed/entropled by this calender thing, i am going to summarize the posts to help everyone :D

Maie woke up, took out a helicopter, and was headed back to us. Sora was healing himself, and was trying to get this one bullet out of his shoulder, which he cant. Quinn is also approaching us, doesn't remember anything except what he is and his name, and is in tact. Damion is still suffering from the 2 slashes at his back (as one slash would be lethal for a human, 2 slashes is a pretty serious wound for a werewolf). Damion needs to be healed and he also, due to his wounds and everything he did, was forced to transform back into a human and is close to passing out unless healed. And a helicopter is inbound.

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

I know, iv been busy with many many things. One of which involved going to the hospital.

Il probably get a post up sometime this afternoon.

Speaking of posting, all posters, take position and post!

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

Hey, Char. We need you to post on A Changed Power. Biz and I are waiting on you. :)

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

Forens, we need a post from you now

Pie = epic win

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

Already did. Im also calling for a posting run on all positions.

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

And we really need you to post to Lives of Supernaturals...

I have pie, too. ^.^

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

I know that. I know all.

On a side note, its the weekend, and.......i has pie :D

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

*Poke* SquishyChar, you should post to A Changed Power. :)

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

Woah. @.@ Hi there, random time skip!

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

Just to note a few things:

1: please post soon? :3

2: my volcano was ze best of my grade. :D

3: I made lava come from it. :D

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

Forensic_Anthro wrote:I understand your pain. I'm a bit behind in Math and have two Science labs to do, plus an English research paper, and a History portfolio all due this week, plus keeping up with the lessons that will be going on while I'm doing these. Also, I have a German speaking exam and Geography to keep up on. Death by school. Anyway, I'm procrastinating the labs and did the twelve lessons after them. xD Only three units left and then I have one less thing to do. :D If I'm very, very lucky I may get caught up enough in time to get on break at the same time as Biz. Anyway, I'm off to go watch The X-Files now, or at least something like that. ^.^

Heh. And now I cant sleep. This is perfect. I already feel groggy too, and my eyes feel tired, but i have been awake in bed for an hour and 30 minuets now and im bored like hell.

But, just to be clear, this was Collage Level Romeo and Juliet. Which has more sex jokes then id like to mention. Anyways, in some ways me unable to sleep is a good thing. Now i might actually be able to catch up on things i have been unable to catch up on. Although, later today my schoolday is going to be extreamly shitty and im probably going to fall asleep in class. xD

On a side note, im a heavy procrastinator, and yet im on the honor role 3 times in a row, and hopping for a forth. How does THAT happen?

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

I understand your pain. I'm a bit behind in Math and have two Science labs to do, plus an English research paper, and a History portfolio all due this week, plus keeping up with the lessons that will be going on while I'm doing these. Also, I have a German speaking exam and Geography to keep up on. Death by school. Anyway, I'm procrastinating the labs and did the twelve lessons after them. xD Only three units left and then I have one less thing to do. :D If I'm very, very lucky I may get caught up enough in time to get on break at the same time as Biz. Anyway, I'm off to go watch The X-Files now, or at least something like that. ^.^

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

I know, im not dead from that yet. But i JUST finished my volcano project, i finished my English Romeo and Juliet essay yeasyerday, and i still need to do a documnentry on how Homework is hurting more then helping.

With me luck.

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

@SquishyChar: We need you to post on Animal Life. At least in the OOC...

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

Accepted. People may begin posting. Lunch over tho

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

nah, I've already posted the profile... And it's eleven p.m. right now, and I've got school tomorrow. I gotta go sleep, I have exams... I'll see everyone tomorrow!

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

All right, il keep it reserved for you for at least 2 days, more if you tell me you need more time

And epic!!! Boy witch xD

Oh, and I'm at school ATM. XD. Epic win

Re: [OOC] Running for freedom....

I'll take the last spot. And hell YEAH it'll be a boy (even though I'm a girl...) But whatever. A boy witch... hahaha, this'll be a laugh.