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The Dance of the Dragon

The Dance of the Dragon


This is the life in a dragon training and rehabilitation camp.

561 readers have visited The Dance of the Dragon since MotherDragons created it.


Dragons are now endangered and Camp All'iv'ara works to save and rehabilitate dragons so they can go return in the wild. Dragon poaching is illegal, yet it still happens entirely to much. The head of the camp is a young woman who lives to bring the dragon population up to par. Let's see where this goes, Shall we?

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors

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Harmony sat under a shady oak tree next to an elderly dragon with dim purple scales. A large bristleberry thorn was lodged in her foot.
"Ignari ke'as'ha ta'la'tari,(This may hurt a bit)" Harmony spoke in a kindly tone. Harmony wrapped her hand around the large thorn and pulled hard. The thorn came out easily. Harmony packed the wound with a paste made from pine needle broth. She wrapped the wound with a bandage.
"thank you, little one," the old dragon spoke in heavily accented english. Harmony smiled softly to herself.
"You're welcome to stay for a while," Harmony replied as she helped the old queen up.(*queen is a word for elderly female dragon)
"Alright. I will stay for the night," the dragon said as she followed the young women with aged grace. Harmony unlocked and opened the door for the dragon. Several younglings appeared at the door. Harmony gave each of them a hug and lead the queen to the guest bedroom.
"Here we are. The bathroom is down the hall and please forgive any younglings that wander in here," Harmony said as she headed out the door.
"Thank you for such kindness, little one. In times now, humans aren't dragon's friends anymore," the queen said, "but i have one question for you, are you truly a dragon Shaman?" Harmony paused and thought the question over.
"Ik'in'ai ver'ah dan'ea'ha,(I call forth wind of the goddess)" Harmony said as the wind picked up, "gan'kai ha'rhi va'han'eu(and I dismiss it)." The queen raised her eyes in shock.

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#, as written by tayah12
Matt had a distant look on his face as he lent against a wall of the building while day dreaming to himself. He was once again lost in his own world, his idea of dragons before he had learnt of the Rehabilitation centre was something that represented the legends, fire breathing monsters that knights in shining Armour ventured after on their trusted steeds. He usually dreamt about anything, from being a superhero to a spy. Now that his dreams were a reality, he now never had to dream about dragons as now he could experience their breath and their voices for real.

His eyes were disturbed from his dream while he spotted a young female, most commonly known as a 'Princess'. Her scales were a dreamy blue, like the colour of the sky on a sunny day. Although Matt had been here for a few months now, he still wasn't used to the idea that he was able to spend his time around these mystical creatures. Although now they didn't seem that mystical to him anymore, the elegance of their shape and the grace of their movement always caught Matt's attention.

As the female wandered past him, he quickly realised that he had other things to do but he had been wasting his time while dreaming away. His first instinct was to try and find Harmony, and ask her what he should be doing now. Although he was wary of doing this. What if she was busy? He pondered the thought of this before deciding against it, maybe he should show some initiative and find something to do by himself.

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Harmony went outside.
"MATT!!!" she called loudly. She noticed the beautiful blue dragon and went over to her.
"Hello," she said softly. The dragon had noticed Matt though and was heading over to him. Harmony Just watched with a smirk. It was around lunch time and everyone would start to be getting hungry. She turned around and went back in the house. She began making lunch.

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#, as written by tayah12
Matt looked up sharply away from the dragon towards Harmony, before she disappeared inside. He wondered whether to follow her in, but seeing as the dragon and lumbered over to him in a friendly fashion he decided it would only be fair to spend some time with the young female.

"Hello." He greeted her with a slight nod of his head, he was trusting the dragon with her knowledge of the human language, he had not yet had a full grasp on their language, but he was trying his best to learn it as quick as he could; but learning a new language was no easy task.

The young dragon stopped before him, with a friendly look in her large yellow eyes. Sometimes he wondered how eyes the type that wolves and lions had could seem so friendly, but he figured that if an animal such as a dragon could exist, then anything was possible.

"Afternoon." She replied kindly before slowly wandering off again taking her time as she sniffed around the area, she was new to the centre Matt had learned as he saw only come in a week before, and the extent of her injuries picked up from a poacher was still visible around one of her front legs with a deep circled gash bitten into her scales: it was healing, but slowly.

Matt followed the direction in which Harmony had disappeared off in, and he pushed open the door peering in each of large rooms until he found himself in the doorway of the kitchen where Harmony was busy making lunch.

"Want any help?" He asked strolling inside.

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"Sure, Darling, will you go upstairs and take the newest queen her lunch. She is in the room across from my room," Harmony responded with a smile, "And then come back down here for a lesson on dragon language." She winked at him and handed him a platter with lunch on it. She looked at her feet, her pale hair hiding her face. Matt was the best person to work here that happened. She could tell that his interest in dragons, along concern for their entire population, was as deep-seeded as hers.

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#, as written by tayah12
He smiled slightly and took hold of the platter carefully taking care not to drop it on the floor.

"Alright, see you in a bit then." He laughed gently before heading out of the room, carefully carrying the platter along the halls before reaching the Queen's room. He expertly balanced the platter with one hand and then opened the door with other the door creaking open as he slipped into the room.

She lay at the far side of her room, relaxing happily with slow even breaths, her eyes watching me as I walked in. She lifted up her head and stood up in one fluid motion nodding her head at Matt as he shut the door behind him. Engaging the Queen in conversation, he greeted her cheerfully and placed the platter down near her which she greatfully accepted.

"Thank you." She answered warmly, and politely waited until Matt left the room until she started to eat, tucking into the large meal that was provided for her.

He strode back along the long hallways, navigating his way through the winding hallways of the large house, he was sure enough getting used to the size of this place and he was now starting to enjoy the wide spaces.

He made his way back to the kitchen where he soon laid eyes on Harmony's blonde hair. "I'm back." He smiled letting the door swing shut after he walked through.

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"Cool. I just finished making our lunch," She replied as she sat down at the table with a tray of sandwich.
'You hungry?" She asked as she got up and grabbed a leather bound book. She bit her lip as she flipped through the book until she found the page she was looking for.
"Translate these sentences, while I go to the market and get some more potatoes. It appears that the younglings got into them again. Also, go in and check on the hatchlings. You're in charge while I'm gone," Harmony said as she grabbed her wallet and keys, "I'll be gone an hour at most." She headed out to offroad jeep. She got in and made her way into the town.

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#, as written by tayah12
Daunted with the task of being in charge, Matt figured he could put off translating the sentences for a while; he didn't really like languages anyway. He picked up a sandwich and took a bite out of one as he wandered through the opposite hall to where the hatchlings were situated.

He peered inside the door and let his eyes run along the newly hatched dragons who ambled around the room playing with one another, a breif smile flickered onto his face as he turned away leaving them be, all was good for now and he made a mental note to check up on them later.

Turning back, he made his way to the kitchen where the book was splayed on the table next to the tray of sandwiches. He let out a heartfelt sigh, he'd always hated learning languages in school, but he was trying to make an effort with this. It was defenitly hard as he wasn't exactly the most academic of all people but he was going to make a good go of it...

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I hope Matt is okay. Harmony thought to herself as she paid for the bag of potatoes. She was halfway to her car, when a local woman came over to her.
"Are you Harmony Todd?" she asked in broken english.
"I am Harmony Todd," Harmony responded softly.
"I know man who is selling dragon," She said in hushed tones.
"Take me there," Harmony said raising an eyebrow. The women led Harmony into a small shop. In the corner was a halfling the size of a small dog was chained in the corner.
"Excuse me, sir?" she asked in a calm voice, although she was mad enough to explode him instantly on contact.
"And what can I do for ya, little lady?" the man responded in a deep, rich voice, heavily accented. Harmony guessed tennessee or one of the southern states.
"Are you aware that it is illegal to sell or trade a dragon? If you release her to me, I won't press charges, but if you don't release her to me, I have the jurisdiction to remove her from this premises. Now, what's your choice?"
"I don't know who you think you are, missy. Demanding that I give you the dragon and such," he responded with raised eyebrows. Harmony rolled her eyes. Breathing deeply, she took control over his body and took the dragon. Quickly wiping the man's memory of even having a dragon, she hurried out the door and to her car. She set the halfling in the front seat and quickly drove back to the camp. Carrying the halfling to the door, she knocked with her foot,

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#, as written by tayah12
Hearing the knock of the door, Matt's eyes shot up away from the page scribbled with words forming something called a sentence. Looking at the lock Harmony had been slightly over an hour so it must have been her at the door.

Confirming his thoughts as he opened the door, he laid eyes on Harmony and the hafling in her arms.

"New guest?" He asked with a cheerful but puzzled smile on his face as he stepped back out of the way to let her through inside.

"I managed to translate most of those sentences, can't garuntee they're right though." He chuckled rubbing his arm with a sheepish look about himself...

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"Kind of," She responded. The halfling growled at Matt. Harmony sighed and set the halfling on a chair.
"This is Matt. He is really nice," Harmony said as she went to the fridge and pulled out a couple of leftover chicken legs.
"Here," she said to the dragon as she handed it over to her, "Matt, come talk to me in the other room for a moment." Harmony's face looked like she was okay, but anyone who knew her, could see the anger in her sapphire blue eyes. Taking a handful of hair, she pulled it back in a tight ponytail. It revealed an intricate dragon goddess tattoo.

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#, as written by tayah12
Watching her as she moved about the kitchen, he gave her a slightly worried look wondering what he'd done wrong if she needed to talk to him. Most of the time whenever someone needed to talk to him he'd done something wrong: something he'd learnt from his school days or while he was in the army.

"Sure thing." He replied trying to cover up a slight nervous disposition in his dark eyes, wondering what she was about to say to him, trying to recover what he'd done...He couldn't have done anything bad as of late could have he? Well if he had, he certainly couldn't remember if he had done now...

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She giggled softly.
"I promise that your not introuble. It's about the halfling and how I obtained her," Harmony said as she grabbed his hand with her delicate one. She pulled him in the other room.
"You are aware that it is illegal to trade or sell dragons?" Harmony asked without waiting for an answer, "Well, while I was at the market, I went into a shop and the owner was peddling a dragon. Now, Matt, I have permission from the government to take dragons. Since you've been here, you've proven your worth to me. I have decided to take you to the government for your chance to get permission." Her bright blue eyes were beaming.

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#, as written by tayah12
His eyebrows furrowed together before raising in shock at her sudden statement, of course he knew that it was illegal, but he didn't realise you had to be given permission to take a dragon from that vendor. "Really?" He asked, bemused.

She wouldn't really trust him enough to do that would she? I mean he'd only been there a few months and he was steadily finding his way but he'd never thought that Harmony would even consider it. Sometimes Matt's modest behaviour downplayed his good traits: the ones he did have. But he was still he was quite surprised, but happy about the decision at the same time.

"Wow, thanks!" He breathed with a smile on his face running a hand through his hair. "I'd be glad to try and get it." He continued on...

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Shock filled his face.
"Really?" he asked, an bemused expression on his face. Harmony nodded. He seemed shocked that Harmony trusted him enough to get him rights to remove a dragon, if it is being used in illegal situations. It made her a bit suspicious.
"Is there something your not telling me?" she asked quietly. She examined him carefully, her bright blue eyes looking him over. He had never given her a reason to think that he wasn't trustworthy. Harmony inhaled deeply.
"I trust you, Matt. A lot can be said about your character," she said reassuringly.

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#, as written by tayah12
He shook his head breifly "No...No of course there isn't." Matt said giving her a puzzled look trying not to meet her eyes. He wasn't very good at making eye contact with people to start with, but it almost felt like she was grilling him trying to find an answer that wasn't there.

"Well...Thanks, I'd be happy to take on that responsibility." He composed himself flashing a small smile at her. He didn't want to seem like he wasn't up for taking it on. He'd love to have at shot at gaining permission, so he was going to have a good try at it.

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"No...No of course there isn't," Matt responded with a puzzled look. Oh no. I hope I didn't offend Matt.
"I'm sorry, Matt," Harmony said softly. She stared at her feet.
"Well...Thanks, I'd be happy to take on that responsibility," Matt said and then flashed her a smile. Harmony looked up into his brown eyes. She was happy that he was willing to work for it. She smiled.
"I'm glad to hear that. I'll need you to email someone who can mail you a copy of your birth certificate," she responded and then went back into the kitchen where the halfling had been sitting.

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#, as written by tayah12
"Alright. I'll get right on it." He said watching her walk off back inside the kitchen.

A small smile flashed across his face, showing a smug expression. He never expected to be granted privileges such as the ones he may be able to achieve.

Walking out of the building back into the sunlight, he began to wander around checking in on the dragons who were scattered across the site enjoying their relaxation. Matt sometimes wished he was the one relaxing all day but he did love the hard work and the satisfaction he gained from helping these graceful creatures all day.

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Harmony glanced at the dragon book with a few sentences translated. Harmony picked it up the sheet of paper and read over it. She giggled to herself. Maybe, I should try flash cards instead. She heard Matt open the door and leave to outside. She didn't blame him, it was hot and stuffy in the kitchen. The halfling sat at the table with her hands crossed delicately in her lap. The chicken bones were piled in a neat pile.
"Hello, little one. What's your name?" Harmony asked softly.((Let's just say, when words are said in italics, that the dragon language is being spoken.))
My name is Annabelle. What's your name?" She responded in soft bell-like tones.
My name is Harmony. Do you have a mother or father dragon?"
"Nope. I don't know what happened to them." It broke Harmony's heart to hear that.
"Do you want to stay here?" Harmony invited eagerly, "You're more than welcome to." The dragon examined Harmony with wide blue eyes that almost matched her eyes in color. She nodded slowly.

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#, as written by tayah12
After his wandering, Matt started to feel weary and the warm sun that shone down on his tanned skin had made him feel hot and stuffy so he decided that he should take a slight rest before continuing with his travels and perhaps check in on Harmony to check on how she was.

Seating himself below a tree, he laid with his arms resting underneath his head looking up at the bright sky, happy how Harmony had trusted him enough to put forwards to the Government on the care for dragons. He remained there for a few minutes letting the heated feeling ebb away from his skin and he promptly left his spot making his way towards the kitchen where he hoped to catch Harmony...

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Harmony led the halfling upstairs to the room that was occupied by all the halfling's that stayed in the camp. The halfling stepped timidly into the room. She picked up at teddy bear and squeezed it tightly. She sat down on the floor and played with various toys. Harmony smiled as she left the room and headed back downstairs. She sat down at the table and picked up the book she had Matt translate and read it absent mindedly. She was thinking about going swimming in the pond. She went upstairs to her bedroom and changed into a purple bikini. She grabbed a towel and ran downstairs.

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Character Portrait: Harmony Todd
0 sightings Harmony Todd played by MotherDragons
She's a brilliant young woman who loves dragons more than life

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Character Portrait: Matt Franks
Character Portrait: Morcerus


Character Portrait: Morcerus

Morcerus at once calculating and collected as he is rash and egocentric. Due to the overuse of Chaos magic, things about his essence have become...convoluted, in a word.


Character Portrait: Morcerus

Morcerus at once calculating and collected as he is rash and egocentric. Due to the overuse of Chaos magic, things about his essence have become...convoluted, in a word.

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Character Portrait: Morcerus

Morcerus at once calculating and collected as he is rash and egocentric. Due to the overuse of Chaos magic, things about his essence have become...convoluted, in a word.

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