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Gadget the Cyberman

"Typical scum. Always kill for sport & pleasure. But I vow to clean up this Multiverse."

0 · 538 views · located in Van Leugen

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Cypher7850


The BHG deals with Criminals that are loose in the Multiverse. How they do it is in various ways. Some use peaceful tactics to capture them. Others use violent tactics to bring the scum of the Multiverse to their knees.



Cyber-Fleet, Above Terra's orbit, Space

The Cyber-Leader looked out of the Cyber-Fleet's command ship, orbiting Terra in stealth mode. The Cyber-Leader turn to see the Cyber Controller standing behind him. The Cyber Controller saluted the Cyber-Leader.

My Leader. Our plan to invade Terra and restore Mondas is almost ready. We've also taken care of the Time Lord known as "The Doctor". We made sure that he would not disrupt our plans by trapping him in a Time Loop. Soon Mondas will be whole and Terra will be destroyed with humanity on it.
The Cyber Controller spoke through it's metallic mask.

Excellent. And are the Cybermen & Cyberwomen upgraded to 2.5?
Asked the Cyber-Leader.

Yes my Leader. But we have a problem.
Said the Cyber Controller.

Oh? Explain.
Asked the Cyber-Leader.

It would appear that one Cyberman has, and I wish I didn't have to say it.... he seems to have regained his "Emotions".
The Cyber Controller said.

Interesting. And where is this Cyberman now?
The Cyber-Leader demanded.

I had a squad dispatched to contain this Cyberman, but it appears he has escaped.... to Terra.
The Cyber Controller explained.

The Cyber-Leader shouted as he walked towards the Cyber Controller.
Do you know how bad this is? This may be a problem to our plans of invading Terra.

Then let me send a detachment to capture him. We can intercept him before he warns the Huma-
The Cyber Controller said before being cut off by the Cyber-Leader.

NO!!! We shall delay our plans, until we are certain he's no threat. As for you, you'll be dealt with.
Said the Cyber-Leader.

What will happen to me?
The Cyber Controller asked. He saw the Cyber-Leader raise his arm towards the his head.
My Leader. Please No-
The Cyber Controller begged before the Cyber-Leader blasted his head, destroying the Cyber Controller and shutting down his body.

The Cyber-Leader stepped over the Cyber Controller's corpse and walked towards the main intercom system and spoke through the intercom.
Attention all Cybermen and Cyberwomen. You might have heard about the rogue Cyberman whom has escaped to Earth. Rest be assured, he'll not be threat to our plans. But there is an opening for the position of "Cyber Controller". If you are interested, head to my office to apply for the position. I'll be sure to interview everyone. Cyber-Leader out.


Site-19, Central Arteghia, Terra.

So this is the recording found on the Cyber-Fleet's command ship following the battle in Wing City?
Asked O5-██.

Yes ma'am. At the moment, we're trying to learn more of these so called Cybermen & this planet that they talked about. Mondas was what they called it. They even mentioned someone called "The Doctor". Reports say that he sacrificed himself to halt the Cybermen's attack.
Dr. Cypher replied.
Also, I believe Dr. Clef had some encounter with "The Doctor". Hence why he has refused to help examine the remains of the Cybermen's fleet.
He added.

But this attack caused several deaths and many locations were destroyed.
O5-██ said.
Are we sure there wouldn't be another repeat of this?
She asked.

Ma'am, with all due respect, we were able to defeat the Cybermen in the end, with their entire fleet being destroyed. If there's any remaining Cybermen, I believe that they'd be wise not to attack Terra again after the attack.
Dr. Cypher said. He took a deep breath before continuing.
Following this, Dr. Bright & I initiated an attack on the Terra Internet. We've successfully wiped 96% of videos relating to the attack. Furthermore, we deleted News's articles from the main News's websites & Class-A Amnestic's was used to wipe the memories of the attack from those who witnessed it. Finally, we covered it up as a Terrorist Attack by the group "Death's Head". Relatives of those who died in the attack's were given money as compensation.
Dr. Cypher explained.

I've think I've heard enough. But about this "Rogue Cyberman", where is he exactly?
O5-██ asked.
Are we sure he's no threat?
She added.

Dr. Cypher laughed.
I'm sure he's no threat. After all, he did help in defending Terra from the Cybermen. As for location, he was dropped off at Van Leugen. But I made sure to give him a quick memory wipe, whilst adding some memories of my own.
Dr. Cypher said.

Such as?
The O5 demanded.

He now believes that he's a Freelance Merc/Bounty-Hunter.
Dr. Cypher replied.

O5-██ frowned.
The Administrator wouldn't be happy with your actions Dr. Cypher. However, as he's currently MIA, we had to do something. Your actions to re-program the brain of this Cyberman were justified. But out of interest, what does he call himself now?
She questioned.

I gave him a few options, but he declined all but one.
Dr. Cypher replied.

And that was?
Asked the O5.

Dr. Cypher replied.


So begins...

Gadget the Cyberman's Story


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  1. I'm looking for people to act as the bounties that Gadget is after. Also taking roles for people who'll be rival Bounty Hunter's or allies.

    by Cypher7850

0.00 INK

Van Leugen. A place of Corruption, Crime and Death. For Gadget, it was Mercenary/Bounty Hunter Paradise. People who needed something taken care of or a bounty captured, Gadget was the man to speak to. Or Cyberman. For Gadget was a Cybermen. Possibly the last in existence.

It was mere months ago that the Cybermen launched an attack on Terra. For they wanted to resurrect their home planet Mondas. With the help of the Terran Army's, Gadget was able to destroy the Cyber-Fleet and a majortiy of the Cybermen. But at a cost. The Time Lord known as "The Doctor" sacrificed himself to ensure that Terra would live. In the aftermath of the attack, the SCP Foundation launched a massive cover-up of the attack.

News Websites were downed until articles on the attack were deleted, Videos of the attack on Social Media were removed, Class-A Amnestic's were used to wipe the memories of the attack from those who witnessed it & the destruction of major places were covered up as an attack by the Terrorist Group "Death's Head". Gadget had no memories of this attack. And neither did a majority of Terra thanks to the Foundation's cover-up. Thanks to the Foundation, Gadget's memory was wiped and his memories now consisted of him being a Mercenary/Bounty Hunter. Now Gadget was on his own. In a universe full of dangerous people who were classed as "the lowest scum of the entire universe".

Gadget walked down an alleyway. He saw a dead body rotting on the wall. The poor bloke had been shot twice in the head and pinned onto the wall.
Typical Scum. Always leaving a mark on their territory.
Gadget remarked as he walked down the alleyway. He stopped outside of a old, burned-out building.
S.I.M, have 20% of the power moved to the left-shoulder minigun. Looks like this scum might not come quietly.
he said to the communicater, which was linked to the Setient Intelligent Matrix (or S.I.M for short) inside of his Armour.

Sir, I've calculated that there's a 75% chance that this bounty might escape. Are you sure you want to proceed with this?
S.I.M asked, having ran a diagnostic test on success or failery.
Yes. I'm determined to clean up Van Leugen and make sure these criminals scum are either put away for good or taken care of.
Gadget replied. His left-shoulder opened up to reveal a Minigun, which was primed and ready for use.

Oh and S.I.M? Do me a favour and play something action-ish. "Without Me" by Eminem.
Gadget asked S.I.M.
Ok sir. Playing "Without Me" by Eminem now.
S.I.M replied. Gadget placed a C4 charge on the sealed door of the building.
Let's do this!
Gadget said as he breached the door and rushed in.


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Character Portrait: Gadget the Cyberman
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0.00 INK

A few criminals inside of the burnt out building were playing a game of poker just as Gadget approached the door and set a C4 charge.
Hey! You're cheating you little shit!
remarked one criminal as he saw another looking at his cards.
Cheating? You're plumb-loco pal! I ain't cheated since I got out of prison.
the second criminal replied.

They stopped. Coming from the main door was a beeping sound that was not right.
Wait here, I'll go check it out. And if any of you cunts touch my cards...
said the third criminal. He pulled out a meat cleaver, covered with blood and what looks to be human hair.
I'll fucking cut ya hands off so you shits won't be cheatin anymore.
He said to the others. The third criminal approached the door. Before he had a chance to get to cover, the explosion blew him to pieces.

As the criminals watched in shock, Gadget entered the building, stepping over the body of the deceased criminal.
Ok Scum. I'm only gonna ask once: Where is your boss?
The criminals didn't reply. They instead pulled their pistols and started firing shots. The bullets bounced off Gadget as he walked towards the nearest criminal. He picked him up and threw him through the window to his death.

Gadget felt a ping from his back. He turned around to confront a lone criminal who had survived the explosion. Gadget walked towards the Criminal and picked him up by the throat.
Ok scum, where's your boss?
Gadget asked in a threatening tone.
Go fuck yourself Robotman!
said the Criminal as he spat on Gadget.
Fine. But let me show you something.
Gadget asked as he moved the criminal towards the window & hung him from out of the window.

I'll ask you a few questions. If you don't reply, I'll throw you out of this window to a drop of 65ft. Now I'm going to ask again: Where is your boss?
Gadget asked the criminal as he hung out of the window.


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Character Portrait: Gadget the Cyberman
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  1. Van Leugen does not allow bounty hunting within the city limits.

    by Saarai
  2. Oh? I was unaware of this.1

    by Anonymous
  3. We can say that this is an undercover Bounty hunter community? Those who hunt down all the bounties hiding in Van Leugen even if it is not allowed?

    by Long Lost Lius
  4. Great idea Lius.

    by Cypher7850
  5. That works, though the law will come down because of the murder. The mayor is trying to make the city safe and all.

    by Saarai

0.00 INK

The criminal whom Gadget was hanging out of a window was starting to get scared.
Please don't kill me. I'll tell you everything I know.
He said just as Gadget was about to let go of the Criminal. Gadget pulled the Criminal back into the building and pushed him into a wall.
Ok... I'll give you a chance to live. So answer this: Where's your boss?
Gadget asked the criminal.

He's.... He's upstairs in his offices. He's aware that a Bounty Hunter would come for him. Look, I wasn't aware of this job, please let me try and tel-
The Criminal was saying before Gadget cut him off.
Stop. Let me check that your information is accurate. S.I.M, is this criminal telling the truth?
Gadget asked the AI inside his armour. S.I.M ran a analysis of the Criminal's words and returned with the answer.

Sir, it appears that his information is accurate. I've hacked into CCTV camera's & I can confirm that his boss is here. He's armed with a Tommy Gun and has two guards with him for protection. However, I'm unable to confirm that this Criminal is telling the truth about his identity. According to police reports, this here is Thomas Wellton, a criminal wanted for 2 counts of 1st Degree Murder, Arson & Possession of an illegal artefact from an uncharted galaxy. The artefact in question is a weapon which was used to wipe out two alien races almost 10,000 years ago.
S.I.M replied with the data from the Police Database.

Gadget turned to Thomas who was preparing to pull a gun out. He immediately pull out a pair of handcuffs and put them onto Thomas's hands. Gadget then set them to take Thomas to the Van Leugen Bounty Hunters Guild HQ.
Thomas Wellton, you're under arrest for the crimes you've committed. You don't have to say anything, but it may harm your defence when later put before a judge.
Gadget said as he activated the teleportation feature on the Handcuffs. Thomas then vanished. He had been transported to the BHG HQ in Van Leugen.
Chalk another one up S.I.M. Let's see Death's Head beat 23 Bounties captured.
Gadget remarked as he headed upstairs and prepared to take on the Boss.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Gadget the Cyberman
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  1. Writing the next bit right now.

    by Cypher7850

0.00 INK

Ahhh... These jobs were always the worst kind... He had been given a simple job of protection. Someone had apparently scared the poor man into hiring me only to keep him safe. But man was it boring. The Boss had placed Makthus straight by his side along with some other "Deadly" bodyguard. Hah, The man to his right was a typical thug, Armed with a large revolver, But he would run if the situation turned poor, Makthus could see it just from a simple glance. The Boss himself was up in ears with paperwork. It seems his members had been starting to go missing one by one. Well, Makthus wasn't paid to deal with that, and people go missing left and right here in Leugen.

But the situation remained boring, The Boss knows very well what class Makthus is, And the pay he required. So he would not hire him without knowing something bad was coming. But perhaps he was just paranoid, Everyone is around here...

Makthus took a clean step to the right, grabbing the attention of the Boss. "Okay Okay, You got me here to cover your ass. But you might aswell just send me after whoever it is trying to get ya?" "Look It is not that easy, Someone is grabbing my boys, He recently took one of my top guys, It would only be a question of time until he comes straight for me!" He was quite clearly stressed out of his mind, He would probably get killed soon, He has completely lost the cool that this city requires.. "Yeah, I hear ya, But I hope for your case that this actually turns out to be something interesting..." Makthus gently turned back to the door.

This guy better show up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Gadget the Cyberman
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0.00 INK

Sir, I've looked through the CCTV of the building. The Boss is quite nervous and afraid for his life. As well as that, his "Bodyguards" consist of a man with a revolver & another with some blades and smoke bombs. I'd advice extreme caution in capturing The Boss as he's likely to make a run for it.
S.I.M. said to Gadget as they approached the top floor.

Gadget could hear talking as he approached a corridor that led to The Boss's office.
Look's like I'll need a stealthy approach. S.I.M., I'm going to need you to route 10% power to the Stealth Drive. This'll make it easier to knockout the guards and grab The Boss.
Gadget said as he ducked behind a pillar.
Affirmative Sir. Routing the power now.
S.I.M. replied as he enabled the Stealth Drive for Gadget.

It took less then 30 seconds, but now cloaked, Gadget pulled out a tranquilizer gun and loaded it with non-lethal darts. He then approached the door and prepared to open it. Activating the heat vision in his helmet, he sensed two people guarding The Boss.
S.I.M., I'm going to throw a Flashbang. This'll distract the targets for me to nab the boss.
Gadget said to S.I.M. as he pull out of his ammo-belt a Flashbang.
Noted Sir, and good luck with capturing The Boss.
S.I.M. replied.

Gadget pulled the pin off the Flashbang, opened the door and threw it into the room.


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Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Gadget the Cyberman
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0.00 INK

Makthus was relaxed, Unfortunely a little to relaxed. For a second the door had opened. The gentle little push made Makthus believe it was one of the Bosses subordinates. But No, the small metal cylinder that rolled in trough the gap informed him of something else, Makthus was himself very experienced with what it was. He had to be quick. With the first bounce Makthus immidiently covered his eyes with his arm, By the second bounce Makthus had dived straight backwards taking cover behind the counter. The thug had yet to even react, But the Boss had rised from his chair. Makthus hoped dearly that whoever made that throw would go for the boss. The blast from the grenade would not be completely nullified from just covering his eyes. He hoped that the Boss would buy enough time to atleast get back on his feet.

The room was a complete prison, No windows or anything just one door. Makthus would normally suspect a full armed Police team to storm trough but this seemed more like a vigilante type of attack. Makthus could only place his hope in that the enemy had not recognized him and would immidiently go for what he thought was the biggest threat, The Boss. Godness, Makthus thought to himself, And I who haven't even drawn my sword...

And then the blast came, A bright white light filling the entire room, Accompanied by a piercing loud noise. Like being hit by a cannon. Both the Boss and the thug was screaming. The Boss himself was staggering backwards protecting his now injured eyes. The thug seemed to have gained a moment of bravery, or maybe the blast had just disorientated him too much. He had taken a full charge towards the door, Both hands outstrecthed, Like he was attempting to give our assailant a big hug.


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Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Gadget the Cyberman
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  1. Had to make it short if you're acting as "The Boss".

    by Cypher7850
  2. Ah, feel free to make take control of The Boss. he is just some short stepping stone, You might just kill him if you want to, But that would perhaps be more fitting for Makthus

    by Long Lost Lius
  3. Killing the Boss isn't my objective. Gadget attempts to capture Bounty's Alive. Unless they are dangerous. Then they Die.

    by Cypher7850

0.00 INK

Seeing the thug run towards him, Gadget grabbed him and threw him into the wall, damaging the wall and knocking the thug unconscious. Seeing that Makthus could be a threat, Gadget fire a knockout dart at him, before going for The Boss. Uncloaking himself, Gadget picked up the Boss and started to speak.
Are you The Boss?
Gadget demanded.
If so, you're wanted for several crimes. These include: Murder, Fraud, Arson, Robbery and much more. If you don't reply, I'll have S.I.M. scan you for your ID.
Gadget said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Gadget the Cyberman
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  1. Will reply tomorrow as it's late.

    by Cypher7850

0.00 INK

It went better than expected, during the short moment of confusion Makthus was knocked over by a sharp object hitting his arm. Upon regaining his sense Makthus noticed the large dart in his arm, Along with a robotic voice echoing trough the now eerily quiet room
You're wanted for several crimes. These include: Murder, Fraud, Arson, Robbery and much more. If you don't reply, I'll have S.I.M. scan you for your ID.
Ah. It seems he had allowed the target to reach his client, Along with also getting himself hit by the enemy.. This job was finally getting interesting! The Boss made several sharp breaths. Makthus could imagine how his mind must be racing, Was he gonna give himself up? This opponent just took out both his bodyguards. Could he do anything to get away, Makthus intuition told him the Boss would attempt to bribe him. But It was already clear, The opponent was way to high of a grade to allow himself to be bribed

But. There was one flaw.

Makthus immidiently rose from the floor, the dart losing its grip on his arm, falling harmlessly onto the carpet. With a loud crash he slammed his boot directly onto the desk, and then in one fluid motion he drew and placed his blade directly onto Gadget's metallic neck. It was no harmful move, It was barely a threat only able to slightly scratch the metal. "Metal man! Looky here, That is my client you are currently strangling, And this is my arm you recently shot! So in conclusion, Im pretty pissed right now" Makthus released a wide grin stretching the strangely pulsating scar across his face


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Gadget the Cyberman
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  1. Do forgive me, my answers might take a little extra time as I'm dealing with some stuff.

    by Long Lost Lius

0.00 INK

Gadget was about to have S.I.M. scan The Boss, when he saw Makthus get up and scratch Gadget's neck with his blade, with the scratch barely harming Gadget.
Metal man! Looky here, That is my client you are currently strangling, And this is my arm you recently shot! So in conclusion, I'm pretty pissed right now!
said Makthus as he let out a wide grin on his face.

Gadget, noticing the grin, put The Boss down.
Stay here, otherwise I'll cripple you.
Gadget said in a threatening tone to The Boss.
O-Ok.... just please don't kill me. I'm just foll-
The Boss said before Gadget cut him off.
Gadget shouted at The Boss, before turning his attention to Makthus.

You are not my priority. My advice? Leave, before I resort to violence, unless that's what you'd like?
Gadget said to Makthus. Gadget knew that Makthus might not let him take The Boss with him, yet he felt that Makthus could be a good ally for the Bounty Hunters Guild.


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Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Gadget the Cyberman
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  1. Can't reply tonight

    by Cypher7850

0.00 INK

"Hahaha!" Makthus released a loud mocking laugh while slowly lowering his sword, "Listen to me now, I have a reputation to protect, And I have never been one to just give up on something halway. So I might aswell provide you with the same advice, Run~" Yes, This seemed fun, The Boss was no longer in Makthus thoughts, This new challenger seemed more than capable.

"What even are ya? A bounty hunter? Some disgruntled city guard? A lonely Vigilante? Really the Vigilante option seems to be the only resonable option since you seem to target that filth down there over me!" Makthus suddenly swung his sword towards the Boss, Barely stopping it before his cheek. "Unfortunely, yes, very unfortunely. This lovely piece of filth have given me money, And thus I cannot just allow him to get stolen by some old Robot." Makthus smile widened, A dangerous glare appearing in his eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Gadget the Cyberman
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  1. Not a long post as I'm at school.

    by Cypher7850

0.00 INK

Gadget laughed as he listened to Makthus demanded to know who he was.
You are mistaken if you believe I'm a vigilante. No.. I'm actually a Bounty Hunter of the Bounty Hunters Guild for your information. And as the Master Bounty Hunter, I'd request that you stand down & give me your "filth" as you've called him. And I'm not "some old Robot". If I was, then how could I do this?
Gadget replied.

All of a sudden, Gadget's left shoulder opened up to expose a shock laser.
Now, are you going to stand down, or will you get 15,000 Volts into your chest?
Gadget asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Gadget the Cyberman
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  1. Replying later. Got a lot of stuff to deal with first.

    by Cypher7850

0.00 INK

"Oh" Makthus lightly lowered his swords switching his gaze to the laser. "Well, Firstly, yes That is something an old robot could do. Secondly, A bounty hunter!? Man! Are you guys hanging around Leugen now too? I thought I could get away from you people atleast here!" Makthus smile remained untouched. Atleast this bounty hunter did not recognize him, That would just make this boring.

Now, Makthus suddenly moved his left hand pointing towards Gadget. "I will say this once, And make it as clear as possible. I will not back down, It is quite clear you do not know who I am. But I am a man of words, Sometimes the more aggresive words ending in even more aggresive things, But since I am so "Wordy" .. I think that is the right word... Yes, Since I am Wordy I cannot allow myself to go back on my word." Makthus let off an Innocent shrug. "And Now that you have that pointed towards me I fell, like I need to make the first move." Just as those words left Makthus mouth the dangerous glint appeared in his eyes, His sword suddenly swung in a wide arc slashing trough the air aiming directly towards Gadget's stomach.

The attack looked incredibly stupid, the swing itself was neatly executed and would be quite hard to dodge. But Makthus was literally putting his head directly in front of the firing arc from the shock laser. It would be very easy to end him right there before the swing connected. But this was how Makthus fought, His movements are incredibly irratic and Makthus was more than confident that he could dodge the laser, Of course Gadget did not know this....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ifrit Atundai Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Gadget the Cyberman
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0.00 INK

A door opens in the sky above the light filled city below. A vessel falls from this door and begins a rapid descent to the surface, neither slowing nor changing in it's fall from the heavens above. the vessel is white, and oblong, shaped like an egg more perfect than any other ever lain.

Below, in the light, they would see only the flames that surround the vessel as it passes into their sky.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ifrit Atundai Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Gadget the Cyberman
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  1. Had to write this... been far too delayed. Hopefully I didn't break a rule.

    by Cypher7850

0.00 INK

Gadget staggered back as he was slashed by the attack from Makthus's sword. His metal plating was damaged, with wires and sparks coming out of his inner body. Knowing that he had found a worthy foe, Gadget prepared to fire his Shock Laser at Makthus in retaliation. Gadget fired the Laser at Makthus, hoping to stun his whilst he grabbed "The Boss" and made an escape.

Approaching "The Boss", Gadget placed some handcuffs on "The Boss". You are "The Boss". As you're my target, I'm placing you under arrest for the crimes of Murder, Fraud, Arson, Robbery and much more. You'll be taken to the Van Leugen Bounty Hunter's Guild HQ, where you'll be kept under lock & guard until you've been hauled before the people of this city. Gadget said to "The Boss" as he pressed a few buttons on his wrist and teleported "The Boss" to the BHG's HQ in Van Leugen.

Just as he was about to escape, Gadget witnessed Flames appearing in the sky. Shrugging it off, Gadget activated the teleporter and beamed away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ifrit Atundai Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Gadget the Cyberman
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0.00 INK

The robot was fast, Just a little too fast. Makthus landed a clean strike, Slicing trough the machinery without a hitch. Gadget fired the laser as expected making Makthus execute his strange dodge, Unfortunely Gadget was just a little faster than Makthus had expected. The laser lightly brushed Makthus back as he ducked, Making Makthus fall to his knees.

But the pain was not what brought him to his knees, The pain was agitating his wound. The large scar across Makthus face was... Pulsating. Makthus was holding his breath trying to calm himself down as he heard the Robot speak:
You are "The Boss". As you're my target, I'm placing you under arrest for the crimes of Murder, Fraud, Arson, Robbery and much more. You'll be taken to the Van Leugen Bounty Hunter's Guild HQ, where you'll be kept under lock & guard until you've been hauled before the people of this city

Makthus regained himself just as Gadget finished speaking, Dammit, He was about to fail his job! But, Makthus was used to this sort of situation. He would simply need to use one of his last resorts. And with that Makthus snapped his hand back, A small needle like pin appearing in it from his sleeve.

And with one quick movement he flung the pin towards the Boss, Hitting him directly in his arm, And with that he was gone. Along with the Mercenary. They had both been teleported by him. But he did hit the Boss. And that made Makthus crack a small smirk. Now nobody would know that he had failed. In the small case that the Boss surivived the Neurotoxin that the pin was covered with then his brain would still be permanently scarred.

So then Makthus thought of his job as done, He rose to his feet, Stretching his arm slightly as He plunges his sword into the Bosses desk, Grabbing everything of value and then exiting the house, walking slowly outside while whistling gently.