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Snippet #1455533

located in Lustria, a part of The Path of Nobility, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Turn 3 results: 1 week later

Noble: Rascall

Most scholars go to the Kadrin Empire to learn, and those who don’t usually end up in Altdorf. Few if any scholars reside in a backwater central town. There truly is no “wiseman” as you call them in the lands as knowing how to read doesn’t help one to survive in a small village as they have no use for it. There are a few professions such as butchers, tanners, etc but they are not “wiseman” merely workers of a craft, and almost all people who can read are workers of craft and thus they do not accept the job in administration as they can earn more money applying their trade than they can on a small nobles salary.

You are farther behind in repairs than the other lords due to your rather rocky start, but thanks to wood given by a generous lady, repairs are underway. It will take months to finish as the people try to make the best of their time farming and repairing.

The High Priest in a generous display gives out the wood to the villagers, as “Aloyase will understand the plight of the people”.

Sadly it is very hard to enforce your new law against swindling since people who do swindle don’t wait around, they merely jump into neighbouring lands to spend their new money where you can’t legally touch them.

Honestly not much can be done at the moment since almost all the wood is going to homes and there is not much to spare for the castle. The farmers outside have begun planting Barley, although they are unsure as to why they are planting Barley, but they don’t care as long as they can sell it for a tidy profit.

Borks Rest:
Reparations go slow as people have to split their focus on working the fields and repairing their homes. They plant Rye, although they are more used to planting Wheat as it pulls in more coin, but as long as it earns them a tidy profit they can accept it.

Kamter Stadt:
Same as Borks Rest, although many a stubborn farmer has refused to grow Rye and continued with their family tradition of growing wheat.

Kolter Stadt:
Luckily for Kolter Stadt reparations have already been going so it is simply getting further along. Farming continues as usual.

Barkan River:
It’s a river with fish in it, honestly what more do you want with fishing properties?
You hired soldiers but already they suffer casualties. Of the group of 5 that was sent only 1 stumbles back. His clothing and face seem as if something had melted it. He was screaming of puke, monsters, and the swamp before he succumbed to a very painful death.

Military: Despite hiring 45 soldiers, you only have 40 left due to the swamp fiasco. They are ill trained, ill equipped, and have low morale could be worse, you could have nothing at all but calling them soldiers would be an insult to men everywhere.

Economy: The economy is stale. Your people do have almost anything too tax, and nor have you spent much of anything. Few loans are taken out due to many people fearing some kind of execution for not making the payments. You have received some cattle, but only the weakest of the herds as no herder is going to give you his prime stock.

Political Standing: Unknown... but at least you don’t have scandals
Public Opinion: You are still ok, not too good or too bad. They just feel contentment take of that what you will.

Central: There is a mix of responses but the most usual is a polite “No”. When these men steal this money from YOU it is YOUR money, not theirs they are losing even better is these men go to their lands and spend this money stolen from you which they get to tax. They have no reason what so ever to aid you besides from the good of the heart and few nobles are like that.
North: It seemed rather foolish to try and bless these men with your own god as the Northmen follow their own religion so a few more hard-headed religions nobles tossed out your letter on principle. Some responded though all saying that if the need arises they will consider it, but they do not need it now, and you do not have it at the moment anyways so talking about trade for grain that might not be their come harvest time is a waste.
Events: Puke? Swamp? Monsters?

Noble: Conall

Land: Well no one in the north are construction experts, so how he makes these roads is pretty much on his shoulders.
Even the aspect of a reward only brings in a few volunteers as honestly working in the mines is... well it’s not something anyone wants to do. You are cramped in small tunnels chipping at a wall day in and day out. No one wants to do it, and only those who have to do.

It is strange that one of the first things their lord attempts to build is a jail... and it sets many on edge, but construction begins on the project although it would take a little while before such a building is completed assuming you want it stone with bars... if you wanted a wooden jail it would go much faster.
The elders do prepare to gather at this council interested to see what he needed of them.

The Thane Cormic tries to explain to Conall that a few more pieces of iron would not make up for the amount of influence they would lose with the people if they sent more than agreed upon into those dark tunnels. He says that the amount of time given is unreasonable for both it is not easy to put up two buildings in 2 weeks with people already mining and had just finished working on the palisade.
Construction on the Tannery and a small armourer has begun.

The Thane Eamon starts to feel slightly annoyed by the work being shovelled on him. He has men working in the mines, his men just finished working on the palisades and now Conall wants him to build two more buildings? He stands his ground and firmly says that Conall should choose one or the other, as doing both would stretch his people to thin.

Cilmord: Thane Bruce continues to do as he usually does, although he sends men to help Eamon and Cormic with their work on the new buildings.
The palisade is complete; the winner of the building competition is Whiteburn.
The Mine: The new miners sometimes work on the lodgings on their down time, but give it another week or two before those are finished.

All the neighbouring lords reject Conalls offer due to the fact they can get higher quality wood and more food trading with the central and at a much slighter cost since they are in need of repairs and are willing to lower their prices to make money.
Money is following and leaving in equal measure. Your taxes and your building plans are balancing out, but true profit won’t come in until lady Rosewood gets underway.

Military: The new commander Tiber appoints 4 sergeants who oversee 25 men and report back directly to him. It seems the men have had trouble with slavers, but luckily they have yet to have any serious injuries, but it seems the more pressure you put on them the harder they fight.
(I assume the 15 men looking for slavers is part of the 40 men under the roaming the lands since you only have 100 soldiers.)

Political Standing: Still unknown...
Public Standing: Your people... are content. After the festival your popularity is sure to rise, assuming it goes off well.

Events: There are reports of a slaver base in the mountains that has been gathering men to do a raid on your lands in retaliation of your new laws.
