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The Path of Nobility

The Path of Nobility


The path to Nobility is a diverging one. Some rule with a kind heart and others with an iron fist, but one thing is needed above all: Ambition. (Sandbox Rp)

1,729 readers have visited The Path of Nobility since Disciple of Tzeentch created it.



Welcome to new kingdom of Lustria. The kingdom of Lustria was once a territory of the much large Kadrin Empire, but after fighting a twenty year bloody civil war Lustria managed to break free putting forth the leader of the Rebellion: Alric, as the new King of Lustria.

The new fledgling kingdom is a rather small piece of land tucked between the sea to its east, and it’s much larger and ancient enemy the Empire directly west of it. To the north lie the great mountains which some say is the spine of the world, but many just call it the Icecap Mountains, and to the south the great forest of Loren. The land of Lustria itself is a land of rolling plains and hills used by the Empire mainly for agriculture and to produce their horses. This land is populated by many small towns and isolated villages, and their capital Altdorf pales in comparison to the most primitive Empire city, but it is home.

The loss of the empire created a great power vacuum that King Alric had to quickly, plug and he did so by placing his trusted generals and lieutenants of the once rebel force as the new Nobles giving each estates and land as reward for their service. This is where you come in.

How posting will work

After people have posted what they needed to I will move the time forward. Once everyone has posted their actions, I shall post to tell what each action and decision of the nobles has done to their lands, people, and their kingdom. I will go in detail on economics, military, political standing and public opinion for each Noble. At times I shall post an event which can affect only one noble to affecting the entire kingdom these can be droughts, rebellions, war with another country, or even an Orc invasion.

What you can do as a Noble is up to you. You can make alliances with other characters, make war, even marry another player if you wish to combine your lands and forces. It is a new fledging kingdom so most laws are not yet set in stone so many things such as slavery are still legal.

When it is time to start, I shall give a posting order that I wish to be kept so that my sanity remains whole, encase of battles with each other (or a outside force) and conversations this of course can be tweaked or even broken, but for now keep to the posting order.


I will let you choose where you want your land to be, but know that where you pick your land will also decide what is on it and how much you get. You will be free to pick any land and feel free to try and expand your lands.

Nothern: Lands on the Edge of the Icecap Mountains. Farming will be harder to do because of the climate, but there are many precious metals in the great mountains. Mining will most likely be the life blood of the Northern lands and this has the chance of becoming the most profitable of all the lands but know that you will probably not be popular due to many people seeing mining as a death sentence (which it pretty much is)

Southern: The lands that border the Loren forest. Farming is adequate, but most of the income will center on lumber. You will not be the richest Noble, but your people will be hardy, and it will be a simpler life… at least economically.

Eastern: The lands bordering the sea. There is unimaginable potential for the coastlands. Farming is ok, but wealth comes in the form of trade. Open trade on the seas with other kingdoms will put much coin in a Nobles pocket. Many people will flock to the port cities for jobs and opportunities giving good coin with taxes but be wary. Many nobles have their eyes on the coast, and the sea is a fickle lover.

Western: The lands bordering the great Kadrin Empire. It is much like the center lands full of plains and hills great for farming… but there is a great tiger prowling to the west. The Kadrin Empire is not happy with losing its territory and it may seek to reclaim it if Lustria is not careful. Nobles on the west must make sure their military might is strong ready to fend off invasions, but there is a boon to this. The king will for the most part exempt tax from the western nobles because they need their money for their forces.

Central: Lands filled with rolling hills and Great Plains. Due to the distance between villages and towns the populations are fairly centered. The agricultural is one of the only ways to earn money in the central lands, but there is other means cattle and horses make for good coin. Trade roads can be built to all corners of Lustria, and Altdorf the capital of Lustria is also in the center making it a nice trade target.

Character Sheet

Hair Style:
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Land Position:
Additional Details:

Toggle Rules

1. No God-Modding.
2. Make an attempt at being respectful, and if you must fight do so in the RP take it into a full blown war and may the victor go the spoils.
3. What I say goes. Do not argue, trust me if something bad happens to your character know that odds are your fortune will eventually turn around, maybe.
4. Warn me if you are going to leave.
5. Post two times per-week.
6. Please put details in your post, as I cant do much with vague comments.
7. Do not be afraid to ask me questions.
8. Obey the posting order that I will set forth.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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#, as written by Kugorie
Lady Limara ~ 2nd Turn


Accepts the kings offer of gold
A population count is taken of the Villages
Testing land fixed to see if a mine and mill can be built
2 mounted soldiers have been sent to each village

A reward has been posted for anyone who is strong enough to work on making roads from one village to the next.

Due to the offer, from Lord Rascall, messengers have been sent to make sure that the trade will be coming safely to and from.

Test land to see if a church may be built.

Farmers are to make sure the cattle are fat and healthy; farmers that have good cows will be paid an extra 0.25 for every 2 cows.


Any builders will be paid for their work on fixing houses and making new ones.
Farming is finished and now farmers are requested to work with their cattle.


Any women or men who can weave will be paid for their work on making baskets. Other requests will be coming.
A letter was sent to every home thanking them for their work on testing the land.


Any fishermen who can fish well will be paid for their work for catching fish, making sure that small ones are left for another day.
A letter was sent to every home thanking them for their work on finding a water source.


Oak will be turned into wagons for Lord Rascall, making sure a few are kept for safe measures and personnal use.
Other trees are to be tested
A letter is to be sent out to every home thanking them for their work with the lumber
An official lumber mill will be under way, anyone wanting to help will be paid extra for their help.


Horsemen will be required to work on their skills everyday if they wish to be paid.
Archers will also be required to practice if they wish to be paid.


The tax is at a 10% currently.
Anyone who is unhappy with the taxes may approach Lady Limara.

The cattle herders are to give a fifth of their cattle currently.

A letter is to be sent out to every home thanking them for their work.


- Taxes are at 10%
- Slavery is banned.
- Rape is banned.
- Stealing is banned.
- Murder is banned.
- New jobs are slowly approaching, if anyone is without a job please remain calm.


Dear Lord Rascall
Wagons have been sent out to you and your villages. It would be much obliged if you could confirm that they have come into your possession and that your trade is on its way.
We thank you for this trade.

Blessed be.

Lady Limara.


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((This is a reaction to only Kugorie who missed the turn 2))

Noble: Lady Limara

Land: Construction on a mill to refine what grain can be collected this harvest has commenced using the lumber form the forest. Knowledge on mining is not known by the basic peasants or anyone on your lands, so to know if there are ore veins ready to be mined are unknown.

A few people have begun work on road systems, but roads take awhile to build, so perhaps in a few weeks they will be completed. A church to who knows what had begun construction.

Many farmers have no sold their cattle simply because this upcoming winter could be hard and many don’t want to risk it.

Losean: A farmer’s job is never finished, but many people only do one or the other: Farm or Herd, so for the most part those that are farmers are farming, and those that are herding are herding their cattle. They are rather self-sufficient like that. The repairs to their houses are still underway, although knowing they will not only be rebuilding their homes, but also being paid for their work has increased their efforts.
Population: 425

Scoorton: The weaving of baskets was never seen by the people to be a big thing and was always more recreational than anything, but they have started weaving baskets as their lady has asked of them.
Population: 214

Riverndale: The men of riverndale are farmers as well as fishermen, so many do both. Fishing was never as big as farming for the people of riverndale more as a means of just gathering extra meat, but since their lady asked they have begun fishing more than usual.
Population: 237

Avalon: Construction on the lumber mill has begun, although their houses are still their prime concern. Construction on the mill is estimated to be completed in 3 weeks.
Population: 195

Military: Training and payment continues no real change in their military.
Economy: Your economy is sliding do to paying everyone in your lands for their work. It is no doubt effective but at the moment you are giving more than you are receiving. The cattle herders have agreed to let you have 1/6 of their cattle and that’s only because they like you. If they didn’t it would turn quickly into a tense situation.

Law: The people are unsure of what the punishments are, so for the most part they ignore your laws.

Public opinion: Your people like you. They like how you send thank you letters to them, as it shows you are a noble who at least cares enough to give them the time of the day.
Political Standing: You have slowly faded from many nobles minds, as you have not done anything of note lately.
Events: None.


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#, as written by Klause
Mukmar sat at his desk and read over the letters that he had received lately. Some of them were good news others were fantastic. News from Zeverael were…Disturbing yet promising; fifty Aramac people to work for him was something indeed and this gave Mukmar many ideas for what he could do in the future.

-Trade is to continue as it has, with one exception to Faile Abara as the required 10 tons of wood is to be sold for half price, and an additional 3 tons is to be send along as a ‘gift’.

-Mukmar still hasn’t made up his mind whether to built roads or an irrigation system, thus that project is yet to be started.

-Riders are sent to each city to count their population.

-A messenger is sent out to every village elder that Lord Mukmar is interested in potentially (50-50 %) establishing an organized form of religion amongst the peasants. If they are interested, of course.


-The Aramac are ordered to build their own homes outside the city, and it has to be a good few paces away.

-A new law is passed that the Aramac and the Civilians of Bechafen are not to mingle, thus the city guard and militia will be in charge of overlooking the Aramc while they are within Bechafen.

-Letters are send to the Northern Lords:
Dear [Lord’s name],

It has come to my attention that my land and people are unable to form metal as skilled as your citizens, therefore I would like to make an order on armor. Forty metal breastplates is requested, and I’d be more than happy to trade with you in either coins or timber.

Sincerely from the Lord of the South,
~Mukmar Ahmed Gadzi

-Letters are send to the Central Lords:
Dear [Lord’s name],

My people are in need of feeling the pride of being someone important. I have soldiers who bravely stands up for their people, however to their fellow farmers and workers, they are nothing more than laughing stock as they have no uniform. I woul like to buy forty tabards of my regions color (yellow) and with my insignia in it (the twin eagles).
Payment can come in both coins and timber.

Sincerely from the Lord of the South,
~Mukmar Ahmed Gadzi


-Captain James is now promoted to Commader of the Military.

-Payment of soldiers is changed to 9 silver. Soldiers with a higher rank will vary in payment, but for now, James is the sole commander of the army.

-An announcement is send to every city that Lord Mukmar is recruiting volunteers to become soldiers. No one is forced to join, only out of free will this time.
…i) The previous law of mandatory service is now abolished and replaced by the policy “Conscription en Massé” (in other words, if the region is invaded, everyone is expected to contribute to the war, one way or the other, that includes Mukmar himself).
…ii) The new policy is open to criticism and suggestions for adjustment, for now, and as it is a policy which requires extreme conditions before it can be initiated, it can be ignored, for now.

-The previous members of the militia are given the choice to stay or leave. Those who leave are given two payments. First payment 4 silver and then they are requested to stay little while to show the new recruits how to do their jobs, and then by next week they’d be given 7 silver and an honorable discharge from the army.

-There is set a standard that there is to be at least 40 soldiers. These 40 soldiers will be given tabards, armor, a home within the Baracks, Right for Warm Food, and those who serve Mukmar for 12 years will be given five times his salary, a choice to stay (and be promoted) or leave (and have his lands doubled in size)
…i) If more soldiers arrive, they are told that they will have to wait a while for the Lord to send off more requests for tabards and armor for them.
…ii) These excess of soldiers will serve as a temporary “Rag-tag” team, meant to support the soldiers. Only until their armor and uniforms arrive.

-Mukmar also orders a headcount of the soldiers within the army.

-Each town is offered to set up a ‘Council of Elders’ where it will be the older members of the villages that will get together and discuss what they think of things and what they would like to have changed.
…i) The Lord promises to think over the proposition.
…ii) The Council isn’t require to come in person to tell the Lord, they can send runners to tell him.

-The following is now banned:
…i) Rape ~ Punished by: Public at least 20 lashes (the Council of Elders can deem it more), beating and possibly forced non-profited labor for the Lord.
…ii) Thievery ~ Punished by: At least ten lashes, and depending on the value of what was stolen, the Council can add other punishments.
…iii) Murder ~ Punished by: Hanging.

-The Council of Elder is expected to hold these trials fairly and if news of their power is being abused, then they will be stripped of their power, fined and possibly face trial by the Lord himself.
…i) Furthermore, all other village Councils will be forced to cease, and if caught practicing illegal power, the person will be punished by public torture.
…ii) Commander James will be in charge of conducting secret and random investigations on those accused and the common people to see if the Council is corrupt or not.


Dearest Lady Namira Rosewood,

It has come to my attention that you have a problem with the many refugees within your borders. I on the other hand is always in need of people to cut down my wood, and hands to make sure that food is made.

I propose that we bind together to form the South-East Trade Company. This company will effectively target your refugees, offering them jobs, homes and even food in return for their labor.
I have the land which can be use to form a hole city for these refugees and with a few experienced peasants to instruct them, they will soon be cheap labor that will bring benefits for us both.

Sincerely from,
~Mukmar Ahmed Gadzi.


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Capt. Namira Rosewood-

(Narrative Soon to come!)

General- *note *

Namira addresses her "pirate" crew that the new ship that she is constructing will be at their use when she is not shipping goods with it. The "Tarentella" has brought along the subject of the Pirate Code, one that Namira as the Captain enforced even among her pirate sailors. Though the Pirates already know these laws, having leanred them when taking the oath, Namira re informs them every month so that none may have the excuse of "forgetting".

I. Every man has a vote in affairs of moment; has equal title to the fresh provisions, or strong liquors, at any time seized, and may use them at pleasure, unless a scarcity (not an uncommon thing among them) makes it necessary, for the good of all, to vote a retrenchment.

II. Every man to be called fairly in turn, by list, on board of prizes because. Those who steal from their brothers shall have a limb cut off, and the limb will be decided by the Capt.

III. No person to game at cards or dice for money while aboard the ship. Namira demands a good crew

IV. The lights and candles to be put out at eight o'clock at night: if any of the crew, after that hour still remained inclined for drinking, they were to do it on the open deck.

V. To keep their daggers and cutlass clean and fit for service.

VI. No boy or woman to be allowed amongst them. If any man were to be found seducing any of the latter sex, and carried her to sea, disguised, he was to suffer death; . Namira is the only female allowed aboard this ship and should she find any they and their companion will be cast off the ship. Woo your women at your own time.

VII. To desert the ship or their quarters in battle, is punished with death or marooning.

VIII. No striking one another on board, but every man's quarrels to be ended on shore, at sword and pistol. (Namira, as captain of the ship , when the parties will not come to any reconciliation, accompanies them on shore with what assistance she thinks proper, and turns the disputant back to back, at so many paces distance; at the word of command, they turn and charge immediately, The victor is the one who draws first blood

IX. No man to talk of breaking up their way of living, till each had shared a good amount of gold . If in order to this, any man should lose a limb, or become a cripple in their service, he was to have 50 gold pieces, out of the public stock, and for lesser hurts, proportionately.

X. The captain and and the first mate to receive two shares of a prize: the master, boatswain, and gunner, one share and a half, and other officers one and quarter.

XI. The musicians to have rest on Sundays, but the other six days and nights, none without special favor.

Namira, after receiving the letter from the Southern Lord agrees to his proposition and announces to the refugees about the opportunity in the Southern land for work and shelter. She hopes that they will accept and move to work for the Southern Lord so that they can more suitable homes for themselves.
-Port Langston-

Workers are to continue building the "Tarentella" until completion.
Fisherman are continue to do their jobs.
When the "oranges" have become a sure thing and there are enough to harvest, Namira will attempt to sell them to the Northern and West Lands.

Farmers,bakers, and the others will continue just as they are.

The Pirates will be given a short break for their usual dealings, as Namira uses the ship to begin trading with the Northern Lord as well as the Southern.

Murder- Punishable by beheading, hanging, or
Theft- The Thief has either the choice of working for one year of whoever he stole from, or having a finger cut off.
Rape- Punishable by death. Either by hanging or A hundred slices. (The Chinese called it Ling Chi or slow slicing and's pretty scary o.o)
Slavery- Banned ( punishment unclear however..)


Sounthern Lord Ahmed,
I write this in hast in my excitement and delight of your request. Yes yes yes and a thousand times yes! I shall inform several of my men to begin escorting the refugees to the Southern lands immediatly.
Yours truly,
Capt. Namira Rosewood.


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Turn 3 results: 1 week later

Noble: Rascall

Most scholars go to the Kadrin Empire to learn, and those who don’t usually end up in Altdorf. Few if any scholars reside in a backwater central town. There truly is no “wiseman” as you call them in the lands as knowing how to read doesn’t help one to survive in a small village as they have no use for it. There are a few professions such as butchers, tanners, etc but they are not “wiseman” merely workers of a craft, and almost all people who can read are workers of craft and thus they do not accept the job in administration as they can earn more money applying their trade than they can on a small nobles salary.

You are farther behind in repairs than the other lords due to your rather rocky start, but thanks to wood given by a generous lady, repairs are underway. It will take months to finish as the people try to make the best of their time farming and repairing.

The High Priest in a generous display gives out the wood to the villagers, as “Aloyase will understand the plight of the people”.

Sadly it is very hard to enforce your new law against swindling since people who do swindle don’t wait around, they merely jump into neighbouring lands to spend their new money where you can’t legally touch them.

Honestly not much can be done at the moment since almost all the wood is going to homes and there is not much to spare for the castle. The farmers outside have begun planting Barley, although they are unsure as to why they are planting Barley, but they don’t care as long as they can sell it for a tidy profit.

Borks Rest:
Reparations go slow as people have to split their focus on working the fields and repairing their homes. They plant Rye, although they are more used to planting Wheat as it pulls in more coin, but as long as it earns them a tidy profit they can accept it.

Kamter Stadt:
Same as Borks Rest, although many a stubborn farmer has refused to grow Rye and continued with their family tradition of growing wheat.

Kolter Stadt:
Luckily for Kolter Stadt reparations have already been going so it is simply getting further along. Farming continues as usual.

Barkan River:
It’s a river with fish in it, honestly what more do you want with fishing properties?
You hired soldiers but already they suffer casualties. Of the group of 5 that was sent only 1 stumbles back. His clothing and face seem as if something had melted it. He was screaming of puke, monsters, and the swamp before he succumbed to a very painful death.

Military: Despite hiring 45 soldiers, you only have 40 left due to the swamp fiasco. They are ill trained, ill equipped, and have low morale could be worse, you could have nothing at all but calling them soldiers would be an insult to men everywhere.

Economy: The economy is stale. Your people do have almost anything too tax, and nor have you spent much of anything. Few loans are taken out due to many people fearing some kind of execution for not making the payments. You have received some cattle, but only the weakest of the herds as no herder is going to give you his prime stock.

Political Standing: Unknown... but at least you don’t have scandals
Public Opinion: You are still ok, not too good or too bad. They just feel contentment take of that what you will.

Central: There is a mix of responses but the most usual is a polite “No”. When these men steal this money from YOU it is YOUR money, not theirs they are losing even better is these men go to their lands and spend this money stolen from you which they get to tax. They have no reason what so ever to aid you besides from the good of the heart and few nobles are like that.
North: It seemed rather foolish to try and bless these men with your own god as the Northmen follow their own religion so a few more hard-headed religions nobles tossed out your letter on principle. Some responded though all saying that if the need arises they will consider it, but they do not need it now, and you do not have it at the moment anyways so talking about trade for grain that might not be their come harvest time is a waste.
Events: Puke? Swamp? Monsters?

Noble: Conall

Land: Well no one in the north are construction experts, so how he makes these roads is pretty much on his shoulders.
Even the aspect of a reward only brings in a few volunteers as honestly working in the mines is... well it’s not something anyone wants to do. You are cramped in small tunnels chipping at a wall day in and day out. No one wants to do it, and only those who have to do.

It is strange that one of the first things their lord attempts to build is a jail... and it sets many on edge, but construction begins on the project although it would take a little while before such a building is completed assuming you want it stone with bars... if you wanted a wooden jail it would go much faster.
The elders do prepare to gather at this council interested to see what he needed of them.

The Thane Cormic tries to explain to Conall that a few more pieces of iron would not make up for the amount of influence they would lose with the people if they sent more than agreed upon into those dark tunnels. He says that the amount of time given is unreasonable for both it is not easy to put up two buildings in 2 weeks with people already mining and had just finished working on the palisade.
Construction on the Tannery and a small armourer has begun.

The Thane Eamon starts to feel slightly annoyed by the work being shovelled on him. He has men working in the mines, his men just finished working on the palisades and now Conall wants him to build two more buildings? He stands his ground and firmly says that Conall should choose one or the other, as doing both would stretch his people to thin.

Cilmord: Thane Bruce continues to do as he usually does, although he sends men to help Eamon and Cormic with their work on the new buildings.
The palisade is complete; the winner of the building competition is Whiteburn.
The Mine: The new miners sometimes work on the lodgings on their down time, but give it another week or two before those are finished.

All the neighbouring lords reject Conalls offer due to the fact they can get higher quality wood and more food trading with the central and at a much slighter cost since they are in need of repairs and are willing to lower their prices to make money.
Money is following and leaving in equal measure. Your taxes and your building plans are balancing out, but true profit won’t come in until lady Rosewood gets underway.

Military: The new commander Tiber appoints 4 sergeants who oversee 25 men and report back directly to him. It seems the men have had trouble with slavers, but luckily they have yet to have any serious injuries, but it seems the more pressure you put on them the harder they fight.
(I assume the 15 men looking for slavers is part of the 40 men under the roaming the lands since you only have 100 soldiers.)

Political Standing: Still unknown...
Public Standing: Your people... are content. After the festival your popularity is sure to rise, assuming it goes off well.

Events: There are reports of a slaver base in the mountains that has been gathering men to do a raid on your lands in retaliation of your new laws.


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Turn 3 results: 1 week later

Noble: Faile


A Man that recently crossed the border from the Kadrin Empire by the name of Theodericus wishes to be your new engineer although he wishes for 18 silver to account for his experience as a outpost designer for the Imperial Army. If you hire him he will begin to look at the walls for ways to improve them.

Your spy has successfully infiltrated Kurtz domain working as a kitchen boy for the Noble. He has heard of a few disappearances usually young girls but Kurtz Von kessel always assures people he will find them. It wasn’t hard for your spy to begin spreading rumours such as Kurtz has sold them to the Kadrin Empire, or even better that Kurtz is a sadistic man who enjoys sick pleasure with the captured girls.

Kurtz Von Kessel Information:
Age: 46
Family: 14 year old Daughter
Personal Life: He enjoys spending time with his daughter, practicing his swordplay, and reading. He is known widely as a scholar and an excellent swordsman. He is rather people shy so does not go out to speak to his people unless necessary. Some servants say he gets a special visitor every Saturday night…
War Histroy: Served in the Rebellion but before that in his youth he served under Vardek Crom, now known as merely Crom the Conqueror.
Fact: He has made no laws against or for slavery…

The Caves:

The men of the falcon claw charged in swords drawn and clashed into the larger force of goblins armed with what patchwork weapons they could find such as daggers, shabby spears, and sharpened pieces of metal. The falcon claw formed up into 3 and a half ranks of 10 men in order to better fight in the closed space. In the initial clash the Claw cut down 5 of the small goblins, but they would not give ground. A goblin thrust back with a spear catching the Claw in the rib and leaving the man coughing out blood on the ground.

The battle continues to wage as both sides refuse to give ground, the claws swinging their blades dropping yet another 5 goblins, but the goblins refuse to back down as they know that if they do they will all die. A goblin jumped on top of a Claw biting into his neck as the claw died gurgling on his own blood. In retaliation the Flacon slaughter yet another 4 of the goblins and seem to be thinning the goblins lines. Fighting bitterly for their survival the goblins bring down yet another 2 falcons, but yet another 4 goblin are brought down in the process.

A roar fills the caverns and the great stone troll stomps out of the caves its large black eyes scanning the room for its prey. The goblins have nowhere to run so fight with a renewed fury. 21 falcons raise their bows, as the other 10 are too busy fighting the goblins. Even in the low light the falcons manage to pepper the Troll with 8 arrows, but only 2 arrows manage to pierce its thick hide one even managing to hit its left eye the fire searing the nearby flesh and to peoples surprise it did not heal. The goblins scurried out of the way just in time as the Troll rushed past and crashed into the Falcons who were too busy drawing back their bows to move out of the way only had time to look up to see the troll swinging its arms around in a frenzy. Its mighty blows connected with the falcons smashing two people, the goblins rushed forward but keeping out of the trolls reach stabbing and jabbing with their spears killing yet another 2 falcons. The falcons fought back killing 2 goblins.

The troll reached down plucking up a Falcon, and watched the man squirming in its grasp. Its eye seemed to glaze over as it temporarily forgot where it was, but the falcon did not wait shoving his blade deep into the eye of the troll and slicing open what brains the troll had.

The troll tried to crush the man, but its strength gave out and it fell backwards crushing four goblins under its bulk. The falcon tore his blade out, and his fellows cheered him on “Manfred the Troll Slayer!” the others chanted, and the goblins their moral breaking at the sight began to flee but they were caught and chased down by the Falcons.

After the deaths had been counted, and goblins slain the falcons searched the caves and to their delight they discovered a couple (4) to be exact small silver veins inside the walls! Manfred chopped off the trolls head and carried it back to the castle prepared to flaunt his achievement and hopefully get a reward.

Death Toll:
1 troll
53 Goblins
8 Falcons

Tax cuts and Professions. A few proffsionals move into town including a tanner-skinner, light armor smith (has worked with chainmails and the like), bowyer, and a Fletcher.

The Tournament: Many nobles (12) to be exact along with 20 other entrees were entered into the tournament that lasted all day. It drew a great crowd. The categories such as grand melee, archery, and jousting were all test and the winners were chosen out of the all three and ranked, but only the first three truly caught peoples eyes.

1st place: Konrad, A knight and commander of the forces under Lord Kurtz
2nd place: Manfred the Troll Slayer!
3rd place: Tallanver

Menetherin Keep:
Construction on the walls has begun, but it will be awhile before these are up and running once again, but one thing is good with all the new iron from the tournament we can start reinforcing the doors! The work should be completed in a week.
A storehouse has begun, completion in 2 weeks.

Menetherin Village: Construction of houses complete! Congratulations you are finally done with rebuilding your homes!
The village council has humble requested a inn or tavern of some kind.

Aemons Field: Construction of houses complete! Congratulations you are finally done with rebuilding your homes!
The inn has begun reconstruction, estimated 1 week till completion.

Baelon: Construction of houses complete! Congratulations you are finally done with rebuilding your homes!
The village humbly requested a brothel….

Laws: The laws went over well. The people are unsure why you care so much for slavery, but they will abide by your laws.
Military: Your military is down to 65 men, so your power is slipping it would be best to begin training and recruitment… Although morale is high thanks to one Manfred the Troll Slayer who has been training constantly to live up to everyone’s expectations.
Economy: Despite selling the horses your economy is still falling. You are now considered poor by your neighbors due to the cost of the wages, and cost of materials your expenditure is greatly outdoing your profits.
Political Opinion: Still the hero of lustria last time anyone checked, and being able to talk with the fabled Vardek Crom has raised many nobles opinions of you higher.
Public Opinion: Your people love you…
Events: You found silver!!! And who is the mysterious visitor to Kessel?

Noble: Mukmar
The old elder sends a letter reminding you that he only has a limited time in this life next, so he would appreciate it if you would make a decision.

Bechafen: 693
The Aramac do indeed build small huts, but many of the people of Bechafen are angry with Mukmar. They are a superstitious people and those Aramacs scare them. They should not be allowed on the land much less outside their town!

Hefter Town: 310
Hamburg: 219
Stuer : 452
Note: All construction on houses is finished!

The village elders express that they would love to have buildings dedicated to the God(s) (You are the player so you can set what religion they worship)
You have received to offers from northern lords. One offers you exactly what you asked at discounted prices if you agree to buy an extra 20 suits. Wants coins.
Another lord offers you what you asked for and a suit of chainmail to go under it, and shields but at twice the price. He wants coins.

You have many Central offers, but I will assume you will choose the cheapest.

Military: You have 20 men who have agreed to remain in your service, with another 30 volunteers coming in, so at the moment your forces stand at 60 (including your ten royal guards)

Nothing at the moment.
Public Opinion: People like you slightly better!
Political Opinion: Still unknown.
Events: The elder is getting old…. He cannot survive much longer.


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Turn 3 results: One Week Later

Noble: Namira Rosewood
Land: 2 weeks until Tarentella completion.
The farmers have begun trying to plant oranges, but time will tell if they survive or not.
Travensburg: No change
Dravensburg: There has been… trouble. 30% of the refugees have left for the south lands, but over a hundred has stormed the town attacking pirates on sight, 31 people have been wounded or killed so far. They are lead by a man named Traven who is a veteran in the Kadrin Army, who retired in Lustria and felt that the mistreatment of refugees has gone on long enough.
Military: You only have your sailors still.
Economy: You are still wealthy… your economy is sure to jump again once trading with the north starts to flow. With the new riots you might wish to hire some mercs…
Public opinion: Everyone but the refugees like you! The later wants to rape you, beat you, and then hang you. My, aren’t you popular!
Political Opinion: Some of your neighbors envy your wealth, but many laugh at you for not being able to keep order in your villages.
Events: Riots in Dravensburg!!!

Noble: Tika Ravia
Narration: Will put up tonight.

Constructions on Houses are at 75% estimated completion is in 1-2 weeks depending on availability to wood.
The large amount of “Volunteers” begins construction on the ruined smithy, estimated completion: 1 week. A few merchants from the nearby lands and from the Kadrin Empire have been making visits to your lands, although due to some left over hard feelings the Kadrin Empire merchants do not get as much revenue and if this continues they will simply leave.

Trees are tricky because it takes an estimated 15 years for a tree to mature, so increasing its growing rate truly won’t do anything.

The “Contacts” Say that only cheaper weapons and armor will be sold in bulk such as chainmail, spears, axes, etc. They have finally sent the spy, he does not give a name and merely says to call him “Lone Wolf”

In the lands once owned by Tybolt and estimated 316 people have moved into your lands bringing with them tools, food, and 50 heads of cattle.

The lands of Tybolt are torn to shreds as Tikas men look for anything of value finding clothe, furniture, paintings, small amounts of weapons (10 spears), cattle, horses, and jewelry.

The mercenaries check the cave out, and find no resistance. They find a pile of strange eerily green glowing stones, one of the men swears he saw small shapes moving in the farther tunnels. The mercs bring back the stones to the fort. The same night a man appears offering a small fortune for the stones… he will be back in a week to collect them and give you your gold if you agree. He does not give you a name.

Military: Training of the raw recruits has begun in the barracks but they have a long way to go. At the moment you are a decently powerful noble military wise, once you get the vat number of recruits trained you will be a powerhouse on the western border.

Weapon inventory:
59 spears, 72 shields, 29 bows, 10 greatswords, 10 yuri/pikes, 15 crossbows, 15 flails and I believe that’s it.

Law: Due to the new prostitution law not only have you gained a decent amount of money from taxing this, but it has somewhat brought your people slightly together. Soborian women have always been… free with their affection and now that they can get paid for doing something they love. They have taken a liking to prostitution and now human and Soborian males have something in common! They both like to pay for their services!
Gambling dens have also started raking in money, and a man has approached you hoping to build a large tavern (is willing to pay for the expenses) in order to hit all three aspect: Liquor, prostitution, and gambling!

Relations with the King: He was rather confused on the portrait you sent, but nonetheless he had it hung up in one of the many walls inside his castle (while some say he gave it to Vardek Crom as a symbol of good faith between countries why Crom would want such a thing is beyong Alric). Since he was going to remove the man himself, he is not too angry with your movement, although he wished you hadn’t torn the land apart so much to do it. He has decided to take the land and split it between you and the other noble Teclis despite how he may feel about the man.

Your propaganda campaign is somewhat effect in the direct lands next to yours who at least know of what happened, but the further you go out the weaker the effect is as many people don’t know or care about some unimportant noble.

Your men seem to enjoy the rather pretty flag.

Economy: Your economy has done a Great U-turn. Due to the new spoils and land your economy has recovered and then some, plus adding in the money from prostitution, Kings loan, and gambling and you are considered moderately wealthy by your neighbors! Of course soon your soldier’s expenses will start taking their tool.

Political Opinion: Your neighbors are watching you closely now, while also increasing their soldiers incase you get land grabby again. Many of the nobles in the western border now know your name but to the other areas you are unknown. Although some do know that Cain favors a western noble, and some believe this is you.
Public Opinion: You are loved by the Soborians, and your reputation has grown with the humans. They no longer hate you!
Man is coming in a week to collect the rocks… but at nights people swear to see things moving around in the trees… The new spy from the contacts tells you that you are about to be under siege by large rat like men! They claim to want the glowing stones, and if not given to them they will kill you and take it from your corpse. (Pm me, and we will work this out)


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#, as written by Kugorie
Lady Limara of The Central Forest

Lady Limara looked around from inside her tent. A castle had not been built yet, but she didn’t mind this yet. She wanted the peoples approval of her first but she knew that Laws and work would have to be made soon, otherwise the villagers would do whatever they please and try to overrun her.

Limara had already made a Lieutenant and he was going around the villages seeing what needed to be done in each village. He was her most trusted friend and she couldn’t thank him enough for his efforts on working with her. For, he could have gotten another job or gone to another Nobleman and worked for them. But instead he trusted, and believed, in her.

She wouldn’t give up as long as she knew that someone believed in her.

- Send out a letter to the people asking if anyone knows how to read and/or write. If anyone does please ask that they come to Avalon at once.

- Ask builders to make sure farm houses are done first due to the fact that they have the crops and cattle.

- A letter shall be sent to every village asking if they wish to have a priest if not the church will be used for other things.

- A messenger is to be sent out to see how the buildings are going and to see how the cattle are doing.

- Ask those who are weaving baskets if they are capable of weaving other things.
- A letter is sent out asking if anyone can build, the buildings need to be fixed in Scoorton builders will be paid.

- A letter to those who can cook fish, those that can will be asked to give 1/3 to the other villages
- A letter is sent out asking who can build, the buildings need to be fixed. Builders will be paid.

- Those helping with the mill are greatly appreciated

Dear Mukmar Ahmed Gadzi Lord’s name,

I can have a few Tabards made within a few weeks. How much gold would be paid for this work? With this if you would like to make an alliance with me, we may talk more. If not then this will be a short trade.

Blessed be.
Lady Limara

-Lieutenant Kale is now in charge of the military.

-An announcement is send to every city that Lady Limara is recruiting volunteers to become soldiers. No one is forced to join, only out of free will this time.

- Soldiers currently already in the military are asked to continue their work and are thanked on their efforts.

- Practice has been moved for two days a week do their work can improve.

- Lady Limara has also asked that anyone who wishes to be General, come to her.

- Tax has now gone to 15% due to the fact that Lady Limara wants to pay everyone for their work.
- Every town is asked to have one representative come to Lady Limara and give say on their town and other things.

-The following is now banned:
…i) Rape, Punished by public humiliation and maybe even death.
…ii) Thievery, Punished by public humiliation.
…iii) Murder, Punished by Death.
...iv) Slavery, Punished by public humiliation and maybe even death.


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It swept through the population of the Hallion Lands like a sword striking through flesh. The plague, the locals called it the Empire's curse, the followers of Necravanis called it their ultimate test. It cut down everyone it touched. Crippling aches and reddening flesh were the early signs. Only steps away from death did the disease reveal its deadly colours; flesh blackened and died, shedding itself from the previous owner. Puss coated raw flesh, rending the sufferer a hideous sight in the last days of their lives. It was surely deadly and spread alarmingly quickly, with seemingly no cause or source. It ripped through the human populations quickly, inciting anger and riots. Conflicts and fights broke out as the farmers turn the blame on the aliens in their lands. Yet, surely enough the more sturdy aramac population succumbed.

Even Zeverael, the mightiest being most had seen, felt to the cruel claws of the plague. Unknown to his followers he suffered inside his isolating armor, an example until the end. He rallied the faith of the suffering, the greatest test, he named it. His vigor sent many uttering prayers to Necravanis until their flesh gave way and they could speak no more. Even many of the villagers turned to this bizarre god who offered a reward for the suffering. So it was that the majority of the Hallion Lands was rendered lifeless. Those fortune or perhaps unfortunate enough to remain untouched were left to rebuilt their twice decimated and fractured society. Bodies were burnt or buried in mass graves. As the last ashes drifted on the wind and the dirt was deposited over the rotting corpses the sun set on a changed place. The survivors were deeply scarred by survival and not an aramac lived. The only survivors of their race trapped in the Empire's cruel embrace, never to rescued the the avatar of Necravanis. He had held strong until the last of his followers perished. Then, kneeling in vigil above the village of Karadhal he left this realm to return to his master. His armor remains, untouched in constant watch.


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#, as written by Nanase
Faile Abara – Turn 4

Narrative Post:
(Will finish this afternoon, when I get home from school)

The sun broke above the walls of Menetherin Keep, the early morning chill of the plains still fresh and crisp in the air. Tallanver and the newly promoted Manfred stood in the middle of a large courtyard that had been cleared of debris and was serving as the practice yards of the Claw until a more permanent training field could be established.

Based on the position of the sun, it could not have been much after 6:30 in the morning but a large crowd of people were forming in the courtyard. Tallanver guessed that their number was around 50, most of the collected townsmen and villages young men or boys. Though Tallanver, and certainly Manfred had noticed the occasional woman or girl in the crowd. This collected crowd had answered the call for training and possible recruitment into the Claw or another force if Faile wished, though Tallanver knew not all of them would continue with the training. Truth be told, these men and women were not being paid until they were formally recruited, but Faile was providing them with food and shelter in the keep. If they wanted to make some money though, well the construction crews always needed men. Perhaps Tallanver would put them to it, carding lumber or something, build strength and character.
The last few stragglers were coming in through the keep gates now.

Tallanver had wanted them there by first light but they had not started yet so nothing was missed. Some of the men had brought weapons, a spear and even the occasional sword that had been dug out of god knows what box in an addict or basement. They wouldn’t need them right now, or for awhile yet anyways. “Alright Manfred, let’s get this going.” Manfred smiled, and gave a jovial laugh, the man was still very proud of his recent accomplishments which was to be expected, so long as he did his job he could be as proud as he wanted.

Manfred gave a bellowing yell “ATTENTION.” The crowd stopped talking and turned to look at the two men in front of them. Tallanver stepped forward. “So you want to be soldiers eh? It’s a hard life and a trying one, but I cannot say I don’t enjoy it. Your training will be hard, and I can’t guarantee all of you will make the cut. I will give you one chance to leave now, after this you are signed to the roster, committed to your training. You can leave with only Manfred or my permission. At that point we will strike you from the roster. We do not want people who will only go about this half assed. You must be willing and committed to this, because when you are a soldier it is no longer just your life on the line but the lives of your fellow soldiers. If you do it half assed then your risk yourself and the man next to you. So is there anyone who feels they are not up to this?” Not a soul moved. Tallanver smiled, “Good, you are to give me your names and I will add them to the roll. Form one line and when you are done stand to the side.
One by one the name’s were given and all together 54 men and women were added to the roll, eager to begin their training. Tallanver once again took to the front to address his new training recruits. “Alright, if any of you brought weapons from your homes you are to place them against the wall. You will not need them for awhile yet.” Once the weapons had been put to the side and the men returning to some semblance of ranks, Tallanver continued. “Now, My name is Tallanver, I will be leading you ragtag group and turning you into soldiers. This man next to me is Manfred. He will also be teaching you what it takes to be a good fighting soldier. Now that introductions are done, you are to start your training by running. You are to run 20 laps around this courtyard, for those of you who don’t know, that’s about two miles. Get to it.”

The group of trainees looked confused for a moment; they thought they were learning to fight, not running. “Well what are you waiting for!” Tallanver yelled out as he took the front of the group and began running with them. “Many of you may be wondering why we are running. We run because it builds endurance, it builds strength and power. As soldiers you will be expected to run and then fight a battle at the end of it. Battles are tiring; if you don’t have endurance then you do not survive. That is why we run. NOW Keep those legs moving. This is warm-up for you, we haven’t even begun anything yet.”

The sun had risen a bit and was beginning to steam off the morning frost as the trainees finished their two miles, all of them sweating and panting for breath, all getting water from a large cask provided. Both Manfred and Tallanver had been watching the group carefully and already there seemed to be several front runners. “Catch your breath gentlemen; the day has only just begun.”

Tallanver and Manfred disappeared around the corner and came back with several handfuls of long sticks of wood. They were rough and some were misshapen but they would serve their purpose. “Now that you have caught your breath, we are going to spend the next few hours working on turning you rabble into looking like a fighting force. We are going to teach you how to stand, how to form, how to properly march and if you are especially good then we will go into spear formations. The spear is a more basic weapon on the battlefield but the weapon in the hands of a trained spear unit will save your life one day.” The instructions continued for a few minutes before Manfred and Tallanver hurried them into how they should stand at attention, and pulling the poor saps aside that didn’t get it on the first try and showing them again. Thus began the first day of training.

That Evening

Young Rand Al’Thor stood sweating and heaving in his boots as he stood in attention with the squad that Sergeant Manfred had placed them in. The two drill sergeants, one being the famed Tallanver and the now famous Manfred, had placed all the trainees in five equal squads each squad had a squad commander and sub commander appointed by the two teachers. Rand had been appointed as sub commander despite being the second youngest in the squad, the youngest being a girl who was a year younger than him, she had come in with her brother from one of the far farms outside of Aemons Field. Rand, and for that matter all the trainees had been shocked to learn that they had split the squads up in this manner and then expected them to sleep, eat, and work together until their training was finished. There had been some awkward grumbling from some of the men about sharing quarters with a women but that was silenced by Tallanver.

And that was the end of that argument. The squads were dismissed to their quarters in the keep and all 54 of them trudged off to their rooms. There was little talking, Tallanver had not lied when he said the training was to be difficult and most of the men and women were simply too tired to talk. Upon reaching the rooms, Rand was pleasantly surprised to find that the room was actually fairly large and fresh beds, linens, and even a dresser had been brought in for each person. The beds were stacked in bunks so that they could fit all the furniture and equipment necessary into the room. Rand placed his belongings on a bottom bunk and smiled as the younger girl, Ewgene he thought her name was, took the top bunk. Rand poked around the room and was happy to find a spacious bathroom in the connecting room that even had several tubs for bath water. A luxury that he realized he had not been able to have in years, not since before the keep had been ransacked at least and the village destroyed. Still his face went hot when he remembered the three women who were in his squad.

Dinner was to be served in an hour in the main dining hall, the trainees were to eat with everyone else in the keep and that produced a lot of talk throughout the day, even more now. Rand could hear several people wondering what it would be like and to be able to see The Falcon even. Rand was so tired and sweaty though and their commanders had told them to wash up and Rand thought that a good bath was a very good idea. Unfortunately so did everyone else, but everyone was so worn out and a few nursing bruises that nobody seemed to care and what would have once been a terribly embarrassing experience, went without much comment.

The day’s training was over but that didn’t stop the commander’s control from reaching into the trainee’s lives. The squads were to report as a unit to the dining hall and any one person who arrived by themselves would get no meal. So Rand was forced to wait until the last person in his unit was finished, which thankfully was not long as no one wanted to wait for the long awaited meal. The meal was simple to say the least and despite knowing that the Falcon ate with the soldiers, all of the trainee’s stared as she came in and took her meal, sitting right down with a group of soldiers and not at a head table. After the meal all the squads reported straight to their ‘barracks’ to sleep. Manfred had said that they would be starting bright and early in the morning once again with yet another two miles run. As rand climbed into his bed he thought about sneaking out and visiting Ishandara, a young horse owned by Faile that he had been allowed to ride a few times, however these thoughts were dispelled as sleep overtook him.

In a small Village in the Kadrin Empire, the last Village before over one hundred miles of nothing but plains.

Eyaso was feeling much better and the coin given to them by the witch was now gone, spent on supplies needed for three girls and three horses to cross the plains. The only problem was securing horses. By securing, the girls of course meant stealing. The problem was, only Yatal had any experience with horses, and that was a very very limited experience and the horse had been an old pack animal for her parents.

Regardless of these troubles, the girls knew that they would need four horses if they wanted to cross the plains easily. They knew from maps and Yatal from experience during her trip in slavers hands the dangers of the plains. As for the rest of their knowledge, that was from the only good thing that being royal slaves had gotten them. Royal Slaves were expected to be literate, as a result all three of the girls could read and write and even do mathematics. It had been very easy to work out what they would need and how much it would cost.

Xiela had gone on ahead of the group and was crouching in some bushes outside of the lord of these lands stables. It had been decided that she should lead this attack as Yatal and Eyaso believed that since her skin was much darker then theirs, then it would be easier for her to sneak up and get passed any guards. Lukily for them there had been only a few guards and the girls soon found themselves resting against the stable walls. “Alright,” Yatal began “We don’t want the prettiest horses, we want heavily muscled ones.” The other girls nodded and Xiela looked around the building to make sure the way was clear. Seeing that it was she held up her hand and counted down. When her fingers were all down the girls vaulted over the small wooden fence and entered the stables, careful so not to wake the horses.

The stables were very well kept and each horse had its own well cared for stall complete with a little name plate beside the stall. The horses were obviously well cared for and very quickly the girls picked out four strong looking horses. None of them knew how to pick out breeds but every horse in the stable was ‘loot’ from the old Selican campaign and the only reason that the horses didn’t make a noise is because they recognized Eyaso’s smell. The horses they ended up picking were fairly normal horses, none of them war horses but well cared for and good horses nonetheless. The girls grabbed three saddles and quickly fumbled with the straps and then placed a fourth special saddle that had many small bags on it to the fourth horse before the three girls warily sat themselves in each saddle. The horses neighed softly at being mounted by untrained children but made little complaint. After a few seconds of fumbling around the girls touched the horses flanks and they were off at a gallop, riding hard and fast away from the lord lands and out into the plains where they had hidden their supplies and where the last and maybe the most dangerous leg of the journey was to begin.

Five days Later, roughly 70-80 miles into the plains

The girls continued riding long into the night. They had been taking the days slowly and not pressing the horses, so they decided that it would be best to continue riding a few hours into the night. After all, their food was mostly dried and none of it needed to be cooked. Some times they would take turns sleeping in the saddle, but always at least one of the girls was up for watch.

The current watch was Xiela when the glow of a fire could be seen from behind a hill. The fire was much to big to be a campfire and so Xiela hurriedly awoke the others before the topped the rise overlooking the fire. What they saw was frightening, below them a small caravan of three wagons were burning and the sound of metal ringing off metal was still carrying through the night. Several bodies lay strewn on the ground, some wore tattered dirt covered leather, but beneath that leather were high priced steel mail armor. Worse though, the vast majority of the bodies were young men and women, some in cloth but many more in silks and the bodies of guards in rough leathers. Yatal wanted to press on and go around the site, but Eyaso wanted to get a closer look.

The result of this was a brief argument that was ended when the last remaining fight moved out from the fires of one of the wagons. A young man had been thrown into the sight of the girls by a much larger man in smoke stained armor. The armored man was almost laughing hysterically as the younger man struggled to stand back up. "I've waited for this for years boy. You and your friends did a fair job on my men, but now it's just you and me." The larger man started laughing again as he came over and delivered a strong kick to the young man, causing him to scream out in pain. "I'm going to enjoy hearing your last scream boy." The man said as he raised a large war hammer over his head. Eyaso could not watch anymore and she kicked her horse into a gallop brandishing a stolen short sword. "The man appeared taken unawares and as he turned in surprise the young man's hand shot up and a small thin blade sprouted in the large man's neck. The large man appeared surprised and his gaze turned back to the young man. The larger man's eyes looked like death and he knew he was going to die, but not without taking the young man's life. The hammer raised one last time but Eyaso was upon him, She swung her shortsword and cut deep into the side of the man's head, the sword stuck though and wrenched Eyaso's shoulder, almost pulling her from the horse and forcing her to let go. The large man fell and the young man appeared almost stunned. Eyaso bit her lip enough to draw blood in an effort to keep from screaming as the jarring tore apart the fresh scabs on her arm allowing fresh blood to pour from that bloody wound on her arm.

Eyaso quickly dismounted from her horse and ran over to the fallen man, Xiela and Yatal not far behind. Eyaso reached the man first though and finally got a good look at him. He was a very handsome man with semi long white hair and brown eyes with a hint of gold. On his nose though was a pair of glasses, a device that helped some people see better, she knew from seeing several people with them in the royal palace. Now that Eyaso was kneeling over the boy though, she was unsure what to do or say at all, he was clearly a wealthy son of a noble but even she could tell the people who had attacked this caravan were more then simple bandits.

The young man appeared equally confused as he stared back up at Eyaso, his eyes were unmoving but he appeared to be stunned, and yet calculating something. Finally the boy spoke. "Well, I've decided I'm not dead yet, I don't think an angel would be dust covered and have a scar one eye." A slight grin was on the boy's face though he appeared to be in quite a bit of pain. Eyaso however had a very perplexed look on her face, she was completely taken aback by this comment and had no idea whether to take it as an insult or some kind of joke. Finally she decided on the second option, it made a bit more sense then the first. Eyaso tried to return the smile but she was honestly terrible at any real showings of emotions and she was sure she did not quite get it right. The boy almost laughed, "Sorry, I was trying to be funny. My name's Mattrim, but you can call me Matt." Matt coughed a little before continuing. "Thank you for saving me miss..."

"Eyaso, My name's Eyaso.... Here let me help you." She said extending a hand to the boy which he took carefully. His hand enveloped hers and despite trying to be careful he pulled a little too hard and ended up sprawling Eyaso on top of him. Yatal burst out in uncontrollable laughter at this before helping Mattrim to his feet and allowing him to lean on her. Until he could stand, if gingerly, on both of his feet. The glow of the fires illuminated all of their faces and Mattrim seemed almost surprised, despite being obviously rich it was apparent that he had never seen a dark skinned girl before or a Saborian. "Thank you very much." he said before turning towards Eyaso. It was quite clear that all present were a little uncomfortable, even at a time like this it was evident that all parties were more then a little socially awkward. Mattrim was taller and older then all of them, save perhaps Eyaso might have been a little taller. "Eyaso, I believe I owe you my life." he said, Eyaso once again being taken aback on unsure how to respond. Yatal broke the uncomfortableness by taking charge in her somewhat strange accent. "We will take later. Now is not the time or the place." She said as she swung onto her horse. "Mattrim, we have a spare horse, i'll try to help you on." Eyaso said to Matt. He returned her with a forced smile, it was clear the pain of what had just happened to him was still setting in. "Thank you Eyaso."

The group rode slowly for about an hour before finally coming to a stop. It was not long before Yatal had a fire going and was passing around a small bag of jerky and dried fruits. Matt had been somber since leaving the wagons, his head down as if he was lost in thought. "So Matt" Eyaso said to him, his face perked up somewhat. "Can you explain to us what happened back there? Why were you attacked."

Matt's face turned sad again. "Well, the man who you killed was captain of my father's gaurd. I suppose my father decided he had finally had enough of me. I am an engineering student at the university in the capital and I have been a a bit free in some political ideas. But the Emperor and my father did not agree with me, and I suppose that my father just wanted to be rid of me.... I can't say I'm not surprised."

Eyaso had not expected that reason, and it had definitely perked her interest. The other girls had already gone to sleep and so it was just her and Matt now. "What kind of ideas did you have?"

Matt perked up once again. "Oh I had many ideas, the abolition of slavery was a simple one. But my ideas ran deeper, education for the masses, elected control, a system of economics run by the people and not an emperor. Heck, In my opinion our entire political process is flawed, the idea of an empire ruled by one man is inefficient at best.... I could never voice that though, I don't have the courage to say that. One of my friends did, and the emperor had her arrested and tortured....when she came back I... I didn't even recognize her anymore...." Matt sighed, "Well enough about me, Why are you out and your friends out here."

Eyaso seemed hesitant on telling him, she glanced over at Yatal and Xiela. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want too... I haven't said everything either.."

Eyaso shook her head, "No I'll tell you...." With that simple sentence Eyaso launched into her story. She left very little out and soon found herself telling Matt of her entire life. She left out almost nothing and included even the most gruesome of details. She had not idea why she was telling him all of this and could only keep telling her mind how stupid it was.

Domestic Post

- Spy is to continue information gathering on Kessel and the occasional rumor only to keep the rumors from dying out, to stir the pot so to say and to limit his chance of being tracked. Information is to be gathered on this 'mistress' and Konrad is to be investigated as well. Ties to family, possible cracks in loyalty, something we can drive a wedge in between the two. Perhaps his daughter was one of these 'missing' girls.

Menetherin Plains:
- A silver mine is to be opened in the now cleared cave. Faile is aware of the current fear of mining in the country and offers a wage of 6 silver for all miners. She also has given several benefits to workers including vacation time, paid sick time, fair working hours, and in the event of a mining accident, compensation for injury. It will fall to Theodericus to make sure the mine is very well built and reinforced. Faile wishes to have the safest mine in Lustria.
- The rock that is cleared from the mine is to be saved and stored. Though fairly low quality stone and not fit to reconstruct walls or build buildings, the stone is very useful in the construction of roads.
- Try to find a skilled cartographer and surveyor team. Faile would like to hire this group to survey and build a detailed map of the lands in her domain. This map is to also list the bordering nobles lands. (AKA I would like a map, doesn't have to be anything fancy, hell you can just do something on paint. As long as it has what I want and need, doesn't have to be a work of art lol)

Menetherin City: (This is collected keep and town)
- Theodericus is to be hired for the promised wage of 18 silver. He is to be placed in command of the wall restoration project and given access to whatever materials he needs.
- Warehouse is to continue construction
- Gates are to continue to be reinforced
- Using the newly found silver, try to attract a good silver smith to open shop and begin exporting his finished goods.
- Tax cut is to continue to try and draw more professions to take up shop.
- Current tons of resources are to always be tallied from now on. Currently our stores are 7 tons of lumber and 16 tons of high quality stone. As more resources come in the amount is to be tallied and recorded as it flows in and out of the warehouse. This will be the job of the warehouse manager once one can be found and hired. This person must know some mathematics, enough to keep accurate tallies of the resources in the warehouse. This is also to include spare weapons and armor on hand as well as the number of arrows currently owned.

Aemons Field:
- Reconstruction of the Inn is to continue.
- A large of plot of land is to be tested to see if it is capable for growing crops. Our population is growing and we need to assure that we can feed our people and provide a profit. (4-5 large farms)

- Talk with the village about the brothel. Faile will agree to construct on these conditions.
1. The women who work there are to be treated fairly and a receive the majority of what they work. Faile will not stand to have them used.
2. The profession will have a very small tax (2%)
3. Every once in a while, Faile will send a representative to make sure that rule 1 is being followed. If it is not then the owners of the brothel will face a possible fine.
- A large plot of land is to be tested to see if it is capable of growing crops. Our population is growing and we need to assure that we can feed our people and provide a profit. (4-5 large farms)

Troop Recruitment:
- Faile has sent out a call for volunteer trainees to undergo military training and eventual induction into an armed forces. While these trainees are 'volunteers' that will receive a room and food with the rest of the soldiers and undergo a rigorous training program led by Tallanver and Manfred. 54 people responded to this call and are in the first week of training. The training is hard and some are expected to drop out, but upon final recruitment, those that are still in training will be very well trained, strong and effective soldiers the lot of them.

Current Troop Movements and Activities:
- Manfred is to be promoted and is given the task of turning our trainees into a well-oiled and powerful fighting force with Tallanver.
- One of the damaged unused courtyards or part of the city is to be cleared and used as a training ground until more permanent fields can be built.
- A few rooms are to be cleared and furnished simply to provide for the trainees.

- Begin trading Silver ore, hopefully in the future we can trade less ore and more finished silver goods.
- Begin trading leather clothing and armor from the Tanner
- Begin trading mail coats, helms, and other metallic light armor from the smith. Some Iron is to provided to start this buisness, a small cost for now and a cost that we will be able to profit off of. Finished goods always sell for more then ores.
- Horse trade is to continue as always, Understandably it is slow now but some profit can be made from every sale. Faile's private herd is not for offer, she is planning on growing it to further lower costs from having to resale the currently purchased horses.


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Turn 3 results: one week later
Noble: Lady Limara

Very few people know how to read and write (3 to be exact), but only 1 goes to Avalon. One of the others is far too old to make the journey, and another just simply refused.
Most to all houses have been completed (cept for those few hard to reach farmhouses)
People love their gods, so seeing their non-existent churches or non-existent priest has been bring down moral.

Losean: The buildings are complete, and the cattle are just fine.

Scoorton: The people are confused over your question. What do else do you weave?
Builders… for cheap labor just give people incentive, a hammer, a few nails and they will build. Now for the bigger buildings such as a barracks, fort (you would have to build a fort or more correctly a Motte and Bailey before moving on to a castle as long as get someone who can design it you can build it since it’s a wooden castle)

Riverndale: Almost all villagers can cook fish. Now don’t expect 5 star cooking. People won’t simply give their livelihood away. They trade fish, and they won’t simply just give it.

Avalon: 2 weeks until completion of the Mill

24 people joined the army. Although A general, commander, champion etc should be chosen by the Noble as a reward or promotion of a competent lower officer.
Laws: People are mildly upset about the Taxes, but they will manage.
Due to the tax changes your expenditure and profits are at an equal footing, so no really change in your money.
Political Opinion:
Still a relative unknown.
Public Opinion:
Despite the tax changes you have slightly dropped but still held in high esteem, so they like you.
Events: Nothing at the moment.


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#, as written by Klause
Mukmar Turn 4

Mukmar had called for a meeting amongst the citizens of Bechafen. It was close towards sunset, the Aramac were back in their huts and a few guards were watching them, “People of Bechafen. I have heard your complains, I share your views of the Aramac, and I know what it is that you feel. Fear that these monsters might turn and attack us, but fear not…They will not be here for long, for I have plans to move these…creatures far away from the city, where they can work for us and make us earn coins from their hard labor. I, Lord Mukmar, promise you that you will be under no harm from these monsters. They will be moved the moment the barracks are completed, that is my promise.”

With the speech given to the people Mukmar retreated back to his chambers within the capital region. He didn’t wish to stand and answer questions; it was enough that he was under domestic pressure to supply both coins to his people as well as material to the other nobles, so he saw it as being only fair enough that he didn’t have to stand and answer every single question that his people had.

Mukmar cried out in frustration and tossed a few letters on his desk. “Why do you make my life miserable?!” Mukmar exclaimed and looked up at the ceiling, questioning the gods. On Mukmar’s table there was a long list of gods that the peasants believed in and the vast majority was actually gods which Mukmar would question. Heamus, the God of the Angry Goats, Jonger the God of the Falling Leaves (the peasants worshipped him in hope that less leaves would fall on their fields, so they had to work less.)

With a heavy sigh, Mukmar sat down and wrote the list of gods which were to be given a shrine, or were to share a shrine.

-The various Gods and Goddesses that the peasants believed in have now been classified as ‘High’ (The God of Fertility, Land, Forest and Water), ‘Average’ (numbers about 15 gods) or ‘Lesser’ (Almost 35 gods) Deities. Due to the sheer quantity of Deities that the peasants believes in, only the most important gods will be given a shrine, and some will have to share shrines…

-Each village will be given a mandatory shrine for certain Gods, while if the villages council wishes to built more, it is to be done upon the expense of the village (as a community) itself.
…i) Each village will be required to have a shrine to Andriel, the Goddess of Fertility, and Earthimus, the God of the Land. A shrine to Makeer, the Guardian of Water, and Patrick, the Spirit of the Forest.

-A letter is send to the Old Elder that Lord Mukmar wishes to establish an irrigation system for the farms.

-Due to the large number of refugees from the East, Mukmar announces that a new city will soon be in construction for these refugees. The building will not start the moment the Aramac are done with the barracks, also, an announcement is send to the refugees that Mukmar is aware that they may not be able to purchase land, nor even afford the taxes at the moment. He offers to give them a piece of land, tools and a suspension in taxation, in return for that they will work it off over time.

Trade & Diplomatic:

-A letter is send to the northern noble that offered Mukmar breastplates, chainmail and shields, accepting the offer.

Letter to the Central Forest:
Dear Lady Limara,

I found your letter amongst the many dozen letters that I had received today. I must be rather frank, however, your understanding of trade is what caught my eye more than the tempting offers from other Central Lords.

I’d like to buy tabards from you, however at the price of gold I’m afraid that you’d be scaring off costumers rather than attracting; with dozens of nobles ready to sell tabards cheaply.

Now, I’ll give you a reasonable price for a single tabard; 6 silver and 50 coppers. While I’ll like forty tabards, that would give you a nice collection of a whole 260 silver coins. A single soldier, from my region, is paid 9 silver for putting his life on danger for me.

Consider my counter-offer.

Also, I’m interested in this alliance that you speak of, however before I make a decision, I’d like to know what you had in mind when you say, ‘Alliance’. I am already facing domestic rebellion because of my name thanks to my overly suspicious subjects…Sometimes, peasants can be too simpleminded and too naïve for my liking.

Sincerely from,
~Mukmar Ahmed Gadzi.


The army is to be prepared and supplied for the journey from Bechafen to Dravensburg. 35 soldiers are to be assembled, led by Commander James and accompanied by an additional 5 Royal Guards, effectively sending 41 soldiers off to suppress the riot.
Commander James are given two very specific orders:
1) “If it is possible, negotiate with the leader of this riot to talk to me about a possible alternative.”

2) “Keep casualties low, these men have barely been trained. I do not wish to send these soldiers to a battle that could cast me good soldiers and a hard earned reputation. If it isn’t possible to end the riot by helping Lady Namira, then it isn’t possible.”

Due to the shortage of armor sets for the 50 soldiers, the archers will have to wear chainmail’s while infantry will be given breastplates and shields.


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- Realizing that he has no real idea about how to build roads, Conall decides to set aside that project for later. He does make a point of asking the Thanes and the military to keep an eye out for a skilled road-builder however, and to direct such a person to him when discovered.
- Conall sends out a messenger to each town and village to make them aware of a Northern Contest that will be taking place in a month. The Contest will test the skill, endurance, and wisdom of each contestant, and the winner will be granted a great reward. That same messenger is also to find out from the Thanes the number of men of fighting age and capability in each town.
- Conall requests that anyone who can write approach him in Whiteburn at the festival one week hence.

- Conall plans for a stone jail, figuring that if he is spending the time working on it then he may as well spend the time wisely. He does not set a required time for completion, but reminds the workers that only 25% of the pay will be given at the outset, and the remainder will be paid upon completion.
- With the Elders all gathered in Kearnden, Conall informs them that they are to become a Council of Review, meeting at the end of each month to debate on the choices made and to make additional recommendations for action based on the needs and demands of the people. They do not have the power to affect change at this point, merely to make recommendations. He appreciates their wisdom, and guarantees them that whatever actions are recommended he will give serious consideration, and that if his actions do not please the majority of the people and the Elder Council, he will consider revoking his choices or making amends for them. He then takes his leave and informs the Elder Council that this is to be their first meeting, and they are to present their findings to him by latest next week.

- As Thane Cormic approached him intelligently and gave him legitimate reasons, Conall is willing to accept his words. He extends the completion date for the planned buildings to one month from today, and informs Cormic that if he is interested, Conall will hold the deal on arms for Cormic until a later date when the man and his people are less busy.

- Conall is at first infuriated when he learns of Eamon's refusal, but he calms down and approaches the Thane reasonably but firmly. Conall reminds Eamon that Eamon is the Thane here, and Conall is his Lord. He has not made an unreasonable demand, as he did not demand for the project to be finished within a week; he did not even set an expected end date as he knew the Thane would be busy. He demands that Eamon complete both projects as originally ordered. Conall states that the priority is with the docks, and expects a decent dock completed within the next two months, with the work on the outpost to be completed at the latest a month after the dock's completion. He reminds Eamon that he is a fair Lord, and that he will pay him appropriately for the labour he is asking him to complete. He also notes that he is giving him this much responsibility as he trusts Eamon to be able to handle it, and knows the people of Whiteburn are hard and efficient workers.
- Conall informs the citizens of Whiteburn that the Festival will be held next week in their village, and tells the Festival planners to make their way to Whiteburn to make preparations for this. This message is also passed on to all other villages, with the addition that they will all be honoured for their contributions as well.

- No additional requests other than to continue assisting in the construction projects in Kearnden, Tivale, and Whiteburn in order to speed up their completion.

The Mine
- Conall re-requests the list of responsibilities for mine foremen from the mine's director.

- Conall hires a young man from Kearnden to take stock of the supplies in each town's storehouse, and return with exact numbers.
- An experienced trader is to be hired on to manage the preparation of shipments and to keep track of inter-village trade. It would be preferred if the trader could write, but Conall will take skill and experience over the ability to write.

- Conall refuses to ignore the first threat his lands face, and so takes command of the forty patrolling soldiers and ventures with them himself up North to the mountains to face these slavers. He sends out a pair of scouts to size up the encampment, and plans to set up a small camp with his men in the foothills just before the mountains, waiting for his scouts' reports before he engages. While on the march, he has some of the more skilled trackers and huntsmen in his small band remain on the outskirts, shadowing them through the forests and hills to prevent them from accidentally stumbling into anyone or anything.
- Before he leaves, Conall places Tiber in charge of recruitment in the villages, telling him not too stress it too much as the villages are already busy with construction and gathering and would not appreciate losing too many young men to the army.

- Tax fraud is illegal, and will be dealt with on a case by case basis.


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It was late after the battle with the rat-men, odd creatures that came from deep from the earth... dirty and horde like.

Tika had found herself patroling the borders alone, wondering if these creatures would come back soon... and upon one of these patrols she would find herself at the river, its clear water unpolluted...

She found herself gazing into the waters, until a pair of blue gems floated past.. odd because rocks do not float, and she was intrigued, following these strange rocks as they started to drift towards shore...

Her expression was puzzled.. the rocks were swimming... and she felt herself gazing into them... endlessly absorbed inside their infinite blue, and she felt herself starting to walk towards them...

Her hand reached out, desiring to touch them until she realized that she was far beneath the river, drifting down it.. she was drowning, and she struggled towards shore, touching the bottom and sucking up life, only to stare into those pretty stones...

"Yoooo are freind, yess yess?"

The woman could feel cold steel upon her neck... her mind filled with nothing but these beautiful gems... but it was the voice behind them that snapped her to attention... she was staring at a rat, but different than those horrible creatures she had killed...

This one was cute, for lack of a better term... its immensly long nose nearly touching her face as long whiskers trailed into the moving water. Its colors of grey were hard to detect and see in the dark, and had it not been for the light shimmering off these large orbs she would not have seen it. "Let go of me," she growled, "Freind."

"Baaaad tonee for friiiiiiend," the creature said, raising one wicked looking claw on its three fingered "hand" "yooooo loook imporrrtanttt yes! Help me, yes? Find friiiiiiends yes?" the eyes suddenly became immensly sad, and its voice became filled with sorrow, "alllll Sky Eyes friiiiends gone! Bad raaaats"

All previous policies continue until finished! (which they will be)
-Grant the man’s request of building a large tavern, and ask that he tells me anything he needs.
-Use the fact that crom assisted in the battle to create a good relation between Imperial Merchants and us, and also pay a bit of compensation for the men lost to ensure good will.
- Build new relations to the Qiqirn... odd creatures, but Cassidy is immensely fond of them.
-When Blacksmith is made, look for highly talented smiths and offer considerable pay and exemption from taxes!
-Look for tanners, I hear that the Qiqirn are admirable craftsmen....
-Look for carpenter/architect, I hear that the Qiqirn are admirable craftsmen...
-Look to purchase large amounts of wood from our new found imperial merchants. This should help them "find" business... and while expensive will go a long ways to building relations.
-Buy A large shipment of arms and armor from our contacts. 200 chainmail in armor, 50 greatswords, 60 longswords, 30 halberds
-Lone Wolf will be used to explore my own city and look into any law breaking, as well as any events I should know about within my own borders, giving reports on his findings. -Construction of several great siege engines will be lead by Nicolette, her knowledge of their design combined with our new found Qiqirn fellows would be a excellent joint project. -Sell all the items stolen from Tybolt's home, furniture rugs and jewellery, (cept for a pretty necklace for Cassidy... women and jewels *sigh*)
Military: Take a new total of my soldiers and their ranks (militia, soldier, ect), because of the casualty count and experience/training.-Begin new recruitment, including Qiqirn!- Continue training heavily the soldiers I have.-Build a school of martial skill, and hire a teacher. (Have a champion for this) -Look into Qiqirn tales of taming jungle tigers...-If possible, begin building a palisade to connect the village to the fortress in one wall. This way we can use both during another attack.
(Focused actions....)


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Turn 4: One month later: April 3rd
Noble: Faile Abara

Spy information:
He wasn’t able to get information on this mistress, or whoever has been going into his room at nights, but.. He has discovered some tasty things about Kessels Daughter.

He discovered that while only 14 she is rather… mature in her age. She has.. male visitors including the so called valiant Ser Konrad. Lord Kessel of course doesn’t know of this, but it was easy enough for your capable spy to start spreading rumors ensuring they reach Kessels ears…

Ser Konrad is known as the “Valiant” Knight of the west. He is very skilled shown in his victory at the tournament. Of course below the surface there is more of a tale. Konrad likes to exploit his fame to get with the local village girls much to the anger of the fathers, and his… hobby has even extended to Kessels daughter Elizabeth.

Menetherin Plains:
The silver mine is open, and given all the benefits people have signed up, but in most cases only the most desperate people are working their although they work in high spirits. The output is doing rather well for how inexperienced the people are in mining. The rock is gathered and shipped to the store house.
The request for the Cartographer and surveyor team will take some time as searching for such a strange profession will require… work.

Menetherin City:
The walls are underway but it is taking more stone as Theodericus is always pointing out that the original estimates was made by a novice. At the moment most of the gaps are at least closed, but it would be easy to blow them down. It would be another 2 months at least for the walls to be back to their original state which Theodericus always mutters about calling them pathetic. 6 tons of stone has been used already.
Warehouse is finished. You still have 4 tons of Lumber and 10 tons of high quality stone, along with 4 tons of low quality stone.
Weapons and armor: 75 suits of heavy armor, 75 swords, 75 bows, 20 halberds, 1 suit of platemail, 32 suits of chainmail, and helms. (I am not counting arrows…)
Gates are finished and reinforced.
A silver smith has moved to the town although with a lack of a workshop he has to share with the blacksmith. He has started to export what goods he can since he has to share, but the income is earning quite a bit.
A silver smith, some tailors, and a carpenter have all moved to the keep thanks to the tax cuts and access to materials.

Aemons field:
The reconstruction of the Inn is complete.
Most land is suitable for crops, you just need to tear down trees and remove obstructions.

Brothel is complete.
Most land is suitable for crops, you just need to tear down trees and remove obstructions.

After a month of constant harsh training the trainees are far better than most militias but not quite soldier level. 5 have dropped out now as of now.

Economy: Trade has been improving thanks to all the new buildings you have churning out products such as armor, although a weapon smith would be nice. The new silver smith has been churning out beautiful items such as chalices, jewelry, and other luxury items. Your brothel tax has earned a tidy income as the 3 girls work overtime since they earn far more, many other girls from neighboring lands are also looking to “work” here do to the amount of money that can be earned.
Horse trade still continues although at a diminished pace as many people are willing to buy the cheaper horses since they don’t need horsemen only horses for work, but many more posh nobles continue to purchase the higher quality steeds.

Your economy has stabilized and begun to climb back now safely within a basic level.
Public Opinion: Still the hero…
Political Opinion: Still the Hero…
Events: None besides the spy stuff

Nobles: Mukmar

Land: The 5 shrines are erected in the each village. They are rather small shrines at the moment because the people arnt sure how to build anything of true substance.
The irrigation system would normally take months, but it is already three-quarters finished in another f couple of weeks it will be done.
The new village for the refugees is under way with over 13 houses already erected by the workers, although for a full village they will need to have an estimate of the number of refugees.
The new barracks is complete.
Military: The soldiers are still out, but the militiamen are happy for the new equipment. (If you would say how much of each you have. You say nothing for the numbers of archers and melee troops and what the melee troops have as weapons)
Economy: Your economy is still rising! You are moderately wealthy, and the new weapons and armor took a blow to your economy, but only a fool would think that you won’t make up the gap rather quickly.
Public opinion: Due to the new altars although small has appeased the superstitious people, and its fair to say they trust you.
Political opinion: Besides your neighbors who look upon your wealth with jealously; you are an unknown.
Events: None


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Turn 4: One month later: April 3rd

Noble: Conall

The men send out men to the nearby lands looking for any man and return with reports of a nearby contractor that is rather decent with construction. He has offered to aid your people for a fee of 12 silver every week.
Northern Contest is to be taking place any day now… but there is still time for Conall to make any changes.
2 people approach Lord Conall each have the ability to read and write during the Whiteburn Festival. The festival went off without a hitch and many people are in high Morale after the festivities that included a lot of ale and mead.

Kearnden: The stone jail is completed. It has enough rooms to hold 30 prisoners if each are given their own rooms.
The Elders wish to have a brewery built as nothing would raise Norsemen Morale more than having Ale at their fingertips.

Tivale: The tanner and blacksmith constructions are complete and the people of Tivale have begun making weapons and armor for Conalls men.

Whiteburn: The docks are halfway complete, although many people are aware their Thane and the lord is at odds and if forced to pick the people of whiteburn will always pick their Thane as he is one of them.

Cilmord: The people of Cilmord continue to help the others, but also begin construction on a saw mill for the little wood they can gather from the Norse trees.
The mine: You are the lord, and it is your mine, their duties as foremen’s is whatever you tell the director it is.

((What is with everyone asking for numbers -_- its like you guys enjoy increasing my workload))
13 tons of stone, high quality, 9 tons of iron, 3 tons of low quality wood, little to no weapons besides what your soldiers are armed with although many villagers have their own axes.
The North legion earns its first victory against the slavers, although it is apparent they need better equipment and training as even with a surprise attack the slavers managed to kill 10 norsemen including Sergeant Bjorn.
Public Opinion: Thanks to the festival and your newest victory against the slavers your popularity has risen. Your people like you! But the people are fickle.
Political Opinion: Still unknown, but at least there is no scandalous rumors.
Events: None at the moment.

Noble: Tika Ravia

All of the houses in the town are now fully complete. The small smithy is complete as is the large tavern. The palisade is under construction, but it will be another week until it is completed. It connects both the fort and the village but it does not completely surround the village yet.

The fact that Crom the Conqueror aided you in your battle against the vile ratmen did lure some merchants from the Empire to see what happened. The merchants give you a discount for knowing the Champion and trade over 12 tons of wood for a modest price.

A man from the Empire enters the town as the new carpenter. It is said but the Qiqirn are skilled craftsmen but they are not into the more professional crafts such as blacksmithing, carpenting, and tanning as it bores them.

The shipment of weapons comes in but it is a drastic cut into your economy.
Lone wolf has yet to discover anything, but you have a lot of land to cover
The catapult siege engines are under construction but it will take more than a few weeks to complete this.

124 men and women recruits at militia level
8 heavy armored Saborions armed with great weapons and shield.
4 heavy armored Saborions armed with Yuri/pike things.
15 light armored spearmen with shields
14 light armored longbow men
15 Human Militia with crossbows
4 Slab Militia with Flails and shields

Another 30 recruits have joined your force with 20 of them being Qiqirns.
The martial school is still under construction. Given the large number of trainees it will take a few months to get it finished. You have hired a renowned Merc to train your troops.

Economy: Due to the number of troops you have your economy has weakened due to the amounts of food and their payments. The amount of weapons cost would have dropped your economy all the way from moderate to bankrupt if it wasn’t for your large income from the new tavern that is monopolizing on the Vices of mankind, and also those strange stones you have sold. At the moment your economy is stable.
Public opinion: Divided once again… All humans and even a few Soborians are pissed at you bring in these new strange alien creatures.
Political Opinion: Many of your neighbors are weary of you…
Events: None at the moment.

Noble: Oan Makvenner

Land: In your domain is 4 rather small villages, but do to the mountains location they are all fairly close built upon the flat base of the mountains. Your land does lay on top of a once vast underground dwarven mining complex, but it is far out of your reach, and many dwarves speak of the horrors that live under the ground and that many of them will have moved into the now vacant tunnels. Lucky enough you have 1 small mine located on your land that the people can easily get to. It once belonged to the empire, and if used correctly will earn a tidy profit.

There is not much on your lands but luckily being so far north you were relatively spared of the war, so your buildings are in a decent state. You have a few small streams trickling down from the mountain valleys, but nothing substantial. There are a few northern pines you can use for wood, but such wood is brittle and low quality.

Economy: Your economy is at the most basic level. The only money you have is that which King Alric granted you when you acquired the lands.
Military: Besides the troops that you came with, you have no military.
Public opinion: You are…. Just a noble. You may have been a decent mercenary in a past life but when compared to figures like the Hero of Lustria who slew the High General of the Empire campaign, King Alric the leader of the Great Rebellion, and Vardek Crom the great Conqueror of the Empire you are a relative unknown. The humans under you merely think of you as another lord, while the dwarves merely accept you with their usually stoicism.
Political opinion: Given your reputation you are only mildly known, and those that know you don’t trust you. They all believe you lack honor, and they wouldn’t trust you to not steal candy from a baby.
Events: None.


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Oan MakVenner sat alone behind a desk, reading over scrolls and books of various topics and surveying the out-dated map that indicated the boundaries of his domain in a room brightly lit with numerous lanterns and candles. The incessant scratching of quill-on-paper echoed throughout his spartan, modest villa in Rekkervaka. It was a lonely existence, being a post-war nobleman. The glorious charges, the cunning counter-attacks and the excitement of bloodshed was a thing of the past and, much to Oan's surprise, he found himself missing it. It was all a moot point, though. He was a noble, responsible for the livelihood and safety of his people. With this sobering thought he continued his work.

He stopped for a moment, then took out a book, muttering to himself in his spartan, brightly-lit room. He opened it, and started to write:

"Journal Entry 1
Date: Unknown, sometime after sunset. Damn the hired-help and their clumsy fingers.

I have finally arrived, a Jarl over this blasted piece of permafrost and fetid crap. I have been given domain over these four villages in the north. I believe they are called Drengrvaka: The Warrior's Vigil, Rekkrvaka: The Fighter's Rest, Svnkavr: The Invincible Bulwark, and Atgangavaka: The Violence of Ages. Their names are proud, and I would assume their people are too, if not a bit backwater and dull. Regardless, they will be useful subjects. I pray to the four Lords, but primarily to the Lord of Knowledge, Change, Secrets and Hope for guidance, not that their prayers are ever answered. Sometimes I fear what would happen if they were.

Superstition aside, I have already received one piece of good news. There is a mine here, and there are Dwarfs as well. Hopefully their skill will match the Dwarfs of my Father's hold. I would be ecstatic if they were even one-half as talented as the Battlebeard clan.

Additionally, there seems to be rumor of an ancient mining complex underneath these four villages. However, I would not even dare set my foot in such an ancient place. It was abandoned, and probably with good reason. Maybe when my rule is consolidated or if another party were willing to throw men away in such a fashion. I would entertain the thoughts of an "Underground Safari" where lords looking for a thrill would enter these caverns, pay me a sum, and either return and pay a tax for items they have recovered, or die and never return, leaving valuables in the these catacombs for more idiotic, adventure-seeking nobles.

The people do not trust me, and that is good. Their skepticism is healthy, but I must convince them that I am a just leader, if not kind and popular. I lack the resources to instill fear in the populace, so I must engender myself to their communities. I do not look forward to this undertaking. I will plan a festival-moot to celebrate my coming and to gather all the Thanes and Leaders together so that we may at least open a dialogue. Hopefully they will imbibe great amounts of mead. Diplomacy is easily done when the other party is intoxicated beyond reason. Additionally, these festivals must have a sort of contest. A healthy dose of competition and sport will at least relieve me of this tedious boredom.

I need to survey the lands to see how effective the techniques in "Liber Agriculturum" are in regards to such a northern climate. I would also hope that the lands surrounding the villages would be ripe for mining or fit for a quarry. It would be too much to ask for veins of mythic Orichalcum or Adamantium, but at least some iron or some workable metal material. Hell, any economical rock would suffice.

These people probably have their own system of laws. I will abide and enforce these laws with the best of my abilities, but a militia force will need to be created. Hopefully the population will see my reasoning. My handful of men will train this militia, and hopefully a forge or armory will have already been constructed (they are dwarfs) so that we will be able to arm them. If not, the creation of a forge and barracks, or at least the re-purposing of a building, will need to be done.

Otherwise, I will work along the guidelines stated in "The Book of Politics".

I wish father were here.

Thought of the Day: A Wise Man, in times of Peace, Prepares for War.

Speech Given at Clansmoot:

"Men and Dwarfs of Drengrvaka, Rekkrvaka, Svnkavr, and Atgangavaka lend me your ears.

I stand before you a nobleman, a Jarl of no or ill-repute and I am here to say that I am proud to serve such wise people. If you do not trust me, then I will have to work to earn that trust, a trust that no doubt is not so easily won.

I will start by telling you the truth. I do not know your plights as I come from a wealthy family. Do not know your culture, seeing as your new King Alric has tasked an outsider such me to oversee the development of this village into a proud, wealthy, strong and majestic state. But I do know one thing, and it is how to run an effective province.

I was once a mercenary captain who fought, not for honor, but for money. I killed both soldiers of the Empire and men this new Kingdom for the highest bidder. I hold no love for this new King Alric, or for the Empire which our good king fought against. It is in this way that I can relate to you. I am skeptical of them as you are of me.Their egos are inflated and their judgments are clouded by their fanciful, high and noble principles which, in the end, does absolutely nothing for the laymen such as yourselves.

How can they care for you, if they are so far away?
How can they feed you, if they are forever focused on their lofty, "noble", useless principles?
How can they even help you, if they do not even know about you?

I will not claim that I know you, but I do empathize with your plight, because I myself am living it as of this moment. I will not claim that I can feed you all, because I am not some sort of Wizard who can conjure bread and fish from nothing, but I will help you to grow, hunt, fish or, if need be, pillage food from other villages because I too must eat. I will not claim to be able to help you individually, but I will help you all help yourselves.

I am Jarl MakVenner. Former-Mercenary Captain, and current Jarl of these lands. I cannot give you wall what you want, but as the Four Lords are my witness, I will give you all what you need: Food, A Purpose, and Protection"


-Personally visit all four villages and Dwarven settlements and meet with their Leaders to discuss their various needs as well as attempt to convince them of the advantages of working in the mines (see topics for clansmoot). Inform them that there will be a Clansmoot for Thanes and other relevant community leaders to get them informed of the state of the domain (or at least tell them what I want them to know).
-Additionally, the Clansmoot will double as small festival for the local peasantry. Dedicate festival to relevant gods as well as local heros. Sponsor festival and provide food and drink. Hold contest of intelligence, contest of strength, contest of speed, and contest of battle-prowess (use non-lethal weapons). Winners of contest will receive a month's exception of taxes (use discretion). Personally participate in contests as show of good-will to people.
-Topics to be discussed at Clansmoot between community leaders:
    [State of individual villages (Inquire about needs and wants),
    Crime and Punishment (Inquire about laws and suggest new legislature),
    The re-opening of the mines (Inquire about feasibility and implementation. Award tax-breaks for miners as well as discuss the construction of mining village specifically for them.),
    The feasibility of the construction of roads or tunnels that interconnect the villages (Inquire about the construction of infrastructure connecting the villages),
    The necessity of a trained militia (Implore that village men all train in some martial skill every week.)
    The necessity of a defensive structures around villages,
    Economy (Haggle tithe-rates and taxes on goods as well as foster trade between villages)]
    Discuss the formal creation of a Council of Wise-elders whom all come from different backgrounds who would serve as advisers for me. Name of council subject to change.
    Probe clan-leaders for their thoughts on alternative ideas for economical and social growth (From raiding/pillaging/slave-trade to offering villages to pledge fealty to me and receive support from the four villages.)

-Visit Dwarven communities
-Inquire about the dwarven mining complex that lies beneath the mountain from Dwarfs. Use opportunity to learn more of dwarven culture, and society while being diplomatic and presenting one's self as a just and noble leader.
-While inquiring about Dwarven mining complex, inquire about the feasibility of underground living settlements for both humans and dwarfs as well as opening discussions of dwarfs operating the mine as well as assessment of the mine/creation of new mines and quarries. Offer tax-breaks and preferential treatment to Dwarfs who operate the mines and quarries.
-Inquire about Dwarven metalsmithing skills. Commission creation of Great-sword and armor if possible, both functional and terrifying to behold if possible. Haggle prices for mass-production of weapons and armors as well as trade-goods and other materials (picks and axes). Give leave for them to re-purpose buildings for forges/smithies alongside humans.
-Inquire about skills of Dwarf artisans and masons. Offer preferential treatment for exports and imports in return for their assistance in the creation of new buildings and modification or re-purposing of existing buildings.
-Offer to help fund an expedition to the underground dwarven mining complex and judge if such an expedition would be possible and desirable in the future.
-Implore need for volunteers for militia (Also, for need of weapons and armor for militia)

-Visit Human-centric communities
-Inquire about capabilities in farming.
-Inquire about the strength of men and history of the villages in general.
-Inquire about tanners, blacksmiths, and other trades. Ask about their ability to craft weapons, armors as well as other trade goods (bags, clothing, etc.). Give them leave to re-purpose buildings for their trade.
-Implore the need for volunteers for a militia.

-Use spare time to research effective mining techniques as well as practice martial skills.

-Name Villages:
Drengrvaka: The Warrior's Vigil
Rekkrvaka: The Fighter's Rest
Svnkavr: The Invincible Bulwark
Atgangavaka: The Violence of Ages

-Begin mapping and scouting the general area around all the villages. Be on look out for Orcs, goblins, slavers or other threats as well as hunting grounds.
-Begin exploring streams and various sources of water for existence of fish and other game.
-Begin woodcutting to clear more land and resources to fund creation of palisades and other buildings.
-Begin construction of wooden palisades around all village, but focus on palisades around Rekkrvaka.
-If there are any volunteers who have taken up the offer to work in mines for profit and tax-breaks then have them begin work. Oversee the process.
-Hold Census.
-Survey lands around all villages. See if any of them are suitable for either farmlands or the quality of land (ie. suitable for mining, digging underneath to begin creation of dwarven, or dwarf-like living facilities or to be implemented into farmland or quarries/mines for stone/ore.)
-Find winner of Contest of Speed. Ask if person is familiar with the lands or if the person is a woodsman of some sort. If the person is, offer payed position as scout-master.

-Begin recruiting militia-men for defense. Award those who excel with positions of leadership . Route all volunteers to Outside of Rekkervaka for their training to be overseen by left-over troops, and occasionally myself. Impress upon them that they are the last line of defense against the hordes of the unknown.
-Find winner of Contest of Strength and ask if the winner has any military experience. Offer position of power in militia if winner does have some battle-experience. If not, ask if person wants to join militia.
-Find winner of Contest of Battle-Prowess and ask if winner has any military experience. if person has battle-experience, offer position of power as Captain of Militia.
If not, ask if person wants to join the militia.

-Implement plans for mining activities.
-Find winner of Contest of Intelligence and ask if the winner knows how to read and is interested in overseeing development of the city. Invite to join house and take under wing to become an apprentice.

-Tax evasion will be punished by work in the mines to pay of debts as unpayed debtors.
-If one cannot pay the Blood-price for killing a man, then the difference will be payed of by working in the mines.
-Trials to be conducted, for now, at folk moots for offenses that do not involve me. Judges will be elders, jury will consist of unbiased peers.
-Default punishment is for offender to be sent to the mines as a debtor.
-People who try to evade punishment will be sentenced to death or exile, depending on the severity of their previous crime.


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#, as written by Nanase
Faile Abara - Turn 5

It was close to night time when Eyaso and her party slumped into a small village. The Plains crossing had been hard and if not for the timely finding of a selican family, they very well might not have survived the trip. The family was not large but they had showered them with warmth and was very surprised to learn she was of the Abya clan. They were eager to help them and said they were not far from the Lustiran border. The were given food and shelter for the night and in the morning sent with enough supplies to make it to Lustria.

The village was small but everything seemed new, a few buildings were being constructed and they had passed a large amount of land that looked freshly cleared and was in the middle of being plowed. They did not have much money left but a good sized inn dominated the village, after two months of nothing but sleeping on the ground or in the saddle, it was agreed that perhaps a night in a bed would be a much needed respite from their travels. The inn was bursting with light and as they entered the inn the voices of men and women assailed them from the common room. It was not rowdy at all and it seemed there was a sense of community here. The common room hushed a little bit at the sight of their group, but quickly returned to their conversations. It was to be expected, after all they were a strange, dirty, and scarred group. Certainly more then one conversation was now centered around them. The innkeeper came to the counter, a large jovial man with a beard, his head slightly balding from years. He of course turned to address Brandon or Yatal, they were after all the eldest. "What can I get you young travelers tonight, a room or a meal. You look like you can use it."

Eyaso spoke, the escape had been her idea and despite being the youngest, she was the leader of this group. "We would like two rooms and a good meal. It doesn't have to be grand, we are a little low on silver." The innkeeper let out a loud bellow and told them the rates. Eyaso pulled out the necessary coins and knew that the innkeeper had probably dropped the price some. "I'll just need your names and I will have a meal prepared for you while you wash up."

Brandon introduced himself first, followed by Yatal and Xiela. The innkeeper nodded at the names trying to memorize them and their pronunciation. "...and my name's Eyaso Abara. It's a pleasure to meet you." The innkeeper's eyes bulged and though she had not been loud it seemed as if the entire common room had fallen silent. "Excuse me...but did you say your name is Abara?" Eyaso was confused, you could have heard a needle drop in the room. " name is Eyaso Abara...." The whole room seemed to gasp and the innkeepers face was plastered in disbelief. "You wouldn't happen to be related to the Falcon, Faile Abara..."

"I..I am her sister." Eyaso could visibly see that more then one mouth was hanging a gap in shock. Eyaso knew they had crossed into Lustria about two or three days ago and she knew that her sister was kinda a big deal but this was a little silly. The innkeeper had opened and closed his mouth a few times before finally beginning to speak again. "This village is in your sister's lands, The Falcon lives but a few miles from here....You can see the castle from the hills."

Eyaso was stunned, she could not believe that this was happening, that she had just...stumbled upon her sister by sheer luck. It was now Eyaso's turn to be agap and with her both Xiela and Yatal were stunned. Brandon even was visibly surprised. "John!" The innkeeper called and a man walked in from the kitchens. "This is my son John, he'll take you to the castle, and here" he said taking the silver back out and placing it in Eyaso's hand. "You'll be wanting to spend tonight with your sister I think."

A rare smile erupted on Eyaso's face and was shared by Yatal and Xiela. They had finaly reached their destination...they were home.

(An hour or so later in Faile's Study)
"I am not a civil engineer! I design fortifications, not refineries! Your cave was one thing, reinforcing a mine is not difficult but this is a different matter.” Faile stood hunched over a table with four other men, a large array of charts and drawings were thrown around the table in no particular order. The men present were Tallanver, Theodericus, the smith, and the silver smith respectively. Faile was already having a suitable silver smithy be constructed for the man but she had thought that a refinery complex would be able to help all parties present.

“It is not a matter of what engineer you are Theodericus, it is a yes or no question. Can you or can you not engineer a refinery.” Faile shot back at the man. Theodericus was as bad as she was at times in terms of their ability to flare up, and right now both were more than a tad bit annoyed. “I cannot build your refinery; I am not a civil engineer!”

Faile sighed before sitting back down in her chair. “Very well then, I thank you all for coming here tonight, you are dismissed.” The room cleared out slowly, Tallanver was the last to leave but he knew better then to disturb her anymore than necessary when she was in such moods. He resigned to the fact and left her to stew over the collection of drawings that she understood even less then Theodericus did. Still, she looked them over for a few more minutes before resigning to the fact that she could not just do it herself. Leaning back in her simple wooden chair, Faile tried to relax some and took a sip of the wine she had poured for herself and her visitors. It had gone warm though and did little to quench her thirst, still she drank it though, it was bad taste to let good wine go to waste.

The room Faile had recently refurbished with simplicity in mind was a small library that was located on one of the higher floors of the keep. The bookshelves were mostly bare but the wood sidings had been repaired and the fireplace was aglow spreading a simple warmth throughout the room. She could have picked any number of other rooms but she had picked this one to base her study in because of the large glass filled window in the back which gave an unparalleled view of the village inside the walls. A loud knock came from the door and though Faile was in half a mind to dismiss whoever it was she decided against it. “Come in.” she said wearily.

A young man, one of the trainees Faile supposed, entered the room and stood at attention by the door. “A group of…children…” the man paused before the word as if wondering whether to call them that or not “have come to the castle. They wish to speak with you my lady. They did not say it was urgent but I had a feeling that it was.” The man seemed to continue talking but Faile held up her hand slightly. “Thank you for informing me. You may send them in and return to your duties.” The man stopped talking and gave a small bow “Of course my lady.” He said before leaving through the door of the study.

The door had been left open and once the man was clear the group of…children entered the study. Faile understood why the guard had stumbled on children immediately. They were an odd group, a young man wearing dirties and stained but one time fine clothes. He seemed to be walking with a slight limp in his right leg. A saborian girl, tall like the rest of her people and a feral look that was shared by all three of the girls but seemed to stand out more on her. The next girl was young but Faile could not say where she had come from, her skin was dark, perhaps even darker then Lord Mukmar’s was. The final girl was young, almost too young, yet she carried an air of resilience that Faile had seen in only a few people. She was probably the most scared out of everyone, scars dotted her arms and legs and a gruesome one ran through her right eye. Faile had seen such wounds on a battlefield and knew that she would be blind in that eye. Faile could tell that she was Selican but there was something more, something…familiar to her.

Despite Faile's weariness she felt a spark of recognition, it was impossible to place an exact moment on this spark but perhaps it was the relative silence of both parties or perhaps it was the small tears falling from the scarred girl's eyes. "Ey...Eyaso?" Faile's voice was choking and hopefuly. The girl was silent but she slowly nodded, tears coming to her eyes "Faile..." Eyaso said quietly.

(Sorry, I'm going to leave it here. I am having a HUUUGE mindblank at this reunion and I have no idea how to put it in words. So I'll leave it up for the writers imagination.)
Domestic Post:

- The spy is to make sure rumors of his daughter's midnight romps reaches the ears of her lord father. This should be more then enough to drive a wedge in between Kessel and Konrad that will never be repaired, perhaps Konrad might be expelled.
- The peasents and town folk under Kessel should be close to unrest now, two months of growing rumors and years of having an empty promise to try to fill the empty bed in their houses should have brought heated emotions to the front.

Menetherin Plains:
- A rider is to be sent to the capital of Lustria where a cartographers guild might exist. If it is so one is to be brought back. If not a rider must be sent by necessity into Kadrin for a cartographer to be found.
- Using the low quality stone recycled from the mine, Brandon is to design and lead a construction effort in building an smooth and paved road from the mine to Menetherin Keep. The road does not have to be big but wide enough for two wagons to drive abreast.
- A silver refinery is to be constructed, lead of this project is to be given to Brandon and the smith is to be charted to construct the necessary iron parts for the refinery. The finished bars of silver are to be imprinted with the Falcon Seal to marked from this refinery and also traced should they be stolen.
- Work horses are to purchased for the mine, they are to be split into two groups. The smaller group is to be used to bring raw silver ore from inside the mine to the refinery, and the larger team are to be hooked to wagons and transported from the refinery to Menetherin.

Menetherin City
- The walls and keep are to continue to be reconstructed and improved by Theodericus and his construction team.
- A smithy for the Silver Smith is to be constructed.

Aemons Field
- The new farm land is to be cleared and seeded

- The new farm land is to be cleared and seeded

Training for the trainees is to continue. (I know how I want this unit to come out, I'll mail you with how I want the finished unit to be.)

- 6 tons of wood is to be imported
- 5 tons of iron are to be imported
- all export is to continue and be imporved hopefully.

Events: (Couldn't think where all to put this)
- Brandon has been hired as a civil engineer for 16 silver pay for now
- Eyaso, Yatal, and Xiela have all joined the trainees.


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- The contractor, Erik, is to be hired at his requested wage. He is to draft a plan for stone roads between the villages and the docks, and present it along with an estimation of cost and resources required to Conall as soon as possible.
- The Northern Contest is to be organized in the following manner by the festival planners in Kearnden:
- It will consist of four parts, which each contestant must go through. There will be an individual winner for each part, and a grand champion that averages the greatest scores.
- In order, there will be a Contest of Strength, a Contest of Agility, a Contest of Wit, and a Contest of Endurance.
- The Council of Elders will be the judges to ensure impartiality and fairness.
- Cheating will result in your whole village being banned from the Contest for a year, and you being banned permanently.
- Conall hires the younger of the two men skilled in reading and writing, Fearghus, to be his personal assistant. He will be paid twelve silvers a week. Fearghus is at this point to document all the costs of maintaining and expanding the province, including construction, wages for the military and specialized contractors like Erik, celebration costs, and taxes.
- The older of the two men is to be hired on as a teacher, and is to teach a small class of five intelligent and quick learning men and women (picked at his discretion) their numbers, and how to read and write. He is to be paid twelve silvers a week. The classes will be held in Conall's home in Kearnden for now until an appropriate building can be constructed.
- Conall requests that after Fearghus finishes catching up on all documentation to date, he is to draft up plans for an engineering corps within the military that will handle all construction work within the province, as he does not wish to interrupt the villagers' important work constantly to have new buildings put up. This draft is to include an estimate of cost for this one-hundred man corps, approximately how long it will take to train them, and a planned hierarchy within the corps itself. All officers within the corps will be trained first as workers but additionally as planners so that they are capable of not only performing the work themselves, but of organizing it, making necessary changes, and drafting plans. All regular members of the corps will be trained as workers, and informed that with hard work, they will be able to advance and become officers in time. Regulars and officers will be paid at standard army rates.


- The workers responsible for the construction of the jail are to be paid according to agreement.
- A local brewer is to draft up plans for a large brewery, along with an estimation of cost and resources required, and is to deliver them to Fearghus as soon as possible.
- Conall takes a walk through Kearnden, looking for himself approximately how much space is remaining inside the palisade for construction of new buildings assuming the brewery is built inside the palisade.


- Conall sends a request to the armourer in Tivale to focus on studded leather armour for his men for now so that they can be properly equipped, and after one hundred suits have been made, to begin production of one hundred suits of chain-mail. He also requests the production of seventy-five medium sized wooden shields, though he places a higher emphasis on the armour. (( I'd like to pay him for the order in bulk, but I am unsure how much is appropriate because so far I've only been paying specialized contractors at a weekly wage. Please just pay him what would be a reasonable price for this, and either PM me/post in OOC what a fair price would be for armour and shields individually, from which I can figure out a decent bulk price for next time and save you the work. ))
- Conall sends a request to the weaponsmith in Tivale to focus on battleaxes, and to produce one hundred of them. Once one hundred battleaxes are produced, he is to craft twenty-five good throwing axes, and be on the standby to produce up to one hundred and fifty more soon. (( Again, same deal with payment as above. ))


- With the docks well under production, Conall is satisfied with Thane Eamon and his people.
- Conall does not give Whiteburn any additional tasks for now, knowing how busy they will be with harvest and construction work in the following months.


- Conall meets with Thane Bruce, acknowledging and thanking him for his initiative in beginning production of the saw mill. He tasks him with sending men and women specifically to Whiteburn to help in production of the docks there, as Eamon needs men and women to work the fields so that everyone, including Bruce's people, can be fed when the winter chill settles in.

The Mine

- Again, Conall visits the mine, making no big celebration or event out of it, simply arriving, discarding some unnecessary bulky clothing, taking up a pickaxe, and going to work with his people. When asked why he is there by a curious miner, Conall replies, “I may wear some nicer clothes, live in a larger home, and spend my time writing and reading instead of living by the sweat on my brow most days, but I am still a Northman, and I still drink, work, and fight just as any of you do.”
- Conall spends a week at the end of the month at the mine, spending days working in the tunnels and nights with the Mine Director determining a list of rules, rights, and responsibilities for mine workers and foremen. He also, with the help of the Director, counts how many workers are employed at the mine.
- All miners, including foremen, will receive four rest days each month. There will be two rest days at the end of each span. (Every eleven days, you receive two rest days.)
- All miners, including foremen, will work twelve hour shifts, alternating with another section so that the mine is always running. Once more miners are hired on, this may be reduced to eight hour shifts and three rotating sections.
- Regular mine workers will receive a wage of a silver piece each day of work. Foremen are to be paid a silver piece and fifty copper pieces.
- Any worker, whether they are a foreman or a regular worker, who discovers a vein of rare metal such as gold or silver is to be paid a bonus of fifty silver pieces.
- Any worker will be compensated for an injury received on the job, though the actual amount of compensation is dependent on the severity of the injury and will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
- Mine foremen are responsible for maintaining good order in the mines, through a standard combination of discipline and reward. Any foreman found to be focusing on discipline and not reward will be given a single chance to explain himself to the Director, and if the explanation is found unsatisfactory then the foreman will be demoted to working with the people he was over-disciplining for the remainder of his term in the mine.
- Foremen are responsible for ensuring production rates do not drop without excellent reason. Any foreman whose section performs above average for two weeks in a row will be given a small monetary bonus, (two weeks of their normal wages,) and he and his men will be given three days of paid leave.
- Conversely, any foreman whose section performs below average for two weeks in a row will lose two weeks of wages and he and his men will lose two of their rest days for the month, and will be expected to work in the mine those two days.
- Foremen are responsible for maintaining equipment in their section. If they need replacement equipment, they are to request it of the Mine Director who will coordinate with craftsmen in Tivale to produce it.
- This list of rules, rights, and responsibilities is to be shared amongst all the miners. The Mine Director is to appoint an appropriate number of foremen in order to manage all sections of miners and keep the mine running twenty-four hours a day. It is subject to change.


- Six tons of the high quality stone is to be traded away via Lady Rosewood and her ship.
- Three tons of the iron is to be traded away via Lady Rosewood and her ship.
- The wood is to be kept and sent to Cilmord for processing once the saw mill is complete.


- Conall works with Tiber to ensure that the Sergeants all have seconds, so that in the event a Sergeant is unable to issue orders, someone is able to step in. A chain of command essentially needs to be established.
- Conall orders all the Sergeants stationed in the villages to begin recruiting drives. All new recruits are ordered to meet at Kearnden at the end of the month.
- While the Sergeants focus on recruiting, Conall has Tiber (as his most experienced soldier) design a training course to put all these new recruits through. The course will take three months of intense training, with no time off. Anyone that cannot handle the course is welcome to drop out at any point with no punishment. Tiber is also to set up, with the help of the soldiers already stationed in Kearnden, a small military camp outside of the town to limit the recruits’ interaction with anyone not in the military. (( I will write up the specifics of the course with my next turn, as I figure that it will take at least a month to gather enough recruits. ))
- Two weeks from now, all Sergeants, and Commander Tiber, are to meet with Conall to discuss military procedure and doctrine.


- Any woman whose husband dies in military service is to be provided with three years’ worth of her husband’s military pay so that she can find a new job and raise her family properly.
- For every child past the third child a family has, they will be paid fifty silvers.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Tika Ravia, The Thunderous Storm of the West
Character Portrait: The Northlands: Kearney's Icecaps
Character Portrait: Mukmar Ahmed Gadzi
Character Portrait: Faile Abara
Character Portrait: The people of Lustria
Character Portrait: The Northlands: Logram's Run
Character Portrait: The Northern lands: Gudbrand Mountains


Character Portrait: Faile Abara
Faile Abara

The Falcon of Lustria and lord of the Menetherin Plains. Commander of the Falcon's Claw Regiment and High General to King Alric.

Character Portrait: Mukmar Ahmed Gadzi
Mukmar Ahmed Gadzi

"Economy brings more than money. It brings popularity. Power. Land. Armies!"

Character Portrait: Tika Ravia, The Thunderous Storm of the West
Tika Ravia, The Thunderous Storm of the West

"This is our homeland, and whether you be Empire or Lustria, you will not take her from us, or so be damned!"


Character Portrait: Mukmar Ahmed Gadzi
Mukmar Ahmed Gadzi

"Economy brings more than money. It brings popularity. Power. Land. Armies!"

Character Portrait: Faile Abara
Faile Abara

The Falcon of Lustria and lord of the Menetherin Plains. Commander of the Falcon's Claw Regiment and High General to King Alric.

Character Portrait: Tika Ravia, The Thunderous Storm of the West
Tika Ravia, The Thunderous Storm of the West

"This is our homeland, and whether you be Empire or Lustria, you will not take her from us, or so be damned!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Mukmar Ahmed Gadzi
Mukmar Ahmed Gadzi

"Economy brings more than money. It brings popularity. Power. Land. Armies!"

Character Portrait: Tika Ravia, The Thunderous Storm of the West
Tika Ravia, The Thunderous Storm of the West

"This is our homeland, and whether you be Empire or Lustria, you will not take her from us, or so be damned!"

Character Portrait: Faile Abara
Faile Abara

The Falcon of Lustria and lord of the Menetherin Plains. Commander of the Falcon's Claw Regiment and High General to King Alric.

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Most recent OOC posts in The Path of Nobility

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility


Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

and this RP is now dead!

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

Yes and no. I did indeed take the hiding the catapults behind the walls. That was ingenious lol
No because Kingdom of Heaven just took a common tactic with the catapults and put it in a movie. Catapults were used extensively on both attacking and defending armies during siege warfare. So yes and no.

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

I am guessing your inspiration comes from, "Kingdom of Heaven" ? Concerning your defenses.

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

Nice, your siege equipment is about to get a beating, but It's going to be difficult to destroy that ram :(
With enough tar maybe I can, or I can try to force it's abandonment OH WAIT I HAVE AN IDEA :3

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

(Yeah the numbers are fine...After all, I'm most likely going to suffer the most with my peasant army...So why follow Stalin when he said, "Quantity has a quality of its own.")


The skies were ablaze with fire as thousands upon thousands of fire lit arrows descended down upon Faile's castle. The archers had been ordered to be careful concerning the siege equipment, and therefore, there wasn't a lot of arrows near the tightly packed rows of siege towers that slowly moved towards the walls.

Men grunted in strain as almost forty men were pushing the siege towers towards the walls, shielded by the cheap yet functional walls at the bottom. The ram was moving slightly faster than the siege towers, however it was also differently constructed and protected a lot more than its larger siege cousins. The roof was covered with animal hides which had been watered in order to prevent a fire from starting if oil or fire arrows befell it.

Mukmar had ordered different groups of axe and spear men to prepare to run for the towers and climb the towers. "Milord, the siege towers are halfway there, and the ram is, by my estimation-" James said and then looked through the spyglass once again-"A hundred paces from the gates. Its a matter of time before the real siege will begin."
Mukmar nodded and watched the battle unfold. The first few waves of arrows had been set afire, but now the orders had been sounded for them to fire normal arrows, effectively exchanging one Falcon Claw arrow for three 'returned' Southern Arrows.

It was obvious that Mukmar's forces vastly outnumbered Faile's; Mukmar was certain that he could see smoke from fire behind the walls of the castle...Either the many arrows had managed to start fire on something, or the sheer quantity of them was enough.

"General James," Mukmar then said and turned to his general, "Order the men to prepare the assault. Have the siege tower soldiers in line, ready to run towards their specific towers and have the rest ready to charge through the gates."
"Yes, milord."
"Hopefully we can end this swiftly, without the need for much blood spill," Mukmar muttered to himself.

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

Faile gripped the edge of the edge of an arrow loop harshly, a large scowl on her face. The death of the king had been a mighty blow to her and Faile's fears that the country she helped create was to be torn apart by civil war had come true. The Western Provinces and aligned themselves behind Faile and once again The Falcon found herself at the head of an army, but this time was also different, this time the battle was to be fought against someone whom she had thought of as a friend.

Faile gazed out across the plains at the gathering army, Faile supposed it was an army of fair strength, possibly 15-20K troops and it was here to take away her home. To slaw the falcon before she had a chance to rally troops. The opposing army was...disorganized to say the least, through the spyglass she could see regiments of half armed, half trained men and boys. She was outnumbered 4:1, only 5500 troops had made it under her command from the western nations and her troops before Mukmar's army had descended on them. The man was no strategist, he was a merchant. But merchants were aggressive in their own rights, she was a better strategist but numbers alone could be enough to win the day for Mukmar. It was not assured though and she had more then one surprise in store for Mukmar and his siege equipment.

Faile's cloak fluttered as she turned away to begin relaying orders to soldiers taking to the walls. The balistae were creaking into a load and her main surprise, the catapults she constructed were being hidden against the wall. As much as she could prepare she would, but the battle rested with The Falcons Claw and the other cavalry already out of the city. The whole battle rested on their shoulders.

(Tell me if my estimates for your army are about right, you can begin the attack now)

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

Oh no I like the Idea of a siege. Should be fun. I'll keep my keep relatively simple as it is now. I had several nasty additions I was planning but I'll keep it simple now lol

Expect a tough fight. I will do my action later, I have to go take an ACT now :(

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

Mukmar looked at the castle before him and sighed. He had never thought that this was what it would come to, civil war, after they had just recovered their economies, fended off orcish invasions and chased out spies of the evil Empire, now each lord had turned against one another like savage and power hungry creatures...What a shame, yet...who was he to blame them? Hadn't he enslaved the large majority of the people from the East into working in his forests? Didn't he make deals with nobles of the evil Empire, only to profit? Wasn't it Mukmar who, oh so cunningly, had half a dozen nobles assassinated so his wood would dominate the market? Yes, Mukmar Ahmed Gadzi had caused a lot of problems for the Kingdom, and he had chosen his side.

The king had died suddenly. No heir had been apparent and the nobles began to argue who was worthy to become the next king. Well...The country was rather swiftly divided into two factions, each one led by a council of nobles who had agreed that they would diplomatically find a king AFTER the civil war, and here they were, each side launching their attacks against each other.

Returning his look to his army, he sighed. They weren't anything special. Average soldiers, not a lot of combat experience, just enough to be dragged to the front lines. A small army of mercenaries, and thousands of rag-tag soldiers who felt loyalty towards Mukmar and the other nobles.
"Milord, what are your orders?" James asked.
"Shoot some fire arrows over that wall, give them something to be busy with while our ram and siege towers are moving towards the walls," Mukmar ordered, and James nodded and barked the orders.

Mukmar had taken the task to invade the Western lands. Rather ironic, He and Faile used to be friends, and close business partners, now they were against each other. Mukmar with his hordes of peasant soldiers, slave soldiers and hired mercenaries against Faile's experienced and well equipped soldiers. What would the outcome be?

(I dunno if that is how you wanted it, worst case, I'll edit it all just for the heck of it XD. I tried to leave it open as for who is attacking who, though (once again) I wouldn't mind going back and editing it to suit whatever scenario we're gonna use :P)

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

Hey guys. I'm a bit bored, So I have an Idea.

To pass the time lets have mock military battles. These are of course completely fake and OOC in general, but heck it would be fun. So who's up for it?

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

Tigeress wrote:my mmo groupies want me on much more lol.

Oh what a slap to the face! XD

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

Lol, I appreicate the sentiment but i really don't want to be a inconvience love, and my mmo groupies want me on much more lol.

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility


You won't hold us back. I can help you balance addiction :3 I played AOE3 all last night and into early morning :3 please stay.....

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

Well nanase, point is most of us seem to be ok with it. I mean, considering the time period we are writing it seems perfectly light hearted when you consider we have things like "Legal Prostitution" ect. Hell even my race i created is founded on lust and love by being a tribal sexually liberal people. Tika and Cassidy are lesbian lovers for goodness sake lol

Overall i'd say your fine and that they need to get over it lol, but its not my call if somone wants to enforce the site rules and throw a tantrum ya know? :)

Anyway guys, I gotta back out of this rp, as I started my MMO addiction and simply cannot keep up. Its slow now and im losing interest because i found something to do lol. The battles take up time and effort as does micro managing my empire, additonal responsiblity to a dedicated roleplay.

Its not that I don't like it, i had a lot of fun and was looking forward to eventually becoming more involved in the story, but i don't want to become a burden, so in advance I apologise if this gets in anyones way or anything.

Good luck everyone :) and remeber:

Viva La Lustria~

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

lol really... Kissing is sexually explicit now..... lol I find that really funny because any romantic RP is fine so long as you don't start crossing the normal boundaries into 'real' sexually explicit....

actually that rule is hard to follow for a cheesy romance RP but it IS a good rule and I do agree with it. But very hard to enforce...or be very practical I think.

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

Isn't it a rule that you can write ne sentence where you are allowed to do something like a kiss, but then you HAVE TO have 6 paragraphs between the next 'interacting' moment.

Here it is:

Remæus wrote:Adult content roleplays must be tagged with "adult" and must follow collaboration guidelines.
Be reminded: Adult content is permitted on RolePlayGateway. It must 1) be tagged appropriately, and 2) be collaboratively written so as not to clutter the story. Sexually explicit (kissing, fondling, etc.) interactions must be concluded immediately in the responding author's post and must be separated by at least 5 posts of other non-adult writing. Help keep RolePlayGateway smut-free by working together with your game's players to meet this requirement.

Well, according to my interpretation of that rule and your post. It is far from as serious as some people are treating it.

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

*Breathes deeply* Thank you, I know... I was trying to hold that in but I had to scream my head off in drustration or it would be bugging me all day and I would never get over it. I am not good at bottling up frustration for long without it lashing out. I had to get rid of by ranting somewhere :( sorry... I just habe problems with things like this. I don't have much of a problem with keeping such posts out if I have too because it 'offends' someone. But plase for the love of god don't crticize me after writing a sex scene or one of the most blatant dirty jokes ever.......

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

I try to avoid romance in my own posts simply because most people aren't interested in reading it, as they don't have the same emotional attachment you do to your own characters. But I don't feel as if you went too far.

Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

I am annoyed, I spent 6 hours writing a 2520 word post for an RP yesterday. It was probably my longest post ever and I spent more time on it then I have on any post before. In the meantime two people post, one has a full on fade to black scene, and the other one has a very blatant penis joke in it.


What the hell is this crap, This RP is based on a book where the second or third chapter opens with TWINCEST and the rest of the books are swimming in sex AND I GET FCKING ATTACKED FOR WRITING A KISS >.< I put my heart and soul for 6 long hours and all they can say is omg why do you have them kiss, ewww that's disgusting, she's 6 years younger then him.


Plus they wanted a 'realistic and good RP' In no way did I go against the Book or historical facts of the time. Hell it was COMMON PLACE to have arranged marrages at a young age. YOU ALL SAID AS MUCH >.< So Like your attacking my post and creativity for this shit???? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE ARGHHHHH

READ MY POST. TELL ME IF YOU THINK I WENT TO FAR. The setting is in a book series called A song of Ice and Fire which is a historicaly accurate middle age fantasy world WHERE MUCH WORSE THEN I WROTE IN MY POST IS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK AND WAS COMMON HISTORICALLY

The cool bite of the early morning crept through the camp, latching on to every soul who wakes with the dawn. None were excluded from its nip and to with chill there was no lord, son, or servant. To the morning chill it was just one flesh to chill, no different from the other flesh or from the squirrel in its hollow home and the doe laying its head in the glistening dew coated grass. The silent wicker of a horse pierced the coolness, its breath leaving a little cloud and startling the poor stable hand that had woken to tend to the horses for this final morning of travel.

In one nondescript white walled tent, two figures still lay asleep, the pair huddled together and their warmth keeping the penetrating chill away more then any blanket ever could. The pair, an oddity in their own right, a young man and a small child, lovers many say under the cover of whispers or simple jest. Perhaps truth rang in what was leveled as joke, but if so the love was purer then most and shared equally, fully, knowingly.

The young man stirred, waking early morn had been drilled into him from the cradle. His eyes, blue as the sky itself, lingered lightly on the small form curled against his chest, the tinges of a smile upon the corners of his face. Eyama, his little savior, scars and all. The small form moved slightly in her sleep, her sweet voice whispering lightly in her sleep "Tera" she whispered silently. Teralo smiled to himself, bending down he lighted a small kiss upon the top of her blonde head. "Dream well little one" he whispered before carefully escaping her embrace and settling the blankets around her body. Lord Father knew that Eyamo was a close friend to Teralo, but if he knew how Teralo truly felt about the young girl. He shuddered at the thought, no he would not think of such things.

Teralo moved quickly, despite being so far south, the air still contained a chilly bite to it and he wanted to be dressed as quickly as possible. After a minute or two of fumbling with his slowly numbing fingers, Teralo was dressed in a pair of simple dark brown breeches and a simple white shirt. The sides of the tent were coated with a light layer of condensation but Teralo exited quickly and stepped out into the light of the morning.

The sun had not yet passed the horizon but already its light was beginning to burn off the thin layer of fog that had collected over the camp at night. Teralo was not alone in his movements around camp but it was quite possible he was the only person of 'noble' blood awake. His steps brought him quickly to a small coral that had been erected every night for the sole purpose of the small mare he had brought with him. The unnamed horse was still young but it's body was already well toned with muscle and even asleep it seemed to radiate power. The mare was a proud stallion purchased at more then a fine mountain of coin. It was to be Teralo's gift to Crown Prince Lionel. Father was stingy to say the least in his gifts, but Teralo and Jamie had agreed that a suitable gift would be needed. Though Teralo did not know what Jamie's gift was. Jamie had come to him a year ago with a considerable sum of gold and told him to turn into a fortune in trade and investments. Both Teralo and Eyama had gone through a considerable amount of work in finding the best investments and trading options for Jamie, but it had been fun their minds and in the end Jamie had his fortune and spent all of it on something for this trip. Teralo would e lying if he said he was not interested in whatever that gift might have been, but his mind was on his own gift. His proud little Drothaki Stallion.

The Mare woke at Teralo's steps and backed away as if ready to charge until Teralo held out his hand and filled a small trough with food for the mare. It still would not let Teralo get too close to it without trying to take one of his fingers off. The horse had the biggest spirit in an animal he had ever seen; honestly it was almost a shame to have to give her away. Still, she was a warhorse through and through. The mare would not be happy unless a warrior rode it her proudly into battle.

Teralo stayed with the Mare, admiring her beauty in the early light before heading back to his tent as the camp slowly began to come alive. He did not walk back to his tent as fast as he had in getting to the young mare to feed her, instead he took his time casually picking his way over tent ropes and stakes. Somewhat lost in thoughts about what was to happen that day at King's Landing, Teralo walked clear past his tent and was forced to double back after realizing his mistake some five minutes later. Entering his tent quietly so as to not disturb Emaya, he was surprised when he walked in to find her already awake and currently in the middle of dressing herself in a small blue dress he had purchased for her last birthday. Both their faces blushed, it was not the first time such an occurrence had happened but it was embarrassing none the less. "Ah, I'm sorry" he said turning away clumsily away. Eyama's face was hot with embarrassment and she turned away too. "No...It’s fine." she said lightly. "Can you help me with the back; I can't seem to tie the back up." It was true; the dress was a little big for her as he had purchased it for her expecting a growth spurt that still had not come. There faces still red with embarrassment, Teralo tied up the back of the dress, trying to make it tight but not uncomfortably so. When he was finished the two shared an awkward smile before Emaya gave him a cute little hug with a word of thanks.

The two began to pack up their belongings, all the while the two of them went on with each other nonstop about the places they would visits. The Red Keep, The great sept of Baelar, The Guildhall of the Alchemists, most of all however they talked about the Dragonpit. Dragons, they were one of the small fascinations that the two shared and even more so since the apparent rebirth of the Dragons by Daenerys. Both of them had described a want to visit the site and even explore it, they dreamed of finding a dragon egg there and even as far as of hatching it. Of course they would have to keep it out of Jamie's or their Father's hands but that was their dream.

As they placed a few small books they had been leafing through in a box filled with about fifteen other books, Emaya fell silent. "Hey Tera...." she asked, her voice having lost it's normally upbeat atmosphere. "I had a dream last night...... I was in a dark forest and I was lost and afraid.... I tried to find you and I called for you but no matter what I did, you weren't there." Her face had a look of loss and sadness it in, one that reflected by Teralo's almost he had left her this morning, but only for a few minutes. Surely that could not have brought on such a bad dream. Emaya visibly shivered, despite what she told him. Teralo did not believe she had yet recovered completely from the attack that had cost her eye. It had been shortly after she had been allowed to leave her bed that she had come to him the first night, asking to sleep with him. Since then it has become a common occurrence and every once in awhile she would awake from a dream such as this.

Teralo kneeled down so that he was able to look her in the eyes and placed a soft hand on top of her head to try and comfort her. "Shh, it was only a dream. I'll never let you go; I care about you too much to leave you." He gave her a large comforting smile but she still seemed a little troubled. "Tera....can I ask you a question?"
"Of course you can Emaya, you can ask me anything."
"Do you love me Tera.... I mean not a brother sister love, but do you Love me?"

Teralo's hand stopped running through her hair lightly. He was taken aback by the question. He knew Emaya knew about love and relationships but he had always thought of her as a little sister, sure a few times he thought of her as...well more then that. But he had always just brushed those aside. Now she had brought all those brushed thoughts to the front of his mind. Did he truly Love her? Of course he did, but she was so young and his father would be unpredictable at best. His mind raced but finally he resigned himself to the unadorned truth, "Yes... I love you more then anything else... You saved me from myself when I first met you and I've loved you for years now. That's why I'll never let you go Emaya. I love you." his face was red and she was certainly looking much happier now, relief flooding into him. He did not like to see her unhappy. Suddenly he felt her small hand on the side of his face. "Tera I... I love you too, more then anything. I don't know when I first felt this way....but I feel safe near you, all my fears leave me and all that's there is a fluttering in my chest and a want to feel your arms around me."

Teralo was touched; anyone else would have scoffed at the words of a girl who was a foot shorter then you and but a child. However, for Teralo who had lived with her and shared his life with, would have died for her, these were heartfelt words given to him by the person whom he loves. He noticed in alarm that there were tears in her eyes though. "I knew you had gone to see the horse...but I was so scared after that dream I..." Teralo wrapped his arms around her small frame and pulled her close to him, to hold her tenderly, an embrace of love and comfort. Teralo wiped a tear from her eye. "Don't cry Eyama. Don't ever be scared, I love you" GODS it felt good to be able to say that. It had been bottled up inside him for so long and now the cap was burst open by her own small hands. "I'll never let you go, I am here for you."

A smile burst open on Emaya's face, a glow lit that the sun could never compare and her cheeks colored by the same blush painted on Teralo's face. "Tera... Please..." her eyes darted away lightly, her face growing considerably redder "Will you kiss me." she mumbled out, the barest whisper of her voice falling into Teralo's ears. His face colored almost more then her own now scarlet cheeks, but he smiled and brushed a loose strand of her hair from her eyes. "Of course I can." he said softly. He brushed the side of her face with his hand and placed his head until there foreheads were touching. Teralo's hand tilted Emaya's head up slightly and their lips met, locking themselves in a deep kiss.

Several seconds past but it felt like a lifetime to the two lovers before their lips parted. Their eyes held each other as each tried to digest what had just happened, of how this innocent kiss would change everything. Their faces were deep scarlet and if not for the cover of the tent then word would already be spreading swiftly across camp, the rumors proven and knew ones already underway. "Th...Thank you Tera" Emaya said somewhat stunned, as if even she had not expected him to actually return her feelings, let alone kiss her.

The sound of heavy footsteps on the cold ground could be heard approaching the small tent and both Emaya and Teralo quickly broke apart and grabbing several different items and clumsily exiting the tent at the same time to place the items in their wagon and give the semblance that they had been busy packing. Though it was clear on their faces and they way their eyes kept glancing toward the other that this was obviously not the case. Teralo had nearly run into his twin Jamie in his rush to clear the tent with Emaya and he gave a silent curse at the footsteps having to belong to his brother of all people.

"Hail mighty Teralo," his brother called in jest, "Bane of assassins everywhere. I hear the Faceless Men have put a bounty on your head that would tempt even our Lord Father." Jamie gave his twin a few seconds to react to that before launching into his real reason for coming here."

Teralo gave a forced laugh though both Emaya and his faces were covered in a scarlet blush. He was just glad that his brother was too busy with some idea to bring voice to some other jest. Though he did glance at Emaya's scar during that jest, it was all in good fun for Jamie but that scar represented something that he had failed her in Teralo's mind, something that weighed all to heavily on both of them. His brother gave a small pause to laugh but continued wholeheartedly with what he wished to discuss. "But all kidding aside Teralo I have something I would like to show you, something I need your opinion on. Don't look so shocked it's not the first time I've asked you for advice. If you would follow me I'll take your right to it."

Honestly Teralo was surprised, it was rare for his brother to seek help or advice though Teralo was usually the first person whom his twin came to on such occasions. Plus something told Teralo that he was about to have his questions about what Jamie had purchased with his considerable fortune. He nodded to his twin. "Very well Jamie. Lead the way, I would like to help you with whatever it is you require advice on." Teralo tried to flash a smile but it was difficult at best to even pretend that he liked being in his brother's company. He did indeed smile at Emaya though. "I think were about to find out what our little trade with the Free Cities was all about." Emaya grinned, the eagerness for knowledge back in both their eyes and their embrace not moments ago put to the side, if no where near forgotten or out of mind.


Re: [OOC] The Path of Nobility

Meh, he could be out of internet service, perhaps he's on a trip or something eh?

Anyways, not like this RP is an immedite post deal, only what....4 or 5 of us have posted? It's fine, were not in much of a rush anyhow.