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Snippet #1462653

located in Lustria, a part of The Path of Nobility, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Turn 4: One month later: April 3rd

Noble: Conall

The men send out men to the nearby lands looking for any man and return with reports of a nearby contractor that is rather decent with construction. He has offered to aid your people for a fee of 12 silver every week.
Northern Contest is to be taking place any day now… but there is still time for Conall to make any changes.
2 people approach Lord Conall each have the ability to read and write during the Whiteburn Festival. The festival went off without a hitch and many people are in high Morale after the festivities that included a lot of ale and mead.

Kearnden: The stone jail is completed. It has enough rooms to hold 30 prisoners if each are given their own rooms.
The Elders wish to have a brewery built as nothing would raise Norsemen Morale more than having Ale at their fingertips.

Tivale: The tanner and blacksmith constructions are complete and the people of Tivale have begun making weapons and armor for Conalls men.

Whiteburn: The docks are halfway complete, although many people are aware their Thane and the lord is at odds and if forced to pick the people of whiteburn will always pick their Thane as he is one of them.

Cilmord: The people of Cilmord continue to help the others, but also begin construction on a saw mill for the little wood they can gather from the Norse trees.
The mine: You are the lord, and it is your mine, their duties as foremen’s is whatever you tell the director it is.

((What is with everyone asking for numbers -_- its like you guys enjoy increasing my workload))
13 tons of stone, high quality, 9 tons of iron, 3 tons of low quality wood, little to no weapons besides what your soldiers are armed with although many villagers have their own axes.
The North legion earns its first victory against the slavers, although it is apparent they need better equipment and training as even with a surprise attack the slavers managed to kill 10 norsemen including Sergeant Bjorn.
Public Opinion: Thanks to the festival and your newest victory against the slavers your popularity has risen. Your people like you! But the people are fickle.
Political Opinion: Still unknown, but at least there is no scandalous rumors.
Events: None at the moment.

Noble: Tika Ravia

All of the houses in the town are now fully complete. The small smithy is complete as is the large tavern. The palisade is under construction, but it will be another week until it is completed. It connects both the fort and the village but it does not completely surround the village yet.

The fact that Crom the Conqueror aided you in your battle against the vile ratmen did lure some merchants from the Empire to see what happened. The merchants give you a discount for knowing the Champion and trade over 12 tons of wood for a modest price.

A man from the Empire enters the town as the new carpenter. It is said but the Qiqirn are skilled craftsmen but they are not into the more professional crafts such as blacksmithing, carpenting, and tanning as it bores them.

The shipment of weapons comes in but it is a drastic cut into your economy.
Lone wolf has yet to discover anything, but you have a lot of land to cover
The catapult siege engines are under construction but it will take more than a few weeks to complete this.

124 men and women recruits at militia level
8 heavy armored Saborions armed with great weapons and shield.
4 heavy armored Saborions armed with Yuri/pike things.
15 light armored spearmen with shields
14 light armored longbow men
15 Human Militia with crossbows
4 Slab Militia with Flails and shields

Another 30 recruits have joined your force with 20 of them being Qiqirns.
The martial school is still under construction. Given the large number of trainees it will take a few months to get it finished. You have hired a renowned Merc to train your troops.

Economy: Due to the number of troops you have your economy has weakened due to the amounts of food and their payments. The amount of weapons cost would have dropped your economy all the way from moderate to bankrupt if it wasn’t for your large income from the new tavern that is monopolizing on the Vices of mankind, and also those strange stones you have sold. At the moment your economy is stable.
Public opinion: Divided once again… All humans and even a few Soborians are pissed at you bring in these new strange alien creatures.
Political Opinion: Many of your neighbors are weary of you…
Events: None at the moment.

Noble: Oan Makvenner

Land: In your domain is 4 rather small villages, but do to the mountains location they are all fairly close built upon the flat base of the mountains. Your land does lay on top of a once vast underground dwarven mining complex, but it is far out of your reach, and many dwarves speak of the horrors that live under the ground and that many of them will have moved into the now vacant tunnels. Lucky enough you have 1 small mine located on your land that the people can easily get to. It once belonged to the empire, and if used correctly will earn a tidy profit.

There is not much on your lands but luckily being so far north you were relatively spared of the war, so your buildings are in a decent state. You have a few small streams trickling down from the mountain valleys, but nothing substantial. There are a few northern pines you can use for wood, but such wood is brittle and low quality.

Economy: Your economy is at the most basic level. The only money you have is that which King Alric granted you when you acquired the lands.
Military: Besides the troops that you came with, you have no military.
Public opinion: You are…. Just a noble. You may have been a decent mercenary in a past life but when compared to figures like the Hero of Lustria who slew the High General of the Empire campaign, King Alric the leader of the Great Rebellion, and Vardek Crom the great Conqueror of the Empire you are a relative unknown. The humans under you merely think of you as another lord, while the dwarves merely accept you with their usually stoicism.
Political opinion: Given your reputation you are only mildly known, and those that know you don’t trust you. They all believe you lack honor, and they wouldn’t trust you to not steal candy from a baby.
Events: None.
