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Snippet #1589479

located in Altor, a part of Chronos, one of the many universes on RPG.


A peaceful land thrown into chaos.


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Ishkur almost laughed at the reaction of Len, mistaking him for his assistant, however he hid behind a mask of pure annoyance. The shield was useful Ishkur admitted, but every time it had been used, things broke through. He was merely doing them a favor by telling them about it now so they could fix it. There was the sound of familiar footsteps coming from behind and Ishkur span around on the chair to look at the pale face of his Master. "Well done Ishkur, I hope that Maci's thinking of special missions as easy has been proven wrong, Nyeth is one of the biggest estate's only Hyrzua is bigger and more useful but we already control it." Ishkur merely smiled at his Master's pleasing words. Did he really expect me to fail? I'm insulted. Ishkur thought to himself, turning back around to face Len as Elris continued. Len had stood up by now, his back against Ishkur and Elris as he stared out the window. How rude. Ishkur mentally scoffed but remained silent, his only reaction being that of a glare. "The funny part is that we now have more control over Altor than the prince with control over 86% of the landmass and more than 90% of all the troops. Len why may I ask did the seemingly strong shield fail? Be calm I'm not going to kill you but the guy that's in trouble." Figures. They meant nothing to Ishkur, truth be told, he wasn't the best with math. Lacking in the common knowledge of things, but he never would admit that such things puzzled him.

With that Len turned back around, filtering through a mass of papers randomly scattered over the desk. "I was just reading up on this. It, it... What? The AT field is still a prototype, yes, but how someone out there has the ability to counteract it... Jamesson! Get the head scientist up here. We have a slight problem!" Mentally cursing at the fact he was being used to test out a prototype. I'm the perfect being, we don't deal with "Prototypes" Narrowing his eyes further until they were just slits. Despite Ishkur's anger at the situation, his mouth remained unopened. His opinions remaining only in his mind. "I'm afraid he's unaccounted for, sir" The reply came from outside, most likely from Len's assistant. Whatever his name was. Ishkur merely smiled at the fact Len was becoming annoyed, sensing the anger but at the same time fear mixing together. But fear of what? Ishkur or Elris. Both were threatening. Perhaps Elris being the more frightening; Ishkur merely acting on commands or if pushed far enough, anger. "I'm very sorry about this sir, but having not overseen the production of the Angels, I cannot offer anything about this. All I can suggest is we reprioritise our targets; start attacking the granaries and barracks rather than the churches. Maybe if we leave the religious institutions alone, the population will turn against them." Len addressed Elris now about their plans for attacks or something. Nothing of which interested Ishkur in the slightest.

"And YOU, I think all the time, effort and money that made you wasn't wasted." Len now addressed Ishkur, who immediately stood up, glaring daggers towards the second-in-command. He wasn't sure how to take the comment, whether it was a good or bad thing. "I have a name!" Ishkur yelled to him, folding his arms and turning his back towards Len. His head held up high almost to the point of staring at the ceiling. "Disappointing Len I thought you were more informed but then that's not your fault, Chronos is in control of almost every barracks only the royal guard is still loyal to the prince we are in control of almost everything and everywhere the only reason he's still prince is because we don't control the people and the people are the empire. Also Loki is performing his job just fine I think but my power is mostly one way as I can't read his thought's form this distance or his responses." Elris spoke in a calm tone unphased and not even the slightest bit annoyed at Len. Not even at the fact how he addressed Ishkur. As Elris spoke, Ishkur turned his attention onto him, allowing his eyes and head turn ever so slightly to rest on him. Elris' eyes soon met with Ishkur and he turned away once again. "Also disappointing of your shield but I have another possible assignment for you as I want you to capture the princess so we can use her to get the prince to do what I want but you may rest first if you wish." Smiling in response, Ishkur turned fully to face Elris now, his arms unfolding and wings seemingly relaxing too. Ishkur gave a single nod of the head, throwing a glare over his shoulder at Len before striding out of the room.

Ishkur wandered down the hallway for a while before coming across Carloz. His head tilted to the side in confusion about how the man was still standing, but then again, Elris didn't look in the best of shape either, but he was still standing. Still giving out orders and leading Chronos to a bright, or rather, dark future. "You don't look good." Ishkur said to him, stopping momentarily, now standing a few feet away from the sickly man. "Oh wait!" Ishkur snapped his fingers, a sudden realization dawning on him. "You created this shield I use right?" He nodded, not even waiting for a response before continuing. "Well it sucks. Everything breaks through it too easily." He glared slightly at Carloz, allowing him to hear what he was saying before continuing down the hallway to his room. He stopped once again when past Carloz, looking over his shoulder towards the other. "Oh by the way, Vice-Commander wants to see you." Ishkur smiled and chuckled darkly to himself, hoping that Carloz would be punished. Punished for the fact he failed.

The room was still the same as he left it. Good. Ishkur was half expecting it to be trashed by Akane and Maci, just so he would have to clean it up upon his return. The other Angels hadn't come back yet. "It wouldn't surprise me if those two are having a hard time with that new Guardian." Ishkur said to himself, falling backwards onto his bed, cringing from the pain he felt as the razor-edged wings dug hard into his back. "Honestly," he continued, now raising both hands up to rest on his head, covering both his eyes in the process. "I don't know why they don't just ask me to do everything. I'm so much better than those other two. I'm perfect. They aren't." Ishkur let out a pained sigh, turning on his side to stare blankly at the dull wall. "Meet me at post Lake Sinaoha bring the princess." He turned suddenly to gaze around the room for someone who had come in. The voice sounded like Elris'. After a few moments spent dumbly blinking and gazing around the room, Ishkur realized that the voice was in his head. "So much for my rest." he uttered, forcing himself to sit up.

The air felt somewhat different now, it carried the smell of blood on it. Ishkur smiled, savoring the coppery taste carried on the gentle breeze. Again his wings opened up, allowing the sun to shine off of the metal "feathers", it was enough to blind anyone who was close enough, given the right angle. He took to the air and rose up high enough to look over most of Altor. He would of been seen from such a great height, just considered a bird. "The Princess? She'll be at the castle no doubt." He turned his attention towards Amarevia, the large mountain range splitting it from the common land, the large and most beautiful lake Sinaoha just on the other side. The same place the original guardian had plummeted to his death in. "Shouldn't of tried to drown me." Ishkur mumbled out-loud, frowning at the thought. I could have died if I landed in that water. Banishing the thoughts to the back of his mind, Ishkur concentrated on the spot where the castle was located. The same place they had attacked a town nearby before.

It hadn't taken long for Ishkur to reach the castle, flying like an arrow within a matter of minutes to the castle. At times like this he praised his versatile wings, allowing him to cut through the air like a knife. Ishkur landed on the castle roof, folding his wings back and crouching down on the brick. He peered over the edge. Nothing. They certainly weren't outside. He then dangled from the roof, hanging like a bat to stare into the castle itself. Everything seemed clear so Ishkur continued. Flipping himself and kicking through the window, landing on the red carpets of the most upper floor. Glass sprayed across the floor from the broken window and Ishkur merely added to the sound, with each step a shard of glass cracked under his weight until he came to a clear part of floor. Looking left and right in every possible room was proving to be a waste of time, no one was here. At least not on this floor.

The second floor proved to be empty too, the very bottom floor...empty. Except for a few servants. Ishkur turned into a rather large hall, complete with chairs and red carpet spread over the floor. There gathered the servants for their break time. Ishkur couldn't hide the pleased smile on his face. I may not have found the Princess, but let's leave them a little message for when they return. He stepped silently for a while, making his way across the hallway without being noticed. That was until a maid noticed him, dropping the cup of tea she held, smashing against the floor and onto the feet of the other servants. A hand rose up with the arm and a single digit outstretched to point straight at Ishkur. "A-Angel!" Her voice was shaking violently and Ishkur felt the fear from her and the others as they turned to look. It felt like a wave, a drowning feeling. But Ishkur enjoyed it, he enjoyed every moment of it. His smile growing wider into something much more evil and twisted, showing off the perfect white teeth his mouth held.

Screams filled the echoed hall, blood splattering across every possible inch. Bodies of servants of all ages were left mangled across the carpets. "Such a beautiful death." Ishkur chuckled, standing on top of a servant. The female squirmed under his weight, letting out a scream now and again, hoping that someone would come and save her. But that wasn't going to happen. Ishkur smiled, pushing all weight on his foot. A small cracking sound was soon replaced by a sicking splitting and crack. Ishkur crushing the woman's head under his foot. Unidentifiable now, the only remains of her head was the shards of cracked skull and stray bits of grey matter. Ishkur stepped away from the area where the bodies where, allowing himself to take in his art. Parts of the bodies were scattered in all directions, unknown of who they actually belonged to. Suddenly Ishkur got an idea, turning on his blood soaked heels to face the wall, his head tilting to the side in thought. "Maybe I should leave the Prince a message..." He frowned, shaking his head until he finally managed to convince himself to carry out said action.

Dipping his hand into the blood of an unidentifiable body, he swirled it around for a few moments, allowing his whole hand to become caked in the crimson liquid. His hand was brought across the wall in several strokes, eventually spelling out a message. Ishkur stood back in order to view it all, covering the south side wall in the blood of countless servants. He had to refill several times in order to make such a large message. The very message read; 'Dear Prince, Despite being one of God's own. That doesn't save you from the Fate you will endure. As well as your sister, if you want her back you'll come to Lake Sinaoha. A small and irritated sigh escaped Ishkur's lips, quickly silenced with countless souls entering the same mouth and consumed shortly after. "Ugh, that's vile." Ishkur spat a few times on the floor before continuing out of the castle. "Now where would the Princess be?"

Ishkur rose into the air, flying to the highest point of the castle, allowing himself to rest on the tower's roof. He searched for a few minutes, everywhere he could see, but only able to see the lake in the distance, mountains towering behind that and a destroyed town. The town they destroyed. Carmine. It was the only town inside Amarevia. Visitors would stay there, supplies would be kept there and other things the Prince needed. On the day of the strike, many people were there bringing things for the Prince as well as actually being allowed inside Amarevia to admire it's beauty. Ironic really that the very same day would be their end. Ishkur snickered at the though, suddenly stopping when he noticed a few moving shapes within the town. Some survivors of the attack? Impossible...I made sure I killed them all! Curiosity and anger over took him as he shot towards the town with great speed. Ishkur smirked when he saw who the shapes belonged to. One of them being the Princess. Got 'cha.

He dove downwards towards the ground, spreading out his wings at the last second to glide along the ground only a few feet from the dirt. It would be a difficult job to pick up a person from such an Angel, as well as the Princess being near others. Probably her guards. But what she was doing in such a place, Ishkur could only wonder. He wrapped his arms around the Princess as he came close enough, darting like an arrow, standing in the air and kicking hard on the ground in order to rise. He smiled down at the Princess in his arms, floating gently in the air a fair bit above the others below. He merely watched for the others reactions a devious smile planted on his face as he held the Princess tightly around her waist. The others didn't look too much like guards, one actually looked pretty common. The situation confused the Angel slightly however he wouldn't allow such emotion to shine through. Elris could wait, if the others were about to put up a fight and attempt to save the Princess. He would happily show them how futile the act would be.