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Snippet #1824080

located in The Continent, a part of Witching Wars Chapter two, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Continent



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Character Portrait: Yhu Character Portrait: Name: Raith Kaleheister Character Portrait: Vincent Lapin
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Yhu awoke with a gasp. He felt something pulsating underneath his jacket. It was the badge that he had gotten from WH. He had hung it around his neck with a red ribbon he had come across at some point in time. Yhu wondered if this meant the Witch Hunters needed assistance. He threw off his covers, grabbed his sword, and darted for the main entrance of his cave. After he reached it, he pushed the large boulder out of the way with ease, using his large metalic arm. He didn't waste time resealing it, as he rushed out into the open snow.

Since Yhu didn't have the badge for long, he didn't know that he could use it as a communication device. A loud voice erupted out of nowhere, causing Yhu to tense up.
"Helloooooo! Anyone there? This guy lives in a cave right? Could it be interfering with the signal?" Yhu then noticed that the feminine voice was caming from his badge. He grabbed it, wondering what to say.

"... This is Yhu. Why have you called for me?" He asked the badge while holding it to his mouth. There was no responce. He than decided to push some magical power into the badge and see if that works, and repeated the same thing. The cold frosty air was beginning to numb his already pale-white fingers.

"Oh! There you are. This is Miki. I'm a D-class agent for the northern WH base. I've called you to tell you that we have a mission that we need you to handle for us. Right now, we're searching for someone from our base to escort you. I'm guessing sense you're an A-class it will either be our S-class member or a senior A-class member. We still haven't found anyone yet. Would you like us to send transport for you?"
The girl asked him, although he did not fully understand. "...No thankyou. I will walk there on my own." Yhu responded, dropping the badge and making his way towards the base at a slower pace. 'This is all very strange. It will take some time to get used to being around other people... Or at least people.' Yhu thought to himself, staring down his manefestation of an arm.

He couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if he hadn't decided to help the WH when their ranks started fighting against each other. He probably would have remained simply living in his cave only eating off the fish he catches in his private fishing hole.

He didn't see what the use of having money would be, if people tried to kill you when you're simply trying to buy a loaf of bread. He decided eating nice meals was a reservation for the living, which he wasen't really much of anymore. As far as Yhu was concerned, he was already dead.

Once Yhu made it to the base, he was met at the front door by a B-class member who's name he never learned. He escorted him to the main office where most of the D-ranks were working diligantly, hoping to rise through the ranks one day.

Hi there! You must be Yhu. A small girl who seemed too young to be here walked up to him. She looked to be about 12 and had long brown hair that fell to her knee's. She wore red wire-rimmed glasses, and an extra-small WH woman's uniform.
I am Miki. The person you were talking to earlier. Wow. You really do have a strange looking arm, don't you? I was only recruited 2 weeks ago, so I wasn't there for the big rebellion. Anyway, you should come wait in here until we find you a partner for your mission." Miki stated, while opening a door that led to a waiting area-type room.
Yhu retained his deadpan expression the entire time, and went inside without question and sat himself down in a chair. He noticed a folded uniform next to him on a sidetable. 'Is this meant for me?' Yhu thought staring at the uniform in wonder.


Raith sighed as he made his way slowely and intimidatingly over to the D-class agent. "Wrong. Wrong! Don't just swing your arms! Put your whole body into it. If you get it wrong this time, I'll cut out your left kidney." He threatened, which only made the D-rank even more nervous. He dropped the sword and almost stabbed himself in the foot, because of the pressure. "Idiot! Make that both your kidney's!"
"No! Please! I'm sorry!" The young agent ran off, probably in tears.

"This is why I hate training noobies. The D-ranks will never get stronger than they already are, its pointless." Raith sighed to himself.
"Well then maybe you shouldn't be so rough with them." Bozu said in a lecturing tone, as she hopped down from the pile of sleeping mats she was sitting on.
"Why do we even need those things? Its not like were going camping." He refered to the sleeping mats.
"Well, since there aren't that many people who live here, the only other place to sleep are training rooms. And I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to sleep on just the floor would you?" She commented back.

"Whatever. Lets just check up on the Boss. Lord knows what he's doing." Raith stated, avoiding the question.
"You're a real hard shell, huh?" Bozu asked following him.
"We've been working together for 3 years, and you've just now noticed?" Raith replied as he walked over to Vincent's office. Once he reached it, he kicked it as hard as he could, causing a crack or two to pretrude their way through the fine wood. "Hey Vincent! I'm coming in. I want to have a talk with you about why I've been stuck training damn noobies for the past few days. They're all spineless."

Raith opened the door, only to find that Vincent wasn't there. "Damn it. Where did that bastard go this time?" He hissed under his breath.
"Maybe he's trying to avoid you. I don't know what he was thinking choosing someone like you to be 2nd in command." She giggled.
"And it'll only be a matter of time before he kicks the bucket. Then I'll be the new WH leader, and I will make everyone bow before my supreme might. Hehehehehe." Raith chuckled to himself rather evilly.

"H-hey. You're not planning on making this place into an empire or something, are you?" Bozu asked him worriedly, a little scared by his sudden mood change. Although, she should be used to it by now.
There was a sudden akward pause as she asked the question. After a little while Raith started walking in a random direction, once again dodging the question. "Lets just find the damned boss already." He mumbled.
"Hey. Wait a minute!" Bozu followed after him. 'We're all going to die if he becomes the leader.' Bozu thought to herself as she followed him.