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Snippet #2128879

located in The Earth, 2015, a part of A Tale of Seven Children, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Earth, 2015



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly Character Portrait: Mireya Nightless Character Portrait: Notable NPCs
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Mireya Nightless
⌈"When you reach the bottom, the only way you can go now is up... What if it's a bottomless hole?"⌋

Mireya had her eyes wide opened however, she was not really seeing or even hearing anything. Kane and Sebastian's presence or even the Renegade soldiers who had entered the room were completely ignored by her. The licking heat of intense flames still lingered on her skin. Her senses had yet to adjust with the reality she was currently in or to process that she had awaken from her nightmare. She could feel how her body was trembling and beads of sweat fell on the side of her face. The events of her dream slowly become a blur as she tried harder to recall it. Holding her head with one hand, she felt a headache that radiated. Closing her eyes, she began to regain her senses. The erratic beating of her heart returned to its normal pace and the terrible shaking of her body had stopped. It was then she could finally hear voices surrounding her but, she had yet to entirely comprehend what was happening. All she really wanted was to rest. Her body still felt very heavy and tired and adding to that she was mentally exhausted. " I feel so scared...?" She whispered in a very inaudible manner so, she was not certain if anyone had caught the words that left her lips.

Opening her eyes, Mireya could see people hovering over her. Slowly and gently, she could feel someone carrying her. It made her wonder if they were enemies but then she heard a familiar voice. "Michael?" She whispered as she directed her attention to the source of that voice. Her vision was also affected by her exhaustion as she could only see a silhouette. But, she was certain it must be him as she relaxed herself in the arms of the one that held her. However If she had enough energy left, she would have not allowed herself to be carried. She hated feeling so weak and helpless. Due to her condition, she cannot even move her limbs to do as she wants or even speak above a whisper. Thus, she had no other choice but to let it happen for now. Closing her eyes, she recalled the events that had happened that led her to her current situation. She was taken to the Renegades at her own decision and then an attack occurred out of the blue. Everything appeared to be in utter chaos and she met a cat-woman and angels. Then, there was this music that beckoned her to someone.

"Is he fine? That boy..." Mireya whispered with desperation and concern seeping through her voice. She had no energy to mask it with her usual casual remarks. To get the attention of the one carrying her, she had managed to grip on her carrier's clothes alarming the person to her. "Is he fine...?" It seemed that her little action tired her even more she had anticipated. "He? Do you mean the one who lost a lot of blood?" She closed her eyes and gave a meager nod of the head. "He should be fine." Upon hearing those words, she felt a heavy burden being lifted from her shoulders. "Good... I don't want... my efforts... wast---ed..." She managed to say before completely losing her battle with consciousness. Her grip on the person's clothes was relinquished and her head laid meekly on her carrier's chest. Her breathing pattern began to be even which meant that she had fallen into a deep slumber. Her body was now slacked on her carrier's arms but at the same time, there was this odd scent that seemed to overpower the scent of blood in the room. "Roses?" One of the Renegade soldier noted while the one carrying Mireya looked at her in wonder as the source of the scent came from her strongly along with the rather inaudible words she spoke before her falling asleep. "It must be her."

"Can I ask you a question?" Vince suddenly spoke with seriousness while looking at the blue skies. Mireya looked at him with curiosity. The two of them had decided to skip classes for the morning. So, they were currently at the rooftop. It was the perfect place to hide from prying and overbearing teachers. "You can but it does not mean I would answer." He released a light chuckle at her response. They had been friends since middle school and even now that they were in high school. "Freedom of speech, right?" He paused momentarily and met her blue eyes. "Don't you want to know what happened to your family?" Upon hearing the question, she looked away from him by looking up to the sky while leaning on the balister. "Not interested. I was left at the orphanage when I was just an infant without a word of my name or an heirloom." She raised her hand upwards and tried reaching the sky. "They want me to stay away. I also want them to stay away." Letting her hand fall on her side, she glanced at him and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't need them." He released a soft sigh and placed his hands inside his pockets. "Whatever you say. But, they might know why you have those abilities..." She removed herself from the balister and then jumped over it. "Nightless!" He called out to her with great concern as he reached out his hand to her to hold. She was now standing at the ledge without anything preventing her to fall to the solid ground below except her balance. "Are you afraid of me, Vince?" He looked at her with confusion. "Get over here now! That's dangerous!" She let him grab her wrist but she did not budge from her perilous position. Instead, she smiled with a certain sadness and malice. "Tell me, are you afraid of me?" She did not hold onto him as she slowly stepped back and just a bit further would result to a tragic death.

Vince's mouth opened but no sound came out and his eyes reflected complete desperation even his gesture mirrored it. "Why are you so desperate?" It was Mireya's passing thought as she looked at him in wonder. Despite that, she wanted to hear his words but she could not understand it. Yet, she felt something stirring inside of her. She was not certain what emotions she were having. All she knew her wish at that moment was to hear his words and the warmth around her wrist would not subside. Her dream continued on that way while on the world of those who are awake. She had already been brought to the infirmary and was laid on one of the beds available beside Sebastian. The medical staff attended to her and to Sebastian as well. However, no one noticed a lone tear that rolled down from her eye as she continued to slumber allowing her body to recuperate so she would be able to face anything that would happen when she opened her eyes once more while the scent roses accompanied her in this endeavor.

The passersby mostly the females cannot help but blush at the sight of Devant who was leaning on a lamp post with his hands inside his pockets. His eyes were closed and he had a very solemn look on his face. It was no secret that he is a very attractive male which made the girls swooned around him. However, they did not have the courage to approach him and contented themselves from looking at a distant. Honestly, their decision was the best. Sometimes, things are more beautiful at a distance. "How many times should I tell you not to sleep in random areas?" Upon closer inspection, he was sleeping without much of a care. He even muttered something about muffins. The man seemed to dreaming about food. "Devant." Without another word, the person who called out to him pinched his nose preventing him from breathing. This was enough to wake him up but not before his complexion turned into blue. Eyes of gold met those red eyes. "I'm awake!" At that notion, his nose was released as he coughed and tried to catch his breath. "You're making quite a scene." After saying that, a group of people passed by them. "Hey Janet! Tell your boyfriend to bring you home safely, okay?" Janet looked at the one who spoke. It was her manager at the Bonheurrific Cafe. She gave a warm smile and waved at the elder man. "I will. Good night and be careful!" After a few moments, she gazed at Devant who had regained his composure. "I wonder what they would do if they knew our true relationship, Janet." There was a certain mockery in his words accompanied by a smirk on his lips.

"Nothing. They would do nothing." Janet answered with great confidence as she went ahead. Devant shrugged his shoulders and followed the woman who is known as Mireya's closest friend and fellow co-worker at the Cafe. "You have little faith." He noted as he was now walking beside her. "It's not a question of faith. It's reality." She answered without a hint of doubt. "It is just how things are." After those words, silence ruled between them. They walked without uttering another word to another. It was quite hard to believe that they are a couple as known by everyone at the Cafe. Soon, they had arrived at a certain part of town where only a very few people passes by. But as of now, no one was there except them. "Shall I talk now?" He asked in a nonchalantly manner while looking at her. "Sure." It was her brief answer as her skin began to peel away like a snake's skin. It was like watching a metamorphosis in a bigger scale. There was a slight evening breeze as the deteriorated skin was torn into bits and flew with the wind. "Welcome back, Lady Elegia." He greeted her with a smile for the woman before him was not Janet anymore but of the Archduchess Elegia. "Enough with the pleasantries. Is it done?" He crossed his arms over his chest before answering. "To a tee. I would just have to ask. You know this would really anger her."

Elegia looked at the Kitsune before closing her eyes and had a small smile in her lips. "She should have taken her lessons to heart, don't you think?" Devant released a soft sigh before removing his arms in front of his chest. "You are playing with forces unpredictable." Crystal blue eyes gazed at him with much authority and confidence. "Are you scared Devant?" He shrugged his shoulders and smirked at the inquiry. "I hardly doubt that. I am only asking my employer. After all, this plan won't work if you have your own hesitations." She ran her fingers through her ebony locks and then looked at the moon who was currently in its crescent phase. "I have none. Those are only for cowards." Pausing for a moment, she returned her eyes on her Kitsune companion. "The Lord and Master require her to bloom perfectly. It is a task handed to me and so I shall. Even if I have to destroy a few weeds that surrounds her." It was spoken with a seductive innuendo added with the spice of maliciousness. "And that is why you are the Archduchess. I will take my leave then." He said with a satisfied smile on his face. "Before I forget, the dumb oni wants to know what you want to do with the body." She crossed her arms over her chest and then tapped her right index fingers on her lips in a playful manner. "Display it for all to see." She said with glint of enjoyment present in her eyes. "Make it pretty too!" She added with a chime of energy. "Will do." With that said, Devant was gone from the scene. The only evidence he was there was the collection of wind and dusts floating in circles.

"The one who will bless the world would be covered in the blood of sin." Elegia muttered under her breath and released a light chuckle. "What would you do if reality catches up? Will you accept it or will you fight it?" She closed her eyes momentarily before walking n front of her. There was an eerie silence that even the night seemed to fear the Archduchess and probably it was correct to do so. "I have my assumptions. Still, it will be entertaining to see how everything can crumble with one word." Stopping at her tracks, she looked at the crescent moon once more. It's light had a feeling of emptiness and loneliness to it. She had heard that death and the moon had been most of the time accompany each other. In a sense, she agrees to that connection. "Show me the Devil's Children and especially you, the lone flower. Show me how beautiful you will all be..." The light of the moon shone upon her but dark clouds covered the illumination as it passed by. Darkness filled the area where she was and when the moon's light can be seen once more. She was nowhere in sight and not even a trace could be seen.

"What do you want with me, boy?" Mauve eyes gazed at the one who had asked for his attendance in one of abandoned factories near the school area. "Thanks for coming on such short notice, Alvanzo." The one who spoke came out from the darkness as the dim lights from the posts and the moon revealed his identity. "Cut the talk Vince. I don't have all night." Alvanzo spoke with an annoyed tone as he released a yawn emphasizing that he is getting quite sleepy. "Alright, what do you want with Nightless?" Vince said with complete seriousness as his brown eyes seemed to appear as if it wanted to drill a hole on Alvanzo. "I don't like your tone boy. We may be on the same basketball team but, it does not mean I like you. And Nightless? Is that your girl or something?" Alvanzo looked at Vince with a glare and the atmosphere around them went from casual to tense in a matter of seconds. "Cut the crap. I never told Nightless about this but you have been stalking her for the longest of time, right?" Alvanzo remained silent which prompted Vince to continue with his statements. "I found out that you are always there where Nightless is even following her to her current school. I brushed it off as a coincidence. After all, Nightless denied any relation with you and you don't even talk to her, but..." Vince stopped for a brief moment as he made a fist with his right hand. "I saw you at her apartment the other day with that Devant guy."

Laughter. It was Alvanzo's answer to all the statements being thrown at him. Vince was startled by such a reaction and his irritation doubled up. "What the hell is funny!?" Alvanzo's held his stomach as he was also tearing up due to his fit. "Yo--- You---" He managed to say as he continued to laugh. Vince had enough as he approached the older male and made a move by punching Alvanzo. However, the punch was ineffective as Alvanzo caught it with ease. "I was thinking about going easy on you, lover boy." After that statement, Alvanzo threw a punch, hitting Vince on the gut. Instantly, Vince fell to his knees as he clutched his stomach. He had a fit of coughs where blood spilled from his mouth. "I should be the one asking you. What are you doing at Nightless' place?" Vince managed to raise his head and glared at Alvanzo defiantly. This act made the Oni smile. It was always nice to meet humans who would annoy Death when encountered. "Are you worried about her? Do you want to help her?" Vince gathered enough willpower to get himself back on his two feet while still clutching his stomach. "What did you do to her!? Her apartment was a mess and I'm sure she did not invite you two! She would never give you a key like mine! Where is she!?" Alvanzo released a sigh and picked his right ear in a bored manner. "If you are so intent on blaming me, why did you not go to the police?" It was only answered by silence.

"Let me guess... You want to play hero or, you told them but, they did not believe you." Vince visibly cringed at Alvanzo's words. There was truth in that statement. Alvanzo gave a crooked grin. "Or is it, you doubt her? You think she is hiding something from you. It burns you isn't it..." He circled Vince with his hands inside his pockets. "It's true she is hiding something and I know it, unlike you." At the end of those words, Vince lunged at Alvanzo who effortlessly dodged it while Vince tumbled to the ground. "Boy, have you ever been in a fight? I'll tell you this. You suck." Anger welled up inside Vince as he decided to struck Alvanzo again. But similar to the first time, it was useless as Alvanzo dodged it again making Vince fall to the ground again. "Where is she!? Where is Nightless!? Tell me! If you hurt her, I'll kill you!" His last words made Alvanzo smirked in utter satisfaction. "You'll kill me, really?" Vince managed to return back on his feet as he glared at Alvanzo. "I will." Upon hearing that, Alvanzo extended his hand to Vince and beckoned him to come. "Do it and I'll tell you everything about her that you don't know even her forgotten past."

Upon hearing that, Vince mustered his strength and run towards Alvanzo while focusing all his strength in his right fist. Then, it connected. His fist hit its target which was Alvanzo's left cheek. Inwardly, Vince felt satisfaction to have punch that cocky bastard. However, it was short-lived as he noticed that Alvanzo did not even move from his position although, his head was turned to the right side from the impact of the punch. "And you wanted to be her hero, her man with puny strength? Spare me." Alvanzo commented as he grabbed the hand that punched him. "But, I like your guts even if it's selfish." Pulling Vince towards him, Alvanzo whispered his next words to Vince's ear. "I did all of that to lure you out." Vince's eyes widened in shock and confusion but those feelings changed into pain as he was punched again. He felt his ribs cracked. "The girl is safe actually. I should say she is doing better than you are." Alvanzo released his hold on Vince's hand. Blood was coughed out by Vince indicating internal damage. "Nightless..." Vince whispered despite the twisting pain inside him.

Alvanzo grabbed Vince by the hair and raised him in that manner. "You really care about her." Vince noticed that his vision was getting blurry and he could taste the blood in his lungs. One of his broken ribs must have punctured it. He was floating in between consciousness. "Don't worry. I'll take care of her." Vince had Mireya's face flashed within his mind. This gave him a burst of strength and determination as he grabbed hold of the arm that was lifting him. "I won't let you harm Mireya." It was the first time Vince had ever called Mireya by her first name. "You're a man after all. Too bad, you met her." Vince continued to struggle despite the obvious fact that it was useless. Alvanzo grabbed hold of Vince's throat this time around with the other free hand. "You'll help her more when you're dead." With that said, Alvanzo crushed Vince's windpipe and along with his neck without a resistance. The light of life in those brown eyes slowly faded into a void. Vince's hands went limp and Alvanzo released him as Vince's lifeless body hit the ground.

"Mireya... I'm so sorry..."